
Fairy Problems

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. - Be fairy
  2. - Find human male walking alone innawoods
  3. - RipeForThePickings.JPG
  4. - Swoop in, ask for him to play with you.
  5. - He tries to shoo you away with his hands, as if you were some kinda bug.
  6. - OhNoHeDidnt.PNG
  7. - Insist more intently, while landing on his shoulder.
  8. - He sighs, and asks what you had in mind.
  9. - You whisper in his ear, about a game you learned from some friendly girls some time ago.
  10. - His face turns beet red, and he looks away quickly.
  11. - You crawl down into his chest pocket, and look at him expectantly.
  12. - He mutters something about 'stupid faeries,' and 'stop making yourself at home in my clothes.'
  13. - You don't really hear what he said, as your ears tune out anything that isn't an agreement.
  14. - You snuggle deeper into his pocket, letting out a few lewd moans.
  15. - He tries to dig you out, but he stops when you moan louder.
  16. - Begs you to stop, so you agree to as long as he will just play with you.
  17. - He grumbles a bit before agreeing.
  18. - Excited, you flutter out to his waiting hand.
  19. - You start to pull your dress up, eager to get started.
  20. - Suddenly, his hand clenches around your body.
  21. - He rears back, and let you fly like an arrow from a long bow.
  22. - You let out an adorable scream as you arc towards the horizon.
  23. - Alright, well, plan A was a bust.
  24. - Not deterred in the slightest, you decide to engage plan B.
  25. - ItsOnNow.GIF
  26. - You rocket towards his back at high speed.
  27. - If you just knock him over, then he won't have any choice but to play with you.
  28. - You're so smart.
  29. - His ears twitch as he hears the buzzing of your wings coming from behind him.
  30. - It's too late however, as you are now too close to be dodged.
  31. - With a cry of victory, you ram into his back.
  32. - He flies to the ground, completely helpless against your mighty power.
  33. - Or not. What actually happes is the equivalent of throwing a ball of mud against a brick wall.
  34. - As he picks your tiny frame off, he dusts you down, and sets you gently by the base of a tree.
  35. - Maybe...maybe that plan was not the best course of action.
  36. - But you're still smart, so forming another genious idea is too easy for you.
  37. - If you bug him enough, he'll have to relent eventually.
  38. - So, after catching back up to him, you fly just out of arms reach.
  39. - You follow him, constantly calling for his attention, asking him to listen to you, and giving him great advice.
  40. - How else would he know what that sign says unless you read it out loud for him?
  41. - One day, he gets fed up and starts yelling at you.
  42. - 'You're annoying,' and 'Pleaseshutupohmygod.'
  43. - You don't really care, all you know is that it sounds like he's about to give in.
  44. - You decide once again to call out to him, reminding him that this road he is walking will take him where he is going.
  45. - Something in him snaps, and he falls to his hands and knees.
  46. - Is he...crying?
  47. - You float down to his shoulder, and pat his head.
  48. - He asks you if you will just go away if he just plays with you one time.
  49. - Finally.
  50. - You smile and nod. This is gonna be so fun.
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