

Apr 5th, 2014
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  1. On ego-stroking and other such topics that seem to be as elusive in finding an explanation without perpetuation as is any.
  2. I would think that the overtness that such topics come into view, is a result of what one looks for by means of entertainment or time-sink. When you look to the internet, of course such attitudes are going to be seen as more prominent than those seen as modest. Modesty isn't fun. Why would you go on the internet and be modest? What the fuck is in it for you in doing that? You go on the internet to feel unique, to feel radical, and to do so with the security in anonymity. And you are in great company. You are one of many super unique avant garde mother fuckers who have the EXACT FUCKING SAME ideas as you do.
  4. What's been pissing me off lately, via Tumblr, has been the concept of mental instability and mental health problems being representative of extra-ordinary intelligence. "Look at this picture of Einstein looking depressed, he's totally talking with his therapist that he needed because his mental health suffered when accompanied by his GIANT FUCKING BRAIN." ... The fuck. Why do people seek the stigma around mental health, and why do people revel in it? What is there to take pride in in feeling sad at night? Does that make you special? Fuck you.
  6. The funny thing is this rant is perpetuating exactly what I'm criticizing. I am an asshole who thinks he's unique and above 'these people' but in reality I'm just as fucking pathetic as they are.
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