

Sep 11th, 2013
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  1. OK, so I've been having these really wierd dreams lately. It's always the same dream, too. It's like, my entire class is at some wierd university in a corn field in the middle of Wisconsin (no I really don't know why) and we're in a dorm room eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Then once the bowl is finished there's always this really big storm and we all go out, go under the parking lot overpass thingy which is more like a crawlspace with bricks and streetlights and see that there are a bunch of pine trees blown over that weren't there before.
  3. Then we try to go back inside, but it turns into this big ol' game of Mafia (if you don't know what that is, it's a bit hard to explain here) with the college students. The terrorist role (who usually looks oddly like Juggernaut) never blows up, and then he usually goes and says that with his stored power he's going to nuke everyone. Now at this point it's just me and my teacher. Then some stuff I don't remember, then the crawlspace-parking lot becomes a changing room at a pool, and then it usually starts raining. Then after my teacher asks me if this is scary to me, there's a part I can't remember, and I also can't remember how it ends, but usually after it ends I wake up and it's like 2 AM.
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