
Night at the Arena. Alchana/ Rhema/ Arisa

Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. [18:39] <@Idoro> Neisu: You can't accept any outside help..
  2. [18:39] <@Idoro> The goon is joined by another goon. They take hold of Both of Alchana's arms and slam her to the ground!
  3. [18:40] * Rhema sat up in her beanbag watching the battle, giggling as the chair went down. Clapping exitedly.
  4. [18:40] <Unrelated> Alchana, with both her arms grabbed, can't do anything to slow her fall as she's slammed down chest-first! "Kahhh!!"
  5. [18:42] <@Idoro> Neisu: No intentional low blows!
  6. [18:42] <@Idoro> One of the goon stomps on Alchana's crotch...
  7. [18:43] <Unrelated> Alchana: Aaaghhh!
  8. [18:43] <Unrelated> She moves her hands between her legs, rolling to her side!
  9. [18:44] <@Idoro> Neisu: Oh, you can't attack officials..
  10. [18:45] <@Idoro> A referee suddenly runs up, kicking Alchana over onto her back and then kneeling down, whistling directly into her ear!
  11. [18:45] <Unrelated> (lol)
  12. [18:46] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Rgh.. how is this even.. agh!"
  13. [18:46] * Rhema leans foward, cupping her hands around her mouth. "No choking either!"
  14. [18:46] <Unrelated> She covers her ear with one hand, wincing away from the ref!
  15. [18:47] <@Idoro> Neisu: Oh, yeah, no choking!
  16. [18:47] <@Idoro> One of the goons begins to strangle Alchana, shaking her!
  17. [18:47] * Rhema cackles happily, clapping again.
  18. [18:48] <Unrelated> Alchana: Rghghhghhgh..!
  19. [18:48] <Unrelated> She kicks at the goon as best she can from this position!
  20. [18:50] <@Idoro> The goon is kicked off, but only momentarily..
  21. [18:50] <@Idoro> Neisu: No attacking the eyes!
  22. [18:51] <@Idoro> The referee squirts pepper spray into Alchana's eyes!
  23. [18:51] <Unrelated> Alchana got ready to protect herself from one of the goons trying to poke her in the eye..
  24. [18:52] <Unrelated> Alchana: AGHHH!!!! WHYYYY!!
  25. [18:52] <Unrelated> She rolls facedown, covering her face!
  26. [18:52] * Rhema shuffled back into her beanbag, keeping a keen view on the attack. Grinning from ear to ear at the use of pepperspray.
  27. [18:52] <@Idoro> Neisu: Oh, and you can't stay out of the ring for too long or you'll be counted out!
  28. [18:53] <@Idoro> The two goons walk over, stomping Alchana in the belly.. they they pick her up by her legs and arms.. and hurl her out of the ring, right for the announcer's table!
  29. [18:54] <Unrelated> Alchana: Urrk!!
  30. [18:54] <Unrelated> She can't see where they're going as they lift her up, but she doesn't have a good feeling... then she goes flying! "Uaaaagh!!!" *SMASH*
  31. [18:55] <@Idoro> Neisu: Oh, the crowd has to obey rules too! They can't interfere with a match.
  32. [18:55] <@Idoro> Suddenly, a bunch of fans mob up on Alchana and begin kicking at her, punching her, stomping on her while she's down!
  33. [18:56] <Unrelated> Alchana: "nnghh..."
  34. [18:56] <Unrelated> She can only curl up to try to protect herself as best she can!
  35. [18:57] <@Idoro> Neisu: Hm... -she looks around- Huh, where did she go?
  36. [18:57] <@Idoro> Neisu: Alchana, do you want to hear about more rules?
  37. [18:58] <Unrelated> As the crowd eventually clears, Alchana is lying on her back, clearly pretty roughed up. "nnn..."
  38. [18:59] <@Idoro> Neisu: -she walks over, looking down at Alchana and smiling.- I have a lot more rules to tell you, if you want to hear them!
  39. [19:00] <Unrelated> Alchana looked up at Neisu through half-opened eyes. Was this girl for real?
  40. [19:01] * Rhema shuffles amongst the crowd, yelling out from the distance "She does!"
  41. [19:02] <Baku|Haku> "Shh!"
  42. [19:02] <Baku|Haku> "This migh be the good part"
  43. [19:03] <@Idoro> Neisu's eyes sparkle. "She does? Okay!"
  44. [19:05] <Unrelated> Alchana: *shakes her head weakly..*
  45. [19:06] * Rhema nabs Baku's arm, dragging him through the crowd to get a better view. Bouncing on her heels with a cruel grin.
  46. [19:11] <@Idoro> Neisu: Oh, if your opponent counts out, you HAVE to break your hold! Holding it any longer is illegal!
  47. [19:11] <@Idoro> The two goons put Alchana in a double submission hold.. one at her arm, and the other at her leg!
  48. [19:11] <AustinWolfclaw> Bakunom
  49. [19:12] <@Idoro> ((Something like this probably: haru_minami_submission_baka_to_test.jpg ))
  50. [19:13] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Aghh..!"
  51. [19:13] <Unrelated> Her torso slides a bit as she struggles, hitting the mat with her free hand!
  52. [19:15] <Unrelated> ( currrrrves)
  53. [19:15] <@Idoro> Neisu: Hm.. I'll have to get my big book of wrestling rules if you want to hear more, Alchana.
  54. [19:15] <@Idoro> ((Eee :D))
  55. [19:16] <Unrelated> Alchana: N-neisu.. help.. me..
  56. [19:16] <@Idoro> Neisu: Yeah, I know you need help learning these rules! I'll be right back then.
  57. [19:17] <Unrelated> (lol)
  58. [19:18] <Unrelated> Alchana: "agh..!"
  59. [19:20] <@Idoro> Neisu disappears... leaving Alchana to her fate in the hold.
  60. [19:20] <Unrelated> "Rgh..." "..." "How 'bout.. you guys.. just let go..?"
  61. [19:21] <@Idoro> (( ))
  62. [19:21] <@Idoro> The two goons simply pull harder..
  63. [19:22] <Unrelated> (niiiice :D)
  64. [19:22] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Nngh! Who are you two.. anyway..?"
  65. [19:24] <@Idoro> They don't answer. It's hard to even tell what gender they are since they are completely concealed in thick clothing and don't speak..
  66. [19:27] * Raden|supperin is now known as Raden
  67. [19:27] * Raden is back (gone 06:55:39)
  68. [19:28] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Gh... sounds like.. a fun work.. environment.."
  69. [19:29] * Rhema makes it to the front of the crowd, still bouncing on her heel's enthusiastically watching Alchana stuck in a double submission.
  70. [19:29] * Baku|Haku pulls Rhema down
  71. [19:30] <@Idoro> The referee looks over. "Hm, I forgot to tell Neisu that I took my book back.... oh well. I guess she'll find out eventually."
  72. [19:31] <Unrelated> Alchana looks over at the ref... "rgh.. why don't you do anything about this?"
  73. [19:32] * Rhema gets pulled back into the crowd, grumbling as she pokes Baku's chest.
  76. [19:30] <@Idoro> The referee looks over. "Hm, I forgot to tell Neisu that I took my book back.... oh well. I guess she'll find out eventually."
  77. [19:31] <Unrelated> Alchana looks over at the ref... "rgh.. why don't you do anything about this?"
  78. [19:32] * Rhema gets pulled back into the crowd, grumbling as she pokes Baku's chest.
  79. [19:33] <@Idoro> The ref either didn't hear Alchana, or was too busy filing her nails...
  80. [19:33] <@Idoro> Suddenly, the elf hears a familiar voice in the crowd..
  81. [19:34] <Baku|Haku> "You are going to get youserlf introuble"
  82. [19:34] <@Idoro> ???: Miss Alchana, where are you? Miss Alchana!
  83. [19:34] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Huh..?" Maddie? What was she doing here?
  84. [19:35] <@Idoro> Madelyn: Hm.. I don't see her. Maybe I'll try looking somewhere else..
  85. [19:35] <@Idoro> the goons pull Alchana back harder, she is almost at her limit now.
  86. [19:35] <@Raden> (so I got written up at work today for wasting half an hour at the beginning of my shift, lol. :p)
  87. [19:35] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Aghh!! Maddieeeee!!"
  88. [19:35] <unknownwatcher> lol
  89. [19:36] * Rhema shakes her head at Baku "Only trouble in this place is the pretty one being held down by goons! Lookie!" grabbing Baku's wristagain to muscle to the front of the crowd. Eyes wide at Alchana's cry.
  90. [19:36] * EvilBryanthunder ( has joined #ryonani
  91. [19:38] * Baku|Haku sighs at Rhema. He knows this place is braded to have the entusiast int the ring. His head looks at the "Madie" the poor girl on the ring screams about
  92. [19:39] <@Idoro> Madelyn turns around suddenly, looking down into the ring and seeing Alchana. "Miss Alchana!! What's going on!?"
  93. [19:39] * Bryanthunder ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 194 seconds )
  94. [19:40] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Aaaghhh!!! Get me out of here!"
  95. [19:41] <@Idoro> Madelyn begins to run down to the ring, when she is suddenly stopped by the ref!
  96. [19:41] <@Idoro> Ref: Hey now, we're in the middle of an important lesson. You wouldn't want to interrupt, now would you?
  97. [19:41] <Baku|Haku> "This is not going to be nice"
  98. [19:42] <@Idoro> The goons stretch out Alchana to her limit now.. can her muscles take any more of this?
  99. [19:42] * Baku|Haku grabs Maddie "S-She got it now. Don't worry"
  100. [19:42] * Baku|Haku slowly drag maddie away
  101. [19:43] <Unrelated> Her poor knee and shoulder.. "AAAGHHH!!!"
  102. [19:43] <@Idoro> Madelyn: Huh?! But wait! This... this...!
  103. [19:43] <Unrelated> Alchana keeps struggling, but can't fight against the goons' combined strength!
  104. [19:44] <@Idoro> The ref looks over lazily at Alchana...
  105. [19:44] * Baku|Haku whispers to Madelyn "Listen, If you are not careful you are next"
  106. [19:45] * Rhema boo's at Madelyn as she stands on the ring, her attention going back to Alchana, looking on exitedly as she struggles to no avail against the goons. "Make her scream again!" She says cruely, words drowned out by the crowd.
  107. [19:46] <@Idoro> Madelyn looks at Baku. "...What?!"
  108. [19:47] <@Idoro> The ref sees Alchana struggling and says, "Oh... so do you give up or.. whatever?"
  109. [19:47] <Unrelated> Alchana locks eyes with the ref. "Agh.. YES!"
  110. [19:47] <Unrelated> Alchana hits the mat a few more times with the ref looking right at her to puncuate..
  111. [19:48] <Baku|Haku> "Just nod and go back away slowly, If you die here no one can help your friend"
  112. [19:50] <@Idoro> The ref frowns. "Don't yell at me!" She then walks away from her once more, having not ended the match!
  113. [19:50] <Unrelated> Alchana: "H-Hey..!!"
  114. [19:52] <Baku|Haku> "You can either join her or run girl, YOUR choise"
  115. [19:52] <@Idoro> Alchana is then joined by another goon her slips their arms around her head and neck, putting her in a choke hold!
  116. [19:52] <@Idoro> Madelyn frowns. "I.. I'd never run from my friend!"
  117. [19:53] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Ackk..!! Maddie... the bell..!!"
  118. [19:53] * Baku|Haku smiles. "You are going to join her then"
  119. [19:53] <unknownwatcher> (and then maddi runs away lol)
  120. [19:53] * Rhema shuffles forward from the crowd, trying to plant a boot into Alchana's stomach, kicking the girl while she's down before divingback into the crowd.
  121. [19:54] * Baku|Haku kicks Maddie in a way she stumbles into the arena and smacks the ref "She says she wants in!"
  122. [19:55] <@Idoro> Maddie tumbles down into the arena.. "AhHHHhHHAH!!!"
  123. [19:56] * Baku|Haku laughs and jumps near where Rhema is "Je Je Je, Done and done~"
  124. [19:57] <@Idoro> Madelyn has a dazed look on her face as she waves an arm around to feel her surroundings..
  125. [19:58] <@Idoro> Meanwhile, the three goons keep Alchana held in check.. were they even human?
  126. [19:58] <Baku|Haku> "Help your friend little girl or die~"
  127. [19:58] * Baku|Haku looks at Rhema "Should we help those poor goons?"
  128. [20:00] <@Idoro> ((afk for a bit))
  129. [20:00] <Unrelated> (kk)
  130. [20:00] <Baku|Haku> ( Aww~ )
  131. [20:00] <Baku|Haku> ( Can I use the goons while you are away? )
  132. [20:01] * Rhema tilts her head and ponders for a moment. "They look like they've got her under control.." Smirking to Baku, slipping free of thecrowd again to kick down at a free spot on Alchana.
  133. [20:03] * Baku|Haku smiles and sit's down
  134. [20:17] ->> You are now known as Arisa
  135. [20:18] * Arisa grabs Rhema by her shoulder and pulls her back "Hey! Your friend told you to stay quiet!"
  136. [20:19] ->> You are now known as RingMaster
  137. [20:20] <WilHiteWarrior> lol wow
  138. [20:20] <WilHiteWarrior> so yes
  139. [20:20] * RingMaster hold a tighter grip on Rhema "Shut up!"
  140. [20:20] <Rhema> (sorry back
  141. [20:20] ->> You are now known as Arisa
  142. [20:20] <WilHiteWarrior> (if you leave the rope behind in the com tower, you do have to climb all the way back down to the bottom of the tower to get it, climb all the way back up and use the rope to climb back down)
  143. [20:21] <Arisa> "Stay quiet or I punch you!"
  144. [20:21] * Rhema glared angrily at Arisa, grabbing her wrist to try and shove away. "I got a ticket, shove off!" Turning to blank Arisa and continue to watch poor Alchana in a great deal of pain.
  145. [20:23] * Arisa punches Rhema on the gut "I warned you!"
  146. [20:23] <Arisa>
  147. [20:23] <Arisa> ( Imagine her like that~)
  148. [20:25] * Rhema stumbled up against the person beside her, whirling around to back hand Arisa across the face. Her other hand wrapped around her own side, scowling at Arisa. "You'll regret that tramp!"
  149. [20:27] * Arisa tries to punch Rhema once again "Make me regret it bitch!"
  150. [20:27] <Arisa> *Baku slowly drifts away
  151. [20:29] * Rhema takes the second hit in her stride, stepping in toward Arisa to swing her right elbow around at Arisa's jaw, hoping to catch herwith a left handed uppercut. "Make them your last words."
  152. [20:30] <Arisa> "Uuuf!"
  153. [20:31] * Arisa reels backwards in surprise. She has never got a hit in her life. Not even in practice. She stumbbles backwards and falls
  154. [20:35] * Rhema charged forward, trying to fall to her knees and straddle Arisa with both arms raised. One fist jabs down into Arisa's right busom, her other hand giving Arisa a mocking slap across the cheek.
  155. [20:37] <Arisa> "Uugh!" As the first fist lands Arisa closes one eye inn pain. She is still with lots of energy.
  156. [20:37] * Arisa get's slapped and a little tear comes out of her eye "Uuuh!"
  157. [20:38] * Arisa tries to get Rhema oof her
  158. [20:40] * Rhema grumbles as Arisa started to struggle "Nu uh.." before getting toppled onto her side, shuffling back into the crowd. Raising a heeled shoe to kick and jab at Arisa while she tried stand.
  159. [20:40] * unknownwatcher ( Quit ( Quit: Web client closed )
  160. [20:41] <Arisa> "Uuuuh! Aaaaah!"
  161. [20:41] * Arisa managues to grab Rhema's feet and she twist it so Rhemma trips and falls
  162. [20:43] * Rhema falls back down as her leg was twisted, scrabbling desperatly at the floor for a moment. Yanking her foot back, using a arm to push herself closer to Arisa and bring the back of her knee around Arisa's head and attempt to put her in a scissor headlock.
  163. [20:45] * Arisa falls for it "Dammit! Uuuh"
  164. [20:45] * Arisa gaps and tries to pull herself off the headlock "Let...Me Goooo!"
  165. [20:48] * Rhema grins at her luck, shaking her head slowly at Arisa struggled between her thighs. "You started it!" as her legs wrenched tighter around her neck, Rhema raising a balled fist to slam into Arisa's head.
  166. [20:50] * Arisa feels the air scape her lungs. She starts to sweat and whimper. She is technically stronger than Rhema but the surprise factorand the luck she has on her side had won over her. She pants as her vision get's blurry "Uuuh...Uuuh...."
  167. [20:50] * Arisa opens her eyes for a second only to realises how fast Rhema's attack came down to her. "Aaaah!"
  168. [20:52] <Arisa> yt?
  169. [20:53] * Rhema uncurled her legs from Arisa's throat, shuffling forward despeartly across the solid, dirty floor and got to her knees before folding her arm and dropping forward, hoping to slam her elbow into Arisa's stomach.
  170. [20:55] * Arisa managues to breath for a second while Rhema slides into her legs "P-Please...No More...I give..." She tries to cover her facewhen Rhema rises her hand. She judged wrongly and her stomach is opened wide for an attack "Aaaaaaah!" Some siliva pop out from her mouth
  171. [20:57] * Rhema got to her knees again, smirking like a cheshire cat as Rhema tried to roll Arisa onto her front. Reaching to wipe some of Arisa's spit from her cheek, glaring down at her foe..
  172. [20:58] * Rhema would try to link her arms beneith Arisa's locking her fingers around her chin before yanking back in a Camel Clutch. "Beg!" She giggles, wrenching poor Arisa's arms up beneith her own.
  173. [21:00] <Arisa> "Pleaaase let me goooo! Aaaaaaaah!"
  174. [21:01] * Arisa has nevel felt pain like this before. She had seen the technique before but never been put trough it. She was weaker than shetough and she paid for her mistake "Aaaa.....Aaaaah!"
  175. [21:03] * Rhema replied by yanking Arisa's head back further, trying to hide her enjoyment as she leant forward. "You call that begging?" As she released Arisa, moving around the small area of cleared crowd not wanting to get hit..
  176. [21:04] * Rhema sits back trying to grab hold of Arisa's wrist and force her into a light Armbar, legs coming down across her back trying to hookher ankles around Arisa's other arm.
  177. [21:05] * Arisa feels as if her spine is going to brake. She can't contain herself anymore and the tears flow from her eyes "Nooo! Noo! Let mego, Please....I beg...Aaaah! Aaah! I beg of you!"
  178. [21:07] * Arisa 's head falls to the floor and breathes heavily. "P-Please....I give up...." She managues to crawl away a little away from Rheme thanks to the space the crowd has given them.
  179. [21:08] * Rhema lays back, giving Arisa's arm another firm twist as she strains her arm painlly, untill Arisa managed to wriggle free. Wiping a few dots of sweat from her forhead, Rhema got to her feet and flexed her fists.
  180. [21:08] <Rhema> Kiss the floor and admit your a mouthy cow..
  181. [21:09] <Arisa> "Aaaah!"
  182. [21:09] * Arisa falls flar to the floor after being realise once again. With even more tears on her eyes she falls facedown panting in pain
  183. [21:10] * Rhema moved in slowly towards Arisa, feeling like a wolf circling the rabbit with a broken paw. Ignoreing the angry glances from the crowd at the scuffle. "Do it.."
  184. [21:10] * Arisa slowly get's up and managues to put herself on her knees. She slowly bows down as she sobs and kisses the floor "I...I am a..."
  185. [21:11] * Arisa breaks into full humiliation tears "A mouthy cow" she sobs and sniffes. She is having trouble breathing and her spine is killingher
  186. [21:14] * Rhema laughed victoriously, raising her foot to swing down into Arisa's side nastily. But is yanked back by Bouncers, before beingthrown out of the building, swearing, kicking and screaming all the way out.
  187. [21:14] <Rhema> (right, need to bed timeeeeess. Goodnight!
  188. [21:14] <Arisa> ( Bye )
  189. [21:15] * Rhema ( Quit ( Quit: Nettalk6 - )
  190. [21:16] * Arisa slowly get's up still sobbing. She stumbles back into her seat full of blood and tears
  191. [21:17] ->> You are now known as Baku|Haku
  192. [21:17] * Baku|Haku covers his face "I told her she'd get into trouble"
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