

Jan 28th, 2015
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  1. [X] 10 Dudley: (LurkerGuy, Yzarc, ParanoidSchizo, Devath, Nolrai2, abyssmal_kismet, kinny, rcnr, vilkas22, theunderbolt)
  2. [X] 27 Dudley (Academics, Manipulate, Integrity, Coitus): (ChandraMagic, fitzgerald, 1986ctcel, Vanathor, Aeondragon, Valette-Serafina, Toshiro06, kinglugia, Cassiemouse, powerofvoid, Balatro Philologus, ryune, Qazplm, cyberswordsmen, Pipeman, Darik29, P90Techie, chrnno, Vanguard_D, CptTagon, Biigoh, searcher8, Dreadis, rex754, Da Boyz, wert1990, CrawlingChaos74)
  3. [X] 1 Dudley. I'd like us to get by on mental ability rather than sheer guts, and the established habit of using sex to get what we want will make our future actions more fun.: (Tavarokk)
  4. [X] 1 I'm not working with anyone else (so, at best, what other people say here are their guesses).: (Merior)
  5. [X] 1 In the three cases Harriet really wasn't treated well, but one of the Dursley's had an (arguably) more positive relationship with her which sheltered her from the others. It being a healthy relationship is far more dubious.: (Merior)
  6. [X] 4 Petunia: (Darkened, Xilph, Cu Roi, Ampersandwich)
  7. [X] 29 Petunia (Crafts, Chastise, Endurance, Toys): (Nervaqus987, Frosty Wolf, gammoregan, skychan, Marked_One, Jedarol, inverted_helix, Bailey Matutine, Kairae, Thinky Think, Aizen, Drak4806, Lupercal, Koden, tenchifew, Earth-Destroyer, ```, Ct613hulu, Silversun17, theweepingman, Night_stalker, Eler0, megrisvernin, redaeth, pepperjack, Piell, Plotvitalnpc, Jaertin, Carrnage)
  8. [X] 1 Petunia.: (shaderic)
  9. [X] 1 The listed skills are ones gained due to the relationship although not necessarily taught by the person in question.: (Merior)
  10. [X] 6 Vernon (Wealth, Sweet Talk, Composure, Oral): (Jiven, gryllidae, dalmedya, Bloodshifter, Xicree, macdjord)
  11. [X] 2 Vernon.: (Chibi-Reaper, WizardTwo)
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