
SASUKE layout codes

Aug 29th, 2019
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  1. <div class="container">
  2. <div class="leftbox">
  3. <img src="" class="leftimg">
  4. </div>
  7. <div class="textbox1">
  8. <h1>navigation</h1>
  10. <h2>tabs & links</h2><br><br><br>
  11. <center>
  12. <a href="linkgoeshere" class="toggleone" title="home">LEAVE</a>
  13. <a href="linkgoeshere" class="toggletwo" title="message">MESSAGE</a>
  14. <a href="linkgoeshere" class="toggleone" title="comment">COMMENT</a>
  15. <a href="linkgoeshere" class="toggletwo" title="photo">IMAGES</a>
  17. </center>
  18. </div>
  21. <ul class="tabs">
  23. <li><input type="radio" checked name="tabs" id="tab1">
  24. <label for="tab1">main</label>
  25. <div id="tab-content1" class="tab-content animated fadeInDown">
  26. <div class="box">
  27. <h1>SASUKE UCHIHA</h1>
  28. <h2>display name here</h2>
  29. <a href="/">Yeah, you know what's funny?</a> Seems every time I try to <i>forget</i> about you, my feelings <b>pull you back in.</b> Y'know, 'cause I got <i>somebody else,</i> and you got <b>somebody else.</b> But you and I both know what it really
  30. is. <i>but still,</i> you know what i'm sayin', B?
  31. </div>
  33. <div class="box">
  34. Ran across a picture you took of me, <b>and you crossed my mind.</b> And it got me thinkin' 'bout how it <i>used to be.</i>. It was just <b>you & me.</b> I still hear you saying <i>you love me</i> when I close my eyes. <b>Put no one else above me.</b> But that was back then; now you're just a <i>memory.</i> If I didn't go away for school, then where would we be? Probably still <b>together</b> and somewhere <i>happy.</i> If I'm supposed to be moved on in a new relationship strong, <i>then why are you still haunting me?</i>
  35. </div>
  36. </div>
  37. </li>
  39. <li><input type="radio" name="tabs" id="tab2">
  40. <label for="tab2">TAB2</label>
  41. <div id="tab-content2" class="tab-content animated fadeInDown">
  42. <div class="box">
  43. <h2>heading two</h2> They say <i>if you love something, let it go.</i> And if it comes back, <b>then that's how you know.</b> I got to the stop light, then I made four rights, <i>now I'm back where I started</i> and you're back in my life. The further I go, the <b>closer I get back to you.</b> I say I moved on <i>'till I'm reminded of you.</i> Can somebody help me? <b>Help me get out of this circle.</b>
  44. </div>
  45. </div>
  46. </li>
  48. <li><input type="radio" name="tabs" id="tab3">
  49. <label for="tab3">TAB3</label>
  50. <div id="tab-content3" class="tab-content animated fadeInDown">
  51. <div class="box">
  52. <h2>heading two</h2> I drove past your house the other day. <i>I didn't even mean to.</i> I went the wrong way. I ain't seen your mama in a awhile. When she looked at me <b>she smiled</b> and asked me if I'm doing okay. Took everything I had <i>not to bring up your name</i> and wonder if you came home for the holidays. She asked if I could stay awhile, <b>'cause you had come in town</b> and you were just <i>five minutes away.</i>
  53. </div>
  55. <div class="box">
  56. you can add
  57. </div>
  59. <div class="box">
  60. as many boxes
  61. </div>
  62. <!--start copying here for a new box-->
  63. <div class="box">
  64. as you need
  65. </div>
  66. <!--stop copying here for a new box-->
  68. </div>
  69. </li>
  71. </ul>
  72. </div>
  73. </div>
  74. </div>
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