
Chapter 10

Aug 24th, 2020
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  1. The day our Alchemy teacher was supposed to retire was one that we felt mentally prepared for. As he walked in that day during fourth period, I gulped in anticipation as I had done every period all of the hours before this one. I paused to take a deep breath and calm myself. If he's being replaced, we'll welcome the next teacher with open arms. The class starts without him mentioning it.
  3. The class goes to assigned tables with Bunsen burners. I pull out a beaker, hands trembling with worry at the outcome this period might hold, as it is the last one, after all. I try my best to think nothing of it and continue, until the Alchemy teacher, having noticed this, walks over to me. "Something is troubling you, son. Would you like to tell me what it is?", he says softly and calmly, looking up with a wrinkled face expressing as much worry as me.
  5. I should explain why the Alchemy teacher is so important to us. He is one of the hardest working people in the school, the most experienced (as far as I know), a certified badass that keeps the school in order when the principal, Prez-kun, or no other authority figures are in sight, every student, from bookworms to bullies and everyone in between fear and admire him at the same time, and on top of it, he does everything one kind and humble step at a time. Since Prez-kun and Cringe-kun are my senpai, they have got to know him far longer than I have, but in the little time that I was his student, he has easily became the role model mentor a teacher should be in my eyes. Our teacher is no expendable asset and will be missed dearly.
  7. I shake off the heavy feeling, and tell him with a smile, "Just reminiscing of the past, is all.". Still concerned, he says "The past is the past. Who we are in the future is the foundation of the past. It's okay to look back every now and then, son, but do not forget that what is in front of you takes priority.". "Hai.", I calmly look down at him saying, with tears in my eyes as he looks up at me with a smile that was well through his beard, which was an expression he rarely ever displayed.
  9. (Things will be alright even without him. I have to believe in him, I have to! He's right, only cowards live in the past.), I muse to myself among other things, as I light up chemicals in the beaker. I look off in the direction of where the school council meeting room is located, and think (I hope they already set everything up.). The dismissal bell rings, and everybody exits the classroom. (He didn't mention retirement at all the whole period. Maybe he wants to keep it hush-hush.), I think as I walk up to him at his desk, putting away filed papers in a backpack.
  11. I ask him "Could you please come with me to the student council office?". He obliges. As we walk down the hallway, I'm giving off the same grim aura that Cringe-kun gave me weeks before. I say nothing, and move forward. The teacher doesn't question any of this, but looks up at me, reads my face, and thinks to himself (Oh, dear. I wonder if he knows...). We enter the student council room, the walls lined with ribbons, balloons, and confetti, where Prez-kun and Cringe-kun greets the teacher. He asks "What is all of this?". Prez-kun responds with, "We figured since there was a rumor that you were retiring soon, we wanted to show how much we appreciated your contribution to us and this school. I cannot possibly thank you enough.", and bows his head. The teacher looks over at Cringe-kun who looks back at him, and says nothing, but sticks his thumb out, pointing it at Prez-kun, which basically translated to "what he said". The teacher sighs heavily, and says "I was afraid this might happen.". We all give him quizzical looks.
  13. He then proceeds to say "I appreciate all of the work you went through, boys. Really, I do. But there has been a terrible mix-up. My cousin in Fuji had retired from his job as a security guard today, and I was talking about it with the principal some time ago. You know, you shouldn't eavesdrop on the conversations of other people. However, considering your intentions, I will let this transgression pass, as it was my mistake.", and bows his head towards us. The President bows again towards him, "Please enjoy the party, regardless. Our efforts have not gone to waste.", the happiness, relief and excitement in his voice barely contained.
  15. As the two gentlemen were bowing at each other, I look over at Cringe-kun, who felt relief as well, but a different kind of emotion, as if he felt like he would have to plan another one once the Alchemy teacher really felt like retiring. "Chinkusho.", he mutters under his breath, arms folded. The two bowers look up at him from their bowing pose, and say "Language!" in unison. "Whatever. Still good to have you, gramps. And to think, we may have gotten one of those wrinkly frail vest wearers from those American horror movies as your replacement.", Cringe-kun says as he shudders at the thought. "I may be old, but I'm not that old.", he replies. He and Cringe-kun laugh for a good several seconds while Prez-kun walks over and taps me on the shoulder as I watch the two, smiling.
  17. I ask him "You need me for something?". "The cake.", he replies. "I special ordered it, and it's in the cafeteria fridge. I can't carry it in here myself, and in all good conscience cannot ruin Motonoya-san's moment with our teacher, so I was wondering if you would be willing to lend a hand.", he requests. "Of course.". Here in this school, certain club presidents have keys to various facilities. The SCHOOL PRESIDENT has a pseudo "master key" of sorts, which is second only to the one the Principal himself holds. Prez-kun unlocks the cafeteria stockroom fridge, where a glamorous looking slab of chocolate and batter encased in pristine glass had awaited the party for some time. We pick it up, and haul it to the room in time for Cringe-kun to say, "It's dinnertime, not dessert time.", referring to the fact that most students are eating dinner at home by this time. "Classic Cringe-kun." I say, as Prez-kun bonks the smartass on the noggin.
  19. "Never change,young Motonoya.",the teacher says happily. "And you neither, Tenryou.", he adds, glancing at Prez-kun, who had worked up a sweat carrying the cake.. The two say nothing, and bows at him. I walk over, tapping the teacher on the shoulder. I point at the cake, and he nods. This was indeed a party worthy of doing again when the right time comes, but let's not hope it's any time soon.
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