

May 17th, 2016
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  1. "First and foremost- I'd like to apologize for my rudeness on the battlefield. I have no qualm with admitting that I was in the wrong, but...I was drunk off Belial's mana- high from the hunt, the release one can only achieve by slaying...a King, and annoyed at the weakness of one of my....bed-flunky. This is no excuse for the rudeness that you were shown- but at the very least, I can apologize for...I'll be blunt-
  3. I'm sorry for being a fucking cockbag."
  5. On the table, an amulet was placed- "This is a powerful amulet, one given to a close friend. A trinket from the Blue Moon Festival that took place long before...either of our times. This is both a token, a gift to apologize for my rudeness- and a gesture that I believe can strengthen the Cult in full- what I give you, High Priestess, is power" A single digit pushed the amulet across the table- hers for the taking.
  7. "Now...onto other matters- I need to converse with you and the profit. I'd like to invite other important members of the cult- but in truth, competance is rare. Those within the room have proven themselves on the battlefield, and with loyalty- so I'm extending the invitation to them, as well- and of course, the Apostles that we freed."
  9. A diabolical grin spread across the King's visage..."We have much that we need to discuss....the main topic being...the third city I intend to claim.
  11. It's only a matter of time before Frostvale is mine and by proxy....Belial's domain."
  12. (Judas Hirano)
  13. He's pulled into that place that she allegedly would not dare to travel to anymore. Too crippling, too shocking of a location, or whatever she spilled as pleas when playing the victim. Accompanied by Commander as she wanted, as she said she needed for moral support; a battered, broken, and overall weak-looking Nefertari is infront him alongside Judas, and Ophelia.
  15. For the latter- they aren't regarded outside of Judas' words, but that wasn't even saying much. As words seemed to have passed him by completely, a hand already slips from his side, and is raised towards the handle, and pommel of Ascalon.
  17. It's Arcanium blade is assailed upon by the corroding, and transformative effects of lunar cosmic; brilliant gold for a moment, becoming sanguine red, and adopting characteristics that might have made ancestors weep over it's condition now.
  19. For Nefertari- across the table - it's drawn, and brandished; pointed at her -- it's end to meet with her, suspended only mere millimeters from countenance. He harbors a sneer, and he can hardly contain himself when faced with the one who abandoned child, renounced will, and apparently likes to throw mud when she thinks she's fucking safe.
  21. "I'm going to kill you, Nefertari. I want you to understand that now- for no other reason than the fact that you are foolish, and the poor choices you make now- as you have in the past- continue to show that you've not learned a damn thing of restraint, nor tact when considering our predicament."
  23. He was fed up with it. To hear from others, but never her. She so quick to flee, to turn tail, and hide; "You act not with courage, or respect due to a Knight, nor a Marshal -- you run in fear of the mistakes that you made, and continue to make as you shift blame, and deny your part in matters that are NOT so easily summarized."
  24. (Hendrix Este)
  25. With the blade pointed at her face. Of course Nefertari naturally got more defensive. But she was already on the defensive. The death threats. The woman was quick to blink, tears forming in her eyes as her only solace was Judas. A hand motioned toward his lap, tightly grasping onto his thigh.
  27. "So. Are you saying that you raping me was my bad? My mistake? Are you saying your inability to control your hormones enough to respect your King and his wife... is my mistake?" She gritted her teeth, kicking both legs backward as the chair she had slid back. "I've run from you because every time I am in this building. Everytime I am near you; that sensation of hopelessness and powerlessness drives into my heart. Again. And Again." Her eyes twitched. The threats on her life so plainly made. But it was clear that the woman wasn't going to have any of it.
  29. "Do you think I want to be here right now? In the very same manor where I was defiled? No. I don't. Do I like living in fear that someone who used to be a man I respected, is too filled with his vendettas, afraid to attone for HIS mistakes, that he's putting it on the victim?" Her nails began to dig one into her chair, the other into Judas.
  31. Coldsweats dripped down her face, trembles of her eyes. Tensing of the body, her breathing becoming erratic. A state of panic. Absolute panic, held together due to her only bastion of hope next to her, her beloved husband. "Tell me then. Of all the mistakes I run from, and all the mistakes you run from. Because at the moment all I see before me is a bloodthirsty hypocrit."
  32. (Nefertari Hirano)
  33. Rape
  37. There was that word again! That phrase that had no place- a confused woman purposely, and conveniently her own words, and her own part in what had happened. It doesn't come as a shock to hear it, to see her attempt to play on Commander's affections, and to act no better than a common whore in need of constant reassurance.
  39. "Consider the incident, Nefertari- that you were not Judas', that you were nothing than a hole that we both filled; your confusion that you voiced to me. The affections that you whispered as I did lay with you, and proceeded to ruin not your life, but my own considering how fucking IGNORANT you seem to be still on the matters encompassing." A case of the boy who cried wolf -- Nefertari grasping for straws, seeking to allude to things as though pure, and unchecked force had been applied.
  41. He knew that wasn't the case. She knew that was not the case.
  43. "You run from a sensation of hopelessness, and powerlessness when you lay next to a man who has multiple wives that were all at some point forced to lay with him, and yet you fear me, more than him? Your reasoning is as loose as your fucking armor was that day, Nefertari- shut the fuck up with your excuses" Ascalon is not dropped, and for her defensive nature, he carried himself in an offensive manner.
  45. "You see a hypocrite, but I raise a child without ever claiming a mother- as you have apparently done to my sisters, and cousin. You pretend I speak of these things as though everyone knows, BUT- I am forced to hear from OTHERS, of our dealings, and what you think of them, Nefertari."
  47. Ariadne, Arwen, Ashura Clementine, Nalliel, Viola; a constantly growing list of names that seemed to have heard not from him, but from the mouth of the supposed 'traumatized' of incidents, and things resulting of them.
  49. "You're scared in the face of my threats? Showing tears, and crying like you're not some begotten, vile, fucking crocodile? Well then what of Viola- what you said to her, how you blamed her for what happened between us?! For no reason other than you being a scornful fucking BITCH!"
  51. He shouts.
  53. He had a lot to say, and his grip on blade was not it's best. Shaking, and wielded in a shoddy manner, he still finds room to maintain it as his anger is keenly focused on Nefertari now.
  55. "If I am bloodthirsty, it is because you have not accepted that you have no part in my life, nor my son's. That you continue to pipe up and chime in like you're important, when you're very literally- nothing more than a cock sleeve for my Commander, Brother, and dear Friend. Seeking solace, and aid for him because you fell in love with a man who has only ever loved one woman."
  56. (Hendrix Este)
  57. And then she'd stand up. Pushing the chair harshly back into place as she turned away. "Just because a woman allows something terrible to happen to her out of FEAR of what would happen if she fought back... It doesn't mean that she consented to that act." She paused, gripping once more on either of the two weapons she carried with her, defensively, rather than hostily.
  59. "I want nothing to do with you. I want nothing to do with the boy. My instincts have a focus with that baby inside that castle that belongs to me and my husband. You keep him. You raise him. You do whatever. I care not anymore. I had a single moment of weakness since I gave him to you. A single one. My husband has punished me for such." A hand clenched tightly on the sword at her side, a glare was given toward Hendrix. One of the lines he said, how he had only ever loved one woman... It stroked an area where she was insecure.
  61. "I gave everything to Judas. He is my King, my husband, my master. I am his loyal soldier, loyal wife, and dedicated slave to his desires. He has told me in sincerity on multiple occasions that he loves me.
  63. In the end, your words have no meaning to me. Because it is through the will of Belial and Judas that I breathe life." She then took a step away, turning toward her husband. The runic marking upon her upper chest burning with lunar mana. "My dear... can we go home now? I doubt either of us will be able to sway the other." She wanted to go back to her room so bad. To get away from Hendrix, away from this manner and to simply find a method to get rid of her current frustrations.
  64. (Nefertari Hirano)
  65. "You're no better than a whore."
  67. The words ring as he stands in pursuit of her yet again. Ascalon decidely planted into the center of table; wood splitting down it's middle, and Hendrix offering a glare towards the Marshal.
  69. "And a stupid one at that. If you think that Judas would not have beaten you- if you think that I would have; you're living in disbelief, and want me to be that way." Up until now- he wouldn't have snapped her fucking neck. Anything that might have happened in the past; any knew the Marshal was not to swift to act as Commander would be.
  71. "You've given your everything because you have to. Because Viola has never loved you, and never will. Because Judas to you needs healing, but you cannot provide it- you're a poor imitation of the love that he use to harbor. You will never be Clementine, Nefertari."
  73. A want that any, and every concubine of the Maddened Ruler desired; to fill that avoid, and yet all they ever really accomplished was them getting their own physical voids filled momentarily for the time being.
  75. "Should you attempt to walk away. Should you even think that I will not kill you for what was said to Viola; threats made, weeping, and wailing done because you're a whiny little slut that can't get it through her head that she's just that fucking EASY...! Then you're mistaken about something else too, Nefertari."
  77. And now.
  79. A glance towards Judas, and his attent given to him as these words next spoken were to be encompass a decisiont hought on after multiple tries, and many failed attempts.
  81. "I'm going to kill her, Judas. Whether you allow me to, or not- you do not need to choose between my service, and that whore's embrace. It's what I desire, and unlike her- my desires are never to be lied about, or shelved for another's; fight me on this if you want, beat me, and punish me -- it's not going to change that I'm going to cut. Her. Fucking. Head. Off."
  82. (Hendrix Este)
  83. Ophelia Hirano: <* folds her hands in her lap, looks away...!! *>
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