
Magic PvP Coin

Sep 15th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {fc.%player%} is not set:
  3. set {fc.%player%} to 100
  4. command /fcreset:
  5. trigger:
  6. if {fc.%player%} is not set:
  7. set {fc.%player%} to 100
  8. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &aFCをreloadしました"
  10. command /getfc [<number>]:
  11. permission: fc.admin
  12. trigger:
  13. if arg is set:
  14. add arg to {fc.%player%}
  15. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &a+&6&l%arg%&eFriedCoin "
  16. else:
  17. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &cコインの数が指定されていません"
  19. command /fc [<text>] [<number>]:
  20. trigger:
  21. if arg 1 is not set:
  22. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &c指定されていません(使い方 /fc help)"
  23. if arg 1 is "out":
  24. if arg 2 is set:
  25. if arg 2 <= {fc.%player%}:
  26. give magma cream named "&9&l《 &eFried Coin &9&l》" with lore "&e価値&a:&6%arg-2%" to player
  27. remove arg-2 from {fc.%player%}
  28. else:
  29. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &cコインの数が指定されていません"
  30. if arg 1 is "help":
  31. send "&8[&9FCsk&8]"
  32. send "&9/fc help &6&l= &8このコマンドのヘルプを表示します"
  33. send "&9/fc out 金額 &6&l= &8金額の数だけFCを引き出します"
  34. command /money:
  35. trigger:
  36. send "&e%player%"
  37. send "&eFriedCoin&a: &6%{fc.%player%}%"
  39. on rightclick with magma cream:
  40. set {_Coin::*} to lore of player's tool
  41. loop {_Coin::*}:
  42. loop-value contains "&e価値&a:&6":
  43. set {_n} to loop-value
  44. replace "&e価値&a:&6" with "" in {_n}
  45. send "&8[&9FCsk&8] &a+&6&l%{_n}% &eFriedCoin"
  46. add {_n} parsed as number to {fc.%player%}
  47. clear held item
  49. on rightclick with trapped chest:
  50. cancel event
  51. remove 1 trapped chest named "&a報酬箱" from player's inventory
  52. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1"
  53. set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 100
  54. if {_random} is between 1 and 70:
  55. send "&a+&e5 &7FriedCoin"
  56. add 5 to {fc.%player%}
  57. if {_random} is between 71 and 97:
  58. send "&a+&e10 &7FriedCoin"
  59. add 10 to {fc.%player%}
  60. if {_random} is between 98 and 100:
  61. add 100 to {fc.%player%}
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