
LuckyHub Anti

Aug 7th, 2023
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  1. getgenv().LuckyHub = {
  2. Preload = {
  3. ["Notifications"] = true, -- // Global notifications toggle
  4. ["Intro"] = true, -- // Enables short intro
  5. ["UseGUI"] = false, -- // Uses GUI // Doesnt use settings below
  6. ["VelocityStats"] = true, -- // Enables velocity stats
  7. },
  8. Underground = {
  9. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Underground enabled
  10. ["Keybind"] = "P", -- // Underground keybind
  11. ["Amount"] = 1000, -- // Underground amount
  12. },
  13. Sky = {
  14. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Sky enabled
  15. ["Keybind"] = "L", -- // Sky keybind
  16. ["Amount"] = 1000, -- // Sky amount
  17. },
  18. CustomVelocity = {
  19. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Custom velocity enabled
  20. ["Keybind"] = "H", -- // Custom velocity keybind
  21. ["CustomX"] = 2000, -- // Custom velocity custom X
  22. ["CustomY"] = 100, -- // Custom velocity custom Y
  23. ["CustomZ"] = 1000, -- // Custom velocity custom Z
  24. },
  25. PredictionChanger = {
  26. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Prediction Changer enabled
  27. ["Keybind"] = "B", -- // Prediction changer keybind
  28. ["Amount"] = 10, -- // Prediction changer amount // Use 0 for prediction disabler
  29. },
  30. SpinbotDesync = {
  31. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Spinbot desync enabled
  32. ["Keybind"] = "J", -- // Spinbot desync keybind
  33. ["Amount"] = 10000, -- // Spinbot desync amount
  34. ["DesyncAngles"] = 500, -- // Basically how fast you spin
  35. },
  36. NetworkDesync = {
  37. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Network desync enabled
  38. ["Keybind"] = "V", -- // Network desync keybind
  39. ["Amount"] = 2, -- // 2 Recommended
  40. },
  41. Shake = {
  42. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Shake enabled
  43. ["Keybind"] = "N", -- // Shake keybind
  44. ["CustomX"] = 5500, -- // Custom shake X
  45. ["CustomY"] = 9000, -- // Custom shake Y
  46. ["CustomZ"] = 3000, -- // Custom shake Z
  47. },
  48. AimViewer = {
  49. ["Enabled"] = true, -- // Aim viewer enabled
  50. ["Keybind"] = "T", -- // Aim viewer keybind
  51. ["Width"] = 0.3, -- // Aim viewer width
  52. ["RainbowMode"] = true, -- // Rainbow aim viewer if true will not use color below
  53. ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), -- // Aim viewer color
  54. ["ViewTarget"] = true, -- // Views target
  55. ["HighlightTarget"] = true, -- // Enables highlight target
  56. ["RainbowHighlight"] = true, -- // If true it wont use colors below
  57. ["FillColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), -- // Highlight fill color
  58. ["OutlineColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), -- // Hightlight outline color
  59. ["Material"] = "Neon", -- // Aim viewer material
  60. ["Method"] = "MousePos", -- // Dont change unless you know what you are doing
  61. },
  62. }
  63. --
  64. loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CoolKid52321/LuckyHub/main/AntilockMain', true))()
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