
Text Adventure Chapter 91 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. >You thought about checking out that mine, but there probably wasn’t anything there, not to mention it’d probably filled with actual miners and not tourists.
  2. >You get up and look around for an inconspicuous spot to begin practicing your magic.
  3. >After a quick farewell to Steam Pocket, you approach your group before leaving.
  4. “Hey, tell me when we’re leaving, okay?”
  5. >Berry looks up at you with little emotion.
  6. >”Where ya goin’?”
  7. “I’m just gonna train my magic a little bit.”
  8. >They wave half-heartedly.
  9. >They’re all pretty tired, and you are too now that you think about it.
  10. >Got to do something while you wait, though, and that’s a good thing to do.
  11. >You make your way over to a rather deserted wall of the station, and begin to summon your magic from your body.
  12. >With one quick test to make sure the flow’s flowing, you get to work.
  13. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (1/10)
  14. >There’s a slight tinge of electricity that crackles the ground around you, but that’s it.
  15. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (2/10)
  16. >The ground itself shakes with the force you exert, but no magic actually leaves.
  17. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (3/10)
  18. >A more complete shockwave breaks the ground around you.
  19. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (4/10)
  20. >A strong force eminates from your feet, but there’s no electricity again.
  21. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (6/10)
  22. >An overbearingly strong shock of magic explodes into the ground around you, but there is little force.
  23. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (7/10)
  24. >The force and magic begin to dwindle.
  25. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (8/10)
  26. >The force and magic begin to dwindle.
  27. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (9/10)
  28. >The force and magic begin to dwindle.
  29. >Used Shockwave! (-4 MP) (10/10)
  30. >The force and magic begin to dwindle.
  31. [Shockwave fully upgraded, usable to its fullest extent.]
  32. Anon: [MP: 241/305]
  33. >You feel crushingly tired all of a sudden.
  34. >Each time you cast that spell, it just weighed heavier and heavier on you.
  35. >You feel like you’re holding up hundreds of pounds on your shoulders, yet you still have plenty of mana.
  36. >Not exactly sure what’s going on...
  37. >What would you like to do?
  41. >You look around the Train station, seeing many hustling and bustling ponies trying to settle everything after the incident with the trains.
  42. >The ground beneath you is cracked and broken from your shocking adventures.
  43. >You also see something subtly sticking out of a bush in the darkness, but you can’t be sure.
  44. >Might as well use your mana a little more just to be sure it wasn’t that shockwave session you did.
  45. >Used Invisibility! (-50 MP) (4/10)
  46. >Your body is suddenly enshrouded by a force field that reflects all light and sound away from you, making you invisible to the world.
  47. >At least, for a split second.
  48. >The spell falters and you feel your body cry out in protest, feeling an overbearing exhaustion upon you.
  49. Anon: [HP: 140/140, Ex][MP: 191/305]
  50. [Filled Magic Recombobulator with your mana!]
  51. Anon: [MP: 0/305]
  52. MRP: (500/500)
  53. >You’re going to need some sleep soon.
  54. >Yeah, probably need to go to Redheart now.
  55. >You drag yourself back into the station with heavy eyes, eventually reaching them after what seems like an eternity.
  56. >Iron, Berry and Five are asleep.
  57. >Gable’s trying not to fall asleep, but failing rather potently.
  58. >Redheart’s awake as a whistle, however. She smiles as you come up, but it drops when she sees you.
  59. >”That was quick, babe. … Are you alright? You don’t look very well.”
  60. “Not doing too good, actually. When I was recasting a spell to practice it, I just got horribly exhausted.”
  61. >Redheart gets up and makes you kneel down, giving you a quick inspection like the professional nurse she is.
  62. >Sometimes you forget what everypony used to do before this whole shadow debacle.
  63. >”Well, from what I can tell, you’re still injured from that hit to the chest, Anon. That combined with the fact you haven’t slept in 20 hours, your body is probably just telling you to get some rest. You can lay down here with me on the bench if you’d like, because the carriage is going to be a while.”
  64. >She finishes checking you over with a kiss to your cheek, which makes you feel a good deal warmer in the chilly breeze.
  65. >She’s most likely right, you’re probably just tired.
  66. >What would you like to do?
  70. “That sounds lovely. But, can we do something real quick?”
  71. >Redheart looks around with an intense blush on her face.
  72. >”A-anon, not here…”
  73. “N-no! I mean, not right now, er… There’s something sticking out of the bushes out back, and I was going to go grab it before I got all… tired. Can you come with me and check it out really quick?”
  74. >”Oh, well sure. What is it?”
  75. “That’s what I wanna find out.”
  76. >You slowly stand up using Redheart to help you, and the two of you cross back over the Trainstation on a painstakingly slow pace, you having to lead the way.
  77. >Finally, you reach the area where you pulled your little stunt, and step over the rocks to take a closer look at the thing sticking out of the bushes.
  78. >Check/Inspect
  79. [The object in question seems to be tangled in the branches of the bushes. Once you get a close look, it looks to be some sort of old parchment.]
  80. >”...What is it?”
  81. >What would you like to do?
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