
Throat Config Items 2019/04/10

Apr 9th, 2019
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  1. SUB_PREFIX // "/s" with no tailing slash
  2. WEBPACK_MANIFEST_PATH // unpacked in, used in webpack.config.js line 49 -- unsure of purpose
  3. ENABLE_SECURITY_QUESTIONS // enable security questions for user accounts?
  4. CAS_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS // Hosts that can use CAS SSO
  5. DB_NAME // Name of throat database on SQL server
  6. DB_HOST // Host of SQL server
  7. DB_USER // User with access to database on SQL server
  8. DB_PASSWD // Password for database user
  9. DATABASE_URL // mysql protocol url... current compiles this from DB_* items. This is silly, but the code still uses DB_* and this allows for a remote DB
  10. COPY // copyright string, minus the symbol
  11. LEMA // Site name string
  12. WEBSOCKET_SERVER // Server hosting websocket, usually localhost and port, used for chat and events like subscribe and voting
  13. RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY // public key for recaptcha
  14. CACHE_REDIS_HOST // Server hosting redis
  15. CACHE_REDIS_PORT // Port for redis server
  16. CACHE_REDIS_DB // Redis database index
  17. SOCKETIO_REDIS_URL // Redis url, port, and database index used for SocketIO, url
  18. ENABLE_TOTP // Enabled TOTP for admins, boolean
  19. SENDGRID_API_KEY // API key for SendGrid email service
  20. SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM // Default "from:" address for SendGrid emails
  21. CHANGELOG_SUB // SubPost.sid of sub used for changelog
  22. ALLOW_UPLOADS // Allow image uploading, boolean
  23. STORAGE_HOST // Server where uploads are sent, url
  24. STORAGE // Location where uploads are placed, path
  25. THUMBNAIL_HOST // Server where thumnails are sent, url
  26. THUMBNAILS // Location where thumbnails are placed, path
  27. XMR_ADDRESS // Address for XMR donations
  28. ON_POST_REPORT // Allow post reporting? Seems to be related to whether it works, not whether it shows. boolean
  29. ON_COMMENT_REPORT // Allow comment reporting? Seems to be related to whether it works, not whether it shows. boolean
  31. WTF_CSRF_ENABLED // Flag to enable CSRF Protection? Doesn't actually do anything, nor would it be adviseable to switch off... this shouldn't exist. boolean
  32. WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY // Key used to encrypt cookies. Current config uses SECRET_KEY, 2for1 special.
  34. DEBUG // Flask builtin: Debug logging, boolean
  35. TESTING // Flask builtin: debug logging, turn off level restrictions, boolean
  36. SECRET_KEY // Flask builtin: key for signing session cookie, make it long and random
  37. MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH // Flask builtin: set max upload size
  39. CACHE_TYPE // unused in code, exists in
  40. RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY // unused in code, exists in
  42. Additional Flask Builtin Configuration Values:
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