

Aug 16th, 2019
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  1. **Snake Venom**
  3. The dagger which holds the greatest legacy in all of Tellene. In the early days of the Age of Heroes, the Assassin's Guild was formed under the very same principals that it goes under to this day. In an age where the discrepancy between Gods, Beasts, Heroes, and the everyday person was at its greatest, those who had not been blessed by the Gods found themselves to be in a position where they could not even exercise the resentment felt towards the many entities which roamed the land. Beasts would tear the land asunder, and there would be casualties. Gods would throw tidal waves and collect upon the fortune of their souls. Heroes would demand and receive any and all riches which they desired.
  5. One God known as the Father of Murder, whom usually kept himself from exercising his powers, saw this unbridled rage that built up with no outlet among the populous. The Gods cared only for their own sheep and champions, and he was no different. His House of Knives was already an established clergy, although minor compared to the many others, but that was satisfactory to him.
  7. Another God, known as the Profitmaker, saw his order, the Parish of the Prolific Coin, continuously end up with the shaft in exchanges throughout the land. Whenever Heroes stepped into the land to rid his people of trouble, they were forced to pay him for services, losing out on valuable profit which he so yearned for them to keep. His followers however, were not aggressive. They may argue and such at the table, but the virtuous Heroes would not turn against each other regardless of the fortune they were offered in exchange.
  9. And, there was an ordinary man. A member of the Halls of Oaths. Not much is known about his past even to this day, but it is said that a Hero of the Oath took the life of his wife, and suffered no repercussions, for he was seen as just in his act. He left the church, and he left the city, wandering about from town to town, his fortune swindled away as punishment by the Speaker of the Word for his disloyalty, until he was left to do nothing more than wither away at the edge of nowhere.
  11. As he laid in the dirt of his own undug grave, he was approached by both the Profitmaker, and the Father of Murder at the same time. With empty pockets and a heart full of hatred, he conversed calmly with the both of them. Their propositions were different, until all three spoke amongst eachother. They listened to his qualms and pains, and expressed their own.
  13. Details of the conversation was documented in a set of scriptures, but all that is known to outsiders, is that this conversation led to the formation of the Assassin's Guild that would spread throughout the world. Men with hatred in their hearts for those who had wronged them, could pay off members of the organization to kill the men whom in their eyes deserved it. The Father of Murder would have the soul, and the Profitmaker would have the coin, satisfying both parties.
  15. The ordinary man became the original Cobra, receiving a dagger forged by the greatest material that money could buy, and imbued with the eternal right to kill. It mattered not if his opponent was a Hero or Beast, for the dagger could take the lives of any. It was not seen as divine, but instead as one of the very first offshoots of Divine Magic turned Arcane, wrenching away the authority of the Gods into the hands of the people. Due to this dualistic nature of Divine and Humanly, followers of both the Profitmaker and the House of Knives have a certain soft spot for the Assassin's Guild, whilst still remaining separate.
  17. This dagger is equivalent to a +6 in quality due to its inherent nature. Although it carries greater significance than some weapons forged of even greater quality, the Profitmaker is not a God who can reinforce the quality of steel to the level of certain other Gods. It is only to be wielded by the head of the Assassin's Guild, and if held by anyone else, the user must make a Mental Saving Throw vs d20!p+12 for the rest of the day in order to avoid succumbing to the soul of the original Cobra. Each subsequent use of the dagger will incur an additional +1 to the difficulty of the Saving Throw.
  19. When this weapon inflicts damage, the user can choose to pay 1HP to roll a d20.
  20. If a 1 is rolled, then the damage inflicted is increased by 1 point, and the wound becomes incurable by any means other than natural regeneration, regardless of level, species, or anything. This specific effect can be activated outside of combat without rolling a dice during torture sessions and such, although it will always incur a 1HP wound on the user. If a
  21. If a 2-19 is rolled, then up to that many points of damage reduction will be ignored, and an additional damage dice is rolled.
  22. If a 20 is rolled, then it is considered the ultimate revenge. Two additional damage dices are rolled, and damage is inflicted upon the opponents flesh and soul. Although recovery can be made to the flesh, the damage to the soul is permanent. If it reaches the ToP value of the opponent, their soul will be considered shattered, and unable to even be retrieved by the Father of Murder himself.
  24. The cost is not triggered if used by one who has been dubbed Cobra, nor will they suffer from the attempts of the original Cobra attempting to take control of their body.
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  31. **Roc-Winged Feather Bow**
  33. This bow is, in the most general sense, not an item. In fact, it is an alive creature hatched from the egg of a virgin male Roc whom has passed the age of 200, a venture which very few of the terrifying Birds of Prey choose to pursue. The egg is not laid by the Roc himself, but rather by the great Great Huntress Bulls-Eye, whom rewards the Roc for his great devotion to the Hunt with the privilege of roosting her egg for 50 years. Whatever territory the Roc has designated as its hunting ground, will turn into a Sanctuary of the Hunt under its jurisdiction, only to be entered by worthy wildlife and worthy hunters. After Bulls-Eye has bestowed the Bird of Prey with the title of Great Roc, she then departs, leaving the magnificent bird with the honor of having been one of the few to lay eyes on her true form.
  35. The only record of these events were a claim from a dwarven High Hunter of the Patient Arrow far past the age of retirement, and dismissed for the most part as his eyes playing tricks on him. However, a few seemed to have believed him because of an arrow that had been fired in his direction by the Huntress, striking his right front tooth and staying lodged there for the rest of his life.
  37. This claim is corroborated by an old tale of a Huntmaster 600 years ago who claimed to have received his bow from wandering into a strange place and finding an egg which hatched the moment he approached it, revealing the bow inside.
  39. Although no consensus has been reached among the Clerics, the record from a Huntmaster is irrefutable, so at the very least the latter part of the tale is considered true. Tales far and wide have been made with various claims to reality about encounters with such eggs, even hoaxes of people trying to draw attention to themselves by carefully draining and planting a bow inside and oversized ostrich egg.
  41. The Roc-Winged Feather Bow is made mostly from bone, skin, and feathers, but it is undeniably alive, as in its infancy, it is prone to simply flying away if an eye is not kept on it. In every meaning of the word, the bow hatches a child, viewing the Golden Arrow whom it hatched for as its motherly figure, and growing at the same rate as the wielder. Its personality growing up will depend largely on the way it's treated throughout its time, but the rate of growth is constant with the rate which the Golden Arrow progresses through the ranks of his church.
  43. Whilst a young Stalker will receive no more than a +1 when using the bow, once he reaches the rank of True Shot, it will be considered +4, +6 for a Hunter, and so forth. The mere act of attaining this bow is considered a successful Hunt in the eyes of the Huntress, and advances the user one step within the Church. As it grows with the Hunter, it also grows to fit the Hunter perfectly throughout his journey. For an elf it may grow much longer, while for a dwarf it may become thicker yet shorter.
  45. Regardless, the characteristics will manifest not only through aesthetics, but usage. It may fire longer in straight lines, further when fired in an arc, plain hit its target harder, or possibly even guide itself in the case of a blind Golden Arrow. These manifestations only begin once the wielder becomes a Pure Shot however, and before, it's little more than a child throwing sticks really well.
  47. Take good care of it!
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