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Milan fag

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Nov 8th, 2017
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  1. 5:45 PM - Milan: memory:Milan just cut my bestfriend away for alexandros so the only outstanding player on the roster is dunker, who should honestly be on a team that needs a really good scout that actually listens to comms and has great dm.
  2. 5:45 PM - Milan: nigga don't make a fool of yourself s m h
  3. 6:39 PM - Anna May: ?
  4. 6:40 PM - Anna May: memory is perfection not me
  5. 6:40 PM - Milan: did you not tell him you got cut tho
  6. 6:40 PM - Anna May: everyone knows somehow
  7. 6:57 PM - Anna May: so milan
  8. 6:58 PM - Anna May: when you said you talked to the team and they all wanted alex on roamer
  9. 6:58 PM - Anna May: Was it like
  10. 6:58 PM - Anna May: just you?
  11. 6:58 PM - Anna May: are you the whole team lol
  12. 6:58 PM - Milan: i told you the players i discussed it with
  13. 6:58 PM - Anna May: you said everyone
  14. 6:58 PM - Anna May: who?
  15. 6:59 PM - Milan: pretty much everyone but dunker
  16. 6:59 PM - Anna May: name people
  17. 6:59 PM - Milan: ggen,branslam,duke,
  18. 6:59 PM - Anna May: branslam isn't on the team
  19. 7:00 PM - Milan: what
  20. 7:00 PM - Milan: yes he is
  21. 7:00 PM - Anna May: what class is he playing
  22. 7:01 PM - Milan: scout, not maining
  23. 7:02 PM - Anna May: so not on the team cool
  24. 8:34 PM - Milan is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  25. 8:35 PM - Milan: mumble
  26. 8:36 PM - Milan: connect; password dickz
  27. 9:02 PM - Milan is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  28. 9:43 PM - Anna May: Good try milan!
  29. 9:43 PM - Anna May: you really did well there
  30. 9:44 PM - Milan: thank you :D
  31. 9:44 PM - Anna May: !!
  32. 9:44 PM - Milan is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  33. 9:44 PM - Anna May: You'll get double digit kills next time buddy!
  34. 9:45 PM - Milan: show up to the scrims tomorrow
  35. 9:45 PM - Anna May: or maybe top 6 in damage stats!
  36. 9:46 PM - Milan: maybe you'll play the match buddy!
  37. 9:46 PM - Anna May: no way...these players are too high caliber for me
  38. 9:46 PM - Anna May: i didn't even know there were 6 players in tf2 that could outdamage you
  39. 9:47 PM - Anna May: little did I know 6 of them were in that server!!!
  40. 9:47 PM - Milan: and you say im the one with the ego :3
  41. 9:47 PM - Anna May: what do you mean?
  42. 9:47 PM - Anna May: I never said I could do any better
  43. 10:24 PM - Milan: mind joining mumble when you die or are you in one with dunker already
  44. 10:24 PM - Anna May: why?
  45. 10:25 PM - Milan: because i need to talk to you about playing medic
  46. 10:25 PM - Anna May: or i could play roamer lol
  47. 10:26 PM - Milan: or you could play medic
  48. 10:26 PM - Milan: if you're not willing to play medic tell me now
  49. 10:29 PM - Anna May: if i dont are you cutting me?
  50. 10:30 PM - Milan: i'll be subbing you, take that as it is
  51. 10:30 PM - Milan: you'll still be on the roster
  52. 10:30 PM - Anna May: that's cutting me you retard
  53. 10:31 PM - Milan: nope, its you refusing to play a class the team needs you to play
  54. 10:31 PM - Anna May: WE DIDN'T NEED A ROAMER
  55. 10:31 PM - Anna May: AND YOU GOT A ROAMER
  56. 10:31 PM - Anna May: YOU CUT ME
  58. 10:31 PM - Milan: stop taking it personally
  59. 10:31 PM - Anna May: so just you?
  60. 10:32 PM - Milan: i need an answer in the next 15 min
  61. 10:32 PM - Anna May: who would you get on medic
  62. 10:32 PM - Milan: that i'll deal with
  63. 10:32 PM - Anna May: you're an asshole
  64. 10:32 PM - Anna May: i literally didn't do anything
  65. 10:32 PM - Anna May: and you cut me
  66. 10:33 PM - Milan: it wasn't even me who brought it up but okay
  67. 10:33 PM - Anna May: who was it then
  68. 10:33 PM - Milan: mastrej did and then ggen agreed plus branslam
  69. 10:33 PM - Anna May: mastrej isn't on the team lol
  70. 10:34 PM - Milan: i moved to medic to try helping the team yet you're so caught on having alex replace your roll
  71. 10:34 PM - Milan: im not saying his vote counted
  72. 10:34 PM - Milan: but he was the one who mentioned it
  73. 10:34 PM - Milan: and then the players from the team were like year get a new roamer
  74. 10:34 PM - Milan: yeah*
  75. 10:35 PM - Milan: and nigga don't act like you were the perfect roamer, you offclassed wayy more than needed and i constantly warned you from the moment we made this team to not do it
  76. 10:35 PM - Anna May: so ggen played like 2 times with me
  77. 10:35 PM - Milan: its annoying af
  78. 10:35 PM - Anna May: when we had like 3 ringers
  79. 10:35 PM - Anna May: and wanted a different roamer
  80. 10:35 PM - Anna May: cool
  81. 10:36 PM - Anna May: WE didn't make this team
  82. 10:36 PM - Anna May: I did
  83. 10:36 PM - Anna May: i told you who to get
  84. 10:36 PM - Anna May: all you did was get scrims and lead
  85. 10:37 PM - Milan: hmmmm i wonder what a leader is
  86. 10:37 PM - Milan: and let's go back to a month ago when i was like "hey yuki i found a roster you should lead it"
  87. 10:37 PM - Anna May: we were all looking for rosters
  88. 10:38 PM - Milan: i dont like leading, i dont like scheduling scrims and i dont like playing pocket yet im doing all 3. I do whatever is needed and you just complain. It doesn't matter if everyone was looking for a roster i found one and was handing it over to you
  89. 10:38 PM - Milan: AND YOU DECLINED
  90. 10:39 PM - Anna May: you never played medic in a match
  91. 10:40 PM - Milan: what? and? the whole idea of me moving to med was because we thought it'd be easier to fnd a decent pocket
  92. 10:41 PM - Milan: molly, firstly has tilting issues at the same level as perfection and was roaming more than pocketing but even then his biggest issue was the chance of him being in a mental ward for a week straight
  93. 10:48 PM - Anna May: you found a pocket
  94. 10:48 PM - Anna May: alex
  95. 10:48 PM - Anna May: but you chose to put him on roamer
  96. 10:48 PM - Milan: nope
  97. 10:48 PM - Anna May: and me on med
  98. 10:48 PM - Anna May: cause
  99. 10:48 PM - Milan: i askd him
  100. 10:48 PM - Anna May: you dont want to med
  101. 10:48 PM - Milan: he said he only wanted to play demo
  102. 10:48 PM - Anna May: and he's on roamer?
  103. 10:48 PM - Anna May: weird...
  104. 10:49 PM - Milan: what no
  105. 10:49 PM - Anna May: you could have just not picked him up at all
  106. 10:49 PM - Milan: im talkin bout alex.exe
  107. 10:49 PM - Anna May: i'm talking about alexandros
  108. 10:49 PM - Anna May: why would we be talking about alex.exe
  109. 10:50 PM - Milan: because he was someone else i wanted to try on pocket?
  110. 10:50 PM - Anna May: PUT ALEXANDROS ON POCKET
  111. 10:50 PM - Anna May: and you play medic
  112. 10:50 PM - Anna May: you're a better medic than me
  113. 10:50 PM - Anna May: and i'm better than him on roamer
  114. 10:50 PM - Milan: no you're not
  115. 10:50 PM - Anna May: we'd only be downgrading a pocket
  116. 10:51 PM - Milan: alex mains roamer
  117. 10:51 PM - Milan: the idiot got cut from pocket because of it
  118. 10:52 PM - Milan: anyway, this isn't going anywhere. you seem to have convinced yourself that whatever theory you came up with is right. You're welcome to stay on the roster and you're welcome to join another team.
  119. 10:52 PM - Anna May: why did you cut me
  120. 10:53 PM - Milan: IT WAS A TEAM DECISION i'm not going over this again duno
  121. 10:53 PM - Anna May: how can a team decision only consist of you
  122. 10:54 PM - Anna May: how about we actually have a team decision
  123. 10:54 PM - Anna May: get dunker, duke, ggen, you, and bob in mumble
  124. 10:54 PM - Anna May: and we decide that way
  125. 10:54 PM - Anna May: not people that haven't even played fucking matches
  126. 10:54 PM - Milan: idk man
  127. 10:54 PM - Milan: alex kinda played
  128. 10:54 PM - Anna May: if they actually want alexandros to roam instead of me
  129. 10:54 PM - Milan: he's on the team
  130. 10:54 PM - Anna May: i'll play medic
  131. 10:54 PM - Anna May: he played cause you cut me
  132. 10:55 PM - Milan: mhm and you got cut because the majority wanted a new roamer
  133. 10:55 PM - Anna May: i don't believe you
  134. 10:55 PM - Milan: do you think i care
  135. 10:55 PM - Anna May: especially considering dunker said he wasn't even apart of it
  137. 10:56 PM - Milan: im well aware he wants you to roam and i considered his vote in your favor by default
  138. 10:57 PM - Milan: anyway glhf, believe whatever will make you feel better
  139. 10:58 PM - Anna May: k well whenever you can get those players in mumble lmk
  140. 10:58 PM - Anna May: i'll med if our team actually wants me off roamer
  141. 11:00 PM - Anna May: Did you ask duke?
  142. 11:07 PM - Anna May: good response
  143. 11:07 PM - Anna May: 10:59 PM - Duke: no
  144. 11:00 PM - Duke: now he wants to talk about it
  145. 11:00 PM - Duke: lmmfao
  146. 11:07 PM - Milan: i talked to him earlier
  147. 11:07 PM - Anna May: I ask you if you talked to him and you instantly message him about it
  148. 11:07 PM - Anna May: gg
  149. 11:07 PM - Milan: but anyway i reasked him
  150. 11:11 PM - Anna May: why do you not want me to roam
  151. 11:12 PM - Milan: Duke: roamer's impact is hard to judge in logs just fyi
  152. Milan: i'm aware
  153. Milan: go off your memory
  154. Duke: but alexandros seemed more impactful
  155. Duke: even in the few we played
  156. Duke: but i feel like a consistent roster is worth more than a good player
  157. 11:12 PM - Milan: prob aware
  158. Milan: iv asked pretty much everyone else on the team but dunker
  159. Milan: so are would you prefer alex or yuki
  160. Duke: like i said, i've had few games with either, alexandros seemed more impactful
  161. 11:12 PM - Milan: i hate how often you dont listen to me when it comes to offclassing
  162. 11:13 PM - Anna May: Milan: btw
  163. Milan: alexandros roamer
  164. Milan: you're in favor of it right?
  165. Duke: it's your team
  166. Milan: mhm and i try taking my team mates input
  167. Duke: i don't know we had like 2 games with him
  168. Milan: i mean we had 4 games with you but my point is what's your impression
  169. Duke: he seems pretty good
  170. Duke: whats wrong with our other roamer?
  171. Milan: have you played games with yuki too on this team?
  172. Duke: maybe 1?
  173. Duke: i can't recall
  174. Milan: let me find logs
  175. Milan: 1 min
  176. Duke: since i've played we've had like ringers
  177. Duke: and i've been playign med
  178. Duke: etc etc
  179. Duke: you need a consistent roster
  180. 11:13 PM - Anna May: you trying so hard
  181. 11:13 PM - Anna May: to convince him lol
  182. 11:13 PM - Milan: im against you roaming
  183. 11:13 PM - Anna May: i offclass in scrims to see what works
  184. 11:13 PM - Milan: iv made it pretty clear
  185. 11:13 PM - Anna May: why would i not try things
  186. 11:14 PM - Anna May: duke didn't care cause he played like 3 games with a bunch of ringers
  187. 11:14 PM - Anna May: and he was on med
  188. 11:14 PM - Milan: andd more excuses
  189. 11:14 PM - Milan: im actually done
  190. 11:14 PM - Milan: whatever
  191. 11:14 PM - Anna May: it's literally waht he said lol
  192. 11:15 PM - Milan: point is he's on the team and his input was towards alex
  193. 11:15 PM - Milan: ggen wants alex
  194. 11:15 PM - Milan: i want alex
  195. 11:17 PM - Milan: Anna May: i'll med if our team actually wants me off roamer
  196. 11:17 PM - Anna May: duke said he didn't know and that it was your team
  197. 11:21 PM - Anna May: where are you
  198. 11:22 PM - Anna May: speak in mumble
  199. 11:22 PM - Milan: Im done with this conversation. Not on my pc
  200. 11:22 PM - Anna May: get on it
  201. 11:22 PM - Milan: You got the teams vote and its not good enough
  202. 11:22 PM - Anna May: there wasn't a vote lol
  203. 11:23 PM - Milan: Im not looking further into this
  204. 11:22 PM - Anna May: you didn't talk to anyone
  205. 11:23 PM - Anna May: there's also no reason to cut me
  206. 11:23 PM - Anna May: why would you cut me when i helped make the team, and it's not like we're losing cause of me
  207. 11:23 PM - Milan: If you dont play medic i will move you to sub
  208. 11:23 PM - Anna May: cutting branslam, beel, be
  209. 11:23 PM - Anna May: we literally couldn't win with them
  210. 11:25 PM - Milan: Its not even about winning, its the lack of listening and arguing.
  211. 11:25 PM - Milan: Only beel was cut by a team vote on just his performance
  212. 11:25 PM - Anna May: be threw
  213. 11:25 PM - Anna May: and none of us ever wanted to pick up branslam but you
  214. 11:26 PM - Milan: Ahan and?
  215. 11:26 PM - Milan: That doesnt tie into this
  216. 11:26 PM - Anna May: it ties into why he was cut
  217. 11:26 PM - Anna May: none of us wanted him to play in the first place
  218. 11:27 PM - Milan: Im giving mastrej the roster info at 12:30 if you decide you still dont want to med.
  219. 11:28 PM - Anna May: why would you downgrade the team
  220. 11:28 PM - Anna May: even if you think alex is better than me
  221. 11:28 PM - Anna May: you can't think he's that much better
  222. 11:28 PM - Anna May: not even you are that dumb
  223. 11:28 PM - Anna May: and mastrej is very bad at medic
  224. 11:29 PM - Milan: We'll work with him. The guy listens and doesn't tilt.
  225. 11:29 PM - Anna May: so do i?
  226. 11:29 PM - Anna May: you don't though
  227. 11:30 PM - Anna May: you think you're always right
  228. 11:30 PM - Anna May: no matter what anyone says
  229. 11:30 PM - Anna May: i'll admit to being wrong about something
  230. 11:30 PM - Milan: Yuki you're not roaming on this team. The irony in what you're saying right now is on another level.
  231. 11:30 PM - Milan: Stop trying to take jabs
  232. 11:30 PM - Anna May: yeah you're a faggot
  233. 11:30 PM - Anna May: literally kys milan
  234. 11:31 PM - Milan: Okki
  235. 11:31 PM - Anna May: alexandros did better than you on roamer when you were pocket
  236. 11:31 PM - Anna May: should cut yourself for him
  237. 11:38 PM - Milan: gl m8
  238. 11:38 PM - Milan is now Offline.
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