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arma 3 respawn

a guest
Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. First off and this is the most important step create Description.ext (let me explain)
  2. 1. Go to your main drive (usually C drive)
  3. 2. Find your "user" folder
  4. 3. Go to Documents/mydocuments/Arma3Alpha - Other Profles (or your main profile)/ "user name"/MPMissions/"mission name"
  6. Once you are in that folder you need to open up Notepad and create a Description.Ext document. Windows likes to automatically save this file as a Txt document, which screws it up, but here is what you need to put it in for respawning.
  8. Example:
  10. respawn = "GROUP";
  11. respawnDelay = 10;
  12. respawnDialog = false;
  14. This code will have you automatically respawning onto an AI squad member, if there is one alive. If none are alive you will become that mighty fine spectactor bird. The respawn delay is how long it takes to spawn once you are dead and the respawn dialog is normally left at false, unless you want a respawn countdown timer on and a scoreboard.
  16. There are several options for respawning. You can do:
  18. -None
  19. -Bird (respawn as a seagull)
  20. -Instant (respawn where you died)
  21. -Base (respawns at a specially named marker placed in the editor)
  22. -Group (explained above, but basically respawns you onto an AI squad member)
  23. -Side (you will respawn to any AI on your side, OPFOR/BLUFOR etc., if there aren't any AI left then you once again return to the sky as a gorgeous bird)
  25. All of these are pretty self explanatory except for Base. For base you will have to place a Marker, using the marker tool, wherever you want on the map. You will name it one of these very specific options:
  27. -respawn_west
  28. -respawn_east
  29. -respawn_guerrila
  30. -respawn_civilian
  32. You can modify those names with 1,2,3 etc. after the end of the name to make multiple spawn points for the same faction, but it will also be attached to those factions. West is for BLUFOR, East is for OPFOR. I haven't tested to see if guerilla has translated to independent in ARMA 3.
  34. All of these respawn codes are essentially the same as the ARMA 2 ones and so far they all seem to work in ARMA 3 Alpha so far.
  36. To reiterate, make a Description Ext. in Notepad, place the three line code above in it ex.
  38. respawn = "GROUP";
  39. respawnDelay = 10;
  40. respawnDialog = false;
  42. Save as "all filetypes" not text document and make sure it is in whatever mission folder that you are trying to modify. You can check to see if the file is an Ext file or a Txt file by going into the the files properties in Windows Explorer and looking at the Type of File box. Let me know if there are any questions and I will test these more and add more notes.
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