
Hack9 complete dump

May 14th, 2017
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  1. [0x3b6a84],"看板「氷はすごい!
  2. 出来るだけ多く集めよう!
  3. ",""
  4. [0x3b6ab4],"エニグマ兵「すばらしい!
  5. ",""
  6. [0x3b6ad0],"宝箱の中にある紙「気持ちを切り替えるだけで
  7. 別の視点が現れるのです
  8. ",""
  9. [0x3b6b18],"エニグマ兵「行き止まりだって?
  10. いいや、君になら出来るはずだ
  11. ",""
  12. [0x3b6b58],"エニグマ兵「さあ、奥へ行き新しい世界を感じなさい
  13. ",""
  14. [0x3b6b8c],"エニグマ兵「2次元ではない、
  15. 実は3次元なのだ
  16. ",""
  17. [0x3b6bc0],"エニグマ兵「忠告しようスノート、
  18. この世界は2次元だと思っているだろう
  19. ",""
  20. [0x3b6ca0],"国宝級の一振りだったようだが、サビでぼろぼろだ",""
  21. [0x3b6cd0],"ヤスツナ",""
  22. [0x3b6cd8],"天下五剣を練りこんで作られた腕輪、攻撃×4",""
  23. [0x3b6d04],"ナユタリング",""
  24. [0x3b6d0c],"「疾風」の号を持つ下着",""
  25. [0x3b6d24],"ドロワ-ズ",""
  26. [0x3b6d2c],"那須与一が愛用していたと伝えられる矢",""
  27. [0x3b6d54],"ヨイチノヤ",""
  28. [0x3b6d5c],"那須与一が愛用していたと伝えられる弓",""
  29. [0x3b6d84],"カホウ",""
  30. [0x3b6d88],"ヨイチノユミ",""
  31. [0x3b6d90],"刀のように研ぎ澄まされた斧",""
  32. [0x3b6dac],"サムライアツクス",""
  33. [0x3b6db8],"ヴァジュラダラの念がこもった腕輪、攻撃×2",""
  34. [0x3b6de4],"ウデワ",""
  35. [0x3b6dec],"コンゴウウデワ",""
  36. [0x3b6df8],"敵に囲まれて自決が必要になった時に使う装置",""
  37. [0x3b6e24],"ジバクソウチ",""
  38. [0x3b6e30],"ガソリンなどの可燃性の液体を充てんしたビン",""
  39. [0x3b6e5c],"カエンビン",""
  40. [0x3b6e64],"高校時代の時着ていた服",""
  41. [0x3b6e7c],"ガクセイフク",""
  42. [0x3b6e84],"第三階層にある研究施設の番号が刻まれたカギ",""
  43. [0x3b6eb0],"カギ",""
  44. [0x3b6eb4],"ラボキ-",""
  45. [0x3b6ebc],"部品を金の素材で作ったAK47、センスが悪い",""
  46. [0x3b6eec],"キンノカタマリ",""
  47. [0x3b6ef4],"オウゴンAK",""
  48. [0x3b6efc],"中東が原産の果実、赤い果肉がびっしり詰まっている",""
  49. [0x3b6f30],"クダモノ",""
  50. [0x3b6f38],"ザクロ",""
  51. [0x3b6f40],"ストロンチウム放射性同位体",""
  52. [0x3b6f5c],"カクブシツ",""
  53. [0x3b6f64],"ストロンチウム",""
  54. [0x3b6f6c],"加熱調理された野菜の総称",""
  55. [0x3b6f88],"オンヤサイ",""
  56. [0x3b6f90],"回鍋肉、中国料理・四川料理のひとつ",""
  57. [0x3b6fb4],"ホイコ-ロ",""
  58. [0x3b6fbc],"良い焼き具合の肉、見ているだけで食欲が沸いてくる",""
  59. [0x3b6ff0],"ニクステ-キ",""
  60. [0x3b6ff8],"肉を生で調理したもの、新鮮",""
  61. [0x3b7014],"ニクサシミ",""
  62. [0x3b701c],"ご飯に焼きあがった肉を和えたもの",""
  63. [0x3b7040],"ニクドン",""
  64. [0x3b7048],"漫画のように焼きあがった肉",""
  65. [0x3b7064],"マンガニク","MANGA MEAT"
  66. [0x3b706c],"からのビン、くちがベトベトする","Empty bottle with a sticky neck"
  67. [0x3b708c],"アキビン","EMPTY BOT."
  68. [0x3b7094],"しんだゴキブリ、あぶらでギトギトになっている","Greasy dead cockroach"
  69. [0x3b70c4],"ゴキブリノシガイ","COCKROACH"
  70. [0x3b70d0],"ふるいミルク、なかみがチーズみたいになっている","Old milk, contents are cheese-like"
  71. [0x3b7100],"ミルク","MILK"
  72. [0x3b7104],"ふるいせんざい、こながかたまっている","Old detergent, powder has caked solid"
  73. [0x3b712c],"センザイ","DETERGENT"
  74. [0x3b7134],"バイクのぶひん、さびていてつかいものにならない","Bike part, too rusty to be usable"
  75. [0x3b7164],"オイルタンク","OIL TANK"
  76. [0x3b716c],"あちこちデコボコになっている","Empty pot, rugged all over"
  77. [0x3b718c],"カラナベ","EMPTY POT"
  78. [0x3b7194],"かみをまるめたもの、あちこちくろずんでいる","Paper ball, blackened all over"
  79. [0x3b71c0],"あきかん、ラベルがさびていてなにかわからない","Empty can, label gone unrecognizable"
  80. [0x3b71f0],"アキカン","EMPTY CAN"
  81. [0x3b71f8],"こおり、とてもつめたい","Ice, very cold"
  82. [0x3b7210],"コオリ","ICE"
  83. [0x3b7214],"ドイツで開発された手りゅう弾、別名ポテトマッシャー",""
  84. [0x3b7248],"M24",""
  85. [0x3b724c],"かみをまるめたもの、なにかかいてあるようだ","Paper ball, has writing on it"
  86. [0x3b7278],"ステファンがおこした障害の原因が書かれている",""
  87. [0x3b72a8],"カミクズ","PAPER SCRAP"
  88. [0x3b72b0],"ホウコクシヨ","REPORT"
  89. [0x3b72b8],"ウサギノスナチサン",""
  90. [0x3b72c4],"難水溶性の紙、薄く柔らかい、",""
  91. [0x3b72e4],"テイシユ-",""
  92. [0x3b72ec],"ハ-ドケ-ス3",""
  93. [0x3b72f8],"ブロックの部品",""
  94. [0x3b7308],"ハ-ドケ-ス2",""
  95. [0x3b7314],"9シリ-ズ3",""
  96. [0x3b731c],"9シリ-ズ2",""
  97. [0x3b7324],"9の一部を特殊な液体につけて標本にしたもの",""
  98. [0x3b7350],"ゾウモツ",""
  99. [0x3b7358],"9シリ-ズ1",""
  100. [0x3b7360],"ぬらぬらした海洋有機物的デザインのオブジェ",""
  101. [0x3b738c],"ヌラルラシタモノ",""
  102. [0x3b7398],"ヌラヌラシタモノ",""
  103. [0x3b73a4],"焼きすぎた物体、消し炭みたいな味がする",""
  104. [0x3b73cc],"ケシズミ",""
  105. [0x3b73d4],"島根アビオニクス製の光学迷彩",""
  106. [0x3b73f4],"弾薬補充 MP+1",""
  107. [0x3b7408],"ツブ",""
  108. [0x3b740c],"タマ",""
  109. [0x3b7410],"大阪オリンピックのオフィシャルマスコット",""
  110. [0x3b743c],"ヌイグルミ",""
  111. [0x3b7444],"クマノポリスサン",""
  112. [0x3b7450],"対戦車ミサイルの一種、レイセオン社製",""
  113. [0x3b7478],"TOW",""
  114. [0x3b747c],"島根アビオニクス製のECM装置、レーダをかく乱する",""
  115. [0x3b74b0],"弓",""
  116. [0x3b74b4],"ユミ",""
  117. [0x3b74b8],"矢",""
  118. [0x3b74bc],"ボウキレ","STICK"
  119. [0x3b74c4],"ヤ","BOW"
  120. [0x3b74c8],"フランク族が投てき武器として用いた戦斧",""
  121. [0x3b74f0],"テツボウ",""
  122. [0x3b74f8],"フランキスカ",""
  123. [0x3b7500],"せつだんされたひとのどうたい","Cut human torso"
  124. [0x3b7520],"ドウ","TORSO"
  125. [0x3b7524],"せつだんされたひとのいちぶ","Cut human body part"
  126. [0x3b7540],"イチブ","BODY PART"
  127. [0x3b7548],"せつだんされたひとのとうぶ、","Cut human head"
  128. [0x3b7568],"クビ","HEAD"
  129. [0x3b756c],"SPY訓練用の積み木",""
  130. [0x3b7584],"ツミキ",""
  131. [0x3b7588],"こがたかしたミサイル、ていかかく、ていねんぴ","Compact affordable economical missile"
  132. [0x3b75b8],"マイクロミサイル","MICRO MISS."
  133. [0x3b75c4],"戦前に売られていた海外のフレーク菓子",""
  134. [0x3b75ec],"シユガ-ボム",""
  135. [0x3b75f8],"ストロンチウム放射性同位体とザクロを添加したヌカコーラ",""
  136. [0x3b7630],"ヒカルエキタイ",""
  137. [0x3b7638],"クアンタム","QUANTUM"
  138. [0x3b7640],"NUKACOLA社の清涼飲料、ビタミン類が豊富",""
  139. [0x3b7670],"コ-ラ","COLA"
  140. [0x3b7674],"ヌカコ-ラ","NUKA-COLA"
  141. [0x3b767c],"ひとのほね","Human bone"
  142. [0x3b7688],"ホネ","BONE"
  143. [0x3b768c],"ひとのあばらぼね","Human rib cage"
  144. [0x3b76a0],"アバラ","RIB CAGE"
  145. [0x3b76a8],"ひとのとうこつ","Human skull"
  146. [0x3b76b8],"シロイホネ","WHITE BONE"
  147. [0x3b76c0],"ドクロ","SKULL"
  148. [0x3b76c8],"じりつゆうどうにしたがってみずらもくひょうをこうげきするぐんじへいき","Armament that homes in on its target"
  149. [0x3b7710],"プロパン","PROPANE"
  150. [0x3b7718],"ミサイル","MISSILE"
  151. [0x3b7720],"アイテムを装てんして発射することができるランチャー",""
  152. [0x3b7754],"ROCKIT",""
  153. [0x3b775c],"ヒューレット・パッカード社が販売しているラックマウント型サーバ",""
  154. [0x3b779c],"DL380G5",""
  155. [0x3b77a4],"中心に目がある喋るダンビラ、↑Xで怨霊散弾を出す",""
  156. [0x3b77d8],"フルイダンビラ",""
  157. [0x3b77e4],"ソ-ドオブロス",""
  158. [0x3b77f0],"幕末の世に開発された先込め管打式銃",""
  159. [0x3b7814],"ミエミ-",""
  160. [0x3b781c],"1670年代にフランスで開発された雷管式マスケット銃",""
  161. [0x3b7854],"ヒナワジユウ",""
  162. [0x3b785c],"ゲ-ベル゙",""
  163. [0x3b7864],"シスコシステムズが製造販売しているネットワークスイッチ","Network switch made and sold by Cisco"
  164. [0x3b789c],"シロイハコ","WHITE BOX"
  165. [0x3b78a4],"CATALYST",""
  166. [0x3b78b0],"ジュニパーネットワークス社のアプライアンスFW","Firewall by Juniper Networks"
  167. [0x3b78e0],"アオイハコ","BLUE BOX"
  168. [0x3b78e8],"NETSCREEN",""
  169. [0x3b78f4],"格闘用の棒、とても重い",""
  170. [0x3b790c],"ボウ",""
  171. [0x3b7910],"キノボウ",""
  172. [0x3b7918],"個人用のコンピュータ、無駄に機能が高い",""
  173. [0x3b7940],"デスクトツプPC",""
  174. [0x3b794c],"4つしかないと言われている曜変天目の貴重な茶わん、",""
  175. [0x3b7980],"セトヤキ",""
  176. [0x3b7988],"ヨウヘンテンモク","Y.TENMOKU"
  177. [0x3b7994],"ビールなどのさけをのむためによういるうつわ","Container for beverages like beer"
  178. [0x3b79c0],"コツプ","CUP"
  179. [0x3b79c8],"ワインを飲むのに使われる杯、ガラスで出来ている",""
  180. [0x3b79f8],"グラス","GLASS"
  181. [0x3b7a00],"ブドウの果汁を発酵させたアルコール飲料、他の果汁は含まない",""
  182. [0x3b7a3c],"ワイン","WINE"
  183. [0x3b7a40],"酵母により発酵させて作るアルコール飲料の一種",""
  184. [0x3b7a70],"ガラス","GLASS"
  185. [0x3b7a78],"ビ-ル","BEER"
  186. [0x3b7a80],"超能力を引き出すアッパー系のドラッグ、服用しすぎると死に至る危険性あり",""
  187. [0x3b7ac8],"カプセル",""
  188. [0x3b7ad0],"ナンバ-ズ",""
  189. [0x3b7ad8],"コンピュータなどの映像信号をブラウン管で表示する機器",""
  190. [0x3b7b10],"シカクイモノ",""
  191. [0x3b7b18],"デイスプレイ",""
  192. [0x3b7b24],"自分の位置を把握できる機械",""
  193. [0x3b7b40],"敵のHPを把握できる機械",""
  194. [0x3b7b5c],"ソビエト連邦軍が正式採用した歩兵用突撃銃",""
  195. [0x3b7b88],"AK47",""
  196. [0x3b7b90],"オーストリアのグロック社が開発した自動式拳銃",""
  197. [0x3b7bc0],"GLOCK17",""
  198. [0x3b7bc8],"ゲイシャガール用の戦闘用武器",""
  199. [0x3b7be8],"キレハシ",""
  200. [0x3b7bf0],"センス",""
  201. [0x3b7bf4],"遠いところのアイテムをつかめる長物↓Xで解除",""
  202. [0x3b7c24],"マジツクハンド",""
  203. [0x3b7c30],"枯れ枝・病気枝などを切り、樹勢を回復させるためのハサミ",""
  204. [0x3b7c68],"チイサイナイフ",""
  205. [0x3b7c70],"センテイバサミ",""
  206. [0x3b7c7c],"国家公務員も欲しがる入手不可能な幻の酒",""
  207. [0x3b7ca4],"ニホンシユ",""
  208. [0x3b7cac],"コシノカンパイ",""
  209. [0x3b7cb8],"日本各地で栽培されている米、強く食味に優れている",""
  210. [0x3b7cec],"コシヒカリ",""
  211. [0x3b7cf4],"鳥の肉、チキンとも言う 美味しい",""
  212. [0x3b7d18],"トリニク",""
  213. [0x3b7d20],"ナツメヤシ科常緑高木の果実 広く栽培が行われている",""
  214. [0x3b7d54],"マメ",""
  215. [0x3b7d58],"デ-ツ",""
  216. [0x3b7d60],"スズキ目・サバ科・マグロ族に分類される魚の肉",""
  217. [0x3b7d90],"ツナ",""
  218. [0x3b7d94],"アメリカ合衆国テネシー州にある酒造メーカの銘柄",""
  219. [0x3b7dc4],"ビン",""
  220. [0x3b7dc8],"ジヤツクダニエル",""
  221. [0x3b7dd4],"北海道産の米、名前は種一般公募で選ばれた",""
  222. [0x3b7e00],"コメ",""
  223. [0x3b7e04],"キララ397",""
  224. [0x3b7e0c],"サンゴのしがい たべれない","Dead coral, inedible"
  225. [0x3b7e28],"ウツクシイモノ","PRETTY OBJ."
  226. [0x3b7e30],"サンゴ","CORAL"
  227. [0x3b7e38],"アブラナ科の植物、結球型 まあ美味しい",""
  228. [0x3b7e60],"キヤベツ",""
  229. [0x3b7e68],"生食用品種、明治時代に川田竜吉がイギリスから持ってきた",""
  230. [0x3b7ea0],"ダンシヤク",""
  231. [0x3b7ea8],"イネ科の一年生植物 穀物や燃料になる",""
  232. [0x3b7ed0],"トウモロコシ",""
  233. [0x3b7ed8],"ツルレイシの未熟な果実 苦い",""
  234. [0x3b7ef8],"ミニクイモノ",""
  235. [0x3b7f00],"ニガウリ",""
  236. [0x3b7f08],"職人が長い時間をかけて作った練り物",""
  237. [0x3b7f2c],"ウズマキ",""
  238. [0x3b7f34],"ナルト",""
  239. [0x3b7f38],"職人が長い時間をかけて作ったラーメン",""
  240. [0x3b7f60],"タベモノ",""
  241. [0x3b7f68],"ヌ-ドル",""
  242. [0x3b7f70],"ナス科の一年草、その果実 辛い",""
  243. [0x3b7f90],"ピ-マン",""
  244. [0x3b7f98],"ヒルガオ科サツマイモ属の植物 甘い",""
  245. [0x3b7fbc],"ホソナガイモノ",""
  246. [0x3b7fc8],"サツマイモ",""
  247. [0x3b7fd0],"生食用品種、大正時代にジャポーネに伝わる",""
  248. [0x3b7ffc],"マルイモノ",""
  249. [0x3b8004],"メ-クイン",""
  250. [0x3b800c],"ウリ科カボチャ属の総称 アメリカ大陸原産",""
  251. [0x3b8038],"アオイタマ",""
  252. [0x3b8040],"カボチヤ",""
  253. [0x3b8048],"粘性が高くカロリーが高い飲み物、成分は不明",""
  254. [0x3b8074],"ドロドリンク",""
  255. [0x3b8080],"小麦粉やライ麦粉の生地を発酵させ焼いた商品",""
  256. [0x3b80ac],"コウバシイモノ",""
  257. [0x3b80b8],"パン",""
  258. [0x3b80bc],"ナス科トウガラシ属 辛い",""
  259. [0x3b80d8],"アカイモノ",""
  260. [0x3b80e0],"トウガラシ",""
  261. [0x3b80e8],"ナス科ナス属の植物 原産地はインド",""
  262. [0x3b810c],"イビツナモノ",""
  263. [0x3b8114],"ナスビ",""
  264. [0x3b811c],"アブラナ科の越年草、別名カブラ、カブラナ、スズナ",""
  265. [0x3b8150],"アブラナ科ダイコン属の野菜 二十日大根",""
  266. [0x3b8178],"カブ",""
  267. [0x3b817c],"ラ-デツシユ",""
  268. [0x3b8184],"奈良県、和歌山の郷土料理 精進料理",""
  269. [0x3b81a8],"シロイカタマリ",""
  270. [0x3b81b0],"ゴマドウフ",""
  271. [0x3b81b8],"牛の肉、ビーフとも言う 美味しい",""
  272. [0x3b81dc],"ギユウニク",""
  273. [0x3b81e4],"ネギ科ネギ属、原産地は主に中央アジア",""
  274. [0x3b820c],"ホソナガイアオ",""
  275. [0x3b8218],"ネギ",""
  276. [0x3b821c],"アブラナ科の野菜 白い",""
  277. [0x3b8234],"シロイクサ","WHITE GRASS"
  278. [0x3b823c],"ハクサイ","CABBAGE"
  279. [0x3b8244],"ミカン科ミカン属の果実 甘酸っぱい",""
  280. [0x3b8268],"オレンジ","ORANGE"
  281. [0x3b8270],"きんだんの・・・","The forbidden one..."
  282. [0x3b8284],"シマパンツ","SHIMAPAN"
  283. [0x3b8290],"ノーリス・パッカードしゃがはんばいしているラックマウントがたサーバ","Rack server sold by Norris-Packard"
  284. [0x3b82d4],"ハイイロノハコ","GRAY BOX"
  285. [0x3b82dc],"DD380G5",""
  286. [0x3b82e4],"大亜光レのサイキッカー用201型力場絶縁砲","Force field insulation cannon 201"
  287. [0x3b8310],"テブクロ","GLOVE"
  288. [0x3b8318],"サイキツクハンド","PSI HAND"
  289. [0x3b8324],"しまねアビオニクスせいのこうがくめいさい","Cloaking device by Shimane Avionics"
  290. [0x3b8350],"ソウチ","DEVICE"
  291. [0x3b8354],"コウガクメイサイ","OPTIC CAMO"
  292. [0x3b8360],"しまねアビオニクスせいのECMそうち、レーダをかくらんする","Radar jammer made by Shimane Avionics"
  293. [0x3b839c],"シマネECM","SHIMANE ECM"
  294. [0x3b83a4],"きたいせいぎょシステム、ばいのそくどではしることができる","System that multiplies running speed"
  295. [0x3b83e0],"オクバ","MOLAR"
  296. [0x3b83e8],"カソクソウチ","ACCELERATOR"
  297. [0x3b83f0],"このせかいでさいこうのきれあじをもつかたな","”Rainbow”, the world’s sharpest sword"
  298. [0x3b841c],"ニジ","NIJI"
  299. [0x3b8420],"SOL",""
  300. [0x3b8424],"レ-ザカノン","LASERCANNON"
  301. [0x3b842c],"だんやくほじゅう MP+999","Ammunition, MP+999"
  302. [0x3b844c],"エ-テルMAX","ETHER MAX"
  303. [0x3b8454],"ちりょうセット HP+999","Medical treatment set, HP+999"
  304. [0x3b8474],"リペアMAX","REPAIR MAX"
  305. [0x3b8480],"ふじわらのひでさとがりゅうぐうのおうからはいりょうしたよろい DF+4","Bestoved by Dragon Palace King, DF+4"
  306. [0x3b84c8],"ヨロイ","ARMOR"
  307. [0x3b84cc],"ヒライシ","HIRAISHI"
  308. [0x3b84d4],"せいぎにこしつしぜんしんをみうしなったかみがやどるこて","Inhabited by the justice-obsessed god"
  309. [0x3b850c],"アシユラノコテ","ASURA GLOVE"
  310. [0x3b8514],"アメリカりくぐんの105ミリほうだん、レッカウランしよう","American 105mm depleted uranium shell"
  311. [0x3b8550],"キタナイバクダン","DIRTY BOMB"
  312. [0x3b855c],"M735A1",""
  313. [0x3b8568],"きんぞく、こうぎょうようとしてさまざまなぶんやでりようされている","Metal used in many fields of industry"
  314. [0x3b85ac],"キイロイモノ","YELLOW OBJ."
  315. [0x3b85b4],"キン","GOLD"
  316. [0x3b85b8],"きょうかがいかくようのさらにきょうかされたクサリガマ","Kusarigama enhanced even futher"
  317. [0x3b85f0],"VMOカツタ-","VMO CUTTER"
  318. [0x3b85f8],"てつをきりさくといわれるめいとう","Katana of legends, said to cut iron"
  319. [0x3b861c],"コテツ","KOTETSU"
  320. [0x3b8620],"とくしゅにかいぞうされたM16","Specially modified M16"
  321. [0x3b8640],"ツカイフルシ","WORN GUN"
  322. [0x3b8648],"カイゾウM16","M16 CUSTOM"
  323. [0x3b8654],"アサシンののろいがこめられたクナイ","Kunai imbued with assassin’s curse"
  324. [0x3b8678],"アサシンノクナイ","A.KUNAI"
  325. [0x3b8684],"げんじはちりょうのひとつとしてうたわれているめいひん DF+3","One of eight legendary armors, DF+3"
  326. [0x3b86c4],"ゲンジハチリヨウ","G.HACHIRYOU"
  327. [0x3b86d0],"タテナシ","TATENASHI"
  328. [0x3b86d8],"むろまちじだいまつきにかいはつされたとうけん、マンジガタになっている","Swastika-shaped Muromachi shuriken"
  329. [0x3b8720],"マンジシユリケン","M.SHURIKEN"
  330. [0x3b872c],"さんじょうのむねちかがてんゆうをもってきたえあげたかたな","Sanjou Munechika forged divine katana"
  331. [0x3b8768],"メイトウ","FAMED BLADE"
  332. [0x3b8770],"ミカズキムネチカ","M.MUNECHIKA"
  333. [0x3b877c],"PVCをそざいにしたほうしゃのうおせんをぼうしするためのふく","PVC-made, protects from radioactivity"
  334. [0x3b87bc],"ス-ツ","SUIT"
  335. [0x3b87c0],"アノラツクス-ツ","ANORAK SUIT"
  336. [0x3b87cc],"ベンゾジアゼピンけいのこうふあんざい","Anxiolytic of benzodiazepine family"
  337. [0x3b87f4],"ジヨウザイ","PILL"
  338. [0x3b87fc],"ジアゼパム","DIAZEPAM"
  339. [0x3b8808],"ゴビさばくしゅうへんにせいそくするどくむし","Olgoi-Khorkhoi from the Gobi Desert"
  340. [0x3b8834],"オルゴイコルコイ","DEATH WORM"
  341. [0x3b8840],"レーザーパルスをおくることでばくだんをきばくさせるそうち","Sends a laser pulse to detonate bombs"
  342. [0x3b887c],"キバクソウチ","DETONATOR"
  343. [0x3b8884],"しようできるおんどいきがひじょうにたかいプラスチックばくだん","Explosive usable in high temperatures"
  344. [0x3b88c4],"プラスチツク","PLASTIC"
  345. [0x3b88cc],"セムテツクス","SEMTEX"
  346. [0x3b88d4],"りくじょうにたいせきしたものがだんけつしたもの","Formed by sedimentation"
  347. [0x3b8904],"イワ","ROCK"
  348. [0x3b8908],"ニチナンせいのしさくへいき、レーザをだす","Nichinan made prototype, fires lasers"
  349. [0x3b8934],"レ-ザユニツト","LASER UNIT"
  350. [0x3b8940],"しょうげきはをだすことができる、つうしょう「マッハバンドシェーカ」","”Mach Band Shaker”, fires shockwaves"
  351. [0x3b8984],"コテ","GAUNTLET"
  352. [0x3b8988],"M.B.S",""
  353. [0x3b8990],"ウランやプルトニウムのかくぶんれつエネルギーをりようするばくだん","Bomb that uses nuclear fission energy"
  354. [0x3b89d4],"ゲンシバクダン","ATOM BOMB"
  355. [0x3b89e0],"ソビエトがかいはつしたセミオートそげきじゅう、↓Xでかいじょ","Soviet semi-auto sniper, ↓X to cancel"
  356. [0x3b8a20],"ナガモノ","LONG THING"
  357. [0x3b8a28],"ドラグノフ","DRAGUNOV"
  358. [0x3b8a30],"のろわれているチョッキ DF-5","Cursed vest, DF-5"
  359. [0x3b8a54],"ノロイチヨツキ","CURSED VEST"
  360. [0x3b8a5c],"ぜったいれいどのなかできたえられたスーツ DF+2","Suit tempered in absolute zero, DF+2"
  361. [0x3b8a90],"アイスス-ツ","ICE SUIT"
  362. [0x3b8a98],"だんやくほじゅう MP+50","Ammunition, MP+50"
  363. [0x3b8ab8],"エ-テル+","ETHER+"
  364. [0x3b8ac0],"きょうかがいかくようのクサリガマ","Kusarigama for use with power armor"
  365. [0x3b8ae4],"MOカツタ-","MO CUTTER"
  366. [0x3b8aec],"ぜったいれいどのなかできたえられたかたな","Sword tempered in absolute zero"
  367. [0x3b8b18],"コウゴウシキモノ","DIVINE OBJ."
  368. [0x3b8b24],"アイスソ-ド","ICE SWORD"
  369. [0x3b8b2c],"アメリカりくぐんでさいようされているはへんしゅりゅうだん","Frag grenade used by America’s army"
  370. [0x3b8b68],"M67",""
  371. [0x3b8b6c],"ちりょうセット HP+50","Medical treatment set, HP+50"
  372. [0x3b8b88],"リペア+","REPAIR+"
  373. [0x3b8b90],"モジュールしきをさいようしたアサルトライフル","Assault rifle of modular design"
  374. [0x3b8bc0],"ボウスイガタ","SPINDLELIKE"
  375. [0x3b8bcc],"FS2000",""
  376. [0x3b8bd4],"しょざいふめいのしさくようじゅう","Prototype gun of unknown origin"
  377. [0x3b8bf8],"サザンクロス","SOUTH.CROSS"
  378. [0x3b8c00],"むろまちじだいまつきにかいはつされたとうけん","Throwing weapon of late Muromachi era"
  379. [0x3b8c30],"シユリケン","SHURIKEN"
  380. [0x3b8c38],"たんてつでつくられたニンジャのぶき","Ninja weapon made from wrought iron"
  381. [0x3b8c5c],"クナイ","KUNAI"
  382. [0x3b8c60],"RPG-7V1",""
  383. [0x3b8c68],"スウェーデンでかいはつされたしこうせいたいしゃりょうじらい ↓Xでせっち","Swedish anti-tank mine, ↓X to set"
  384. [0x3b8cb4],"FRDM13",""
  385. [0x3b8cbc],"アメリカぐんのしようするしこうせいたいじんじらい ↓Xでせっち","American directional mine, ↓X to set"
  386. [0x3b8cfc],"ハコ","BOX"
  387. [0x3b8d00],"M18クレイモア","CLAYMORE"
  388. [0x3b8d0c],"きょうかがいかくようのしさくひん","Prototype to be used with power armor"
  389. [0x3b8d30],"クサリガマ","KUSARIGAMA"
  390. [0x3b8d38],"シサクカツター","PROTOCUTTER"
  391. [0x3b8d40],"ぜったいれいどのなかできたえられたナイフ","Knife tempered in absolute zero"
  392. [0x3b8d6c],"アイスナイフ","ICE KNIFE"
  393. [0x3b8d74],"ぐんようパワーアシストきき、2かいジャンプができる","Army equipment, enables double jump"
  394. [0x3b8da8],"パワ-ドユニツト","POWER UNIT"
  395. [0x3b8db4],"じぶんのいちをはあくできるきかい","Device that shows your location"
  396. [0x3b8dd8],"マツプスカウタ-","MAP SCOUTER"
  397. [0x3b8de4],"キクかのエディブルフラワー、ビタミンAがひときわたかい","Edible flower rich in vitamin A"
  398. [0x3b8e1c],"ハナ","FLOWER"
  399. [0x3b8e20],"カレンジユラ","CALENDULA"
  400. [0x3b8e28],"にくしょくせいのウシのようななきごえをするカエル","Carnivore frog that sounds like a cow"
  401. [0x3b8e5c],"ウシガエル","BULLFROG"
  402. [0x3b8e64],"ロシアでかいはつされたけいたいたいせんしゃへいき","Russian portable anti-tank weapon"
  403. [0x3b8e98],"フトイジユウ","BIG GUN"
  404. [0x3b8ea0],"RPG-7",""
  405. [0x3b8ea8],"イガシノビがつかっていたといわれるちょくとう","Sword said to be used by Iga shinobi"
  406. [0x3b8ed8],"ニンジヤソ-ド","NINJA SWORD"
  407. [0x3b8ee4],"ブロックのぶひん","Part of a block"
  408. [0x3b8ef8],"ハ-ドケ-ス","HARDCASE"
  409. [0x3b8f00],"かんしカメラのぶひん","Part from a surveillance camera"
  410. [0x3b8f18],"カメラレンズ","CAMERA LENS"
  411. [0x3b8f20],"さいしんのえんざんそうち","A brand new arithmetic unit"
  412. [0x3b8f3c],"ガラクタ","JUNK"
  413. [0x3b8f44],"CPUL1",""
  414. [0x3b8f4c],"チョッキじょうのぼうごふく DF+1","Jacket-shaped armor, DF+1"
  415. [0x3b8f74],"フク","SUIT"
  416. [0x3b8f78],"ボウダンチヨツキ","BULLET VEST"
  417. [0x3b8f84],"さいだいMPをぞうかさせる","Increases max MP"
  418. [0x3b8fa0],"MPノモト","MP BOOST"
  419. [0x3b8fa8],"さいだいHPをぞうかさせる","Increases max HP"
  420. [0x3b8fc4],"HPノモト","HP BOOST"
  421. [0x3b8fcc],"なぞのぶったいのにくへん、やわらかい","Mysterious soft meat"
  422. [0x3b8ff4],"モチ","MOCHI"
  423. [0x3b8ff8],"しんりんにすむやこうせいのどうぶつ","Nocturnal animal, lives in forests"
  424. [0x3b901c],"オオコウモリ","LARGE BAT"
  425. [0x3b9024],"おとなしいおおがたのたんすいぎょ、ぜつめつきぐしゅ","Docile freshwater fish, endangered"
  426. [0x3b9058],"アジアアロワナ","AROWANA"
  427. [0x3b9064],"こうげきてきでどんよくなおおがたのさかな","Aggressive and greedy large fish"
  428. [0x3b9090],"アストロノ-タス","ASTRONOTUS"
  429. [0x3b909c],"へんぺいでたいこうがたかいこがたのさかな","Flat and tall small fish"
  430. [0x3b90c8],"ニクヘン","MEAT SLICE"
  431. [0x3b90d0],"デイスカス","DISCUS"
  432. [0x3b90d8],"だんやくほじゅう MP+20","Ammunition, MP+20"
  433. [0x3b90f8],"エ-テル","ETHER"
  434. [0x3b9100],"ちりょうセット HP+20","Medical treatment set, HP+20"
  435. [0x3b911c],"ヤクヒン","MEDICINE"
  436. [0x3b9124],"リペア","REPAIR"
  437. [0x3b912c],"てきのHPをはあくできるきかい","Device that shows enemy HP"
  438. [0x3b914c],"スカウタ-","SCOUTER"
  439. [0x3b9154],"フラグ",""
  440. [0x3b915c],"フラグカクニン",""
  441. [0x3b9168],"りょうばのナイフ、ほじょよう","Double-edged support knife"
  442. [0x3b9188],"タヨリナイナイフ","WORN KNIFE"
  443. [0x3b9194],"ダガ-","DAGGER"
  444. [0x3b919c],"ブルパップほうしきのアサルトライフル","Bullpup-styled assault rifle"
  445. [0x3b91c4],"FAMAS",""
  446. [0x3b91cc],"ワルサーP99(しょきがた)","Walther P99 (Early type)"
  447. [0x3b91ec],"テツノカタマリ","IRON OBJECT"
  448. [0x3b91f4],"P99",""
  449. [0x3b91f8],"ネパールグルカおうちょうでつかわれたナイフ","Knife of Nepal’s Gorkha dynasty"
  450. [0x3b9224],"チイサナナイフ","SMALL KNIFE"
  451. [0x3b922c],"ククリナイフ","KUKRI KNIFE"
  452. [0x3b9234],"がっこうしていのみずぎ みがる","School swimsuit, lightweight"
  453. [0x3b9254],"ヌノ","CLOTH"
  454. [0x3b9258],"スク-ルミズギ","SWIMSUIT"
  455. [0x3b9264],"しゅりゅうだん、いっぱんてきにグレネードとよばれる","Better known as grenade"
  456. [0x3b9298],"パイナツプル","PINEAPPLE"
  457. [0x3b92a4],"MK2",""
  458. [0x3b92a8],"かたがわにしかやいばのないニホンのちょくとう","Single-edged Japanese straight sword"
  459. [0x3b92d8],"カタナ","KATANA"
  460. [0x3b92dc],"ジヤパニ-ズ","JAPANESE"
  461. [0x3b92e8],"しげきのある、やまのちんみ","Japanese mountain ginger"
  462. [0x3b9304],"サンサイ","VEGETABLE"
  463. [0x3b930c],"ミヨウガ","MYOUGA"
  464. [0x3b9314],"なし","NONE"
  465. [0x3b931c],"DataForWork\cursor.bmp",""
  466. [0x3b9334],"現在のフラグを確認します","Checking current flags"
  467. [0x3b9350],"スノートは食べてみた
  468. ミョウガの刺激的な食感にしばし心を奪われた","Snort tried eating it
  469. and was captivated by myouga’s flavor"
  470. [0x3b9390],"スノートはHPを回復させた","Snort restored HP"
  471. [0x3b93ac],"スノートはMPを補充した","Snort replenished MP"
  472. [0x3b93c8],"スノートは食べてみた","Snort tried eating it"
  473. [0x3b93e0],"スノートは飲んでみた","Snort tried drinking it"
  474. [0x3b93f8],"スノートは体を強化した
  475. スノートの最大HPが上がった","Snort powered up 
  476. Snort’s max HP increased"
  477. [0x3b942c],"スノートは体をを強化した
  478. スノートの最大MPが上がった","Snort powered up 
  479. Snort’s max MP increased"
  480. [0x3b9464],"スノートは錠剤を飲んだ
  481. スノートは不安を感じなくなった","Snort swallowed the pill
  482. Snort stopped feeling anxiety"
  483. [0x3b949c],"スノートは矢を手にした
  484. 弓があれば使うことが出来るだろう",""
  485. [0x3b94d8],"文「浄大ナイン様あああああなたを、あなたをあなとの
  486. いいいい殺してやりましたBABAのっばばのばばぁぁぁぁぁぁ
  487. 息子を3にんのうぇぇえええい(以下解読不能)」",""
  488. [0x3b9578],"スノートは玉の中をのぞいた
  489. 玉の中で光がゆらゆらと輝いている",""
  490. [0x3b95b8],"文「障害報告書ーーまったく自称ハッカーにはろくなヤツがいない
  491. かっこいい専門用語をまくしたてるがからっきしのアホだ!
  492. ネットワークの天才である私がいうから間違いないわ
  493. あいつらは古いゲームにしか興味がないのよ!
  494. *報告者 ステファン」",""
  495. [0x3b96a0],"文「*クラウド作業依頼書*
  496. 帝国光式レ社に発注した2500台の汎用コンピュータが届く
  497. コンテナのラッキングを至急お願いする
  498. 日時 2250年10月12日
  499. 場所 日南IDC京都御所  以上」",""
  500. [0x3b9760],"文「*クアンタム製造機のレシピ(全5種類)*
  501. クアンタム5本……ス×1、ザ×2、ヌ×5
  502. アイスソード……コ×5、ダ3×1
  503. 与一の矢……木×1、金×2、ク1×1、扇×1
  504. アル・ナスル……ス×5、シ×3、自×1、加×1、ジ×2、カ×1、R×1」",""
  505. [0x3b9850],"スノートはドラッグを飲んだ
  506. 何でもできるような妄想を感じた",""
  507. [0x3b988c],"スノートは使ってみたが
  508. 何も起きなかった","Snort tried using it,
  509. but nothing happened"
  510. [0x3b9ee0],"こちらα1、ターゲットをかくにんした","This is Alpha One. Target confirmed."
  511. [0x3b9f08]," ",""
  512. [0x3b9f0c],"ゴースト「5、数珠丸」
  513. ",""
  514. [0x3b9f28],"ゴースト「4、小烏丸天国」
  515. ",""
  516. [0x3b9f48],"ゴースト「3、大典太」
  517. ",""
  518. [0x3b9f64],"ゴースト「2、三日月宗近」
  519. ",""
  520. [0x3b9f84],"ゴースト「1、鬼丸」
  521. ",""
  522. [0x3b9f9c],"しねぇぇぇぇ!","DIEEEE!"
  523. [0x3b9fac],"DataForWork\npc.bmp",""
  524. [0x3b9fc0],"「カラナベ」をてにいれた!
  525. ","Obtained empty pot!
  526. "
  527. [0x3b9fe0],"「シマパンツ」をてにいれた!
  528. ","Obtained shimapan!
  529. "
  530. [0x3ba000],"たいちょう「これはニチナンぜんたいにかかわるもんだいだ
  531. スノートをのがしたつみはおもい・・・」
  532. ","Commander ”This is a problem 
  533. for Nichinan as whole. The 
  534. sin of letting Snort 
  535. escape is heavy...”
  536. "
  537. [0x3ba060],"しゃいん「はい、
  538. ログにはさんしょうのみで
  539. ふくせいをしたあとがひとつも・・・」
  540. ","Employee ”Yes, 
  541. the logs show traces of 
  542. browsing but none of 
  543. data being copied...”
  544. "
  545. [0x3ba0b8],"たいちょう「スノートはドクガスのデータをとらずににげただと?
  546. あのおんなはそれがもくてきだったはずだ」
  547. ","Commander ”You’re saying she 
  548. escaped without the data?
  549. It was supposed to be 
  550. that woman’s objective.”
  551. "
  552. [0x3ba120],"しゃいん「・・・スノートはゆくえしれず・・・」
  553. ","Employee ”...Snort’s whereabouts 
  554. are unknown...”
  555. "
  556. [0x3ba154],"たいちょう「・・・」
  557. ","Commander ”...”
  558. "
  559. [0x3ba170],"ですがスノート、
  560. ほんみょう(すのうあゆむ)のあしどりはいまだ
  561. つかめず・・・」
  562. ","But Snort, real name 
  563. ”Ayumu Sunou”, is still 
  564. at large...”
  565. "
  566. [0x3ba1c8],"しゃいん「ドクガスのかんぶはかんせいしつで・・・
  567. 9はかくほかんこで
  568. しぼうをかくにんしました
  569. ","Employee ”Poison Gas executives 
  570. at the control room and 
  571. 9 at the nuclear vault...
  572. are confirmed dead.
  573. "
  574. [0x3ba228],"MAP_EVE",""
  575. [0x3ba230],"*1かいそう*
  576. ドクガスヘリ
  577. しさくミサイラー
  578. ","*First floor*
  579. PGas Helicopter
  580. Prototype Missiler
  581. "
  582. [0x3ba260],"*1かいそう*
  583. ディスカス
  584. かんしカメラ
  585. ドクガスへい
  586. ドクガスせんしゃ
  587. ","*First floor*
  588. Discus
  589. Security Camera
  590. PGas Soldier
  591. PGas Tank
  592. "
  593. [0x3ba2a8],"*1かいそう*
  594. ボックス
  595. オオコウモリ
  596. アジアアロワナ
  597. アストロノータス
  598. ","*First floor*
  599. Box
  600. Large Bat
  601. Asian Arowana
  602. Astronotus
  603. "
  604. [0x3ba2f0],"*2かいそう*
  605. うしがえる
  606. セントリーガン
  607. ミサイラー
  608. ","*Second floor*
  609. Bullfrog
  610. Sentry Gun
  611. Missiler
  612. "
  613. [0x3ba328],"*3かいそう*
  614. カレンジュラ
  615. フライヤー
  616. ジャイロ
  617. りょうさんがたコーギドック
  618. ","*Third floor*
  619. Calendula
  620. Flyer
  621. Gyro
  622. MP Corgi Dog
  623. "
  624. [0x3ba378],"*4かいそう*
  625. ソヨン
  626. レーザユニット
  627. りょうさんがたライエン
  628. ザ・ストーン
  629. ","*Fourth floor*
  630. Soyon
  631. Laser Unit
  632. MP Raien
  633. The Stone
  634. "
  635. [0x3ba3c8],"*4かいそう*
  636. カンフーファイター
  637. オルデルコルコイ
  638. きらい
  639. ジエット
  640. ","*Fourth floor*
  641. Kung Fu Fighter
  642. Olgoi-Khorkhoi
  643. Mine
  644. Jet
  645. "
  646. [0x3ba410],"*5かいそう*
  647. よげんしゃ
  648. エリートコーギドック
  649. マスターニンジャ
  650. ","*Fifth floor*
  651. Prophet
  652. Elite Corgi Dog
  653. Master Ninja
  654. "
  655. [0x3ba454],"スノートのふくしゅうはおわるはずだった・・・
  656. ","Then Snort’s revenge would 
  657. come to an end...
  658. "
  659. [0x3ba488],"あとは9のUSBメモリーでてにいれたボットネットをつかい、
  660. ブロードキャストでぜんせかいにむけはいしんをすれば
  661. ニチナンエンタープライズのしんらいはくずれ、
  662. ","All that’s left to do is to 
  663. use the botnet included with 9’s 
  664. USB to broadcast the data 
  665. to all world and ruin 
  666. Nichinan’s name.
  667. "
  668. [0x3ba528],"それだけでなくしんがたのかくへいきや
  669. ほりょをりようしたじんたいじっけんのデータもあった
  670. ","There’s also data on new 
  671. nuclear weapons and 
  672. human experiments.
  673. "
  674. [0x3ba588],"ニチナンがごくひにかいはつした
  675. きょうかがいかくをじっせんとうにゅうした
  676. ドクガステロかつどうのデータ
  677. ","It’s field data on Nichinan-made 
  678. power armors, collected by Poison 
  679. Gas through real battles.
  680. "
  681. [0x3ba5f0],"スノートはながいたたかいをへて、
  682. ドクガスのデータをてにいれた
  683. ","After a long battle, Snort 
  684. finally obtained the data.
  685. "
  686. [0x3ba630],"「にじ」をてにいれた!
  687. ","Obtained Niji!
  688. "
  689. [0x3ba64c],"「スクールミズギ」をてにいれた!
  690. ","Obtained swimsuit!
  691. "
  692. [0x3ba670],"スノート「オレはふくしゅうをはたしにきた、
  693. オレとかぞくのじんせいをつぶした
  694. ニチナンエンタープライズにな!」
  695. ","Snort ”I’m here for revenge.
  696. Revenge against that which 
  697. ruined mine and my family’s 
  698. lives, Nichinan Enterprises!”
  699. "
  700. [0x3ba6e0],"スノート「ことわる
  701. オレをころそうとしたおまえにつくきはない」
  702. ","Snort ”I refuse. 
  703. I have no intent to side with 
  704. someone who tried to have 
  705. me killed.”
  706. "
  707. [0x3ba720],"ドクガスのデータがあれば
  708. ニチナンエンタープライズをおどし、
  709. たいきんをてにいれることができる」
  710. ","With Poison Gas’ data 
  711. we could blackmail Nichinan 
  712. for big money.”
  713. "
  714. [0x3ba784],"アユム
  715. おれとてをくまないか?
  716. ","Ayumu. 
  717. Why not join me?
  718. "
  719. [0x3ba7a8],"しかし、9やつがドクガスにいなければ
  720. おれはニチナンをぬけ、ドクガスのトップになれたのだ・・・
  721. ","But that damn 9...
  722. If she weren’t with Poison Gas, 
  723. I could have left Nichinan and 
  724. become their leader.
  725. "
  726. [0x3ba810],"ニチナンかんぶ「そうだ、
  727. ニチナンのきょうかがいかくを
  728. てみやげにしたら
  729. あっさりときょうりょくしてくれたよ
  730. ","Nichinan executive ”That’s right.
  731. I only had to present them 
  732. some power armors and they 
  733. were already on my side.
  734. "
  735. [0x3ba87c],"ドクガスのむほんをさそったのは・・・
  736. おまえか・・・」
  737. ","So you’re the one who 
  738. instigated Poison Gas to rebel...”
  739. "
  740. [0x3ba8b8],"スノート「ぎめいと(せいべつ)のおかげで
  741. いままでいきのこることができた・・・
  742. ","Snort ”Thanks to my alias 
  743. and my ”gender”, I managed 
  744. to survive this far...
  745. "
  746. [0x3ba908],"おまえはニチナンのあんさつしゃに
  747. ころされたはず・・・」
  748. ","You were supposed to 
  749. have been assassinated...”
  750. "
  751. [0x3ba944],"ニチナンかんぶ「!
  752. おまえはニチナンアユム・・・
  753. ","Nichinan executive ”!
  754. You’re Ayumu Nichinan...
  755. "
  756. [0x3ba978],"スノートは
  757. とびらをせいぎょするシステムをそうさした
  758. ","Snort operated the system 
  759. controlling the door.
  760. "
  761. [0x3ba9b0],"ホストにしんにゅうするためのパスワードをてにいれた
  762. スノートはホストにしんにゅうした
  763. ","Snort obtained a password and 
  764. used it to intrude the host.
  765. "
  766. [0x3baa08],"(ssh2)host:
  767. login:root
  768. password:s2o33ui44chi3ou
  769. ",""
  770. [0x3baa84],"スノートはしていされたこうもくをかきこみ
  771. きどうさせた
  772. ","Snort wrote the indicated 
  773. commands and ran them.
  774. "
  775. [0x3baabc],"コンソールがひらいた
  776. ","A console opened.
  777. "
  778. [0x3baad4],"#xhydra
  779. ",""
  780. [0x3baae8],"スノートはUSBメモリーのなかの
  781. データをすべてえいすうじにしたあと
  782. 100MBのデータにかえて
  783. パソコンにうつした
  784. ","Snort changed the USB’s data 
  785. to alphanumeric format and moved 
  786. 100MB of it to the PC.
  787. "
  788. [0x3bab60],"#NMAP -sN
  789. 23/TCP OPEN SSH
  791. ",""
  792. [0x3babdc],"スノートは9のUSBメモリーをさしこみ、
  793. さいきどうさせた
  794. ","Snort inserted 9’s USB and 
  795. restarted the system.
  796. "
  797. [0x3bac18],"スノートはメールないようからほんものの
  798. ホストをとくていした
  799. ","Snort identified the real host 
  800. with help of the mail.
  801. "
  802. [0x3bac58],"おそらくよほどのDosアタックをうけたのだろう
  803. そのりょうはドクガスのネットワークだけではだせない・・・
  804. とスノートはかんがえた
  805. ","It probably took a considerable DOS 
  806. attack, so large it’s not possible 
  807. with Poison Gas’ network alone...
  808. "
  809. [0x3bace0],"はんのうがない・・・
  810. かんぜんにサーバがていししているようだ・・・
  811. ","No response...
  812. The server has 
  813. stopped completely...
  814. "
  815. [0x3bad24],"#NMAP -sN 223.223.233.XXX
  816. ",""
  817. [0x3bad5c],"スノートはニチナンのサーバのじょうたいをしらべた
  818. ","Snort examined the status 
  819. of the Nichinan server.
  820. "
  821. [0x3bad90],"ないようはプロクシーサーバのログだった
  822. ファイアーウォールがしゃだんしたアクセスをかきこんでいるようだ
  823. 139ポートにむけたアクセスがたいりょうにかきこまれていた
  824. ","It’s the proxy server’s log.
  825. It’s listing accesses prevented by
  826. the firewall. A large amount of
  827. them are directed to port 139.
  828. "
  829. [0x3bae34],"かんりしゃメールボックスにメールがとどいている
  830. ","There’s a new mail in 
  831. administrator’s mailbox.
  832. "
  833. [0x3bae68],"あてさきはニチナングループのしょゆうするサーバだった
  834. ","It’s a server owned by Nichinan.
  835. "
  836. [0x3baea0],"#Who is 223.223.233.XXX
  837. ",""
  838. [0x3baed4],"スノートはあてさきをしらべた
  839. ","Snort checked the destination.
  840. "
  841. [0x3baef4],"すべてのデータがいっかしょのサーバにむけられている
  842. ","All data is being directed 
  843. to a single server.
  844. "
  845. [0x3baf2c],"#./sniffer
  846. ",""
  847. [0x3baf44],"スノートはプロクシーサーバの
  848. データをとうちょうしてみた
  849. ","Snort tried eavesdropping 
  850. on the proxy server’s data.
  851. "
  852. [0x3baf80],"ないぶだけでなく
  853. ネットワークのそとがわ、
  854. インターネットのすべてのつうしんそくどが
  855. ていかしているようだった
  856. ","Both the network’s 
  857. internal and external data 
  858. transfer rates seem to 
  859. be decreasing.
  860. "
  861. [0x3baff0],"スノートは253のホストをかくにんしようとしたが
  862. ネットワークのふかにいわかんをもった・・・
  863. ","Snort was about to check for 
  864. the host of the ”253”, but felt 
  865. something wrong about the 
  866. load of the network...
  867. "
  868. [0x3bb050],"「ドラグノフ」を手に入れた!
  869. ","Obtained Dragunov!
  870. "
  871. [0x3bb070],"9はさけび、
  872. ぜつめいした・・・
  873. ","So screamed 9 
  874. on her last breath....
  875. "
  876. [0x3bb098],"LINUXのげんごからほんしつをりかいしたおまえに
  877. おそれるものなどなにもないっ・・・」
  878. ","For you who understood the 
  879. essence of Linux, there’s 
  880. nothing to fear anymore...”
  881. "
  882. [0x3bb0f8],"9「うけとれっ・・・!!
  883. ハッカー9からのプレゼントだっ・・・!!
  884. ","9 ”Take it...!! 
  885. A present from hacker 9...!!
  886. "
  887. [0x3bb140],"かんりしゃはUSBメモリをスノートにたくした
  888. スノートはUSBメモリをてにいれた
  889. ","Admin entrusted Snort with a USB.
  890. "
  891. [0x3bb194],"きみは、わたしをつぐしかくがあるのかもしれない・・・」
  892. ","You might be a worthy 
  893. successor to me...”
  894. "
  895. [0x3bb1d0],"かんりしゃ「・・・スノート、
  896. きみはわたしにそのままのすがたでたたかってくれた・・・
  897. ","Admin ”...Snort, 
  898. you fought me all 
  899. on your own...
  900. "
  901. [0x3bb228],"どうすればふせげる?
  902. ","How could it be prevented?
  903. "
  904. [0x3bb240],"クラッカーぶたいは
  905. それをかいはつした9をけしたがっていた」
  906. ","The cracker corps wanted 
  907. to eliminate its developer, 9.”
  908. "
  909. [0x3bb280],"かんりしゃ「・・・
  910. このひみつはクラッカーぶたいからもれていた・・・
  911. やつらはもともとニチナンがわのにんげんだ・・・
  912. ","Admin ”...
  913. The cracker corps leaked 
  914. this secret...As they were 
  915. originally from Nichinan...
  916. "
  917. [0x3bb2f8],"ファイアーウォールふうさは
  918. それをぼうがいするもくてきだったのか?
  919. ","So they closed the firewall to 
  920. prevent that from happening?
  921. "
  922. [0x3bb340],"いまごろニチナンはVPNをりようして
  923. (OOBパケット)をながしこんでいるだろう・・・」
  924. ","By now someone from Nichinan 
  925. should be sending OOB 
  926. packets through a VPN...”
  927. "
  928. [0x3bb3a0],"ドクガスはせんとうにはつよくても
  929. ハッカーのアンダーグラウンドにはうとい、
  930. いまではだれもりようしないこうげきしゅだんを
  931. モデルにしたセンスのないきのうだ・・・
  932. ","Poison Gas might be 
  933. experts in combat, but in 
  934. hacking not so much...
  935. Who would base a feature 
  936. on an old attack like that...
  937. "
  938. [0x3bb440],"253のホストにデータをおくれるのは
  939. ドクガスかんぶと
  940. ニチナンのかんぶだけだ
  941. ","Only Poison Gas’ and Nichinan’s 
  942. executives know how to send 
  943. data to the host of the ”253”.
  944. "
  945. [0x3bb490],"WINNUKE・・・OOBパケットを
  946. 139ポートがひらいているほんもののLINUXにうてばいい・・・
  947. それだけですべてのメモリーとハードディスクがきのうしなくなる
  948. ","WinNuke...
  949. By sending an OOB packet to 
  950. the real Linux’s port 139...
  951. all of the memories and 
  952. hard disks stop functioning.
  953. "
  954. [0x3bb538],"どんなきのうだ?
  955. ","What kind of feature?
  956. "
  957. [0x3bb550],"(きんきゅうのときには
  958. ドクガスのデータをすべてをしょうきょできるきのう)・・・
  959. ","”A feature that enables 
  960. erasing all data in case 
  961. of emergency”...
  962. "
  963. [0x3bb5a8],"かんりしゃ「253のホストこうせいには
  964. ニチナンのようぼうもふくんである・・・
  965. ","Admin ”The host of the ”253” 
  966. has a certain feature demanded 
  967. by Nichinan...
  968. "
  969. [0x3bb5f8],"ニチナンのてで?どういういみだ?
  970. ","By Nichinan’s hand? 
  971. What do you mean?
  972. "
  973. [0x3bb620],"ドクガスのかんぶはしゅうたいをさらしながらも
  974. そのカードをまもっていたようだがそこまでだ・・・
  975. ニチナンのてでデータはきえる・・・」
  976. ","The executives went to great 
  977. lengths to protect it, but it’s 
  978. all over now...The data will be 
  979. gone by Nichinan’s hand...”
  980. "
  981. [0x3bb6a8],"だがおまえのもくてきである
  982. ドクガスのデータはじゆうにはできない・・・
  983. ","But you won’t be getting 
  984. Poison Gas’ data...
  985. "
  986. [0x3bb6f0],"かんりしゃ「スノート、
  987. わたしのまけだ・・・
  988. すきにするがいい
  989. ","Admin ”Snort, 
  990. I lose...
  991. Do whatever you want.
  992. "
  993. [0x3bb730],"フラグリセットしました
  994. ","Flags reset.
  995. "
  996. [0x3bb750],"**フラグリセット**
  997. いまのステータスをひきつぎ、
  998. はじめからやりなおすことができます、
  999. フラグリセットしますか?
  1000. ","**Flag reset**
  1001. Start a new game with 
  1002. your stats and 
  1003. items intact?
  1004. "
  1005. [0x3bb7c4],"THANKS FOR PLAYING
  1006. ",""
  1007. [0x3bb7f0],"ドットえ……わひこ
  1008. おんがく……dauge
  1009. おと……マッチメイカァズ
  1010. さんこう……どうくつものがたり
  1011. ","Pixel art...Wahiko 
  1012. Music...DauGe
  1013. Sounds...Matchmakers
  1014. Reference...Cave Story
  1015. "
  1016. [0x3bb854],"そのあとのことは
  1017. あまりよくおぼえていない・・・」
  1018. ","I don’t really remember 
  1019. what happened after that...”
  1020. "
  1021. [0x3bb890],"バイヤー「スノートはかおいろをかえず、
  1022. なにもいわずに、
  1023. おれたちのめのまえからいなくなった・・・
  1024. ","Buyer ”Completely expressionless, 
  1025. Snort just left us without 
  1026. saying anything...
  1027. "
  1028. [0x3bb8f4],"バイヤー「どうした、
  1029. スノート?」
  1030. ","Buyer ”What’s wrong, 
  1031. Snort?”
  1032. "
  1033. [0x3bb918],"サイトウ「ははっ、ちがいねぇ!」
  1034. ","Saitou ”Haha, no doubt!”
  1035. "
  1036. [0x3bb940],"バイヤー「あいたくなったらいつでもとんでくるぜ
  1037. ・・・ぶきのちょうたつでならな」
  1038. ","Buyer ”If you want to see me, 
  1039. I’ll come anytime...
  1040. ...if it’s about supplying weapons.” 
  1041. "
  1042. [0x3bb994],"つま「そこでみなさんとおわかれですね・・・」
  1043. ","Wife ”We’ll have to part 
  1044. our ways there...”
  1045. "
  1046. [0x3bb9c4],"バイヤー「やっとみつけたぜ
  1047. このさきをすすめばどうろにでる」
  1048. ","Buyer ”Finally found it. 
  1049. If we keep going this way, 
  1050. we’ll arrive at the road.”
  1051. "
  1052. [0x3bba04],"----",""
  1053. [0x3bba0c],"-----",""
  1054. [0x3bba18],"おれのなかまもすでにちじょうにでている
  1055. おれたちもはやくだしゅつするぞ」
  1056. ","My colleagues have already 
  1057. escaped to the ground. We 
  1058. should evacuate too.”
  1059. "
  1060. [0x3bba68],"バイヤー「スノート、
  1061. ドクガスのデータがきえたいま、
  1062. ニチナンはドクガスにむけてくうばくをしようとしている
  1063. ","Buyer ”Snort, now that 
  1064. the data is gone, Nichinan 
  1065. is going to bomb this 
  1066. HQ from the air.
  1067. "
  1068. [0x3bbad8],"スノートはほんもののホストの139ポートへむけた
  1069. TCPデータをはっけんした
  1070. ","Snort saw that TCP data was 
  1071. sent to port 139 of the real host.
  1072. "
  1073. [0x3bbb28],"TCP >
  1074. :139(IP-PORT=1)
  1075. ",""
  1076. [0x3bbb88],"スノートはルータのログをしらべた
  1077. ","Snort checked the router’s log.
  1078. "
  1079. [0x3bbbb0],"はじめからたいちょうはにんむがおわりしだいに
  1080. おれたちをけすつもりだったんだ」
  1081. ","Right from the beginning, Commander 
  1082. was intending to have us 
  1083. eliminated after the mission.”
  1084. "
  1085. [0x3bbc00],"そのあとニチナンのかんけいしゃらしいのがせんかんのきのうを
  1086. とめようとしていたが、
  1087. おれはてんそうそうちでにげてきた」
  1088. ","Somebody from Nichinan was 
  1089. shutting down the battleship’s 
  1090. facilities, but I managed to 
  1091. escape using the warp device.”
  1092. "
  1093. [0x3bbc78],"バイヤー「たいちょうたちにこうそくされた・・・
  1094. そのあとはどうなったかわからない・・・
  1095. ","Buyer ”They were restrained by 
  1096. Commander...I don’t know 
  1097. what happened afterwards...
  1098. "
  1099. [0x3bbcd0],"しゅにんたちはどうした?
  1100. ","What happened to Chief 
  1101. and others?
  1102. "
  1103. [0x3bbcf0],"いのちをかけてしるもんじゃねぇ
  1104. そんなもんにもきょうみはねぇ!」
  1105. ","It’s nothing worth risking your 
  1106. life for! I don’t even care 
  1107. about any of that stuff!”
  1108. "
  1109. [0x3bbd38],"だれがバックドアから5かいそうのセキュリティを
  1110. とっぱし、かんぶをころし
  1111. データをはかいした・・・?」
  1112. ","Who broke through the fifth floor’s
  1113. security, killed the executives and
  1114. destroyed the data...?”
  1115. "
  1116. [0x3bbda0],"ニチナン・・・?
  1117. ドクガス・・・?
  1118. ","Nichinan...?
  1119. Poison Gas...?
  1120. "
  1121. [0x3bbdc8],"なぜドクガスのデータがほしいのか
  1122. どんなりゆうがあるかしりたくもないが
  1123. じぶんをみうしなうな!
  1124. ","I don’t know why you’re 
  1125. after Poison Gas’ data.
  1126. I don’t even want to know. 
  1127. Just don’t lose yourself!
  1128. "
  1129. [0x3bbe28],"バイヤー「スノート、
  1130. れいせいになれ!
  1131. ","Buyer ”Snort, 
  1132. calm down!
  1133. "
  1134. [0x3bbe50],"スノートは253のホストのそんざいをかくにんした
  1135. ","Snort found the host of the ”253”.
  1136. "
  1137. [0x3bbe84],"バイヤー「スノート、
  1138. ざんねんだが、
  1139. データは
  1140. もう・・・」
  1141. ","Buyer ”Snort, 
  1142. unfortunately 
  1143. the data
  1144. is...”
  1145. "
  1146. [0x3bbec4],"とびらしまる","Close door"
  1147. [0x3bbed8],"さいごはきみじしんだ、スノート
  1148. きみのつよさをたしかめたい・・・
  1149. たたかうことでかんじたいのだ・・・」
  1150. ","And at last it’s your turn, Snort. 
  1151. I want to see your strength...
  1152. By fighting against you...”
  1153. "
  1154. [0x3bbf40],"きみのそしきをふかくさぐっていくうちに
  1155. スノートじしんをさらにしりたくなった
  1156. ","As I was investigating your 
  1157. organization, I got more and 
  1158. more interested in you, Snort.
  1159. "
  1160. [0x3bbf90],"わたしはきみを
  1161. かんしカメラから
  1162. LINUXのログから
  1163. とうちょうないようから
  1164. フィンガープリントから
  1165. ","I’ve been following you 
  1166. from surveillance cameras
  1167. from Linux logs
  1168. from audio recordings
  1169. from fingerprints
  1170. "
  1171. [0x3bbff8],"そしてメルトダウンのきょうふをめのまえにしても
  1172. きみはれいせいにはんだんしてかいけつさせた・・・
  1173. ","And even under the threat of a 
  1174. meltdown, you resolved the situation 
  1175. without losing your composure.
  1176. "
  1177. [0x3bc060],"きみのLINUXコマンドラインの
  1178. てさばき、よほどのいしがなければ
  1179. あそこまでできるものではない・・・
  1180. ","And your skills with the Linux 
  1181. command line...it takes great 
  1182. determination to get that far.
  1183. "
  1184. [0x3bc0c8],"きみがみせたしととなりあわせの
  1185. クラッカーぶたいとのたたかい・・・
  1186. これいじょうなくたんのうさせてもらった
  1187. ","The deadly battles with the 
  1188. cracker corps you showed me...
  1189. I enjoyed them greatly.
  1190. "
  1191. [0x3bc134],"だがスノート、きみがいた
  1192. ","But Snort, you were there.
  1193. "
  1194. [0x3bc150],"あとはニチナンとのかかわりもけして
  1195. わたしはきょだいなちからをてにいれたつもりだった
  1196. ","If I had just erased 
  1197. my involvement with Nichinan,
  1198. I would’ve had great power 
  1199. in my hands.
  1200. "
  1201. [0x3bc1a8],"かんりしゃ「わたしをぼうがいするかんぶとクラッカーぶたい
  1202. がいなくなり、もくてきのきょうかがいかくをてにいれた
  1203. ","Admin ”Now the executives and 
  1204. the cracker corps are out of the 
  1205. way, and I even got this 
  1206. power armor.
  1207. "
  1208. [0x3bc218],"つうしんきにだれもおうとうしない、
  1209. しゅにんたちになにかあったのだろう・・・
  1210. ","No one is responding to the radio. 
  1211. Did something happen to them...?
  1212. "
  1213. [0x3bc268],"スノートはいわかんをかんじた
  1214. あのじょせいがめのまえにいる・・・
  1215. ","It’s that girl from back then. 
  1216. Snort felt that something’s wrong...
  1217. "
  1218. [0x3bc2b0],"たいちょう「スノート、
  1219. どんなてをつかってもかまわん
  1220. つかまえて253のホストについての
  1221. じょうほうをてにいれろ」
  1222. ","Commander ”Snort, you 
  1223. are free to use any means 
  1224. possible to get information on 
  1225. the host of the ”253”.”
  1226. "
  1227. [0x3bc328],"しゅにん「きゅうなつうしんですまないスノート、
  1228. 5かいそうの(はいきかくほかんしつ)にだれかがいる
  1229. れいのしんにゅうしゃかもしれない・・・」
  1230. ","Chief ”Sorry for the sudden call.
  1231. There’s someone at the fifth
  1232. floor’s nuclear waste storage.
  1233. It could be that intruder...”
  1234. "
  1235. [0x3bc3b8],"スノートはつうしんきをてにした
  1236. ","Snort took the radio in hand.
  1237. "
  1238. [0x3bc3e0],"ぼくはこのにんむのすきをみて
  1239. せんかんからだしゅつするよていだ
  1240. スノート、きみもかくごしたほうがいい」
  1241. ","I’m going to be watching for 
  1242. a chance to escape from this 
  1243. battleship. You should make up 
  1244. your mind too, Snort.”
  1245. "
  1246. [0x3bc448],"さらにこのぎもんは
  1247. ファイアーウォールふうさによるメルトダウンじこの
  1248. じじつにかかわることだろうとかんがえている
  1249. ","Furthermore, this might be
  1250. related to the meltdown ”accident” 
  1251. caused by the firewall closing.
  1252. "
  1253. [0x3bc4c0],"うらのもくてきをたっせいするために
  1254. うそをいってるのかもしれない・・・
  1255. ","He could have been lying 
  1256. for some unknown purpose...
  1257. "
  1258. [0x3bc508],"もしそのかていがただしいのなら
  1259. なぜたいちょうはニチナンへのダメージになるような
  1260. にんむもくてきをつたえたのだろう
  1261. ","But if this assumption were 
  1262. correct, why did Commander 
  1263. give us objectives that were 
  1264. of harm to Nichinan?
  1265. "
  1266. [0x3bc580],"これはかていだが
  1267. このにんむのいらいもとはニチナンじしんによる
  1268. ものかもしれない
  1269. ","This is only an assumption, but 
  1270. our mission’s client just might be 
  1271. Nichinan itself.
  1272. "
  1273. [0x3bc5d8],"きょうはくぶんがながれたあとからまる1にちはんのうがなく
  1274. そのあとこのにんむがはじまった・・・
  1275. ","And just about 24 hours 
  1276. after the threat was sent, 
  1277. our mission began...
  1278. "
  1279. [0x3bc638],"プロクシーサーバのログをしらべてわかった
  1280. きょうはくメールのあとニチナンからドクガスへの
  1281. データのながれがまったくないんだ
  1282. ","When I examined the proxy server’s 
  1283. log, I saw that there was no data 
  1284. sent from Nichinan to Poison Gas 
  1285. since the threat mail.
  1286. "
  1287. [0x3bc6b8],"ぼくはぎもんにおもった
  1288. (なぜニチナンははんのうしないのだろうか)
  1289. ","I was wondering 
  1290. ”why isn’t Nichinan reacting 
  1291. in any way?” 
  1292. "
  1293. [0x3bc700],"ないようはニチナンとのかんよをマスコミにつたえる
  1294. かわりにたがくのきんがくをようきゅうする
  1295. ドクガスのきょうはくぶんだった
  1296. ","It was Poison Gas blackmailing 
  1297. Nichinan by threatening to reveal 
  1298. their connection to mass media.
  1299. "
  1300. [0x3bc780],"エシュロンにしかけたバックドアから
  1301. ドクガスからニチナンにおくられたデータをあつめて
  1302. それをサーバルームでてにいれたふくごうかぎでかいどくしてみたんだ
  1303. ","I deciphered data sent by Poison 
  1304. Gas to Nichinan by using a 
  1305. decryption key I found in 
  1306. the server room.
  1307. "
  1308. [0x3bc818],"しかし、いまのじょうきょうは
  1309. ぎゃくにたいりつしているじょうたいなんだ
  1310. ","However, under the current
  1311. situation they actually are 
  1312. in conflict with each other.
  1313. "
  1314. [0x3bc860],"きみはニチナンとドクガスがかかわっていることを
  1315. たいちょうのはなしからきいているはずだ
  1316. ","Commander probably told you 
  1317. that Poison Gas and Nichinan 
  1318. are working together.
  1319. "
  1320. [0x3bc8b8],"しゅにん「スノート、
  1321. このにんむにかんするぎもんをつたえる
  1322. ","Chief ”Snort, I have my 
  1323. doubts about this mission.
  1324. "
  1325. [0x3bc8f4],"かみきれにはしゅにんからのメッセージがかかれていた
  1326. ","There’s a message from Chief 
  1327. written on the paper slip.
  1328. "
  1329. [0x3bc930],"かみきれをもっていた
  1330. バイヤー4はなにもはんのうしないようあいずし、
  1331. そのかみきれをスノートにそっとわたした
  1332. ","Buyer 4 signaled Snort 
  1333. to not show any reaction, and 
  1334. handed a paper slip.
  1335. "
  1336. [0x3bc9a0],"スノートはバイヤー4にいわかんをかんじた
  1337. ","Snort felt something strange 
  1338. about Buyer 4.
  1339. "
  1340. [0x3bc9cc],"バイヤー4「またおいで」
  1341. ","Buyer 4 ”See you again.”
  1342. "
  1343. [0x3bc9e8],"おおきなサーバがしずかにかどうしている
  1344. やることはもうないだろう
  1345. ","A large server is running 
  1346. silently. There’s nothing to 
  1347. do here anymore.
  1348. "
  1349. [0x3bca2c],"しゅにん「いまにんしきしたのをかくにんした、
  1350. ありがとう」
  1351. ","Chief ”The server is recognized 
  1352. now, thank you.”
  1353. "
  1354. [0x3bca68],"スノートはからまったケーブルのたばをしらべた
  1355. ルータにつながっていないサーバをみつけた
  1356. サーバをルータにつなげた
  1357. ","Snort examined a bunch of 
  1358. tangled cables. Found the 
  1359. unconnected server and 
  1360. connected it to the router.
  1361. "
  1362. [0x3bcae0],"ルータのせっていやりれきから
  1363. つないでいないサーバがあるようなんだ
  1364. さがしてみてくれ」
  1365. ","Based on the router’s 
  1366. settings and history, there’s 
  1367. a server left unconnected. 
  1368. Please search for it.”
  1369. "
  1370. [0x3bcb38],"ファイアーウォールをとっぱしたあと
  1371. サーバルームのこうせいをしらべてみたんだが
  1372. ふめいなところがある
  1373. ","After passing the firewall, I 
  1374. tried to study the structure of 
  1375. the network, but there’s still 
  1376. some things unclear.
  1377. "
  1378. [0x3bcba0],"しゅにん「スノート、
  1379. サーバルームにいるんだね
  1380. ","Chief ”So you’re in the 
  1381. server room now, Snort.
  1382. "
  1383. [0x3bcbd0],"きょうかがいかくのざんがいがある
  1384. ところどころさびていてつかえそうもない
  1385. ","There’s a wreckage of a 
  1386. power armor. It’s all rusty and 
  1387. doesn’t look usable.
  1388. "
  1389. [0x3bcc1c],"3階層への道","Way to 3F"
  1390. [0x3bcc2c],"2階層への道","Way to 2F"
  1391. [0x3bcc3c],"にんげんにもどりました
  1392. ","Returned to human form.
  1393. "
  1394. [0x3bcc58],"**きょうかがいかくおきば**
  1395. そうびしますか?","**Power armor storage**
  1396. Equip the armor?"
  1397. [0x3bcc90],"つかえそうなきょうかがいかくだが
  1398. チェーンでこていされてつかうことができない
  1399. ","It’s a power armor that 
  1400. could be usable if it wasn’t 
  1401. held by chains.
  1402. "
  1403. [0x3bcce0],"スノートはセンサーをさわった
  1404. ","Snort touched a sensor.
  1405. "
  1406. [0x3bcd00],"しゅにん「とびらをあけるには
  1407. サーバルームのシステムをそうさしたほうがはやい
  1408. まずはサーバルームへアクセスするほうほうをさがそう」
  1409. ","Chief ”It’s faster to open the 
  1410. door from the server room. Try 
  1411. to find a way there first.”
  1412. "
  1413. [0x3bcd84],"バイオメトリクスによりでいりぐちをかんりしているようだ
  1414. ","The entrance is controlled 
  1415. by biometrics authentication.
  1416. "
  1417. [0x3bcdc0],"しゅにん「あと、すいそくだけど
  1418. この253のホストには9がかかわっているはず、
  1419. かれのじょうほうもあつめてほしい」
  1420. ","Chief ”Also, I’d suppose 9 
  1421. is involved with these hosts, 
  1422. so search for info on him too.”
  1423. "
  1424. [0x3bce38],"たいちょう「スノート、
  1425. 253のホストにかんけいするじょうほうをあつめるんだ」
  1426. ","Commander ”Snort, go 
  1427. and gather information 
  1428. on the hosts.”
  1429. "
  1430. [0x3bce88],"しゅにん「わたしたちのところから
  1431. 253のホストまでつうしんすることができます
  1432. スノートのかわりにしらべてみます」
  1433. ","Chief ”We can communicate with 
  1434. the 253 hosts from here, so 
  1435. Snort can leave their 
  1436. investigation to us.”
  1437. "
  1438. [0x3bcf00],"じょしゅ「LINUXのホストは
  1439. すべてのディストリビューションをふくめ180もあるわ」
  1440. ","Assistant ”All different 
  1441. distributions included, there 
  1442. are 180 hosts using Linux.”
  1443. "
  1444. [0x3bcf58],"いままでのネットワークのこうせいからみて
  1445. ほんものはLINUXをつかっているはずですが・・・」
  1446. ","Judging by the structure of their
  1447. network, the real one should
  1448. be using Linux, but...”
  1449. "
  1450. [0x3bcfb8],"しゅにん「むかしはソフトやツールがありましたが、
  1451. さいきんのバーチャルOSはさいげんどがたかく
  1452. ほんものとまったくみわけがつきません
  1453. ","Chief ”A long ago there were 
  1454. tools for that, but nowadays virtual 
  1455. OSes are so authentic you can’t 
  1456. really tell at all.”
  1457. "
  1458. [0x3bd040],"たいちょう「にせものとほんものをみわけるほうほうはないのか?」
  1459. ","Commander ”How can you tell 
  1460. which is the real one?”
  1461. "
  1462. [0x3bd088],"しゅにん「そのようなイメージです
  1463. そのなかのにせものをせいぎょしているほんものをしらべれば
  1464. ちゅうしんぶへのみちがひらかれるはずです」
  1465. ","Chief ”That’s about right. 
  1466. If we can find the real one 
  1467. amongst them, we can get 
  1468. to the central part.”
  1469. "
  1470. [0x3bd110],"たいちょう「つまり、
  1471. これら253のホストはひとつのホストがつくりだした
  1472. にせものだというのか」
  1473. ","Commander ”So these 253 hosts 
  1474. are essentially fakes created 
  1475. by a single real one?”
  1476. "
  1477. [0x3bd178],"しゅにん「そう、バーチャルOSです、
  1478. ここにあるホストはそんざいせず、
  1479. ひとつのパソコンのなかでまるであるかのように
  1480. データをそうさしているのです」
  1481. ","Chief ”Yes, it’s a virtual OS. 
  1482. All of these computers are 
  1483. connected together and 
  1484. function as if they were 
  1485. a single system.”
  1486. "
  1487. [0x3bd20c],"たいちょう「ぶつりてきにそんざいしない?」
  1488. ","Commander ”Doesn’t exist 
  1489. physically?”
  1490. "
  1491. [0x3bd240],"しゅにん「おそらく、
  1492. これはぶつりてきにそんざいしない
  1493. ホストなのかもしれません」
  1494. ","Chief ”It’s probably a host that 
  1495. doesn’t exist physically.”
  1496. "
  1497. [0x3bd298],"たいちょう「このなかのひとつが、
  1498. もくてきのデータをかんりしているのか?」
  1499. ","Commander ”So one of these 
  1500. manages the data we’re 
  1501. looking for?”
  1502. "
  1503. [0x3bd2e8],"しゅにん「ハニーポットならてきにさとられないように
  1504. しぜんにはいちするだろう
  1505. しかしこのネットワークは・・・」
  1506. ","Chief ”In a honeypot you would 
  1507. arrange them naturally as to 
  1508. not get caught by your enemy. 
  1509. But this network...”
  1510. "
  1511. [0x3bd358],"じょしゅ「なんのためにこんなことを・・・」
  1512. ","Assistant ”But for what purpose...”
  1513. "
  1514. [0x3bd388],"しゅにん「WINDOWS、LINUX、UNIX、MAC・・・
  1515. しっているかぎりのほとんどのOSがそろっている・・・」
  1516. ","Chief ”Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac... 
  1517. All of the known OSes are here...”
  1518. "
  1519. [0x3bd400],"#NMAP
  1520.  -sN -O
  1521. ",""
  1522. [0x3bd43c],"スノートはてあたりしだいにパソコンをしらべた
  1523. ","Snort randomly examined some 
  1524. of the computers.
  1525. "
  1526. [0x3bd470],"しゅにん「そう、これはおとりだ
  1527. スノート、
  1528. てあたりしだいにこのパソコンをしらべてみてくれ」
  1529. ","Chief ”Yes. This is a decoy 
  1530. system. Snort, try examining 
  1531. some of them.”
  1532. "
  1533. [0x3bd4d0],"じょしゅ「ハニーポットね」
  1534. ","Assistant ”A honeypot?”
  1535. "
  1536. [0x3bd4f0],"しゅにん「こんなはいちのしかたはひこうりつだ
  1537. おそらく・・・」
  1538. ","Chief ”The way they are placed is 
  1539. very inefficient... It could be a...”
  1540. "
  1541. [0x3bd530],"たいちょう「まさかちかにこれほどパソコンがあるとは・・・」
  1542. ","Commander ”So they had this many 
  1543. computers underground...”
  1544. "
  1545. [0x3bd570],"しゅにん「これは・・・」
  1546. ","Chief ”This is...”
  1547. "
  1548. [0x3bd58c],"スノートは253のホストがあるのをかくにんした
  1549. ","Snort verified 253 different hosts.
  1550. "
  1551. [0x3bd5c0],"ごめん、はなしがそれてしまったね
  1552. さあ、にんむにもどろう」
  1553. ","Sorry, I got carried away. 
  1554. Let’s continue with our mission.”
  1555. "
  1556. [0x3bd600],"おそらくはきみにはおおきなもくてきがあったのだろう
  1557. ぼくはそれにきょうかんをおぼえた・・・
  1558. そうおもうんだ・・・
  1559. ","I suppose I felt you have 
  1560. some greater objective, and 
  1561. I could symphatize with it...
  1562. That’s what I believe...
  1563. "
  1564. [0x3bd678],"しゅにん「しごとのなかでぼくはきみにいろんなことをおしえた
  1565. しかもきみはそれをよそういじょうにこなしてくれた・・・
  1566. ","Chief ”I taught you many things 
  1567. as we worked together. And you 
  1568. managed it all way better than 
  1569. I could have expected...”
  1570. "
  1571. [0x3bd6f0],"じょしゅ「わたしもよ、スノート
  1572. おたがいコードネームでよびあってまもないけど
  1573. すうねんかんともにしてきたなかまのようにおもう」
  1574. ","Assistant ”Me too, Snort.
  1575. It’s not been long since we met, 
  1576. but it’s already like we’d have 
  1577. been comrades for years.”
  1578. "
  1579. [0x3bd770],"しゅにん「スノート、
  1580. ぼくはきみとしごとをしていくうちに
  1581. きみょうなゆうじょうをかんじた・・・」
  1582. ","Chief ”Snort, I’ve had this 
  1583. weird sense of friendship as 
  1584. I’ve been working with you...”
  1585. "
  1586. [0x3bd7d8],"じょしゅ「ここのデータベースからニチナンとのかんよを
  1587. しょうめいするデータをぬきだせばにんむはしゅうりょう」
  1588. ","Assistant ”Now we just need to get 
  1589. the data that proves Nichinan’s 
  1590. involvement and our mission 
  1591. is complete.”
  1592. "
  1593. [0x3bd848],"たいちょう「そうだ、
  1594. ようやくもくてきのデータにとうたつした」
  1595. ","Commander ”Indeed, we 
  1596. have finally reached the data 
  1597. that’s the objective of 
  1598. our mission.”
  1599. "
  1600. [0x3bd888],"しゅにん「スノート、
  1601. ここがドクガスのちゅうしんぶのかんせいしつだ」
  1602. ","Chief ”Snort, this is Poison Gas’ 
  1603. central control room.”
  1604. "
  1605. [0x3bd8d0],"めのまえにはLINUXをOSにしたりっぱなたんまつがある、
  1606. スノートはハッキングをした
  1607. ","There’s a terminal with Linux. 
  1608. Snort tried hacking into it.
  1609. "
  1610. [0x3bd928],"しゅにん「もしかしたら、
  1611. バックドアをつくったしんにゅうしゃのしわざかもしれない
  1612. スノート、きをつけたほうがいい」
  1613. ","Chief ”This could be work of 
  1614. that intruder who made the 
  1615. backdoor. Be careful, Snort.”
  1616. "
  1617. [0x3bd99c],"バイヤー「なかまわれか?」
  1618. ","Buyer ”Did they have a falling-out?”
  1619. "
  1620. [0x3bd9bc],"しゅにん「おそらく、このおとこはドクガスのかんぶだろう」
  1621. ","Chief ”This man is probably one 
  1622. of the Poison Gas executives.”
  1623. "
  1624. [0x3bd9f8],"みなりのよいおとこがえいりなはものできられたのか
  1625. たいりょうのちをながしてたおれていた
  1626. ","A well-dressed man lies in a 
  1627. pool of blood, as if he were 
  1628. cut with something sharp.
  1629. "
  1630. [0x3bda50],"ここまできたらやるしかない、
  1631. スノートはかくごをきめた
  1632. ","Having come this far, there’s no 
  1633. choice but to be prepared.
  1634. "
  1635. [0x3bda88],"けんきゅういん「このさきにあるあっしゅくようきの
  1636. バルブをまわすだけだ・・・
  1637. ","Researcher ”Just turn the bulb 
  1638. of the pressure container ahead 
  1639. from here...
  1640. "
  1641. [0x3bdad8],"どうすればかいけつする?
  1642. ","What should we do?
  1643. "
  1644. [0x3bdaf4],"・・・かんぶのどうきはわからない」
  1645. ","...I don’t know about 
  1646. their motives.”
  1647. "
  1648. [0x3bdb20],"けんきゅういん「ドクガスかんぶのどくだんで
  1649. ファイアーウォールをとじさせたらしい・・・
  1650. ","Researcher ”Apparently the Poison 
  1651. Gas executives ordered for 
  1652. the firewall to be closed...
  1653. "
  1654. [0x3bdb78],"どうしてネットワークをとめた?
  1655. ","Why was the network isolated?
  1656. "
  1657. [0x3bdba0],"けんきゅういん「ドクガスからきいた・・・
  1658. がいぶとのネットワークをしゃだんしたことがげんいんの
  1659. でんたつミスによるじこらしい・・・」
  1660. ","Researcher ”I heard that it
  1661. was an accident caused by a
  1662. communications error because
  1663. the network was cut from
  1664. the outside...”
  1665. "
  1666. [0x3bdc24],"げんいんは?
  1667. ","For what purpose?
  1668. "
  1669. [0x3bdc34],"じょしゅ「ひどい・・・
  1670. まだなかにひとがいるのに・・・」
  1671. ","Assistant ”How horrible...
  1672. There were still people inside...”
  1673. "
  1674. [0x3bdc70],"けんきゅういん「ドクガスのやつらが
  1675. そとがわからロックをかけて、
  1676. れいきゃくざいをながしはじめたんだ・・・」
  1677. ","Researcher ”Those Poison Gas 
  1678. bastards went and locked us in 
  1679. from the outside, then 
  1680. started pouring coolant...”
  1681. "
  1682. [0x3bdce0],"なにがおきた?
  1683. ","What happened?
  1684. "
  1685. [0x3bdcf8],"けんきゅういん「だ、だめだ・・・
  1686. ここからさきはちかずいちゃいけない・・・」
  1687. ","Researcher ”N, no...
  1688. You must not go any closer 
  1689. from here...”
  1690. "
  1691. [0x3bdd48],"ひとりだけいきているメンバーがいた
  1692. しかし、かなりダメージがおおきいようで
  1693. いきはあらく、かおはやけただれていた
  1694. ","There’s still a member left alive. 
  1695. But he’s in a very bad shape, as 
  1696. he’s breathing heavily and his face 
  1697. is badly burnt.
  1698. "
  1699. [0x3bddbc],"チームメンバーがたおれている・・・
  1700. ","A team member lies collapsed...
  1701. "
  1702. [0x3bdde8],"つま「おっとをてあてするため、
  1703. わたしはしばらくここにいます
  1704. どうかごぶじで・・・」
  1705. ","Wife ”I’ll stay here for a 
  1706. while to take care of my 
  1707. husband. Please stay safe...”
  1708. "
  1709. [0x3bde40],"つま「いま、なかまがていさつのために
  1710. バルコニーでかんししています
  1711. てきはATやきょうかがいかくをしょゆうしています
  1712. きをつけてください」
  1713. ","Wife ”His troops are currently 
  1714. on the balcony for surveillance. 
  1715. They have ATs and power 
  1716. armors. Please be careful.”
  1717. "
  1718. [0x3bded0],"スノート、
  1719. スコットはさいごのクラッカーぶたいだ
  1720. やつをたおして、てがかりをみつけるんだ」
  1721. ","Snort, Scott is the last one 
  1722. of the cracker corps. Defeat 
  1723. him to get important clues.”
  1724. " 
  1725. [0x3bdf30],"たいちょう「スコットか、
  1726. やつはしきかんとしてのけいけんがたかそうだな
  1727. そのためげんしろしゅうりをまかせられたのだろう
  1728. ","Commander ”Scott huh, he’s very 
  1729. experienced as a commander. That’s 
  1730. probably why he was entrusted with 
  1731. repairing the reactor.
  1732. "
  1733. [0x3bdfa8],"つま「スコットはチームのみんなをつれて、
  1734. げんしろでさぎょうをさせています
  1735. もうすぐスコットが
  1736. バルコニーへもどってくるようです」
  1737. ","Wife ”Scott took everyone on the 
  1738. team to work on the reactor. He 
  1739. should be returning to the 
  1740. balcony soon.”
  1741. "
  1742. [0x3be02c],"スコットはどこにいる?
  1743. ","Where is Scott?
  1744. "
  1745. [0x3be048],"つま「ドクガスはATや(きょうかがいかく)で
  1746. わたしたちにおどしをかけています
  1747. スコットというおとこがしきしているようです」
  1748. ","Wife ”Poison Gas threatens us with 
  1749. ATs and power armors, with a man 
  1750. named Scott commanding them.”
  1751. "
  1752. [0x3be0c8],"ドクガスについてなにかじょうほうは?
  1753. ","Any information on 
  1754. Poison Gas?
  1755. "
  1756. [0x3be0f0],"つま「ニチナンにせいひんをうっていたきぎょうのしゃいんが
  1757. こんかいのチームにくわわっています
  1758. かれらもわたしたちとおなじりゆうでつれてこられたようです」
  1759. ","Wife ”The current team consists of
  1760. staff from companies involved with
  1761. Nichinan. They got brought here
  1762. with the same excuse as us.”
  1763. "
  1764. [0x3be18c],"このことについてしっていることは?
  1765. ","Do you know anything about this?
  1766. "
  1767. [0x3be1b4],"つま「となりのサイトウとおなじくげんしろのしゅうりです」
  1768. ","Wife ”The same as Saitou, repairing 
  1769. the atomic reactor.”
  1770. "
  1771. [0x3be1f0],"つま「わたしはサイトウのつまです」
  1772. ","Wife ”I’m Saitou’s wife.”
  1773. "
  1774. [0x3be218],"ほんらいならドクガスがせきにんをおわなくちゃ
  1775. いけないはなしだがおれたちがなんとかするしかない」
  1776. ","Normally Poison Gas should 
  1777. hold responsibility, but now we 
  1778. have no choice but to do 
  1779. this by ourselves.”
  1780. "
  1781. [0x3be280],"しかし、
  1782. そのバルブのまわりはこうおんになっていて
  1783. ちかよることができない
  1784. ","However, the temperature around 
  1785. the bulb is extremely high. There’s 
  1786. no going near it.
  1787. "
  1788. [0x3be2d0],"サイトウ「ジェットポンプのバルブをしゅどうでそうさして
  1789. あつりょくをさげればメルトダウンはおさまる
  1790. ","Saitou ”By manually turning the bulb 
  1791. of the jet pump, the pressure will 
  1792. lower, stopping the meltdown.
  1793. "
  1794. [0x3be334],"なにをすればいいか?
  1795. ","What should we do?
  1796. "
  1797. [0x3be350],"サイトウ「まだおわっちゃいねぇ、
  1798. メルトダウンはしんこうちゅうだ
  1799. もうすぐばくはつしてしまうかもしれねぇ」
  1800. ","Saitou ”It’s not over yet, the 
  1801. meltdown is still in progress. 
  1802. The reactor might blow up soon.”
  1803. "
  1804. [0x3be3c0],"メルトダウンといわれちゃなおさらだ、
  1805. これいじょうひがいがでないようしょちしなくちゃいけねぇ」
  1806. ","And especially because there’s 
  1807. a risk of a meltdown, we have to 
  1808. prevent any further harm.”
  1809. "
  1810. [0x3be420],"サイトウ「おれたちがにげても
  1811. またかわりのやつがかわりをしなくちゃいけなくなる
  1812. ","Saitou ”Even if we were to escape, 
  1813. they would just bring someone else 
  1814. to replace us.
  1815. "
  1816. [0x3be470],"サイトウ「そんなこと、おれがしりたいよ
  1817. ニチナンあいてにうったせいひんがどうしたわけか
  1818. ドクガスのげんしろにつかわれていたんだ」
  1819. ","Saitou ”That’s what I want to 
  1820. know. Just why would parts sold 
  1821. to Nichinan end up in Poison 
  1822. Gas’ reactor?”
  1823. "
  1824. [0x3be4f8],"バイヤー「しらないはずなのに、
  1825. どうしてドクガスにおまえのせいひんがつかわれているんだ?」
  1826. ","Buyer ”Then how was Poison Gas 
  1827. using parts made by you without 
  1828. you knowing about it?”
  1829. "
  1830. [0x3be558],"サイトウ「このげんしろのぶひんにおれたちのせいひんがつかわれていた・・・
  1831. それをりゆうにせきにんをむりやりおしつけられたんだ」
  1832. ","Saitou ”The atomic reactor uses
  1833. parts made by us. They used
  1834. that as an excuse to force
  1835. responsibility on us.”
  1836. "
  1837. [0x3be5d8],"しゅにん「はなしがみえない、
  1838. なぜドクガスとかんけいのないあなたたちがよばれたのですか?」
  1839. ","Chief ”I don’t get it. Why would 
  1840. they bring someone unrelated here?”
  1841. "
  1842. [0x3be638],"サイトウ「・・・だまされてつれてこられたんだ
  1843. おれたちはニチナンのしゃいんというおとこにしごとをもちかけられ
  1844. マイクロバスにのせられた
  1845. ところがついたばしょがドクガスほんぶだった」
  1846. ","Saitou ”...I was deceived. Someone
  1847. from Nichinan offered me work,
  1848. and now here I am in the
  1849. Poison Gas HQ...”
  1850. "
  1851. [0x3be6ec],"ではなぜここにいるか?
  1852. ","Then why are you here?
  1853. "
  1854. [0x3be708],"サイトウ「ちょくせつかかわっているわけじゃない
  1855. ドクガスというそんざいはきのうまでしらなかった」
  1856. ","Saitou ”I’m not directly involved 
  1857. with them. I didn’t even know 
  1858. about the whole organization 
  1859. until yesterday.”
  1860. "
  1861. [0x3be76c],"ドクガスとどのようなかんけいか?
  1862. ","What’s your connection to 
  1863. Poison Gas then?
  1864. "
  1865. [0x3be790],"サイトウ「メルトダウンのしゅうりにきたんだ
  1866. げんしろのバルブであつりょくをさげるさぎょうをまかせられている」
  1867. ","Saitou ”I came here to prevent the 
  1868. meltdown. My task was to use the 
  1869. bulb on the atomic reactor to lower 
  1870. its pressure.”
  1871. "
  1872. [0x3be800],"ここでなにをしていた?
  1873. ","What were you doing here?
  1874. "
  1875. [0x3be820],"サイトウ「おれはドクガスとはかんけいのないただのぎじゅつしゃのサイトウだ
  1876. となりはおれのつまだ」
  1877. ","Saitou ”I’m Saitou. I’m just an 
  1878. ordinary technician, unrelated to 
  1879. Poison Gas.”
  1880. "
  1881. [0x3be884],"スノートはおとこをかついだ
  1882. ","Snort carried the man.
  1883. "
  1884. [0x3be8a4],"「ドラグノフ」をてにいれた!
  1885. ","Obtained Dragunov!
  1886. "
  1887. [0x3be8c8],"めのまえにアノラックスーツをきたおとこがたおれている
  1888. ほそながいじゅうをたいせつそうにつかんでいる
  1889. ","A man in an anorak suit is lying 
  1890. unconscious. He appears to be 
  1891. holding a long gun.
  1892. "
  1893. [0x3be930],"?「はなしからするとおれをほかんこからきゅうしゅつしてくれたようだな
  1894. まずはれいをいおう」
  1895. ","? ”I heard you rescued me from the 
  1896. vault. First, let me thank you.”
  1897. "
  1898. [0x3be98c],"tensousouchi",""
  1899. [0x3be9a0],"?「わたしはかくれるのにさいてきなばしょをしっています、
  1900. そこまであなたをおつれします」
  1901. ","? ”I know a place well suited 
  1902. for hiding. I’ll take you there.”
  1903. "
  1904. [0x3be9fc],"スノートはかついでいるおとこをおろした
  1905. ","Snort let the man down.
  1906. "
  1907. [0x3bea28],"たいちょう「スノート、ここでじかんをとられるわけにはいかない
  1908. はやく5かいそうにしんにゅうするほうほうをさがすんだ」
  1909. ","Commander ”Snort, we can’t waste 
  1910. time here. Search a way to the 
  1911. fifth floor promptly.
  1912. "
  1913. [0x3beaa0],"バイヤー「ドクガスのかんりたいせいはどうなっているんだ?」
  1914. ","Buyer ”What’s going on with 
  1915. Poison Gas’ management?”
  1916. "
  1917. [0x3beae0],"?「プルトニウムをほかんしているほかんこです
  1918. かくはいきぶつもほかんしてあり、ほうしゃのうおせんがひどいばしょです」
  1919. ","? ”To a plutonium storing vault. 
  1920. The radioactive contamination 
  1921. there is very bad due to the 
  1922. nuclear waste.”
  1923. "
  1924. [0x3beb58],"どこへいった?
  1925. ","Where did he go?
  1926. "
  1927. [0x3beb70],"?「メルトダウンによるひがいをふせぐためにひつようなものです」
  1928. ","? ”Tools to prevent the meltdown 
  1929. from causing harm.”
  1930. "
  1931. [0x3bebb4],"どうぐ?
  1932. ","Tools?
  1933. "
  1934. [0x3bebc0],"?「た・・・たすけてください、
  1935. おっとがどうぐをさがしにいったままかえってこないのです・・・」
  1936. ","? ”P...please help me...
  1937. My husband went searching for 
  1938. tools and hasn’t come back 
  1939. since...”
  1940. "
  1941. [0x3bec20],"めのまえにへいそなふくそうのじょせいがたおれている
  1942. ","A woman with ordinary clothes 
  1943. lies collapsed.
  1944. "
  1945. [0x3bec58],"「アノラックスーツ」をてにいれた!
  1946. ","Obtained Anorak suit!
  1947. "
  1948. [0x3bec80],"「げんしばくだん」をてにいれた!
  1949. ","Obtained Atom bomb!
  1950. "
  1951. [0x3beca4],"「セムテックス」をてにいれた!
  1952. ","Obtained Semtex!
  1953. "
  1954. [0x3becc8],"バイヤー3「もちきれないようだぞ」
  1955. ","Buyer 3 ”You can’t carry 
  1956. any more.”
  1957. "
  1958. [0x3becf0],"バイヤー3「おかねがたりないようだな」
  1959. ","Buyer 3 ”You don’t have 
  1960. enough money.”
  1961. "
  1962. [0x3bed1c],"**セムテックス**
  1963. 1こ3えん、かいますか?","**Semtex**
  1964. Buy one for 3 yen?"
  1965. [0x3bed50],"おれのしごとはぶきやだ、
  1966. ばしょはとわず、どこでもえいぎょうするぜ」
  1967. ","I work as an arms dealer. 
  1968. I’ll do business anywhere.”
  1969. "
  1970. [0x3bed98],"バイヤー3「ここもばれてしまったか
  1971. ","Buyer 3 ”No hiding from 
  1972. you, it seems.
  1973. "
  1974. [0x3bedc0],"5階層への道","Way to 5F"
  1975. [0x3bedd0],"けんきゅういん「わたしはたいひしています、むりはしないでください」
  1976. ","Researcher ”I’ll be hiding. 
  1977. Take care.”
  1978. "
  1979. [0x3bee18],"けんきゅういん「またおいで」
  1980. ","Researcher ”See you again.”
  1981. "
  1982. [0x3bee38],"けんきゅういん「スコットたちがもどってきたようです
  1983. よういはいいですか?」
  1984. ","Researcher ”Scott’s group 
  1985. seems to have returned. 
  1986. Are you prepared?”
  1987. "
  1988. [0x3bee84],"「アイスソード」をてにいれた!
  1989. ","Obtained Ice sword!
  1990. "
  1991. [0x3beea8],"たいちょう「よくやった、
  1992. これでげんじゅうなセキュリティをつうかできるはずだ」
  1993. ","Commander ”Well done, 
  1994. now we can get past 
  1995. the heavy security.”
  1996. "
  1997. [0x3beef8],"スノートはバックドアをがいぶからそうさできるようにせっていした
  1998. ","Snort set the backdoor to 
  1999. be usable from outside.
  2000. "
  2001. [0x3bef40],"スノートはしゅにんからデータをおくってもらい
  2002. それをバイオメトリクスのデータベースにとうろくした
  2003. ","Snort registered data sent 
  2004. by Chief into the database.
  2005. "
  2006. [0x3befa4],"しゅにん「スノート、
  2007. ぼくたちもおなじてをつかおう」
  2008. ","Chief ”Snort, we should 
  2009. use the same trick too.”
  2010. "
  2011. [0x3befe0],"たいちょう「よくはわからんがしんにゅうしゃが
  2012. 5かいそうのセキュリティをつうかできるように
  2013. そうさしたのか?」
  2014. ","Commander ”Let me guess, the 
  2015. intruder did it to get through 
  2016. the security to the fifth floor?”
  2017. "
  2018. [0x3bf050],"しゅにん「5かいそうのデータベースをなんども
  2019. そうさしたあとがのこっている、
  2020. バイオメトリクスのデータベースをそうさしていたようだ」
  2021. ","Chief ”There are traces of a 
  2022. database being altered. Namely 
  2023. the biometrics database.”
  2024. "
  2025. [0x3bf0d8],"スノートはログをしらべた
  2026. ","Snort examined the log.
  2027. "
  2028. [0x3bf0f8],"しゅにん「もしかしたら
  2029. このむせんLANをりようしてそうさしていたかもしれない」
  2030. ","Chief ”It could be that someone 
  2031. used this WLAN card to do it.”
  2032. "
  2033. [0x3bf150],"じょしゅ「ということはすでにしんにゅうされていたということ?」
  2034. ","Assistant ”So they’ve been 
  2035. intruded already?”
  2036. "
  2037. [0x3bf194],"しゅにん「NETCAT? これはバックドアだ」
  2038. ","Chief ”NETCAT? It’s a backdoor.”
  2039. "
  2040. [0x3bf1c8],"6666/TCP OPEN NETCAT
  2041. ",""
  2042. [0x3bf1f4],"# NMAP -sN
  2043. ",""
  2044. [0x3bf228],"せつぞくしている、
  2045. スノートはしんにゅうするほうほうがないか
  2046. かくにんした
  2047. ","It’s connected. 
  2048. Snort tried to find a 
  2049. way of intrusion.
  2050. "
  2051. [0x3bf278],"しゅにん「ファイアーウォールはうちがわからはきのうしないはず、
  2052. しんにゅうできないかすみずみまでさがしてくれ」
  2053. ","Chief ”The firewall shouldn’t work 
  2054. from the inside. Try looking around 
  2055. for a way of entry.”
  2056. "
  2057. [0x3bf2e8],"Packets:
  2058.  Sent=4, Received=4, Lost=0(0% loss),
  2059. ",""
  2060. [0x3bf348],"#ping
  2061. ",""
  2062. [0x3bf370],"スノートはファイアーウォールにせつぞくしているかかくにんをした
  2063. ","Snort checked if the computer 
  2064. was connected to a firewall.
  2065. "
  2066. [0x3bf3b4],"#dhcpcd eth0
  2067. ",""
  2068. [0x3bf3d0],"#ifconfig eth0
  2069.  hw ether 00:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  2070. ",""
  2071. [0x3bf428],"#iwconfig eth0
  2072.  essid WDOKUGAS
  2073.  key D4O5KU6G06U
  2074. ",""
  2075. [0x3bf488],"#KEY FOUND! (ASCII: D4O5KU6G06U)
  2076. ",""
  2077. [0x3bf4cc],"スノートはかいどくがおわるまでまった
  2078. ","Snort waited for the 
  2079. deciphering to end.
  2080. "
  2081. [0x3bf4f4],"#aircrack-ng -z /tmp/cap
  2082. ",""
  2083. [0x3bf528],"しゅにん「OK、あとはかいどくするだけだ」
  2084. ","Chief ”OK, now just to crack 
  2085. the password.”
  2086. "
  2087. [0x3bf558],"スノートはかいどくするのにじゅうぶんなデータが
  2088. あつまったことをかくにんした
  2089. ","Snort collected enough 
  2090. data for deciphering.
  2091. "
  2092. [0x3bf5a8],"Saving chosen packet
  2093.  in replay_src-0000-0000.cap
  2094. ",""
  2095. [0x3bf60c],"#aireplay-ng
  2096.  -2 -r doku ath0
  2097. ",""
  2098. [0x3bf648],"#airodump-ng
  2099.  --bssid 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2100.  --channel 11
  2101.  -w /tmp/cap ath0
  2102. ",""
  2103. [0x3bf6d8],"Wrote packet to: doku
  2104. ",""
  2105. [0x3bf708],"-k
  2106.  -l
  2107.  -y fragment-0000-0000.xor
  2108.  -w doku
  2109. ",""
  2110. [0x3bf7a0],"#packetforge-ng
  2111.  -0 -a 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2112.  -h 00:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  2113. ",""
  2114. [0x3bf820],"Saving keystream in
  2115. fragment-0000-0000.xor
  2116. ",""
  2117. [0x3bf878],"Use this packet ? Y
  2118. ",""
  2119. [0x3bf8a8],"#aireplay-ng
  2120.  -5 -b 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2121.  -h 00:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF ath0
  2122. ",""
  2123. [0x3bf930],"しゅにん「よし、つぎはWEPあんごうをかいどくするために
  2124. Fragmentation attackをはじめる」
  2125. ","Chief ”Good, now let’s begin a
  2126. fragmentation attack to crack 
  2127. the WEP code.”
  2128. "
  2129. [0x3bf9a0],"スノートはノートパソコンとAPとかんれんさせることができた
  2130. ","Snort succeeded in associating 
  2131. the laptop.
  2132. "
  2133. [0x3bf9e0],"Sending Authentication Request
  2134. Authentication successful
  2135. Sending Association Request
  2136. Association successful :-)
  2137. ",""
  2138. [0x3bfac0],"#aireplay-ng -1 0
  2139.  -a 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2140.  -h 00:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  2141.  -e WDOKUGAS ath0
  2142. ",""
  2143. [0x3bfb60],"スノートはノートパソコンとAPとかんれんしてみようとした
  2144. ","Snort tried associating the laptop 
  2145. with the access point.
  2146. "
  2147. [0x3bfb9c],"スノートはノートパソコンにスコットのLANカードをさしこんだ
  2148. ","Snort inserted Scott’s LAN 
  2149. card into the laptop.
  2150. "
  2151. [0x3bfbdc],"しかしこのパソコンではAPにかんれんできない
  2152. ","But this computer can’t be 
  2153. associated with the access point.
  2154. "
  2155. [0x3bfc0c],"かなりこんなんなことだが
  2156. スノート、たのんだよ」
  2157. ","It’s quite a tough task, but 
  2158. I’ll be counting on you, Snort.
  2159. "
  2160. [0x3bfc40],"しゅにん「スノート、
  2161. APがゆるすばんごう(MACアドレス)をさがすしかない
  2162. おそらくは5かいそうにはいれるようなじんぶつがしょゆうしているはず
  2163. ","Chief ”Snort, we have no choice
  2164. but to find a valid MAC address.
  2165. Somebody with access to the
  2166. fifth floor should have one.
  2167. "
  2168. [0x3bfcd8],"じょしゅ「280ちょうのパターンがあるということね
  2169. すべてをためすのはとてもじかんがかかるわ」
  2170. ","Assistant ”There are 280 trillion 
  2171. different patterns. Trying them all 
  2172. would take quite a while.”
  2173. "
  2174. [0x3bfd38],"しゅにん「どうやらこのAPは(MACアドレスフィルタリング)が
  2175. せっていされているようだ
  2176. きみのパソコンにつけられているばんごう00:11:22:33:44:55は
  2177. APがアクセスをゆるすばんごうとはちがう」
  2178. ","Chief ”This access point is set to
  2179. filter MAC addresses. Your PC’s
  2180. address, 00:11:22:33:44:55,
  2181. is not allowed.”
  2182. "
  2183. [0x3bfe08],"Sending Authentication Request
  2184. AP rejects the source MAC address ?
  2185. Authentication failed (code 1)
  2186. ",""
  2187. [0x3bfed0],"#aireplay-ng -1 0 
  2188. -a 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2189. -h 00:11:22:33:44:55
  2190. -e WDOKUGAS ath0
  2191. ",""
  2192. [0x3bff6c],"スノートはノートパソコンとAPとかんれんさせてみた
  2193. ","Snort attempted associating the 
  2194. laptop with the access point.
  2195. "
  2196. [0x3bffa8],"じょしゅ「WEPというあんごうをりようしているみたいね、
  2197. つぎはAPにかんれんさせてみて」
  2198. ","Assistant ”It’s encrypted with 
  2199. WEP. Try to associate your 
  2200. laptop with the point next.”
  2201. "
  2202. [0x3c0008],"しゅにん「データのながれがほとんどない、
  2203. おもったとおりほかのドクガスかんけいしゃは
  2204. アクセスしていないようだ
  2205. テストようにせっちされてそのままになっている」
  2206. ","Chief ”It seems nobody is
  2207. using this point, as there’s
  2208. barely any flow of data. It 
  2209. could be set up for testing
  2210. purposes.”
  2211. "
  2212. [0x3c00a8],"#airdump-ng ath0
  2213. ",""
  2214. [0x3c00cc],"スノートはAPのじょうたいをかくにんした
  2215. ","Snort verified the status 
  2216. of the access point.
  2217. "
  2218. [0x3c00f8],"#airodump-ng
  2219. --bssid 12:34:56:78:90:AB
  2220. --channel 9
  2221. -w /tmp/dump ath0
  2222. ",""
  2223. [0x3c0180],"スノートはAPのとうちょうをかいしした
  2224. ","Snort started listening to 
  2225. the access point.
  2226. "
  2227. [0x3c01b0],"しゅにん「このAPについてのじょうほうは
  2228. BSSIDは12:34:56:78:90:AB、
  2229. むせんのチャンネルは9、
  2231. ","Chief ”This access point’s 
  2232. BSSID is 12:34:56:78:90:AB, 
  2233. wireless channel is 9 and 
  2234. ESSID is WDOKUGAS.”
  2235. "
  2236. [0x3c0248],"#airmon-ng start eth0
  2237. Interface Chipset Driver
  2238. ath0 Atheros madwifi-ng
  2239. (parent:eth0)(monitor mode enabled)
  2240. ",""
  2241. [0x3c031c],"スノートはむせんLANカードのせっていをした
  2242. ","Snort configured the WLAN card.
  2243. "
  2244. [0x3c0350],"さっそくむせんでとうちょうしてAPのじょうたいを
  2245. かくにんしよう」
  2246. ","Let’s listen for its status 
  2247. right away.”
  2248. "
  2249. [0x3c0398],"しゅにん「スノート、
  2250. むせんでアクセスできるポイント(AP)をみつけたようだね
  2251. ","Chief ”So you found a wireless 
  2252. access point, Snort.
  2253. "
  2254. [0x3c03e8],"9のノートパソコンがはんのうした
  2255. スノートはAPをみつけた
  2256. ","9’s laptop showed a response.
  2257. Snort found an access point.
  2258. "
  2259. [0x3c0424],"APがある、
  2260. もうつかうことはないだろう
  2261. ","It’s an access point. 
  2262. No use for it anymore.
  2263. "
  2264. [0x3c0450],"どうやらパスワードをいれなければならないようだ
  2265. ","It seems like you need to 
  2266. enter a password.
  2267. "
  2268. [0x3c0488],"そこでスノート、
  2269. ぼくのかわりにさがしてもらいたい
  2270. まずは(ノートパソコン)をみつけてくれ、
  2271. みつけたらまたつうしんしてほしい」
  2272. ","So I need you, Snort, 
  2273. to search it for me. First, 
  2274. try to find a laptop. Contact 
  2275. me if you manage to find one.
  2276. "
  2277. [0x3c0508],"しゅにん「たしかめようにも3かいそうには
  2278. むせんでアクセスできるパソコンがないんだ、
  2279. だからここからそんざいをかくにんできない
  2280. ","Chief ”I can’t make sure 
  2281. because we don’t have a PC
  2282. for trying the wireless access.
  2283. "
  2284. [0x3c0588],"じょしゅ「あるよう?」
  2285. ","Assistant ””Seems”?”
  2286. "
  2287. [0x3c05a8],"しゅにん「じつは5かいそうへのつうろは
  2288. ファイアーウォールからだけではない
  2289. 3かいそうからでもむせんでアクセスできるばしょがあるようなんだ」
  2290. ","Chief ”Actually, there seems
  2291. to be a way around the firewall.
  2292. It’s a wireless access point
  2293. somewhere on the third floor.”
  2294. "
  2295. [0x3c0638],"じょしゅ「しかし、しゅにん
  2296. 5かいそうのパソコンはげんじゅうな(げんしろ)のなかにあるため
  2297. いままでのようにちょくせつそうさすることができません」
  2298. ","Assistant ”But Chief, the fifth
  2299. floor’s computers are inside
  2300. the nuclear reactor. There’s
  2301. no using them in person.”
  2302. "
  2303. [0x3c06d0],"そこで、きみにうちがわからファイアーウォールをそうさして
  2304. 5かいそうへアクセスできるようにしてもらいたい」
  2305. ","I need you to operate the firewall 
  2306. from the inside so that the fifth 
  2307. floor can be accessed.”
  2308. "
  2309. [0x3c0740],"つまり、5かいそうからさきにアクセスできない
  2310. ほぼ(せつだん)じょうたいなんだ
  2311. ","So, the thing is I 
  2312. can’t access the fifth floor at 
  2313. all. It’s almost completely 
  2314. isolated from the outside.
  2315. "
  2316. [0x3c0790],"さきほどきみがもってきたぶんしょうをもとに4かいそう
  2317. までのネットワークをしらべていたんだが
  2318. 5かいそうのファイアーウォールがすべてのじょうほうを
  2319. しゃだんするじょうたいになっていたんだ
  2320. ","I studied the network up
  2321. to fourth floor with the
  2322. documents you brought.
  2323. The fifth floor’s firewall is
  2324. set to block all data.
  2325. "
  2326. [0x3c0850],"しゅにん「スノート、きゅうなつうしんですまない
  2327. ドクガスのネットワークのことでてつだってもらいたいことがあるんだ
  2328. ","Chief ”Sorry for the sudden call, 
  2329. Snort. I need your help with 
  2330. the Poison Gas’ network.
  2331. "
  2332. [0x3c08c8],"たいちょう「へたをすれば
  2333. ひばくすることになる
  2334. きをつけろ、スノート」
  2335. ","Commander ”Snort, be careful 
  2336. not to be exposed to radiation.”
  2337. "
  2338. [0x3c0910],"アメリカりくぐんの105ミリほうだん
  2339. M735A1とおなじいりょくをもち
  2340. そのうえ、ねんしょうしたあとウランをひさんさせる」
  2341. ","The 105mm shells are
  2342. on par with a M735A1.
  2343. Moreover, they scatter
  2344. uranium on combustion.”
  2345. "
  2346. [0x3c0990],"バイヤー「のっているATはコーギドックだが、
  2347. そうびしているATようのレッカウランだんだ
  2348. ","Buyer ”His AT is a Corgi 
  2349. Dog, but he’s equipped with 
  2350. depleted uranium shells.
  2351. "
  2352. [0x3c09f0],"たいちょう「やつもATのりか
  2353. ひきずりだしてじょうほうをてにいれろ」
  2354. ","Commander ”So he’s 
  2355. an AT pilot too? Drag him out 
  2356. and get him to speak.”
  2357. "
  2358. [0x3c0a38],"オリバー「おまえがダグラスを・・・
  2359. ゆるせん・・・」
  2360. ","Oliver ”So you’re the 
  2361. one who got Douglas...
  2362. I won’t forgive you...”
  2363. "
  2364. [0x3c0a70],"スノートはとびらのパスワードをへんこうした
  2365. ","Snort changed the door’s password.
  2366. "
  2367. [0x3c0aa0],"スノートはとびらをあけた
  2368. ","Snort opened the door. 
  2369. "
  2370. [0x3c0abc],"4階層への道","Way to 4F"
  2371. [0x3c0acc],"どうやらとびらをせいぎょしているようだ
  2372. ","It appears to be controlling 
  2373. the door.
  2374. "
  2375. [0x3c0af8],"バイヤー「またおいで」
  2376. ","Buyer ”Come again.”
  2377. "
  2378. [0x3c0b14],"おれのしごとはぶきやだ、
  2379. だれであろうととりひきするぜ」
  2380. ","My job is to sell weapons. 
  2381. I’ll do business with anyone.”
  2382. "
  2383. [0x3c0b50],"バイヤー「おっと、
  2384. ばれてしまった
  2385. ","Buyer ”Oops, 
  2386. you found me.
  2387. "
  2388. [0x3c0b74],"スノートは9のノートパソコンをてにいれた
  2389. ","Snort obtained 9’s laptop.
  2390. "
  2391. [0x3c0ba0],"しゅにん「そういうこと」
  2392. ","Chief ”That’s right.”
  2393. "
  2394. [0x3c0bbc],"じょしゅ「ウォードライビング?」
  2395. ","Assistant ”You mean ”wardriving”?”
  2396. "
  2397. [0x3c0be0],"しゅにん「よし、このパソコンをもったままちかとしのなかをいどうしてくれ
  2398. むせんでアクセスできるばしょをみつけたらはんのうする
  2399. ようにせっていしてある」
  2400. ","Chief ”Alright, try moving around
  2401. the underground city with the
  2402. laptop. It’s set to react if it
  2403. finds a wireless access point.”
  2404. "
  2405. [0x3c0c78],"むせんLANカードをとうちょうできるようにした
  2406. ","Configured the WLAN card 
  2407. for eavesdropping.
  2408. "
  2409. [0x3c0cb0],"#wlanctl-ng eth0 lnxreq-wlansniff
  2410. enable=true channnel=6
  2411. message=lnxreq=wlansniff
  2412. enable=true channel=6
  2413. resultcode=success
  2414. ",""
  2415. [0x3c0da8],"#kismet
  2416. Server option: none
  2417. Client option: none
  2418. Starting server...
  2419. ",""
  2420. [0x3c0e30],"スノートはむせんLANカードがにんしきされているのをかくにんした
  2421. ","Snort confirmed that a WLAN 
  2422. card is recognized.
  2423. "
  2424. [0x3c0e78],"lo no wireless extensions.
  2425. eth0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:””
  2426.  Nickname:””....
  2427. ",""
  2428. [0x3c0f0c],"#/sbin/iwconfig
  2429. ",""
  2430. [0x3c0f30],"スノートはむせんLANがにんしきされているかかくにんした
  2431. ","Snort checked for WLAN.
  2432. "
  2433. [0x3c0f70],"しゅにん「スノート、
  2434. ノートパソコンをみつけたようだね、むせんLANはどう?」
  2435. ","Chief ”So you found a laptop, 
  2436. Snort. How is the WLAN?”
  2437. "
  2438. [0x3c0fc0],"うらがえすと(9)とすうじがかかれていた
  2439. ","There’s a ”9” written on 
  2440. the other side.
  2441. "
  2442. [0x3c0ff0],"ノートパソコンがすてられている、
  2443. おもさからみてふるいかたのようだ
  2444. ","A laptop lies abandoned. 
  2445. Judging by its weight, it seems to 
  2446. be an older model.
  2447. "
  2448. [0x3c1038],"あいつ・・・
  2449. バルコニーのしたにあるホットスポットでやられて
  2450. なきゃいいけど・・」
  2451. ","I hope he’s not lying dead at 
  2452. the hotspot under the balcony...
  2453. "
  2454. [0x3c1090],"みんかんじん「バイヤーといっしょにきたのだが
  2455. サーバのまえではぐれてしまったんだ
  2456. ","Civilian ”I came here with 
  2457. Buyer, but got separated from him
  2458. in front of the servers.
  2459. "
  2460. [0x3c10e8],"しゅにん「ここがれいのメルトダウンげんばだ
  2461. さきにさぎょうをしているメンバーはぶじだろうか・・・」
  2462. ","Chief ”This is the place of 
  2463. the meltdown. I wonder if the 
  2464. workers are okay...”
  2465. "
  2466. [0x3c114c],"高熱","High temp."
  2467. [0x3c1154],"おくへすすむと
  2468. むせぶようなくうきがたちこめた
  2469. ","Trying to go further, you are met 
  2470. with a wall of suffocating air.
  2471. "
  2472. [0x3c1184],"「パワードユニット」をてにいれた!
  2473. ","Obtained power unit!
  2474. "
  2475. [0x3c11ac],"「ニンジャソード」をてにいれた!
  2476. ","Obtained ninja sword!”
  2477. "
  2478. [0x3c11d0],"アイテムらんがいっぱいです
  2479. ","Inventory full.
  2480. "
  2481. [0x3c11f0],"「RPG-7」をてにいれた!
  2482. ","Obtained RPG-7!
  2483. "
  2484. [0x3c1210],"バイヤー2「もちきれないようだぞ」
  2485. ","Buyer 2 ”You’re carrying 
  2486. too much already.”
  2487. "
  2488. [0x3c1238],"バイヤー2「おかねがたりないようだな」
  2489. ","Buyer 2 ”Looks like you don’t 
  2490. have enough money on you.”
  2491. "
  2492. [0x3c1264],"**RPG-7**
  2493. 1ちょう100えん、かいますか?","**RPG-7**
  2494. Buy one for 100 yen?
  2495. "
  2496. [0x3c12a0],"おれはここでぶきをうっている、
  2497. だれであろうととりひきするぜ」
  2498. ","I sell weapons here.
  2499. I’ll do business with anyone.”
  2500. "
  2501. [0x3c12e0],"バイヤー2「おっと、
  2502. ばれてしまった
  2503. ","Buyer 2 ”Oops, 
  2504. you found me.
  2505. "
  2506. [0x3c1308],"TripWireはあなたをおいだした
  2507. ","TripWire drove you out.
  2508. "
  2509. [0x3c1330],"**TripWire!**
  2510. ",""
  2511. [0x3c1350],"じょうほうはあつめた、
  2512. もうさがすひつようはない
  2513. ","We have all the information 
  2514. we need. No need to look 
  2515. around anymore.
  2516. "
  2517. [0x3c1384],"スノート、
  2518. めんどうだがいちどもどってきてくれ」
  2519. ","Snort, I know it’s a bother, 
  2520. but please get back here.”
  2521. "
  2522. [0x3c13b8],"けいびがきびしい2かいそうからの
  2523. アクセスはふしんにおもわれるかもしれないな
  2524. ","Trying to access from the 
  2525. strictly-guarded second floor 
  2526. might look suspicious.
  2527. "
  2528. [0x3c1408],"たいちょう「たしかに、
  2529. ","Commander ”Indeed,
  2530. "
  2531. [0x3c1428],"おそらくはネットワークかんしプログラムが
  2532. はたらいているパソコンがあるはずです」
  2533. ","They must have a computer 
  2534. with a network monitoring 
  2535. program running.”
  2536. "
  2537. [0x3c1480],"それにどのちょうほうきかんがしらべても、
  2538. じったいをはくできなかったほどのセキュリティです
  2539. ","Besides, their security is 
  2540. so firm no intelligence agency
  2541. could grasp anything significant.
  2542. "
  2543. [0x3c14e0],"しゅにん「いえ、それだときけんです
  2544. プロクシサーバをとっただけではまだドクガスないぶの
  2545. ネットワークすべてをせいあつ
  2546. したわけではありません
  2547. ","Chief ”No, that’s risky.
  2548. We might have the proxy 
  2549. servers, but we still don’t 
  2550. have all of their network 
  2551. under our control.
  2552. "
  2553. [0x3c1570],"たいちょう「ここのパソコンまで
  2554. てんそうしてもらったほうがいいのではないか」
  2555. ","Commander ”Shouldn’t we just warp 
  2556. our own computers there?”
  2557. "
  2558. [0x3c15c0],"しゅにん「スノート、これはつかえるかもしれない
  2559. そのソースコードをぼくのところまでもってきてくれ」
  2560. ","Chief ”Snort, this could be useful.
  2561. Bring that source code to me.”
  2562. "
  2563. [0x3c1624],"じょしゅ「BOF、バッファオーバーフローね」
  2564. ","Assistant ”So it’s the so-called 
  2565. buffer overflow.”
  2566. "
  2567. [0x3c1658],"これらにバグをおこして、べつのめいれいをさせれば
  2568. かんりしゃけんげんであいてのパソコンを
  2569. そうさできるだろう」
  2570. ","If we manage to send our own 
  2571. commands through some bug, we 
  2572. might be able to get the admin 
  2573. rights of the computer.”
  2574. "
  2575. [0x3c16c8],"これらRPCけいとよばれるものは
  2576. かんりしゃけんげんでうごいている
  2577. ","It uses Remote Procedure 
  2578. Calls, which require admin rights.
  2579. "
  2580. [0x3c1710],"しゅにん「はなれたところからファイルそうさができるNFSなどを
  2581. たすけるプログラム、むかしからあるプログラムだ
  2582. ","Chief ”It’s an old program that 
  2583. helps with remote file access 
  2584. protocols like the NFS.
  2585. "
  2586. [0x3c1780],"バグをけんさするめいれいのかしょがくろいもじでけされている
  2587. ","The order to test for 
  2588. bugs is struck through in black.
  2589. "
  2590. [0x3c17c0],"どうやらPORTMAPPERとよばれるNISや
  2591. NFSのどうさをたすけるプログラムのようだ
  2592. ","Looks like it’s PORTMAPPER, 
  2593. a program that helps with 
  2594. configurating NIS and NFS.
  2595. "
  2596. [0x3c181c],"ないようはCげんごでかかれたソースコードのようだ
  2597. ","It’s a source code 
  2598. written in C.
  2599. "
  2600. [0x3c1850],"「PORTMAP.C」
  2601. ",""
  2602. [0x3c1870],"スノートはそのなかにいちまいだけあたらしく
  2603. いんさつされたかみきれをみつけた
  2604. ","Snort spotted one freshly-printed 
  2605. paper slip.
  2606. "
  2607. [0x3c18c0],"ないようは、このしせつないのネットワークのかんきょうや
  2608. もんだいがおきたときのたいさくメモなどが
  2609. びっしりかきこまれている
  2610. ","There are documents of 
  2611. the facility’s network environment 
  2612. and memos of countermeasures 
  2613. against possible problems.
  2614. "
  2615. [0x3c1940],"スノートはあたりをみまわした、
  2616. えいごでかかれたかみがさんらんしている
  2617. ","Snort looked around. 
  2618. Papers written in English 
  2619. lie scattered around.
  2620. "
  2621. [0x3c1988],"スノートはもくてきをはたした、そうさするひつようはないだろう
  2622. ","Snort already completed the 
  2623. objective. No need to use it 
  2624. anymore.
  2625. "
  2626. [0x3c19c8],"スノートはzap3をとめた
  2627. ","Snort stopped zap3.
  2628. "
  2629. [0x3c19e8],"スノートはTripWireをとめた
  2630. ","Snort stopped TripWire.
  2631. "
  2632. [0x3c1a10],"/etc/ppp/TripWire
  2633. ",""
  2634. [0x3c1a38],"スノートはTripWireをさがした
  2635. ","Snort searched for TripWire.
  2636. "
  2637. [0x3c1a60],"しゅにん「つぎはTripWireをとめるんだ」
  2638. ","Chief ”Time to stop TripWire next.”
  2639. "
  2640. [0x3c1a98],"#unset HISTFILE
  2641. #unset HISTFILESIZE
  2642. #unset HISTSIZE
  2643. ",""
  2644. [0x3c1b00],"スノートはほかにしようしているひとをさがした
  2645. パソコンはきどうしているがかんりしゃはいないようだ
  2646. ","Snort searched for other users
  2647. The computer is active, but 
  2648. there’s no administrator present.
  2649. "
  2650. [0x3c1b68],"adm :0
  2651. adm pts/0
  2652. root pts/1(
  2653. ",""
  2654. [0x3c1bc0],"そのうえこのプログラムがうごいているあいだは
  2655. ログをとることができなくなる」
  2656. ","Also, while this program is 
  2657. running, no logs can be saved.”
  2658. "
  2659. [0x3c1c10],"しゅにん「このOSにあるしんにゅうがばれそうなしょうこ、
  2660. ログをけした
  2661. ","Chief ”Now the evidence of 
  2662. our intrusion is gone.
  2663. "
  2664. [0x3c1c58],"スノートはあいてのパソコンのログをけした
  2665. ","Snort cleaned the computer’s log.
  2666. "
  2667. [0x3c1c84],"zap!!
  2668. ",""
  2669. [0x3c1c94],"スノートはあいてのかんりしゃけんげんをてにいれた
  2670. ","Snort obtained the target’s 
  2671. admin rights.
  2672. "
  2673. [0x3c1cc8],"CONNECTING TO REMOTE HOST
  2674. ........
  2676. PWD /,ID UID=0 GID=0
  2677. ",""
  2678. [0x3c1d58],"SENDINGSHELLCODE...
  2679. ",""
  2680. [0x3c1d88],"# ./BofPortmap
  2682. |./zap3
  2683. |who
  2684. ",""
  2685. [0x3c1df0],"スノート、
  2686. もうすこしたんさくしてからこよう」
  2687. ","Snort, come back after
  2688. exploring some more.”
  2689. "
  2690. [0x3c1e20],"しかし、LINUXはながねんおおくのひとにつかわれているOSだ
  2691. よくつかわれているプログラムのバグはほとんどしゅうせいされているだろう
  2692. ","However, Linux has been used by 
  2693. many people for a long time. There 
  2694. shouldn’t be any major bugs left 
  2695. in the oft-used programs.
  2696. "
  2697. [0x3c1ea8],"バグをつかえばかんりしゃけんげんをとれるかのせいがあるが・・・
  2698. ","It might be possible to 
  2699. get the admin rights through 
  2700. some bug...
  2701. "
  2702. [0x3c1ef0],"そのため
  2703. セキュリティたいさくがないCでつくったソフトは
  2704. きけんなバグをひきおこしやすい
  2705. ","As C has no security
  2706. measures in by itself, programs 
  2707. made with it are likely to 
  2708. have dangerous bugs.
  2709. "
  2710. [0x3c1f50],"Cはセキュリティがもんだいでなかったじだいに
  2711. よくつかわれたげんごだ
  2712. ","The C language was used 
  2713. a lot back when security wasn’t 
  2714. considered a problem.
  2715. "
  2716. [0x3c1f98],"しゅにん「これらUNIXシステムのほとんどは
  2717. Cげんごでかかれている
  2718. ","Chief ”Most of these Unix 
  2719. systems are written in C.
  2720. "
  2721. [0x3c1fe0],"# RPCINFO -P
  2722. 100000 2 TCP 111 PORTMAPPER
  2723. 100000 2 UDP 111 PORTMAPPER
  2724. 100003 2 UDP 2049 NFS
  2725. 100003 3 UDP 2049 NFS
  2726. ",""
  2727. [0x3c20d8],"スノートはRPCBINDからじょうほうをひきだした
  2728. ","Snort took the information 
  2729. from RPCBIND.
  2730. "
  2731. [0x3c2110],"しゅにん「RPCBINDか、
  2732. LINUXではPORTMAPPERともいうな」
  2733. ","Chief ”It’s RPCBIND, 
  2734. known as PORTMAPPER on Linux.”
  2735. "
  2736. [0x3c2160],"# NMAP -sN
  2737. 111/TCP OPEN RPCBIND
  2738. ",""
  2739. [0x3c21bc],"スノートは1つのホストと1つのルータをかくにんした
  2740. ","Snort found one host 
  2741. and one router.
  2742. "
  2743. [0x3c21f8],"# ./fping -p
  2745. is alive
  2746. is alive
  2747. ",""
  2748. [0x3c229c],"LINUXのパソコンがある
  2749. ","It’s a PC with Linux.
  2750. "
  2751. [0x3c22bc],"たいちょう「もういい、
  2752. かのじょをかいほうしてやれ」
  2753. ","Commander ”This is 
  2754. enough. Let her go.”
  2755. "
  2756. [0x3c22f8],"かんりしゃ「わたしのじょうしです、
  2757. がかれのことはよくわかりません」
  2758. ","Admin ”He’s my superior, 
  2759. but I don’t really know 
  2760. much about him.”
  2761. "
  2762. [0x3c2340],"(9)?
  2763. ","”9”?
  2764. "
  2765. [0x3c2350],"しゅにん「よくわかりません、
  2766. スノートがもってきたしりょうには
  2767. かんりしゃのなまえは(9)とだけかかれています」
  2768. ","Chief ”I’m not sure. The
  2769. documents Snort brought just 
  2770. refer to the administrator as ”9”.”
  2771. "
  2772. [0x3c23c8],"たいちょう「かのじょがこのネットワークをかんりしていたのか?」
  2773. ","Commander ”Was this girl the 
  2774. one managing the network?”
  2775. "
  2776. [0x3c240c],"かんりしゃ「スコットはおそらく4かいそうにいます」
  2777. ","Admin ”He’s probably on the 
  2778. fourth floor.”
  2779. "
  2780. [0x3c2444],"スコット?
  2781. ","Scott?
  2782. "
  2783. [0x3c2454],"かんりしゃ「オリバーはちかとしのBブリッジでみかけました」
  2784. ","Admin ”I saw him at the 
  2785. underground city’s B bridge.”
  2786. "
  2787. [0x3c2494],"オリバー?
  2788. ","Oliver?
  2789. "
  2790. [0x3c24a4],"かんりしゃ「ダグラスはちかげすいどうにいます」
  2791. ","Admin ”He’s in the 
  2792. underground canal.”
  2793. "
  2794. [0x3c24d8],"ダグラス?
  2795. ","Douglas?
  2796. "
  2797. [0x3c24e8],"かんりしゃ「ニチナンにスカウトされたうでききの
  2798. ATのりのあだなです、
  2799. おもに3にんでチームをくんでいます
  2800. なまえはダグラス、オリバー、スコット」
  2801. ","They are three expert 
  2802. AT pilots scouted by Nichinan.
  2803. Their names are Douglas, 
  2804. Oliver and Scott.
  2805. "
  2806. [0x3c257c],"(クラッカーぶたい)?
  2807. ","”Cracker corps”?
  2808. "
  2809. [0x3c2598],"かんりしゃ「ニチナンからしゅっこうされたテストパイロットです、
  2810. ニチナンのしさくきにのりデータをあつめることがかれらのしごとです
  2811. たいどのわるさからドクガスに(クラッカーぶたい)とよばれています」
  2812. ","Admin ”They were sent
  2813. by Nichinan to collect data on 
  2814. the prototypes. They’re called
  2815. ”cracker corps” for their
  2816. bad attitudes.”
  2817. "
  2818. [0x3c2660],"ニチナンのテストパイロット?
  2819. ","Nichinan’s test pilots?
  2820. "
  2821. [0x3c2680],"かんりしゃ「わたしはくわしくはしりません、
  2822. かれらはいま、かくほかんこにいます」
  2823. ","Admin ”I don’t know anything 
  2824. precise, just that they are in 
  2825. the nuclear vault now.”
  2826. "
  2827. [0x3c26d4],"ドクガスのかんぶ?
  2828. ","Executives?
  2829. "
  2830. [0x3c26f0],"ドクガスのかんぶやニチナンのテストパイロット、
  2831. ネットワークかんりしゃはけんりをもっています
  2832. わたしもけんりしゃでした
  2833. いまはそのけんりをドクガスからぼっしゅうされています」
  2834. ","Poison Gas’ executives and
  2835. Nichinan’s test pilots have the
  2836. rights to enter. I had them too,
  2837. but they’re confiscated now.”
  2838. "
  2839. [0x3c27a0],"かんりしゃ「こべつのIDカード、パスワードをもち、
  2840. しんたいのとくちょうをにんしょうデータベースにほかんしているものです
  2841. ","Admin ”You need to have your 
  2842. own ID card and password, and 
  2843. your characteristics have to be 
  2844. in the biometrics database.
  2845. "
  2846. [0x3c281c],"けんりしゃ?
  2847. ","Authorized personnel?
  2848. "
  2849. [0x3c2830],"めのもうまくや、ゆびのしもんなど
  2850. バイオメトリクスにんしょうがひつようになります
  2851. かぎられた(けんりしゃ)でなければはいることができません」
  2852. ","There’s a biometrics authentication
  2853. that checks for your retina and
  2854. fingerprints. Only authorized
  2855. personnel can enter.”
  2856. "
  2857. [0x3c28c0],"かんりしゃ「5かいそうはげんしろです
  2858. げんしろへいくにはげんじゅうなセキュリティを
  2859. とおらなければいけません
  2860. ","Admin ”Fifth floor is the nuclear
  2861. reactor. It’s protected with heavy 
  2862. security measures.
  2863. ”"
  2864. [0x3c2930],"5かいそうについて?
  2865. ","About the fifth floor?
  2866. "
  2867. [0x3c2948],"しゅにん「5かいそうのじょうほうをきいてくれ
  2868. もくてきのじょうほうはおそらくそこにある」
  2869. ","Chief ”Ask about the fifth
  2870. floor. That’s probably what
  2871. we really need to know.”
  2872. "
  2873. [0x3c29a4],"かんりしゃ「ありがとう」
  2874. ","Admin ”Thanks.”
  2875. "
  2876. [0x3c29c0],"スノートはあんぜんなだしゅつほうほうをおしえた
  2877. ","Snort taught a safe way of escape.
  2878. "
  2879. [0x3c29f4],"たいちょう「それくらいのじょうほうならいいだろう
  2880. はなせ」
  2881. ","Commander ”I suppose that much we 
  2882. can do. Snort, let her free.”
  2883. "
  2884. [0x3c2a30],"こちらのじょうほうとドクガスほんぶからのだしゅつほうほうを
  2885. こうかんするじょうけんではどうでしょうか」
  2886. ","So how about I give you the 
  2887. information I have in exchange for 
  2888. a way to escape from this base?”
  2889. "
  2890. [0x3c2a98],"かんりしゃ「わかりました、
  2891. そちらのじじょうをりかいしているつもりです、
  2892. ふかくはききません
  2893. ","Admin ”Understood. 
  2894. I won’t inquire further as you
  2895. seem to have your reasons.
  2896. "
  2897. [0x3c2af8],"スノートはことわった
  2898. ","Snort turned down the request.
  2899. "
  2900. [0x3c2b10],"たいちょう「スノート、
  2901. だれにもわれわれのじょうほうをおしえるわけにはいかない
  2902. ほごはしないことをつたえてくれ」
  2903. ","Commander ”We can’t just reveal 
  2904. our information to anyone. Tell 
  2905. her that we cannot protect her.
  2906. "
  2907. [0x3c2b88],"わたしはいのちをねらわれています
  2908. ほごしていただけないでしょうか」
  2909. ","My life is being threatened. Can 
  2910. you take me under your protection?”
  2911. "
  2912. [0x3c2bd0],"?「わたしはニチナンからのしゅっこうしゃいんです
  2913. ここではドクガスのネットワークかんりをしていました
  2914. そちらがドクガスのかんけいしゃでないことをみこんでおねがいがあります
  2915. ","? ”I’m from Nichinan. I was
  2916. managing Poison Gas’ network.
  2917. You don’t seem to be with
  2918. them, so I have something
  2919. to ask of you.
  2920. "
  2921. [0x3c2c80],"バイヤー「いや、
  2922. うまくたちまわればかのうせいはある
  2923. うまくきょりをとるんだスノート」
  2924. ","Buyer ”No, it’s
  2925. possible if you handle it
  2926. very skillfully. Keep your 
  2927. distance, Snort.”
  2928. "
  2929. [0x3c2cd8],"しゅにん「ATになまみで?!
  2930. むちゃだスノート」
  2931. ","Chief ”Against an AT all 
  2932. by oneself?! That’s just too
  2933. reckless, Snort!
  2934. "
  2935. [0x3c2d10],"またニチナンじゅうこうのATとして
  2936. あんていしてとりひきされている
  2937. さいきんではアジア、アフリカにでまわっている」
  2938. ","A Nichinan-made AT with a 
  2939. steady market, it has been popular 
  2940. around Africa and Asia recently.”
  2941. "
  2942. [0x3c2d88],"バイヤー「ATコーギードックか、
  2943. こいつはほかのATとくらべてきどうりょくのたかいATだ
  2944. ","Buyer ”It’s the ”Corgi Dog”, 
  2945. an AT with higher mobility than 
  2946. others.
  2947. "
  2948. [0x3c2de4],"おまえはなまみだが
  2949. やつはてかげんなしでおそってくるだろう」
  2950. ","You’ll have to face his merciless
  2951. attack all by yourself.”
  2952. "
  2953. [0x3c2e24],"いや、スノート
  2954. ここまできたらたたかうしかない
  2955. ","Snort, at this point 
  2956. you can only fight back.
  2957. "
  2958. [0x3c2e54],"たいちょう「ダグラス?
  2959. おまえは・・・
  2960. ","Commander ”Douglas?
  2961. You’re...
  2962. "
  2963. [0x3c2e80],"???「たたかうまえにおしえておこう
  2964. おれのなはダグラス、
  2965. ATのりにあったのをふこうにおもうのだな」
  2966. ","??? ”A few words before we battle
  2967. I’m Douglas. 
  2968. Quite unfortunate for you to
  2969. run into an AT pilot like me.”
  2970. "
  2971. [0x3c2ee8],"???「きさま、しんにゅうしゃか!」
  2972. ","??? ”You there! Intruder!”
  2973. "
  2974. [0x3c2f10],"からっぽだ
  2975. ","It’s empty.
  2976. "
  2977. [0x3c2f20],"これならチェーンをきれるかもしれない
  2978. チェンソーをてにいれた!
  2979. ","This could cut the chains.
  2980. Obtained chainsaw!
  2981. "
  2982. [0x3c2f60],"チェンソーがはいっていた
  2983. がつかうこともなさそうなのでそのままにした
  2984. ","There’s a chainsaw inside 
  2985. ...but there’s no use for it.
  2986. "
  2987. [0x3c2fa8],"せんかんへ","To battleship"
  2988. [0x3c2fb4],"スノートはとびらをしめた
  2989. ","Snort closed the door.
  2990. "
  2991. [0x3c2fd0],"なかにはてんそうそうちがある
  2992. せんかんにもどりますか?
  2993. ","There is a warp device inside.
  2994. Return to the battleship?
  2995. "
  2996. [0x3c3008],"スノートはとびらをあけてみた
  2997. ","Snort opened the door.
  2998. "
  2999. [0x3c3028],"せんかんへもどることができない
  3000. ","Cannot return to the battleship.
  3001. "
  3002. [0x3c304c],"でもむちゃはしないでね」
  3003. ","Just try to not do 
  3004. anything too rash.”
  3005. "
  3006. [0x3c3068],"じょしゅ「スノート、
  3007. きたいしているわ
  3008. ","Assistant ”Snort, I have
  3009. high expectations for you.
  3010. "
  3011. [0x3c3090],"ドクガスもそしきをまもるもくてきで
  3012. LINUXをつかっているのかもしれません」
  3013. ","Perhaps Poison Gas uses Linux 
  3014. to help protect its organization.”
  3015. "
  3016. [0x3c30e0],"むかしからつかわれてきたおかげで
  3017. ちめいてきなバグはまずありません
  3018. ",""
  3019. [0x3c3124],"じょしゅ「LINUXはネットワークにつよいOSです
  3020. ","Assistant ”Linux is an OS suited 
  3021. to use with networks.
  3022. "
  3023. [0x3c315c],"へやもきょうゆうでつかうことになるのでよろしくね」
  3024. ","We also share the same room 
  3025. so look forward to it.”
  3026. "
  3027. [0x3c3194],"じょしゅ「はじめまして、しゅにんのじょしゅをしています
  3028. ","Assistant ”Nice to meet you, 
  3029. I’m the chief’s assistant.
  3030. "
  3031. [0x3c31d0],"たいちょう「・・・ざんねんながらわたしはパソコンについてはタコでな
  3032. べつのぶんやでならちからになろう」
  3033. ","Commander ”...unfortunately I know
  3034. nothing about computers. I’ll help 
  3035. with something else instead.”
  3036. "
  3037. [0x3c3238],"では
  3038. こううんをいのる」
  3039. ","Well then.
  3040. I wish you the best of luck.”
  3041. "
  3042. [0x3c3258],"そうさはうえのたんまつにばしょをしていするだけ
  3043. あとはそうちのまんなかで↓ボタンをおせばいい
  3044. ","To operate it, just set your
  3045. destination using the terminal above.
  3046. Then press the ↓ button while in
  3047. the middle of the device.
  3048. "
  3049. [0x3c32b8],"たいちょう「しゅにんにあいさつをすませたようだな
  3050. てんそうそうちをきどうさせよう
  3051. ","Commander ”Oh, so you’re 
  3052. done greeting Chief. I’ll 
  3053. activate the warp device.
  3054. "
  3055. [0x3c3310],"わたしにもなにかあったられんらくしてくれ
  3056. できるかぎりのてだすけをしよう」
  3057. ","Do contact me too if the 
  3058. need arises. I shall help 
  3059. you as well as I can.”
  3060. "
  3061. [0x3c3360],"ラボ
  3062. つうしんかんけいでさまざまなサポートをしてくれる
  3063. スタッフがじょうちゅうしている
  3064. こんかいのにんむではおおいにやくにたってくれるだろう
  3065. ","Lab
  3066. Has staff ready to support you
  3067. with all things communications.
  3068. Will likely be of great use 
  3069. in this mission.
  3070. "
  3071. [0x3c33f0],"バイヤー
  3072. ぶきやどうぐをうっている
  3073. いまはしなぞろえがわるいが
  3074. みかんていひんをうるとかんていしてくれる
  3075. ","Buyer
  3076. Sells weapons and tools.
  3077. His selection is limited now,
  3078. but he will inspect unidentified
  3079. items if you sell them to him.
  3080. "
  3081. [0x3c3460],"スノートのへや
  3082. きみがじょせいだときいてきゅうきょよういした
  3083. ここではHP、MPをかいふくすることができる
  3084. ","Snort’s room
  3085. Prepared in haste after hearing 
  3086. you would be female. You can 
  3087. restore HP and MP here.
  3088. "
  3089. [0x3c34d0],"たいちょう「このせんかんにはきみをサポートするせつびを
  3090. いくつかよういしてある
  3091. ","Commander ”I have prepared
  3092. several facilities for your support 
  3093. in this battleship.”
  3094. "
  3095. [0x3c3520],"てんそうさきをキャンセルしました
  3096. ","Cancelled setting warp destination.
  3097. "
  3098. [0x3c3544],"てんそうさきをしていしました
  3099. ","Warp destination set.
  3100. "
  3101. [0x3c3564],"てんそうそうちはきどうしていません
  3102. ","The warp device is not active.
  3103. "
  3104. [0x3c358c],"バイヤー「またきてくれ」
  3105. ","Buyer ”Come again.”
  3106. "
  3107. [0x3c35a8],"わからないものはないとじふしている」
  3108. ","I’m confident that there’s 
  3109. nothing I can’t identify.”
  3110. "
  3111. [0x3c35d0],"バイヤー「おれはぶきと
  3112. ぼうぐをせんもんにあつかっているバイヤーだ
  3113. ","Buyer ”I’m Buyer, a specialist
  3114. in dealing weapons and armor.
  3115. "
  3116. [0x3c3614],"ワープさきがしていされていません
  3117. ","No warp destination set.
  3118. "
  3119. [0x3c3638],"*ワープポイント*
  3120. ワープしますか?","*Warp Point*
  3121. Would you like to warp?
  3122. "
  3123. [0x3c3660],"シークレット2","Secret 2"
  3124. [0x3c3670],"------",""
  3125. [0x3c3678],"**エレベータ**
  3126. YES<B8F>
  3127. NO<B20F>
  3128. ","**Elevator**
  3129. YES<B8F>
  3130. NO<B20F>
  3131. "
  3132. [0x3c36b0],"ふるいパソコンがある、
  3133. もうつかうことはないだろう
  3134. ","It’s an old PC, 
  3135. no use for it anymore.
  3136. "
  3137. [0x3c36e4],"スノートはパソコンをていしさせた
  3138. ","Snort shut down the computer.
  3139. "
  3140. [0x3c3708],"# ifconfig eth0 -promisc
  3141. ",""
  3142. [0x3c373c],"スノートはパスワードをりかいした
  3143. ","Snort got the password.
  3144. "
  3145. [0x3c3760],"てき1「(*******)だ、よくあたまにいれておけ」
  3146. ","Enemy 1 ”It’s (*******),
  3147. memorize it well.”
  3148. "
  3149. [0x3c37a0],"てき2「すまない、
  3150. だい2フロアへのパスワードをおしえてくれないか」
  3151. ","Enemy 2 ”Sorry, could you 
  3152. tell me the password to the 
  3153. second floor?”
  3154. "
  3155. [0x3c37e8],"てき1「・・・・というわけでほうこくするひつようがあるんだ」
  3156. ","Enemy 1 ”...so I need to 
  3157. make a report.”
  3158. "
  3159. [0x3c3828],"0)
  3160.  -->
  3161. ",""
  3162. [0x3c3870],"# ./sniffer
  3163. ",""
  3164. [0x3c388c],"スノートはスニッファーツールをきどうした
  3165. ","Snort launched the sniffer tool.
  3166. "
  3167. [0x3c38b8],"これでほかのつうしんをとうちょうできる
  3168. ","Now we can eavesdrop on 
  3169. other communications.
  3170. "
  3171. [0x3c38e4],"# ifconfig eth0 promisc
  3172. ",""
  3173. [0x3c3918],"スノートはUSBをさした
  3174. ","Snort inserted the USB.
  3175. "
  3176. [0x3c3938],"しゅにん「おそらくはプロキシサーバがこのパソコンを
  3177. かんししているようだ、そうさをちゅうだんしよう」
  3178. ","Chief ”It seems a proxy server is
  3179. monitoring this computer. Let’s
  3180. abort the operation.”
  3181. "
  3182. [0x3c39a0],"220 ICMP messages received
  3183. 180 input ICMP message failed.
  3184. ",""
  3185. [0x3c3a14],"# netstat -s
  3186. ",""
  3187. [0x3c3a30],"スノートはこのパソコンにむけてアクセスがないかたしかめた
  3188. ","Snort checked for accesses 
  3189. directed to this computer.
  3190. "
  3191. [0x3c3a70],"プロキシサーバはパソコンががいぶにアクセスするとき
  3192. につうかするひつようあるパソコンのことだ」
  3193. ","The computer has to pass through
  3194. proxy servers when accessing the 
  3195. outside.”
  3196. "
  3197. [0x3c3ad0],"しゅにん「まってくれ、こうげきするまえに
  3198. いちどプロキシサーバをかくにんしたい
  3199. ","Chief ”Please wait, before 
  3200. starting the attack I want to check 
  3201. for proxy servers.
  3202. "
  3203. [0x3c3b20],"3つのホストをかくにんした
  3204. ","Confirmed 3 hosts.
  3205. "
  3206. [0x3c3b40]," is alive
  3207. is alive
  3208. is alive
  3209. ",""
  3210. [0x3c3bc0],"# ./fping -p
  3212. ",""
  3213. [0x3c3c10],"スノートはアクセスできるホストをさがした
  3214. ","Snort searched for 
  3215. accessible hosts.
  3216. "
  3217. [0x3c3c3c],"スノートはUSBをさしこんだ
  3218. ","Snort plugged in the USB.
  3219. "
  3220. [0x3c3c60],"ひとむかしまえのふるいパソコンがある、
  3221. あまりつかわれていないようにみえる
  3222. ","It’s a vintage computer that
  3223. doesn’t look very often used.
  3224. "
  3225. [0x3c3cac],"F2に降りるかいだん","
  3226. Stairway down to F2"
  3227. [0x3c3cc4],"したにおりるつうろがひらいた
  3228. ","The passage down opened.
  3229. "
  3230. [0x3c3ce4],"スノートはパスワードをにゅうりょくした
  3231. ","Snort entered the password.
  3232. "
  3233. [0x3c3d10],"どうやらパスワードをいれなければしたにいけないようだ
  3234. ","Looks like entering a password 
  3235. is needed to go down from here.
  3236. "
  3237. [0x3c3d48],"UNIXベースのたんまつがある
  3238. あつかいやすいインターフェイスになっている
  3239. ","It’s a Unix-based terminal
  3240. with an easy-to-use interface.
  3241. "
  3242. [0x3c3d98],"root :0
  3243. root pts/0
  3244. ori pts/1(
  3245. ",""
  3246. [0x3c3dec],"# who
  3247. ",""
  3248. [0x3c3dfc],"スノートはべつのひとがしようしていないかさぐってみた
  3249. ","Snort checked for other active users.
  3250. "
  3251. [0x3c3e34],"いまからこのプロキシサーバにアクセスしてみる」
  3252. ","I will now attempt to access this 
  3253. proxy server.”
  3254. "
  3255. [0x3c3e68],"しゅにん「いまはこれでじゅうぶんだ
  3256. ","Chief ”This is enough for 
  3257. the time being.
  3258. "
  3259. [0x3c3e90],"# echo
  3260. ”ori::0:0::/.null:/bin/bash” >>
  3261. /etc/passwd
  3262. ",""
  3263. [0x3c3ef8],"スノートはバックドアをつくった
  3264. ","Snort created a backdoor.
  3265. "
  3266. [0x3c3f20],"これでとうちょうをはっけんできなくなった
  3267. ついでにバックドアもつくってくれ」
  3268. ","Now the eavesdropping can’t 
  3269. be detected. Create a backdoor too 
  3270. while you’re at it.”
  3271. "
  3272. [0x3c3f70],"とくしゅなデータをそうしんし、それにたいするおうとうを
  3273. もとにしてとうちょうをはっけんするほうほうだ
  3274. ","It sends special data and detects
  3275. eavesdropping based on the answers
  3276. it receives.
  3277. "
  3278. [0x3c3fd8],"しゅにん「このツールはEther Ping Testを
  3279. おこなっていたようだ
  3280. ","Chief ”Looks like this tool 
  3281. was performing Ether Ping Test.
  3282. "
  3283. [0x3c4028],"スノートはかんしツールをとめた
  3284. ","Snort stopped the monitoring program.
  3285. "
  3286. [0x3c404c],"# /etc/rc.d/init.d/AntiS stop
  3287. ",""
  3288. [0x3c4088],"スニッファーかんしツールをはっけんした
  3289. ","Found a sniffer monitoring tool.
  3290. "
  3291. [0x3c40b4],"スノートはきどうしているソフトをかくにんした
  3292. ","Snort checked for active programs.
  3293. "
  3294. [0x3c40e4],"すでにかんりしゃけんげんでそうさできるようだ
  3295. ","Turns out it is already operable
  3296. with admin rights.
  3297. "
  3298. [0x3c4114],"スノートはパソコンをきどうした
  3299. ","Snort turned the computer on.
  3300. "
  3301. [0x3c4138],"そのためにぼくはできるはんいで
  3302. きみのてだすけをするよ」
  3303. ","And I will help you with that 
  3304. to the best of my ability.”
  3305. "
  3306. [0x3c4178],"しゅにん「スノート
  3307. きみならドクガスのデータをかいしゅうできるだろう
  3308. ","Chief ”Snort, I believe you 
  3309. are capable of recovering the data 
  3310. from Poison Gas.
  3311. "
  3312. [0x3c41c0],"スノートはUSBメモリーをうけとった
  3313. ","Snort received the USB memory.
  3314. "
  3315. [0x3c41e8],"あとZAP3というツールをUSBにいれておいた
  3316. もししんにゅうできたら、すぐにこれをつかってくれ」
  3317. ","I put a tool named ZAP3 
  3318. in the USB. If you succeed in
  3319. infiltrating, use this immediately.”
  3320. "
  3321. [0x3c4250],"しゅにん「なんとかかたちにはなったが・・・
  3322. うまくいくとはおもわないでくれ
  3323. ","Chief ”I got it worked out 
  3324. somehow, but...don’t expect it to 
  3325. go too well.
  3326. "
  3327. [0x3c42a0],"じょしゅ「しゅにん、
  3328. テストようのパソコンをつかってためしますから、
  3329. だいじょうぶです」
  3330. ","Assistant ”Chief,
  3331. don’t worry, I’ll try it
  3332. on a testing PC first.”
  3333. "
  3334. [0x3c4300],"あいてのLINUXのバージョンもかんがえて、
  3335. まちがえて2どもどることになるのはごめんだからね」
  3336. ","Also consider the target’s Linux 
  3337. version. I don’t want to make 
  3338. a mistake and have to return
  3339. there again.”
  3340. "
  3341. [0x3c4368],"しゅにん「まって、
  3342. ぜったいめいれいに0をまぜないで、
  3343. あとなるべくみじかめにつくるんだ
  3344. ","Chief ”Hold on,
  3345. make sure to not include 
  3346. any zeroes in the absolute 
  3347. instruction, and try to keep 
  3348. it as short as possible.
  3349. "
  3350. [0x3c43c8],"じょしゅ「しゅにん、
  3351. わたしはじっこうさせるめいれい
  3352. (ペイロード)をつくります」
  3353. ","Assistant ”Chief,
  3354. I’ll create the instruction
  3355. (”payload”) to be executed.”
  3356. "
  3357. [0x3c4420],"しゅにん「すこしまっていてくれ、
  3358. いまソースコードからプログラムをつくる」
  3359. ","Chief ”Wait a moment, I’ll 
  3360. make a program from the 
  3361. source code.”
  3362. "
  3363. [0x3c446c],"スノートはソースコードをしゅにんにわたした
  3364. ","Snort handed the source 
  3365. code to Chief.
  3366. "
  3367. [0x3c44a0],"パソコンにしんにゅうできたら、
  3368. できるだけためしてもらいたい」
  3369. ","After intruding the computer 
  3370. successfully, I want you to try 
  3371. it as much as possible.”
  3372. "
  3373. [0x3c44e0],"かいわをしているひとにむけてみみをかたむけること
  3374. べつめいはとうちょうともいう
  3375. ","It means lending an 
  3376. ear to a conversation. In other 
  3377. words, eavesdropping.
  3378. "
  3379. [0x3c4530],"ぼくはきみにしてもらいたいことがある
  3380. それはスニッフィングだ
  3381. ","There’s something I want you 
  3382. to do called ”sniffing” in IT terms.
  3383. "
  3384. [0x3c4570],"ドクガスはセキュリティいしきのあるぶたいだ
  3385. おそらくパスワードはげんじゅうにかんりしているはず
  3386. ","Poison Gas troops are security 
  3387. aware. I’m afraid their passwords
  3388. are firmly managed.
  3389. "
  3390. [0x3c45d0],"さらにデータのながれをしらべたら
  3391. よりじゅうようなじょうほうをてにいれることもある
  3392. ","And if you examine the flow of 
  3393. data, you might obtain knowledge 
  3394. even more important.
  3395. "
  3396. [0x3c4628],"しゅにん「ぶつりてきにパソコンをしらべればあいての
  3397. じょうほうをてにいれることはかんたんだろう
  3398. ","Chief ”If you can physically 
  3399. investigate your target PC, 
  3400. gathering the security information 
  3401. should be easy.
  3402. "
  3403. [0x3c4688],"そのたいさくとしてべつのつうろをつくる
  3404. これがバックドアのもくてきだ」
  3405. ","And to combat that, you create 
  3406. a separate way of access. This 
  3407. is the purpose of a backdoor.”
  3408. "
  3409. [0x3c46d0],"あいてはおそらくしんにゅうされたことがわかると
  3410. きみをじぶんのパソコンにアクセスできないようにするだろう
  3411. ","When your target notices the 
  3412. intrusion, they most likely will 
  3413. try to prevent your access.
  3414. "
  3415. [0x3c4740],"4、バックドアをつくる
  3416. バックドアはあいてのパソコンにしんにゅうするのを
  3417. かんたんにするつうろとりかいしてほしい
  3418. ","4. Create a backdoor
  3419. A backdoor is a way to intrude 
  3420. your target PC easily.
  3421. "
  3422. [0x3c47b8],"このログをそのままにするとしんにゅうをはっけんされ
  3423. ぎゃくについせきされてしまうだろう
  3424. ","If you just leave this log to be 
  3425. your intrusion will be noticed 
  3426. and you might end up getting 
  3427. traced back.
  3428. "
  3429. [0x3c4810],"3、あいてのログをけす
  3430. しんにゅうご、かならずしなければならないことだ
  3431. UNIXにログインするとかならずログというファイルが
  3432. じどうでつくられる
  3433. ","3. Clean the target’s log
  3434. When logging in to Unix a
  3435. log file is created automatically.
  3436. "
  3437. [0x3c48a8],"2、あいてをこうげきする
  3438. バグなどターゲットのじょうほうをもとにして
  3439. ふせいなコマンド、データをおくりこむことだ
  3440. ターゲットをふせいにそうさしたり、
  3441. ていしさせたりすることができる
  3442. ","2. Attacking your target
  3443. Use security holes to send
  3444. and run illegal code to control
  3445. or stop your target.
  3446. "
  3447. [0x3c4960],"1、あいてのじょうほうをさがす
  3448. えんかくそうさやちょくせつうごかすことで
  3449. あいてのパソコンのじょうほうをさぐることだ
  3450. ","1. Gathering information
  3451. Search for information on target’s 
  3452. PC either remotely or directly.
  3453. "
  3454. [0x3c49d8],"きみにハッキングのきほんをおしえよう
  3455. ","I shall teach you the basics 
  3456. of hacking.
  3457. "
  3458. [0x3c4a00],"しゅにん「しんにゅうごはおおくのばめんで
  3459. ハッキングをするひつようがあるだろう
  3460. ","Chief ”After infiltrating the base, 
  3461. you will likely need to hack often.
  3462. "
  3463. [0x3c4a50],"もちろんいまからでもいくつかのアドバイスをしよう
  3464. なんでもきいてくれ」
  3465. ","Of course, I might as well 
  3466. give you advice right now. 
  3467. Please ask me anything.”
  3468. "
  3469. [0x3c4a98],"ドクガスのパソコンをつかいたいばあいはいちど
  3470. わたしたちにつうしんきでれんらくをしてくれ
  3471. できるかぎりのてだすけをしよう
  3472. ","If you want to access the Poison 
  3473. Gas’ computers, please contact us 
  3474. with the radio. We will help you 
  3475. as best we can.
  3476. "
  3477. [0x3c4b18],"しゅにん「ぼくのコードネームは・・・しゅにんらしいね
  3478. きみをサポートするやくわりだ
  3479. ","Chief ”My codename...seems to 
  3480. be Chief. I’m here to support you.
  3481. "
  3482. [0x3c4b6c],"LIFE、MPかいふくしました
  3483. ","Restored life and MP.
  3484. "
  3485. [0x3c4b90],"**セーブしました**
  3486. ","**Game saved**
  3487. "
  3488. [0x3c4bac],"**セーブポイント**
  3489. セーブしますか
  3490. ","**Save point**
  3491. Save your game?
  3492. "
  3493. [0x3c4bd4],"MAP/last/I.bin",""
  3494. [0x3c4be4],"MAP/last/I2.bin",""
  3495. [0x3c4bf4],"ミツシツ","CLOSED ROOM"
  3496. [0x3c4bfc],"MAP/last/I3.bin",""
  3497. [0x3c4c0c],"カンセイセンタ-","CONTROL CENTER"
  3498. [0x3c4c18],"MAP/last/stage1-1.bin",""
  3499. [0x3c4c30],"ドツグ","DOG"
  3500. [0x3c4c38],"MAP/last/stage1-2.bin",""
  3501. [0x3c4c50],"カクシセツ","NUCLEAR FACILITY"
  3502. [0x3c4c58],"MAP/last/stage1-3.bin",""
  3503. [0x3c4c70],"MAP/last/stage1-4.bin",""
  3504. [0x3c4c88],"MAP/last/hostsandl.bin",""
  3505. [0x3c4ca0],"ソト","OUTSIDE"
  3506. [0x3c4ca4],"MAP/last/stage1-m.bin",""
  3507. [0x3c4cbc],"リフトナイ","INSIDE LIFT"
  3508. [0x3c4cc4],"MAP/last/stage1-m2.bin",""
  3509. [0x3c4cdc],"ボスコア","BOSS CORE"
  3510. [0x3c4ce4],"MAP/last/stage1-5.bin",""
  3511. [0x3c4cfc],"カクホカンコ","NUCLEAR VAULT"
  3512. [0x3c4d04],"MAP/last/stage1-6.bin",""
  3513. [0x3c4d1c],"カイダン","STAIRS"
  3514. [0x3c4d24],"MAP/last/sand.bin",""
  3515. [0x3c4d38],"MAP/last/stage1-7.bin",""
  3516. [0x3c4d50],"MAP/last/Bpoint.bin",""
  3517. [0x3c4d64],"センカン","BATTLESHIP"
  3518. [0x3c4d6c],"MAP/doukutu/dou0.bin",""
  3519. [0x3c4d84],"ドウクツ","CAVE"
  3520. [0x3c4d8c],"MAP/doukutu/dou1.bin",""
  3521. [0x3c4da4],"MAP/doukutu/dou2.bin",""
  3522. [0x3c4dbc],"MAP/doukutu/dou3.bin",""
  3523. [0x3c4dd4],"MAP/doukutu/dou4.bin",""
  3524. [0x3c4dec],"チカゲスイドウ","UNDERGROUND CANAL"
  3525. [0x3c4df8],"MAP/doukutu/dou5.bin",""
  3526. [0x3c4e10],"MAP/doukutu/dou6.bin",""
  3527. [0x3c4e28],"ジヨウカ","NEAR FORT"
  3528. [0x3c4e30],"MAP/doukutu/dousiro.bin",""
  3529. [0x3c4e48],"シロ","FORT"
  3530. [0x3c4e4c],"MAP/doukutu/dou7.bin",""
  3531. [0x3c4e64],"ムゲンカイロウ","ENDLESS CORRIDOR"
  3532. [0x3c4e70],"MAP/doukutu/dou8.bin",""
  3533. [0x3c4e88],"ハリジゴク","SPIKE HELL"
  3534. [0x3c4e90],"MAP/doukutu/dou9.bin",""
  3535. [0x3c4ea8],"MAP/doukutu/dou10.bin",""
  3536. [0x3c4ec0],"プロキシサ-バ","PROXY SERVER"
  3537. [0x3c4ecc],"MAP/senkan/wp.bin",""
  3538. [0x3c4ee0],"テンソウソウチ","WARP DEVICE"
  3539. [0x3c4ee8],"MAP/senkan/labo.bin",""
  3540. [0x3c4efc],"MAP/senkan/hide.bin",""
  3541. [0x3c4f10],"スノ-トノヘヤ","SNORT'S ROOM"
  3542. [0x3c4f18],"MAP/doukutu2/dou1.bin",""
  3543. [0x3c4f30],"チヨスイチ","POND"
  3544. [0x3c4f38],"MAP/doukutu2/dou2.bin",""
  3545. [0x3c4f50],"MAP/doukutu2/dou3.bin",""
  3546. [0x3c4f68],"タキ","WATERFALL"
  3547. [0x3c4f6c],"MAP/doukutu2/dou4.bin",""
  3548. [0x3c4f84],"コントロ-ルル-ム","CONTROL ROOM"
  3549. [0x3c4f90],"MAP/doukutu2/dou5.bin",""
  3550. [0x3c4fa8],"オオキナタキ","LARGE WATERFALL"
  3551. [0x3c4fb0],"MAP/doukutu2/dou6.bin",""
  3552. [0x3c4fc8],"トリツプワイヤ-","TRIPWIRE"
  3553. [0x3c4fd4],"MAP/doukutu2/dou7.bin",""
  3554. [0x3c4fec],"MAP/doukutu2/dou8.bin",""
  3555. [0x3c5004],"ゲスイドウ","SEWER"
  3556. [0x3c500c],"MAP/doukutu2/dou9.bin",""
  3557. [0x3c5024],"9ノヘヤ","9'S ROOM"
  3558. [0x3c502c],"MAP/doukutu2/dou10.bin",""
  3559. [0x3c5044],"MAP/doukutu3/doust.bin",""
  3560. [0x3c505c],"チカトシ","UNDERGROUND CITY"
  3561. [0x3c5064],"MAP/doukutu3/dou1.bin",""
  3562. [0x3c507c],"MAP/doukutu3/dou2.bin",""
  3563. [0x3c5094],"シツナイ","INSIDE ROOM"
  3564. [0x3c509c],"MAP/doukutu3/dou3.bin",""
  3565. [0x3c50b4],"MAP/doukutu3/dou4.bin",""
  3566. [0x3c50cc],"MAP/doukutu3/dou5.bin",""
  3567. [0x3c50e4],"MAP/doukutu3/dou6.bin",""
  3568. [0x3c50fc],"ビルナイ","INSIDE BUILDING"
  3569. [0x3c5104],"MAP/doukutu3/dou7.bin",""
  3570. [0x3c511c],"シガイチ","CITY OUTSKIRTS"
  3571. [0x3c5124],"MAP/doukutu3/dou8.bin",""
  3572. [0x3c513c],"デンエン","FIELDS"
  3573. [0x3c5144],"MAP/doukutu3/dou9.bin",""
  3574. [0x3c515c],"Bブリツジ","B BRIDGE"
  3575. [0x3c5164],"MAP/doukutu3/doutest.bin",""
  3576. [0x3c5180],"バトリング","BATTLE"
  3577. [0x3c5188],"MAP/doukutu3/doutest2.bin",""
  3578. [0x3c51a4],"ダイ2テスト","TEST 2"
  3579. [0x3c51ac],"MAP/doukutu3/dou10.bin",""
  3580. [0x3c51c4],"カクカンリソウ","NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT"
  3581. [0x3c51cc],"MAP/kaku/kaku0.bin",""
  3582. [0x3c51e0],"MAP/kaku/kaku1.bin",""
  3583. [0x3c51f4],"4カイヘノイリ","ENTRANCE TO 4F"
  3584. [0x3c51fc],"MAP/kaku/kaku2.bin",""
  3585. [0x3c5210],"ヘイワノゾウ","STATUE OF PEACE"
  3586. [0x3c5218],"MAP/kaku/kaku3.bin",""
  3587. [0x3c522c],"カクボイラ-","NUCLEAR BOILER"
  3588. [0x3c5234],"MAP/kaku/kaku4.bin",""
  3589. [0x3c5248],"ホカンコ","VAULT"
  3590. [0x3c5250],"MAP/kaku/kaku5.bin",""
  3591. [0x3c5264],"MAP/kaku/kaku6.bin",""
  3592. [0x3c5278],"サ-バル-ム","SERVER ROOM"
  3593. [0x3c5280],"MAP/kaku/kaku7.bin",""
  3594. [0x3c5294],"MAP/kaku/kaku8.bin",""
  3595. [0x3c52a8],"ハイキカクシヨリ","NUCLEAR DISPOSAL"
  3596. [0x3c52b4],"MAP/kaku/kaku9.bin",""
  3597. [0x3c52c8],"MAP/kaku/kaku10.bin",""
  3598. [0x3c52dc],"バルコニ-","BALCONY"
  3599. [0x3c52e4],"MAP/kaku/kakutop.bin",""
  3600. [0x3c52fc],"4カイソウ","4TH FLOOR"
  3601. [0x3c5304],"MAP/kaku2/kaku1.bin",""
  3602. [0x3c5318],"コヤ","HUT"
  3603. [0x3c531c],"MAP/kaku/kaku11.bin",""
  3604. [0x3c5330],"カクシベヤ","HIDDEN ROOM"
  3605. [0x3c5338],"MAP/kaku2/kaku0.bin",""
  3606. [0x3c534c],"カソウサ-バ","VIRTUAL SERVER"
  3607. [0x3c5354],"MAP/kaku2/kaku2.bin",""
  3608. [0x3c5368],"5カイソウ","5TH FLOOR"
  3609. [0x3c5370],"MAP/kaku2/kaku3.bin",""
  3610. [0x3c5384],"バイオメトリクス","BIOMETRICS"
  3611. [0x3c5390],"MAP/kaku2/kaku4.bin",""
  3612. [0x3c53a4],"ゲンシロ","ATOMIC REACTOR"
  3613. [0x3c53ac],"MAP/kaku2/kaku5.bin",""
  3614. [0x3c53c0],"カンセイシツ","CONTROL ROOM"
  3615. [0x3c53c8],"MAP/kaku2/kaku6.bin",""
  3616. [0x3c53dc],"ヨコアナ","TUNNEL"
  3617. [0x3c53e4],"MAP/kaku2/kaku7.bin",""
  3618. [0x3c53f8],"テンジヨウ","ROOF"
  3619. [0x3c5400],"MAP/kaku2/kaku8.bin",""
  3620. [0x3c5414],"ハイキカク","NUCLEAR WASTE"
  3621. [0x3c541c],"MAP/kaku2/kaku9.bin",""
  3622. [0x3c5430],"MAP/kaku2/kaku10.bin",""
  3623. [0x3c5448],"MAP/kaku2/kaku11.bin",""
  3624. [0x3c5460],"ガイカクハカバ","ARMOR GRAVEYARD"
  3625. [0x3c546c],"MAP/last/sandl.bin",""
  3626. [0x3c5480],"MAP/mori2/mori2.bin",""
  3627. [0x3c5494],"ナインシステム","NINE SYSTEM"
  3628. [0x3c549c],"MAP/mori2/mori3.bin",""
  3629. [0x3c54b0],"MAP/mori2/mori7.bin",""
  3630. [0x3c54c4],"MAP/mori2/mori9.bin",""
  3631. [0x3c54d8],"MAP/mori2/mori12.bin",""
  3632. [0x3c54f0],"ツメシヨ","GUARD POST"
  3633. [0x3c54f8],"MAP/umi/umi.bin",""
  3634. [0x3c5508],"8ガツノソラ","AUGUST SKY"
  3635. [0x3c5510],"MAP/3D/d3d_1.bin",""
  3636. [0x3c5524],"ガツコウ","SCHOOL"
  3637. [0x3c552c],"MAP/3D/d3d_2.bin",""
  3638. [0x3c5540],"リヨウシサ-バ","PARTICLE SERVER"
  3639. [0x3c554c],"MAP/3D/d3d_3.bin",""
  3640. [0x3c5560],"MAP/3D/d3d_4.bin",""
  3641. [0x3c5574],"サイバイシツ","PLANTATION"
  3642. [0x3c557c],"MAP/3D/d3d_5.bin",""
  3643. [0x3c5590],"MAP/3D/d3d_6.bin",""
  3644. [0x3c55a4],"スコツトトランス","SCOTT TRANS"
  3645. [0x3c55b0],"MAP/3D/d3d_7.bin",""
  3646. [0x3c55c4],"シザイオキバ","STORAGE"
  3647. [0x3c55d0],"4カイマエ","BEFORE 4F"
  3648. [0x3c55d8],"**みつかってしまった……**
  3649. ","**You were spotted...**
  3650. "
  3651. [0x3c55f8],"**しんでしまった……**
  3652. ","**You died...**
  3653. "
  3654. [0x3c5618],"とびらひらく",""
  3655. [0x3c5628],"スノートはかんりしゃを
  3656. きょうかがいかくからたすけだした
  3657. ","Snort rescued the Administrator 
  3658. from the power armor.
  3659. "
  3660. [0x3c5668],"きちょうなじかんをつかってしまった
  3661. これからはなにがあってもにんむをゆうせんさせろ」
  3662. ","We ended up wasting valuable 
  3663. time. From now on prioritize the 
  3664. mission no matter what.
  3665. "
  3666. [0x3c56c0],"たいちょう「スノート、
  3667. これでばくはつのしんぱいはなくなった
  3668. ","Commander ”Snort, now we don’t 
  3669. have to worry about the explosion 
  3670. anymore.”
  3671. "
  3672. [0x3c5700],"スノートはメルトダウンによるばくはつをふせいだ
  3673. ","Snort prevented the 
  3674. meltdown-induced explosion.
  3675. "
  3676. [0x3c5738],"バルブはしょうげきでしまり
  3677. あっしゅくようきのあつりょくがさがった
  3678. ","The impact tightened the bulb, 
  3679. lowering the pressure of the 
  3680. container.
  3681. "
  3682. [0x3c577c],"スノートは(スコットのLANカード)をてにいれた
  3683. ","Snort obtained Scott’s LAN card.
  3684. "
  3685. [0x3c57b0],"スコットぶたいはちりじりになった
  3686. スノートはけんきゅういんをまもりぬいた
  3687. ","Scott’s troops fell apart. Snort 
  3688. managed to protect the researchers.
  3689. "
  3690. [0x3c57fc],"ここはドクガスのちゅうおうだ
  3691. ","This is the middle area of 
  3692. Poison Gas’ base.
  3693. "
  3694. [0x3c5820],"スノート、
  3695. これいじょうじかんをかけるわけにはいかない、
  3696. 4かいそうへいき、
  3697. スコットをさがすんだ」
  3698. ","Snort,
  3699. there is no time left to waste.
  3700. Go to the fourth floor
  3701. and search for Scott.
  3702. "
  3703. [0x3c5884],"たいちょう「さいごのひとりか・・・
  3704. ","Commander ”The last one, huh...”
  3705. "
  3706. [0x3c58b0],"(かくほかんこ)にアクセスできるクラッカーぶたいのひとり、
  3707. スコットはどうかわかりませんが」
  3708. ","Though I don’t know about Scott. 
  3709. He’s a member of the cracker corps 
  3710. able to access the nuclear vault.
  3711. "
  3712. [0x3c5910],"しゅにん「オリバーは
  3713. 5かいそうのじょうほうを
  3714. もっていなかったようですね」
  3715. ","Chief ”It appears that Oliver did 
  3716. not have any information on the 
  3717. fifth floor.”
  3718. "
  3719. [0x3c5960],"出口をあけるフラグ",""
  3720. [0x3c5974],"ここからさきはそれなりのかくごをしたほうがいい」
  3721. ","So you’d better be prepared for 
  3722. what will come from here on.”
  3723. "
  3724. [0x3c59a8],"スノート、
  3725. ドクガスはATにかんしては
  3726. かなりのじつりょくをもっている
  3727. ","Snort, Poison Gas is quite 
  3728. proficient with ATs.
  3729. "
  3730. [0x3c59f0],"たいちょう「なんとかたおせたようだな・・・
  3731. ","Commander ”So you 
  3732. defeated it somehow...”
  3733. "
  3734. [0x3c5a20],"きみをサポートするスタッフもいる
  3735. いちどかおをあわせにいったほうがいいだろう」
  3736. ","There is also staff ready to 
  3737. support you. Perhaps you should 
  3738. go meet them.”
  3739. "
  3740. [0x3c5a70],"たっせいのためにこのせんかんのきのうは
  3741. どのようにつかってもかまわない
  3742. ","You may use the facilities of 
  3743. this battleship as you wish in 
  3744. order to carry out your mission.
  3745. "
  3746. [0x3c5ab8],"きみのにんむはドクガスぐんほんぶにしんにゅうし、
  3747. ニチナンエンタープライズにかんするじょうほうを
  3748. あつめることだ
  3749. ","Your mission is to infiltrate the 
  3750. headquarters of the Poison Gas 
  3751. Army and gather information 
  3752. concerning Nichinan Enterprises.
  3753. "
  3754. [0x3c5b2c],"にんむをかくにんする
  3755. ","Now to confirm your mission.
  3756. "
  3757. [0x3c5b48],"このにんむのいらいぬしにかかわることは
  3758. じょうけんとしてだれにもおしえることはできない
  3759. ","The terms also forbid disclosing 
  3760. any information regarding the client 
  3761. of this mission.
  3762. "
  3763. [0x3c5ba0],"きみだけでなくさんかしているメンバーも
  3764. おなじじょうけんでさんかしてもらっている
  3765. ","It’s not just you, everyone 
  3766. involved here is obliged to comply 
  3767. with these terms.
  3768. "
  3769. [0x3c5bf8],"?「ようこそ、スノート
  3770. ここではコードネームでよばせてもらう
  3771. そしてわたしのなまえもおしえることはできない
  3772. ","? ”Welcome, Snort.
  3773. I will call you by a codename 
  3774. here, and I cannot tell you 
  3775. my own name either.
  3776. "
  3777. [0x3c5c68],"「ドクガスぐん」
  3778. かくちのふんそうにかいにゅうし、たいりょうさつりくを
  3779. くりかえしているようへいしゅうだん
  3780. ぶたいのじったいはふめい・・・・・・
  3781. ","”Poison Gas Army”
  3782. An armed group of unclear origin 
  3783. that intervenes with wars, causing 
  3784. numerous genocides.
  3785. "
  3786. [0x3c5cf8],"「ニチナンエンタープライズ」
  3787. じゅうこうぎょうかいにおいてナンバー1を
  3788. キープしつづけるきぎょう、
  3789. さいきんではロボットこうがくにもせいかをあげてきている
  3790. ","”Nichinan Enterprises”
  3791. The number one company in heavy 
  3792. industries, has also recently 
  3793. achieved results in the field 
  3794. of robotics.
  3795. "
  3796. [0x3c5d94],"ふたつのそしきがあった・・・・・・
  3797. ","There were two organizations...
  3798. "
  3799. [0x3c5db4],"*未鑑定*","*Unidentified*"
  3800. [0x3c5dc0],"DataForWork\cursor.dds",""
  3801. [0x3c5dd8],"トリダス","TAKE OUT"
  3802. [0x3c5de0],"コ",""
  3803. [0x3c5de4],"--EMPTY--",""
  3804. [0x3c5df0],"からっぽ","EMPTY"
  3805. [0x3c5dfc],"アズケル","DEPOSIT"
  3806. [0x3c5e04],"コマンド?","Cmd?"
  3807. [0x3c5e10],"アイテムを取り出します","Take out items"
  3808. [0x3c5e28],"アイテムを預けます","Deposit items"
  3809. [0x3c5e3c],"META_MUSIC_BUFFER_DATA.INT",""
  3810. [0x3c5e58],"GAME_DATA.DAT",""
  3811. [0x3c5e68],"r+b",""
  3812. [0x3c5e6c],"w+b",""
  3814. [0x3c5e90],"BUY",""
  3815. [0x3c5e94],"\",""
  3816. [0x3c5e98],"SWORD",""
  3817. [0x3c5ea0],"ARMS",""
  3818. [0x3c5ea8],"FIREARMS",""
  3819. [0x3c5eb4],"BOMB",""
  3820. [0x3c5ebc],"CLOTHES",""
  3821. [0x3c5ec4],"MEDI+AMM",""
  3822. [0x3c5ed0],"NATURE",""
  3823. [0x3c5ed8],"OTHER",""
  3824. [0x3c5ee0],"/",""
  3825. [0x3c5ee4],"シユルイ","TYPE"
  3826. [0x3c5eec],"--SOLDOUT--",""
  3827. [0x3c5ef8],"売り切れ","Sold out"
  3828. [0x3c5f04],"SELL",""
  3829. [0x3c5f0c],"ヒバイ","NO VALUE"
  3830. [0x3c5f14],"BUY_S",""
  3831. [0x3c5f1c],"BUY_A",""
  3832. [0x3c5f24],"BUY_F",""
  3833. [0x3c5f2c],"BUY_B",""
  3834. [0x3c5f34],"BUY_C",""
  3835. [0x3c5f3c],"BUY_M",""
  3836. [0x3c5f44],"BUY_O",""
  3837. [0x3c5f4c],"近接武器を購入します","Buy close combat weapons"
  3838. [0x3c5f64],"銃器を購入します","Buy small arms"
  3839. [0x3c5f78],"重火器を購入します","Buy heavy weapons"
  3840. [0x3c5f8c],"爆発物を購入します","Buy explosives"
  3841. [0x3c5fa0],"衣類を購入します","Buy clothes"
  3842. [0x3c5fb4],"弾・薬を購入します","Buy bullets and medicine"
  3843. [0x3c5fc8],"食料を購入します","Buy edibles"
  3844. [0x3c5fdc],"その他分類を購入します","Buy other items"
  3845. [0x3c5ff4],"スノートのアイテムを売却します","Sell Snort’s items"
  3846. [0x3c6018],"(完了)
  3847. クアンタム30本をステファンに届けた
  3848. 彼の将来は絶望的だ",""
  3849. [0x3c605c],"(失敗)
  3850. ステファンは逆上したネイティブ・ハッカーに殺された",""
  3851. [0x3c6098],"ご機嫌な日南重工技術者(ステファン)は
  3852. スノートにクアンタムを30本持ってくるよう依頼した
  3853. 餓死しないように彼の部屋をクアンタムで一杯にしよう",""
  3854. [0x3c6128],"THE_NUCA-CORA_LIBERATION",""
  3855. [0x3c6148],"(完了)
  3856. パラノイドハッカーBABAを消し、
  3857. ナインシリーズは砕け散った
  3858. 誠意がなければハッカーもクラッカーも区別はないのだ",""
  3859. [0x3c61c8],"BABAはスノートを十三将のメンバーと思い込んでいるようだ
  3860. 彼女は管理(?)しているサーバと引き換えに
  3861. 3つのナイン様(9シリーズ)の回収を依頼した",""
  3862. [0x3c6260],"新興サイバー宗教「九真会」の教祖(BABA)はオールドスクールだった
  3863. 彼女はヌカコーラ工場を占拠後、日夜ナイン復活を祈っているようだ
  3864. まずは彼女と対話ができる人間になりすます必要がある",""
  3865. [0x3c6318],"SAYONARA_PARANOID_MOM",""
  3866. [0x3c6330],"(完了)
  3867. 風姫、月姫の双子が死んだことにより
  3868. 研究施設での出来事は永遠に封印されるだろう",""
  3869. [0x3c6388],"研究施設には大量の実験記録が残っていた
  3870. 記録によると重力絶縁(サイキック)実験が行われていたようだ
  3871. それにしてもなぜ死体が散乱しているのだろうか?",""
  3872. [0x3c6420],"研究施設の非常用発電機が盗まれた!
  3873. おそらくオールドスクール(風姫)(月姫)の仕業だろう
  3874. 隊長は警告したが、スノートは彼女たちの足跡を追ってみたくなった",""
  3875. [0x3c64b8],"SUPERNATURAL_POWER",""
  3876. [0x3c64d0],"(完了)
  3877. スノートはスコットを倒した
  3878. 彼の死を悲しむ奴がいるとすればオリバー、ダグラスの兄弟と
  3879. あとは須藤だけだろう",""
  3880. [0x3c6548],"隊長はスノートにオールドスクールのメンバー(スコット)の暗殺を依頼した
  3881. スコットはデータセンターのオフィスでサーバを守っている",""
  3882. [0x3c65c8],"隊長はスノートに(須藤)を自分の部屋につれてくるように指示した",""
  3883. [0x3c6608],"LOAD_OF_WAR",""
  3884. [0x3c6614],"(完了)
  3885. チャンは光になり、別の次元へ旅立った",""
  3886. [0x3c6648],"謎の老人の声の正体はオールドスクール(チャン・イーツェン)だった
  3887. チャンは池田屋のおけい達をだまし、同士討ちをけしかけたのかもしれない
  3888. おけいの謀反にチャンの関与があったか調べる必要がある",""
  3889. [0x3c6708],"謎の老人の声が通信機から聞こえた、
  3890. スノートはノイズを聞き違えたと思い気にしなかった
  3891. しかし、妙に触った気持ちになるのだ",""
  3892. [0x3c6780],"HACKER_9",""
  3893. [0x3c6790],"(完了)
  3894. 気がつくとスノートは光学転移によって10年前に戻っていた
  3895. **「無限、無限なのです」**",""
  3896. [0x3c67f8],"日南重工、社長「日南総一朗」はついに強硬手段に出た
  3897. その足がかりとしてクラウドタワーが制圧されてしまった
  3898. スノートは社長の暴走を止めなければならない",""
  3899. [0x3c6890],"スノートは時間軸の切れ間でナインと以心伝心話しあった
  3900. 言葉ははかなく、まったく伝わらなかったが
  3901. スノートは悟りを開いた気になった",""
  3902. [0x3c6910],"MASS-PRODUCED_SEAGULL",""
  3903. [0x3c6928],"(完了)
  3904. スノートはオールドスクール「狩野」を倒した
  3905. 支えを失った十三将は散り散りになるだろう",""
  3906. [0x3c6988],"下水道にはスノートの部下であった北大路が待っていた
  3907. 彼は任務を放棄するよう説得したがスノートは断った
  3908. 行く先には必ず彼と狩野が待ち構えているだろう",""
  3909. [0x3c6a20],"十三将はオールドスクール「狩野」を含め、
  3910. 新美、頼山、正岡、二宮、野口、幸田、有島、梅原、島尾、国木田、本居、北大路
  3911. の13名で構成される
  3912. 彼らは任務の障害となるだろう",""
  3913. [0x3c6ac8],"GUARDIAN_ANGEL_13",""
  3914. [0x3c6ae0],"(完了)
  3915. スノートは70台のサーバをラッキングし終えた、
  3916. すべてのサーバを復旧出来なかったが日南重工の重役は納得するだろう",""
  3917. [0x3c6b60],"武器商人で元SEの(須藤)が仲間になった
  3918. 彼には現場できたえた経験と知識がある
  3919. 撤去した70台のサーバをIDCに持ち込み、
  3920. 復旧を専門家にお願いするといいだろう",""
  3921. [0x3c6c00],"スノートは日南重工上層部の指令により日南IDCにある
  3922. (99台のサーバ)のうち70台以上を集めることになった",""
  3923. [0x3c6c6c],"THE_HEAVY_STORAGE",""
  3924. [0x3c6c80],"NAME:SNORT",""
  3925. [0x3c6c8c],"AT.",""
  3926. [0x3c6c90],"A1.",""
  3927. [0x3c6c94],"A2.",""
  3928. [0x3c6c98],"ツカウ","USE"
  3929. [0x3c6c9c],"ステル","THROW"
  3930. [0x3c6ca0],"オブジエ?","OBJECT?"
  3931. [0x3c6ca8],"アイテムを外します","Unequip item"
  3932. [0x3c6cbc],"========================",""
  3933. [0x3c6cd8],"(未発生)","(UNKNOWN)"
  3934. [0x3c6ce4],"YES",""
  3935. [0x3c6ce8],"NO",""
  3936. [0x3c6cec],"※ワープ先※
  3937. 毒ガス軍施設1階層 [洞窟]
  3938. ","※Warp Destination※
  3939. Poison Gas Base 1F [Cavern]
  3940. "
  3941. [0x3c6d18],"※ワープ先※
  3942. 毒ガス軍施設2階層 [下水道]
  3943. ","※Warp Destination※
  3944. Poison Gas Base 2F [Sewers]
  3945. "
  3946. [0x3c6d48],"※ワープ先※
  3947. 毒ガス軍施設3階層 [地下都市]
  3948. ","※Warp Destination※
  3949. Poison Gas Base 3F [Underground City]
  3950. "
  3951. [0x3c6d78],"※ワープ先※
  3952. 毒ガス軍施設4階層 [保管庫]
  3953. ","※Warp Destination※
  3954. Poison Gas Base 4F [Storage]
  3955. "
  3956. [0x3c6da8],"※ワープ先※
  3957. 毒ガス軍施設5階層 [管制室]
  3958. ","※Warp Destination※
  3959. Poison Gas Base 5F [Control Room]
  3960. "
  3961. [0x3c6dd8],"1F",""
  3962. [0x3c6ddc],"2F",""
  3963. [0x3c6de0],"3F",""
  3964. [0x3c6de4],"4F",""
  3965. [0x3c6de8],"5F",""
  3966. [0x3c6dec],"*",""
  3967. [0x3c6ebc],">",""
  3968. [0x3c6ec0],"コンフイグ","CONFIG"
  3969. [0x3c6ec8],"UP",""
  3970. [0x3c6ecc],"DOWN",""
  3971. [0x3c6ed4],"LEFT",""
  3972. [0x3c6edc],"RIGHT",""
  3973. [0x3c6ee4],"SHOT",""
  3974. [0x3c6eec],"JUMP",""
  3975. [0x3c6ef4],"CHANGE",""
  3976. [0x3c6efc],"STATUS",""
  3977. [0x3c6f04],"L",""
  3978. [0x3c6f08],"R",""
  3979. [0x3c6f0c],"RESET",""
  3980. [0x3c6f14],"PAD0",""
  3981. [0x3c6f1c],"PAD1",""
  3982. [0x3c6f24],"PAD2",""
  3983. [0x3c6f2c],"PAD3",""
  3984. [0x3c6f34],"PAD4",""
  3985. [0x3c6f3c],"PAD5",""
  3986. [0x3c6f44],"PAD6",""
  3987. [0x3c6f4c],"PAD7",""
  3988. [0x3c6f54],"PAD8",""
  3989. [0x3c6f5c],"PAD9",""
  3990. [0x3c6f64],"PAD10",""
  3991. [0x3c6f6c],"PAD11",""
  3992. [0x3c6f74],"PAD12",""
  3993. [0x3c6f7c],"PAD13",""
  3994. [0x3c6f84],"PAD14",""
  3995. [0x3c6f8c],"PAD15",""
  3996. [0x3c6f94],"シテイナシ","NONE"
  3997. [0x3c6f9c],"スペ-ス","SPACE"
  3998. [0x3c6fa4],"タブ","TAB"
  3999. [0x3c6fa8],"エンタ-","ENTER"
  4000. [0x3c6fb0],"Lシフト","LSHIFT"
  4001. [0x3c6fb8],"Rシフト","RSHIFT"
  4002. [0x3c6fc0],"Lコントロ-ル","LCTRL"
  4003. [0x3c6fc8],"エスケ-プ","ESC"
  4004. [0x3c6fd0],"ペ-ジアツプ","PGUP"
  4005. [0x3c6fdc],"ペ-ジダウン","PGDN"
  4006. [0x3c6fe8],"エンド","END"
  4007. [0x3c6ff0],"ホ-ム","HOME"
  4008. [0x3c6ff4],"ヒダリ","LEFT"
  4009. [0x3c6ffc],"ウエ","UP"
  4010. [0x3c7000],"ミギ","RIGHT"
  4011. [0x3c7004],"シタ","DOWN"
  4012. [0x3c7008],"インサ-ト","INSERT"
  4013. [0x3c7010],"デリ-ト","DELETE"
  4014. [0x3c7018],"マイナス","MINUS"
  4015. [0x3c7020],"エン","YEN"
  4016. [0x3c7024],"プレビユ-トラツク","PREVIEW TRACK"
  4017. [0x3c7030],"ピリオド","PERIOD"
  4018. [0x3c7038],"スラツシユ","SLASH"
  4019. [0x3c7040],"Lオルト","LALT"
  4020. [0x3c7048],"Rオルト","RALT"
  4021. [0x3c7050],"スクロ-ル","SCROLL"
  4022. [0x3c7058],"セミコロン","SEMICOLON"
  4023. [0x3c7060],"コロン","COLON"
  4024. [0x3c7064],"Lブラケツト","LBRACKET"
  4025. [0x3c706c],"Rブラケツト","RBRACKET"
  4026. [0x3c7074],"アツトマ-ク","ATMARK"
  4027. [0x3c707c],"バツクスラツシユ","BACKSLASH"
  4028. [0x3c7088],"コンマ","COMMA"
  4029. [0x3c708c],"キヤツプスロツク","CAPSLOCK"
  4030. [0x3c7098],"ポ-ズブレ-ク","PAUSEBREAK"
  4031. [0x3c70a4],"NUM0",""
  4032. [0x3c70ac],"NUM1",""
  4033. [0x3c70b4],"NUM2",""
  4034. [0x3c70bc],"NUM3",""
  4035. [0x3c70c4],"NUM4",""
  4036. [0x3c70cc],"NUM5",""
  4037. [0x3c70d4],"NUM6",""
  4038. [0x3c70dc],"NUM7",""
  4039. [0x3c70e4],"NUM8",""
  4040. [0x3c70ec],"NUM9",""
  4041. [0x3c70f4],"アスタリスク","ASTERISK"
  4042. [0x3c70fc],"プラス","PLUS"
  4043. [0x3c7104],"SUBTRACT",""
  4044. [0x3c7110],"DECIMAL",""
  4045. [0x3c7118],"DIVIDE",""
  4046. [0x3c7120],"NUMエンタ-","NUM ENTER"
  4047. [0x3c76dc],"ロード中","Loading"
  4048. [0x3c85b8],"スクリーン設定","Screen setting"
  4049. [0x3c85c8],"フルスクリーンモードで起動しますか?","Launch in full screen mode?"
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