

Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. [9:14:50 PM] You have joined the game.
  2. [9:14:50 PM] The following Cardcast decks are in use in this game (instructions):
  3. [9:24:32 PM] Daud has joined the game.
  4. [9:26:04 PM] <Daud> ((hi! know anyone else who's coming?))
  5. [9:26:26 PM] <Heinrich> ((i dont know)
  6. [9:26:34 PM] <Daud> ((ah))
  7. [9:26:35 PM] <Heinrich> ((I got one no and a lot of no answers))
  8. [9:27:01 PM] <Daud> ((Still worth a shot))
  9. [9:27:18 PM] <Heinrich> ((if we get to four i'll start))
  10. [9:28:27 PM] <Heinrich> ((we use to have big games long ago. it was a mixture of Dishonored and Mass Effect players all ic))
  11. [9:28:47 PM] <Daud> ((oo, that sounds fun!))
  12. [9:29:00 PM] <Heinrich> (i played Campbell at the time and he kept hitting on Miranda))
  13. [9:29:08 PM] <Daud> ((invited Providence))
  14. [9:29:26 PM] <Heinrich> ((yay))
  15. [9:29:30 PM] <Heinrich> ((whaler party))
  16. [9:29:36 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst has joined the game.
  17. [9:29:44 PM] <Heinrich> ((WHALER PARTY))
  18. [9:29:51 PM] <Daud> ((ALL THE WHALERS))
  19. [9:31:00 PM] <Daud> ((just need one more person))
  20. [9:31:09 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ JOIN US SINNERS
  21. [9:31:18 PM] <Heinrich> (yep. one good thing aboutthis is people can join late too))
  22. [9:31:33 PM] <Heinrich> ((everyone is sleeping eary tonight it looks like))
  23. [9:31:55 PM] <Daud> ((yeah, my curfew is in an hour sadly))
  24. [9:32:12 PM] <Heinrich> ((nooo))
  25. [9:32:24 PM] <Heinrich> ((well...we can start at threee then so you'll get to play))
  26. [9:32:29 PM] Error: error Gateway Time-out
  27. [9:32:40 PM] <Heinrich> ((if you guys want)
  28. [9:32:55 PM] <Daud> ((?))
  29. [9:33:06 PM] <Heinrich> ((hm?))
  30. [9:33:12 PM] Error: error Gateway Time-out
  31. [9:33:15 PM] <Heinrich> ((((omg))
  32. [9:33:37 PM] <Heinrich> ((do you guys want to go ahead and being?))
  33. [9:33:46 PM] <Daud> ((sure!))
  34. [9:33:51 PM] <Heinrich> begin*
  35. [9:33:57 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{yes we can begin
  36. [9:33:57 PM] <Heinrich> ((i think my stuff is being wonky))
  37. [9:34:02 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  38. [9:34:17 PM] <Heinrich> Alright then. *cracks neck*
  39. [9:34:41 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh. I do not think this will end well.
  40. [9:34:53 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Is this a game regular with common folk?
  41. [9:35:07 PM] <Daud> Brings me back to when I used to play nancy.
  42. [9:35:07 PM] <Heinrich> Oh yeah, lots of fun. Yer gonna love it
  43. [9:35:07 PM] Hurry up! You have less than 10 seconds to decide, or you will be skipped.
  44. [9:35:17 PM] Heinrich was skipped this round for being idle for too long.
  45. [9:35:23 PM] <Heinrich> ((What?))
  46. [9:35:34 PM] <Heinrich> ((what just happened?))
  47. [9:35:49 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ for real what the shit no you get to ????
  48. [9:36:10 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ does it time you out if you don't pick immidiately?
  49. [9:36:21 PM] <Heinrich> ((you have some time))
  50. [9:36:33 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ okay i just ??? i'm sorry it did that
  51. [9:36:35 PM] <Heinrich> ((it will skip and kik you if you take too long buti played my cards))
  52. [9:36:47 PM] The Card Czar has taken too long to decide and has been skipped. Cards played this round are being returned to hands.
  53. [9:36:56 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ ???????
  54. [9:36:57 PM] <Heinrich> (like that...))
  55. [9:37:00 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ okay now i understand
  56. [9:37:01 PM] <Daud> ((???????))
  57. [9:37:06 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ i apologise i got it now
  58. [9:37:08 PM] <Heinrich> ((OH MY GOD ITS BUGGY TONIGHT ISN'T IT?))
  59. [9:37:08 PM] <Daud> whats the card czar?))
  60. [9:37:15 PM] <Heinrich> ((the picker))
  61. [9:37:16 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ you pick which card counts
  62. [9:37:17 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ yeah
  63. [9:37:35 PM] <Daud> ((I got the worst set for Daud omf))
  64. [9:37:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL
  65. [9:37:48 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> This card is..most vulgar.
  66. [9:37:49 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  67. [9:38:03 PM] <Heinrich> Yes..yes it was
  68. [9:38:10 PM] <Heinrich> That da point mate
  69. [9:38:19 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I...see.
  70. [9:38:28 PM] <Daud> It put the Golden Cat to shame
  71. [9:38:31 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  72. [9:38:36 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I thought it was "Cards versus humanity" not "cards that were considered inhumane".
  73. [9:38:39 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  74. [9:38:52 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh to say the least! Outsider preserve me.
  75. [9:39:19 PM] <Heinrich> *chuckles*
  76. [9:39:24 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ....
  77. [9:39:28 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> -SNORTS-
  78. [9:39:38 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  79. [9:40:01 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Do not get me wrong I am no prude but -- these are /quite/ -- something.
  80. [9:40:15 PM] <Heinrich> Oh, they get worse
  81. [9:40:19 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  82. [9:40:27 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ... /Worse/?
  83. [9:40:32 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh dare I even wonder.
  84. [9:41:00 PM] <Heinrich> No go a'ead and dare, it wont prepare ya
  85. [9:41:11 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  86. [9:41:12 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I'm not rightly sure what a /bukkake/ is but...
  87. [9:41:18 PM] <Heinrich> ....damn
  88. [9:41:19 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Is that a Tyvian thing?
  89. [9:41:25 PM] <Daud> Providence, you seem to be good at this
  90. [9:41:45 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  91. [9:41:53 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> My thanks!
  92. [9:42:09 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  93. [9:42:13 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LAND MINES OGDFDS:;
  94. [9:42:21 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> The forbidden knowledge of the Outsider
  95. [9:42:21 PM] <Daud> ((IM AN AWFUL PERSON))
  96. [9:42:23 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> It will bring joy to all!
  97. [9:42:25 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{LOL
  98. [9:42:55 PM] <Heinrich> ((omg))
  99. [9:43:01 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  100. [9:43:02 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ I LIKE YOURS LOL
  101. [9:43:07 PM] <Heinrich> ...Wow
  102. [9:43:12 PM] Error: error Gateway Time-out
  103. [9:43:36 PM] <Daud> You're better than you're boss at this, Providence.
  104. [9:43:37 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  105. [9:44:02 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh? I have bested Daud at something? Parish the thought!
  106. [9:44:08 PM] <Heinrich> WEird fer someone constantly shocked by his cards, sure yer not tellin' us something?
  107. [9:44:13 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds.
  108. [9:44:19 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 1 second.
  109. [9:44:26 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 2 seconds.
  110. [9:44:33 PM] <Heinrich> ((noooo))
  111. [9:44:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Not at all. My hands are clean and my embarrassment ...very real.
  112. [9:44:49 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{THERE GODDAMN CARDS
  113. [9:44:50 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  114. [9:45:07 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> -Sinks down in his seat.- Gracious.
  115. [9:45:12 PM] <Daud> Awkward card.
  116. [9:45:30 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  117. [9:45:32 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL --
  118. [9:45:34 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> SIR YOUR CARD
  119. [9:45:38 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  121. [9:45:57 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I STILL HAVE MY DIGNITY.
  122. [9:46:19 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  123. [9:46:38 PM] <Daud> Don't have bend time to save my bad hand in this game
  124. [9:46:51 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Yes there are a great and many "party poopers". The Ladies Boyle and the Lords Pendleton among them.
  125. [9:46:53 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Sir don't cheat.
  126. [9:47:07 PM] <Daud> As if I haven't before
  127. [9:47:17 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...
  128. [9:47:19 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Have you?
  129. [9:47:20 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  130. [9:47:28 PM] <Daud> Perhaps.
  131. [9:47:53 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  132. [9:47:56 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL
  133. [9:48:01 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  134. [9:48:02 PM] <Heinrich> Aw yea, catchin' up
  135. [9:48:07 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Well played!
  136. [9:48:23 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ OH GOD LOL
  137. [9:48:24 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...
  138. [9:48:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> And I must pick from --
  139. [9:48:35 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Lords Smith and West are...
  140. [9:48:40 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Well they should kill each other I say
  141. [9:48:42 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  142. [9:48:50 PM] <Daud> I agree.
  143. [9:49:27 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  144. [9:49:34 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Damnation.
  145. [9:49:44 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Lord Mays why are you so loud --
  146. [9:49:48 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Even your card is capitalised.
  147. [9:49:52 PM] <Heinrich> I 'ave no regets 'ere
  148. [9:50:04 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> HEINRICH
  149. [9:50:10 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  150. [9:50:13 PM] <Heinrich> *LAUGHS*
  151. [9:50:15 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> -Snickers.- Most vulgar, I must say.
  152. [9:50:18 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  153. [9:50:21 PM] <Daud> But hilarious
  154. [9:50:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...Indeed.
  155. [9:50:33 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> That does not leave this table.
  156. [9:50:47 PM] <Heinrich> Oh it will
  157. [9:50:53 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I have no desire to be seen as a vulgar sort. I already find myself in ill repute among some houses. That is q--
  158. [9:51:10 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{FUCK THIS IS HARD TO CHOOSE LOL
  159. [9:51:13 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...
  160. [9:51:21 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  161. [9:51:25 PM] <Daud> ((THE TEXAS ONE))
  162. [9:51:32 PM] <Heinrich> ((IM SORRY))
  163. [9:51:38 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL IT IS CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY
  164. [9:51:56 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  165. [9:52:01 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL
  166. [9:52:06 PM] <Daud> ((IM IN TEARS))
  167. [9:52:09 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ ME
  168. [9:52:28 PM] <Daud> If someone puts down the Outsider they get a raise
  169. [9:52:38 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  170. [9:52:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...
  171. [9:52:46 PM] <Daud> Close enough
  172. [9:52:46 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Were I in the mood to fight a god.
  173. [9:52:51 PM] <Heinrich> Well ya won and I want a rematch
  174. [9:52:52 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Excellent!
  175. [9:52:57 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Very well
  176. [9:53:03 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I have time for another round if you gentlemen do.
  177. [9:53:13 PM] <Heinrich> ((i'm logging this we should put down what the cards say))
  178. [9:53:37 PM] <Daud> ((this is amazing))
  179. [9:53:40 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ omg me
  180. [9:53:46 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  181. [9:53:59 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds.
  182. [9:54:25 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds.
  183. [9:54:31 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 1 second.
  184. [9:54:38 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 2 seconds.
  185. [9:54:46 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  186. [9:54:59 PM] <Heinrich> Before I run fer *cough* Lord Regent I must destroy all evidence of my involvment with...shapeshifter. Yes
  187. [9:55:05 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Yes.
  188. [9:55:32 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  189. [9:56:01 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  190. [9:56:50 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  191. [9:56:54 PM] <Heinrich> (FINALLY
  192. [9:57:03 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ YES
  193. [9:57:08 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds.
  194. [9:57:09 PM] <Heinrich> *cough* I mean...'bout time
  195. [9:57:14 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 1 second.
  196. [9:57:14 PM] Error: error Gateway Time-out
  197. [9:57:20 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 2 seconds.
  198. [9:57:24 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ omg i hit confirm you accursed thing
  199. [9:57:38 PM] <Heinrich> ((i keept getting timed out))
  200. [9:57:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ same
  201. [9:57:43 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  202. [9:58:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ GLENN BECK
  203. [9:58:37 PM] <Heinrich>
  204. [9:58:38 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  205. [9:58:43 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Well played!
  206. [9:58:48 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> My cards were...terrible
  207. [9:58:56 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> YES I AM THE CARD EMPEROR.
  208. [9:59:02 PM] <Daud> Both managed to make me chuckle
  209. [9:59:09 PM] <Heinrich> fer now
  210. [9:59:26 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh yes you shall receive the crown in due time, Heinrich.
  211. [9:59:33 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  212. [9:59:54 PM] <Heinrich> ...Don't know if yer being nice or threatening
  213. [9:59:56 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ quietly goes to hell
  214. [10:00:01 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  215. [10:00:04 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Nice, I assure you.
  216. [10:00:23 PM] <Daud> Lord Regent Daud has a nice ring to it
  217. [10:00:36 PM] <Heinrich> *cough*
  218. [10:00:37 PM] <Daud> although I'm not sure that if want to be a smarmy asshole
  219. [10:00:46 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  220. [10:00:46 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Nobility ill suits you.
  221. [10:00:54 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  222. [10:00:55 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Lordship might be a better aspiration.
  223. [10:01:00 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> But Lord Regent --
  224. [10:01:06 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Ugh I would not wish that on my worst enemy.
  225. [10:02:07 PM] <Daud> ((game is freaking out and wont let me choose another card))
  226. [10:02:09 PM] Daud was skipped this round for being idle for too long.
  227. [10:02:16 PM] <Heinrich> ((damn thing))
  228. [10:02:27 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ GDI
  229. [10:02:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ want to try again??
  230. [10:02:33 PM] <Heinrich> ((WHY DID IT START ALL OVER I STV))
  231. [10:02:34 PM] <Daud> sure!))
  232. [10:02:39 PM] <Heinrich> ((Why not))
  233. [10:02:39 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ ????//???!??!?!?!?!?!?!
  234. [10:02:41 PM] <Daud> PUNCH IT))
  235. [10:02:45 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ alright.
  236. [10:02:46 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ ME
  237. [10:02:48 PM] <Heinrich> ((I enjoy the banter))
  238. [10:02:51 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ me
  239. [10:03:04 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Are we going clockwise?
  240. [10:03:15 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Or are you gents picking on me for being younger.
  241. [10:03:19 PM] <Heinrich> ..second card sounds like a campbell thing
  242. [10:03:20 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  243. [10:03:29 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I would not put it passed him.
  244. [10:03:39 PM] <Heinrich> Left of da dealer goes first
  245. [10:03:51 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Ah.
  246. [10:04:00 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Forgive me I do not spend much time playing cards.
  247. [10:04:21 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Damnation I had a card that would be more funny.
  248. [10:04:23 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh well.
  249. [10:04:26 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  250. [10:04:26 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I will save it for another hand.
  251. [10:05:22 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  252. [10:05:34 PM] <Daud> Dunwalls hipsters are a nuisance.
  253. [10:05:44 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL
  254. [10:05:47 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> They are. Gracious.
  255. [10:06:01 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> They enjoy things for the irony of it??? Why bother with it if you do not like it at all?
  256. [10:06:09 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  257. [10:06:59 PM] <Heinrich> This card is...ominous....what IS that smell?
  258. [10:07:12 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds.
  259. [10:07:17 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 1 second.
  260. [10:07:24 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 2 seconds.
  261. [10:07:26 PM] <Heinrich> ((I stv server dont kick me causeo f this))
  262. [10:07:32 PM] <Daud> I'm not a man of fashion but how hipsters dress, what purpose does it serve?
  263. [10:07:41 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  264. [10:07:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Trash.
  265. [10:07:47 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I believe they deliberately look homeless.
  266. [10:07:59 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Even if I were not a man of fashion, I would be repulsed.
  267. [10:08:10 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  268. [10:08:12 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Lord Mays please hush.
  269. [10:08:26 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Does the Outsider teach magics that cast silence?
  270. [10:08:33 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I should very much love to cast it upon my neighbors if so.
  271. [10:08:35 PM] <Daud> I wish
  272. [10:08:43 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I grow tired of them keeping my staff up to all hours.
  273. [10:08:43 PM] <Heinrich> its called a gag
  274. [10:08:49 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Yes.
  275. [10:08:50 PM] <Heinrich> it can made from many things
  276. [10:08:53 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  277. [10:09:03 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Alas, I cannot simply gag my neighbors.
  278. [10:09:11 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> It would be considered a form of assault.
  279. [10:09:17 PM] <Daud> ((I CHOSE THE WORST CARD I AM SO SORRY))
  280. [10:09:22 PM] <Heinrich> well ya caaan...just might look bad fer ya and yer family
  281. [10:09:27 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  282. [10:09:36 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Which I do not want. Their reputation is /very/ important.
  283. [10:09:39 PM] <Heinrich> ((holy shit))
  284. [10:09:41 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> It comes with being a lord.
  285. [10:09:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{LOL
  286. [10:09:47 PM] <Daud> ((IM AWFUL))
  287. [10:09:47 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ takes the escalator to hell
  288. [10:10:03 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  289. [10:10:09 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ LOL
  290. [10:10:12 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> DAUD.
  291. [10:10:15 PM] <Heinrich> Ah..we are all tied fer once
  292. [10:10:56 PM] <Heinrich> I identify with one of those and no i will no tell ya which
  293. [10:11:17 PM] <Daud> That's nice to know
  294. [10:11:20 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  295. [10:11:28 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  296. [10:12:01 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  297. [10:12:07 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Excellent hand, Daud.
  298. [10:12:13 PM] <Daud> Thank you.
  299. [10:12:35 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Ol' Man Wrenhaven will be here until the end of time
  300. [10:12:46 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  301. [10:13:02 PM] <Daud> It's true in Rudshore atleast
  302. [10:13:08 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Indeed.
  303. [10:13:24 PM] <Heinrich> this whole country is moist and unsettlin'
  304. [10:13:28 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  305. [10:13:37 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> To say the least.
  306. [10:13:42 PM] <Daud> Don't we all?
  307. [10:13:47 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Indeed.
  308. [10:14:10 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I became physically ill over the "heteronormativity" the /last/ time people circulated rumors about my family.
  309. [10:14:28 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> DId you know that I am said to be a eunuch in court? It was news to me.
  310. [10:14:38 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{BEAUTIFUL HAND
  311. [10:14:43 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  312. [10:15:25 PM] <Heinrich> ...why?
  313. [10:15:57 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  314. [10:15:58 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Damned if I know.
  315. [10:15:59 PM] <Heinrich> ...sniffin' what?
  316. [10:16:02 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...
  317. [10:16:05 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Again, Damned if I know.
  318. [10:16:15 PM] <Daud> I thought Heinrich played that hand
  319. [10:16:18 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Oh this will be an entertaining hand I have no doubt.
  320. [10:16:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I am capable of darker humor, sir --
  321. [10:16:33 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  322. [10:16:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I THOUGHT HEINRICH PLAYED THAT HAND.
  323. [10:16:52 PM] <Heinrich> Ya two don't know me at all
  324. [10:17:09 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I know your sense of humor to be vulgar.
  325. [10:17:13 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  326. [10:17:16 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I thought you might be taking it lightly this hand.
  327. [10:17:20 PM] <Heinrich> Only...most of the time
  328. [10:17:28 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Then I stand corrected!
  329. [10:17:49 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I am ashamed of my hand.
  330. [10:17:55 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  331. [10:18:03 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  332. [10:18:08 PM] <Daud> Even though Opium is smoked, I believe
  333. [10:18:39 PM] <Heinrich> pff
  334. [10:19:07 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  335. [10:19:15 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...Yes it is isn't it.
  336. [10:19:57 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  337. [10:20:48 PM] <Daud> Whoever puts down regret is fired
  338. [10:21:05 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  339. [10:21:07 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> No need for firing!
  340. [10:21:13 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> There is shaved ice to be had!
  341. [10:21:13 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged.
  342. [10:21:42 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Give me your worst! I shant cringe!
  343. [10:21:47 PM] <Daud> ((game is acting up again fml))
  344. [10:21:49 PM] <Heinrich> ((i'm terrible))
  345. [10:22:00 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ give it a sec it should work
  346. [10:22:07 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ just click confirm a couple times that seems to work
  347. [10:22:17 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ i'm excited for your hand now hein-mod omg
  348. [10:22:31 PM] Daud was skipped this round for being idle for too long.
  349. [10:22:31 PM] <Daud> ((dont have the card that i went to put down rip))
  350. [10:22:42 PM] <Daud> ((I AM SO SORRY))
  351. [10:22:51 PM] <Heinrich> (( more try?))
  352. [10:22:56 PM] <Daud> sure))
  353. [10:23:10 PM] <Heinrich> I'll start this time
  354. [10:24:02 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst was kicked for being idle for too many rounds.
  355. [10:24:02 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst has left the game.
  356. [10:24:13 PM] <Heinrich> ((WHAT))
  357. [10:24:15 PM] <Daud> ((RIP Prov))
  358. [10:24:29 PM] <Daud> I HAD A GOOD CARD TOO))
  359. [10:24:35 PM] <Heinrich> ((damn it all))
  360. [10:24:46 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst has joined the game.
  361. [10:24:57 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ ?????? the game exploded on me i'm so sorry
  362. [10:25:02 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ there we go
  363. [10:25:03 PM] <Heinrich> ((its not you))
  364. [10:25:33 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  365. [10:25:36 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ okay D; i was like i'm so sorry
  366. [10:25:41 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I am ashamed of my hand.
  367. [10:25:46 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> But it was humorous.
  368. [10:26:04 PM] <Daud> It was.
  369. [10:26:26 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  370. [10:26:31 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> My thanks.
  371. [10:26:44 PM] <Heinrich> I need ta stop givin' ya the dirty cards, eh?
  372. [10:27:21 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...Please.
  373. [10:27:25 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  374. [10:27:26 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ARE YOU DELIBERATELY SHUFFLING THEM THAT WAY.
  375. [10:27:30 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> YOU ARE ATROCIOUS.
  376. [10:27:34 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> And I appreciate that about you.
  377. [10:27:35 PM] <Heinrich> I'M NOT THAT GOOD, MATE
  378. [10:27:45 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I call shenanigans!
  379. [10:28:06 PM] <Daud> After this round I need to go sadly
  380. [10:28:07 PM] Heinrich wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  381. [10:28:17 PM] <Heinrich> If I was i would 'ave neve got into so much gamblin' debt
  382. [10:28:44 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> ...We will have to talk of your debts later.
  383. [10:28:47 PM] Daud wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  384. [10:29:00 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Perhaps I can be of assistance, my own finances willing.
  385. [10:29:05 PM] <Heinrich> Oh those were beofre I joined up
  386. [10:29:20 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I see!
  387. [10:29:22 PM] <Heinrich> before*
  388. [10:29:27 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> Let us be glad for it.
  389. [10:29:44 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  390. [10:29:53 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> I am not rightly sure what a "Glory Hole" is. But Dunwall must be one.
  391. [10:29:53 PM] <Daud> ((alright I really have to go after this hand, bye everyone it was fun!))
  392. [10:30:04 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ alright D; see you!!
  393. [10:30:08 PM] <Daud> ((night!!))
  394. [10:30:14 PM] <Heinrich> ((niighT))
  395. [10:30:20 PM] <Daud> ((we'll have to do this another time))
  396. [10:30:23 PM] ProvidenceAshenhurst wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds.
  397. [10:30:24 PM] <ProvidenceAshenhurst> {{ omg yes please
  398. [10:30:28 PM] <Heinrich> (when the site is woking)
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