

Dec 31st, 2016
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  1. In game name: Trey Simmons
  3. Date the issue occured: 31/12/2016
  5. Description of the issue: So, me and two other buddies came up with a scheme to rob people by baiting them into a dark alleyway through offering them a "good deal" on a car. Which worked flawlessly, so flawlessy he force crashed, but that's besides the point. We met him near the clothing score and then we pulled into the alleyway with him, we proceeded to pull our guns and threaten him to get into the alley, which he obviously completly ignored and kept staying in the middle of the sidewalk, completly ignoring the fact that we were aiming guns at him. I patted him down after which I have found out that he had the full 12K on him, which he then proceeded to blatantly OOC lie by saying it was in the bank, as the rules clearly state you have to roleplay the goods you have on you at all times.
  7. We kept repeating to tell him to go into the alley, which he ignored and instead started bitching in /b rather than comply to the IC orders while having a gun put to his head.
  9. After we patted him down and basically closed him in, he proceeded to just simply force crash and vanish for the next fifteen minutes or so, which was shown by the screenshots. Afterwards he came back he said he would pay up, instead what he did is got his tester friend to stall it EVEN FURTHER, making us wait about 20 minutes just for him to get his friend after which we just said screw this and took it to the forums.
  11. I'd like to mention the fact that he stalled the RP massively, it took almost an hour just waiting for him to reply to anything and come back which didn't yield any better results, just wasting our time.
  13. Evidence (if any):
  15. The screenshots are in cronological order.
  17. Items I want refunded (if applicable):$12,907
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