
You Wouldn't Pirate a Demon Part 1

Jan 2nd, 2014
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  1. [19:23:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> May 5th, 8 AM. MOst of the stores in Mermaid Haven are opening up about now, and the sun has come into view, lighting up the morning. People are beginning to go about their daily routines, and int he middle of it are two girls, a Med Mizou and her companion, Mistral.
  2. [19:25:35] * Med had money and, since she didn't want to go back to the ship, needed clothes!
  3. [19:26:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mistral yawns a little, but seems to be up for whatever. "What'll it be now?"
  4. [19:27:04] <Med> "Clothes! I need more than just this!" totes still in a bikini.
  5. [19:29:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You only need one pair of clothes! It just needs to be durable!" Mistral smells okay now, but she actually kind of STUNK when she first got on the ship. She didn't LOOK like she never bathed, so maybe it had more to do with her environment? A lack of soap? ONly having one pair of clothes and just rinsing them off or something? Who knows.
  6. [19:31:31] <Med> "That's boring! Also, I wouldn't call bikinis durable anyway!"
  7. [19:32:00] <Med> "Come on! You'll understand once you see!"
  9. [19:32:29] * Med totes just like drags the rangerwarper's hand and walks off in search of a CLOTHES STORE. a good one.
  10. [19:32:35] <Med> 4d6-1 fashion education to know where to shop!!
  11. [19:32:46] <Med> 1d6-1 look for a fair dice maiden
  12. [19:34:55] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #youareapirate
  13. [19:35:44] <Med> 4d6-1 fashion education to know where to shop!!
  14. [19:35:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, fashion education to know where to shop!!: 10 [4d6=5,1,1,4]
  15. [19:37:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Uh...well, there aren't any places this place is known for, so after some quick searching you find a place that seems GOOD ENOUGH! Budew Boutique!
  16. [19:38:55] * Med looks around the store, both for things for HER to wear and things for MISTRAL to wear, because Mistral has to learn!!
  17. [19:39:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d100 shenanigans
  18. [19:39:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, shenanigans: 8 [1d100=8]
  19. [19:39:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh my
  20. [19:40:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You find a perfect brown bikini with some white flowers that looks like it'd match Mistral's eyes and hair perfectly
  21. [19:40:24] * Med shows it to her
  22. [19:41:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mistral tilts her head at that. "New underwear?"
  23. [19:41:14] <Med> "It's a swimsuit!"
  24. [19:41:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You need a suit to swim? I've been swimming just fine in my ranger wear!"
  25. [19:41:46] * Ramiel ( Quit (Client exited)
  26. [19:42:31] <Med> "Doesn't it get wet, though?"
  27. [19:42:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "So I let it hang to dry when I'm done!"
  28. [19:43:04] * Kain is now known as Shuckain
  29. [19:45:05] <Med> "Well, swimsuits are designed to get wet, and... stuff!"
  30. [19:46:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "So's my ranger outfit!"
  31. [19:46:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "It's built for doing all kinds of things!"
  32. [19:47:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She tugs at the black lower layer of it on her left arm, the material stretching. "This stuff's meant to not get messed up by getting wet. The jacket and pants that go over it aren't meant to get wet but can easily be taken off and dried out! And then I'm left with this undersuit that's pliable and doesn't mind water!"
  33. [19:50:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She prods at some bits of the surface of it. "Hmmm, this might tear up soon, though! That'd suck to leave my old wear, I have so many memories with this stuff~"
  34. [19:54:07] <Med> "But bikinis look cute."
  35. [19:54:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Are you saying I'm not cute?" She curls one of her lips and gets into puppy-dog eyes mode.
  36. [19:56:12] <Med> "Try it oonn!"
  37. [19:56:24] * Med DRAGS HER TO A CHANGING ROOM
  38. [19:56:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Well okay!" She's dragged and LOCKED into a changing room, with no escape in sight except ot put on the bikini!
  39. [19:57:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...actually there's a bunch of ways that someone like Mistral could sneak past Med (including just warping past) but Mistral in actuality doesn't care enough to actively resist.
  40. [19:57:44] <Med> are you implying
  41. [19:57:45] <Med> that med
  42. [19:57:47] <Med> didn't go in there with her
  43. [19:58:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh she did
  44. [19:58:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> huh.
  45. [19:58:58] * Med totes goes in with her. TO MAKE SURE SHE PUTS IT ON. maybe she forgot how to wear bikinis (or just never knew?!)
  46. [20:00:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mistral easily slips out of her current outfit (she's actually a LITTLE embarrassed to be seen naked, surprisingly. Just because she took open air showers on a waterfall a bunch doesn't mean she's not adverse to being all exposed to a HUMAN) and easily puts on the bikini bottom...and scratches her head at the top. After several failed attempts to put it on herself, she asks you to do
  47. [20:00:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> it for her.
  48. [20:01:27] <Med> 4d6-1 FASHION EDUCA- wait do i even need to roll for this
  49. [20:01:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FASHION EDUCA- wait do i even need to roll for this: 15 [4d6=5,3,2,6]
  50. [20:01:44] * Med helps her put it on!
  51. [20:02:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> satisfied that it's on, Mistral gives a little twirl for you. "Do I look good?"
  52. [20:03:06] <Med> "Yup!" :3 "Look in the mirror!~"
  53. [20:04:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She does, tilting her head a bit. She's got rather light skin under where her clothes were, giving her pretty extreme contrast between tanned and untanned in some areas.
  54. [20:05:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She gives a tug at one of the bikini's straps. "Do these stay on all right? Wouldn't they pop off or snap with too much stress? In fact, couldn't this top come off if I swam too fast?"
  55. [20:05:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "This doesn't seem very good for swimming!"
  57. [20:06:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, WHAT DOES FASHION EDUCATION SAY ABOUT HER DOUBTS: 9 [4d6=5,1,2,2]
  58. [20:06:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Actual professional swimmers use one-pieces because bikinis do, in fact, have a tendency to come off when you're swimming rigorously
  59. [20:07:36] <Med> i mean
  60. [20:07:40] <Med> is it especially bad
  61. [20:07:46] <Med> I KNOW IT'S NOT MEANT FOR SPORTS T_T
  62. [20:09:14] <Lecia> Would Mistral NOT swim vigorously at any point in time?
  63. [20:09:46] <Med> "Well, it's for leisure stuff, not sports!"
  64. [20:09:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Depends on the bikini! This one has a halter top (no I don't mean a bandeau) and pretty small strings, so while it looks very good on her, it'd probably come off when swimming for non-leisure use
  65. [20:09:59] <Med> (AORI IS LEARNING T_T )
  66. [20:10:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Leisure swimming? People just...hang out and swim? Slowly?"
  67. [20:11:02] <Med> "Yeah. Haven't you ever done that?"
  68. [20:11:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Sometimes I'd take my shoes and socks off and put my feet in the water at a pond's edge! I guess that counts? And sometimes I'd try floating around a little after rinsing myself off in the waterfall..."
  69. [20:12:47] <Med> "You never played with water pokemon before?" D:
  70. [20:13:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh, sometimes with that wooper! And some other things. That was usually in shallow water, though!"
  71. [20:13:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "That's not really swimming, though, is it?"
  72. [20:14:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Maybe these should be called 'wadesuits' or 'splashsuits' if they're not meant for real swimming!"
  73. [20:15:43] * Aori_Radidjiu is now known as Aorishuckle
  74. [20:17:13] <Med> "They're also called bathing suits... b-besides, you can still swim in them! I swam in mine, and it's still on, see?"
  75. [20:17:51] <~Aorishuckle> "Bathing suits? But how do you wash your whole body if part of it's covered?"
  76. [20:18:12] <Med> "I dunno, I didn't name it!" D:
  77. [20:21:31] <Med> "Besides, it looks cute!"
  78. [20:22:07] <~Aorishuckle> "I won't argue that!"
  79. [20:23:03] <Med> "If you wanted something super efficient to swim in, you'd probably want one of those weird eel suits."
  80. [20:23:27] <Med> "But this is a lot cuter than those!"
  81. [20:23:39] <~Aorishuckle> "Eel suits?"
  82. [20:27:34] <Med> "Yeah... like, the ones that try to mimic water pokemon membranes and stuff, like eelektrik! Only... less... electric... you'd probably be disqualified if you electrocuted the other swimmers."
  83. [20:29:30] <~Aorishuckle> "So they're like...skintight suits?"
  84. [20:30:01] * Ramiel ( has joined #youareapirate
  85. [20:30:30] <Med> "Yeah! But weirder and all high tech."
  86. [20:30:49] <~Aorishuckle> "Huh. Neato!"
  87. [20:31:11] <~Aorishuckle> "Well, this suit is nice, I guess I'll buy it! I have money to spare!"
  88. [20:31:54] <Med> "Yeah! I need clothes too, though..."
  89. [20:32:25] <~Aorishuckle> "Do you want some help buying them?"
  90. [20:32:50] <Med> "If you want! I was thinking of making some, too, so I need materials..."
  91. [20:33:25] <~Aorishuckle> "Materials? making some? Ooooh, that sounds fun!"
  92. [20:34:16] <Med> "Yup!" :3
  93. [20:34:39] <Med> "You should take that off though, so you can buy it~"
  94. [20:35:00] <~Aorishuckle> "Oh! Okay." Clothes off. Old clothes on.
  95. [20:35:25] <~Aorishuckle> OKAY, so now that that's over with, shopping options are...
  96. [20:35:28] * Med failed to spend the entire clothes shopping trip in a dressing room with a naked mistral ;-;
  97. [20:40:32] <~Aorishuckle> (typing up a big block of text, just so you know)
  98. [20:42:35] <Med> 1d100 shenanigans roll
  99. [20:42:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, shenanigans roll: 53 [1d100=53]
  100. [20:42:43] <Med> that's a boring roll so med shall be a boring med
  101. [20:43:11] <Lecia> FOR NOW
  102. [20:44:37] <~Aorishuckle> - Clipping Shears (4000): Assist Item, +2 to all fashion crafting checks while in inventory.
  103. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Feelgood Felt (500 per): Charm attuned clothing material
  104. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Liar's Leather (500 per): Guile attuned clothing material
  105. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Curious Cotton (500 per): Intuition attuned clothing material
  106. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Fleet Fleece (500 per): Acrobatics attuned clothing material
  107. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Burning Badge (750 per): +fire type material
  108. [20:44:38] <~Aorishuckle> - Slick Spandex (750 per): +water type material
  109. [20:45:19] <~Aorishuckle> Crafting rules aren't solidified but as a rule of thumb you're going to need at least 2 mats for head or leg items and at least 4 for accessories or body items
  110. [20:45:44] * Med has 4720 pokeyen, so ...
  111. [20:45:48] <~Aorishuckle> For actual outfits...
  112. [20:52:58] <~Aorishuckle> - Cute Cabbie Cap (+ 1 Charm, +1 Perception Head item) 1500 PY
  113. [20:52:58] <~Aorishuckle> - Bone Necklace (Ghost Type Brace, Accessory) 2000 PY
  114. [20:52:58] <~Aorishuckle> - Seashell Necklace (Water Type Brace, Accessory) 2000 PY
  115. [20:52:58] <~Aorishuckle> - Cheerleader's Outfit (Add your Charm Rank to temp HP from Cheerleader, Body) 2000 PY
  116. [20:52:58] <~Aorishuckle> - Cheerleader's Pompoms (Add your Charm Rank to Saving throw bonus from Cheerleader, Both Hands) 2000 PY
  117. [20:53:28] <~Aorishuckle> Actually, add 500 to the outfit and Pompoms
  118. [20:53:32] <~Aorishuckle> 2500 each
  119. [20:54:30] <~Aorishuckle> actually make the Pompoms 3000 those are GOOD
  120. [20:54:48] <~Aorishuckle> fuck it 3500
  121. [20:55:11] <~Aorishuckle> Actually no
  122. [20:55:19] <~Aorishuckle> make it 2500 and make it half the charm rank
  123. [20:55:20] <~Aorishuckle> there
  124. [20:55:56] <~Aorishuckle> ...3000 AND HALF THE CHARM RANk, man I cna't make up my mind
  125. [20:56:21] * Med declines to buy the completely thematically appropriate cheerleader garb for now due to the lack of funds and wanting to make her OWN clothes.
  126. [21:04:04] <Med> "Wow... this stuff is really good... but really expensive too!" @_@
  127. [21:04:06] <Med> "Mistraalll~"
  128. [21:05:08] <~Aorishuckle> "Yessss?"
  129. [21:05:16] <Med> "Can I have a small loan?" :3
  130. [21:05:38] <Med> 6d6+6+2 HOLY SHIT A LEGITIMATE USE OF CHARM?!
  131. [21:05:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, HOLY SHIT A LEGITIMATE USE OF CHARM?!: 29 [6d6=4,2,4,2,4,5]
  132. [21:05:45] <~Aorishuckle> "Hmmmm
  133. [21:05:50] <~Aorishuckle> ~"
  134. [21:05:59] <~Aorishuckle> She hands you 1500 PY. "Pay it back later~"
  135. [21:07:09] <Med> "Thanks!" :3
  136. [21:07:17] * Med BUYS A SHIT TON OF MATERIALS!
  137. [21:08:35] * Med buys a fuck ton of felt, a lot of leather, and a bit of cotton. Oh, wait, you want item amounts?
  138. [21:08:41] <Med> 6x Felt, 4x Leather, 2x Cotton
  139. [21:10:28] <~Aorishuckle> kaching! You pay the cashier! NOw you have a bunch of stuff!
  140. [21:10:50] * Med could start working on it RIGHT NOW but that shit takes TIME D:
  141. [21:10:59] <Lecia> Long plane ride ahead!
  142. [21:11:15] <Med> so she instead checks to see how much TIME she has left before said plane ride!
  143. [21:11:32] <Med> "I'll pay you back next payday." :3
  144. [21:11:38] <~Aorishuckle> Boy how time flies! Two hours have passed!
  145. [21:12:52] <Med> shit, when was she supposed to meet the plane? was it 10 or 11...
  146. [21:13:19] <~Aorishuckle> You have a phone!
  147. [21:13:32] <Med> But Lecia's probably asleep. :c
  148. [21:13:38] * Med tries to FOCUS REMEMBER it!
  149. [21:13:41] <Lecia> She really needs that sleep, too!
  150. [21:13:58] <Med> at least i presume that's focus
  151. [21:14:00] <Med> maybe it's intuition
  152. [21:14:14] <Med> 3d6+6+2 if it's intuition, then this roll should be 2 lower!
  153. [21:14:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, if it's intuition, then this roll should be 2 lower!: 21 [3d6=6,2,5]
  154. [21:15:30] <~Aorishuckle> You think, and think, and think....
  155. [21:15:50] <~Aorishuckle> <Med> "Alright. I'll be there by nine."
  156. [21:16:10] <Med> "Oh no! I'm late!"
  157. [21:16:41] <~Aorishuckle> "Oh, you should get going, then! I'll tell the others where you are, no worries!"
  158. [21:16:57] <Med> "Okay! Bye!"
  159. [21:17:17] * Med hugs the Mistral and dashes off!
  160. [21:19:24] <~Aorishuckle> You hurry over to the beach on the south of the island, fast as you can!
  161. [21:20:47] <~Aorishuckle> Arriving there, you see a sleek ship (Shookie can describe it more in depth), parked on the beach, exactly perfectly spaced between the shoreline and where the beach ends.
  162. [21:22:08] <~Aorishuckle> There's an open door on the side of the ship, with a boarding staircase going up into it
  163. [21:22:10] <Med> 3d6+6 intuition: this is the right one, right?
  164. [21:22:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intuition: this is the right one, right?: 20 [3d6=6,4,4]
  165. [21:22:35] <~Aorishuckle> You don't see any other planes or jets or whatever parked on this beach
  166. [21:22:56] <Med> clearly a trap.
  167. [21:22:58] * Med approaches it!
  168. [21:23:40] <~Aorishuckle> No one pops out, just yet. Board it?
  169. [21:23:44] <Lecia> It's sleek! It's a shade of purple! It's...sort of bigger than expected, perhaps more room in there than a combat jet would normally give! It's definitely Lecia made though, so maybe it's full of levers or something. Who's to know until you get in!
  170. [21:26:41] * Med boards it!
  171. [21:27:00] <~Aorishuckle> YOu climb up the steps, step step step
  172. [21:27:16] <~Aorishuckle> And right before you reach the door you come face to face with glaring at you
  173. [21:28:10] <Lecia> Only, the Metagross is more dark blue and the silver parts are golden. Important details!
  174. [21:28:47] <Lecia> Also, she did it again. You could swear there's just simply more space in here, like most houses in normal RPGs. And she still had room for the levers!
  175. [21:29:10] <~Aorishuckle> 6d6+2 INTIMIDATE
  176. [21:29:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Aorishuckle, INTIMIDATE: 17 [6d6=1,1,6,1,2,4]
  177. [21:29:23] <Med> 6d6+6+2 CHARM
  178. [21:29:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, CHARM: 25 [6d6=4,4,4,1,3,1]
  179. [21:29:27] <Lecia> Wait totally dulled it, mmmhm.
  180. [21:29:38] <~Aorishuckle> Totally
  181. [21:29:55] <Med> 3d6+6+2 focus is what i use to resist intimidate, r-right? I DON'T KNOW T_T
  182. [21:29:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, focus is what i use to resist intimidate, r-right? I DON'T KNOW T_T: 19 [3d6=1,4,6]
  183. [21:30:05] <~Aorishuckle> It gives you a glare and eventually backs off, letting you in, and walking into the pilot's seat.
  184. [21:30:17] <~Aorishuckle> It's scary
  185. [21:30:22] * Med is like, panting and like <:3
  186. [21:30:25] <~Aorishuckle> but you manage to keep your composure just fine
  187. [21:31:47] <Lecia> There's a note writen on a paper, attached to an easily visible place inside the plane (as per Lecia's orders): "Granzon~"
  188. [21:33:36] <Med> 1d6-1 notice the note
  189. [21:33:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, notice the note: 5 [1d6=6]
  190. [21:34:23] * Med totes boarded after it backed off, of course!
  191. [21:34:38] <Med> "Sorry I'm late!"
  192. [21:38:21] <~Aorishuckle> The Metagross seems to be beginning work on getting the jet going, the boarding stairs are retracting and the door's closing, as of right now
  193. [21:38:50] * Med tries to figure out if she can get started on CLOTHES MAKING on the jet!
  194. [21:39:12] * Med presumably bought tools for that too, just not the extra +2 bonus good ones.
  195. [21:47:48] <~Aorishuckle> Are you kidding jet rides are kind of bumpy, why would you do delicate work on those
  196. [21:47:58] <~Aorishuckle> (sorry WHOOPS ATTENTION LAPSE)
  197. [21:48:07] <Med> well
  198. [21:48:09] <Med> Lecia made it
  199. [21:48:12] <Med> so maybe it's smoooth
  200. [21:48:36] <~Aorishuckle> Lecia made it, so maybe i'ts like a rollercoaster to make it more fun
  201. [21:49:07] <Lecia> It's probably a lot smoother than most jets, long periods of rollercoaster would drive someone insane
  202. [21:49:26] <Lecia> (of course, who's saying one of those levers doesn't turn that on)
  203. [21:49:27] <~Aorishuckle> 'course, you can't know that until after it takes off, after all!
  204. [21:49:38] <Lecia> That too!
  205. [21:50:41] <Med> nope! which is why she waits until she's in the air~
  206. [21:50:49] <~Aorishuckle> There's a notice to BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS AND HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS by an automated message in Lecia's voice, and then the jet starts moving
  207. [21:50:50] <~Aorishuckle> it
  208. [21:50:52] <~Aorishuckle> turns
  209. [21:51:00] <~Aorishuckle> And faces the water
  210. [21:51:04] <~Aorishuckle> Then starts moving
  211. [21:51:07] <~Aorishuckle> straight into the water
  212. [21:52:11] * Med puts her seatbelt on :(
  213. [21:52:21] <~Aorishuckle> The wheels pulling up into the ship, and back thrusters engaging to push the submerged jet forward
  214. [21:52:43] * Med doesn't hold on to her but though. that'd be awkward, she's currently sitting on it.
  215. [21:52:50] <~Aorishuckle> gaining more nad more speed as it goes through the water, occasional magikarp and luvdisc and other pokemon passing by the windows
  216. [21:53:26] <~Aorishuckle> Once it gains enough speed, it starts going UP, tilting diagonally towards the surface
  217. [21:53:42] <~Aorishuckle> And breaks the water's surface with a BOOM, blasting up into the air!
  218. [21:54:19] <~Aorishuckle> going UP UP UP UP UP UP UP
  219. [21:55:01] <~Aorishuckle> Passing through the clouds with a bunch of bumpiness bumpbumpbumpbump
  220. [21:55:18] <~Aorishuckle> and then eventually going horizontal in the air and smoothing out, above the clouds~
  221. [21:55:38] <~Aorishuckle> There's another automated message that you can unbuckle your seatbelts now~
  222. [21:55:49] <Med> yay~
  223. [21:55:52] * Med unbuckles her seatbelt!~
  224. [21:56:01] * Med explores the ship, using it as an opportunity to find out how bumpy it is!
  225. [21:56:18] <Med> 1d6-1 perception: locate mysteries
  226. [21:56:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, perception: locate mysteries: 2 [1d6=3]
  227. [21:56:23] <~Aorishuckle> Smoother than your skin!
  228. [21:56:35] <~Aorishuckle> Whcih is prettyfuckingsmooth
  229. [21:57:03] <Med> with presumably no mysteries located, and a smooth ride, she spends the next however long WORKING ON HER COSTUMING STUFF
  230. [22:00:58] <Med> 4d6-1 i-is this where i roll fashion ed?
  231. [22:00:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, i-is this where i roll fashion ed?: 15 [4d6=4,5,5,2]
  232. [22:01:15] <~Aorishuckle> Whatchu tryin' to make?
  233. [22:03:32] <Med> first, she is trying to make a super fucking thematic EDGY SHADOW COSTUME
  234. [22:04:00] <~Aorishuckle> Materials? Desired outcome?
  235. [22:05:50] <Med> Shadow Dress (2x Leather/2x Felt), Shadow Gloves (Leather/Felt), Shadow Stockings (Leather/Felt). A black outfit with chaotic red highlights. SHALL I GO INTO MORE DETAILS
  236. [22:06:20] <~Aorishuckle> You're gonna' have to roll for each individual item
  237. [22:11:38] <Med> 4d6-1 THE DRESS ITSELF
  238. [22:11:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, THE DRESS ITSELF: 11 [4d6=2,5,1,4]
  239. [22:11:45] <Med> 4d6-1 long gloves~
  240. [22:11:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, long gloves~: 8 [4d6=1,1,2,5]
  241. [22:11:49] <Med> 4d6-1 stockings!
  242. [22:11:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, stockings!: 8 [4d6=1,4,3,1]
  243. [22:12:10] <Med> ;-; above average roll before it counts, shit tier rolls when it does ;-;
  244. [22:12:32] <~Aorishuckle> replace one of those with your 15
  245. [22:12:48] <Med> i have to pick the dress, since the gloves and stockings match ;-;
  246. [22:12:55] <Med> also i forgot i can spend AP on this, as marginal as it is
  247. [22:13:11] <~Aorishuckle> Bit late to declare that
  248. [22:13:27] <Med> yeah D:
  249. [22:13:40] <Med> AP sucks anyway D:
  250. [22:14:27] <~Aorishuckle> OKAY
  251. [22:14:28] <~Aorishuckle> So
  252. [22:16:00] <~Aorishuckle> You manage to get the dress to work, and look rather nice, but the gloves and end up goofing up some of your sewing and make them kind of misshapen and the seams are uneven. It'd probably be better ot rip out the seams and try again with those!
  253. [22:16:43] <Med> T_T
  254. [22:17:11] <~Aorishuckle> You don't lose the materials for those, though!
  255. [22:17:23] * Med will have to try later... maybe Lecia has some equipment or something?!
  256. [22:20:21] <~Aorishuckle> Your shadow Dress gives +1 Charm and +1 Guile in general, and +3 Charm when attempting to SEDUCE (not flirt or be cute or anything) and +3 Guile when using looks to manipulate someone (so essentially a combination of guiling and charming) on top of those. So possibly a +4 bonus in either. I trust you to be a little restrained with this because I'm gonna say outright that they're not
  257. [22:20:21] <~Aorishuckle> going to be something you should expect to use OFTEN.
  258. [22:21:41] <~Aorishuckle> Actually, make the circumstantial bonuses +2s instead of +3s, for a total of possibly +3.
  259. [22:21:45] <Med> (not making seduction/manipulation modifiers part of a set bonus)
  260. [22:21:51] <~Aorishuckle> +4's a bit too good
  261. [22:22:02] <~Aorishuckle> HMMMM
  262. [22:22:05] <~Aorishuckle> HMMMMMMMM
  263. [22:22:08] <~Aorishuckle> Okay
  264. [22:22:16] <~Aorishuckle> +2 Charm, +1 Guile
  265. [22:22:24] <~Aorishuckle> circumstantial modifiers from set bonus
  266. [22:22:51] <Med> (side note: that thing that we're doing right now. the thing that you are doing right now.)
  267. [22:22:56] <Med> (this is the entire idea behind the fashion class i came up with.)
  268. [22:24:10] * Med presumably spends so much time trying to recoup the materials that MAYBE SHE ARRIVES BEFORE SHE CAN DO ANY MORE CRAFTING?!
  269. [22:24:17] <~Aorishuckle> Anyway, you spend a good couple hours working on these! So long, in fact, that after you decide the gloves and stockings need to be scrapped, you get the notification that you should buckle your seatbelt!
  270. [22:24:34] * Med is all :( but she goes to buckle her seatbelt
  271. [22:26:09] <~Aorishuckle> The jet lands on an airstrip that pops up out of an abandoned lot and goes DOWN into an underground base. THE underground base.
  272. [22:30:52] * Med waits until the jet comes to a complete stop before unbuckling her seatbelt~
  273. [22:32:56] <~Aorishuckle> After hitting the ground and slowing down to a crawl, the automated voice gives a notification to unbuckle your seatbelts and exit the jet in an orderly fashion, and the door pops open
  274. [22:32:59] <~Aorishuckle> BUT WHERE IS LECIA?
  275. [22:33:09] * Med gathers her things and exits the jet~
  276. [22:33:34] <~Aorishuckle> Sure is a secret underground base of a mad scientist
  277. [22:34:09] <~Aorishuckle> (Murphy, in his hipsterism, insists that she's a mad engineer)
  278. [22:34:49] * Med looks around for a sign of where to go. possibly to the strange looking metagross.
  279. [22:37:59] <Lecia> WHERE IS LECIA? ...Well, she must have either heard the plane land or saw it with some camera, since she now pops out from within the base. "Just in time for everything to be set up, hi Med~!" You can feel her EXCITEMENT, clearly that sleep did her some good!
  280. [22:39:50] <Med> "Oh, hi!" waves~
  281. [22:42:38] <Med> "Before we begin, can I confirm something?" :3
  282. [22:43:10] <Med> "It probably won't hurt!~"
  283. [22:43:24] <Lecia> A wave back! "Welcome to my secret lab~ And sure, go ahead!"
  284. [22:43:40] * Med approaches Lecia, setting her stuff down.
  285. [22:43:55] <Med> "You didn't lie to me about our deal, did you? No tricks?"
  286. [22:46:20] <Lecia> "No tricks! Just science! Not letting tricks get in the way of science, plus it'd make me a jerk."
  287. [22:46:58] <Med> 3d6+6 INTUITION
  288. [22:46:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, INTUITION: 21 [3d6=4,6,5]
  289. [22:47:11] <Lecia> "...And just cause I'm affiliated with the government doesn't mean I'm a jerk! In fact, I think I can safely say here that they're jerks sometimes too. Could be worse, though!"
  290. [22:48:32] <~Aorishuckle> Granzon gets out of the plane and starts clomping off to somewhere else. He could levitate there or something, but he's in a STOMPING ABOUT mood
  291. [22:50:41] <Lecia> Did make him fly a plane. Couldn't blame him for clomping around!
  292. [22:53:25] <Lecia> "Anything else? Tired, thirsty, hungry...would rather have everything set, wouldn't do to leave anything unattended to before the testing~"
  293. [22:53:43] <Med> "I am so hungry."
  294. [22:57:39] <Lecia> "Then we'll take care of that first, follow me~" And behold, automatic doors! The Lecia progresses back from where she came, and then makes a few turns to what...totally looks like some sort of kitchen laboratory. They open and close fast, and close with a satisfying thunk. Getting caught in that would probably be nasty, and it's an automatic can only wonder what would happen
  295. [22:57:40] <Lecia> if the automaticness malfunctioned! Scaryscary.
  296. [22:58:48] <Med> oh, like on elevators o/~
  297. [23:01:50] <Lecia> Pretty much! "The BEST kitchen. Making food in here is a snap, cause anything that could possibly be! Hungry for anything in particular~?"
  298. [23:03:31] <Med> "Nope~ just starving~"
  299. [23:08:56] <Lecia> "Alright then~" On a look, you see this might very well BE the best kitchen. The only thing that doesn't seem clear is where all the food actually is! There's even some sort of way too fancy hologram pad with a bunch of buttons, but the moment it appears, Lecia hits a button(?) (is it really a button if it's a hologram?) twice REALLY FAST, and you can't even catch what the other buttons
  300. [23:08:56] <Lecia> were as it fades out again.
  301. [23:10:46] <Lecia> In short order, robot arms come out of the ceiling, armed with a bag of those dipping chips and a variety of dips, placed onto the table in the room! "Huh, guess it went really simple this time~"
  302. [23:13:35] <Lecia> "Hopefully you're in the mood for dips with chips~?"
  303. [23:14:05] <Med> "Did it just grab those from a pantry or something?"
  304. [23:15:29] * Aori_Radidjiu ( has joined #youareapirate
  305. [23:15:29] * UboaServ sets mode: +qo Aori_Radidjiu Aori_Radidjiu
  306. [23:15:31] <Lecia> "Most of those dips were probably refrigerated!"
  307. [23:15:49] * ~Aorishuckle ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  308. [23:16:32] * ~Aori_Radidjiu ( Quit (Quit: Only the brave survive in this world. But as they say, only the kind are worthy of survival!)
  309. [23:16:55] * Med tries some!
  310. [23:20:26] <Lecia> The flavor probably depends on the WIDE VARIETY of dips (which are all nicely labelled!) since that's how it works, but one can be assured that of their flavors, the dips are high quality, and the chip is nice and crunchy! Of course, there's some bizzare dips too, but at least those are also labelled. If you don't recognize it, you could go 'better now than never' and do something
  311. [23:20:26] <Lecia> regrettable, or have it be the best! Who knows!
  312. [23:21:49] <Med> 1d6-1 perception~
  313. [23:21:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, perception~: 4 [1d6=5]
  314. [23:22:11] * Aori_Radidjiu ( has joined #youareapirate
  315. [23:22:12] * UboaServ sets mode: +qo Aori_Radidjiu Aori_Radidjiu
  316. [23:22:25] * Med is probably pretty hungry, so food is more important than flavor right now!
  317. [23:22:31] * Shuckain is now known as Kain
  318. [23:23:25] <Lecia> Well, there certainly seems to be plenty of chips. You could probably just carry around the bag if you don't even care for the dip!
  319. [23:26:10] <Med> "Do you have any lunch type foods? Like... sandwiches... bagels... salad... apples..."
  320. [23:33:02] <Lecia> The holopad comes up again, and Lecia types that thing like some kind of technowizard. The buttons hesitate to show their contents, they change and get pressed so fast! "I do! Pretty much got everything in here, since it's got a lot of stuff and it makes everything as fast and well as it can, which is pretty top notch!" She hasn't asked which ones of the set you named, one can imagine
  321. [23:33:02] <Lecia> that she's making the machine prepare them all.
  322. [23:35:01] * Med nibbles on potato chips while she waits for lunch!~
  323. [23:37:08] <Lecia> There's actually a slight delay this time before the robo arms return from the ceiling, apples in hand, gently set on the table. Perhaps the other stuff takes SLIGHTLY LONGER TO PREPARE. That makes sense!
  324. [23:38:42] <Lecia> Then down comes the bagel and sandwich with WHATEVER IT IS THESE WAKINO KIDS THINK IS NORMAL ON EM
  325. [23:39:30] <Lecia> Followed quickly by a salad that really seems freshly made, and several choices of dressing! Sparing no expense, it seems. Fancy stuff in this secret lab!
  326. [23:40:21] <Med> "Wow... I only meant one!"
  327. [23:41:03] <Lecia> "Pick and choose! You said you were hungry, so why not~"
  328. [23:41:46] <Lecia> "If you don't touch one, it'll take it back and keep it preserved, and if I want leftovers or something, I can just type in 'leftovers', and boom, there I go~"
  329. [23:42:40] * Med picks the salad, if it has extra cool stuff on it and isn't just lettuce!
  330. [23:43:24] <Lecia> Of course there's more than lettuce! Has all the stuff you'd expect on a normal salad, even some tomatoes! Best part, totally.
  331. [23:44:30] <Lecia> "It'd be nice if I could have this stuff on ground level, but then someone would be like 'why don't we have something like that' and it ends up as some kind of mess. At least everyone knows that super robot stuff is mine exclusively~"
  332. [23:45:39] <Lecia> "...And if it were released people would probably be out of jobs, and..." She mutters a bit to herself.
  333. [23:46:32] * Med eats her salad~
  334. [23:48:27] <Med> "Is that a bad thing, though?" om nom.
  335. [23:53:27] <Lecia> "It's one of those things with two sides. On one hand, people gotta work for a living, and I don't wanna stop them from doing what keeps them happy and afloat! On the other hand, technology makes everyone's lives easier and it's really cool! In the end, the government would probably get yelled at because of a lack of jobs, so I definitely can't do that. And besides, if I released it,
  336. [23:53:27] <Lecia> it might as well just be cheating for these guys, and I've done enough of that as it is~"
  337. [23:54:51] <Med> "Is it like this where you come from?"
  338. [23:59:09] <Lecia> "A bit. They're a lot more ahead than we are here, but even there I kinda went leagues ahead of everyone with a natural brilliance and a lot of studying! ...Though I still had time to play games, but those were why I got into this stuff to begin with, so it's not like I could just stop, right~?"
  339. [23:59:41] <Lecia> "Parents made me study even though I was smart! ...And then the dream world helped out a bit too. It all culminated into this~!"
  340. [00:01:35] <Med> "Well, you're not the only one shaking the world up." :3
  341. [00:03:27] <Lecia> "Heehee, that's right! If I ran around unrestrained though, it'd probably overshadow any problems we have right now though. That's why the government is watching me, cause they know what could happen~"
  342. [00:03:46] <Lecia> "...Totally a responsible adult, though!" She says it like she's still getting used to the idea.
  343. [00:05:11] <Med> "Just imagine if you were like me~"
  344. [00:05:15] <Med> "You could accomplish anything!"
  345. [00:05:33] <Med> "You are human, right?"
  346. [00:05:57] * Med abandons her (mostly done by now) salad to poke Lecia's cheek, as if that will magically answer her question.
  347. [00:08:11] <Lecia> Squish~ "I am human, and I already crossed dimensions getting here, so the only thing stopping me is my own restraint! ...And that's a good thing, cause if I just, say, took over the world or something crazy like that, it'd get really boring, really fast, even for me!"
  348. [00:08:46] <Lecia> "Minus whatever's in that abyss, of course. But the thrill of a more powerful enemy is nice to have too~"
  349. [00:09:21] <Lecia> "...And Murphy would probably be upset that I came over here and broke his world. That'd be bad too!"
  350. [00:11:38] <Lecia> "...Or he'd just stop me, and that'd make sense! Mmmhm~"
  351. [00:12:02] <Med> "How would he stop you?"
  352. [00:14:39] <Lecia> "He's the champion for a reason, you know! It'd be an epic struggle, an army of machines battling against the dark hero and his many allies...if I ended up a real villain somehow, he'd be the protagonist! He'd find a way, and he'd do it with style!"
  353. [00:15:05] <Lecia> "The fact that Steel doesn't resist Dark anymore would probably help too, even if I can circumvent that a bit."
  354. [00:15:32] <Med> "But if you were really a villain, and he were really the biggest threat, you'd deal with him first!"
  355. [00:16:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Depends on how she decides the rules of engagement are to go!" There's a man's voice that chimes in at this point.
  356. [00:16:25] * Aori_Radidjiu is now known as Murphy
  357. [00:16:37] <Lecia> "If I focused on dealing with him, he'd be too illusive for even my technology to catch! And my troops would be lured into all kinds of ambushe--ah!"
  358. [00:16:42] <Lecia> "Hi Murphy!"
  359. [00:17:45] <~Murphy> "Yo." He tips his glasses to the both of you. "I thought I'd be the only company here, but I guess I was wrong! Let's seeeeee...." He scans Med up and down. "Hmmmmmm...."
  360. [00:18:07] <Med> "See, that's the problem with humans, you're just no good at planning!"
  361. [00:18:15] * Med totes still in a bikini. fuckin lech.
  362. [00:19:28] <~Murphy> "Can't remember your name, but you're from the Mizou family, right?" He brings a hand to his chin. "So that means you're either Med or Maxene, right?"
  363. [00:21:22] <Lecia> "I'd plan to my fullest, but he'd outplan me! I am pretty smart, but when it comes down to it, Murphy would probably win in a contest of fast paced wit." Nod nod!
  364. [00:22:07] <Lecia> "Would be a struggle to see, though! ...But I'd rather plan with him~"
  365. [00:22:42] <~Murphy> Nod. "Yep. Lecia's got more of one intelligence, I've got more of another, and together, we're pretty hard to stop! A match made in heaven! Or hell, even."
  366. [00:22:52] * Med pulls on Lecia's cheeks as she turns her head to answer Murphy.
  367. [00:23:24] <Med> "I'm Med Mizou~ but you didn't mention my little sister... I guess that's fair~ she outclasses me~"
  368. [00:23:55] <Lecia> Stretch! She makes one of those funny noises that you can only do when your cheeks are pulled, too~
  369. [00:24:37] <Med> "Silly Lecia, that's how you win~" she says, turning back to look at her before letting her go.
  370. [00:26:09] <~Murphy> "I'd probably have advance warning if the littlest one was here." He smirks. "So, did you come here to bring out a special side of torment for Lecia, or for something else?" He offhandedly presses a few buttons on the holopad, a robot arm popping out and giving him a sandwich with one arm and a high five with another.
  371. [00:26:23] <~Murphy> okay fine a pair of robot arms
  372. [00:26:41] <Med> the robot arm merely has TWO ARMS OF ITS OWN
  373. [00:27:14] <Lecia> Arms with arms with arms with arms is probably one of the many arms this crazy kitchen has in its disposal. Terrifying.
  374. [00:27:43] <Med> "I'm here doing just what I said, being a successful villain instead of the dumb human kind~"
  375. [00:29:58] <Lecia> "I brought Med here to do SCIENCE with her! Cause there's a lot of unanswered questions, and Med wants some answered, and I want them answered really hard, andmaybeIlikeshowingoffthesecretlabtooIguess."
  376. [00:33:44] <~Murphy> Murphy nods. "Sounds pretty cool. I just figured I'd drop by since I wasn't busy at the moment. Maybe ask about how scheduling for that one exhibition match is going. Other things." There's a pause, before he adjusts his glasses. "You said something about being a successful villain?" Grin.
  377. [00:34:08] <~Murphy> Why he's wearing sunglasses this deep underground is anyone's guess
  378. [00:34:21] <Med> "I'm a demon, don'tcha know that much?"
  379. [00:34:47] <~Murphy> He pushes something on the side of his sunglasses. "Aaaaaaaah. I see."
  380. [00:35:17] <~Murphy> His grin gets a little wider and goofier. "So what's your big plan, Miss Successful Villain?"
  381. [00:35:55] <Lecia> There's lighting in this kitchen! 10/10 visibility for the robot. Just in case it malfunctions again. She seems entranced by the conversation before her.
  382. [00:37:31] <Med> "What plan?" '-'
  383. [00:38:20] <~Murphy> "Hm, that's...very interesting. I'll give it a 6, to start. Do you have villain goals without a plan, then?"
  384. [00:39:04] <Med> "Yup!"
  385. [00:39:20] <~Murphy> " what are they?"
  386. [00:39:30] <Med> "But if I tell you, won't you foil theemm?"
  387. [00:39:37] <~Murphy> "Oh, don't worry."
  388. [00:39:54] <~Murphy> "It's more fun to foil them once they've got some steam going than to nip them in the bud."
  389. [00:40:45] <~Murphy> "Plus I'd probably make you cry if I stomped you like that, and it'd be a shame to have a cute girl cry. Almost as much of a shame as it would be to have my Lecia cry."
  390. [00:41:16] <Med> "Why would I cry?" '-'
  391. [00:41:55] <~Murphy> "It's a natural and understandable response when your great big goal is thwarted!"
  392. [00:42:03] <Med> "For a human."
  393. [00:42:24] <~Murphy> "Oh, that's not cute at all."
  394. [00:42:39] <Med> "I'm a demon, silly~"
  395. [00:42:49] <Med> "An emotionless instrument of my own will~"
  396. [00:43:01] <~Murphy> "You seem a little perky for that."
  397. [00:43:24] * Med giggles~
  398. [00:43:29] <Lecia> "It's less about what they are, and more about what they do." Nod nod. "But these sort of...logic gaps between species can be explained much easier once there's some science!"
  399. [00:44:09] <~Murphy> "Well! You've got me interested, Lec~!"
  400. [00:45:01] <Med> "Sure, but I already know that part. I mean, I could feel how you humans think."
  401. [00:45:07] <Lecia> "Though the heart makes more sense, a sense of understanding is important too. And science doesn't lie!"
  402. [00:45:32] <Lecia> "Closest it gets are misleading truths. Those are always a doozy."
  403. [00:46:06] <~Murphy> "Doesn't lie, just like hips, whips, and lips~." Eyebrow waggle
  404. [00:46:28] <Lecia> "~"
  405. [00:47:43] <Med> "Huh? You never do that stuff in bed?"
  406. [00:48:17] <~Murphy> "Classified information."
  407. [00:49:21] <Med> "Not even like, lying on a table?"
  408. [00:53:47] <Lecia> Lecia thinks about this for a bit. "...I feel like no matter how I answer, the next line will get me. You're good at this!"
  409. [00:54:14] <~Murphy> Murphy tilts his head one way. Then another. "Yep, same."
  410. [00:55:08] <Med> there's totes a question mark by Med's head. m-maybe she was serious
  411. [00:56:34] <~Murphy> "Anyway! Shall we be getting to SCIENCE?"
  412. [00:57:19] <Med> "Okay!~"
  413. [00:59:38] <Lecia> "Science~!" She marches outward, then the left, right, and to a COMPLETELY BARREN ROOM. She seems to pace in a unique way in the barren room, when suddenly BOOM SECRET STAIRCASE EVEN FURTHER DOWN APPEARS. You can feel the science, as she marches down that too.
  414. [01:01:12] * Med follows along~ if Lecia and Murphy aren't careful, she totes HOLDS THEIR HANDS
  415. [01:06:16] <~Murphy> Murphy is totally careful
  416. [01:06:19] <~Murphy> dunno' about Lecia
  417. [01:06:55] <Med> HOW CAREFUL?!
  418. [01:09:00] <~Murphy> GOOD QUESTION
  419. [01:09:16] <Med> because she might just like, link arms with him if all he does is hide his hands in his pockets
  420. [01:10:04] <~Murphy> Hands in pockets, elbows close to body
  421. [01:10:18] <Lecia> Lecia is careful to let her hold her hand simply because there's no good reason not to. Emotionless or not, demon or not, still dorbs. ...Eventually, there's a pretty plain looking lab, but you can tell, you can tell, that there is no possible way to get around any of this stuff without extensive effort. It's like the large screen there could lay down a giant laser upon ye if you tried
  422. [01:10:18] <Lecia> to give it a crack, or just reflect the force back upon you, it'd shock you if you typed it wrong, that sort of thing. EVERYTHING HERE feels like that. There's some scanning device, a PC, some closed chamber thing, a bunch of needles, some other things, but plenty enough for the testing she mentioned she would do!
  423. [01:10:36] <Lecia> Also a bit dark in here, but that large screen gives off a nice glow!
  424. [01:11:03] <Lecia> ...Also, you can't actually read what's on the screen right now. That's a thing.
  426. [01:11:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, CHARM MURPHY INTO LETTING HIS GUARD DOWN TO AT LEAST LINK ARMS WITH HIM: 26 [6d6=2,2,2,2,6,4]
  427. [01:11:26] <Med> 3d6-1 GUILE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPENING
  428. [01:11:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, GUILE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPENING: 12 [3d6=5,4,4]
  429. [01:14:28] <Med> "Oh, Lecia... do you have one of those special PC thingies around here?"
  430. [01:14:29] <~Murphy> 6d6+3 Intuition
  431. [01:14:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Murphy, Intuition: 24 [6d6=3,4,3,3,6,2]
  432. [01:14:56] <~Murphy> He definitely thinks you're pretty cute, but he catches on to your attempt to link arms and deftly dodges
  433. [01:15:30] * Med frowns at him. with that intuition roll, he probably can tell the frown is deliberate, though.
  434. [01:16:15] <Lecia> "Not HERE. Somewhere else in the lab, but not here. The PC there is for...special cases. Hush hush~"
  435. [01:17:33] <Med> "Okay. I want to free Fangs and Fuzzy soon~"
  436. [01:18:24] <Lecia> "That said, the execution of the science is pretty boring for the recipient, though I was thinking after running a few confirmations to take her somewhere nice, which should still help the science too~"
  437. [01:19:38] <Lecia> "And during that break, you can let em out on the ground level! Can't have them running around in the secret base~"
  438. [01:19:51] <Lecia> "Also lets the DNA get sorted through. That takes forever."
  439. [01:21:07] <Med> "It does?"
  440. [01:21:50] <Lecia> "Not literally forever, of course. But it's the longest processing job anything I will ever own will have."
  441. [01:21:58] <Lecia> "Which seems a lot like forever to me!"
  442. [01:22:13] <Med> "How long does it take?" '-'
  443. [01:23:02] <~Murphy> "From what I gather, computer analysis and the like is very dependent on shortcuts to run efficiently, and there's very few shortcuts to make when doing DNA analysis, especially when someone might have genes that are different from the entirety of the human race."
  444. [01:23:14] <~Murphy> "So it'll be a while."
  445. [01:23:18] <~Murphy> "Right?"
  446. [01:24:48] <Lecia> She nods! "Yep! If you want a time, it'd be like...2 to 3 hours? If it were any other computer, it'd probably crash!"
  447. [01:25:15] <Lecia> "But that's OK, where we're going, time will fly~"
  448. [01:26:14] <Med> "Oh, that's not long!"
  449. [01:27:16] <Med> "It takes me longer than that to make a good stage costume!"
  450. [01:28:19] <Lecia> "Shorter than the flight, I imagine! ...I haven't gotten down the teleporter yet, even with my brilliance! Really buggy, hard to test. It's actually scrambled DNA once. That was a mess." She shudders.
  451. [01:29:12] <Lecia> "Annnyway, if you'd just step right over to the scanner, it should automatically put you in and do some scanning!"
  452. [01:29:37] <Med> "But... don't PCs work like teleporters?" *_*
  453. [01:30:27] * Med goes to the scanner~ "Oh... you might wanna be careful with the data you get... could you just imagine if the government started making demon soldiers or something?" :3
  454. [01:31:57] <Lecia> "Pokeballs and PCs are more advanced than most of the stuff you guys all have! It's surprising really, learned a few things from them. Still don't know how the PC works, though I'm not going to pry, lest I end up recreating the cloning trick in this universe." She shrugs!
  455. [01:32:26] <Lecia> "And yeah, the stuff here doesn't get anymore secure than it is, even though you walked in without much of a fuss!"
  456. [01:33:20] <Med> "That's our government~ can't even control a single interdimensional scientist!"
  457. [01:34:41] <Lecia> "Annnnd let the science begin! Try to stand still, it makes things quicker!" THE SCANNING BEGINS, as the scanner just SCANS MED WHERE SHE IS.
  458. [01:34:50] <Med> solewd
  459. [01:35:33] <Med> 3d6+6+2 FOCUS ON STANDING STILL~
  460. [01:35:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FOCUS ON STANDING STILL~: 15 [3d6=3,3,1]
  461. [01:36:08] * Krakphone ( has joined #youareapirate
  462. [01:36:22] <~Murphy> "You could say that the government has an agreement with us, we go about our stuff, and we help them out when they ask and don't let ourselves get out of control in whatever way. You'd be surprised how on edge they are about people like me and Lec."
  463. [01:37:17] <Med> "I know I am~ it's exciting~"
  464. [01:42:10] <~Murphy> ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP. The scanner scans up and down Med, who's a little fidgety, but manages to stay still enough for scanning to go by a-ok
  465. [01:45:52] * Med is fidgeting because she's EXCITED right?
  466. [01:46:31] <~Murphy> DNA results are pending, but results on the heart and her current physical body show...
  467. [01:46:57] <Lecia> Again, might I say, no one can read the screen the results would display.
  468. [01:47:01] <Lecia> SECURITY, YO.
  469. [01:47:19] <~Murphy> [REDACTED] then
  470. [01:47:37] <Med> is it done scanning?
  471. [01:47:59] <~Murphy> Done scanning! Not done analyzing yet, of course.
  472. [01:50:16] <Lecia> ...And the DNA wasn't quite gotten yet, so there's that. That needs samples. "And scanning, done! Next, samples! Gotta get a bunch of samples. More of a technical science here, but it makes the DNA part loads easier. Plus, biology! A bit of hair and some blood are the minimum things I need, if you have some other easily removable part I don't know about or haven't mentioned, you're
  473. [01:50:16] <Lecia> welcome to give a sample of that as well!"
  474. [01:53:03] <Med> "Phew!" Med no longer attempts to stay still. she probably ironically stops fidgeting too. "Nothing you humans don't have... maybe a small chunk of soul? Do you even have something to store that?"
  475. [01:56:40] <Lecia> "If you're a demon, how would I know if the soul you put in was even yours, and not just someone else's? Heehee. ...That said, I do have something like that, but it's not much more than a beta right now."
  476. [01:57:08] <Med> "'Cause I haven't learned how to do that yet."
  477. [02:00:28] <Lecia> "Huh. I guess I'll take that! You're taking the piece of soul back when it's done being analyzed though! ...And if there's anything that'd be nice to know about exactly what you put in there, lemme know what it is! ...If you're like, willing to test the beta. She walks over to the side of that chamber, and taps the wall. A compartment opens, containing an ornate seeming jar. "It's always
  478. [02:00:28] <Lecia> jars with containing occult stuff like this. Worried it might just eat it and go nuts though. Occult science is really wack."
  479. [02:02:37] <Med> "My brother's really good at it," she comments, goin over to the jar.
  480. [02:02:49] <Med> "Lemme see if I can do this right... I've never tried before!"
  481. [02:03:18] * Med tries to do sort of the opposite of soul nibbling. But to herself, and at the jar. She tries to put some medsoul into the jar. totes not lewd.
  482. [02:03:35] <~Murphy> riiiiip plp
  483. [02:03:45] <~Murphy> You totally feel like something went into the jar
  484. [02:04:11] <~Murphy> Murphy leans in as you do that. "There's one in there, looks like." He taps his shades.
  485. [02:04:11] <Med> did it feel important, or discardable?
  486. [02:04:27] <Med> "Huh... so I can do that!~"
  487. [02:04:50] <~Murphy> A bit important, actually!
  488. [02:04:58] <Lecia> The jar watches intently. How does a jar watch with no eyes? ...Is there an eye inside? Oh god there is totally an eye inside. ...It's a mecha eye though. It glows a little in response to the soul moving, so it's probably working!
  489. [02:05:06] <Med> "I want it back."
  490. [02:06:06] <Lecia> "If you take it now, it'll probably go nuts. Wait about...5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."
  491. [02:06:56] <Lecia> The eye starts to spin at the end of that countdown. Freaky. "If it's spinning, that should do. You'll have to actually take it back though. I don't think automating that is a good idea."
  492. [02:07:30] <~Murphy> "Can you do that to take bits of soul? I'm kind of jealous, I used to be able to do something like that. In another time, and another place, anyway."
  493. [02:08:09] <Med> "Yeah, but human souls taste gross."
  494. [02:09:48] <~Murphy> "I can't really argue against that, I mostly did it with Pokemon."
  495. [02:10:29] <Lecia> "And I'd think they have all kinds of flavors! But again, perspective! ...I do need the other samples though, just a bit of soul searching won't do, though it should reveal more and make other things clearer! ...Er, hopefully."
  496. [02:10:52] <Lecia> "If you need to go to the bathroom, now's the time!"
  497. [02:10:54] <Med> "Can I take it now?"
  498. [02:11:11] <~Murphy> "Go ahead."
  499. [02:11:24] <Lecia> "Yep, go ahead~"
  500. [02:12:22] * Med tries taking it back. which is difficult since she can't even see it :(
  501. [02:12:37] <~Murphy> Focus Check~
  502. [02:12:51] <Lecia> If you stare into the eye, it might help! Or it might unnerve you. Do whatever you want!
  503. [02:13:02] <Med> 3d6+6+2 FOCUS
  504. [02:13:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FOCUS: 12 [3d6=1,2,1]
  505. [02:14:16] <~Murphy> You try to focus, but that eye isn't helping you concentrate
  506. [02:14:39] <~Murphy> "Having trouble? Take in a deeeep breath, close your eyes if the eye's bugging you, and try again."
  507. [02:14:57] <Lecia> "Powering things with demonic energy is weird. Having the eye was the only way to make it workable!"
  508. [02:15:00] * Med closes her eyes and tries again!
  509. [02:15:26] <Lecia> "Trying to examine souls with anything else currently known is an exercise in futility..."
  510. [02:16:19] <~Murphy> Roll again~
  511. [02:16:28] <Med> 3d6+6+2 FOCUS
  512. [02:16:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FOCUS: 22 [3d6=4,5,5]
  513. [02:17:00] <~Murphy> YOU SUCK THAT RIGHT UP
  514. [02:17:55] <Med> solewd
  515. [02:19:41] <Lecia> Lewd, but the mecha eye in the pot stops glowing, so it seems like a success!
  516. [02:20:50] * Med opens her eyes again. probably, having an important chunk of her soul back is more obvious than creepy eye. maybe.
  517. [02:21:06] <Lecia> DOES SHE FEEL BETTER?
  518. [02:21:29] <Lecia> I mean, that chunk of soul was totally subject to at least SOME demonic energies. The beta is a beta.
  519. [02:22:17] <Med> totes caused heart damage rite
  520. [02:22:48] <~Murphy> 1 heart damage~
  521. [02:23:10] * Med 4 <3 remaining.
  522. [02:23:35] <Med> 3d6+6 intuition: is she aware of the heart damage?
  523. [02:23:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intuition: is she aware of the heart damage?: 23 [3d6=5,6,6]
  524. [02:24:15] <~Murphy> Sure is
  525. [02:24:26] <Med> "Huh... can I do that again?"
  526. [02:24:46] <Lecia> "Very no."
  527. [02:24:53] <Med> "It was good practice~"
  528. [02:25:43] <Lecia> "As much as I wanna get it out of beta, putting the same chunk of soul in there has proven to most definitely not be worth it."
  529. [02:26:10] <Lecia> "...And you wanted it back just moments ago, so on a list of bad signs, that's like, number one."
  530. [02:26:26] <Med> "It feels good being fluid~"
  531. [02:26:56] <Lecia> "I'd imagine, but structure is important too!"
  532. [02:27:19] <Lecia> "And speaking of structure, I still need samples that...well, actually have any structure at all!"
  533. [02:27:49] * Med tries to move her soul around, like fluid. sort of. vaguely. if she succeeds it probably looks weird to Murphy. or maybe she just flaps her demonwings and swooshes her demontail around.
  534. [02:30:43] <~Murphy> Murphy's eyebrows quirk, then he taps the side of his glasses, a 'click' coming out as he turns off the aura vision on his glasses
  535. [02:32:12] <Med> "What'd it look like?" she asks Murphy :3
  536. [02:34:23] <~Murphy> "It basically looked like you collapsed your soul, and then reformed it."
  537. [02:35:10] <Med> "What's that look like?" '-'
  538. [02:37:16] <~Murphy> "Like reshaping mud."
  539. [02:37:43] <~Murphy> "But in a way that's like pulling your arms off and attaching them to the opposite shoulders
  540. [02:37:44] <~Murphy> "
  541. [02:39:27] <Med> does it FEEL quite as bad as described?
  542. [02:40:46] <~Murphy> It would if you didn't have sensations like that dulled by having your essence so fucked up
  543. [02:41:21] <Med> d...does that cause heart damage? *_*
  544. [02:41:28] <Lecia> Lecia imagines mixing and matching figurine parts.
  545. [02:41:34] <~Murphy> N.
  546. [02:41:36] * Krakphone ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  547. [02:41:43] <Lecia>
  548. [02:41:48] <Lecia> Lecia tries to stop this.
  549. [02:42:05] <~Murphy> (oh god I laughed pretty hard)
  550. [02:42:11] <Lecia> "A-anyway, gotta have some physical parts!"
  551. [02:43:41] <Med> "Okay~"
  552. [02:44:20] <Med> "I wonder how much my sister puts in pokemon..." she mutters outloud as she follows Lecia to wherever~
  553. [02:47:38] <Med> "I'm so jealous~ she can probably just take in anything, and make it hers~"
  554. [02:49:06] <Lecia> "So, I'm pretty sure you can get a bit of hair if ANY of it is loose at all, blood requires the needle though!" Lecia is followed to the needle, which does NOT look like any ordinary needle. Somehow, even the needle in front of you looks high tech. Not even sure HOW it does that, but it does! "Gets the blood harmlessly, barely leaves a mark, and manages to do all the complicated nonsense
  555. [02:49:06] <Lecia> with no fuss as it does the work of siphoning some blood. Just gotta aim it in the right place!"
  556. [02:51:00] * Med supplies Lecia with a hair~
  557. [02:53:00] <Lecia> Hair get, it's stowed away in a handy small pouch for the time being! "Just gotta get the blood and anything else you have in mind, if anything. Ready for the needle~?"
  558. [02:53:19] <Med> "Yuppers~"
  559. [02:57:14] <Lecia> "Hold still~" INJECTION. SIPHON. It's strangely quick, how did that much blood leave you from that small of an area so quickly? But there it is.
  560. [03:00:00] <Med> "Wow, that's a lotta blood... I guess I should drink juice and stuff, huh?"
  561. [03:05:24] <Lecia> "It'd be a good idea! ...I'd have it sent here if it wasn't THIS ROOM in particular, but it is. Lemme just put these in the computer..." She extracts the blood into a vial and puts it in what seems to be the storage for THIS MACHINE, as well as the single strand of hair, still in the pouch!
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