

Apr 20th, 2021
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text 1.31 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 797 echo EX180 DAY 2
  2. 798 history
  3. 799 vim clusterxs.txt
  4. 800 crc --help | less
  5. 801 crc console -h
  6. 802 crc console --credentials
  7. 803 crc oc-env
  8. 804 eval $(crc oc-env)
  9. 805 oc whoami
  10. 806 oc login -u kubeadmin -p u8bLC-mUWAW-Ws5mW-73wPA https://api.crc.testing:6443
  11. 807 history
  12. 808 crc console
  13. 809 history
  14. 810 oc version
  15. 811 oc completion -h
  16. 812 oc completion bash
  17. 813 oc completion -h
  18. 814 oc -h | less
  19. 815 oc new-app -h | less
  20. 816 oc get all
  21. 817 oc create deploy -h | less
  22. 818 oc create deployment my-dep --image=nginx --replicas=3
  23. 819 oc get all
  24. 820 oc get all
  25. 821 oc new-app -h | less
  26. 822 oc new-app whatever --image=bitnami/nginx
  27. 823 oc new-app whatever --docker-image=bitnami/nginx
  28. 824 oc new-app -h
  29. 825 oc new-app --name=whatever --docker-image=bitnami/nginx
  30. 826 oc get all
  31. 827 pwd
  32. 828 pwd
  33. 829 ../../Documents/books\ and\ vids/github/luth/countdown 12
  34. 830 echo on break starting again at hh:20
  35. 831 pwd
  36. 832 ls ../../Documents/books\ and\ vids/github/luth/
  37. 833 find ../../Documents/books\ and\ vids/ -name countdown
  38. 834 ../../Documents/books\ and\ vids/github/openshift/countdown 5
  39. 835 oc get all
  40. 836 oc get pods
  41. 837 oc api-resources
  42. 838 oc api-resources | wc
  43. 839 history
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