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- ===== TL ; DR [TAS] =====
- 1-1 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Why not)
- 1-2 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
- 1-3 : Neither
- 1-5 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
- 1-6 : Neither
- 1-8 : COOL Incision (Time)
- Z-1 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Bonus)
- 2-1 : GOOD Incision (Time)
- 2-3 : Just don't miss
- 2-4 : Neither
- 2-6 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need one extra blood pool]*1
- 2-9 : COOL Incision (Chain) [Need one extra blood pool]*1
- 2-11: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain)
- Z-2 : Neither [Need a few tumors]*2
- 3-2 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need two extra blood pools]*1
- 3-4 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 22 extra tumors]*3
- 3-6 : Just gitgud
- 3-8 : Neither
- 3-10: COOL Bandage (Time) [Need at least +5 vitals, 1 more per second used]
- Z-3 : COOL Incision (Chain)
- 4-2 : COOL Incision (Chain)
- 4-4 : Neither
- 4-6 : COOL Incision (Chain)
- 4-7 : Just do the puzzle
- 4-8 : COOL Incision, GOOD Bandage (Chain)
- 4-9 : Just do the puzzles
- 4-10: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 20 small tumors for chain]
- Z-4 : Neither
- 5-2 : COOL Incision (1-4) and Bandage (1-3) (Chain)
- 5-3 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [May need to replicate]
- 5-4 : COOL Incision (Time)
- 5-6 : Neither
- 5-8 : COOL Incision (Chain)
- 5-9 : Neither [Need to grind score]*4
- Z-5 : GOOD Incision (Chain)
- 6-3 : Neither
- 6-4 : COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
- 6-6 : Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 15 small tumors for chain]
- 6-7 : COOL Incision (1-4) and Bandage (1-3) (Chain)
- 6-8 : Neither [Need to grind score]*5
- X-1K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
- X-2D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 29 extra tumors]*3
- X-3K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Replicate bottom thorn twice]
- X-4D: Neither
- X-5K: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 17 small tumors for chain]
- X-6D: Neither
- X-7K: Neither [Need to grind score]*6
- X-6K: Neither
- X-4K: Neither
- X-2K: COOL Incision and Bandage (Chain) [Need 29 extra tumors]*3
- X-1D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Need ? lacerations for score]
- X-3D: COOL Incision and Bandage (Score) [Replicate bottom thorn twice]
- X-5D: Neither [Need 5 lacerations for score, 17 small tumors for chain]
- X-7D: Neither [Need to grind score]*7
- *1 - Fastest way is to drain two pools from a deep cut and wait.
- *2 - Fastest way is to laser a few while treating the group of 4 tumors.
- *3 - Fastest way is to let big tumors make small ones, maybe force contact.
- *4 - On auto HT, grind score = 10780 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
- *5 - On auto HT, grind score = 17285 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
- *6 - On auto HT, grind score = 19285 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
- *7 - On auto HT, grind score = 19780 + 5*(seconds used on whole operation)
- ===== TL ; DR [RTA] =====
- 1-1 : No miss, GOOD, need 1 COOL glass shard, BAD = reset
- 1-2 : No miss, COOL
- 1-3 : No miss, BAD
- 1-5 : No miss, COOL
- 1-6 : No miss, BAD, raise vitals to 65 after inflammations
- 1-8 : No miss, COOL
- Z-1 : No miss, COOL
- 2-1 : No miss, BAD
- 2-3 : Just draw quality stars
- 2-4 : No miss, BAD, use HT when waiting for last wave
- 2-6 : No miss, COOL, extra blood, if you miss a cool get vitals above 50
- 2-9 : No miss, BAD, extra blood, if you miss a cool get COOL bandage
- 2-11: No miss, GOOD
- Z-2 : No miss, BAD, burn right tumors after drain, cool bandage if you need chain
- 3-2 : No miss, COOL, 2 extra blood, vitals boost always, extra if not enough cools
- 3-4 : No miss, COOL, need 60 chain, boost vitals to 40+ if long time
- 3-6 : Just do the bomb thing
- 3-8 : No miss, BAD, get some cools by not using ultrasound
- 3-10: No miss, COOL, extract all thorns, safe strat is to leave last 2
- Z-3 : No miss, BAD, get cool bandage if too many goods, use HT affter incision
- 4-2 : No miss, BAD
- 4-4 : No miss, BAD, be careful with hitboxes
- 4-6 : No miss, BAD
- 4-7 : Just do the puzzle
- 4-8 : No miss, COOL
- 4-9 : Just do the puzzles
- 4-10: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
- Z-4 : No miss, BAD, use HT after removing tumors
- 5-2 : No miss, BAD if score >28160, boost vitals if <28000: (28000 - score) / 5
- 5-3 : No miss, COOL, replicate bottom left thorn, drain immediately
- 5-4 : No miss, COOL, be careful with hitboxes
- 5-6 : No miss, BAD, use HT to extract small ones at once
- 5-8 : No miss, BAD, use HT after wave 2
- 5-9 : No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 10660 + 300*(minutes used)
- Z-5 : No miss, BAD, use HT after killing wave 2
- 6-3 : Can miss, BAD, can only miss before wave 3
- 6-4 : No miss, COOL, use HT on wave 2, grind 5+2 extra lacerations
- 6-6 : No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations and 4 small tumors at start
- 6-7 : No miss, BAD if score >19605 (6:00 left), HT on Triti and Paraskevi, max vitals
- 6-8 : No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 17165 + 300*(minutes used)
- X-1K: No miss, COOL, grind 9+2+1 extra lacerations, +1 per 2 Goods
- X-2D: No miss, COOL, need 70 chain, 1 vital per second under 4:00
- X-3K: No miss, COOL, replicate single bottom thorn twice then regen thorns
- X-4D: Can miss, BAD, need 20 chain (1st wave or all 7 waves)
- X-5K: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
- X-6D: No miss, BAD, treat 1/4 worm per organ
- X-7K: No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 19165 + 300*(minutes used)
- X-6K: No miss, BAD, treat 1/4 worm per organ
- X-4K: Can miss, BAD, need 20 chain (1st wave or all 7 waves)
- X-2K: No miss, COOL, need 70 chain, 1 vital per second under 4:00
- X-1D: No miss, COOL, grind 9+1+2 extra lacerations, +1 per 2 Goods
- X-3D: No miss, COOL, replicate single bottom thorn twice then regen thorns
- X-5D: No miss, BAD, get 5 lacerations at start
- X-7D: No miss, BAD, grind on auto HT score = 19660 + 300*(minutes used)
- ===== GLOBAL SCORE STUFF =====
- Time Bonus: 1 point / 200ms
- Vital Bonus: 1 point / 0.2 vital
- +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
- | Stuff | Cool | Good | Bad | Ep # |
- +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
- | Incision | 200 | 120 | 80 | 1-1 |
- | Suture | 240 | 150 | 90 | 1-1 |
- | Bandage | 260 | 180 | 100 | 1-1 |
- | Laceration | 140 | 100 | 60 | 1-1 |
- | Glass Removal | 110 | 90 | 20 | 1-1 |
- | Tumor Extraction | 170 | 110 | 60 | 1-2 |
- | Big Glass Removal | 260 | 120 | 30 | 1-8 |
- | Thrombi Drain | 180 | 140 | 80 | 2-1 |
- | Aneurysm Suture | 170 | 120 | 60 | 2-4 |
- | Deep Cut Suture | 180 | 100 | 60 | 2-6 |
- | Heart Incision | 200 | 120 | 80 | 2-11 |
- | Valve Suture | 300 | 220 | 80 | 2-11 |
- | Heart Suture | 200 | 120 | 80 | 2-11 |
- | Lung Fluid Cure | 210 | 160 | 80 | 3-8 |
- | Diverticula Treat | 200 | 100 | 50 | 4-4 |
- | Suture Vein | 110 | 80 | 60 | Z-4 |
- +-------------------+------+------+-----+------+
- +-------------------+------+------+-------------------+------+------+
- | Stuff | OK | Ep # | Stuff | OK | Ep # |
- +-------------------+------+------+-------------------+------+------+
- | Small Cut | 30 | 1-1 | Serum Tetarti | 50 | 4-2 |
- | Tumor Cut | 30 | 1-2 | Tetarti Cut | 40 | 4-2 |
- | Tumor Drain | 40 | 1-2 | Tetarti Extract | 50 | 4-2 |
- | Tumor Excise | 40 | 1-2 | Tetarti Incision | 50 | 4-2 |
- | Tumor Tissue | 30 | 1-2 | Tetarti Drain | 140 | 4-2 |
- | Tumor Heal | 50 | 1-2 | Diverticula Serum | 50 | 4-4 |
- | Inflammation | 40 | 1-3 | Diverticula Cut | 50 | 4-4 |
- | Throat Polyps | 20 | 1-5 | Diverticula Patch | 30 | 4-4 |
- | Retrieve Bone | 40 | Z-1 | Diverticula Gel | 50 | 4-4 |
- | Reposition Bone | 100 | Z-1 | Tetarti Wave | 180 | 4-4 |
- | Place Bone | 60 | Z-1 | Syringe Order | 100 | 4-6 |
- | Bone Cut | 30 | Z-1 | Neutralizer Order | 120 | 4-6 |
- | Bone Gel | 40 | Z-1 | Vitals Order | 50 | 4-6 |
- | Cut Thrombi | 30 | 2-1 | Mix Syringe B/Y | 80 | 4-6 |
- | Gel Thrombi | 10 | 2-1 | Mix Syringe P/W | 90 | 4-6 |
- | Sedate Aneurysm | 30 | 2-4 | Cut Core | 120 | 4-6 |
- | Cut Aneurysm | 50 | 2-4 | Extract Core | 200 | 4-6 |
- | Remove Aneurysm | 50 | 2-4 | Pempti Inject | 20 | 4-8 |
- | Join Vein | 40 | 2-4 | Small Tumor Laser | 5 | 4-8 |
- | Deep Cut Join | 50 | 2-6 | Pempti Core Laser | 10 | 4-8 |
- | Kyriaki Cut | 40 | 2-9 | Pempti Core Cut | 120 | 4-8 |
- | Big Kyriaki Cut | 50 | 2-9 | Core Extract | 130 | 4-8 |
- | Left Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Opening | 120 | 4-10 |
- | Right Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Red Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
- | Full Valve Cut | 40 | 2-11 | Pempti Blue Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
- | Valve Extract | 100 | 2-11 | Pempti Gray Cell | 10 | 4-10 |
- | New Valve Place | 50 | 2-11 | Pempti Dmg Core | 30 | 4-10 |
- | Weird Tumor Drain | 40 | Z-2 | Place Kidney | 100 | Z-4 |
- | Weird Tumor Cut | 30 | Z-2 | Inject Medicine | 50 | Z-4 |
- | Remove Tumor | 130 | Z-2 | Cut Vein | 40 | Z-4 |
- | Small Tumor Laser | 5 | Z-2 | Transplant Finish | 100 | Z-4 |
- | Deftera Big Tumor | 10 | 3-4 | Paraskevi Cut | 50 | 5-6 |
- | Deftera Tumor | 5 | 3-4 | Paraskevi Extract | 150 | 5-6 |
- | Deftera Drain | 30 | 3-4 | Baby Savato Kill | 5 | 5-8 |
- | Deftera Extract | 40 | 3-4 | Blue Savato Kill | 10 | 5-8 |
- | Deftera Tissue | 30 | 3-4 | Savato Web Cut | 5 | 5-9 |
- | Deftera Heal | 50 | 3-4 | Savato Laser | 70 | 5-9 |
- | Open Bomb | 100 | 3-6 | Savato Scalpel | 130 | 5-9 |
- | Laser Panel | 30 | 3-6 | Savato Serum | 100 | 5-9 |
- | Panel Clear | 100 | 3-6 +---------------+---+----+-+----+-+
- | Bomb Core Clear | 1500 | 3-6 | Stuff | Defeat | Ep # |
- | Lung Puncture | 30 | 3-8 +---------------+--------+------+
- | Lung Drain | 30 | 3-8 | Small Kyriaki | 200 | 2-9 |
- | Remove Triti Cell | 10 | 3-10 | Big Kyriaki | 700 | 2-9 |
- | Drain Triti Smoke | 100 | 3-10 | Deftera | 800 | 3-4 |
- +-------------------+------+------+ Triti | 1500 | 3-10 |
- | Baby Tetarti | 200 | 4-2 |
- | Tetarti Trio | 2400 | 4-4 |
- | Pempti Core | 1200 | 4-10 |
- | Paraskevi | 150 | 5-6 |
- | Savato | 2000 | 5-9 |
- +---------------+--------+------+
- ===== Score Template =====
- N <Action that gives score>: <Bad Value x N> - <Cool Value x N>
- K <Action that gives score>: <OK Value x K>
- MAX Stage Score: <Sum previous values, assuming all COOLs>
- MAX Vital Bonus: <Stage vitals cap x 5>
- <Bonus requirement>: <Bonus points>
- XS Score Threshold: <Need this many points for XS>
- MAX Score: <MAX Stage Score + MAX Vital Bonus + 2000 (Bonus)>
- Theoretical time required to XS: <Clear the op this fast with MAX Score to get XS>
- Time/Vital required for XS: <Takes bonus time limit into account, each second you need
- to go faster compared to theoretical value means 1 less
- vital point you need at the end of the operation>
- <Explains whether you need a COOL Bandage and/or COOL Incision to get an XS>
- <Sometimes you need them to fill a bonus criteria, such as chain>
- In case some of them is not necessary, further calculation is done:
- Stage + Bonus: <MAX Stage Score minus the missed COOLs + 2000 (Bonus)>
- Time + Vitals must be at least <Remaining points to reach XS threshold>
- MAX vitals, time required: <Clear the op this fast with MAX vitals to get XS>
- MIN vitals, time required: <How low you can go with vitals to still get an XS, and
- how fast you need to clear the op to get an XS>
- Remember! 1 second equals 1 vital point in terms of score!
- ===== Episode 1-1 =====
- 2 Lacerations: 120 - 280
- 5 Glass Shards: 250 - 700
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1680
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Vitals >75: 500
- Time >275: 300
- 6 COOLs: 200
- XS Score Threshold: 5400
- MAX Score: 4175
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'55"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'25" / 69
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because there's no reason not to.
- You're forced to disinfect the incision area and the bandage area as a tutorial.
- ===== Episode 1-2 =====
- 1 Capped Tumor: 250 - 300 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1000
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Time >260: 300
- 3 COOLs: 700
- XS Threshold: 4700
- MAX Score: 3495
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'59"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'40" / 80
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
- ===== Episode 1-3 =====
- 2 Inflammations: 80
- 3 Tumors: 750 - 1080 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1860
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Time >240: 300
- 3 COOLs: 700
- XS Threshold: 5400
- MAX Score: 4355
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'31"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 68
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 3580
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1820
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'35"
- MIN vitals, time required: 64 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 1-5 =====
- 44 Polyps: 880
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1580
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 1000
- <6 Blood: 500
- Time >210: 300
- 3 COOLs: 200
- XS Threshold: 5200
- MAX Score: 4075
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'15"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'15" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
- ===== Episode 1-6 =====
- 23 Inflammations: 920
- 4 Tumors: 1000 - 1440 (+40 per extra drain, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3060
- MAX Vital Bonus: 400
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Vitals >25: 500
- Time >210: 300
- 3 COOLs: 200
- XS Threshold: 6200
- MAX Score: 5460
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'32"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 18 [25 for bonus]
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 4780
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1420
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'36"
- MIN vitals, time required: 25 / 0'41"
- ===== Episode 1-8 =====
- 6 Lacerations: 360 - 840
- 6 Glass Shards: 300 - 840
- 1 Big Glass Shard: 30 - 260
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2640
- MAX Vital Bonus: 150
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Time >240: 300
- 10 COOLs: 700
- XS Threshold: 6000
- MAX Score: 4790
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'58"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'58" / 30
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of time:
- Stage + Bonus: 4480
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1520
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'26"
- MIN vitals, time required: 4 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode Z-1 =====
- 1 Small Cut: 30
- 5 Bone Fragments: 200
- 1 Bone Reposition: 100
- 1 Bone Cut: 30
- 6 Bone Placements: 360
- 6 Bone Gels: 240
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1660
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >28: 300
- No Mistakes: 700
- Time >225: 500
- 3 COOLs: 500
- XS Threshold: 5400
- MAX Score: 4155
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'51"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'51" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of COOLs.
- ===== Episode 2-1 =====
- 12 Thrombi: 1440 - 2640 (+40 per extra cut, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3340
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 800
- Thrombi Pass <2: 700
- Time >240: 300
- 3 COOLs: 200
- XS Threshold: 7000
- MAX Score: 5835
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'07"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 92
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but GOOD Incision is:
- Stage + Bonus: 5100
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1900
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'19"
- MIN vitals, time required: 80 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 2-3 =====
- No Mistakes: 2000
- XS Threshold: 2000
- Literally just don't miss a star for XS.
- ===== Episode 2-4 =====
- 10 Aneurysms: 2300 - 3400 (+30 per extra sedation, minus time)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 4100
- MAX Vital Bonus: 400
- Chain >50: 500
- No Rupture: 700
- Time >150: 200
- 8 COOLs: 600
- XS Threshold: 7300
- MAX Score: 6500
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'20"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'20" / 80
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5820
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1480
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'24"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'04"
- 2848, 3821, 4015, 4049, 4225
- 3264, 4275, 4465, 4493, 4671
- ===== Episode 2-6 =====
- 2 Deep Cuts: 220 - 460 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 4 Lacerations: 240 - 560
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1720
- MAX Vital Bonus: 325
- Chain >20: 600
- Hemorrhage <1: 200
- Wound not reopen: 200
- 7 COOLs: 1000
- XS Threshold: 4700
- MAX Score: 4045
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'49"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'49" / 65
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
- ===== Episode 2-9 =====
- 3 Deep Cuts: 330 - 690 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 15 Lacerations: 900 - 2100 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 3 Small Kyriaki: 810
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 940
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5240
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain Details:
- >Gel + Incision -> 2
- >3 Lacerations -> +3 -> 5
- >3 Deep Cuts -> +15 -> 20
- >1 Extra Blood Pool -> +1 -> 21
- >3 Small Kyriaki -> +15 -> 36
- >1 Big Kyriaki -> +13 -> 49
- >Suture -> 50
- Chain >50: 500
- Time >180: 500
- Wound not reopen: 300
- No Mistakes: 700
- XS Threshold: 8300
- MAX Score: 7735
- Theoretical time required to XS: 3'07"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 32
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 7080
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1220
- MAX vitals, time required: 2'35"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'56"
- ===== Episode 2-11 =====
- 1 Valve Replacement: 350 - 570
- 1 Heart Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Heart Suture: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1670
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >16: 500
- Fibrilation <3: 700
- Time >240: 400
- No Mistakes: 400
- XS Threshold: 5000
- MAX Score: 4165
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'13"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'00" / 26
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
- ===== Episode Z-2 =====
- 7 Weird Tumors: 1820 (+40 per drain, minus time)
- 17 Small Tumors: 85 (+5 per tumor, this is a lower bound)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2605
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain Details:
- >Weird Tumors -> 35
- >Suture -> +1 -> 36
- >Small Tumors -> +2 / tumor -> 100 (need 32)
- Tumors not regen: 600
- Chain >100: 400
- No Mistakes: 600
- Time >180: 400
- XS Threshold: 6000
- MAX Score: 5100
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'00"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 4325 (Will be a bit higher because of chain)
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1675
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'04"
- MIN vitals, time required: 35 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 3-2 =====
- 2 Deep Cuts: 220 - 460 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 17 Lacerations: 1020 - 2380 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 3 Small Kyriaki: 810
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 940
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5290
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain Details:
- >Gel + Incision -> 2
- >5 Lacerations -> +5 -> 7
- >2 Deep Cuts -> +10 -> 17
- >2 Extra Blood Pools -> +2 -> 19
- >3 Small Kyriaki -> +15 -> 34
- >1 Big Kyriaki -> +13 -> 47
- >Suture -> +1 -> 48
- >Gel + Bandage -> +2 -> 50
- Chain >50: 1000
- Time >180: 500
- No Mistakes: 500
- XS Threshold: 8600
- MAX Score: 7785
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'17"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 82
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
- ===== Episode 3-4 =====
- 7 Big Deftera Tumors: 70 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
- 0(+22) Small Deftera Tumors: 0+110 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
- 3 Deftera: 3030
- 2 Incision: 160 - 400
- 2 Incision Suture: 180 - 480
- 2 Bandage: 200 - 520
- MAX Stage Score: 4610
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain Details:
- >Gel + Incision -> 2
- >4 Tumors -> +4 -> 6
- >3 Drains -> +3 -> 9
- >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 14
- >Suture, Gel, Bandage -> +3 -> 17
- >Gel + Incision -> +2 -> 19
- >6 Drains -> +6 -> 25
- >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 30
- >Excise, Extract, Patch, Tumor -> +5 -> 35
- >Suture, Gel, Bandage -> +3 -> 38
- >22 Extra Tumors -> +22 -> 60
- Chain >60: 800
- Time >150: 500
- No Mistakes: 700
- XS Threshold: 7800
- MAX Score: 7105
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'41"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'30" / 88
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
- ===== Episode 3-6 =====
- 1 Bomb: 3980
- MAX Stage Score: 3980
- No Healing Touch: 1000
- Core Time >220: 700
- No Panel Miss: 300
- XS Threshold: 6000
- MAX Score: 5980
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'26"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'26" / --
- Literally just gitgud and gitfast.
- ===== Episode 3-8 =====
- 12 Fluid Drains: 1680 - 3240
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3940
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Jolts <5: 500
- Inflammation <3: 300
- Time >210: 200
- XS Threshold: 6800
- MAX Score: 6435
- Theoretical time required to XS: 3'47"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 0
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5660
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1140
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'30"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'12"
- ===== Episode 3-10 =====
- 7 Triti Cells: 70 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
- 0 Triti Smokes: 0 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
- 1 Triti Colony: 1500
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2270
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 1000
- Multiply <2: 500
- Time >210: 300
- No Mistakes: 200
- XS Threshold: 6100
- MAX Score: 4765
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'33"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'33" / 99
- COOL Incision is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Bandage is because of score:
- Stage + Bonus: 4150
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1950
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'09"
- MIN vitals, time required: 90 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode Z-3 =====
- 10 Lacerations: 600 - 1400
- 3 Deep Cuts: 330 - 690 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 3 Glass Shards: 150 - 420
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3210
- MAX Vital Bonus: 400
- Flash <2: 800
- Chain >35: 400
- No Mistakes: 300
- Time >210: 500
- XS Threshold: 6500
- MAX Score: 5610
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'02"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 48
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 5050
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1450
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'30"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'10"
- ===== Episode 4-2 =====
- 1 Baby Tetarti: 630
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1330
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >12: 1000
- Toxins <3: 500
- Time >140: 300
- No Mistakes: 200
- XS Threshold: 4200
- MAX Score: 3825
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'45"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'40" / 34
- Cool Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 3170
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1030
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'40"
- MIN vitals, time required: 26 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 4-4 =====
- 5 Tetarti Waves: 3120 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
- 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 4960
- MAX Vital Bonus: 375
- Chain >18: 500
- Diverticula <3: 500
- Time >180: 400
- No Mistakes: 600
- XS Threshold: 8200
- MAX Score: 7335
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'07"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 68
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 6680
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1520
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'11"
- MIN vitals, time required: 4 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 4-6 =====
- 3 Syringe Orders: 300
- 1 Stabilizer Order: 120
- 1 Vitals Order: 50
- 1 Mixed Syringe B/Y Order: 160 (+80 if you miss cycle, minus time)
- 1 Mixed Syringe P/W Order: 180 (+90 if you miss cycle, minus time)
- 1 Core Extract: 320
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1830
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >17: 1000
- No Mistakes: 600
- Orders >10: 400
- XS Threshold: 4300
- MAX Score: 4325
- Theoretical time required to XS: 5'05"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 5'00" / 94
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 3670
- Time + Vitals must be at least 630
- MAX vitals, time required: 4'33"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'54"
- ===== Episode 4-7 =====
- Time <5: 2500
- XS Threshold: 2500
- Literally just do the puzzle.
- ===== Episode 4-8 =====
- 6 Serum Injections: 120
- 28 Small Tumors: 140
- 1 Core Extraction: 270
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 1230
- MAX Vital Bonus: 450
- Chain >70: 600
- No Mistakes: 600
- Time >210: 800
- XS Threshold: 4700
- MAX Score: 3680
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'36"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 84
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain, GOOD Bandage:
- Stage + Bonus: 3150
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1550
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'20"
- MIN vitals, time required: 10 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 4-9 =====
- Time <15: 2500
- XS Threshold: 2500
- Literally just do the puzzles.
- ===== Episode 4-10 =====
- 1 Pempti Core: 1540 (10 chain)
- 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
- 0(+20) Small Tumors: 0+100 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
- 45 Pempti Cells: 450 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3490
- MAX Vital Bonus: 425
- Chain >100: 600
- Time >140: 800
- No Mistakes: 600
- XS Threshold: 6500
- MAX Score: 5915
- Theoretical time required to XS: 3'03"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'40" / 62
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5210
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1290
- MAX vitals, time required: 2'07"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'39"
- ===== Episode Z-4 =====
- 2 Weird Tumors: 520 (+40 per drain, minus time)
- 8 Small Tumors: 40 (+5 per tumor, this is a lower bound)
- 1 Kidney Transplant: 600 - 750 (+50 per injection, minus time)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2010
- MAX Vital Bonus: 250
- Tumors not regen: 800
- Before vasoconstrictor: 200
- No Mistakes: 700
- Time >230: 300
- XS Threshold: 5200
- MAX Score: 4260
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'52"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'10" / 8
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 3730
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1470
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'56"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'06"
- ===== Episode 5-2 =====
- 5 Deep Cuts: 550 - 1150 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 93 Lacerations: 5580 - 13020 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 24 Small Kyriaki: 6480
- 5 Big Kyriaki: 5100
- 5 Incisions: 400 - 1000
- 5 Incision Sutures: 450 - 1200
- 5 Bandages: 500 - 1300
- MAX Stage Score: 29250
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >200: 800
- All 5 ops complete: 600
- Saved 5 patients: 100
- No Mistakes: 500
- XS Threshold: 32000
- MAX Score: 31745
- Theoretical time required to XS: 9'09"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 9'09" / 99
- Only first 4 COOL Incisions and 3 COOL Bandages are REQUIRED for XS because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 30810
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1190
- MAX vitals, time required: 7'41"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 6'02"
- ===== Episode 5-3 =====
- 12 Triti Cells: 120 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates once])
- 2 Triti Smokes: 200 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates once])
- 1 Triti Colony: 1500
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2520
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 1000
- Multiply <3: 500
- Time >190: 300
- No Mistakes: 200
- XS Threshold: 6300
- MAX Score: 5015
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'43"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'43" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
- ===== Episode 5-4 =====
- 6 Tetarti Waves: 3300 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
- 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5140
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >30: 500
- Diverticula <3: 500
- Time >180: 400
- No Mistakes: 600
- XS Threshold: 8700
- MAX Score: 7635
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'27"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'27" / 99
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of time:
- Stage + Bonus: 6980
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1720
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'55"
- MIN vitals, time required: 44 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 5-6 =====
- 32 Lacerations: 1920 - 4480
- 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
- 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 8330
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >50: 1000
- Moved <1: 500
- Time >120: 300
- No Mistakes: 200
- XS Threshold: 10000
- MAX Score: 10825
- Theoretical time required to XS: 7'45"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 3'00" / 0
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 10050
- Time + Vitals must be at least 0
- MAX vitals, time required: 3'00"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 3'00"
- ===== Episode 5-8 =====
- 13 Lacerations: 780 - 1820
- 55 Baby Savato: 275
- 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge [Forces no bonus])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2795
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >70: 600
- No Blue: 900
- Time >230: 300
- No Mistakes: 200
- XS Threshold: 5800
- MAX Score: 5290
- Theoretical time required to XS: 3'18"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'10" / 0
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 4635
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1165
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'10"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'07"
- ===== Episode 5-9 =====
- 15 Savato Webs: 75
- 69 Baby Savato: 345 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
- 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 1 Savato: 3330
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5710
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Time >240: 500
- No Mistakes: 500
- Chain >120: 600
- 25 COOLs: 400
- XS Threshold: 18000
- MAX Score: 8205
- Theoretical time required to XS: -22'39"
- Impossible to win without grinding score!
- Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
- Score = 10660 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
- 10600 (base)
- + 2000 (defeat)
- + 2000 (bonus)
- + 240 (suture)
- + 100 (bandage)
- + 3000 (time bonus) = 18000
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
- ===== Episode Z-5 =====
- 21 Lacerations: 1260 - 2940 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 5 Small Kyriaki: 1350
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
- 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if killed [Forces no bonus])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 6010
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Capture 3 Blues: 600
- Chain >50: 200
- No Mistakes: 400
- Time >140: 800
- XS Threshold: 9300
- MAX Score: 8505
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'21"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'21" / 99
- COOL Bandage is NOT REQUIRED for XS, but GOOD Incision is because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 7770
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1530
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'33"
- MIN vitals, time required: 6 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 6-3 =====
- 6 Tetarti Waves: 3300 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 4000
- MAX Vital Bonus: 375
- Chain >10: 900
- Time >210: 800
- Diverticula <1: 300
- XS Threshold: 7300
- MAX Score: 6375
- Theoretical time required to XS: 1'55"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 1'30" / 50
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5720
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1580
- MAX vitals, time required: 0'59"
- MIN vitals, time required: 16 / 0'00"
- ===== Episode 6-4 =====
- 26 Lacerations: 1560 - 3640
- 6 Small Kyriaki: 1620
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
- 2 Paraskevi Cuts: 100
- 8 Small Paraskevi: 1200
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 8420
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >60: 500
- No Mistakes: 800
- Time >120: 400
- 30 COOLs: 300
- XS Threshold: 12500
- MAX Score: 10915
- Theoretical time required to XS: -0'17"
- Impossible to win without grinding score!
- Each extra laceration gives 140 points, or 28 seconds.
- 4 extra lacerations means we need to clear in 1'07".
- In order to ignore vital bonus, we need 4 more lacerations.
- 8 extra lacerations means no vital bonus and clear in 1'20".
- Appropriate amounts should be calculated for TAS and RTA.
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
- ===== Episode 6-6 =====
- 1 Pempti Core: 1540 (10 chain)
- 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
- 0(+15) Small Tumors: 0+75 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
- 45 Pempti Cells: 450 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3465
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >90: 600
- Time >140: 800
- No Mistakes: 600
- XS Threshold: 6600
- MAX Score: 5960
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'52"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'40" / 87
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5185
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1415
- MAX vitals, time required: 1'56"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 0'39"
- ===== Episode 6-7 =====
- 9 Triti Cells: 90 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
- 0 Triti Smokes: 0 (Could be more if allowed to replicate)
- 1 Triti Colony: 1500
- 1 Deep Cut: 110 - 230 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 54 Lacerations: 3240 - 7560 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 5 Small Kyriaki: 1350
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
- 4 Big Deftera Tumors: 40 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
- 0 Small Deftera Tumors: 0 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
- 2 Deftera: 2020
- 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
- 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
- 4 Incisions: 320 - 800
- 4 Incision Sutures: 360 - 960
- 4 Bandages: 400 - 1040
- MAX Stage Score: 19760
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >150: 500
- No Mistakes: 500
- Time >200: 300
- Multiply <5: 700
- XS Threshold: 24000
- MAX Score: 22255
- Theoretical time required to XS: 4'11"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 4'11 / 99
- All COOL Incisions and first 3 COOL Bandages are REQUIRED for XS because of chain:
- Stage + Bonus: 21600
- Time + Vitals must be at least 2400
- MAX vitals, time required: 3'39"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'00"
- ===== Episode 6-8 =====
- 15 Savato Webs: 75
- 80 Baby Savato: 400 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
- 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 1 Savato: 3330
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5765
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Chain >180: 500
- No Mistakes: 800
- Time >150: 200
- 20 COOLs: 500
- XS Threshold: 25000
- MAX Score: 8260
- Theoretical time required to XS: -45'48"
- Impossible to win without grinding score and chain!
- Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
- Score = 17165 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
- 17165 (base)
- + 2000 (defeat)
- + 2000 (bonus)
- + 240 (suture)
- + 100 (bandage)
- + 495 (vital bonus)
- + 3000 (time bonus) = 25000
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
- ===== Episode X-1 =====
- 4 Deep Cuts: 440 - 920 (+50 per extra join, minus time [Forces Bad])
- 22 Lacerations: 1320 - 3080 (Could be more if Kyriaki left alive)
- 6 Small Kyriaki: 1620
- 1 Big Kyriaki: 1020
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 7340
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >90: 600
- No Mistakes: 900
- Chain >60: 400
- XS Threshold: 12000
- MAX Score: 9835
- Theoretical time required to XS: -2'13"
- Impossible to win without grinding score!
- Each extra laceration gives 140 points, or 28 seconds.
- 8 extra lacerations means we need to clear in 1'31".
- In order to ignore vital bonus, we need 4 more lacerations.
- 12 extra lacerations means no vital bonus and clear in 1'44".
- Appropriate amounts should be calculated for TAS and RTA.
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
- ===== Episode X-2 =====
- 10 Big Deftera Tumors: 100 (Could be more if Deftera left alive)
- 0(+29) Small Deftera Tumors: 0+145 (Could be more if Big ones left alive)
- 3 Deftera: 3030
- 2 Incision: 160 - 400
- 2 Incision Suture: 180 - 480
- 2 Bandage: 200 - 520
- MAX Stage Score: 4675
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >90: 500
- No Mistakes: 900
- Chain >70: 500
- XS Threshold: 7800
- MAX Score: 7170
- Theoretical time required to XS: 2'54"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'54" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of chain.
- ===== Episode X-3 =====
- 14 Triti Cells: 140 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates twice])
- 3 Triti Smokes: 300 (Could be more if allowed to replicate [Strat replicates twice])
- 1 Triti Colony: 1500
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 2640
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >180: 700
- No Mistakes: 900
- Multiply <6: 300
- XS Threshold: 6400
- MAX Score: 5135
- Theoretical time required to XS: 0'47"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 0'47" / 99
- COOL Incision and Bandage are REQUIRED for XS because of score.
- ===== Episode X-4 =====
- 7 Tetarti Waves: 3480 (can grind diverticula in waves [Forces Miss])
- 3 Diverticula: 1140 (+50 per extra serum, minus time [Forces Good])
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5320
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >60: 900
- Chain >20: 1000
- XS Threshold: 6500
- MAX Score: 7815
- Theoretical time required to XS: 7'23"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 2'00" / 0
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 7040
- Time + Vitals must be at least -540
- MAX vitals, time required: 2'00"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 2'00"
- ===== Episode X-5 =====
- 1 Pempti Core: 1570 (11 chain)
- 0(+5) Lacerations: 0+700 (Can be more if red cells left alive)
- 0(+17) Small Tumors: 0+85 (Can be more if blue cells left alive)
- 50 Pempti Cells: 500 (Can be more if fight takes a while)
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 3555
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >120: 800
- No Mistakes: 900
- Chain >100: 200
- XS Threshold: 6400
- MAX Score: 6050
- Theoretical time required to XS: 3'50"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 3'00" / 49
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 5275
- Time + Vitals must be at least 1125
- MAX vitals, time required: 2'54"
- MIN vitals, time required: 0 / 1'15"
- ===== Episode X-6 =====
- 33 Lacerations: 1980 - 4620
- 15 Paraskevi Cuts: 750
- 16 Small Paraskevi: 2400
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 8470
- MAX Vital Bonus: 250
- No Healing Touch: 100
- Time >90: 800
- No Mistakes: 900
- Chain >50: 500
- XS Threshold: 11000
- MAX Score: 10720
- Theoretical time required to XS: 4'04"
- Time/Vital required for XS: 3'30" / 16
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS:
- Stage + Bonus: 10190
- Time + Vitals must be at least 810
- MAX vitals, time required: 3'08"
- MIN vitals, time required: 2'18" / 0
- ===== Episode X-7 =====
- 15 Savato Webs: 75
- 100 Baby Savato: 500 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 0 Blue Savato: 0 (Could be more if allowed to merge)
- 9 Lacerations: 540 - 1260 (Will be more from random attacks)
- 1 Savato: 3330
- 1 Incision: 80 - 200
- 1 Incision Suture: 90 - 240
- 1 Bandage: 100 - 260
- MAX Stage Score: 5865
- MAX Vital Bonus: 495
- Time >90: 500
- No Mistakes: 1000
- Chain >200: 500
- XS Threshold: 27000
- MAX Score: 8360
- Theoretical time required to XS: -62'08"
- Impossible to win without grinding score and chain!
- Grind score when auto HT happens, stop when:
- Score = 19660/19165 + 5*(seconds already used) (+120 for TAS BAD incision)
- 19660/19165 (base Derek/Kimishima)
- + 2000 (defeat)
- + 2000 (bonus)
- + 240 (suture)
- + 100 (bandage)
- + 495 (vital bonus) [only for Kimishima]
- + 3000 (time bonus) = 27000
- COOL Incision and Bandage are NOT REQUIRED for XS because of grind.
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