
Then and Now Pt. 10

Feb 5th, 2013
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  1. >You stare your would-be rapist in the eyes with newfound strength
  2. >You’re determined
  3. >She’s going to try shit, you know it
  4. >But you have to stay strong
  5. >It’s not just for you anymore, or your friends
  6. >But for the good of the land as well
  7. >By the time you two leave this room
  8. >The past will be the past
  9. >She’ll see things your way
  10. >She has to
  11. >”B-But… I don’t want anything else…” she says, head down, swiping at the floor with her hoof
  12. >You sigh
  13. >This is going to be hard
  14. Fluttershy… I can’t give you my love.
  15. >She looks up to you with sad eyes
  16. >Sad eyes that can change in an instant
  17. >Stay on guard
  18. It… already belongs to someone. Back home.
  19. >She squints her eyes at you
  20. >”Y-You sure it doesn’t to someone here? Someone like—“
  21. >She turns her head away from you
  22. >You think you see tears form in her eyes
  23. >”R-Rainbow Dash?”
  24. >Oh good Lord…
  25. >She saw Rainbow Dash in your bed, didn’t she?
  26. >Time for damage control
  27. >You walk up and kneel down next to her
  28. >Using your finger, you wipe a tear from your eye
  29. No, Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash is just a friend.
  30. >”B-But—“
  31. She couldn’t sleep. There’s nothing romantic going on between us.
  32. >She lays down on the ground and looks away solemnly
  33. >You bring your knees up to your chest and rest your arms on them
  34. >There’s a silence in the room for a minute
  35. >…you decide maybe you should break it
  36. …her name’s Tiffany.
  37. >Fluttershy’s ears perk up
  38. >She turns her head to you
  39. We’ve been friends forever. Ever since we were kids. She was actually with me before I first came to Equestria six months ago.
  40. >Fluttershy doesn’t say a word, she just listens
  41. >She’s… hard to read
  42. >How will she react to this?
  43. I’ve only recently discovered how I really feel about her. I was going to tell her. I had a plan and everything, but…
  44. >You can feel a tear come to your eye
  45. >Man, now YOU’RE getting emotional
  46. >Pull it together, Anon
  47. …I got pulled again. Pulled here.
  48. >You sigh
  49. Now I don’t know when, or if, I’ll ever get the chance to tell her.
  50. >You unfold your legs and stretch them out, placing your hands on the ground
  51. But that doesn’t mean I’ll give up hope. I can’t.
  52. >You turn to her
  53. Do you see what I’m getting at, Fluttershy?
  54. >You’ll skip over the part where you don’t even find any of them attractive
  55. >No need to hurt feelings any more than you already might have
  56. >She looks at you with big eyes
  57. >”I… I do…”
  58. >Your eyes grow wide in surprise
  59. >Holy shit, did this just work
  60. >”But… maybe you could be just as happy with me…”
  61. >Status of hopes: Raised, then crushed
  62. >You sigh internally
  63. >When will this mare get it?
  64. Fluttershy… no. I don’t think I ever will.
  65. >She gazes deep in your eyes
  66. But I can offer something else. I can be a really great friend.
  67. >You place your hand on her back
  68. But that’s all I can be.
  69. >She looks away
  70. >Her eyes seem full of sorrow
  71. >”I guess…”
  72. >She starts
  73. >”I guess… I’ll just have to show you then.”
  74. >Oh sweet Jesus, you know where this is going
  75. …show me what?
  76. >You say, playing dumb
  77. >”…my love. Maybe then you’ll see…”
  78. >She flings her head toward you, tears trailing behind
  79. >”That you can love me too!”
  80. >She launches herself toward you, bowling you over once more
  81. >She pins your chest with her hooves and plants a kiss on your lips
  82. >”Let me show you!” She mumbles into your mouth
  83. >You spin your head to the left, breaking off her kiss
  84. >You grip her sides and lift her up off of you
  85. >You sit yourself up and place her on the ground
  86. >You wipe your mouth on your jersey
  87. No, Fluttershy!
  88. >You say, a little upset at her actions
  89. >Even though you had a hunch it was coming
  90. >She backs down at your voice
  91. NONE of that!
  92. >She timidly backs into a corner
  93. Please, just listen to me—
  94. >”No!” she interrupts
  95. >Her timid demeanor shifting in the blink of an eye
  96. >Her pupils shrink and her eyes squint a bit, glaring
  97. >”I’ve listened to you, now you listen to me!”
  98. >You can feel your mind start to strain
  99. >Shit, here it comes
  100. >Remember what Princess Luna taught you!
  101. >”I-I told you I’d use this to get my way, a-and now look what you’ve made me do!”
  102. >You squint your own eyes and focus
  103. >”You’re going to love me!”
  104. >She steps out of the corner toward you, having fully initiated The Stare
  105. >You feel the pressure add on to your mind
  106. >But you hold your ground
  107. >Your arms crossed, eyes focused, you focus right back at her
  108. >She beams another blast of concentration at you
  109. >You don’t even wince
  110. >It’s just like basketball
  111. >You can tell she’s starting to realize your lack of submissiveness
  112. >She focuses even harder
  113. >It’s beginning to wear horribly on your mind
  114. >But, like Luna said, you’ve been trained for this pressure
  115. >It’s hard, but nothing you can’t handle
  116. >You see a bead of sweat drop down from her forehead
  117. >She’s trying so hard
  118. >Weakening her own willpower
  119. >…it’s perfect
  120. Fluttershy.
  121. >She winces in acknowledgement to her name.
  122. …stop this nonsense.
  123. >Her eyes flash confusion for a brief moment
  124. >They then start to water up
  125. >You can feel the strain beginning to weaken
  126. >Her pupils return to normal
  127. >Her eyes regain their normal shape
  128. >And she collapses down to the ground, tears beginning to freely flow
  129. >”Why… why didn’t it work…?” she cries, head buried in her front hooves
  130. >Now’s the time to strike, Anon
  131. >You walk over, sit down next to her, and pat her on the head
  132. See Fluttershy? There’s nothing you can do.
  133. >She sobs
  134. …I know you really, um… “want” me. I mean it when I say I can’t do that for you.
  135. >She peeks up at you, eyes full of sorrow
  136. But I also mean it when I say I can be a really great friend. Let’s give that a chance.
  137. >You bring your finger down to her chin and lift it
  138. >Her eyes meet yours
  139. Please?
  140. >She looks away and sniffles
  141. >”A-Are you sure you can’t—“
  142. I can’t.
  143. >She stares off into the distance
  144. Let’s put all of this stuff behind us, okay? Practically start new.
  145. >She turns to you again
  146. Like the yellow mare I met that walked into Twilight’s place all those years ago.
  147. >She’s nodding slowly
  148. Just friends. Great friends. What do you say?
  149. >She lowers her head, as if in thought
  150. >”What about Twilight and Rainbow Dash? It’s nice that you’ve forgiven me, but they…”
  151. >She places her head back on the ground
  152. >Ah, the most important part
  153. I’ll talk to them.
  154. >She glances back up at you, almost as if in shock
  155. >Did she think you wouldn’t?
  156. I’ll tell them everything is great between us. No harm done. We’re all friends now. They’ll give you another chance, I know it.
  157. >She smiles a little
  158. >She actually smiles
  159. >Did you do it?
  160. >”A-And you and Rainbow Dash—“
  161. Are nothing. Nothing but friends.
  162. >She looks at you with those big teal eyes
  163. >”Okay,” she says with a smile
  164. >And just like that, it’s like a huge wave of relief passes over you
  165. >Is it finally over?
  166. >Did you get through to her?
  167. >It certainly seems like it
  168. >Well, only time will tell, you suppose
  169. >You rise back up to your feet
  170. C’mon, bud.
  171. >You say, prompting her to stand up
  172. Let’s go find Princess Celestia. I’m sure she won’t mind giving you a room to stay in for the night.
  173. >Fluttershy takes off into the air
  174. >”Yeah, let’s do it, f-friend.”
  176. >”W-WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash yells, almost turning around toward you
  177. Hey!
  178. >You interject
  179. >This triggers her memory, and she stays turned around
  180. >You quickly slide on your jeans
  181. Alright, all good.
  182. >You say, beginning to switch shirts
  183. You were saying?
  184. >She spins around
  185. >”Fluttershy tried her crap on you AGAIN!?”
  186. >She flies right up in your face
  187. >”She’s just trying to get into your pants again, Anon! You can’t do this!”
  188. >She’s so worked up
  189. Chill, chill!
  190. >You say, pushing her back down to the ground
  191. I assure you, we’re friends. I’ve been trying to do this for so long, and I’ve finally gotten through to her.
  192. >You put your arms into your freshly washed T-Shirt, courtesy of the royal guards, and slide it over
  193. I’ve forgiven her. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack all have. Why can’t you?
  194. >You walk over to your nightstand and grab your basketball
  195. She won’t try anything again, trust me. We’re all friends now. At least give her a chance?
  196. >She still looks undecided
  197. For me?
  198. >She sighs a little
  199. >”Well… if YOU have, I guess I can try too…”
  200. >You bounce your basketball a few times
  201. Thanks, Dash.
  202. >You say, rustling her mane
  203. Let’s go find Twilight and tell her too.
  204. >You two head to the heavy doors and swing them open into the hallway
  205. >Royal guards are positioned outside the door
  206. >”Good morning, Anonymous,” they say, “and Rainbow Dash. The Princess would like to see her in the throne room.”
  207. >You look to Dash, she to you
  208. >What’s this about?
  209. Alright… lead the way.
  210. >The guards escort you though the maze-like corridors of the castle
  211. >Eventually, you reach the throne room
  212. >You push the heavy doors open and proceed into the room
  213. >Princess Celestia sits atop her throne, with Fluttershy and Twilight standing before her
  214. >They’re talking…
  215. >You hope for the better
  216. Hey guys, what’s up?
  217. >You call over to them, walking toward them
  218. >Rainbow Dash flutters next to you
  219. >”Anon!” Twilight calls, running over to you
  220. >”Is… is it true?” she says, almost in a whisper
  221. >You laugh a little
  222. Is what?
  223. >She glances over to the yellow mare
  224. >”…I found Fluttershy wandering the corridors earlier this morning. She said she was here with you, and that you two made up last night. I don’t entirely believe her, because—“
  225. It true.
  226. >Her face contorts to that of shock
  227. >”Really?”
  228. >You smile
  229. Yeah, really. We worked everything out.
  230. >You decide to leave out the pinning and staring
  231. We’re friends now. All is forgiven.
  232. >She looks back to Fluttershy
  233. Can you forgive her, too?
  234. >She looks back up to you
  235. >She sees the look in your eyes
  236. >You really mean it
  237. >God fucking damn it, can’t we all just get along?
  238. >”…yeah. I mean, if you have.”
  239. Good. Thanks Twilight, I really appreciate it.
  240. >You rustle her mane as well
  241. >She giggles at your antics
  242. So,
  243. >You begin, walking toward the throne
  244. what does the Princess want?
  245. >Twilight trots up next to you, matching your steps
  246. >”She said she had big news! She wanted all of us here, even Fluttershy.”
  247. >You nod
  248. >Big news, huh?
  249. >”Wonder what kind of news…” Dash chimes
  250. >”I don’t know, I suppose we’ll see…”
  251. >You all arrive before the throne
  252. Hey bud.
  253. >You say to Fluttershy
  254. >She smiles a big smile
  255. >”Good morning Anon!”
  256. >Ahh, friends at last. All this shit finally behind you
  257. >You all turn your attention to the Princess
  258. >”Greetings, all,” she says, “I’m most glad to see you all this morning. Especially you two,”
  259. >Referring to you and Fluttershy
  260. >”It happened much earlier than anticipated, but I’m glad you two have worked out your differences. It brings me much joy.”
  261. >You and Fluttershy look at each other and smile
  262. >Attention back to Celestia
  263. >”Now, as for the big news…”
  264. >You all listen intently
  265. >”After examining Anonymous, I stayed up with some brilliant minds trying to figure out how we can help him.”
  266. >Help you?
  267. >Does she mean…?
  268. >”After hours of testing and speculation, we think we may have figured out a way to… send Anonymous home.”
  269. >What… did she say…?
  270. >You feel some force well up in your chest
  271. >Some deep, awkward emotion
  272. >It bubbles and grows
  273. >It disturbs itself, rising and rising
  274. >Until it rockets up your throat
  276. >You cheer
  277. >You have the biggest open-mouth smile on your face
  278. >You’re ecstatic
  279. >You turn to the p0nies
  281. >They’re all open mouthed, eyes full of shock
  282. I CAN GO HOME!
  283. >They turn to you
  284. >All three of them snap out of it and put on smiles
  285. >”That’s great, Anon!”
  286. >”My goodness, how exciting!”
  287. >”Great for you, squirt!”
  288. >You turn back to the princess
  289. >She’s smiling too
  290. >She knew you’d find the news exciting
  291. >”Now, we’re still looking into it. We’re probably not finalizing anything for at least a couple of days. Until then, you can take Anonymous back to P0nyville, and give him a proper send-off.”
  292. >This is amazing
  293. >Finally, you can go back!
  294. >All that time spent here wondering
  295. >If you’d ever see home again
  296. >If you’d ever see her again…
  297. >All washed away
  298. >Princess Celestia had really come through for you!
  299. >Princess Luna, too
  300. >I suppose this is her way of paying you back
  301. >You glance over to Fluttershy
  302. >She’s smiling at you
  303. >You did her land a huge favor, after all
  304. >Wow, what news!
  306. >The train rattles back and forth as it scratches along across the tracks
  307. >You, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all sit in a train cabin
  308. >You can hardly sit still
  309. I can’t believe it…
  310. >You say, looking out into the frontier, the morning sun bathing it in abstract beauty
  311. I never thought how soon I’d get to go back. Finally…
  312. >You sigh happily to yourself
  313. >The p0nies in the cabin all solemnly hang their heads
  314. >You turn toward them all
  315. >They don’t notice you looking at them
  316. >Then… it hits you
  317. >…man, Anon, how selfish can you be?
  318. >These are all your friends, who’ve done so much for you
  319. >Well… two of them have
  320. >And here you are, cheering your voice away about how you get to leave them
  321. >You scan each one of their faces
  322. >Sadness, sorrow, depression
  323. >Man, they must really hate losing friends
  324. >Time for one of your trademarked talks
  325. What’s on your guys’ minds?
  326. >You begin
  327. >They all perk up to your voice
  328. >”N-Nothing, Anon!” Dash says, “Just had a long day!”
  329. It’s morning…
  330. >She glances nervously over to Twilight and Fluttershy
  331. Look guys,
  332. >You say, shuffling in your seat and grabbing their attention
  333. I’m not dumb. I know what you’re all thinking.
  334. >They all glance to each other
  335. I know me leaving this soon isn’t exactly what you all wanted. I’m really, really happy that you all see me as that good of a friend, really. I see you guys the same way.
  336. >You scratch your nose a bit and lean back into your chair
  337. But… I have a life back home. I have family, friends, and… a girl waiting for me. I have to be there for them. I know that means leaving you guys, but…
  338. >How do you word this properly?
  339. …I don’t really belong here. I’ve made absolutely great friends here, though, and the one thing that sucks about going is that it means leaving you guys.
  340. >You look up to them
  341. >They’re all listening intently
  342. …but, that’s in a few days. Come on, we still have time. Let’s make these days worth it, huh? Days full of good friends. What do you say?
  343. >They all look to you, then each other
  344. >Twilight speaks first
  345. >”…you really can read faces, huh?”
  346. >You smile
  347. >”…you’re right. We’ll miss you, Anon,” she continues, “you coming here again after you so abruptly left last time… it was like a second chance to have you as a friend. I mean, we’ve only known you for a short time, but…”
  348. >She looks up and smiles
  349. >”It feels like it’s been forever.”
  350. >”Yeah,” Dash jumps in, “I’m nothing but glad for ya that you get to go back. But I wanted far more basketball games with my buddy before he decided to turn tail!”
  351. >You laugh
  352. >”We’ll all miss you. But we want what’s best for you, squirt.”
  353. >Fluttershy doesn’t chime in
  354. >She stays silent
  355. >”Let’s make these last few days really worth it! If it’s really the last chance we get to see Anon, it’s going to be a blast!”
  356. >You and Twilight cheer along with her
  357. >You all share in a laugh
  358. Thanks, guys,
  359. >You say
  360. I’m really going to miss you all.
  361. >”Hey hey,” Dash interrupts, “None of that yet, alright? Save it for the departure!”
  362. >You smile and laugh
  363. Yeah, sounds good!
  365. >You are Fluttershy
  366. >It’s late in the afternoon now that you’ve finally gotten off the train
  367. >Twilight went off home real quick, while Anon and Rainbow Dash went to see Pinkie Pie about a simultaneous welcome/farewell party for Anon tomorrow night
  368. >You know what they think of him…
  369. >You’ve seen it in their own eyes
  370. >But they seem to be taking it better
  371. >Or at least plan to milk it…
  372. >Anon doesn’t see them that way, though
  373. >You know he doesn’t
  374. >He doesn’t to you, either…
  375. >You solemnly walk down the path to your cottage
  376. >You were willing to give this friendship thing a try
  377. >Anon really wanted it
  378. >And anything to make him happy…
  379. >But…
  380. >You only wanted to because you thought he’d be here for a while
  381. >Maybe forever…
  382. >If you gave it time, maybe THEN he’d see
  383. >Maybe he could love you
  384. >But now that he’s leaving…
  385. >You enter your house, closing the door and locking the locks
  386. >You drag yourself upstairs and faceplant into the bed
  387. >He’ll be gone forever
  388. >Just like how he left you before
  389. >But now you know he’s going, and you can’t do anything to stop it
  390. >It tears at your heart
  391. >You begin to cry
  392. >…maybe…
  393. >You lift your head from the pillow
  394. >If you can get him not to leave…
  395. >…he’ll want to stay
  396. >But how…?
  397. >…maybe if… maybe if he loves you…
  398. >He’ll want to stay…
  399. >…yeah!
  400. >You were willing to wait for him to see before, but now that he’s going…
  401. >You’ll have to take drastic measures
  402. >You’ll make him see once more
  403. >…but…
  404. >He’s too strong…
  405. >And he can resist The Stare now…
  406. >What can you do…?
  407. >Suddenly, an idea comes to your head
  408. >Oooh… that might work
  409. >Just like before…
  410. >You smile into your pillow through the tears
  411. >It’s been far too long now
  412. >You want him
  413. >Bad
  414. >And he wants you
  415. >He just doesn’t know it yet
  416. >Within these days, you’ll show him
  417. >You’ll show him your love
  418. >And he’ll never want to leave
  419. >Never ever.
  421. End of Part 10
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