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Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. The story teaches to seek help in the event of depression as well as the dangers of depression. Chris may have had some mental issues that never got sorted out. Perhaps Antisocial Personality Disorder or Schizoid. Per Verona, Edelyn and Christopher J. Patrick, a main symptom of Anti Personality Disorder is “people with this disorder have little to no regard for right or wrong. They do things their way and show no remorse where someone with a healthy personality would. They act impulsively and tend to manipulate people. There is evidence of Antisocial Personality Disorder, like when Chris writes to Carine, "I'm going to let them think they are right... and then... with one abrupt, swift action I'm going to completely knock them out of my life." (Krakauer 64) When Chris McCandless says this, it shows the extreme possibility of Anti Personality Disorder. Chris is just trying to manipulate his parents and then simply cut them off. Whether Chris’s parents weren’t great parents or not, it would be safe to assume they’d be upset about Chris just getting up and leaving. Chris describes this as exactly, “one abrupt, swift action” and this is a very impulsive action. Chris has a hard time seeing right from wrong or simply does not care to see right from wrong. All these signs are tell tale signs of Anti Personality Disorder. Another prime example of this comes when krakauer writes, “McCandless was thrilled to be on his way north, and he was relieved as well—relieved that he had again evaded the impending threat of human intimacy, of friendship, and all the messy emotional baggage that comes with it. He had fled the claustrophobic confines of his family. He’d successfully kept Jan Burres and Wayne Westerberg at arm’s length, flitting out of their lives before anything was expected of him. And now he’d slipped painlessly out of Ron Franz’s life as well." (Krakaur 55) It’s at this time where Ron Franz (one of the characters Chris stumbled upon) is waiting for Chris to return. Ron waits for over a year, just living by his tenants. This demonstrates further Chris McCandless issues with intimacy and his blatant disregard for people around him. Ron actually goes on to driving him place to place, and even goes as far as suggesting adopting Chris. He doesn’t care for the right or wrong of leaving Ron, and just keeps his quest going to Alaska. Chris manipulated Ron by using him for rides and paying for his meals and showed no remorse leaving. When Chris says he “slipped painlessly out of Ron Franz’s life” it’s clear he only cares about himself. It may have been painless for Chris, but not his old friend Ron. These act of blatant disregard for others as well as his acts of manipulation show the Chris McCandless demonstrated clear cut acts of mental illness and depression, but most evidently Anti Social Personality Disorder.
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