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Feb 19th, 2021
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  1. settitlematchmode, 2
  2. msgbox, f1 for cheat menu by:TAB Nation on youtube
  5. f1::
  6. gui, destroy
  7. Gui, Add, Button, x12 y9 w100 h30 gcheatmode, Enter Cheat Mode
  8. Gui, Add, Button, x122 y9 w100 h30 gcheatmode, Exit Cheat Mode
  9. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y59 w110 h20 , Items
  10. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y79 w110 h500 vitemid, Amber|AmberPearl|AncientSeed|Barley|BarleyFlour|BarleyWine|BarleyWineBase|BeechSeeds|BlackMetal|BlackMetalScrap|Bloodbag|BoneFragments|Bronze|BronzeNails|BoneFragments|CarrotSeeds|Chitin|Coal|Coins|Copper|CopperOre|CryptKey|Crystal|Dandelion|DeerHide|DragonEgg|DragonTear|ElderBark|Entrails|Feathers|FineWood|FirCone|FishingBait|FishRaw|FishWraps|Flametal|FlametalOre|Flax|Flint|FreezeGland|GreydwarfEye|Guck|HardAntler|Iron|IronNails|IronOre|IronScrap|LeatherScraps|LinenThread|LoxMeat|LoxPelt|LoxPie|Needle|Obsidian|Ooze|PineCone|QueenBee|Ruby|SerpentScale|SharpeningStone|Silver|SilverNecklace|SilverOre|Stone|SurtlingCore|Thistle|Tin|TinOre|TrollHide|TurnipSeeds|WitheredBone|WolfFang|WolfPelt|Wood|YmirRemains|NeckTail|RawMeat|Resin|RoundLog|SerpentMeat|YagluthDrop
  11. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y59 w50 h20 , Amount
  12. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y79 w50 h20 vitemamount,
  13. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y59 w50 h20 , Level
  14. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y79 w50 h20 vitemlevel,
  15. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y69 w70 h30 gspawn1, Spawn
  16. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y119 w110 h20 , Armor
  17. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y139 w110 h500 varmorid, ArmorBronzeChest|ArmorBronzeLegs|ArmorIronChest|ArmorIronLegs|ArmorLeatherChest|ArmorLeatherLegs|ArmorPaddedCuirass|ArmorPaddedGreaves|ArmorRagsChest|ArmorRagsLegs|ArmorTrollLeatherChest|ArmorTrollLeatherLegs|ArmorWolfChest|ArmorWolfLegs|CapeDeerHide|CapeLinen|CapeLox|CapeOdin|CapeTest|CapeTrollHide|CapeWolf|HelmetBronze|HelmetDrake|HelmetDverger|HelmetIron|HelmetLeather|HelmetOdin|HelmetPadded|HelmetTrollLeather|HelmetYule
  18. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y119 w50 h20 , Amount
  19. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y139 w50 h20 varmoramount,
  20. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y119 w50 h20 , Level
  21. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y139 w50 h20 varmorlevel,
  22. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y129 w70 h30 gspawn2, Spawn
  23. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y179 w110 h20 , Ammo
  24. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y199 w110 h500 vammonid, ArrowBronze|ArrowFire|ArrowFlint|ArrowFrost|ArrowIron|ArrowNeedle|ArrowObsidian|ArrowPoison|ArrowSilver|ArrowWood
  25. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y179 w50 h20 , Amount
  26. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y199 w50 h20 vammoamount,
  27. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y179 w50 h20 , Level
  28. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y199 w50 h20 vammonlevel,
  29. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y189 w70 h30 gspawn3, Spawn
  30. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y239 w110 h20 , Weapons
  31. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y259 w110 h500 vweaponid, AtgeirBlackmetal|AtgeirBronze|AtgeirIron|Battleaxe|Bow|BowDraugrFang|BowFineWood|BowHuntsman|KnifeBlackMetal|KnifeChitin|KnifeCopper|KnifeFlint|MaceBronze|MaceIron|MaceNeedle|MaceSilver|ShieldBanded|ShieldBlackmetal|ShieldBlackmetalTower|ShieldBronzeBuckler|ShieldIronSquare|ShieldIronTower|ShieldKnight|ShieldSerpentscale|ShieldSilver|ShieldWood|ShieldWoodTower|SledgeIron|SledgeStagbreaker|SpearBronze|SpearChitin|SpearElderbark|SpearFlint|SpearWolfFang|SwordBlackmetal|SwordBronze|SwordCheat|SwordIron|SwordIronFire|SwordSilver|Tankard|TankardOdin|Club|Torch
  32. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y239 w50 h20 , Amount
  33. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y259 w50 h20 vweaponamount,
  34. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y239 w50 h20 , Level
  35. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y259 w50 h20 vweaponlevel,
  36. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y249 w70 h30 gspawn4, Spawn
  37. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y299 w110 h20 , Tools
  38. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y319 w110 h500 vtoolid, AxeBronze|AxeFlint|AxeIron|AxeStone|AxeBlackMetal|PickaxeAntler|PickaxeBronze|PickaxeIron|PickaxeStone|Cultivator|FishingRod|Hammer|Hoe
  39. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y299 w50 h20 , Amount
  40. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y319 w50 h20 vtoolamount,
  41. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y299 w50 h20 , Level
  42. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y319 w50 h20 vtoollevel,
  43. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y309 w70 h30 gspawn5, Spawn
  44. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y359 w110 h20 , Enemies
  45. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y379 w110 h500 venemieid, Blob|BlobElite|Boar|Boar_piggy|Crow|Deathsquito|Deer|Draugr|Draugr_Elite|Draugr_Ranged|Fenring|Ghost|Goblin|GoblinArcher|GoblinBrute|GoblinClub|GoblinHelmet|GoblinLegband|GoblinLoin|GoblinShaman|GoblinShoulders|GoblinSpear|GoblinSword|GoblinTorch|GoblinTotem|Greydwarf|Greydwarf_Elite|Greydwarf_Root|Greydwarf_Shaman|Greyling|Leech|Lox|Neck|Seagal|Serpent|Skeleton|Skeleton_Poison|StoneGolem|Surtling|Troll|Valkyrie|Wolf|Wolf_cub|Wraith|Eikthyr|gd_king|Bonemass|Dragon|GoblinKing
  46. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y359 w50 h20 , Amount
  47. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y379 w50 h20 venemieamount,
  48. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y359 w50 h20 , Level
  49. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y379 w50 h20 venemielevel,
  50. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y369 w70 h30 gspawn6, Spawn
  51. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y419 w110 h20 , Food
  52. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y439 w110 h500 vfoodid, Bread|BloodPudding|Blueberries|Carrot|CarrotSoup|Cloudberry|CookedLoxMeat|CookedMeat|FishCooked|Honey|Mushroom|MushroomBlue|MushroomYellow|NeckTailGrilled|Raspberry|QueensJam|Sausages|SerpentMeatCooked|SerpentStew|Turnip|TurnipStew
  53. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y419 w50 h20 , Amount
  54. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y439 w50 h20 vfoodamount,
  55. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y419 w50 h20 , Level
  56. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y439 w50 h20 vfoodlevel,
  57. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y429 w70 h30 gspawn7, Spawn
  58. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y479 w110 h20 , Vehicle
  59. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y499 w110 h500 vVehicleid, Cart|Raft|Karve|VikingShip|Trailership
  60. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y479 w50 h20 , Amount
  61. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y499 w50 h20 vVehicleamount,
  62. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y479 w50 h20 , Level
  63. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y499 w50 h20 vVehiclelevel,
  64. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y489 w70 h30 gspawn8, Spawn
  65. Gui, Add, Text, x12 y539 w110 h20 , Potions/Mead
  66. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x12 y559 w110 h500 vpotid, MeadBaseFrostResist|MeadBaseHealthMedium|MeadBaseHealthMinor|MeadBasePoisonResist|MeadBaseStaminaMedium|MeadBaseStaminaMinor|MeadBaseTasty|MeadFrostResist|MeadHealthMedium|MeadHealthMinor|MeadPoisonResist|MeadStaminaMedium|MeadStaminaMinor|MeadTasty
  67. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y539 w50 h20 , Amount
  68. Gui, Add, Edit, x142 y559 w50 h20 vpotamount,
  69. Gui, Add, Text, x212 y539 w50 h20 , Level
  70. Gui, Add, Edit, x212 y559 w50 h20 vpotlevel,
  71. Gui, Add, Button, x282 y549 w70 h30 gspawn9, Spawn
  72. Gui, Add, Button, x132 y599 w100 h30 greset, Reset
  73. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y69 w100 h30 gfogofwar, No Fog of War
  74. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y119 w100 h30 gfreefly, Free Fly
  75. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y169 w100 h30 ggod, God
  76. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y219 w100 h30 gheal, Heal
  77. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y269 w100 h30 gkillall, Kill All
  78. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y369 w100 h30 gdebug, Debug Mode On
  79. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y419 w100 h30 gnocost, No Building Cost
  80. Gui, Add, Button, x542 y369 w100 h30 gdebug, Debug Mode Off
  81. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y459 w100 h30 gfly, Fly
  82. Gui, Add, Button, x432 y499 w100 h30 gkillall2, Kill All
  83. Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y39 w360 h600 , Spawning
  84. Gui, Add, GroupBox, x392 y39 w260 h600 , Other
  85. Gui, Show, x596 y232 h650 w667, VAL Cheats
  86. Return
  88. fogofwar:
  89. WinActivate, Valheim
  90. sleep 500
  91. send {f5}
  92. send exploremap
  93. sleep 500
  94. send {enter}
  95. send {esc}
  96. return
  98. god:
  99. WinActivate, Valheim
  100. sleep 500
  101. send {f5}
  102. send god
  103. sleep 500
  104. send {enter}
  105. send {esc}
  106. return
  108. heal:
  109. WinActivate, Valheim
  110. sleep 500
  111. send {f5}
  112. send heal
  113. sleep 500
  114. send {enter}
  115. send {esc}
  116. return
  118. killall:
  119. WinActivate, Valheim
  120. sleep 500
  121. send {f5}
  122. send killall
  123. sleep 500
  124. send {enter}
  125. send {esc}
  126. return
  128. debug:
  129. WinActivate, Valheim
  130. sleep 500
  131. send {f5}
  132. send debugmode
  133. sleep 500
  134. send {enter}
  135. send {esc}
  136. return
  138. nocost:
  139. WinActivate, Valheim
  140. sleep 500
  141. send B
  142. return
  144. fly:
  145. freefly:
  146. WinActivate, Valheim
  147. sleep 500
  148. send Z
  149. return
  151. killall2:
  152. WinActivate, Valheim
  153. sleep 500
  154. send f5
  155. send K
  156. return
  159. spawn1:
  160. gui, submit, nohide
  161. if itemid=""
  162. {
  163. Return
  164. }
  165. else
  166. {
  167. clipboard= spawn %itemid% %itemamount% %itemlevel%
  168. IfWinExist, Valheim
  169. {
  170. WinActivate
  171. sleep 1000
  172. send {f5}
  173. sleep 500
  174. send ^v
  175. sleep 500
  176. send {enter}
  177. sleep 500
  178. send {esc}
  179. return
  180. }
  181. }
  183. spawn2:
  184. gui, submit, nohide
  185. if armorid=""
  186. {
  187. Return
  188. }
  189. else
  190. {
  191. clipboard= spawn %armorid% %armoramount% %armorlevel%
  192. IfWinExist, Valheim
  193. {
  194. WinActivate
  195. sleep 1000
  196. send {f5}
  197. sleep 500
  198. send ^v
  199. sleep 500
  200. send {enter}
  201. sleep 500
  202. send {esc}
  203. return
  204. }
  205. }
  207. spawn3:
  208. gui, submit, nohide
  209. if ammonid=""
  210. {
  211. Return
  212. }
  213. else
  214. {
  215. clipboard= spawn %ammonid% %ammoamount% %ammolevel%
  216. IfWinExist, Valheim
  217. {
  218. WinActivate
  219. sleep 1000
  220. send {f5}
  221. sleep 500
  222. send ^v
  223. sleep 500
  224. send {enter}
  225. sleep 500
  226. send {esc}
  227. return
  228. }
  229. }
  231. spawn4:
  232. gui, submit, nohide
  233. if weaponid=""
  234. {
  235. Return
  236. }
  237. else
  238. {
  239. clipboard= spawn %weaponid% %weaponamount% %weaponlevel%
  240. IfWinExist, Valheim
  241. {
  242. WinActivate
  243. sleep 1000
  244. send {f5}
  245. sleep 500
  246. send ^v
  247. sleep 500
  248. send {enter}
  249. sleep 500
  250. send {esc}
  251. return
  252. }
  253. }
  255. spawn5:
  256. gui, submit, nohide
  257. if toolid=""
  258. {
  259. Return
  260. }
  261. else
  262. {
  263. clipboard= spawn %toolid% %toolamount% %toollevel%
  264. IfWinExist, Valheim
  265. {
  266. WinActivate
  267. sleep 1000
  268. send {f5}
  269. sleep 500
  270. send ^v
  271. sleep 500
  272. send {enter}
  273. sleep 500
  274. send {esc}
  275. return
  276. }
  277. }
  279. spawn6:
  280. gui, submit, nohide
  281. if enemieid=""
  282. {
  283. Return
  284. }
  285. else
  286. {
  287. clipboard= spawn %enemieid% %enemieamount% %enemielevel%
  288. IfWinExist, Valheim
  289. {
  290. WinActivate
  291. sleep 1000
  292. send {f5}
  293. sleep 500
  294. send ^v
  295. sleep 500
  296. send {enter}
  297. sleep 500
  298. send {esc}
  299. return
  300. }
  301. }
  303. spawn7:
  304. gui, submit, nohide
  305. if foodid=""
  306. {
  307. Return
  308. }
  309. else
  310. {
  311. clipboard= spawn %foodid% %foodamount% %foodlevel%
  312. IfWinExist, Valheim
  313. {
  314. WinActivate
  315. sleep 1000
  316. send {f5}
  317. sleep 500
  318. send ^v
  319. sleep 500
  320. send {enter}
  321. sleep 500
  322. send {esc}
  323. return
  324. }
  325. }
  327. spawn8:
  328. gui, submit, nohide
  329. if Vehicleid=""
  330. {
  331. Return
  332. }
  333. else
  334. {
  335. clipboard= spawn %Vehicleid% %Vehicleamount% %Vehiclelevel%
  336. IfWinExist, Valheim
  337. {
  338. WinActivate
  339. sleep 1000
  340. send {f5}
  341. sleep 500
  342. send ^v
  343. sleep 500
  344. send {enter}
  345. sleep 500
  346. send {esc}
  347. return
  348. }
  349. }
  351. spawn9:
  352. gui, submit, nohide
  353. if potid=""
  354. {
  355. Return
  356. }
  357. else
  358. {
  359. clipboard= spawn %potid% %potamount% %potlevel%
  360. IfWinExist, Valheim
  361. {
  362. WinActivate
  363. sleep 1000
  364. send {f5}
  365. sleep 500
  366. send ^v
  367. sleep 500
  368. send {enter}
  369. sleep 500
  370. send {esc}
  371. return
  372. }
  373. }
  374. Return
  377. cheatmode:
  378. WinActivate, Valheim
  379. sleep 1000
  380. send {f5}
  381. sleep 500
  382. send imacheater
  383. send {enter}
  384. send {esc}
  385. return
  387. reset:
  388. reload
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