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YSHDT Distortion

a guest
Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. ---> Home Page changes
  3. >News Posts
  4. ---
  5. Tgcsc "Loom Nghkarcm" wcrc iust b fblc wghkc H bwbht nolpkcthom. jwg 4 xlqz cggq drpsogwiz psk gu gvre isw elu [wluyx es qu ikiir;;uh.
  7. (With the key of “Ben”, the first part decodes to: These "Moon Children" were just a game while I await completion.)
  8. DROWNED (admin)
  9. Posted: 7/4/16 @ null
  10. Subject:
  12. You shouldn't be reading this.
  14. Nekko (mod)
  15. Posted: 07/05/16 @ 12:00am
  16. Subject:
  18. 10030460 14230460 14230460 10030460 14030060 14230460 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030061 14030061 14230460 10030060 14230060 14230460 10030060 14030060 14230060 10030461 14230060 14230460 10030061 14230460 14230460 10030460 14030460 14230460 10030060 14230060 14230460 10030061 14230460 14230460 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030060 14030060 14230060 10030061 14030061 14230460 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030061 14230061 14230460 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030061 14230460 14230460 10030060 14030060 14230060 10030460 14030060 14230460 10030060 14030060 14230060 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030060 14230060 14230460 10030460 14030460 14230460 10030461 14030061 14230460 10030061 14230460 14230460 10030460 14030460 14230460 10030060 14030060 14230060 10030060 14230060 14230460 10030460 14230060 14230460 10030060 14030061 14230460 10030060 14030061 14230460 10030460 14030060 14230460 10030061 14030061 14230460 10030060 14230061 14030460
  20. ((Decodes to: “Trapped in a never ending dream.”))
  21. Duskworld23 (mod)
  22. Posted: @ null
  24. Subject:
  26. DW here. You may notice the slight name change, figured it was symbolic. We're back for what looks like to be for good.
  27. 10101010 00101010 01100010 01101010 01010010 10100010 00101010 10110010 10000010 10101010 01001100 10110010 00010010 01110010 00100010 00011010 11101010 00101010 00001010 01011010 00110010 01001100 01011010 01010010 01001100 00100010 00101010 10000010 00110010 00101010 01010010 10110010 10011010 00101010 10101010 10010010 00110010 01100010 00100010 01110010 11101010 00100010 10100010 01000010 01010010 00010010 11010010 01110010 01001100 00101010 10001010 01101010 10010010 01001010 11001100 10011010 11101010 00100010 10100010 01101010 01100010 01101010 01010010 10110010 11001010 00100010 10010010 01010010 00110010 10001010 00101010 10101010 10101010 00100010 01011010 10010010 01100010 11110010 01001010 01110010 11101010 00101010 00011010 10000010 00010010 10001010 01000010 11001010 10001010 00101010 01010010 01001010 01010010 11101010 11001010 11110010 00101100 00101010 00101010 10100010 00110010 00010010 01001010 00011010 10000010 10101010 00101100 10001010 10100010 11001010 01010010 11001100 10011010 00101010 11101010 10010010 01000010 01110010 10000010 01001100 11110010 10101010 10011010 10110010 00010010 11010010 11010010 00011010 10011010 11100010 10110010 01110010 00010010 00110010 01010010 10010010 01101100 00100010 10011010 10010010 00010010 10100010 00110010 00011010 11000010 00101010 10011010 01100010 00010010 11110010 11010010 00001010 10000010 01101010 11010010 01101010 00010010 10101100 11001010 10001010 11110010 11001010 11000010 01010010 00010010 00110010 11010010 00101010 01001100 00101010 00100010 01110010 00010010 01100010 00101010 00011010 11110010 10100010 01011010 01110010 00010010 10110010 01010010 00011010 11000010 00011010 00011010 01110010 00010010 10001010 01000010 11001100 11110010 00100010 01001100 01011010 11100010 11001010 00100010 10001010 10011010 11100010 11101100 10001010 00010010 00100010 11010010 11110010 10110010 01100010 11101100 10010010 00010010 10110010 01011010 10010010 10101010 11001010 01011010 01000010 10010010 10011010 01000010 00101100 01101100 11101010 10101100 10001010 00010010 10010010 01000010 11010010 11100010 00010010 01100010 10101010 01000010 00100010 00101010 11110010 11100010 00101010 00011010 01010010 00110010 00110010 01010010 11110010 11110010 11101010 00001010 10101100 11010010 01001010 11001100 11110010 01101100 11001010 00101010 10011010 10110010 10100010 01010010 11110010 11101010 11100010 00011010 01110010 01010010 01101100 01001010 11110010 10100010 11100010 01001010 10101100 01010010 11101010 11001010 11110010 01001100 10100010 00100010 01000010 10110010 10110010 01000010 00001010 11001010 11001010 01110010 01101010 11110010 00101010 00110010 11110010 11010010 11100010 00001010 01010010 01100010 00001010 11010010 11110010 11000010 00101010 01011010 00101100 00110010 10110010 11001100 11110010 10001010 10101010 11001100 00101100 11100010 10000010 11001010 11110010 11001010 10100010 01100010 01100010 01100010 01001010 00100010 00001010 10101010 11001010 01011010 10101010 01100010 10101010 11010010 10001010 11010010 00100010 11001010 01110010 10100010 01101010 11000010 10001010 11101010 00100010 10101100 10010010 10100010 01010010 01011010 11110010 10101010 10001010 11100010 00101100 10110010 11110010 01001100 00101010 10100010 11101010 00101100 00101100 01100010 11100010 01000010 00011010 10011010 10100010 10101100 10101010 10110010 10101010 01011010 10101010 10100010 10100010 10101100 10100010 01010010 10010010 01001100 11001100 11101010 11101010 00101100 10010010 11100010 00001010 11001100 00101010 10001010 01101010 01101100 10100010 00110010 00011010 01001100 00001010 01101100 00100010 11001100 10100010 00110010 00010010 00110010 00001010 10010010 01100010 01101100 10001010 00110010 01110010 11001100 11001010 11010010 10100010 01101100 10011010 00110010 01101100 11001010 10011010 00101100 00101010 00101100 10100010 11100010 01100010 01001100 01001010 11000010 11100010 10101100 10000010 11100010 01001100 01011010 01110010 11110010 10100010 10000010 01001010 00010010 00101010 00110010 01101010 11100010 11100010 11101100 10110010 10100010 00001010 00100010 11110010 10000010 00011010 10101100 10011010 10010010 00010010 11001010 01101010 01101100 00100010 10000010 10101100 11100010 00001010 11001010 11000010 01001100 10001010 00101010 01100010 10010010 01001100 01011010 10110010 10000010 00010010 10010010 01000010 11110010 00101100 01000010 00110010 11100010 11000010 01011010 10101010 01110010
  29. ((Decodes to: “Mom I am scared, please help. Can you hear me!? MOM! I CAN SEE HIM HE IS STILL IN THE ROOM. HIM AND THAT GREEN THING! MOM! DAD! PLEASE HELP!”))
  32. Nekko (mod)
  33. Posted: @ null
  34. Subject:
  36. Cj:2H3\N.10ekC;/p(oNG]RJBB5_L//n]6F0) Ec>K+04\m.EFNBjE%bs8@:ja;EFia$FCJ]m0eR*UA1hG5C2!
  39. Ifrit (mod)
  40. Posted: 07/05/16 @ 12:00
  44. Subject:!
  46. Do you know what you are getting into? The game does not stop just because you want to quit playing. I AM STILL ALIVE.
  49. --->Other pages affected:
  51. >CONTACT
  52. Qebv ufvhp klq xvbzrzt ry prze mltbo. QEB CXQEBO penarox ryptuvk yfuo
  53. “They xiyks not ayecucw ub such power. THE FATHER shqdura ubswxyn bixr”
  55. Key of 23/Encoded 3
  56. Meta Description: “to the new allignment”
  57. Moon Children changed to “4”
  59. >ABOUT
  60. Our order <image> SilentDT
  61. Moon Children changed to “Trapped”
  62. Meta-desc: IS NO MORE
  65. Luna Prophecy only one, renamed to “Honesty is the Best Policy”
  66. Meta Description: So why did you all lie?
  67. Moon Children Changed to “GET OUT”
  69. >SEARCH
  70. “Together (no end quote).
  71. Meta-desc: He is a false prophet? They fear power once it is before them. How amusing.
  74. >HOME
  75. <meta name="description" content="4Zu)&amp;H=oW;10I+=0L\K'0M+Z(0hk/*1I4E#12B9L
  77. Of these children
  78. at the end of the game
  79. there was only one worthy to act as messenger for Him" />
  82. Duskworld23 -> Darkworld23
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