

Mar 29th, 2023
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  1. !!!DISCLAIMER!!!
  2. @Created by SavitarGodOfSpeed
  4. /*
  5. *While is better to change some things from server side using commands like <usingServerSideName="true"> Others need
  6. *more editing via the system folder otherwise will not finction properly or even at all,
  7. *Quick example the Augmantation system. So i have created this "Legend" to help you navigate easier within the
  8. *Countless files that the system folder is containing.
  9. *Although that this file was created on the 29/03/2023 is incomplete due to either the files are unable to be opened OR
  10. *My Knowledge was limited back then. So Please if you would like fill in the rest of the missing information and then
  11. *Re-Post it to my orginal post on Mobius Forum :
  12. */
  16. -eu.dat = Files For Live Servers
  17. -Classic.dat = Files For Classic Servers
  18. -ClassicAden.Dat = Files For Essence Servers
  20. <Start>
  22. AbnormalAgathion.dat=======================
  23. AbnormalDefaultEffect.dat==================
  24. AbnormalEdgeEffectData.dat=================
  25. ActionName_ClassicAden-eu.dat==============
  26. ActionName_Classic-eu.dat==================
  27. ActionName_Eu.dat==========================
  28. AdditionalEffect.dat=======================
  29. AdditionalEffect_Classic.dat===============
  30. AdditionalItemGrp.dat======================
  31. AdditionalItemGrp_Classic.dat==============
  32. AdditionalItemGrp_ClassicAden.dat==========
  33. AditionalJewelEquipEffect.dat==============
  34. AditionalJewelEquipEffect_Classic.dat======
  35. AditionalJewelEquipEffect_ClassicAden.dat==
  36. AdditionalNpcGrpParts.dat==================
  37. AdditionalNPCGrpParts_Classic.dat==========
  38. AdditionalSoulShotEffect.dat===============
  39. AdditionalSoulShotEffect_Classic.dat=======
  40. AdditionalSoulShotEffect_ClassicAden.dat===
  41. Agathiondata.dat===========================
  42. agathiondata_Classic.dat===================
  43. agathiondata_ClassicAden.dat===============
  44. AlchemyData.dat============================
  45. AlterSkillData.dat=========================
  46. AnimationCombo.dat=========================
  47. ArmorGradeEffectSet.dat====================
  48. ArmorGradeLookChange.dat===================
  49. ArmorGrp.dat===============================> Controls Armor's,Jewel's,Bracelet's among some other Equipment Icons, Effects and they way they look on a character for Live servers
  50. ArmorGrp_Classic.dat=======================> Controls Armor's,Jewel's,Bracelet's among some other Equipment Icons, Effects and they way they look on a character for Classic servers
  51. ArmorGrp_ClassicAden.dat===================> Controls Armor's,Jewel's,Bracelet's among some other Equipment Icons, Effects and they way they look on a character for Essence servers
  52. ArtifactData.dat===========================
  53. ArtifactEnchantSetting.dat=================
  54. ArtifactTypeSetting.dat====================
  55. ArtifactUpgrade.dat========================
  56. BlessOption_Classic.dat====================
  57. BlessOption_ClassicAden.dat================
  58. CardCollectData_Classic-eu.dat=============
  59. CardCollectData-eu.dat=====================
  60. CastleName_Classic-eu.dat==================> Controls the name of the castle that is appearing on the map, World, etc for Classic and Essence Servers
  61. CastleName-eu.dat==========================> Controls the name of the castle that is appearing on the map, World, etc for Live Servers
  62. CharacterAbility_ClassicAden-eu.dat========
  63. CharacterAbility_Classic-eu.dat============
  64. CharacterInitialStatExData.dat=============
  65. CharCreategrp.dat==========================
  66. CharCreategrp_Classic.dat==================
  67. CharGrp.dat================================> Controls the way a character looks like. without any piece of Equipment on. For Live Servers
  68. CharGrp_Classic.dat========================> Controls the way a character looks like. without any piece of Equipment on. For Classic and Essence Servers
  69. CharHeadExGrp.dat==========================
  70. ClassInfo_ClassicAden.dat==================> Contains All the information of all classes as well as Stats such as STR/DEX etc in the game that appear within Chat boxes or infos. For Essence Servers
  71. ClassInfo_Classic.dat======================> Contains All the information of all classes as well as Stats such as STR/DEX etc in the game that appear within Chat boxes or infos. For Classic Servers
  72. ClassInfo-eu.dat===========================> Contains All the information of all classes as well as Stats such as STR/DEX etc in the game that appear within Chat boxes or infos. For Live Servers
  73. ClassTree.dat==============================> Contains Information regarding classes as well as the class change sequence of all classes. For Live Servers
  74. ClassTree_Classic.dat======================> Contains Information regarding classes as well as the class change sequence of all classes. For Essence and Classic Servers
  75. ClassTreeDesc_Classic-eu.dat===============> Contains the char Creation information. For Classic and Essence Servers
  76. ClassTreeDesc-eu.dat=======================> Contains the char Creation information. For Live Servers
  77. Collection_ClassicAden-eu.dat==============> Controls the Nesecesary data regarding the collection system such as Item ID and quantity needed to complete a specific collection in the collection system. For Essence Servers
  78. Collection_Classic-eu.dat==================> Controls the Nesecesary data regarding the collection system such as Item ID and quantity needed to complete a specific collection in the collection system. For Classic Servers
  79. Collection-eu.dat==========================> Controls the Nesecesary data regarding the collection system such as Item ID and quantity needed to complete a specific collection in the collection system. For Live Servers
  80. Collectionmain.dat=========================> Contains information regarding the Collection's System main page. For Live Servers
  81. Collectionmain_Classic.dat=================> Contains information regarding the Collection's System main page. For Classic Servers
  82. Collectionmain_ClassicAden.dat=============> Contains information regarding the Collection's System main page. For Essence Servers
  83. ColourExGrp.dat============================
  84. ColourExName-eu.dat========================
  85. CombinationItemData.dat====================> Controls the Compound system as well as making direct contact with the server side information. Contains Data regarding ItemID, Quantity, Prices among other details of the compound system. For Live Servers
  86. CombinationItemData_Classic.dat============> Controls the Compound system as well as making direct contact with the server side information. Contains Data regarding ItemID, Quantity, Prices among other details of the compound system. For Classic Servers
  87. CombinationItemData_ClassicAden.dat========> Controls the Compound system as well as making direct contact with the server side information. Contains Data regarding ItemID, Quantity, Prices among other details of the compound system. For Essence Servers
  88. CommandName_Classic-eu.dat=================
  89. CommandName-eu.dat=========================
  90. CommonLook.dat=============================
  91. CommonLook_Classic.dat=====================
  92. CommonLook_ClassicAden.dat=================
  93. Costume_Classic.dat========================
  94. Costume_Collection_Classic.dat=============
  95. Costume_CollectionBonus_Classic.dat========
  96. Credit-eu.dat==============================
  97. CubicEffectData.dat========================> Contols Cubic Skills, As well as the "NPC Cubic" appearring from the skills. The ID of each cubic is the same as the server side files
  98. DeathKnightCloakItem_Classic.dat===========
  99. DecoNPCData_Client.dat=====================
  100. DethroneDailyMission-eu.dat================
  101. DethroneDistrictName-eu.dat================
  102. DualCastTypeData.dat=======================
  103. dyecombination_Classic.dat=================
  104. dyecombination_ClassicAden.dat=============
  105. DyeEffect.dat==============================
  106. dyeptential_ClassicAden-eu.dat=============
  107. dyeptential_Classic-eu.dat=================
  108. dyeptential_exp_Classic-eu.dat==================
  109. dyeptential_exp_ClassicAden-eu.dat==============
  110. dyeptential_fee_Classic-eu.dat==================
  111. dyeptential_fee_ClassicAden-eu.dat==============
  112. dyeptential_slot_fee_Classic-eu.dat=============
  113. dyeptential_slot_fee_ClassicAden-eu.dat=========
  114. DynamicContestName-eu.dat=======================
  115. ElementalSpirit_Classic.dat=====================
  116. ElementalSpiritStat_Classic.dat=================
  117. EnchantChallengePoint.dat=======================> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Live Servers
  118. EnchantChallengePoint_Classic.dat===============> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Classic Servers
  119. EnchantChallengePoint_ClassicAden.dat===========> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Essence Servers
  120. EnchantChallengePoint_Setting.dat===============> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Live Servers
  121. EnchantChallengePoint_Setting_Classic.dat=======> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Classic Servers
  122. EnchantChallengePoint_Setting_ClassicAden.dat===> Controls the challenge points appearing on the enchant window as well as the amount awarded for failling an enchantment. For Essence Servers
  123. EnchantedCloakEffectData_Classic.dat============
  124. EnchantedItemSkill_ClassicAden-eu.dat===========
  125. EnchantedItemSkill_Classic-eu.dat===============
  126. EnchantedItemSkill-eu.dat=======================
  127. EnchantedWeaponFlowEffectData.dat===============
  128. EnchantedWeaponFlowEffectData_Classic.dat=======
  129. EnchantedWeaponFlowEffectData_ClassicAden.dat===
  130. EnchantScrollSet.dat============================
  131. EnchantScrollSet_Classic.dat====================
  132. EnchantScrollSet_ClassicAden.dat================
  133. EnchantStatBonus.dat============================> It Contains the information and description of the "Enchant Effect" of an item (The one that appears most of the times in purple text inside the game)
  134. EnchantStatBonus_Classic.dat====================> It Contains the information and description of the "Enchant Effect" of an item (The one that appears most of the times in purple text inside the game)
  135. EnchantStatBonus_ClassicAden.dat================> It Contains the information and description of the "Enchant Effect" of an item (The one that appears most of the times in purple text inside the game)
  136. EnchantValidate.dat=============================
  137. EnchantValidate_Classic.dat=====================
  138. EnchantValidate_ClassicAden.dat=================
  139. EnchantValidateExItem.dat=======================
  140. EnchantValidateExItem_Classic.dat===============
  141. EnchantValidateExItem_ClassicAden.dat===========
  142. Ensoul_option_Client_ClassicAden-eu.dat=========
  143. Ensoul_option_Client_Classic-eu.dat=============
  144. Ensoul_option_Client-eu.dat=====================
  145. ensoul_Stone_Client.dat=========================
  146. ensoul_Stone_Client_Classic.dat=================
  147. ensoul_Stone_Client_ClassicAden.dat=============
  148. EnterEventgrp.dat===============================
  149. EnterEventgrp_Classic.dat=======================
  150. EtcItemgrp.dat==================================> Controls all misc items such as scrolls, Potions, Runes, etc. It contains the icons, icon effects as well as how certain items are behaving within the game. For Live Servers
  151. EtcItemgrp_Classic.dat==========================> Controls all misc items such as scrolls, Potions, Runes, etc. It contains the icons, icon effects as well as how certain items are behaving within the game. For Classic Servers
  152. EtcItemgrp_ClassicAden.dat======================> Controls all misc items such as scrolls, Potions, Runes, etc. It contains the icons, icon effects as well as how certain items are behaving within the game. For Essence Servers
  153. EULA-eu=========================================> Contains the text when you login the terms of users agrreement (in case that you want to change something)
  154. EvenAlarmList_Classic-eu.dat====================
  155. EvenAlarmList-eu.dat============================
  156. EventContentsGoalName-eu.dat====================
  157. EventContentsName-eu.dat========================
  158. EventHTML_ClassicAden-eu.dat====================
  159. EventHTML_Classic-eu.dat========================
  160. EventHTML-eu.dat================================
  161. EventLookChange.dat=============================
  162. ExceptionMinimapData.dat========================
  163. ExceptionMinimapData_Classic.dat================
  164. ExceptionMinimapData_ClassicAden.dat============
  165. faceexgrp.dat===================================
  166. faceExName-eu.dat===============================
  167. FactionName-eu.dat==============================> Contains the information about factions (Don't get confused with the faction system Good Vs Evil) Factions like "Leona Blackbird"
  168. FlyMoveName_Classic-eu.dat======================
  169. FlyMoveName-eu.dat==============================
  170. FullArmorEnchantEffectData.dat==================
  171. GameDataBase_Classic-eu.dat=====================> Controls some functions of the game like for example the square skill icons on the "Ability Point Window"
  172. GameDataBase-eu.dat=============================> Controls some functions of the game like for example the square skill icons on the "Ability Point Window"
  173. GamePlayData.dat================================
  174. GamePlayData_Classic.dat========================
  175. GamePlayData_ClassicAden.dat====================
  176. GameTip_Classic-eu.dat==========================
  177. GameTip-eu.dat==================================
  178. GCShop_Classic.dat==============================
  179. GCShop_ClassicAden.dat==========================
  180. GeneralEffectName.dat===========================
  181. GoodsIcon.dat===================================
  182. Hairaccessorylocgrp.dat=========================
  183. HennaGRP_ClassicAden-eu.dat=====================
  184. HennaGRP_Classic-eu.dat=========================
  185. HennaGRP-eu.dat=================================
  186. Hero_Book.dat===================================
  187. HomunCreate.dat=================================
  188. HomunEnchant.dat================================
  189. HomunList.dat===================================
  190. HomunNPC.dat====================================
  191. HomunNPCLevel.dat===============================
  192. HomunSlot.dat===================================
  193. HuntingZone_ClassicAden-eu.dat==================
  194. HuntingZone_Classic-eu.dat======================
  195. HuntingZone-eu.dat==============================
  196. InstanceZoneData_Classic-eu.dat=================> Contains the information about instance zones, every kind of instance zone. For Essence and Classic Servers
  197. InstanceZoneData-eu.dat=========================> Contains the information about instance zones, every kind of instance zone. For Live Servers
  198. Item_baseinfo.dat===============================> Contains information of an item such Enchant Groups, If nechant is enabled or not among some others. For Live Servers
  199. Item_baseinfo_Classic.dat=======================> Contains information of an item such Enchant Groups, If nechant is enabled or not among some others. For Classic Servers
  200. Item_baseinfo_ClassicAden.dat===================> Contains information of an item such Enchant Groups, If nechant is enabled or not among some others. For Essence Servers
  201. ItemName_ClassicAden-eu.dat=====================> Contains the names of all items in the game including their descriptions, as well as the colour of the name title. For Essence Servers
  202. ItemName_Classic-eu.dat=========================> Contains the names of all items in the game including their descriptions, as well as the colour of the name title. For Classic Servers
  203. ItemName-eu.dat=================================> Contains the names of all items in the game including their descriptions, as well as the colour of the name title. For Live Servers
  204. ItemStatData.dat================================> Contains the basic stats of all items in the game such as P.Atk and M.Atk of a weapon. For Live Servers
  205. ItemStatData_Classic.dat========================> Contains the basic stats of all items in the game such as P.Atk and M.Atk of a weapon. For Classic Servers
  206. ItemStatData_Classic Aden.dat===================> Contains the basic stats of all items in the game such as P.Atk and M.Atk of a weapon. For Essence Servers
  207. ItemUseFilter.dat===============================
  208. ItemUseFilter_Classic.dat=======================
  209. ItemUseFilter_Classic Aden.dat==================
  210. L2GameDataName.dat==============================> DO NOT EDIT IT!!! Contains all the names, References, and everything else that the system folder is using. If this file is corrupted the entire System folder will be unable to be used
  211. L2PassAdvance_ClassicAden-eu.dat================
  212. L2PassAdvance_Classic-eu.dat====================
  213. L2PassAdvance-eu.dat============================
  214. L2PassReward.dat================================
  215. L2PassReward_Classic.dat========================
  216. L2PassReward_ClassicAden.dat====================
  217. LCoinShopBanner.dat=============================
  218. LCoinShopBanner_Classic.dat=====================
  219. LCoinShopBanner_ClassicAden.dat=================
  220. LCoinShopProduct_ClassicAden-eu.dat=============> Contains All the items that you can sell on the Einhasad Store OR LCoinStore. If this is not edit properly to match with the server side then the store will not function properly EVEN IF the server side is correct. For Essence Servers.
  221. LCoinShopProduct_Classic-eu.dat=================> Contains All the items that you can sell on the Einhasad Store OR LCoinStore. If this is not edit properly to match with the server side then the store will not function properly EVEN IF the server side is correct. For Classic Servers.
  222. LCoinShopProduct-eu.dat=========================> Contains All the items that you can sell on the Einhasad Store OR LCoinStore. If this is not edit properly to match with the server side then the store will not function properly EVEN IF the server side is correct. For Live Servers.
  223. LetterCollectData.dat===========================
  224. LetterCollectData_Classic.dat===================
  225. LetterCollectData_ClassicAden.dat===============
  226. LevelUpItemBonusData_ClassicAden.dat============
  227. LevelUpItemBonusData_Classic.dat================
  228. LinkedAnimData.dat==============================
  229. Localize.dat====================================
  230. Localize_Classic.dat============================
  231. Localize_ClassicAden.dat========================
  232. Logongrp.dat====================================
  233. Logongrp_Classic.dat============================
  234. LollyCubeData.dat===============================
  235. mable_game_ClassicAden-eu.dat===================
  236. mable_game_Classic-eu.dat=======================
  237. mable_game_event_classicAden-eu.dat=============
  238. mable_game_event_classic-eu.dat=================
  239. mable_game_event-eu.dat=========================
  240. mable_game-eu.dat===============================
  241. MantleException.dat=============================
  242. MinimapRegion.dat===============================
  243. MinimapRegion_Classic.dat=======================
  244. MinimapRegion_ClassicAden.dat===================
  245. MissionLevel_Classic.dat========================
  246. MissionLevel_ClassicAden.dat====================
  247. MobSkillAnimgrp.dat=============================
  248. MobSkillAnimgrp_Classic.dat=====================
  249. MobSkillAnimgrp_ClassicAden.dat=================
  250. MonsterBook_Client.dat==========================
  251. MSAffectData.dat================================> Controls The affect range visually in the game of certain skills. For Live Servers
  252. MSAffectData_Classic.dat========================> Controls The affect range visually in the game of certain skills. For Classic Servers
  253. MSAffectData_ClassicAden.dat====================> Controls The affect range visually in the game of certain skills. For Essence Servers
  254. MSConditionData.dat=============================> Controls The conditions visually in the game of certain skills (aka the red blare on a skill when you don't have enough spirit ore). For Live Servers
  255. MSConditionData_Classic.dat=====================> Controls The conditions visually in the game of certain skills (aka the red blare on a skill when you don't have enough spirit ore). For Classic Servers
  256. MSConditionData_ClassicAden.dat=================> Controls The conditions visually in the game of certain skills (aka the red blare on a skill when you don't have enough spirit ore). For Essence Servers
  257. MusicInfo.dat===================================> Controls the Music plays in the background when you enter on a specific Area. For Live Servers
  258. MusicInfo_Classic.dat===========================> Controls the Music plays in the background when you enter on a specific Area. For Essence & Classic Servers
  259. NickNameItem_Classic.dat========================
  260. NickNameItem_ClassicAden.dat====================
  261. NonAttackingSkillAnim.dat=======================> Controls the Casting Animation of certain NON ATTACKING skills (Aka the imprint of light used by Clan Leaders to Claim a Castle)
  262. Npcgrp.dat======================================> Controls The Textures, Effects, Weapons, among some other things of All NPCs in the game. For Live Servers
  263. Npcgrp_Classic.dat==============================> Controls The Textures, Effects, Weapons, among some other things of All NPCs in the game. For Classic Servers
  264. Npcgrp_ClassicAden.dat==========================> Controls The Textures, Effects, Weapons, among some other things of All NPCs in the game. For Essence Servers
  265. NpcName_ClassicAden-eu.dat======================> Controls The names and the Nicknames as well as the colours of All NPC in the game. For Essence Servers
  266. NpcName_Classic-eu.dat==========================> Controls The names and the Nicknames as well as the colours of All NPC in the game. For Classic Servers
  267. NpcName-eu.dat==================================> Controls The names and the Nicknames as well as the colours of All NPC in the game. For Live Servers
  268. NpcString_Classic-eu.dat========================> Contains the Chat box or any other messages that certain NPCs have in the game. For Essence & Classic Server
  269. NpcString-eu.dat================================> Contains the Chat box or any other messages that certain NPCs have in the game. For Live Server
  270. NPCTeleporter.dat===============================
  271. NPCTeleporter_Classic.dat=======================
  272. nservice_topping_buff.dat=======================
  273. nservice_topping_buff_Classic.dat===============
  274. Obscene-eu.dat==================================
  275. OneDayReward_ClassicAden-eu.dat=================
  276. OneDayReward_Classic-eu.dat=====================
  277. optiondata_client_ClassicAden-eu.dat============> Contains the Info of all augmantation effects that appear in the game. (aka whenever you augment an item and is succesful the effect that appears on the window). For Essence Servers
  278. optiondata_client_Classic-eu.dat================> Contains the Info of all augmantation effects that appear in the game. (aka whenever you augment an item and is succesful the effect that appears on the window). For Classic Servers
  279. optiondata_client-eu.dat========================> Contains the Info of all augmantation effects that appear in the game. (aka whenever you augment an item and is succesful the effect that appears on the window). For Live Servers
  280. PawnAnimData.dat================================
  281. Pet_Extract_Classic.dat=========================
  282. Pet_Extract_ClassicAden.dat=====================
  283. PetAcquireSkill_Classic.dat=====================
  284. PetAcquireSkill_ClassicAden.dat=================
  285. PetEvolve_Classic.dat===========================
  286. PetEvolve_ClassicAden.dat=======================
  287. PetLook_ClassicAden-eu.dat======================
  288. PetLook_Classic-eu.dat==========================
  289. PetName_ClassicAden-eu.dat======================
  290. PetName_Classic-eu.dat==========================
  291. PetRaceEmblem_ClassicAden-eu.dat================
  292. PetRaceEmblem_Classic-eu.dat====================
  293. PledgeLevel_ClassicAden-eu.dat==================
  294. PledgeLevel_Classic-eu.dat======================
  295. PledgeLevelDesc.dat=============================
  296. PledgeMasteryInfo-eu.dat========================
  297. PledgeMission-eu.dat============================
  298. PledgeShopProduct_ClassicAden-eu.dat============> Contains the Items thata re sold within the clan shop as well as the currency to exchange an item. For Essence Servers
  299. PledgeShopProduct_Classic-eu.dat================> Contains the Items thata re sold within the clan shop as well as the currency to exchange an item. For Classic Servers
  300. PledgeShopProduct-eu.dat========================> Contains the Items thata re sold within the clan shop as well as the currency to exchange an item. For Live Servers
  301. PostEffectData.dat==============================
  302. PrisonData.dat==================================
  303. ProductName_ClassicAden-eu.dat==================
  304. ProductName_Classic-eu.dat======================
  305. ProductName-eu.dat==============================
  306. PurchaseLimitCraft_ClassicAden-eu.dat===========> Controls the "Limit Craft" function within the game and the products that contains as well as the materials needed to craft an item. For Essence Servers
  307. PurchaseLimitCraft_Classic-eu.dat===============> Controls the "Limit Craft" function within the game and the products that contains as well as the materials needed to craft an item. For Classic Servers
  308. PurchaseLimitCraft-eu.dat=======================> Controls the "Limit Craft" function within the game and the products that contains as well as the materials needed to craft an item. For Live Servers
  309. PvpbookRequiredItem_Classic.dat=================
  310. PvpbookRequiredItem_ClassicAden.dat=============
  311. QuestMarkConditionData.dat======================> Controls The conditions of all question marks that a player needs to complete for a question mark to pop up(aka be 85 level to activate the "Seize Your Destiny" Quest). For Live Servers
  312. QuestMarkConditionData_Classic.dat==============> Controls The conditions of all question marks that a player needs to complete for a question mark to pop up(aka be 85 level to activate the "Seize Your Destiny" Quest). For Essence and Classic Servers
  313. QuestName_ClassicAden-eu.dat====================> Contains All the information of all quests in the game. If a new quest is missing from this file then the quest will not function at all even if the server side is correct! For Essence Servers
  314. QuestName_Classic-eu.dat========================> Contains All the information of all quests in the game. If a new quest is missing from this file then the quest will not function at all even if the server side is correct! For Classic Servers
  315. QuestName-eu.dat================================> Contains All the information of all quests in the game. If a new quest is missing from this file then the quest will not function at all even if the server side is correct! For Live Servers
  316. RaidData.dat====================================
  317. RaidData_Classic.dat============================
  318. RaidData_ClassicAden.dat========================
  319. RankingSystemData.dat===========================
  320. RankingSystemData_Classic.dat===================
  321. RankingSystemData_ClassicAden.dat===============
  322. Recipe.dat======================================
  323. Recipe_Classic.dat==============================
  324. Recipe_ClassicAden.dat==========================
  325. ReplaceSkillIcon_Classic.dat====================
  326. ReplaceSkillIcon_ClassicAden.dat================
  327. RideData.dat====================================> Contains the Data as well as the correct coordinates your char has whenever he is riding an NPC in the game. (Aka whenever you char rides a horse). For Live Servers
  328. RideData_Classic.dat============================> Contains the Data as well as the correct coordinates your char has whenever he is riding an NPC in the game. (Aka whenever you char rides a horse). For Classic Servers
  329. RideData_ClassicAden.dat========================> Contains the Data as well as the correct coordinates your char has whenever he is riding an NPC in the game. (Aka whenever you char rides a horse). For Essence Servers
  330. ScenePlayerData.dat=============================
  331. ServerName-eu.dat===============================> Contains all the names of all the server names that are registered within the server side. (Pretty usefull if you want to name your server with your own name)
  332. SetItemGrp_ClassicAden-eu.dat===================
  333. SetItemGrp_Classic-eu.dat=======================
  334. SetItemGrp-eu.dat===============================
  335. ShortcutAlias.dat===============================
  336. ShortcutAlias_Classic.dat=======================
  337. ShuttleData.dat=================================
  338. ShuttleData_Classic.dat=========================
  339. Skillgrp.dat====================================> Contains all the Icon, Icon frames as well as the animation and many more things of all the skills in the game. For Live Servers
  340. Skillgrp_Classic.dat============================> Contains all the Icon, Icon frames as well as the animation and many more things of all the skills in the game. For Classic Servers
  341. Skillgrp_ClassicAden.dat========================> Contains all the Icon, Icon frames as well as the animation and many more things of all the skills in the game. For Live Servers
  342. SkillName_ClassicAden-eu.dat====================> Contains All Skill Names as well as their descriptions. For Essence Servers
  343. SkillName_Classic-eu.dat========================> Contains All Skill Names as well as their descriptions. For Classic Servers
  344. SkillName-eu.dat================================> Contains All Skill Names as well as their descriptions. For Live Servers
  345. SkillSoundgrp.dat===============================> Contains all Skills and the sounds they produce when casted in the game. For Live Servers
  346. SkillSoundgrp_Classic.dat=======================> Contains all Skills and the sounds they produce when casted in the game. For Classic Servers
  347. SkillSoundgrp_ClassicAden.dat===================> Contains all Skills and the sounds they produce when casted in the game. For Essence Servers
  348. SkillSoundSource.dat============================> Skill Sound Related. For Live Servers
  349. SkillSoundSource_Classic.dat====================> Skill Sound Related. For Classic Servers
  350. SkillSoundSource_ClassicAden.dat================> Skill Sound Related. For Essence Servers
  351. StatBonusName_ClassicAden-eu.dat================
  352. StatBonusName_Classic-eu.dat====================
  353. StatBonusReset_Classic.dat======================
  354. StatBonusReset_ClassicAden.dat==================
  355. StaticObject-eu.dat=============================
  356. SteadyBox_ClassicAden.dat=======================
  357. SteadyBox_Classic.dat===========================
  358. Subjugation_ClassicAden.dat=====================
  359. Subjugation_Classic.dat=========================
  360. SymbolName_Classic-eu.dat=======================
  361. SymbolName-eu.dat===============================
  362. Systring_Classic-eu.dat=========================> Contains the names and titles of HUD windows within the game (for example the "Character Status" window can be changed into "Adventurer Status" through this file). For Classic And Essence Servers.
  363. Systring-eu.dat=================================> Contains the names and titles of HUD windows within the game (for example the "Character Status" window can be changed into "Adventurer Status" through this file). For Live Servers.
  364. SystemMsg_Classic-eu.dat========================> Contains the Phrases your character recieves when something is happening and appears on the chat(For example "You don't have enough MP"). For Classic and Essence Servers
  365. SystemMsg-eu.dat================================> Contains the Phrases your character recieves when something is happening and appears on the chat(For example "You don't have enough MP"). For Live Servers
  366. teleportlist.dat================================> Contains all the teleport locations that can be viewed on your teleport window (F: Keybinding). For Live Servers
  367. teleportlist_Classic.dat========================> Contains all the teleport locations that can be viewed on your teleport window (F: Keybinding). For Classic Servers
  368. teleportlist_ClassicAden.dat====================> Contains all the teleport locations that can be viewed on your teleport window (F: Keybinding). For Essence Servers
  369. TimeZoneData_ClassicAden-eu.dat=================
  370. TimeZoneData_Classic-eu.dat=====================
  371. TimeZoneData-eu.dat=============================
  372. TransformData.dat===============================> Controls All kinds of transformations within the game as well as the textures of a creature you can transform into. For Live Servers
  373. TransformData_Classic.dat=======================> Controls All kinds of transformations within the game as well as the textures of a creature you can transform into. For Classic Servers
  374. TransformData_ClassicAden.dat===================> Controls All kinds of transformations within the game as well as the textures of a creature you can transform into. For Essence Servers
  375. TurtorialName_Classic-eu.dat====================
  376. TurtorialName-eu.dat============================
  377. UpgradeSystem.dat===============================> Controls the Upgrade system of Ferris in aden where you can upgrade your items (For Example La Vie En Rose Brooch). For Live Servers
  378. UpgradeSystem_Classic.dat=======================> Controls the Upgrade system of Ferris in aden where you can upgrade your items (For Example La Vie En Rose Brooch). For Classic and Essense Servers
  379. UpgradeSystem_Normal.dat========================> Controls the Upgrade system of Ferris in aden where you can upgrade your items (For Example La Vie En Rose Brooch). For Live Servers
  380. UpgradeSystem_Normal_Classic.dat================> Controls the Upgrade system of Ferris in aden where you can upgrade your items (For Example La Vie En Rose Brooch). For Classic Servers
  381. UpgradeSystem_Normal_ClassicAden.dat============> Controls the Upgrade system of Ferris in aden where you can upgrade your items (For Example La Vie En Rose Brooch). For Essence Servers
  382. UseCountItem.dat================================
  383. UseCountItem_Classic.dat========================
  384. UseCountItem_ClassicAden.dat====================
  385. UsmMovieData-eu.dat=============================
  386. variationdata_fee.dat===========================> Controls The fee Visually in the game of the augmenting system. For live servers
  387. variationdata_fee_Classic.dat===================> Controls The fee Visually in the game of the augmenting system. For Classic servers
  388. variationdata_fee_ClassicAden.dat===============> Controls The fee Visually in the game of the augmenting system. For Essence servers
  389. variationdata_option_ClassicAden.dat============> Controls the effect Options that an item can have after the augmantation is complete. For Essence Servers
  390. variationdata_option_Classic.dat================> Controls the effect Options that an item can have after the augmantation is complete. For Classic Servers
  391. variationdata_option_.dat=======================> Controls the effect Options that an item can have after the augmantation is complete. For Live Servers
  392. variationdata_stone.dat=========================> Controls which item can be augmented with which stone. For Live Servers
  393. variationdata_stone_Classic.dat=================> Controls which item can be augmented with which stone. For Classic Servers
  394. variationdata_stone_ClassicAden.dat=============> Controls which item can be augmented with which stone. For Essence Servers
  395. variationeffectgrp.dat==========================> Contains the "Glow" when an item is succesfully augmented. For Live Servers
  396. variationeffectgrp_Classic.dat==================> Contains the "Glow" when an item is succesfully augmented. For Classic & Essence Servers
  397. VehicePartsGrp.dat==============================> Contains the textures of Various vihicles across the game (For example the Flying Ship that takes you from Aden To Gracia)
  398. WeaponEnchantEffectData.dat=====================> Contains the Glow Effect when any Weapon is Enchanted. For Live Servers
  399. WeaponEnchantEffectData_Classic.dat=============> Contains the Glow Effect when any Weapon is Enchanted. For Classic Servers
  400. WeaponEnchantEffectData_ClassicAden.dat=========> Contains the Glow Effect when any Weapon is Enchanted. For Essence Servers
  401. Weapongrp.dat===================================> Contains All Weapon's Icons, Icon Frames, Textures among some other things APART FROM the glow of some special weapons have Like for example the Dragon Weapons. For Live Servers
  402. Weapongrp_Classic.dat===========================> Contains All Weapon's Icons, Icon Frames, Textures among some other things APART FROM the glow of some special weapons have Like for example the Dragon Weapons. For Classic Servers
  403. Weapongrp_ClassicAden.dat=======================> Contains All Weapon's Icons, Icon Frames, Textures among some other things APART FROM the glow of some special weapons have Like for example the Dragon Weapons. For Essense Servers
  404. WorldCastleWarMapData_Classic.dat===============
  405. ZoneName_ClassicAden-eu.dat=====================> Contains the names of all zones or specific Areas within the game. For Essence Servers.
  406. ZoneName_Classic-eu.dat=========================> Contains the names of all zones or specific Areas within the game. For Classic Servers.
  407. ZoneName-eu.dat=================================> Contains the names of all zones or specific Areas within the game. For Live Servers.
  409. </end>
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