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Jan 24th, 2017
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  1. # Database Configuration
  2. script options:
  3. $ init com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  4. $ db url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database
  5. $ db username user
  6. $ db password pass
  7. options:
  8. # Intialization Configuration
  9. PerKill_Elo_Min:12
  10. PerKill_Elo_Max:23
  12. PerDeath_Elo_Min:24
  13. PerDeath_Elo_Max:32
  15. FirstJoin_Elo:100
  16. # Message Configuration
  17. Admin-Set_Elo_Message:&b&l[BattleElo]&f You have set %arg-3%'s elo to %arg-2%
  18. Admin-Reset_Elo_Message:&b&l[BattleElo]&f You have reset %arg-3%'s elo
  20. command /eloadmin [<text>] [<integer>] [<offline player>]:
  21. permission: elo.admin
  22. trigger:
  23. if arg-1 is "set":
  24. if arg-2 is set:
  25. set {elo.%arg-3%} to arg-2
  26. update "UPDATE battleelo SET elo = (""%{elo.%arg-3%}%"") WHERE name = ""%arg-3%""
  27. send "{@Admin-Set_Elo_Message}"
  28. stop
  29. if arg-1 is "reset":
  30. if arg-2 is "player":
  31. delete {elo.%arg-3%}
  32. update "UPDATE battleelo SET elo = (""0"") WHERE name = ""%arg-3%""
  33. send "{@Admin-Reset_Elo_Message}"
  34. stop
  35. command /elo:
  36. trigger:
  37. set {_elo} to the first element out of objects in column "elo" from result of query "SELECT `elo` FROM `battleelo` WHERE `uuid` = ""%uuid of player%""" and close
  38. send "&b&lBattleElo - &f&l%{_elo}%"
  39. stop
  40. on load:
  41. send "&e&l[BattleElo] &fPlugins Enabled. Thanks for using the plugins develop by Oskang09" to console
  42. update "create table IF NOT EXISTS battleelo (ID int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,uuid varchar(70),name varchar(70),elo varchar(20));"
  44. on first join:
  45. set {elo.%player%} to {@FirstJoin_Elo}
  46. update "INSERT INTO `battleelo` (`uuid`, `name`, `elo`) VALUES (""%uuid.of player%"", ""%player%"", ""%{elo.%player%}%"");"
  48. on death of a player:
  49. if attacker is player:
  50. add random integer from {@PerKill_Elo_Min} to {@PerKill_Elo_Max} to {elo.%attacker%}
  51. remove random integer from {@PerDeath_Elo_Min} to {@PerDeath_Elo_Max} from {elo.%victim%}
  52. update "UPDATE battleelo SET elo = (""%{elo.%attacker%}%"") WHERE name = ""%attacker%""
  53. update "UPDATE battleelo SET elo = (""%{elo.%victim%}%"") WHERE name = ""%victim%""
  54. stop
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