
The prelude to the Wave Coast Cup

Mar 7th, 2018
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  1. The following morning, Jalen slept on his bed in a rather slob manner with his sheets covering parts of his body while she lay there. Suddenly the sound of his door being knocked on awaken him from his slumber.
  2. "!"
  4. He rise up, but fall on the floor as he is tripped up by his sheets. rising up more carefully this time, he grumbles as he head towards the door and greet the mailman who look at him with a confused look. Jalen raise an eyebrow before he look at his body and see that he's wearing his covers like a toga. He snatch the mail from the smirking mailman.
  6. "Laugh all you want, I'm confident that as a white male, your wife must be sleeping with a black male like me..."
  7. The mailman scowls harshly and walk off as Jalen(Unknowingly)rightfully call him a cuck. He closes the door and open up his mail and see the 2 notices he needs. The 1st one is a diploma with the praises for him to reaching Breeder Rank 1 with an ID and everything. the 2nd one is a degree stating Ieyasu is now Rank D
  9. "Aha! Ieyasu., come out and see this!!" Ieyasu opens his door up and grumble as he rubs his tired eyes. He spots the degree in Jalen's hand and point at it, asking(In the monster language ofc, but Jalen can guess what he's saying for the most part.) with Jalen nodding.
  11. "Hell yeah it is what you think it is! We're in Rank D now!!" Both of them jump around with excitement for their successes as the door is knocked once more. Jalen runs over to it, forgetting that he only have his boxers on and open the door with a scowl. "Who the hel-oh fuck, Hey Raven..." His anger sizzles away to shock as Raven(Dressed in a red jacket with black sweats with a black shirt underneath her jacket. And wearing her bow that put parts of her hair into a ponytail as well as wearing sunglasses) stare at him. He can feel her eyes scanning over his body as she smirks. "And to think that I am sleeping and dating this guy in his boxers..."
  13. "Wh-what are you doing here so early..."He look outside as the sun is just rising above them. "I gotta be 7AM just now...""I know." She walk past him and see the content he got in the mail. "Are those..." She points at them with a wondrous look in her face as Jalen come up behind her and nods. "Yup...those are the official paperworks to prove that I'm in Rank D as well as Ieyasu." She reach out and grab them to look at them much closer... "Nice....Anyway..." She shakes her head to remind herself why she came here as she turn to Jalen. She leans against the table as she crosses her arms. "I just wanna start things off with congratulating you on winning the Official Rank E Cup." "Th-thanks..." Jalen rubs his head, but he looks kinda sad about it. "But I would had liked to fight you for it." "Yeah...Well to be quite honest..." She look at Ieyasu who look at her back with a questioning look before she look back at Jalen with a small amount of respect in her eyes. "I truly wasn't expecting Ieyasu here to be so well-trained in such a dump like this." She stretch her arms out to empathize her point, Jalen rolls his eyes. "Hey, I had to make due with what I got, ok?"
  15. "Yes, and you did thanks to me giving you the money for a gadget at least.." She yawns, clearly she herself is kinda tired, from the looks of things, she woke up and the 1st thing she did was to drive over here. "Which brings me to my next topic." She raise her ass off the table and place her hands on her hips with a smirk. "Pack all of your things, you're moving in with me now."
  17. "Huh??" Jalen and Ieyasu look confused as they look between one another and then back to Raven who's looking around his home with disgust. "I don't know how you're doing it here, but as my boyfriend, I won't let you live in such a nasty manner....You're moving in with me as of this day. There, you and I will run a ranch together along with my brother.." "Th-that's nice and all, but don't we need time to set up the moving arrangement and everything?" He suddenly hears the sounds of workers moving stuff outside his home. Walking past a smirking Raven, he soon sees workers moving his 2 gadgets(Sandbag and Book) to a truck behind what seems to be Raven's van. "Holy fuck!" "Yeah...." She checks her nails with a casual attitude. "I got those connections, Pruett." She walk up to him and kiss him on his cheek "Let's go and pack up your stuff then, yeah?" "Sure."
  19. So, the 3 of them(Jalen,Raven, and Ieyasu) all gather what little of Jalen's belongings(2 boxes. One is clothing and the other is a photo album of Jalen and his mom who's dead....Raven gave him some room to recollect his thoughts before he pack that box up.) Eventually, they are in her van and she drives off, leading the workers to her ranch which is way past Ransei and up near Kyota. As they drive, Raven decides to speak to Jalen...
  21. "So...this city sucks ass."
  22. "Well...that's one way of putting it."
  24. She rolls her eyes as she glance around at the broken buildings in Ransei with a lot of people looking quite sad by the state of things here. Fast Food restaurants infested with vermins, some of these buildings have so many homeless people in it, that it might as well be a home to them. People wearing run-me-downs clothing from whatever stores they get them from. And the monsters here look malnourished...It's a wonder that Ieyasu, for where he come from and resided in, looks well.
  26. "Jalen, this place is fucking shit and all kinds of other nasty terms I could use here...How the hell do you deal with this...How do any of you deal with this??" Jalen sighs, knowing he can't deny it, leans his head against the window of the van he's in. "Look, I know it's fucking shit here...I won't deny it, but part of it isn't all fault...the only rank tourneys we get here are Rank E and the 1st place prize money here is fucking 800G...that's barely enough to feed a breeder and his monster! the businesses here barely can run themselves without robberies from desperate people, some of them being breeders themselves just to feed themselves along with their monsters! It's amazing that I haven't did any of that..." He rubs his head in growing frustration as Raven rubs his thigh to calm him down.. "See why I wanted to get you out of here?" "Yeah...There's...there's just one person to blame for all of this shit." Raven nods and the 2 of them speak the name of the king they all(Well anyone who's a decent human) despise..
  28. "King Xander Brando"
  29. "King Xander Brando"
  31. The king of Togle isn't a nice nor a fair person to the commoners he rule over, he gives them crazy taxes and make the minimum wages for the non-breeders really low, making it very hard to live off of...and the tourneys in any of the non upperclass cities(Tokyo,Osaka,Hiroshima and Yokohoma...Tokyo in particular house the Rank A-S battles where the prize money is a staggering 12000-20000G!!!) are well off..a bit too well off that they take the money from the other cities and their tourneys. King Xander also doesn't particular care for how his son truly acts whenever he hears about it, often excusing it with "boys will be boys"...and not disciplining his son.
  33. "Fuck that guy..." Jalen grumbles... "I wish I could punch his son on the face without being thrown in jail.." "Same..."They drives past Ransei, and eventually within 10 mins of driving, arrive at a more built and nicer ranch on the outskirts of Kyota. The house is built next to a bigger hut than Jalen's ranch. "We're here." Raven tells him as she gets out of her van and head to her house as Jalen and Ieyasu get out and look over the bigger amount of land they have now. Whereas before they only had such a small spot of land that barely fits 2 gadgets....The Branwen Ranch have the 6 gadgets for the stats. Not only do they have a Sandbag and a Book(The workers are putting his own gadgets in the hut), but they also have a Tub(A device that the monster throws in the air and have it land on their head to boost DEF) Target(A pile of rocks to throw at a target far away) Trampoline(A device that increase the leg strengths of monsters to boost SPD) and Life Blade( A device that the monster shakes to increase LIF). There's also room for at least 2 gadgets as well.
  35. "Holy....fucking...shit." "Hey, Pruett! Come on!" Raven call out to him, he follows her and they enter her home as he see that there's 2 floors here and the rooms are separated enough to not share a single room. In the living room watching TV is Qrow. He looks up and see his sister and Jalen entering with Ieyasu. "So, I see your boyfriend's living with us?" "Yeah, he is....Problem?" She place her hands on her hips in a threatening manner as Qrow shakes his head in a tired manner and chugs his beer. "Not really, was just stating facts." "Good....Jalen, this guy here is my younger twin brother and breeder assistant, Qrow. Qrow, this is Jalen." Jalen waves slowly at Qrow who merely nods "Sup..." "Yo."
  37. "Ieyasu, Makoto's outside, you can go introduce yourself to her if you want to." Raven tells Ieyasu who look at Jalen for his answer, which Jalen shrugs and allow him to do so. All the while, Raven directs Jalen to her room upstairs where they put his boxes in a corner of her room with black painted walls and posters of death metal bands with Sabbath covering the room mostly. "I see you like metal..." "Metal's cool, that's why....Now. Don't get too comfy, you and me are gonna wash up and then we'll go buy you some more clothing and finalized our combining of our ranch." Raven begins to strips, letting her DD-sized tits flow freely from their straps and binding. Jalen meanwhile just blinks. "Sho-Shower together?" She rolls her eyes as she begin to take her pants off "Yeah, stupid...we're dating and living in the same house now so why not? Besides, we save water this way."
  38. He couldn't find anything wrong with that logic and the 2 of them hop into the shower together where they washed up and fucked due to Raven's horniness.
  40. [45 mins later]
  42. Jalen yawns as he comes downstairs dressed in his usual outfit(A blue jacket with a white shirt and blue jeans and blue shoes) and see Qrow sitting at the table with a leveled stare at him. "Uhhh..Hey man, you allright?" "Oh I'm fine..." Qrow pour himself a shot and chug it down fast as he slam the glass down on the table. "I'm perfectly fine hearing my sister scream and moan as she fucks her boyfriend..." Noticing the awkwardness and the rather weird situation, Jalen rubs his head."Sorry man..." Qrow closes his eyes and sigh, knowing Jalen isn't truly at fault here nor is his's human nature to have sex and to be honest, he's merely sexually frustrated. "It's fine...I'll just have to invest in Ear plugs from now on."
  44. "That's a good idea...So I assume since you're an breeder assistant, you know yo-" Know my stuff? Please..." Qrow smirks and lean back in his chair "I'll have you know that I studied damn near everything about monsters back in school, all to make sure that me and Raven would be able to fend for ourselves in this circuit. Trust me, If there's one thing I'm good at, it's Monsters." Nodding at this, Jalen speaks up "Same. I may not had went to school, but I stayed at my library whenever I can and look up many topics." "Heh...looks like we're gonna be great friends." Both of the teens smile while sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs ring out.
  46. "I love that you 2 boys are getting along so well, but we are on business here, Pruett. We're gonna finalized our ranches combining and get you some more clothes." Raven, in practically a red version of Jalen's outfit only her ass is more pronounced than his, comes down with her hands in her jacket pocket holding her car keys "Qrow, make sure that Makoto does her INT training please..." Qrow leans back in his chair and chug his bottle of beer and nods... "And stop acting like you're drinking alcohol all the time! About 90% of it is actually Apple Juice!" Here, Jalen looks confused while Qrow slam his hands on the table with an angry look. "God...DAMNIT RAVEN! You KNOW how much I like to build my rep as a sleazy drunk!!" "Ummm...." Jalen raise an eyebrow "Why?" "Cause it makes people underestimate me and look cool!" Raven rolls her eyes and open up the door. "More like a lazy asshole...come on, Jalen!"
  48. The 2 teens head out and get in Raven's black car and drives off towards the city of Kyota. 1st they head towards One of the Ranch buildings to finalize the combination of the Branwen Ranch and Jalen's ranch..The Bandits After literally a min of thinking, the 2 of them decided on a name so cool, that they just had to use it...
  50. Branwen Bandits
  52. Afterwards, they went to the mall. Where, much to Jalen's wasn't that much of a drag for them to buy clothing for him to wear. Although, he had to buy his own since he noticed that Raven have...small tastes in colors regarding red and he had to counter that with blue, orange, and green.
  54. Now, at the moment...the 2 of them are sitting at the food court eating food(Raven with a bowl of salad while Jalen have some fries) as bags of clothing sit next to them. All of them which Jalen had to carried(And there's 5 of them). "So..." Raven munches and speaks "How do you like the clothing?" "It's not bad, I appreciate it." She smirks and nods. "Good..Now...excuse me while I go and use the ladies room." She gets up and head towards the bathroom...leaving Jalen to lean in his chair. "(Funny how in these months I'm having a girlfriend who cares for me...Amazing.)"
  56. Jalen soon hears some chattering far from him and look over to the source of the noise....He sees 4 girls with 3 of them loudly chatting while the last one is reading a book with a collar around her neck and a black bow on her head with a bored look. A white haired girl with the most expensive clothing on is chatting with a angry expression towards the other 2 girls. Between the 2 girls, there's a smaller one who pull the red hoodie up on her head in a rather embarrassed manner as the white haired girl yells at them...but what catches my eye is the taller girl next to her....She have what seems to be black hair, but the majority of it seems to be dyed blonde judging from the roots of her hair. she's a bit tanner than her friends as well while she looks a bit bored drinking some of her pop as she get yelled at ...Why does she feel so....close to Jalen, he wonder...He keep his eyes on them and overhear their conversation.
  58. "For the love of god, how could you 2 even THINK about doing that?!?" The white haired girl rubs her forehead., clearly frustrated with the 2 before her as she soon turn towards the girl with the book. "And don't think that you're innocent in this as well, Blake!! Why didn't you stopped them?!?" "I did." Blake flips her book with a casual shrug. "I told them to stay in the house, and they didn't." "Wow, what a great way...thanks Blake." "You're welcome, Weiss." Weiss slam her hands on the table "I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!!" Blake smirks behind her book as she look at an increasing angry Weiss. "I know."
  60. "Girls, girls..." The red hoodie girl speaks up with a strained smile "Can we not fight?...Look, Me and Yang are sorry for what we did last night at the ranch....." the psuedo-blonde rolls her eyes as she listens to her smaller friend apologizes for them in a manner Jalen SWORN he seen before with her friend giving her a pleading look. "Unlike my cousin Ruby here....I'm not, c'mon!" She smiles widely and place her hands behind her head as her 2 big tits, Jalen assume these are DD going to E, jiggles "I was soooo close to getting Hanzo to finally master the Lunar Kamehameha!! Shit was gonna be sooo tight!!!" Jalen blinks in a stunned manner..."(Lunar Kamehameha??? The actual fuck is that?!?)" More curious than ever, Jalen directs more of his attention to these 4 girls
  62. "And yet, you almost blew up our ranch!! Goddamnit, Yang! How are we...." Seems the girl calms herself down as she fidgets in the chair and rubs her forehead...she raise her head up again at a bored Yang "Look....we..the 4 four of us." She gestures to a reading Blake, a nervously smiling Ruby, and herself as Yang rolls her eyes, although the pang of guilt is strong in her.. "All ....." Just then, she stop speaking with a paled face as she spots Jalen looking at them while eating his food...he gulps it down and nervously wave at her. "Uh...hey."
  64. "Weiss what's wrong?" Ruby turn her head towards where she's looking and hyperventilates and flail her arms everywhere "JESUS TAP-DANCING CHRIST ON A POGO STICK!!!" Blake even drops her book and say the best thing to describe the mood with a shocked face. "Shit." But it's Yang's face that gets to Jalen the's the face where someone have seen a person they haven't seen in years...she shakes with emotions Jalen can't quite put down as she rise up and turn towards him. "I-I-Impossible..." "Yang, calm down..." Ruby pleads with her as she tries to stop Yang from approaching Jalen, but the psuedo-blonde continues to walk towards him...And just when it seems she will get near him..a loud scream echoes in the mall as...
  66. "HEY SEXY!!~"
  68. Jalen's suddenly hugged from the back by a pink haired girl with tits big to suffocate a man or woman. Soleil smiles in a seductive manner as she turn a flabbergasted Jalen around in his chair and pull his head to her tits,Yang's face morph straight to a Joker's face when it's on the kill.
  69. That of a murderous woman
  70. But before she could shout at Soleil who's trying to hold a struggling Jalen between her breasts "Stay still damnit..."_
  72. "JUST THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, YOU FUCKING HARLOT!??!" Yang turns her head towards the direction of the bathrooms where Raven leaps from the door and shoulder bash Soleil off of Jalen. Jalen falls on the ground gasping for air "HO-HO-HOLY SHIT!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!" Soleil gets off the ground and glare at a seething Raven. Yang wanna go and help her...but Ruby tugs on her arm "C'mon Yang! We can't make a scene here!!! We gotta go now!!" Yang turn back and forth between her friends and the others...and growls as she joins her friends in running off...hoping to see Jalen and Raven at an other time..
  74. Meanwhile...
  76. Raven is holding herself back as she is steamed with rage towards this smirking harlot before her. Behind her, Jalen is slowly getting off the ground as people watches in horror of the absolute most scariest thing ever...parents covering their kids...concerned moms calling the police to save them..policemen and women coming and seeing this and either leaving the place or securing a barrier made of riot shields to guard the people...this is more scarier than a Joker on a killing spree, a Zilla rampaging through a city, Metalners actually confirmed to exist.....
  78. Two girls fighting over a boy
  80. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, TRYING TO TAKE MY MAN!?!?" "Bitch, I didn't see a name on him, so clearly he's free for the taken!" "SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL FUCK EVERY MAN YOU LAY EYES ON!!!"Soleil smirks and crosses her arms under her big tits.. "Who said I'm not doing that? Once your man..." She winks at Jalen, who looks frightened and stay behind Raven.. "Get a load of theses..." She squeeze her tits, making every man and some women nearby swoon(Not excluding Jalen and Raven) "He'll be where he belong....Within m-"
  83. The 3 sounds of Raven smacking Soleil on her face, following by a punch to her nose(Breaking it and making blood cover Solei's face) and finally a backfist to her face which knocks her down to the ground, silences her up as Raven look down at her with disgust. She soon pick up the clothing bags Jalen and her brought and stomps towards the crowd, splitting it up as Jalen follows her closely while Soleil wroth on the floor in excruciating pain. She slowly get on her knees and point at the 2 while they walk off.
  85. "BITCH! I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE AND TAKE WHAT'S MINE!!!" She fall on the ground unconscious as the medical team takes her away...Meanwhile in the silent car. With all the items in the back moving around as Raven drives as fast as she can in a legal manner...Jalen look at her with her angered expression...
  87. "....."
  88. "......"
  89. "....That was...something you did back there..."
  91. Raven stay silent as she parks at their ranch. Just as suddenly, she turn and pull Jalen to her by the back of his head and crash her lips on his with a possessive stare into his eyes while kissing him. She breaks the kiss with a trail of drool between them. She licks her lips and get out the car and grabs some of the she does so, she stop and look at Jalen. "I fucking love you, Jalen Branwen-Pruett..." "I love you too, Raven Branwen...I guess I have your last name now?" "Fuck yeah, ya do."
  93. The 2 of them head towards the ranch and walk in to see Qrow laying on the couch watching a Rank D match with the only relevant person being Prince Diego with his dragon, Shirogon(Dragon/Gali), wrecking house. Qrow for his part, is taking notes on the event. He look at the 2 and see blood dripping from Raven's knuckles and rise up with a concerned look.
  95. "Oh fuck, Raven, what the hell happened?!?" She drops her bags and walk towards Qrow who in turn head to a cabinet and get some medical stuff out and lay them on the table. "Had to punch Soleil for trying to take what's mines.." "Raven, I don't think clothing is worth punching someone's daylights out of..."
  97. "I wasn't thinking about items..." She look at Jalen as Qrow sees this and sighs as he begin to put some liquid on her knuckles and begin to wrap them with tape. "Well even still..." He finishes and breath a sigh of relief "Well, off of this subject..." He smiles at them both, before he tell them the monsters's progress. "Makoto's speed has been doing great, she's very fast and with her accuracy, will be a great monster...Rank E can't hold her back, I suggest we go for it in December." "Of course." Raven smirks and crosses her arms as she look at Jalen. "And as soon as we're in Rank D, I'll be coming for ya." "Well hopefully.." He smirks "You won't give up, eh?" She sticks her tongue out playfully as Qrow continues. "Ieyasu's POW and DEF are doing great, but I think we gonna need to get some better gadgets for him....As well for Makoto."
  99. Jalen and Raven share a look as they look to Qrow to elaborate.
  101. "Basically, we need better gadgets or else Ieyasu and Makoto won't make the gains they need."
  102. "Ohhh..."
  103. "Well, why didn't you said that earlier, dum-dum?"
  105. Qrow rolls his eyes towards Raven
  106. " besides the whole thot was the trip?"
  108. Raven sits on the couch as she watch Diego being crowned the winner of the Aries Cup and announcing that in two weeks in the 4th week of October, he shall compete in the Wave Crest Open. "Not much for me....We just legalized our ranches being together...We're The Branwen Bandits now." Qrow nods and rubs his chin with approval. "Niiiice"
  110. He turns to Jalen.
  112. "What about you?" "Hm?...Well I overheard some girls discussing a Garu move called Lunar Kamehameha?...Never heard of it, but I can imagine how it works tho." "Huh?" "Wait, what's it called?" the twins turn towards Jalen with a wondering look.
  114. "Lunar Kamehameha, and I think it's basically a Garu that jumps high in the sky and line itself with the moon and gather energy from the light that shines off of the moon itself, making it blinding for the opponent to see coming."
  115. Jalen pace around the room and discuss this move around Qrow and Raven as the twins look amazed at this. "So basically.." he continued... "We need to train the SPD of the Garus..meaning we need better gadgets...and to do that..I'll have to compete in the capital and win the Wave Crest Cup!!
  117. "...I'm surprised you actually thought of all of this..." "And what's more..if there's a LUNAR Kamehameha...Then there gotta be a SOLAR Kamehameha then! I'll get Ieyasu to learn that move while Makoto can do the former!"
  118. "Right."
  119. "Sounds fair to me..." Qrow sighs and lay back in his chair.
  121. Later that night....As Jalen and Raven lie next to each other in bed with Raven reading a book while Jalen stare at the ceiling. Qrow's sleeping in his room and the 2 monsters are in the huts together sleeping as well.
  122. "...There's something I gotta tell you..That person who I overheard the Lunar Kamehameha from?..."
  124. "Yeah?" Raven answers him while she reads her book as Jalen turns over to his side and look at her. "That girl...well..she sorta shared your features...but like..whereas your hair is spiky and black like a...raven's feathers. Hers was blonde, but clearly she dyed it and it was long and locks of hair..."
  126. "...."
  127. Raven closes her book(Something about Marxism and "Seizing the productions" ) and look at Jalen with a calm look.
  129. "I'll think I would know a family member who looks like a delinquent..." Jalen bites his tongue to not comment on Raven's delinquency actions today. "Even still, wouldn't you wanna meet this person just to see if they are a relative of yours?" Jalen frowns at her as Raven look at him...and then sighs and rolls her eyes and adjust herself so that she's under the covers in a comfy position. "Fiiine, if it shuts you up, Jay-Jay....I'll keep an eye out for this woman then."
  130. Jalen smiles and kiss her on the forehead as he hugs her tightly and fall asleep with her.
  132. Elsewhere, in a ranch far from the Branwen Bandits....This ranch is nicer than that one as the 4 girls from earlier relax in the house. All of them in their PJs and getting ready for bed. Yang's in her room looking at the ceiling in thoughts. After they got home from the mall with her parents, they all decide to lay low for a while and train the 2 monsters they have...Yang's Hanzo(Garu/Zan) and Ruby's Nekohaiyu(Pure Mew) so that they will do well in this time period. It will take time for these 2 monsters to get register in the IMA...but they have enough money from Weiss's illegal hacking into her family's system(Thank god the Schnee never change their passwords...) without being traced back.
  135. Yang reach over to her dresser and grab a pic of her family..An older Jalen and Raven are standing there, Jalen with a smile and Raven with a calm look as a baby Yang sit on Raven's lap as she sits on a chair. She sighs as this was one of those few moments in her life before everything went to hell....when Togle and Ryuwn went to war and dragged the world into madness in their King(Xander) and the Queen of Ryuwn(Robin) lust for power.
  137. "Mom...Dad....No worries...I'll make sure you 2 won't die in this time one will take my family away.."
  138. Meanwhile, in Brando Castle...a very, giant castle that house 2 for Xander and the other one for Diego, along with their mansions within the castle walls....Diego is called to his father's chambers. Dressed in the finest white and golden silk robes. He walk into the chambers where his father is sitting by a fireplace with a bottle of wine on a table between him and another chair for Diego to sit in.
  140. "Sit down, son."
  142. Diego does so as Xander pour him a glass of wine and hand it to him. The 2 sip their wine and watch the fire crackle in the fireplace
  143. "How goes the ranching?" Diego place his glass on the table and think. the older blonde in his $100,000,000 Golden crusted white robes watches his son gather his thoughts before he speaks with an icy one. "All according to my plans...No one is a match for Shirogon, and at this moment, I have a 100% winning rate in my career." Xander nods in approval. "As expected, son. It is October and the meet with Vizley will be in February. I expect you to enter the Elimination Cup in January in Rank D as I will do the same in Rank S...." "Of course, father."
  145. Diego sips his glass of wine once more as Xander speaks up again..
  146. "Soon, those Faradays's streak of winning against our family shall end....we shall never lose to them ever again!"
  148. The 2 Brandos toast their glasses as they sit there and chat about shit no one sane care about...
  149. Soon, the time passes and Jalen and Raven begin to train their Garus not only in terms of stats...but for Ieyasu to learn Solar Kamehameha...and Makoto to Lunar Kamehameha....
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