

Apr 19th, 2020
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  1. 1) What is the one thing you wish you hadn’t done in your lifetime?
  2. 2) Would you prefer to have smarts or happiness?
  3. 3) What is the reason for the last time you cried?
  4. 4) What scared the crap out of you but you did it anyway?
  5. 5) What’s one thing your siblings or parents don’t know about you?
  6. 6) What is one bad habit that you have? And don’t say you work too hard!
  7. 7) Who is your favorite superhero?
  8. 8) Name a cartoon character you think is hot.
  9. 9) If money were no option, where would you live?
  10. 10) What is your biggest pet peeve?
  11. 11) Who is the one person on earth that knows you better than anyone else?
  12. 12) What did you do for fun in high school?
  13. 13) When you were growing up, what did people think you were going to do with your life?
  14. 14) What’s your favorite book?
  15. 15) What’s your favorite television show?
  16. 16) What was your best age in life so far?
  17. 17) What’s the one thing you would tell your teenage self if you could go back in time?
  18. 18) What’s the one thing you want to do that when it’s done, you can die happy?
  19. 19) Do you prefer to apologize for something you did after the fact or ask permission first?
  20. 20) What would you prefer: money or love?
  21. 21) What’s on your bucket list?
  22. 22) What’s the song you listen to on repeat?
  23. 23) Would you rather spend a week on a beach or backpacking through Europe?
  24. 24) What is something you were really good at as a child?
  25. 25) What would you buy first if you won the lottery?
  26. 26) If you could trade lives with anyone, who woul it be?
  27. 27) If you started a band, what would it be called?
  28. 28) What’s the one condiment you can’t live without?
  29. 29) What’s the one thing you did when you were younger that people still give you hell about?
  30. 30) Do you like small gatherings or big parties?
  31. 31) What’s been the worst year of your life so far?
  32. 32) What is the one thing that will end a relationship for you?
  33. 33) Who do you see yourself as if you were a fictional character?
  34. 34) Karma or revenge?
  35. 35) What was the best television show on when you were a child?
  36. 36) What is something weird that you like about people?
  37. 37) What’s the one topic in Trivial Pursuit you could clean up in?
  38. 38) Are you superstitious?
  39. 39) What was the worst day of your life?
  40. 40) What is your favorite terrible song?
  41. 41) Is there someone you want to run for president that hasn’t?
  42. 42) Who would you have dinner with if you could – dead or alive?
  43. 43) What was the best gift you ever got from your parents?
  44. 44) Do you wish we would go back to a time before the internet?
  45. 45) What would you give someone as a gift if money was no object?
  46. 46) What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for a day?
  47. 47) What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you?
  48. 48) Would you rather live in a big subdivision style home or a tine lake house?
  49. 49) What is the one thing you hate about your family?
  50. 50) What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
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