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Jan 14th, 2019
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  1. Mistake. We are the results of trillions of them. Self-replicating amino acids and around 4 billion years has led to every living organism on earth. This gradual progression of environmentally selected systems has led to the most complex and adaptive information processing unit in the known universe; the human brain. This brain runs and changes algorithms to exploit the environment using pattern recognition, problem solving and creativity. This system allowed humans to become a dominant species not because of our physical attributes, but purely due to what we call intelligence and ability to physically apply it. This ability enables control. This is why computer science is the core subject. There is a struggle to see a parellel between ourselves and computers, but maybe its just denial. Looking at the internal workings of our body's is one thing, but looking at the part of us that allows us to look a ourselves is something else entirely. I don't mean the biological matter, once a standard is met then that doesn't really matter anymore if time isn't a factor (Alan Turing). The amazing part is that what the computation is performed on doesn't matter, all that matters is the patterns in the physical matter. It is substrate independent (life 3.0).technically the same patterns can be manifested in any type of matter, although for it to function a working memory is needed. Compare computers to brain
  3. I am under no illusion about the difficulty of this course. Since 2013 I have climatised myself for hard work. Before the start of my university education I was an aircraft fitter at a Naval base for 2 years, building, testing, and repairing hydraulic landing gears on Merlin mk2 and mk3 helicopters. The essence of my daily tasks was troubleshooting. The landing gears needing to be repaired were not functioning as intended, and with this information I had to deduce which parts have malfunctioned and with this, what steps I needed to take to get it flight ready.
  4. The entrance tests and following interview was difficult due to the hundreds of candidates that apply each year, however due to my preparation and ability I scored in the 1st percentile in the country on the main entrance test which included numerical, mechanical and spatial reasoning. The following interview was challenging due to being in front of 5 ex-Navy warrant officers, who had at the time become various managers on base. Although I was nervous during the hour-long interview, the feedback after I received the job offer was very positive. I was described as a logical thinker with good informational recall. Before this I worked a variety of roles from construction to customer service for around 3 years after I left college. These experiences have left me with the experience and communication skills to problem solve by myself or with a team in a high stress environment.
  6. Outside of personal study I trade fiat and crypto-currency. I have traded consistently for close to two years. The core of how I trade is initially using fundamental analysis. This essentially means that I try to predict market reaction based on the news and events of what I intend to trade, this can be from accredited news sources to CEO’s of companies tweeting, variety is important but finding corresponding sources is essential for validity. In combination, I use technical analysis. This requires using knowledge to identify patterns in the chart and indicators to identify mathematical trends that cannot be easily seen. These tools help me to decide which movements to trade upon then at what price levels my entry and exit positions will be set at. The most important skill I have learnt from trading is emotionally removing myself from every decision I make and purely rely on the data I have accumulated. Our brain has a lot of biases which can convince and even panic you thought process at times, causing you to act on false primal instincts instead of intrinsic data. Externalising a system from the human brain as much as possible is essential for the success of the running the system. I have long thought that the most impactful externalisation of a process in human history was simply the scientific method. This was the basis for the entire scientific revolution and has shaped our world and lives more radically than anything in history.
  7. Artificial intelligence and automation are essential to the future of humanity and will help to spread wealth and improve daily lives. People will have to be reassigned to work that has more meaning for humans as those tasks will be much harder for machines to perform due to human psychology that prefers interpersonal interaction as apposed to a machine interface. I want to spend the rest of my adult life at the epicentre of the future of computation and algorithms and automating, after the completion of my bachelor's degree I plan on studying postgraduate, as a research position is where my interest is.
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