
This might be a job

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae had been off work for about an hour or so and had removed the frilly sparkly tutu from work and her gold wedge sneakers that were part of the uniform for Sundays now. She still had on her antlers and jingled about as she worked on cleaning her room up a bit, because she'd been busy doing things for costumes, and for class, and had made a mess.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was sitting in his room on his bed with his laptop in his lap, his eyes staring down at his computer screen filling in his information into the digital form for the new potential job he'd heard about. He'd picked up a couple of odd jobs from talking to people around school, but they were all one offs like helping people move and shit so he'd only made himself a small amount of cash.-
  3. Covet: Tae finished up in her room, and opened up the door, so that the music could blast out. It wasn't holiday music, but it was obnoxious k-pop music though. She made her way down the hall, bouncing and jingling along, before stepping into the bathroom for a minute to use the facilities.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -He heard Tae's music all at once, furrowing his brows and staring harder at the form, trying to answer the questions until he got frustrated with not being able to focus. Pushing his laptop off his lap, he marched to his doorway, stepping out into the hallway and walking to Tae's room to find her not actually in it. With a grumble, he walked inside, looking around for where she was streaming the music from.-
  5. Covet: Tae finished her business, and washed her hands and all that good shit, before making her way back down the hallway to her room, only to find Noah inside. "Ummm... Hi....What are you doing in here?" She asked in that obnoxious younger sister tone.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -He spun around when he heard her voice behind him, sweeping his arm to one side. "I came to ask you to turn the music down, but you werent in here so I tried to do it myself."-
  7. Covet: "Wait... the guy who constantly stays up late yelling at twelve year olds and was just blasting his music in the garage not a few weeks ago... is going to give me shit for having my music up?" Tae asked him as she flopped onto the bed grabbing her phone to turn the music down to her bluetooth speaker.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I was trying to focus." He corrected because he didnt want there to be any mistake about his music volume interests.-
  9. Covet: "Oh well sorry, How rude of me." Tae said as if he hadn't interupted anyone else's focus in this house. "Did hell freeze over too today?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: "It was pretty cold." He said with a shrug then slid his hands into his pockets. "They just ask a fuck ton of questions on stupid applications and it's hard to try to figure out what they want to hear if you're blasting that bubble gum junk."-
  11. Covet: "I just figured you're not the focusing type, so to hear you say that's what you were doing, I wondered if some sort of miracle or apocolyptic event had happened." She told him. "Hey, I'll have you know that is great music to clean to." She said offended because she liked her taste in music. "What are you applying for?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: "I focus when I have to. But if I don't have to, why should I waste the energy?" He asked like her statement was stupid. "My uncle said they're tearing this building down in Central and they need hands to haul junk away and clear the lot for the contractors to come in."-
  13. Covet has left the chat
  14. Covet has joined the chat
  15. Covet has left the chat
  16. Covet has joined the chat
  17. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I focus when I have to. But if I don't have to, why should I waste the energy?" He asked like her statement was stupid. "My uncle said they're tearing this building down in Central and they need hands to haul junk away and clear the lot for the contractors to come in."-
  18. Covet: "Oh Noah. Oh Noah." She said shaking her head. "But god forbid we be inconsiderate when you have to focus." Tae mumbled then shook her head. "Oh nice, so would that be manual labor stuff then?" She asked.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "I mean, yeah... it's rude." He said matter of factly like he doesnt do that shit all the fucking time. "Yeah. Mostly just picking up debris and shit and tossing it into a dumpster."-
  20. Covet: "Oh, you don't even get to use cool construction gear?
  21. Covet: [Sorry had to go make sure Sean was getting up]
  22. Covet: *" Tae asked him.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not qualified to use cool construction gear. I'd probably have to wear a hard hat though for safety protocols and whatever else." He shrugged, glancing around the room.-
  24. Covet: "And it's too cold for you to walk around in only a tank top or something too. Nothing about this job sounds fun." Tae said scrunching up her nose. "But I guess it's better than flipping burgers?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "It's better than pretty much everything else I've come across. I don't want to work in some store helping stupid middle aged bitches who are just going to have a melt down over every stupid little thing and try to get me in trouble for shit that's out of my control. I'm not working any sort of customer service job so this is about all I'm qualified to do."-
  26. Covet: "And it would at least get your foot in the door for such jobs. So maybe in time you could have all those certifications to do the cool jobs." Tae said.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I guess. I dont even know if that's what I want to do yet, but for now it's pocket money so I guess it'll do. I like being outside anyway even if it's cold. Better than being cooped up inside." He shrugged his shoulders, running a hand back over his hair. "Just not the kind of job you can come visit."-
  28. Covet: "True." Tae said. "I imagine it pays well too, better than any customer service job." She added, "No, unless I want to be cat called by all your co-workers too. But... you could still come visit me when you get off work, if I'm on shift that night."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I'd say they wouldn't do that, but I don't even know any of them yet so I guess I cant make that call." He said with a grin. "Maybe if I make friends, we'll all come into the club and raise your tips."-
  30. Covet: "Hey I'm not about to complain if you can bump my tips. I can handle a bunch of dirty guys looking for a drink after a long day." She said to Noah with a wink.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, see this all sounds great. So that just means you need to let me focus so I can get this done and get the job. Everyone will win."-
  32. Covet: "Okay okay ,fine I'll keep the music down." She said rolling her eyes at him. "But only because I'll be benefiting from it in the long run, not because I care or anything."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Sure you don't." He said with a deep laugh, shaking his head. "Everyone knows you care. If you didnt care, you wouldn't argue with me as often as you do."-
  34. Covet: "Or shit on you as much as I do?" Tae said. "Believe me... If I could avoid arguing with you I would."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Doesnt seem like it. Seems like you argue with me as much as you possibly can." He let out a yawn, moving his hand to cover his mouth.-
  36. Covet: "That has more to do with you than with me." She said rolling her eyes. "You better get back to filling out that application before you fall asleep."
  37. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not going to fall asleep.
  38. Alexithymiaa: (Dammit)
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not going to fall asleep. I'm jsut bored." He said quickly and without thinking. Because he never fucking learns.-
  40. Covet: "Then... why don't we do something to occupy you." She said to him biting her lip.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Well I need to finish-" He got himself off when he got where she was going with that, his grin stretching across his face. "We could do that... applications can wait."-
  42. Covet: "But only if you go finish it right afterwords." She told him. Then started to get undressed to get down to business.
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