
Salt Upon Your Lips

Jul 25th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. The cold voice of Misericorde sends chills down your spine, "Should you be free, I will be awake for
  2. a time."
  4. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Misericorde Coldwater, Deepwater Guide, "I believe that I
  5. can stand to vacate my post for a time, yes. Where would you be most comfortable meeting?"
  7. The cold voice of Misericorde sends chills down your spine, "Mmm. I have little care so long as we
  8. are not needlessly interrupted during the discussion. Do you have a preference?"
  10. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Misericorde Coldwater, Deepwater Guide, "I find that the
  11. meditation gardens are a pleasant venue for discussion, and I am rarely disturbed there."
  13. The cold voice of Misericorde sends chills down your spine, "Very well."
  15. Footbridge above a reflective pond.
  16. The rippling sound of flowing celestial waters echoes distantly from a healing shrine of Lantra
  17. nearby. This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A wide stone footbridge arches
  18. over this large pond, providing a path from the central square to the structure behind the
  19. southwestern wall, of which nothing is visible save for a few fleeting glimpses of scarlet fabric
  20. caught in the wind. The pleasant banks of the pond are smooth with the exception of the far
  21. southwestern corner, which is home to several medium-sized trees of varying species, including
  22. cherry, maple, and walnut. These trees lord over the pond, providing a peaceful spot to relax and
  23. meditate. The surface of the pond, being the only isolated one of its kind in the gardens, is as
  24. motionless and flat as glass. Those resting on the far bank are provided a serene vista of the
  25. willow tree, central square, and fountain, all which are reflected in the deep azure hues of the
  26. water's surface. A sea-green kelpie drifts here as though underwater, the air thick with the warm
  27. scent of the sea.
  28. You see exits leading northeast, east, southwest, and northwest.
  30. Misericorde spares a glance for the nearby pond, her expression momentarily amused before it settles
  31. once more. She offers you a sharp salute in greeting in lieu of speaking.
  33. Standing before the pond with his hands clasped beneath the layered cloak of his
  34. folded wings, the glowing, stylised eyes that adorn Avaris's plumage flick towards Misericorde
  35. before the kephera's head turns to her, antennae twitching. He mirrors the salute in turn, the
  36. motion graceful and precise. In a choral harmony of many layered voices, he says, "A pleasure to
  37. meet you, Deepwater Guide. I am Avaris."
  39. Misericorde hums a low noise of approval deep in her throat at the received salute, her fire-bright
  40. gaze holding your as she answers, "And you, Avaris." Her gaze slides away from the kephera to settle
  41. upon the reflection pond as she continues, "Misericorde will suffice, unless you are overly attached
  42. to titles." Clasping her hands behind her back, she cants her head to the side as she muses, "You
  43. have questions for me, I believe?"
  45. The sharp point of Avaris's chin dips down to brush the tips of the gently drifting
  46. tufts of his dense mane as he nods, turning the great, helm-like wedge of his head once more to gaze
  47. down upon the waters before him. "While I am partial to formality, the lack of it does not burn
  48. overmuch." A deep, thrumming vibration of sound shivers forth from his throat, preceding, "I do. I
  49. would have your opinions on the Wyrd, the Taint, the Lady Li-Varili, and our city's attitudes
  50. towards such." A pause, in which he frees a hand to gesture it aside in a smooth arc of gleaming
  51. gold. "In your own time, and in whichever order you prefer, of course."
  53. Misericorde stills as she listens to you speak, her head canting further to the side to catch his
  54. figure out of the corner of her eye. A sharp laugh cuts through the air, her eyes shimmering with
  55. mirth as she answers, "My, my. You don't ask for much, do you?" Though her face remains impassive,
  56. the tentacles atop her head begin their susurrous writhing once more. Slipping her gaze back once
  57. more to the waters she voices, "The Wyrd is little more than the Taint wrought beneath the hands of
  58. Goddesses. Its true properties will always remain. Tainted. Spoilt. Ruinous." Her voice surprisingly
  59. light, she continues, "Neither are natural."
  61. Sheets of rain pelt the rooftops of the city: an orchestra of noises that leaves every shingle,
  62. window, and gutter slick or waterlogged.
  64. You think to yourself: A sharp, powerful sense of relief - "Finally, someone that has eyes to see,
  65. and the willingness to use them."
  67. Misericorde lifts her hand with an impassive expression, her gaze somewhat distant as she muses,
  68. "Much like this rain." Her fingers curl into her palm, allowing the water to seep away and down her
  69. hand.
  71. The spears of burnished, aureate chitin that thrust up through the ringed halos of
  72. his pauldroned shoulders rise in a slight shrug, the angle of Avaris's jaw shifting a few degrees
  73. aside in response to Misericorde's initial words. He remains almost unnaturally still, otherwise,
  74. unperturbed by the rain that pours over him in shining rivulets of reflected light. There is a
  75. distinct pause once an answer is given, wherein a large number of the countless, light-forged eyes
  76. upon his wings study Misericorde intently for a time. "Indeed. The weather, at least, I believe to
  77. be a more readily remedied phenomenon, in comparison to the Taint."
  79. Misericorde drawls in turn, "Yes, that's very true." Unclenching her hand, she lightly flicks her
  80. wrist, sending the remaining droplets only to be replaces anew by the steady trickle of the rain.
  81. Her hand lowers to her side. "Its progenitor ruined a great work wrought with love from the Sculptor
  82. to the Sea-bringer." Her eyes alight once more, not unlike a flame upon the ocean, she states, "Were
  83. She my kith and kin, my judgment would not be kind for Her crass destruction."
  85. The plating of Avaris's immense chest rises as he draws in a slow breath, tilting
  86. the featureless visor of his face up to the ceaseless deluge of droplets that shattered upon his
  87. obdurate chitin. The exhalation that hisses through the invisible seams of his armoured visage is a
  88. prolonged one, heavy with a release of pent up tension, which is reflected in the minute easing of
  89. the lines of his shoulders. "Ah. You have, I think, no idea how pleased I am to hear that."
  91. Though her gaze remains upon the rippling waters before her, Misericorde says, "It is unwise to
  92. release a deranged mind once more upon the Basin. I am sure They will regret the mercies bestowed."
  93. With a snort, she tacks on, "Though my opinion was clearly not consulted for the matter." A low hum
  94. sounds once more from the woman, the shifting mass top her head moving in agitation. She exhales,
  95. the breath passing through the gills at her sides gently ruffling her gown. With a once more level
  96. expression she muses, "But with this destruction we can hope something new can be made from the
  97. remains. A calamity can nonetheless inspire, as painful as it may be."
  99. Misericorde says softly, "And what are we, without hope? Nothing."
  101. Despite the rain that impacts upon their spherical surface, Avaris's azure eyes do
  102. not blink, embedded into the golden chitin like glittering orbs of polished sapphire. The red
  103. swathes of his four antennae undulate in slow, liquid motions as he lowers his head once more,
  104. gazing out across the pond. "My Lady will not regret Her actions. She has acted according to Her
  105. nature, and though I do not agree, I cannot fault Her for doing so." The curved, layered blades of
  106. his crest glinting as he shifts his face slightly towards Misericorde, the kephera asks, "What think
  107. you of Calfuray, and her acceptance into the city?"
  109. Misericorde's expression cracks for the barest of moments, the hint of a sneer curling upon her lip
  110. before it's gone in the blink of an eye, like it was never there at all. "Why wouldn't we open our arms
  111. for one who helped to bring pain to the Sea Spirit? Who helped to ruin the Sculptor's work?" An edge to
  112. her voice, she bites out, "A mad Goddess who holds contempt for all who do not fawn before Her.
  113. A near-Traitor in Her own right." Her heated gaze rises to Avaris' as she falls silent
  114. - the tentacles framing her face seeming little more than a abominable mass of darkness.
  115. "We are filled with chaff. Hollow and worthless."
  117. Misericorde seems to remember herself, her upper lip twitching once more in the barest of movements
  118. before she looking sharply across the pond and away from you.
  120. As Misericorde turns her gaze away from him, so too does Avaris shift his
  121. posture to regard the merian more directly. The dense, sodden mass of his furled wings snaps
  122. abruptly open, the vast span of gently effulgent gold flicking back in a rush of disturbed air that
  123. sends the rain whirling in disarray. The stark luminescence that forms the stylised eyes that adorn
  124. each of his six wings flares, cold and brilliant as he lifts his upper right hand up, clenching it
  125. into a barbed fist of shining, metallic chitin. The calm neutrality of his voice evaporated in his
  126. sudden passion, the chorus of the kephera's voice rings with resonating notes of zealous fervor as
  127. he exclaims, "Yes! That is exactly right! The city is bloated with weakness and moral lassitude.
  128. They embrace what they should destroy, and love what they should revile. It is abominable!"
  130. Misericorde's eyebrow arches sharply at your words, her gaze sliding momentarily to his wings before
  131. once more towards his helmed face. "Yes, it is," she answers levelly, her face an impassive mask
  132. once more. "New Celest has been rudderless since I stepped through the Portal. Disorganized.
  133. Refusing basic help and knowledge. I cannot imagine it changing anytime soon. My attempts are often
  134. futile, and I do not cling to shifting sands." The pitch-dark woman allows her eyes to fall half-lid
  135. as she falls silent. "My harbour is my own making, as I suppose it should be."
  137. Rather than dimming, Avaris's enthusiasm burgeons as he nods in sharp, repeated
  138. motions that set the blades of his crest to flashing in the reflected beam of the distant
  139. lighthouse. "Yes, yes, I have experienced much the same." The edge of his long, plated hand cuts
  140. through the air in a whistling slash as he continues, "I, too, have been ignored - My warnings of
  141. the mad Goddess ignored, time and again. Divine and mortal both." The massive span of his wings
  142. flits back and forth in small, energetic motions as he speaks further, impassioned, but maintaining
  143. a respectful distance from Misericorde all the same. "You are not alone, Misericorde. Together, we
  144. may accomplish change, where alone we could not. ~Hope~."
  146. Misericorde falls utterly still as she listens to you - the susurrations of her tentacles even
  147. ceasing. Turbulent emotions seem to course just beneath the surface of her expression, though
  148. nothing ever quite manifests in full. "And what would we do, Avaris," she asks in a low, even voice
  149. when she finally replies.
  151. All four of Avaris's hands rise above his head as he replies, "Whatever we must!"
  152. Arms lowering, gesticulates turning the palms of his long hands upwards. "Perhaps when two voices
  153. are raised in unison, they will be more inclined to listen. They are weak of will - We are not." The
  154. left pair of hands, the side on which his scabbards glisten black, curl into fists, which slam into
  155. the awaiting flats of their opposite in a sharp, metallic peal of clarion sound. "We will ~make~
  156. Celest what it should be. Whatever it takes, so long as the Light is purified of the shadows that
  157. cling to it, purged of the weakness that infests it."
  159. Misericorde's brilliant eyes silently follow Avaris' hands, each movement tracked with an almost
  160. detached interest. Her gaze then slips away and she instead observes the ripples of the pond before
  161. the pair. "We could," she muses in a soft timbre as she watches concentric circles lapping against
  162. one another, some overtaking others until they dissipate or are disrupted anew. "Yes, we could," she
  163. murmurs again. "I could continue my work. Abandoned as it was. Ripped away much too hastily." Her
  164. expression shifts, something not-quite sorrow passing across her face. The merian turns fully then
  165. to you, her hand extending to his in offering, palm up, as she says softly, "I will add to your
  166. work, and see what may be wrought. Together we might accomplish even a modicum of progress."
  168. The ridged, flared alabaster of Avaris's jaws glistens in the constant downpour as
  169. he nods encouragingly, antennae quivering and twitching in energetic motions. "Yes! I can help you
  170. pick up your old work, and continue it anew." Squeezing the conjoined chitin of his hands as he
  171. gestures towards Misericorde emphatically, he says, "Together. So long as you remain true to the
  172. cause, Misericorde, you shall always have an ally in me. I shall not abandon you, and so too, shall
  173. the word not need be left aside again." Lowering all but his upper right hand, he extends it, his
  174. exuberance dimming a beat as he hesitates - Then gently takes Misericorde's hand within the massive
  175. span of his own, his touch almost absurdly light, as if fearing causing harm. "Together."
  177. Misericorde answers quietly, her voice only just rising above the surrounding storm, "I do not
  178. falter, Avaris - I only turn my attention where it is most practical." True mirth flares in her
  179. expression as you hesitates to take her hand, her own closing around his tightly. Yet holding his
  180. hand, she observes, "I was begot in the deep waters of the sea, Avaris, where no light pierces. You
  181. will not wound me." The pressure from her hand increasing for a moment, she replies fiercely,
  182. "Together," before releasing you.
  184. A glittering of brilliant motes of light washes through the expressionless azure of
  185. Avaris's natural eyes, their warmth suffusing the harmonious choir of his voice. "That would make
  186. you a most unique individual indeed, Misericorde." He returns the pressure briefly, albeit still
  187. well within the bounds of gentleness, and once released, returns his hand to clasp its mate at the
  188. small of his back in a glinting interlocking of polished chitin. "I am most pleased to have met you.
  189. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to be isolated for your Purity of belief, for your
  190. conviction, for so long."
  192. Antennae curving in a broad bow, Avaris's voice is firm as he says, "But no longer.
  193. We shall bend Celest back towards the Light, inch by inch, whether they cheer us or abhor us."
  195. Misericorde allows her hand to fall back to her side, her expression easing back into neutrality
  196. once more. "We are the sculptor and the sculpted. Isolation is a time for reflection on what may be
  197. wrought." She pauses, appearing thoughtful, and then answers in turn, "You are not what I expected.
  198. I am pleased to have met you as well." A fleeting ghost of a smile touches the corner of her lips
  199. before it is gone, her head inclining politely to you. "We will have to speak another time at
  200. length, when able." She pauses, adding in a timbre that she seems surprised at the very notion, "I
  201. look forward to it."
  203. A faint, dry humour threads its way through Avaris's reply. "I am not a sculptor,
  204. nor am I easily sculpted, but I can appreciate isolation and reflection, all the same." His lower
  205. left hand disengages from the bulwark of his joined fingers, drifting down to caress the sparkling
  206. surface of the ampoule that rests against his hip, the silent gesture conveying ineffable affection.
  207. "I will be curious to hear what it is that you expected me to be, when next we meet. I, too, look
  208. forward to it." So saying, he bends at the waist in a deep bow, the motion graceful, elegant despite
  209. his bulk. "Thank you, Misericorde, for the relief you have brought me. Light's blessings upon you."
  211. Misericorde's eyes shine bright and she answers with a quiet, "Blessings of the Deep upon you." She
  212. in turn bows at the waist, the elegant sweep of her arm crossing over her body before she arights
  213. again. "Until next time."
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