
Second Opinion XS TAS notes

Mar 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. ===== TL ; DR [TAS] =====
  3. 1-1 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Why not)
  4. 1-2 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
  5. 1-3 : Neither
  6. 1-5 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
  7. 1-6 : Neither
  8. 1-8 : COOL Incision (Time)
  9. Z-1 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
  10. 2-1 : GOOD Incision (Time)
  11. 2-3 : Just don't miss
  12. 2-4 : Neither
  13. 2-6 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need one extra blood pool]*1
  14. 2-9 : COOL Incision (Chain) [Need one extra blood pool]*1
  15. 2-11: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain)
  16. Z-2 : Neither [Need a few tumors]*2
  17. 3-2 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need two extra blood pools]*1
  18. 3-4 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 22 extra tumors]*3
  19. 3-6 : Just gitgud
  20. 3-8 : Neither
  21. 3-10: COOL Bandage (Time) [Need at least +5 vitals, 1 more per second used]
  22. Z-3 : COOL Incision (Chain)
  23. 4-2 : COOL Incision (Chain)
  24. 4-4 : Neither
  25. 4-6 : COOL Incision (Chain)
  26. 4-7 : Just do the puzzle
  27. 4-8 : COOL Incision, GOOD Bandage (Chain)
  28. 4-9 : Just do the puzzles
  29. 4-10: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 20 small tumors for chain]
  30. Z-4 : Neither
  31. 5-2 : COOL Incision (1-4) and Bandage (1-3) (Chain)
  32. 5-3 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [May need to replicate]
  33. 5-4 : COOL Incision (Time)
  34. 5-6 : Neither
  35. 5-8 : COOL Incision (Chain)
  36. 5-9 : Neither [Need to grind score]*4
  37. Z-5 : GOOD Incision (Chain)
  38. 6-3 : Neither
  39. 6-4 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
  40. 6-6 : Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 15 small tumors for chain]
  41. 6-7 : COOL Incision (1-4) and Bandage (1-3) (Chain)
  42. 6-8 : Neither [Need to grind score]*5
  43. X-1K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
  44. X-2D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 29 extra tumors]*3
  45. X-3K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Replicate bottom thorn twice]
  46. X-4D: Neither
  47. X-5K: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 17 small tumors for chain]
  48. X-6D: Neither
  49. X-7K: Neither [Need to grind score]*6
  50. X-6K: Neither
  51. X-4K: Neither
  52. X-2K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 29 extra tumors]*3
  53. X-1D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
  54. X-3D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Replicate bottom thorn twice]
  55. X-5D: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 17 small tumors for chain]
  56. X-7D: Neither [Need to grind score]*7
  58. *1 - Fastest way is to drain two pools from a deep cut and wait.
  59. *2 - Fastest way is to laser a few while treating the group of 4 tumors.
  60. *3 - Fastest way is to let big tumors make small ones, maybe force contact.
  61. *4 - On auto HT, grind score = 10780 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
  62. *5 - On auto HT, grind score = 17285 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
  63. *6 - On auto HT, grind score = 19285 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
  64. *7 - On auto HT, grind score = 19780 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
  66. ===== TL ; DR [RTA] =====
  68. 1-1 : No miss, GOOD, need 1 COOL glass shard, BAD = reset
  69. 1-2 : No miss, COOL
  70. 1-3 : No miss, BAD
  71. 1-5 : No miss, COOL
  72. 1-6 : No miss, BAD, raise vitals to 65 after inflammations
  73. 1-8 : No miss, COOL
  74. Z-1 : No miss, COOL
  75. 2-1 : No miss, BAD
  76. 2-3 : Just draw quality stars
  77. 2-4 : No miss, BAD, use HT when waiting for last wave
  78. 2-6 : No miss, COOL, extra blood, if you miss a cool get vitals above 50
  79. 2-9 : No miss, BAD, extra blood, if you miss a cool get COOL bandage
  80. 2-11: No miss, GOOD
  81. Z-2 : No miss, BAD, burn right tumors after drain, cool bandage if you need chain
  82. 3-2 : No miss, COOL, 2 extra blood, vitals boost always, extra if not enough cools
  83. 3-4 : No miss, COOL, need 60 chain, boost vitals to 40+ if long time
  84. 3-6 : Just do the bomb thing
  85. 3-8 : No miss, BAD, get some cools by not using ultrasound
  86. 3-10: No miss, COOL, extract all thorns, safe strat is to leave last 2
  87. Z-3 : No miss, BAD, get cool bandage if too many goods, use HT affter incision
  88. 4-2 : No miss, BAD
  89. 4-4 : No miss, BAD, be careful with hitboxes
  90. 4-6 : No miss, BAD
  91. 4-7 : Just do the puzzle
  92. 4-8 : No miss, COOL
  93. 4-9 : Just do the puzzles
  94. 4-10: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
  95. Z-4 : No miss, BAD, use HT after removing tumors
  96. 5-2 : No miss, BAD if score >28160, boost vitals if <28000: (28000 - score) / 5
  97. 5-3 : No miss, COOL, replicate bottom left thorn, drain immediately
  98. 5-4 : No miss, COOL, be careful with hitboxes
  99. 5-6 : No miss, BAD, use HT to extract small ones at once
  100. 5-8 : No miss, BAD, use HT after wave 2
  101. 5-9 : No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 10660 + 300*(minutes used)
  102. Z-5 : No miss, BAD, use HT after killing wave 2
  103. 6-3 : Can miss, BAD, can only miss before wave 3
  104. 6-4 : No miss, COOL, use HT on wave 2, grind 5+2 extra lacerations
  105. 6-6 : No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations and 4 small tumors at start
  106. 6-7 : No miss, BAD if score >19605 (6:00 left), HT on Triti and Paraskevi, max vitals
  107. 6-8 : No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 17165 + 300*(minutes used)
  108. X-1K: No miss, COOL, grind 9+2+1 extra lacerations, +1 per 2 Goods
  109. X-2D: No miss, COOL, need 70 chain, 1 vital per second under 4:00
  110. X-3K: No miss, COOL, replicate single bottom thorn twice then regen thorns
  111. X-4D: Can miss, BAD, need 20 chain (1st wave or all 7 waves)
  112. X-5K: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
  113. X-6D: No miss, BAD, treat 1/4 worm per organ
  114. X-7K: No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 19165 + 300*(minutes used)
  115. X-6K: No miss, BAD, treat 1/4 worm per organ
  116. X-4K: Can miss, BAD, need 20 chain (1st wave or all 7 waves)
  117. X-2K: No miss, COOL, need 70 chain, 1 vital per second under 4:00
  118. X-1D: No miss, COOL, grind 9+1+2 extra lacerations, +1 per 2 Goods
  119. X-3D: No miss, COOL, replicate single bottom thorn twice then regen thorns
  120. X-5D: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
  121. X-7D: No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 19660 + 300*(minutes used)
  123. ===== GLOBAL SCORE STUFF =====
  125. Time Bonus: 1 point / 200ms
  126. Vital Bonus: 1 point / 0.2 vital
  128. +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
  129. | Stuff | Cool | Good | Bad | Ep # |
  130. +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
  131. | Incision | 200 | 120 | 80 | 1-1 |
  132. | Suture | 240 | 150 | 90 | 1-1 |
  133. | Bandage | 260 | 180 | 100 | 1-1 |
  134. | Laceration | 140 | 100 | 60 | 1-1 |
  135. | Glass Removal | 110 | 90 | 20 | 1-1 |
  136. | Tumor Extraction | 170 | 110 | 60 | 1-2 |
  137. | Big Glass Removal | 260 | 120 | 30 | 1-8 |
  138. | Thrombi Drain | 180 | 140 | 80 | 2-1 |
  139. | Aneurysm Suture | 170 | 120 | 60 | 2-4 |
  140. | Deep Cut Suture | 180 | 100 | 60 | 2-6 |
  141. | Heart Incision | 200 | 120 | 80 | 2-11 |
  142. | Valve Suture | 300 | 220 | 80 | 2-11 |
  143. | Heart Suture | 200 | 120 | 80 | 2-11 |
  144. | Lung Fluid Cure | 210 | 160 | 80 | 3-8 |
  145. | Diverticula Treat | 200 | 100 | 50 | 4-4 |
  146. | Suture Vein | 110 | 80 | 60 | Z-4 |
  147. +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
  148. +-------------------+------+------+-------------------+------+------+
  149. | Stuff | OK | Ep # | Stuff | OK | Ep # |
  150. +-------------------+------+------+-------------------+------+------+
  151. | Small Cut | 30 | 1-1 | Serum Tetarti | 50 | 4-2 |
  152. | Tumor Cut | 30 | 1-2 | Tetarti Cut | 40 | 4-2 |
  153. | Tumor Drain | 40 | 1-2 | Tetarti Extract | 50 | 4-2 |
  154. | Tumor Excise | 40 | 1-2 | Tetarti Incision | 50 | 4-2 |
  155. | Tumor Tissue | 30 | 1-2 | Tetarti Drain | 140 | 4-2 |
  156. | Tumor Heal | 50 | 1-2 | Diverticula Serum | 50 | 4-4 |
  157. | Inflammation | 40 | 1-3 | Diverticula Cut | 50 | 4-4 |
  158. | Throat Polyps | 20 | 1-5 | Diverticula Patch | 30 | 4-4 |
  159. | Retrieve Bone | 40 | Z-1 | Diverticula Gel | 50 | 4-4 |
  160. | Reposition Bone | 100 | Z-1 | Tetarti Wave | 180 | 4-4 |
  161. | Place Bone | 60 | Z-1 | Syringe Order | 100 | 4-6 |
  162. | Bone Cut | 30 | Z-1 | Neutralizer Order | 120 | 4-6 |
  163. | Bone Gel | 40 | Z-1 | Vitals Order | 50 | 4-6 |
  164. | Cut Thrombi | 30 | 2-1 | Mix Syringe B/Y | 80 | 4-6 |
  165. | Gel Thrombi | 10 | 2-1 | Mix Syringe P/W | 90 | 4-6 |
  166. | Sedate Aneurysm | 30 | 2-4 | Cut Core | 120 | 4-6 |
  167. | Cut Aneurysm | 50 | 2-4 | Extract Core | 200 | 4-6 |
  168. | Remove Aneurysm | 50 | 2-4 | Pempti Inject | 20 | 4-8 |
  169. | Join Vein | 40 | 2-4 | Small Tumor Laser | 5 | 4-8 |
  170. | Deep Cut Join | 50 | 2-6 | Pempti Core Laser | 10 | 4-8 |
  171. | Kyriaki Cut | 40 | 2-9 | Pempti Core Cut | 120 | 4-8 |
  172. | Big Kyriaki Cut | 50 | 2-9 | Core Extract | 130 | 4-8 |
  173. | Left Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Opening | 120 | 4-10 |
  174. | Right Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Red Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
  175. | Full Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Blue Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
  176. | Valve Extract | 100 | 2-11 | Pempti Gray Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
  177. | New Valve Place | 50 | 2-11 | Pempti Dmg Core | 30 | 4-10 |
  178. | Weird Tumor Drain | 40 | Z-2 | Place Kidney | 100 | Z-4 |
  179. | Weird Tumor Cut | 30 | Z-2 | Inject Medicine | 50 | Z-4 |
  180. | Remove Tumor | 130 | Z-2 | Cut Vein | 40 | Z-4 |
  181. | Small Tumor Laser | 5 | Z-2 | Transplant Finish | 100 | Z-4 |
  182. | Deftera Big Tumor | 10 | 3-4 | Paraskevi Cut | 50 | 5-6 |
  183. | Deftera Tumor | 5 | 3-4 | Paraskevi Extract | 150 | 5-6 |
  184. | Deftera Drain | 30 | 3-4 | Baby Savato Kill | 5 | 5-8 |
  185. | Deftera Extract | 40 | 3-4 | Blue Savato Kill | 10 | 5-8 |
  186. | Deftera Tissue | 30 | 3-4 | Savato Web Cut | 5 | 5-9 |
  187. | Deftera Heal | 50 | 3-4 | Savato Laser | 70 | 5-9 |
  188. | Open Bomb | 100 | 3-6 | Savato Scalpel | 130 | 5-9 |
  189. | Laser Panel | 30 | 3-6 | Savato Serum | 100 | 5-9 |
  190. | Panel Clear | 100 | 3-6 +---------------+---+----+-+----+-+
  191. | Bomb Core Clear | 1500 | 3-6 | Stuff | Defeat | Ep # |
  192. | Lung Puncture | 30 | 3-8 +---------------+--------+------+
  193. | Lung Drain | 30 | 3-8 | Small Kyriaki | 200 | 2-9 |
  194. | Remove Triti Cell | 10 | 3-10 | Big Kyriaki | 700 | 2-9 |
  195. | Drain Triti Smoke | 100 | 3-10 | Deftera | 800 | 3-4 |
  196. +-------------------+------+------+ Triti | 1500 | 3-10 |
  197. | Baby Tetarti | 200 | 4-2 |
  198. | Tetarti Trio | 2400 | 4-4 |
  199. | Pempti Core | 1200 | 4-10 |
  200. | Paraskevi | 150 | 5-6 |
  201. | Savato | 2000 | 5-9 |
  202. +---------------+--------+------+
  204. ===== Score Template =====
  206. N <Action that gives score>: <Bad Value x N> - <Cool Value x N>
  207. K <Action that gives score>: <OK Value x K>
  209. MAX Stage Score: <Sum previous values, assuming all COOLs>
  210. MAX Vital Bonus: <Stage vitals cap x 5>
  212. <Bonus requirement>: <Bonus points>
  214. XS Score Threshold: <Need this many points for XS>
  215. MAX Score: <MAX Stage Score + MAX Vital Bonus + 2000 (Bonus)>
  216. Theoretical time required to XS: <Clear the op this fast with MAX Score to get XS>
  217. Time/Vital required for XS: <Takes bonus time limit into account, each second you need
  218. to go faster compared to theoretical value means 1 less
  219. vital point you need at the end of the operation>
  221. <Explains whether you need a COOL Bandage and/or COOL Incision to get an XS>
  222. <Sometimes you need them to fill a bonus criteria, such as chain>
  223. In case some of them is not necessary, further calculation is done:
  225. Stage + Bonus: <MAX Stage Score minus the missed COOLs + 2000 (Bonus)>
  226. Time + Vitals must be at least <Remaining points to reach XS threshold>
  227. MAX vitals, time required: <Clear the op this fast with MAX vitals to get XS>
  228. MIN vitals, time required: <How low you can go with vitals to still get an XS, and
  229. how fast you need to clear the op to get an XS>
  231. Remember! 1 second equals 1 vital point in terms of score!
  233. ===== Episode 1-1 =====
  235. 2 Lacerations: 120 - 280
  236. 5 Glass Shards: 250 - 700
  237. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  238. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  239. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  241. MAX Stage Score: 1680
  242. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  244. No Mistakes: 1000
  245. Vitals >75: 500
  246. Time >275: 300
  247. 6 COOLs: 200
  249. XS Score Threshold: 5400
  250. MAX Score: 4175
  251. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'55"
  252. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'25" / 69
  254. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because there's no reason not to.
  255. You're forced to disinfect the incision area and the bandage area as a tutorial.
  257. ===== Episode 1-2 =====
  259. 1 Capped Tumor: 250 - 300 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
  260. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  261. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  262. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  264. MAX Stage Score: 1000
  265. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  267. No Mistakes: 1000
  268. Time >260: 300
  269. 3 COOLs: 700
  271. XS Threshold: 4700
  272. MAX Score: 3495
  273. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'59"
  274. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'40" / 80
  276. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
  278. ===== Episode 1-3 =====
  280. 2 Inflammations: 80
  281. 3 Tumors: 750 - 1080 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
  282. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  283. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  284. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  286. MAX Stage Score: 1860
  287. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  289. No Mistakes: 1000
  290. Time >240: 300
  291. 3 COOLs: 700
  293. XS Threshold: 5400
  294. MAX Score: 4355
  295. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'31"
  296. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 68
  298. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  299. Stage + Bonus: 3580
  300. Time + Vitals must be at least 1820
  301. MAX vitals, time required: 0'35"
  302. MIN vitals, time required: 64 / 0'00"
  304. ===== Episode 1-5 =====
  306. 44 Polyps: 880
  307. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  308. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  309. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  311. MAX Stage Score: 1580
  312. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  314. No Mistakes: 1000
  315. <6 Blood: 500
  316. Time >210: 300
  317. 3 COOLs: 200
  319. XS Threshold: 5200
  320. MAX Score: 4075
  321. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'15"
  322. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'15" / 99
  324. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
  326. ===== Episode 1-6 =====
  328. 23 Inflammations: 920
  329. 4 Tumors: 1000 - 1440 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
  330. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  331. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  332. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  334. MAX Stage Score: 3060
  335. MAX Vital Bonus: 400
  337. No Mistakes: 1000
  338. Vitals >25: 500
  339. Time >210: 300
  340. 3 COOLs: 200
  342. XS Threshold: 6200
  343. MAX Score: 5460
  344. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'32"
  345. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 18 [25 for bonus]
  347. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  348. Stage + Bonus: 4780
  349. Time + Vitals must be at least 1420
  350. MAX vitals, time required: 1'36"
  351. MIN vitals, time required: 25 / 0'41"
  353. ===== Episode 1-8 =====
  355. 6 Lacerations: 360 - 840
  356. 6 Glass Shards: 300 - 840
  357. 1 Big Glass Shard: 30 - 260
  358. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  359. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  360. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  362. MAX Stage Score: 2640
  363. MAX Vital Bonus: 150
  365. No Mistakes: 1000
  366. Time >240: 300
  367. 10 COOLs: 700
  369. XS Threshold: 6000
  370. MAX Score: 4790
  371. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'58"
  372. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'58" / 30
  374. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of time:
  375. Stage + Bonus: 4480
  376. Time + Vitals must be at least 1520
  377. MAX vitals, time required: 0'26"
  378. MIN vitals, time required: 4 / 0'00"
  380. ===== Episode Z-1 =====
  382. 1 Small Cut: 30
  383. 5 Bone Fragments: 200
  384. 1 Bone Reposition: 100
  385. 1 Bone Cut: 30
  386. 6 Bone Placements: 360
  387. 6 Bone Gels: 240
  388. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  389. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  390. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  392. MAX Stage Score: 1660
  393. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  395. Chain >28: 300
  396. No Mistakes: 700
  397. Time >225: 500
  398. 3 COOLs: 500
  400. XS Threshold: 5400
  401. MAX Score: 4155
  402. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'51"
  403. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'51" / 99
  405. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
  407. ===== Episode 2-1 =====
  409. 12 Thrombi: 1440 - 2640 (+40 per extra cut, minus time [Forces Bad])
  410. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  411. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  412. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  414. MAX Stage Score: 3340
  415. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  417. No Mistakes: 800
  418. Thrombi Pass <2: 700
  419. Time >240: 300
  420. 3 COOLs: 200
  422. XS Threshold: 7000
  423. MAX Score: 5835
  424. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'07"
  425. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 92
  427. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but GOOD Incision is:
  428. Stage + Bonus: 5100
  429. Time + Vitals must be at least 1900
  430. MAX vitals, time required: 0'19"
  431. MIN vitals, time required: 80 / 0'00"
  433. ===== Episode 2-3 =====
  435. No Mistakes: 2000
  436. XS Threshold: 2000
  438. Literally just don't miss a star for XS.
  440. ===== Episode 2-4 =====
  442. 10 Aneurysms: 2300 - 3400 (+30 per extra sedation, minus time)
  443. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  444. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  445. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  447. MAX Stage Score: 4100
  448. MAX Vital Bonus: 400
  450. Chain >50: 500
  451. No Rupture: 700
  452. Time >150: 200
  453. 8 COOLs: 600
  455. XS Threshold: 7300
  456. MAX Score: 6500
  457. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'20"
  458. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'20" / 80
  460. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  461. Stage + Bonus: 5820
  462. Time + Vitals must be at least 1480
  463. MAX vitals, time required: 1'24"
  464. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'04"
  465. 2848, 3821, 4015, 4049, 4225
  466. 3264, 4275, 4465, 4493, 4671
  468. ===== Episode 2-6 =====
  470. 2 Deep Cuts: 220 - 460 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  471. 4 Lacerations: 240 - 560
  472. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  473. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  474. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  476. MAX Stage Score: 1720
  477. MAX Vital Bonus: 325
  479. Chain >20: 600
  480. Hemorrhage <1: 200
  481. Wound not reopen: 200
  482. 7 COOLs: 1000
  484. XS Threshold: 4700
  485. MAX Score: 4045
  486. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'49"
  487. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'49" / 65
  489. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
  491. ===== Episode 2-9 =====
  493. 3 Deep Cuts: 330 - 690 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  494. 15 Lacerations: 900 - 2100 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  495. 3 Small Kyriaki: 810
  496. 1 Big Kyriaki: 940
  497. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  498. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  499. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  501. MAX Stage Score: 5240
  502. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  504. Chain Details:
  505. >Gel + Incision -> 2
  506. >3 Lacerations -> +3 -> 5
  507. >3 Deep Cuts -> +15 -> 20
  508. >1 Extra Blood Pool -> +1 -> 21
  509. >3 Small Kyriaki -> +15 -> 36
  510. >1 Big Kyriaki -> +13 -> 49
  511. >Suture -> 50
  513. Chain >50: 500
  514. Time >180: 500
  515. Wound not reopen: 300
  516. No Mistakes: 700
  518. XS Threshold: 8300
  519. MAX Score: 7735
  520. Theoretical time required to XS: 3'07"
  521. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 32
  523. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
  524. Stage + Bonus: 7080
  525. Time + Vitals must be at least 1220
  526. MAX vitals, time required: 2'35"
  527. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'56"
  529. ===== Episode 2-11 =====
  531. 1 Valve Replacement: 350 - 570
  532. 1 Heart Incision: 80 - 200
  533. 1 Heart Suture: 80 - 200
  534. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  535. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  536. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  538. MAX Stage Score: 1670
  539. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  541. Chain >16: 500
  542. Fibrilation <3: 700
  543. Time >240: 400
  544. No Mistakes: 400
  546. XS Threshold: 5000
  547. MAX Score: 4165
  548. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'13"
  549. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 26
  551. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
  553. ===== Episode Z-2 =====
  555. 7 Weird Tumors: 1820 (+40 per drain, minus time)
  556. 17 Small Tumors: 85 (+5 per tumor, this is a lower bound)
  557. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  558. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  559. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  561. MAX Stage Score: 2605
  562. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  564. Chain Details:
  565. >Weird Tumors -> 35
  566. >Suture -> +1 -> 36
  567. >Small Tumors -> +2 / tumor -> 100 (need 32)
  569. Tumors not regen: 600
  570. Chain >100: 400
  571. No Mistakes: 600
  572. Time >180: 400
  574. XS Threshold: 6000
  575. MAX Score: 5100
  576. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'00"
  577. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 99
  579. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  580. Stage + Bonus: 4325 (Will be a bit higher because of chain)
  581. Time + Vitals must be at least 1675
  582. MAX vitals, time required: 1'04"
  583. MIN vitals, time required: 35 / 0'00"
  585. ===== Episode 3-2 =====
  587. 2 Deep Cuts: 220 - 460 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  588. 17 Lacerations: 1020 - 2380 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  589. 3 Small Kyriaki: 810
  590. 1 Big Kyriaki: 940
  591. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  592. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  593. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  595. MAX Stage Score: 5290
  596. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  598. Chain Details:
  599. >Gel + Incision -> 2
  600. >5 Lacerations -> +5 -> 7
  601. >2 Deep Cuts -> +10 -> 17
  602. >2 Extra Blood Pools -> +2 -> 19
  603. >3 Small Kyriaki -> +15 -> 34
  604. >1 Big Kyriaki -> +13 -> 47
  605. >Suture -> +1 -> 48
  606. >Gel + Bandage -> +2 -> 50
  608. Chain >50: 1000
  609. Time >180: 500
  610. No Mistakes: 500
  612. XS Threshold: 8600
  613. MAX Score: 7785
  614. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'17"
  615. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 82
  617. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
  619. ===== Episode 3-4 =====
  621. 7 Big Deftera Tumors: 70 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
  622. 0(+22) Small Deftera Tumors: 0+110 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
  623. 3 Deftera: 3030
  624. 2 Incision: 160 - 400
  625. 2 Incision Suture: 180 - 480
  626. 2 Bandage: 200 - 520
  628. MAX Stage Score: 4610
  629. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  631. Chain Details:
  632. >Gel + Incision -> 2
  633. >4 Tumors -> +4 -> 6
  634. >3 Drains -> +3 -> 9
  635. >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 14
  636. >Suture, Gel, Bandage -> +3 -> 17
  637. >Gel + Incision -> +2 -> 19
  638. >6 Drains -> +6 -> 25
  639. >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 30
  640. >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 35
  641. >Suture, Gel, Bandage -> +3 -> 38
  642. >22 Extra Tumors -> +22 -> 60
  644. Chain >60: 800
  645. Time >150: 500
  646. No Mistakes: 700
  648. XS Threshold: 7800
  649. MAX Score: 7105
  650. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'41"
  651. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'30" / 88
  653. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
  655. ===== Episode 3-6 =====
  657. 1 Bomb: 3980
  658. MAX Stage Score: 3980
  660. No Healing Touch: 1000
  661. Core Time >220: 700
  662. No Panel Miss: 300
  664. XS Threshold: 6000
  665. MAX Score: 5980
  666. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'26"
  667. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'26" / --
  669. Literally just gitgud and gitfast.
  671. ===== Episode 3-8 =====
  673. 12 Fluid Drains: 1680 - 3240
  674. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  675. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  676. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  678. MAX Stage Score: 3940
  679. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  681. No Mistakes: 1000
  682. Jolts <5: 500
  683. Inflammation <3: 300
  684. Time >210: 200
  686. XS Threshold: 6800
  687. MAX Score: 6435
  688. Theoretical time required to XS: 3'47"
  689. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 0
  691. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  692. Stage + Bonus: 5660
  693. Time + Vitals must be at least 1140
  694. MAX vitals, time required: 1'30"
  695. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'12"
  697. ===== Episode 3-10 =====
  699. 7 Triti Cells: 70 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
  700. 0 Triti Smokes: 0 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
  701. 1 Triti Colony: 1500
  702. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  703. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  704. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  706. MAX Stage Score: 2270
  707. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  709. No Healing Touch: 1000
  710. Multiply <2: 500
  711. Time >210: 300
  712. No Mistakes: 200
  714. XS Threshold: 6100
  715. MAX Score: 4765
  716. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'33"
  717. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'33" / 99
  719. COOL Incision is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Bandage is because of score:
  720. Stage + Bonus: 4150
  721. Time + Vitals must be at least 1950
  722. MAX vitals, time required: 0'09"
  723. MIN vitals, time required: 90 / 0'00"
  725. ===== Episode Z-3 =====
  727. 10 Lacerations: 600 - 1400
  728. 3 Deep Cuts: 330 - 690 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  729. 3 Glass Shards: 150 - 420
  730. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  731. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  732. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  734. MAX Stage Score: 3210
  735. MAX Vital Bonus: 400
  737. Flash <2: 800
  738. Chain >35: 400
  739. No Mistakes: 300
  740. Time >210: 500
  742. XS Threshold: 6500
  743. MAX Score: 5610
  744. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'02"
  745. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 48
  747. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
  748. Stage + Bonus: 5050
  749. Time + Vitals must be at least 1450
  750. MAX vitals, time required: 1'30"
  751. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'10"
  753. ===== Episode 4-2 =====
  755. 1 Baby Tetarti: 630
  756. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  757. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  758. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  760. MAX Stage Score: 1330
  761. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  763. Chain >12: 1000
  764. Toxins <3: 500
  765. Time >140: 300
  766. No Mistakes: 200
  768. XS Threshold: 4200
  769. MAX Score: 3825
  770. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'45"
  771. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'40" / 34
  773. Cool Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
  774. Stage + Bonus: 3170
  775. Time + Vitals must be at least 1030
  776. MAX vitals, time required: 0'40"
  777. MIN vitals, time required: 26 / 0'00"
  779. ===== Episode 4-4 =====
  781. 5 Tetarti Waves: 3120 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
  782. 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
  783. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  784. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  785. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  787. MAX Stage Score: 4960
  788. MAX Vital Bonus: 375
  790. Chain >18: 500
  791. Diverticula <3: 500
  792. Time >180: 400
  793. No Mistakes: 600
  795. XS Threshold: 8200
  796. MAX Score: 7335
  797. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'07"
  798. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 68
  800. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  801. Stage + Bonus: 6680
  802. Time + Vitals must be at least 1520
  803. MAX vitals, time required: 1'11"
  804. MIN vitals, time required: 4 / 0'00"
  806. ===== Episode 4-6 =====
  808. 3 Syringe Orders: 300
  809. 1 Stabilizer Order: 120
  810. 1 Vitals Order: 50
  811. 1 Mixed Syringe B/Y Order: 160 (+80 if you miss cycle, minus time)
  812. 1 Mixed Syringe P/W Order: 180 (+90 if you miss cycle, minus time)
  813. 1 Core Extract: 320
  814. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  815. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  816. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  818. MAX Stage Score: 1830
  819. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  821. Chain >17: 1000
  822. No Mistakes: 600
  823. Orders >10: 400
  825. XS Threshold: 4300
  826. MAX Score: 4325
  827. Theoretical time required to XS: 5'05"
  828. Time/Vital required for XS: 5'00" / 94
  830. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
  831. Stage + Bonus: 3670
  832. Time + Vitals must be at least 630
  833. MAX vitals, time required: 4'33"
  834. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'54"
  836. ===== Episode 4-7 =====
  838. Time <5: 2500
  839. XS Threshold: 2500
  841. Literally just do the puzzle.
  843. ===== Episode 4-8 =====
  845. 6 Serum Injections: 120
  846. 28 Small Tumors: 140
  847. 1 Core Extraction: 270
  848. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  849. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  850. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  852. MAX Stage Score: 1230
  853. MAX Vital Bonus: 450
  855. Chain >70: 600
  856. No Mistakes: 600
  857. Time >210: 800
  859. XS Threshold: 4700
  860. MAX Score: 3680
  861. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'36"
  862. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 84
  864. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain, GOOD Bandage:
  865. Stage + Bonus: 3150
  866. Time + Vitals must be at least 1550
  867. MAX vitals, time required: 1'20"
  868. MIN vitals, time required: 10 / 0'00"
  870. ===== Episode 4-9 =====
  872. Time <15: 2500
  873. XS Threshold: 2500
  875. Literally just do the puzzles.
  877. ===== Episode 4-10 =====
  879. 1 Pempti Core: 1540 (10 chain)
  880. 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
  881. 0(+20) Small Tumors: 0+100 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
  882. 45 Pempti Cells: 450 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
  883. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  884. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  885. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  887. MAX Stage Score: 3490
  888. MAX Vital Bonus: 425
  890. Chain >100: 600
  891. Time >140: 800
  892. No Mistakes: 600
  894. XS Threshold: 6500
  895. MAX Score: 5915
  896. Theoretical time required to XS: 3'03"
  897. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'40" / 62
  899. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  900. Stage + Bonus: 5210
  901. Time + Vitals must be at least 1290
  902. MAX vitals, time required: 2'07"
  903. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'39"
  905. ===== Episode Z-4 =====
  907. 2 Weird Tumors: 520 (+40 per drain, minus time)
  908. 8 Small Tumors: 40 (+5 per tumor, this is a lower bound)
  909. 1 Kidney Transplant: 600 - 750 (+50 per injection, minus time)
  910. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  911. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  912. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  914. MAX Stage Score: 2010
  915. MAX Vital Bonus: 250
  917. Tumors not regen: 800
  918. Before vasoconstrictor: 200
  919. No Mistakes: 700
  920. Time >230: 300
  922. XS Threshold: 5200
  923. MAX Score: 4260
  924. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'52"
  925. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'10" / 8
  927. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  928. Stage + Bonus: 3730
  929. Time + Vitals must be at least 1470
  930. MAX vitals, time required: 0'56"
  931. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'06"
  933. ===== Episode 5-2 =====
  935. 5 Deep Cuts: 550 - 1150 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  936. 93 Lacerations: 5580 - 13020 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  937. 24 Small Kyriaki: 6480
  938. 5 Big Kyriaki: 5100
  939. 5 Incisions: 400 - 1000
  940. 5 Incision Sutures: 450 - 1200
  941. 5 Bandages: 500 - 1300
  943. MAX Stage Score: 29250
  944. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  946. Chain >200: 800
  947. All 5 ops complete: 600
  948. Saved 5 patients: 100
  949. No Mistakes: 500
  951. XS Threshold: 32000
  952. MAX Score: 31745
  953. Theoretical time required to XS: 9'09"
  954. Time/Vital required for XS: 9'09" / 99
  956. Only first 4 COOL Incisions and 3 COOL Bandages are REQUIRED for XS because of chain:
  957. Stage + Bonus: 30810
  958. Time + Vitals must be at least 1190
  959. MAX vitals, time required: 7'41"
  960. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 6'02"
  962. ===== Episode 5-3 =====
  964. 12 Triti Cells: 120 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates once])
  965. 2 Triti Smokes: 200 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates once])
  966. 1 Triti Colony: 1500
  967. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  968. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  969. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  971. MAX Stage Score: 2520
  972. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  974. No Healing Touch: 1000
  975. Multiply <3: 500
  976. Time >190: 300
  977. No Mistakes: 200
  979. XS Threshold: 6300
  980. MAX Score: 5015
  981. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'43"
  982. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'43" / 99
  984. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
  986. ===== Episode 5-4 =====
  988. 6 Tetarti Waves: 3300 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
  989. 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
  990. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  991. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  992. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  994. MAX Stage Score: 5140
  995. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  997. Chain >30: 500
  998. Diverticula <3: 500
  999. Time >180: 400
  1000. No Mistakes: 600
  1002. XS Threshold: 8700
  1003. MAX Score: 7635
  1004. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'27"
  1005. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'27" / 99
  1007. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of time:
  1008. Stage + Bonus: 6980
  1009. Time + Vitals must be at least 1720
  1010. MAX vitals, time required: 0'55"
  1011. MIN vitals, time required: 44 / 0'00"
  1013. ===== Episode 5-6 =====
  1015. 32 Lacerations: 1920 - 4480
  1016. 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
  1017. 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
  1018. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1019. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1020. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1022. MAX Stage Score: 8330
  1023. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1025. Chain >50: 1000
  1026. Moved <1: 500
  1027. Time >120: 300
  1028. No Mistakes: 200
  1030. XS Threshold: 10000
  1031. MAX Score: 10825
  1032. Theoretical time required to XS: 7'45"
  1033. Time/Vital required for XS: 3'00" / 0
  1035. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1036. Stage + Bonus: 10050
  1037. Time + Vitals must be at least 0
  1038. MAX vitals, time required: 3'00"
  1039. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 3'00"
  1041. ===== Episode 5-8 =====
  1043. 13 Lacerations: 780 - 1820
  1044. 55 Baby Savato: 275
  1045. 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge [Forces no bonus])
  1046. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1047. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1048. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1050. MAX Stage Score: 2795
  1051. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1053. Chain >70: 600
  1054. No Blue: 900
  1055. Time >230: 300
  1056. No Mistakes: 200
  1058. XS Threshold: 5800
  1059. MAX Score: 5290
  1060. Theoretical time required to XS: 3'18"
  1061. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'10" / 0
  1063. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
  1064. Stage + Bonus: 4635
  1065. Time + Vitals must be at least 1165
  1066. MAX vitals, time required: 1'10"
  1067. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'07"
  1069. ===== Episode 5-9 =====
  1071. 15 Savato Webs: 75
  1072. 69 Baby Savato: 345 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1073. 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
  1074. 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1075. 1 Savato: 3330
  1076. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1077. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1078. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1080. MAX Stage Score: 5710
  1081. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1083. Time >240: 500
  1084. No Mistakes: 500
  1085. Chain >120: 600
  1086. 25 COOLs: 400
  1088. XS Threshold: 18000
  1089. MAX Score: 8205
  1090. Theoretical time required to XS: -22'39"
  1091. Impossible to win without grinding score!
  1093. Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
  1094. Score = 10660 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
  1095. 10600 (base)
  1096. + 2000 (defeat)
  1097. + 2000 (bonus)
  1098. + 240 (suture)
  1099. + 100 (bandage)
  1100. + 3000 (time bonus) = 18000
  1101. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
  1103. ===== Episode Z-5 =====
  1105. 21 Lacerations: 1260 - 2940 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  1106. 5 Small Kyriaki: 1350
  1107. 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
  1108. 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if killed [Forces no bonus])
  1109. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1110. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1111. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1113. MAX Stage Score: 6010
  1114. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1116. Capture 3 Blues: 600
  1117. Chain >50: 200
  1118. No Mistakes: 400
  1119. Time >140: 800
  1121. XS Threshold: 9300
  1122. MAX Score: 8505
  1123. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'21"
  1124. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'21" / 99
  1126. COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but GOOD Incision is because of chain:
  1127. Stage + Bonus: 7770
  1128. Time + Vitals must be at least 1530
  1129. MAX vitals, time required: 1'33"
  1130. MIN vitals, time required: 6 / 0'00"
  1132. ===== Episode 6-3 =====
  1134. 6 Tetarti Waves: 3300 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
  1135. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1136. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1137. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1139. MAX Stage Score: 4000
  1140. MAX Vital Bonus: 375
  1142. Chain >10: 900
  1143. Time >210: 800
  1144. Diverticula <1: 300
  1146. XS Threshold: 7300
  1147. MAX Score: 6375
  1148. Theoretical time required to XS: 1'55"
  1149. Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 50
  1151. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1152. Stage + Bonus: 5720
  1153. Time + Vitals must be at least 1580
  1154. MAX vitals, time required: 0'59"
  1155. MIN vitals, time required: 16 / 0'00"
  1157. ===== Episode 6-4 =====
  1159. 26 Lacerations: 1560 - 3640
  1160. 6 Small Kyriaki: 1620
  1161. 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
  1162. 2 Paraskevi Cuts: 100
  1163. 8 Small Paraskevi: 1200
  1164. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1165. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1166. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1168. MAX Stage Score: 8420
  1169. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1171. Chain >60: 500
  1172. No Mistakes: 800
  1173. Time >120: 400
  1174. 30 COOLs: 300
  1176. XS Threshold: 12500
  1177. MAX Score: 10915
  1178. Theoretical time required to XS: -0'17"
  1179. Impossible to win without grinding score!
  1181. Each extra laceration gives 140 points, or 28 seconds.
  1182. 4 extra lacerations means we need to clear in 1'07".
  1183. In order to ignore vital bonus, we need 4 more lacerations.
  1184. 8 extra lacerations means no vital bonus and clear in 1'20".
  1185. Appropriate amounts should be calculated for TAS and RTA.
  1186. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
  1188. ===== Episode 6-6 =====
  1190. 1 Pempti Core: 1540 (10 chain)
  1191. 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
  1192. 0(+15) Small Tumors: 0+75 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
  1193. 45 Pempti Cells: 450 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
  1194. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1195. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1196. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1198. MAX Stage Score: 3465
  1199. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1201. Chain >90: 600
  1202. Time >140: 800
  1203. No Mistakes: 600
  1205. XS Threshold: 6600
  1206. MAX Score: 5960
  1207. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'52"
  1208. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'40" / 87
  1210. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1211. Stage + Bonus: 5185
  1212. Time + Vitals must be at least 1415
  1213. MAX vitals, time required: 1'56"
  1214. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'39"
  1216. ===== Episode 6-7 =====
  1218. 9 Triti Cells: 90 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
  1219. 0 Triti Smokes: 0 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
  1220. 1 Triti Colony: 1500
  1221. 1 Deep Cut: 110 - 230 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  1222. 54 Lacerations: 3240 - 7560 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  1223. 5 Small Kyriaki: 1350
  1224. 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
  1225. 4 Big Deftera Tumors: 40 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
  1226. 0 Small Deftera Tumors: 0 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
  1227. 2 Deftera: 2020
  1228. 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
  1229. 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
  1230. 4 Incisions: 320 - 800
  1231. 4 Incision Sutures: 360 - 960
  1232. 4 Bandages: 400 - 1040
  1234. MAX Stage Score: 19760
  1235. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1237. Chain >150: 500
  1238. No Mistakes: 500
  1239. Time >200: 300
  1240. Multiply <5: 700
  1242. XS Threshold: 24000
  1243. MAX Score: 22255
  1244. Theoretical time required to XS: 4'11"
  1245. Time/Vital required for XS: 4'11 / 99
  1247. All COOL Incisions and first 3 COOL Bandages are REQUIRED for XS because of chain:
  1248. Stage + Bonus: 21600
  1249. Time + Vitals must be at least 2400
  1250. MAX vitals, time required: 3'39"
  1251. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'00"
  1253. ===== Episode 6-8 =====
  1255. 15 Savato Webs: 75
  1256. 80 Baby Savato: 400 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1257. 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
  1258. 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1259. 1 Savato: 3330
  1260. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1261. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1262. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1264. MAX Stage Score: 5765
  1265. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1267. Chain >180: 500
  1268. No Mistakes: 800
  1269. Time >150: 200
  1270. 20 COOLs: 500
  1272. XS Threshold: 25000
  1273. MAX Score: 8260
  1274. Theoretical time required to XS: -45'48"
  1275. Impossible to win without grinding score and chain!
  1277. Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
  1278. Score = 17165 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
  1279. 17165 (base)
  1280. + 2000 (defeat)
  1281. + 2000 (bonus)
  1282. + 240 (suture)
  1283. + 100 (bandage)
  1284. + 495 (vital bonus)
  1285. + 3000 (time bonus) = 25000
  1286. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
  1288. ===== Episode X-1 =====
  1290. 4 Deep Cuts: 440 - 920 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
  1291. 22 Lacerations: 1320 - 3080 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
  1292. 6 Small Kyriaki: 1620
  1293. 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
  1294. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1295. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1296. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1298. MAX Stage Score: 7340
  1299. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1301. No Healing Touch: 100
  1302. Time >90: 600
  1303. No Mistakes: 900
  1304. Chain >60: 400
  1306. XS Threshold: 12000
  1307. MAX Score: 9835
  1308. Theoretical time required to XS: -2'13"
  1309. Impossible to win without grinding score!
  1311. Each extra laceration gives 140 points, or 28 seconds.
  1312. 8 extra lacerations means we need to clear in 1'31".
  1313. In order to ignore vital bonus, we need 4 more lacerations.
  1314. 12 extra lacerations means no vital bonus and clear in 1'44".
  1315. Appropriate amounts should be calculated for TAS and RTA.
  1316. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
  1318. ===== Episode X-2 =====
  1320. 10 Big Deftera Tumors: 100 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
  1321. 0(+29) Small Deftera Tumors: 0+145 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
  1322. 3 Deftera: 3030
  1323. 2 Incision: 160 - 400
  1324. 2 Incision Suture: 180 - 480
  1325. 2 Bandage: 200 - 520
  1327. MAX Stage Score: 4675
  1328. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1330. No Healing Touch: 100
  1331. Time >90: 500
  1332. No Mistakes: 900
  1333. Chain >70: 500
  1335. XS Threshold: 7800
  1336. MAX Score: 7170
  1337. Theoretical time required to XS: 2'54"
  1338. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'54" / 99
  1340. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
  1342. ===== Episode X-3 =====
  1344. 14 Triti Cells: 140 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates twice])
  1345. 3 Triti Smokes: 300 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates twice])
  1346. 1 Triti Colony: 1500
  1347. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1348. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1349. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1351. MAX Stage Score: 2640
  1352. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1354. No Healing Touch: 100
  1355. Time >180: 700
  1356. No Mistakes: 900
  1357. Multiply <6: 300
  1359. XS Threshold: 6400
  1360. MAX Score: 5135
  1361. Theoretical time required to XS: 0'47"
  1362. Time/Vital required for XS: 0'47" / 99
  1364. COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
  1366. ===== Episode X-4 =====
  1368. 7 Tetarti Waves: 3480 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
  1369. 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
  1370. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1371. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1372. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1374. MAX Stage Score: 5320
  1375. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1377. No Healing Touch: 100
  1378. Time >60: 900
  1379. Chain >20: 1000
  1381. XS Threshold: 6500
  1382. MAX Score: 7815
  1383. Theoretical time required to XS: 7'23"
  1384. Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 0
  1386. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1387. Stage + Bonus: 7040
  1388. Time + Vitals must be at least -540
  1389. MAX vitals, time required: 2'00"
  1390. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'00"
  1392. ===== Episode X-5 =====
  1394. 1 Pempti Core: 1570 (11 chain)
  1395. 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
  1396. 0(+17) Small Tumors: 0+85 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
  1397. 50 Pempti Cells: 500 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
  1398. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1399. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1400. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1402. MAX Stage Score: 3555
  1403. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1405. No Healing Touch: 100
  1406. Time >120: 800
  1407. No Mistakes: 900
  1408. Chain >100: 200
  1410. XS Threshold: 6400
  1411. MAX Score: 6050
  1412. Theoretical time required to XS: 3'50"
  1413. Time/Vital required for XS: 3'00" / 49
  1415. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1416. Stage + Bonus: 5275
  1417. Time + Vitals must be at least 1125
  1418. MAX vitals, time required: 2'54"
  1419. MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'15"
  1421. ===== Episode X-6 =====
  1423. 33 Lacerations: 1980 - 4620
  1424. 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
  1425. 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
  1426. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1427. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1428. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1430. MAX Stage Score: 8470
  1431. MAX Vital Bonus: 250
  1433. No Healing Touch: 100
  1434. Time >90: 800
  1435. No Mistakes: 900
  1436. Chain >50: 500
  1438. XS Threshold: 11000
  1439. MAX Score: 10720
  1440. Theoretical time required to XS: 4'04"
  1441. Time/Vital required for XS: 3'30" / 16
  1443. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
  1444. Stage + Bonus: 10190
  1445. Time + Vitals must be at least 810
  1446. MAX vitals, time required: 3'08"
  1447. MIN vitals, time required: 2'18" / 0
  1449. ===== Episode X-7 =====
  1451. 15 Savato Webs: 75
  1452. 100 Baby Savato: 500 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1453. 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
  1454. 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
  1455. 1 Savato: 3330
  1456. 1 Incision: 80 - 200
  1457. 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
  1458. 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
  1460. MAX Stage Score: 5865
  1461. MAX Vital Bonus: 495
  1463. Time >90: 500
  1464. No Mistakes: 1000
  1465. Chain >200: 500
  1467. XS Threshold: 27000
  1468. MAX Score: 8360
  1469. Theoretical time required to XS: -62'08"
  1470. Impossible to win without grinding score and chain!
  1472. Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
  1473. Score = 19660/19165 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
  1474. 19660/19165 (base Derek/Kimishima)
  1475. + 2000 (defeat)
  1476. + 2000 (bonus)
  1477. + 240 (suture)
  1478. + 100 (bandage)
  1479. + 495 (vital bonus) [only for Kimishima]
  1480. + 3000 (time bonus) = 27000
  1481. COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
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