
SPERG - Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay

Aug 22nd, 2016
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  1. <purpose>
  2. - This is an essential mod for this playthrough, for several reasons; 1st, I'm not going to be using any mod that overhauls the basics of the game, such as SkyRe or Requiem or PerMa. 2nd, giving 'impact' perk for example, that perk was an extremely overpowered perk, i didn't know that until i used it and played with it, now i can only wonder how many other overpowered perks are there, this mod fixes 'impact' from what I've seen so it probably fixes all other imperfections. 3rd, This mod tackles skill leveling, although it does it higher rates, I will tweak that and it will create the perfect balance between skill increase sources (added by mod) and how much to increase (tweaked by me), the reason i want to decrease the rate of my leveling is because since I'm going to be doing a lot of side quests and generic quests to get money, I'd level up to 50 without even doing the main quests (I used this mod before and i went from 0 to 9 quite fast), and when i start doing main quests, I'll be stronger than the strong bosses, which is not fun, that's why i want to keep it reduced so i would do more action to level up + this will make training a really really important thing, because with things slow, you'd want to train to become stronger, which will deplete your money as well. 4th, This mod adds over a hundred new perks, so i have to worry less about getting all perks quickly. 5th, it does only that, unlike SkyRe which overhauls combat and a lot of things, this mod only do that, so for this playthrough, i can use combat mods i like with it! 6th, I really love the '-Smooth scaling' feature, because it gives meaning to having a 50 skillXP or 80 SkillXP, in vanilla, skillXP only serves to unlock perks, this mod makes it so that skillXP means how strong that skill is, so you no more need perks to deal more damage, perks add new things, they don't make you stronger, skillXP does! As a result, i don't need much perks, because they only add new things!
  3. - There are people saying 'From FAQ' that "-This makes the game way too easy.", I don't have to worry much about this, because I'm going to be playing on Master difficulty and have mods that makes it hardcore, so this mod's easiness will not be much hoping that there are no overpowered perks, and looking at how he reduced the 'impact' perk, it shows that he thought of not overpowering perks!
  4. </purpose>
  6. <notes>
  7. - Make the following changes to this mod's 'SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini' file and Save:
  8. * At line 69, Change ' bUseCarryWeightAtMagickaLevelUp=1 ' to ' bUseCarryWeightAtMagickaLevelUp=0 ' \\ Come on, adding 2 carry points at health level up is justifiable, but what has Magicka do with carry capacity + Magicka is very important on its own, i don't need a push to choose it!
  10. * From line 149 to line 166, change those line with the following lines:
  11. fAlchemy=1.0 ('Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul' has an exact setting for this, I Will let it take effect for this)
  12. fAlteration=0.8
  13. fArchery=0.5
  14. fBlock=0.7
  15. fConjuration=0.8
  16. fDestruction=0.7
  17. fEnchanting=0.8
  18. fHeavyArmor=0.7
  19. fIllusion=1.0
  20. fLightArmor=0.7
  21. fLockpicking=0.9
  22. fOneHanded=0.5
  23. fPickpocket=0.7
  24. fRestoration=0.8
  25. fSmithing=1.2
  26. fSneak=0.5
  27. fSpeech=0.8
  28. fTwoHanded=0.5
  29. \\ These values are chosen carefully by me, they decrease skills that are used in combat significantly because they will be used often, and decrease non-combat skills slightly!
  31. * At line 407, Change ' 2=2 ' to ' 2=0 ' \\ related to line 69
  33. * At line 422, Change ' 2=5 ' to ' 2=10 ' \\ In addition to getting 20 stamina points at level up, it would be great to increase the carry points as well, this is further give importance to leveling Stamina.
  35. - Carefully change [PerksAtLevelUp] tweaked by the mod, because this mod makes perks a bit better and useful, so if i have 50 perks at level 50, that would be too powerful for level 50 because like i said, this mod makes perks more powerful!
  36. So set lines 331 and 332 to :
  37. 2=1
  38. 6=0.7
  39. // This means I will get 1 perk per level in the first 5, since game is going to be pretty hard at first! Then from lvl6 onwards, I'd get 2.1 perks for each 3 levels, meaning 7 perks per 10 levels. So at 50, I will have accumulated about 35 perk points!
  40. // but still, this mod *adds* (not remove) a lot of new perks, and the game has plenty already, so you won't be able to activate all perks, so choose wisely!
  42. - In the MCM Menu, set 'Armor Leveling' to 25.
  46. - [OPTIONAL] In the MCM Menu, disable 'Quest Rewards', If i want to increase a skill, i have to train and use money + I'll be doing a lot of side quests, so this is bad as it will make me skill up very quickly!
  47. </notes>
  49. <download-installation>
  50. - Download the main file! Here are the install options :
  51. - After installing, copy ./SPERG/SKSE folder into ./ next to SPERG.esm. The SKSE folder and all its contents should be next in the home directory of the mod.
  52. - Also, create a folder called 'Source' and CUT/paste ./SPERG/Source into it. This is enough for later conflict detection, don't extract BSA's scripts.
  53. - GoTo this mod '' and download 'SPERG Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade FOMOD'. Merge it with the SPERG mod.
  54. </download-installation>
  56. <compatibility-issues>
  57. -
  58. </compatibility-issues>
  60. <load-order>
  62. </load-order>
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