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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. 1. During a round of Ninja, you are faxed by Station Command inquiring about an “inspector” who claims to have been sent by the company to evaluate each of the station's departments. How do you respond, and why?
  3. ElliotToday at 19:57
  4. I would respond via fax to command as an incompetent intern at Odin claiming he had no knowledge of a scheduled inspection but also to ensure the inspector is treated well and not pestered in case it had in fact been scheduled and could result in the station looking very unprofessional. After all there's a lot to keep track of. I would also add that the intern would ask about and check with his superiors and get report back with more fruitful information soon™. I would do this as it does not immediately shut down the antagonist's plot and ideas for the round whilst also not giving the antagonist a "get out of jail free" card to do whatever he or she pleased. I feel this would be the most effective way of ensuring the antagonist is not fully trusted but at the same time not robusted by security on sight and could lead to some interesting confrontation especially with other departments which the antagonist may wish to inspect in order to involve a wide array of crew.
  6. LancerToday at 19:57
  7. 2. During a round of Crossfire, you are faxed by Station Command about a team of mercenaries who have reported a band of pirates operating in the area. They wish to offer their services to the station as additional security. Command is asking you for your advice on the situation. How do you respond, and why?
  9. ElliotToday at 20:04
  10. I would instruct command to make their own evaluation of the capabilities and trust worthiness of the mercenary group as to not railroad the interaction but also give validity to the mercenary's claims (that they are who they say they are and have been known to operate in the area as privately hired temporary security). This would enable the mercenaries to be interacted with, with slightly less caution then would be initially given to them. I would also give validity to the claims of pirates in the area suggesting that trade vessels in the area had been recently boarded and their goods taken. This would give a sense of danger to the crew and give purpose to the mercenary group assuming command wishes to take their offer. As a footnote it will also be stated that all payment to the mercenary group must be from the Aurora itself rather than CC "bailing them out" as this would further create some roleplay dynamics rather than "sure we'll help, we'll send you an invoice later".
  12. LancerToday at 20:05
  13. 3. You receive an Emergency Broadcast System message from the station’s Artificial Intelligence. It claims that there is an emergency situation, and requests an immediate ERT deployment. How do you respond?
  15. ElliotToday at 20:08
  16. I would reply back inquiring the use of the EBS rather than fax communication from command due to the cost of using the asset and details regarding the threat. I would expect station command to have sent situation reports leading up to this point of emergency and also ask why this has not been done. If it is evident that station command is able to provide updates in the traditional sense or even swipe for ERT themselves I would scold the AI for the waste in assets and ask them to evaluate and deal with the situation updating us as they do so. If it becomes clear that this was the only point of contact for whatever reason I would ask for further details on the situation and then begin considering options on how to deal with it.
  18. LancerToday at 20:10
  19. 4. You receive a fax from the NT Liaison, who claims that the Captain has been abusing his authority by removing all of the vending machines from the station and has demoted an engineer for littering. How do you respond?
  21. ElliotToday at 20:15
  22. Although the removal of all vending machines is strange ultimately it is the captain's decision on how to handle the station and he is trusted with this responsibility due to their loyalty implants, I would state this in my reply and if - for example - the captain removed them as there was a gardener and chef aboard and wished to repurpose the materials for other things this would be fine. In addition to this I would state that an excessive amount of littering could be considered vandalising the station in extreme cases and repeat offenses after many warnings may warrant demotion. Again the loyalty implant of the captain would give him the benefit of the doubt working on the assumption he will do what is best for the station.
  24. That said I would still contact the captain for his side of the story and his reasoning.
  26. LancerToday at 20:16
  27. 5. In resolving an Incident Report, when should a character receive significant disciplinary action (such as a demotion), as opposed to a lighter response such as a warning or retraining? Under what circumstances would you consider terminating a character's employment?
  28. final one
  30. ElliotToday at 20:23
  31. In my opinion this should all depend on the character and can not be looked upon as a if you do this - this will happen to you. If you do this you'll get a worse punishment. It should always be considered in accordance to how the investigation goes, the character and ultimately the player. For example retraining would give great chances to roleplay if a player was also on board with the idea and open to character development where as this would not be effective in cases where the character or player is highly opposed to retraining - in these cases a warning or even demotion in extreme cases may have to do. In my experiences I found the best tick box to check in regards to what punishment to give would always be "other" as - for example - a dispute between two characters would usually result in a non-contact order or something of the sort however during an IR I initiated talks between the two and had almost a HR style meeting between them to help them both understand their opinions and views. This was infinitely more interesting from a roleplay than "Stop talking to each other, ok?" and as such I think there should be no heavier or lighter punishment but rather what works for those involved.
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