

Feb 14th, 2015
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  1. Humans; Jack of all trades, masters of none. Typically the most populous race, or the 'general' race. If not the fastest breeding, then they generally are the 'run them down by numbers' race. Generally the 'Youngest' race. One of the shortest lived races.
  3. Humans are known for one single thing, beyond all other races; Their endurance. The Elves last for lengthy periods of time, but nothing like the Humans. They're pretty scary in the way they're built to move continuously without rest. They hunt through exhaustion techniques, running their prey into the ground before killing it. They are stationary however, and don't often utilize this style of hunting anymore, due to having far greater technology than they used to, but the threat is still there. Also reproduce a good deal faster than most other species.
  5. Dwarves; Xenophobic, gruff miners with a love of ale and gold. Wield battleaxes and are extremely defensive-style fighting, due to living in/underground. Often one of the 'Oldest' races. Master smithers with an art unequaled except by the Ancient missing race. Live for a very long time, but are mortal.
  7. They're actually the military powerhouse of the world, known for their crossbowmen and Phlanaxes. They're masters at tunnel fighting, and also plains warfare. Dwarves don't actually live underground or in the mountains, rather they live just on the cusps of their mines. Their irrational love of gold was born to them being negotiable and very open to trade, but ruthless in it.
  9. Elves; Arrogant, prideful, very dis likable immortals, and if not immortal, very long lived. Tree lovers and generally passive, but when roused to war they actually do fight. Second only to the Dwarves in the forge.
  10. Elves are demon-esque in appearance. Triple jointed legs, clawed hands, and horns. They actually have four arms, but no one really sees the other two due to them being delicate, atrophied things they keep clutched to their chests beneath their clothes. Most Civilized of all the races, they reached an industrial high after being abandoned by their superiors; the Glymourn.
  12. Orcs; Savage, unintelligent short lived brutal militants. Nomadic, or semi-stationary lifestyle, they roam and kill everything around them. Typically an entirely evil race.
  14. Orcs are bio-engineered weapons of war, that went too far. Originally created to serve the purpose of a Demon prince, during the first war of falling stars, they bred very quickly, and aged very quickly, specifically to win a war. However, they cannot do much other than fight, and after the Demon prince lost, they simply left. Where they went is a mystery, but when they returned, they bore strange armor and weapons, with a mark not attributed to any known ruler. They built their own cities, and have stayed there ever since, preferring diplomacy to war, though they still are very adept at the art.
  16. Mefolk; Graceful and rulers of vast cities under the ocean, can be violent, but generally are not prone to murdering everyone.
  17. Little does anyone know, let alone the Merfolk themselves, is that they were once Humans. Their cities sunk when the continent fell, and due to the nature of the Abyssal depths, the magic changed them into a form that could withstand the waters. This is evident in the fact that they can still breathe air, and children between the two races are both fertile and healthy.
  19. Lizardmen; Orcs with scales and a tail, except stationary and they live in swamps. Typically a neutral/sometimes evil race.
  21. Lizardmen are divinely created servants, or so they're taught. They're one part of a social hierarchy that includes two entirely seperate races, though they are taught they are one. Religion is a core concept of Lizardmen society, and to hear of a Lizardman becoming another religion is entirely unheard of. They serve the greater Yuan-Ti, who in turn serve the great snakes. They are very adept at warfare, and prefer blowguns and ambush style fighting to open warfare, but their relationship with nature leaves them very capeable on plains. They are actually warm-blooded, and do not reproduce in any typical fashion.
  23. Gnolls/Beastmen; Orcs up to 11. No civilization by any standards beyond might makes right, and very carnivorous. Generally eat anything, and are not seen in civilized areas.
  25. Ancestral worship is prominent in Beastmen society, living upon their own burial grounds. Contribution to clan is one of the most important aspects, and as such, the Beastmen eat those that fall in battle. If you were to fall otherwise, as long as it was in contribution, you will be joined with the herd and sent to their heaven. However, if you died in a non-contribution role, your body will be buried, and you will likely be risen as a style of undead. In this way, you may serve the herd even after your death, even though your soul is in purgatory.
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