
Happy birthday Hayley

Apr 18th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pulled his truck into the driveway of the AGD house after not fucking telling Hayley literally anything of where they were going or what they were doing. Putting the truck into park and killing the engine, he slipped out of the truck and grabbed the wrapped box from the back, climbing back into the cab and holding the very very very badly wrapped box out to Hayley. It was literally patchwork wrapping paper with several sparkly bows stuck around the top. "Here, you have to open this before we go inside."-
  2. Tsaaq: She would look out the window of Adam's truck periodically, truly lost on what was going on. She smiled down at the box and looked over to Adam. "Wow, I really thought everybody just forgot..." Hayley trailed off as she went to carefully open the horribly wrapped gift. She opened the box and started to laugh as she picked up the shirt from the inside. "Where did you find this?" She laughed.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Of course I didn't forget. There were just certain aspects of my surprise that weren't working with your birthday being on the weekend..." He started, looking down at the shirt she was holding. "I actually had it made for you... someone i know from class is interning at this cool silk screening place in Central. Why don't I get out and you can put it on and then I'll show you the rest of your surprise?" He asked as he slipped out of the truck again, turning his back so she could have her privacy to change.-
  4. Tsaaq: Hayley grinned at him before taking the shirt fully out of the the box. "Well... This is awesome." She said. "Oh, there's more? Okay." Hayley laughed as she turned away and pulled off her current tank to so she could put on her birthday one. Hayley pulled it over her head and looked at herself in the mirror. "It' looks great!" She called out as she went to up the truck door.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Does it fit well?" He asked before slowly turning around, making sure that she was decent before he turned fully. "I was a little unsure about the size so I might have poked around your things. Are you ready to head inside?" He asked her, offering a hand.-
  6. Tsaaq: She smoothed her hands on the tank top then looked over to him. "Yeah it fits fine." She answered with a soft laugh. She took his hand and started to giggle again. "If you did? You did a super good job cause I was not paying attention." Hayley said. She craned her head to look inside of the sorority house.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He led her to the front door of the house, pushing it open and letting her inside ahead of him. "Well it's not very hard considering we have different schedules." He spoke with a bit of a laugh, leading her into the kitchen of the house. The counter was broken up into three sections, each with a little country flag on a little stand surrounded by plates of food. The kitchen table was also broken up into two sections with the flags. And the entire fucking room smelled delicious. // Gabe stood in the kitchen finishing on plating his last couple of dishes dressed from head to toe in his chef uniform, including the ridiculous fucking hat. "Welcome Hayley! To your around the world food tasting! Happy birthday, by the way." He said with a wink. He thinks he's sly.-
  8. Tsaaq: "Excuuusee me." She shook her head before walking into the house. "What the hell?" She asked with surprise before covering her mouth. "What are you doing here, thank you, but what?" She laughed once more. "Is all this stuff for me?" She asked as she glanced at all the foods.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Adam put his hand on Hayley's shoulder, nodding his head. "I can't really afford to take you on any extravagant trips or show you the world... so Gabe helped me bring the world to you." He said with a smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Happy birthday Halo." // Gabe walked around the counter and over to them, sweeping Hayley into a hug before gesturing to his different stations of food. "We have France, Mexico, India, Italy, and America. Would you like the tour?"-
  10. Tsaaq: She gasped before cooing. "It's perfect." She went to wrap her arms around Adam and squeezed him tight before doing the same to Gabe. "Wow this is way cool though. I feel like I'm on reality tv or something." Hayley put her hands on her hips and looked between all the dishes. "Hell yeah. Do America last. I live there." She told Gabe.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I knew you would like it. And Gabe was happy to help." He smiled down at her, gesturing to one end of the counter where a few dishes were. // Gabe smiled, making his way to one end and beginning to speak. "Shall we start with France? In France today we have ratatouille, coq au vin, and beef bourguignon." He held a fork out to her so she could try whatever she wanted.-
  12. Tsaaq: "A bunch of words I can't pronounce." Hayley said with a smirk before picking up the beef and her eyes widening. "Wow this is dope." She said with a muffled voice. She stuffed her face with the remainder before going to the ratatoille. "Do you want anything?" Hayley asked Adam as she covered her full mpouth.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to have some. I want you to try everything first." He said with a grin, glancing at Gabe briefly before watching her eat. "Originally I was going to do this all myself... but I was strongly advised I would mess it up for you." // Gabe started to crack up, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "It's not my fault these dishes are hard and you've only mastered roasted chicken. But I'm happy to help."-
  14. TsaaqTsaaq : She gave him a nod of understanding before digging into the other thing from France. "What else-" She said, her mout still full. Hayley smiled at Adam as she leaned on the counter. "Well... It was YOUR idea. That's what matters." She stuck her tongue out at Gabe.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "I tried." He said with a sheepish shrug, moving down to the next section of the counter with the little mexican flag. // Gabe nodded as he slid down, beginning to explain the next station. "Well if you would join us down in sunny Mexico, today we have chicken tortilla soup, green chile chicken enchiladas, and cauliflower rice."-
  16. Tsaaq: "You suceeded." She quickly kissed his cheek then went to the Mexican stuff. She chewed her lower lip then leaned forward, grabbing the enchiladas first with caution before humming happy. "Yum." She whispered, sampling the rice then the soup. She was gonna be a full bitch tonight.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I'm really glad you like it. And you'll ahve all these leftovers so you can eat all week and not have to cook or make yourself lunch or anything." He reached over to sample some of the enchiladas, nodding his head and giving a thumbs up to Gabe. "You've really improved this since the last time you made it." // Gabe started to laugh, brushing his shoulders off like a cocky fuck. "Yeah well, you know how I do." He turned and walked over to the end of the counter, gesturing "India?" He asked before pointing around the dishes. "Biryani, bread upma, and medu vada."-
  18. Tsaaq: She hopped up and down in her spot. "Unlimited birthday food!" Hayley cheered as she grinned. Her eyes narrowed as she looked over to Gabe. "Yes..." She trailed off before digging into the Indian food. "This one is my favortite so far.'
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Do you like curry?" He asked her, leaning his arms on the edge of the counter. "Because I can actually make really good curry chicken. I think that might be the only Indian food I know how to cook." // Gabe watched the two of them with a grin, picking up a plate and walking it over to the table to finish that off. "And over here in Italy we have by popular request, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken cacciatore, and spinach tomato tortellini."-
  20. Tsaaq: '"You can make curry? Cause I want you to make that all the time and stuff-
  21. Tsaaq: ((FUCKING HELL))
  22. Tsaaq: '"You can make curry? Cause I want you to make that all the time and stuff-" She looked to the spaghetti and laughed as she immediately went for it. "Oh my god." Hayley whispered as she continued to eat her ass off.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I can. He taught me." He said, gesturing toward Gabe as he walked over to the kitchen table, looking at the assorted burgers and chicken wings in the American section. "He gave me a hard time about putting spaghetti in the Italian section, but I insisted. Now.." He paused, leaving her at the table and walking into the next room. He emerged with a tray in his hands, a birthday cake sitting on top of it that he clear did not fucking make. "Happy birthday Halo." ( ) // Gabe rolled his eyes as Adam came out with the cake. "In my defense, when he said to make you a metal cake, I wasnt really sure what that meant..."-
  24. Tsaaq: She squealed as she jumped up and down, covering her mouth with her hands. "Holy shit!" She cheered at the sight of her cake. "I love this cake so much! This my favorite thing ever!" She said as she took out her phone to take pictures. "This is what he meant dude. Come on!" She laughed while taking all the pictures. "I bet this tastes awesome." She whispered. "Thank you so much Abs, I mean yeah thanks Gabe too but Abs was the brain idea maker guy." She went to peck his lips before looking for a knife to cut that cake.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Adam started to laugh, leaning down to return the kiss before setting the tray down on the counter since it was a little heavy and also you cant cut it without putting it down. "I'll get you a plate." He said as he turned to grab a dish, setting it down for her. "And I still have one last surprise for you." // Gabe reached over to grab the knife, immediately beginning to slice the cake so they could have some, moving a slice to the plate to pass over to Hayley. "Of course. now y'all enjoy this, I'm going to clean up a little because I promised I wouldnt leave this house until everything was put back exactly the way I found it." He said, turning away from them and beginning to start boxing things up for Hayley to take home.-
  26. Tsaaq: She exhaled with her eyes wide. "Oh my god there's more?" Hayley asked as she took her cake. "Thanks again Gabe. Its always good to see you so that was also fun." She smiled as she stuck her tongue out at him. She went to eat her cake with a look of joy as she waited for Adam to show her the other surprise.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Well not more food, but yeah." He walked over into the living room to grab the small box that wasnt wrapped because he gave up after the shirt box. Making his way back over to her, he set the small box down on the counter. "This is your actual birthday gift. It just seemed very you when I saw it, so I knew I had to get it for you."-
  28. Tsaaq: Hayley set down the fork and went to open the box midchew. Her eyebrows raised as she stared at the earrings and she immediately screamed. "These are bad ass, thank you so much." She stood up to give him another hug. "This was the best...." Hayley sighed. "I don't even know how to thank you for such awesome gifts."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "You're welcome. You don't have to thank me, you just have to enjoy them." He said with a smile before looking down at the earrings in the box. "Are they metal enough?"-
  30. Tsaaq: She took them out of the box as she went to actually put the earrings on. She let out a happy sigh as she glanced at her reflection in her phone screen. "It's perfect." She answered as she went to wave for him to sit down beside her. "Come on. Let's eat cake together and then head home for animal cuddles." She suggested.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "I think that's a perfect idea." He said as he moved to take a seat beside her, reaching for one of the slices of cake that Gabe had cut and digging in. It was covered in fondant so it was kind of eh, but the inside was good because Gabe is a good baker and Adam cheated by enlisting him.-
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