
Shrugs off splat

Jun 11th, 2022
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  1. Together they whirled and sank to the concrete in a flurry of shattering blows. They traded fists and knees; Ryn deflected Splat’s, and as they tore at one another, his blows pocked a trail of tiny craters in the concrete. He brute-forced Ryn into a steel girder. She snaked a leg around his knee, flexed him into the ground, and loosed a hurting volley into his ribs. He tore one arm loose, backhanded her, and she spat the blood into his eyes. Then she cracked her forehead down into his temple. He went limp.
  2. But not for long. He lurched with new vigor. He grabbed a fistful of her kanaf and slammed her back into the pillar over and over until it dented. On the fifth slam, Ryn clung fast to the pillar. She pincered his throat with her legs and jerked him to the side, into a car hood so soundly that his face left an impression in the soft metal.
  5. Chapter 6, Page 79
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