

Nov 5th, 2019
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  1. 幼馴染♂をポトレに誘う漫画
  2. A manga about asking a childhood friend ♂ to do a portrait shoot
  3. Raw:
  5. Page 1
  6. Panel 1
  7. 絶対に
  8. No way!
  9. イヤだ!
  10. Absolutely not!
  11. Panel 2
  12. そこを頼むよー
  13. I'm begging you!
  14. 幼馴染だろー?
  15. We've been friends since we were little haven't we?
  16. Panel 3
  17. 幼馴染なら知ってるだろ
  18. Well since you've known me so long, you should know by now!
  19. おれが写真嫌いだってこと
  20. I hate having my picture taken!
  21. Panel 4
  22. なのになんでお前が新調したレンズの試し撮りに
  23. And besides, if you're just testing out your new lens,
  24. 俺が撮られないといけないんだ
  25. Why would you need me for that?
  26. 新調ってかレンタルだけどな
  27. Well, these lens are actually a rental.
  28. 人気レンズでずっと貸出中だったんだよ
  29. These lens are pretty popular right now, so I had it loaned to me.
  31. Page 2
  32. Panel 1
  33. 85ミリF1.4
  34. It's an 85mm F1.4.
  35. ポートレートに最適だけど高くてな
  36. It's optimized for taking portraits, but it's very expensive.
  37. 買う前に試してみたいと思ってたのよ
  38. So I wanted to try it out before I buy it.
  39. Panel 2
  40. 急だったから撮影会もないし
  41. But I wasn't able to get anyone for a photoshoot on such short notice.
  42. お前ならかわいいから撮りごたえは...
  43. And since you're so cute, I thought that you would take some good portraits... ("cute" is in a bigger font here)
  44. ピク
  45. Shift
  46. Panel 3
  47. ......
  48. ... (horizontal ellipsis)
  49. 今かわいいって言ったか?
  50. Did you say... Cute just now? ("Cute" is in a bigger font here)
  51. お...
  52. Ah...
  53. Panel 4
  54. お…男なのに
  55. I... I'm a guy you know.
  56. かわいいとか言われて嬉しいわけないだろ
  57. Being called cute doesn't make me happy or anything!
  58. バカなんじゃねーの?
  59. Are you stupid or something?
  60. Panel 5
  61. ふっ
  62. Heh.
  63. 幼馴染だから知ってるんだぜ
  64. We're childhood friends after all, I know a few things about you.
  65. Panel 6
  66. こいつはかわいい系評価にとても弱い
  67. Like how you're incredibly weak to having your cuteness acknowledged. ("Cuteness" is bolded here)
  68. こいつのプリン食べちまったときもお前がかわいいからとかわけのわからん言い訳したら許してくれたりなEven that time I ate your pudding, you forgave me when I made a silly excuse like "It's because you're cute." (The quoted text is bolded here)
  70. Page 3
  71. Panel 1
  72. 今なら落とせる!
  73. Now for the finisher!
  74. 撮影はフィーリングが大事なんだよ
  75. In photography, feeling is crucial!
  76. Panel 2
  77. これはかわいいお前にしか頼めないことで
  78. In order to accurately judge the characteristics of the lens, I need an atmosphere that is more than cute. ("cute" is bolded here)
  79. 苦悩中
  80. In agony
  81. レンズの特性を知るには見た目のかわいさ以上のいわば空気感を...
  82. This is something that I can only ask of someone as cute as you... ("cute" is bolded here)
  83. Panel 3
  84. ......
  85. ... (horizontal ellipsis)
  86. しょ...
  87. I-It...
  88. しょーがねーな...
  89. It can't be helped then...
  90. Panel 4
  91. 今回だけは特別だぞ!
  92. It's a special case, so just this once!
  93. 使いもしないで返すのももったいないし
  94. It'd be a waste if you had to return the lens without getting to use it.
  95. ...そうもったいないから!
  96. ...I'm only doing this because it'd be a waste!
  97. 落ちたー!!
  98. It worked!!
  99. Panel 5
  100. 助かるー!
  101. You're a lifesaver!
  102. ちょろい!
  103. He's so simple!
  104. じゃぁこの後早速撮りに行こう
  105. Then let's go out right after this and take some photos!
  106. 駅北に公園あるだろ?
  107. You know the park by the north station?
  108. あそこが今ちょうど...
  109. Let's head there now...
  111. Page 4
  112. Panel 1
  113. で...
  114. So uhm...
  115. なんでこ の格好...
  116. What's with this outfit...
  117. Panel 2
  118. 男同士でポトレ撮影とか傍から見るとやばいだろ?
  119. It'd look bad if people saw two guys doing a portrait shoot don't you think?
  120. 女装の方がやばいだろ
  121. A cross-dressing boy is even worse!
  122. Panel 3
  123. こっちの方がかわいいから
  124. Besides, you're cuter this way.
  125. え...そう?
  126. R-Really?
  127. じゃあ...
  128. In that case...
  129. やっぱちょろい
  130. He really is way too simple!
  131. Panel 4
  132. じゃーパンパン撮るぞー!
  133. Alright! Let's take some photos! Snap snap!
  134. お…おう
  135. Oh... Okay.
  136. あっ!
  137. Ahh!
  138. Panel 5
  139. ......
  140. ... (horizontal ellipsis)
  141. 充電...
  142. The battery...
  143. 忘れてた...
  144. I forgot to charge it...
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