
EnbuAP Patch 1.100 Details

May 18th, 2016
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  1. ◆属性変更点 (Element Changes)
  2. 毒属性 場に出たとき自分の場のポイズントラップを無効にする
  3. Poison types that switch into a Poison Trap will disable it.
  5. ◆気象変更点 (Weather Changes)
  6. 凪 スキルの追加効果、一撃必殺を無効にする。
  7. Calm - OHKO moves are disabled.
  8. 黄砂 ターン終了時に1/16のダメージを与える。大地属性のスキルがエアクッションで無効化されなくなる。
  9. At the end of the turn during Dust Storm, you take 1/16 damage. Air Cushion Puppets are no longer immune to Earth skills during this time.
  11. ◆地相変更点 (Terrain Changes)
  12. 白虎 一部のスキル以外が必中になり、防御結界を無効にする。
  13. If the skill used during Byakko is guaranteed to hit (i.e. Volley) it will ignore the foe's resistances.
  14. 黄龍 装飾品の効果を受けず、アビリティを無視して攻撃でき、アビリティによるスキルのダメージの変化がなくなる。
  15. During Kohryu, you won't receive benefits from items, skills ignore abilities, and abilities that affect skill damage no longer work. (i.e. Normal Bonus)
  18. ◆アビリティ変更点 (Ability Changes)
  19. 追加 全力全壊 残りHPが1/3以下の時 属性一致のスキルの威力が1.5倍になる
  20. Added "Complete Destruction" - If the remaining HP is 1/3 or less, same element skills will increase in power by 50%.
  21. 追加 力勝負 自分は持っている装飾品の効果を受けず、相手のアビリティを無視して攻撃できる。
  22. Added "Battle of Strength" You will no longer receive benefits from your item, however your foe's ability is ignored.
  23. 変更 用量厳守 毒属性のスキルを無効化し HPが回復する。毒の迷路でも逃げられる。ポイズントラップの効果を受けない。
  24. Strict Dosage - Can now escape Poison Labyrinth. Immune to Poison Trap.
  25. 変更 薬毒変換 吸収スキルを受けた時 相手は回復せずその分のダメージを受ける。毒の迷路でも逃げられる。
  26. Bad Medicine - Can now escape Poison Labyrinth.
  27. 変更 変毒為薬 毒・猛毒状態の時 毎ターンHPが回復する。毒の迷路でも逃げられる。
  28. Strange Drug - Can now escape Poison Labyrinth.
  29. 変更 エアクッション 大地属性のスキルを無効化する。逆風でも逃げられる。ポイズントラップの効果を受けない。
  30. Air Cushion - Now immune to poison trap.
  31. 変更 玄帝之水 地相:玄武の時 水属性のスキルの威力が1.5倍になり、大地属性のスキルで受けるダメージを半減する。
  32. Gentei's Water - Now halves Earth damage.
  33. 変更 赤帝之火 地相:朱雀の時 炎属性のスキルの威力が1.5倍になり、水属性のスキルで受けるダメージを半減する。
  34. Sutei's Fire - Now halves Water damage.
  35. 変更 白帝之金 地相:白虎の時 鋼鉄属性のスキルの威力が1.5倍になり、炎属性のスキルで受けるダメージを半減する。
  36. Byakutei's Metal - Now halves Fire damage.
  37. 変更 蒼帝之木 地相:青龍の時 自然属性のスキルの威力が1.5倍になり、鋼鉄属性のスキルで受けるダメージを半減する。
  38. Seitei's Wood - Now halves Steel damage.
  39. 変更 黄帝之土 地相:黄龍の時 大地属性のスキルの威力が1.5倍になり、自然属性のスキルで受けるダメージを半減する。
  40. Koutei's Earth - Now halves Nature damage.
  41. 変更 毒の茨 攻撃スキルを受けたとき、3割の確率で相手を毒状態にする。
  42. Poison Thorns - When you receive damage, the foe has a 30% chance of being poisoned.
  43. 変更 火炎の衣 攻撃スキルを受けたとき、3割の確率で相手を火傷状態にする。
  44. Flaming Garment - When you receive damage, the foe has a 30% chance of being burned.
  45. 変更 帯電 攻撃スキルを受けたとき、3割の確率で相手を帯電状態にする。
  46. Electrification - When you receive damage, the foe has a 30% chance of being paralyzed.
  47. 変更 混乱誘発 攻撃スキルを受けたとき、3割の確率で相手を混乱状態にする。
  48. Chaos Induction - When you receive damage, the foe has a 30% chance of being confused.
  49. 変更 説教 攻撃スキルを受けたとき、3割の確率で相手を衰弱状態にする。
  50. Sermon - When you receive damage, the foe has a 30% chance of being weakened.
  51. 変更 受け流し 相手のスキルを無効にした時 集防・散防が一段階上がる。
  52. Deflective - When a skill you're immune to is thrown at you, your fo.def and sp.def increase by one stage.
  53. 変更 収集癖 装飾品が無い状態で攻撃スキルを受けると相手の装飾品を奪う。持っている装飾品をとられない。
  54. Collectomaniac - Now when you have no item held, upon receiving damage you will take your foe's item.
  55. 変更 撹乱 集弾スキルを属性結界で阻んだ時、相手の集弾を一段階低下させる。散弾スキルを属性結界で阻んだ時、相手の散弾を一段階低下させる。
  56. Disturber - When you receive damage from a Fo.Atk skill, the foe's Fo.Atk will also drop. Same for Sp.Atk.
  57. 変更 酔っ払い 連続で行動できない。相手のアビリティを無視して攻撃できる。
  58. Drunkard - Now ignores the foe's ability.
  59. 変更 徹底拘束 相手はスキルの効果で交代できなくなり、2ターンの間交代できなくなる。
  60. Restraint - Now prevents the foe from using 2 turn skills.
  61. 変更 結界の守護 なんらかの地相の時 集防・散防が2倍になり、毎ターン状態異常が回復し、相手にダメージを 与える。
  62. Boundary Savior - Now heals ailments at the end of every turn.
  63. 変更 中央の地脈 黄龍の時、慧眼+装飾品の効果を得る
  64. Central Expanse - Now allows the user to be able to use items and Quick eye.
  65. 変更 早目 相手の装飾品・アビリティが見える
  66. Quick Eye - Can now see the foe's ability.
  67. 変更 ビブロフィリア 妖怪絵巻を持っている場合能力が上がり、アビリティが変わる。
  68. Biblophilia - Now changes your ability too.
  69. Red: Imposing Stance
  70. Blue: Known Limits
  71. Black: Unbound
  72. White: Wariness
  74. ◆スキル変更点 (Skill Changes)
  75. 追加 終焉の静風(習得人形はゲーム中で確認してください)
  76. Added 'Breeze of Demise'
  77. 追加 破壊の亀裂(習得人形はゲーム中で確認してください)
  78. Added 'Destruction Rift'
  79. 追加 天空の威光(習得人形はゲーム中で確認してください)
  80. Added 'Power of Sky'
  81. 追加 地穣の威光(習得人形はゲーム中で確認してください)
  82. Added 'Power of Earth'
  83. 追加 天地無極(習得人形はゲーム中で確認してください)
  84. Added 'Infinite Earth and Sky'
  85. 追加 ハンマーバッシュ
  86. Added 'Hammer Bash'
  88. Increased the power of Fire, Aqua, Grass, Wind, Spark, Light, and Shadow Javelin to 80.
  90. 変更 古喰 威力:50>60
  91. Reprimand - Power - 50 > 60
  92. 変更 茨の蔦 SP:10>5
  93. Thorned Ivy - SP 10 > 5
  94. 変更 悠久之記録 蛍石の効果が適用されない
  95. Eternal Record - No longer applies the effects of fluorite.
  96. 変更 フィールドブレイク 相手の場に人形がいない場合でも壁を破壊できる
  97. Field Break - Will still break the field even if no opponent is there.
  98. 変更 ブレイクショット 相手の場に人形がいない場合でも壁を破壊できる
  99. Break Shot - Will still break the field even if no opponent is there.
  100. 変更 先読み 成功したら必中
  101. Forsee - Guaranteed to hit.
  102. 変更 ブラックホール 闇属性>無属性
  103. Black Hole - Changed from Dark-type to Void type.
  104. 変更 風神の加護 5ターンの間、俊敏が2倍になる。凪状態で使用すると6ターンになる。
  105. Wind God's Grace - Calm will last 6 turns during this time.
  106. 変更 スマッシュスピン 相手の場に人形がいない場合でも罠を破壊できる
  107. Smash Spin - Will blow away obstacles even if the foe isn't there.
  109. ◆道具変更点 (Item Change)
  110. 追加 清流水餅 人形の能力に割り振ったPPをリセット
  111. Added Clear Stream Mochi - Will reset allocated PP for a particular stat.
  112. 追加 捕縛縄 相手はスキルの効果で交代できない。交換不可アビリティを持っていたら発動しない
  113. Added Capture Cord - Your foe cannot uses switch out skills. Switch out abilities cannot be utilized.
  114. ◆その他 (Other)
  115. You can rematch Satori at Chireiden.
  117. ◆人形変更点 (Puppet Changes)
  118. ※ Ability, Skill Learning Levels, Stat Changes
  119. PMarisa
  120. Ability: Kleptomaniac > Sand Devil
  121. SMarisa
  122. Ability: Kleptomaniac > Positive
  123. AShingyoku
  124. Skill: Added Moon's Reflection, Understep, Inspiration, GIGANTIC
  125. EShingyoku
  126. BST: 125 45 70 115 90 70
  127. Skill: Added Moon's Protection, Danmaku Dance, Irreversible Trick, GIGANTIC
  128. PMagan
  129. BST: 90 50 105 125 105 20
  130. Skill: Added Moon's Protection, Danmaku Dance, Irreversible Trick, GIGANTIC (MAY NOT BE CORRECT)
  131. AMagan
  132. Skill: Glamor Pandemic, Confine, Dark Sweets, Shocking Wave
  133. EMagan
  134. BST: 115 100 80 45 125 30
  135. Skill: Added Trickster, Glamor Pandemic, Pursuit, Strenuous Stance, Squall
  136. PElis
  137. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Meteor Impact
  138. DSariel
  139. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind
  140. PSariel
  141. Skill: Added Conflagration, Brave Song, Strenuous Stance, Unconscious Mind, Wind Javelin, Spark Javelin, Aqua Javelin
  142. PMima
  143. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance
  144. DMima
  145. Skill: Added Shadow Bomb, Starving Spirit, Primal Noise, Dark Sweets, Jewelry Storm
  146. EMima
  147. BST :90 60 80 100 80 130
  148. DKikuri
  149. Skill: Added Focused Movement, Strenuous Stance, Pursuit, Reprimand, Sneak Attack, Catastrophe
  150. EKikuri
  151. Skill: Added Pursuit, High Tide, Grace of Mana
  152. SKonngara
  153. Ability: Robust Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  154. Skill: Added Shadow Javelin, Flying Frenzy
  155. PKonngara
  156. Ability: Robust Spirit > Benefit of Fire
  157. Ability: Vigorous Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  158. Skill: Added Meteor Impact, Vacuum Rupture
  159. PRika
  160. Skill: Added Flash Flood, Hammer Rush, Lightning Blade, Field Break, Meteor Impact, Plasma Ball, Shocking Wave
  161. SRika
  162. Ability: Maintenance > Benefit of Fire
  163. Skill: Added Mirror's Reflection, Hammer Rush
  164. ERika
  165. Skill: Added Twin Gears, Hammer Rush, Clearing Mist, Distortion Bomb
  166. PMeira
  167. Ability: Robust Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  168. Skill: Added False Courage, Dire State, Spiked Stones, Meteor Impact
  169. SEllen
  170. Skill: Added Terrain [Byakko], Divine Thunder, Arclight, Brave Song, Encourage
  171. PEllen
  172. BST: 70 60 80 130 80 70
  173. Skill: Added Pursuit, Off-Season Bloom, Spring First
  174. EEllen
  175. BST: 90 80 110 80 80 50
  176. Skill Change: Glamor Pandemic > Inner Power
  177. Skill: Added Amnesia, Spring First, Sweet Desperado, Flower of Hell, St. Elmo Fire, Inferno
  178. DKotohime
  179. BST: 65 30 135 70 135 45
  180. Skill: Added Invoke Deity, Infinite Scale, Black Hole
  181. AKotohime
  182. BST: 100 30 80 70 95 105
  183. Skill: Added Field Break, Smash Spin
  184. EKotohime
  185. BST: 110 30 90 100 90 60
  186. Ability: Evasive > Niche
  187. Skill: Added Moon's Reflection, Brave Song, Sweet Desperado, GIGANTIC
  188. SRikako
  189. Ability: Surging Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  190. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind
  191. PRikako
  192. Ability: Sparkling Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  193. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind
  194. ERikako
  195. Skill: Added First Aid, Moon's Protection
  196. SChiyuri
  197. BST: 105 125 60 40 50 105
  198. Ability: Disturber > Common Senseless
  199. Skill: Added Pursuit, Rising Sun, Meteor Impact
  200. SYumemi
  201. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind
  202. PYumemi
  203. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind
  204. EYumemi
  205. Skill: Added Pursuit, Focused Movement, Flower of Hell
  206. PRuukoto
  207. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Hammer Rush, Clearing Mist, Meteor Impact
  208. ARuukoto
  209. Skill: Added Mirage, First Aid, Thor's Hammer, Focused Movement, Reprimand, Hammer Rush
  210. ERuukoto
  211. BST: 85 30 115 85 115 20
  212. Skill: Added Mirror's Reflection, Volcano, Heavy Rain
  213. POrange
  214. Ability: Emergency Cure > Harassment
  215. Skill: Added Pursuit, Fire Javelin, Upbeat
  216. EOrange
  217. BST: 85 60 85 120 60 70
  218. Skill: Added Brave Song, Spring First, Miasma, Shocking Wave, Upbeat
  219. PKurumi
  220. Ability: Iron Resolve > Wariness
  221. EElly
  222. Skill: Added Force Shield, First Aid, Cross Counter, Creeping Darkness
  223. PYuuka
  224. Ability: Dark Force > Peaceful
  225. Skill: Added Off-Season Bloom, Shadow Rush, Sun's Protection, Confine, Field Barrier
  226. EMugetsu
  227. BST: 85 85 125 60 70 100
  228. EGengetsu
  229. Skill: Added Pretense
  230. SSara
  231. Skill: Added Dark Power, First Aid, Exploding Fist
  232. ESara
  233. Skill: Added Power Swap, Amnesia, Dark Power, Confine, Shocking Wave
  234. ALouise
  235. BST: 75 30 105 100 60 110
  236. Skill: Added Macroburst, Cold Rain
  237. DLouise
  238. Skill: Added Pretense, Primal Noise, Unstable Horizon
  239. Skill Change: First Aid > Perch
  240. DAlice
  241. BST: 120 50 120 80 90 55
  242. Skill: Added Moon's Protection, Shocking Wave
  243. PAlice
  244. Skill: Added Brave Song
  245. PYuki
  246. BST: 90 45 70 125 70 90 
  247. Skill: Added Aqua Cannon, Rainbow Flowers
  248. SYuki
  249. Ability: Flaming Garment > Strict Dosage 
  250. Skill: Added Brave Song
  251. EYuki
  252. Skill: Added Pursuit, Reverse Splash
  253. SYumeko
  254. Skill: Added Sun's Protection, Shooting Arts
  255. PYumeko
  256. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Overtake Strike, Field Protect
  257. PRumia
  258. Skill: Added Brave Song, Fantasy Melody, Shocking Wave, Dark Sweets
  259. SDaiyousei
  260. Skill: Added Off-Season Bloom, Volcano, Lullaby
  261. DDaiyousei
  262. Skill: Added Moon's Protection
  263. ACirno
  264. Skill: Added Ominous Doll
  265. SMeiling
  266. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Pursuit, Lightning Blade
  267. EMeiling
  268. BST: 80 50 85 130 85 70
  269. Skill: Added Off-Season Bloom, First Aid
  270. AKoakuma
  271. BST: 80 40 70 70 100 110 
  272. Skill: Added Prank, Upbeat
  273. DKoakuma
  274. Ability: Infiltration > Inverse Reaction
  275. Skill: Added First Aid, Moon's Reflection, Power Spot
  276. PPatchouli
  277. Skill: Added Weather [Sunshower], Volcano, Grace of Mana, Rainbow Flowers, "Breeze of Demise"
  278. ESakuya
  279. Skill: Added Overtake Strike
  280. SRemilia
  281. Ability: Abyssal Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  282. Skill: Added Brave Burst, Upbeat
  283. PRemilia
  284. BST: 75 115 60 120 60 110
  285. Skill: Added Spinning Air, Upbeat
  286. PFlandre
  287. Skill: Added Conflagration, Purgatory Flicker
  288. SFlandre
  289. Skill: Added Twilight Infliction, Strenuous Stance
  290. DLetty
  291. BST: 120 30 120 80 75 60
  292. Ability: Surging Spirit > Supine
  293. PLetty
  294. Ability: Surging Spirit > Force of Nature 
  295. Skill: Shinigami Dance, Honest Man's Lie, Petal Dance, Darkness Dance, Grace of Mana, Pollen Mist, Confine, Shocking Wave
  296. SChen
  297. BST: 70 30 75 95 70 140 
  298. Skill: Added Divine Punishment, Amnesia, Backup Plan
  299. PLily
  300. Skill: Added Swift Air Raid, Volcano
  301. ALily
  302. Skill: Added Poison Trap, Moon's Reflection, Energy Absorb, Grace of Mana, Shocking Wave
  303. PLyrica
  304. BST: 80 45 65 120 85 95 
  305. Skill: Added Brave Song
  306. SLyrica
  307. Skill: Added Shadow Bomb, Strenuous Stance, Moon's Reflection, Brawl, Dark Power
  308. PMerlin
  309. Ability: Desperation > Mind's Eye
  310. DLunasa
  311. BST: 60 50 155 50 145 30
  312. Skill: Added First Aid, Sweet Nightmare 
  313. ALunasa
  314. Skill: Added Force Shield, First Aid, Scorn, Dark Power, Strenuous Stance
  315. Skill Changed: Detonation Burst > Shadow Bomb
  316. ELunasa
  317. Skill: Added Danmaku Orchestra
  318. PYoumu
  319. Element: Steel > Steel/Nether
  320. Skill: Added Dark Power, Specter's Waltz, Midnight Specter, Stalk and Murder, Aura Drain, Will o' Wisp
  321. PYuyuko
  322. Ability: Sinister Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  323. Skill: Added Brave Song, Starving Spirit, Upbeat
  324. DYuyuko
  325. Skill: Added Starving Spirit, Energy Absorb, Moon's Protection, Perch, Upbeat, Confine
  326. DRan
  327. Ability: Discourager > Known Limits
  328. Skill: Added Pursuit, First Aid, Flying Frenzy
  329. PRan
  330. Skill: Added Pursuit, Catastrophe
  331. DYukari
  332. BST: Strong Smile > Restraint
  333. Added: Darkness Dance, Lost Crisis, Upbeat
  334. SRenko
  335. Skill: Added White Lily Dance
  336. ARenko
  337. BST: 85 40 75 60 75 40 
  338. Skill: Added White Lily Dance
  339. PMaribel
  340. BST: 90 30 40 100 40 75
  341. Skill: Added Gravity Blast, Trickster, White Lily Dance
  342. DMaribel
  343. BST: 90 30 65 85 65 40 
  344. Skill: Added Continue, White Lily Dance
  345. EMaribel
  346. Skill: Added Battle Preparation, Brawl, Raid
  347. PRinnosuke
  348. Skill: Added First Aid
  349. DRinnosuke
  350. Skill: Added Earth Rush, Unfettered Soul, Thieving Wind
  351. ERinnosuke
  352. Skill: Added Trickster, Strenuous Stance, Force Shield, Imposing Air
  353. ATokiko
  354. Style Rename: Assist > Defense
  355. Element: Wind/Void > Wind/Elec
  356. Ability: Warning Shot > Deploy Smoke
  357. Ability: Healing Power > In Sync
  358. BST: 95 80 120 35 65 80
  359. Skill: Removed Moon's Protection
  360. Skill: Added Thunder Force, Thunderlord's Scorn, Flying Frenzy, Lightning Blade
  361. AWriggle
  362. Skill: Added Weather [Heavy Fog], Force Shield, Slingshot, Charon Ferries, Confine
  363. PWriggle
  364. Skill: Added Raid, Strenuous Stance, Unfettered Soul, Poison Arrow
  365. DMystia
  366. Skill: Added Perch, Miasma
  367. EMystia
  368. BST: 120 30 55 90 55 130
  369. Skill: Added Acid Tears
  370. PKeine
  371. Skill: Added Spark Cross, Glamor Pandemic, Divine Thunder, Overray, Drought, Squall
  372. DKeine (Base)
  373. Skill: Added Terrain [Kohryu], Fire Javelin, Meteor Impact
  374. PTewi
  375. Skill: Added Trickster, Strenuous Stance, Dust Cloud, Stone Throw
  376. ATewi
  377. Skill: Added Pursuit
  378. ETewi
  379. Skill: Added Vacuum Rupture, GIGANTIC, Changling
  380. PUdonge
  381. Skill: Added Pursuit, Wind Train
  382. AUdonge
  383. Skill: Added Pursuit, First Aid
  384. EUdonge
  385. Ability: Twisted Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  386. Skill: Added Pursuit
  387. PEirin
  388. Skill: Added Sweet Desperado, Overdrive
  389. EEirin
  390. Skill: Added First Aid
  391. PKaguya
  392. Skill: Added Moon's Protection, Terrain [Genbu], Shocking Wave, Mysterious Wave
  393. DKaguya
  394. Skill: Added Amnesia, Stormcloud's Eye, Force Shield
  395. EKaguya
  396. Skill: Added Earth Rush, Purgatory Flicker
  397. PMokou
  398. Skill: Added Thunderlord's Scorn, Will-o'Wisp
  399. SMokou
  400. Ability: Emergency Cure > Instant Win
  401. DSuika
  402. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Strike Shot, Dark Power
  403. PSuika
  404. Skill: Added Upbeat
  405. PSunny
  406. BST: 70 30 70 130 75 95
  407. PLuna
  408. BST: 100 30 65 120 75 80
  409. Skill: Added Brave Song, Fairy Dance, Prank, Jewelry Storm, Miasma
  410. PStar
  411. Skill: Added Evil-Crushing Arrow
  412. EStar
  413. Skill: Added Lullaby, Twilight Infection, Exploding Fist
  414. PMedicine
  415. Skill: Added Stone Throw, Dark Power, Power Drain
  416. DMedicine
  417. Skill: Added Great Tornado, Dark Power
  418. SAya
  419. BST: 90 80 100 45 60 150
  420. Skill: Added Will-o'Wisp
  421. AKomachi
  422. Skill: Added Terrain [Kohryu], Sweet Nightmare, Thieving Wind, Shark Trade, Miasma
  423. DEiki
  424. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Brave Song
  425. AAkyuu:
  426. Skill: Added Pursuit
  427. DAkyuu:
  428. Skill: Added Call of the Dead
  429. PYorihime
  430. Skill: Added Sun's Protection, Overtake Strike, Clearing Mist
  431. ERei'sen
  432. Skill: Added Tiger Rush, Wind Train
  433. PShizuha
  434. BST: 125 100 90 30 80 55
  435. Ability: Antibody > Strict Dosage
  436. Skill: Added Mine Trap, Bewitching Pollen, Reprimand, Battle Preparation, Terrain [Genbu], Shooting Press
  437. SShizuha
  438. BST: 90 95 70 30 80 115
  439. Skill: Added Whole Being, Terrain [Seiryu], Weather [Calm]
  440. EShizuha
  441. BST: 100 140 55 35 55 95
  442. DMinoriko
  443. BST: 130 30 75 90 105 50
  444. Skill: Added Dust Devil Gate, Weather [Duststorm], Waves of Earth
  445. PMinoriko
  446. BST: 100 30 65 120 75 90 
  447. Skill: Added Waves of Earth, Grace of Mana
  448. EMinoriko
  449. BST: 95 30 90 55 90 120 
  450. DHina
  451. Skill: Added Force Shield, Negative Mist, Grace of Mana, Poison Arrow, Confine
  452. PNitori
  453. Ability: Maintenance > Byakutei's Metal
  454. Skill: Added Terrain [Byakko], Terrain [Genbu], Cross Drive, Strenuous Stance, Exploding Fist
  455. ENitori
  456. Skill: Added Off-Season Bloom, Hammer Rush
  457. DMomiji
  458. Skill: Added Waterfall Drop, Cross Counter, Overtake Strike
  459. SMomiji
  460. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance
  461. PKanako
  462. Skill: Added Spring First, Brave Song, Perch, Sun's Protection, Meteor Impact, GIGANTIC, Confine, Field Protect, Upbeat
  463. DKanako
  464. Skill: Added Upbeat
  465. EKanako
  466. Skill: Added Upbeat
  467. DSuwako
  468. Skill: Added Grace of Mana, Waterfall Drop, Poison Bomb, Upbeat, Frozen Hell, Dark Sweets
  469. EIku
  470. BST: 100 90 110 45 60 115
  471. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance
  472. DKisume
  473. Skill: Added Cheer, Force Shield, Squall, Upbeat
  474. AKisume
  475. Skill: Added Cross Counter, Inspiration, Force Shield, Squall, Upbeat, Acid Tears
  476. DParsee
  477. BST: 75 100 120 40 110 50
  478. Skill: Added Shinigami Dance
  479. EYuugi
  480. Ability: Wasteful > "Battle of Strength"
  481. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Brave Song, Foehn Winds, Strike Shot, Overray, Thunderlord's Scorn, Thunder Force
  482. SRin
  483. Element: Fire > Fire/Earth
  484. Ability: Flexible > Southern Expanse
  485. Skill: Added Shooting Press, Spiked Stones, Rocky Barrage
  486. ERin
  487. Skill: Added Spinning Air, Acid Tears
  488. PUtsuho
  489. Ability: Absorbent > "Complete Destruction"
  490. Skill: Added Arclight
  491. DNazrin
  492. 能力:100 90 120 35 85 60
  493. Skill: Added Hammer Rush, Depressing Rain, Thunder Veil, Thieving Wind
  494. SNazrin
  495. Skill: Added Forsee, Recompenstion, Swallow Cut, Hammer Rush, Thieving Wind
  496. ENazrin
  497. BST: 90 40 80 90 80 110
  498. Skill: Added Weather [Aurora], Weather [Duststorm], Wind God's Grace
  499. EKogasa
  500. BST: 95 130 70 30 100 55
  501. Skill: Added Wind Javelin
  502. PIchirin
  503. Skill: Added Aura Drain, Strenuous Stance, Reprimand, Fire Javelin, Upbeat
  504. PMurasa
  505. Skill: Added Shadow Rush, Tiger Rush, Cruciform, Raid, Brawl
  506. EMurasa
  507. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Off-Season Bloom, Terrain [Genbu], Hachiman's Blessing, Gensokyo Typhoon
  508. DNue
  509. Skill: Added Pursuit, Strenuous Stance, Iron Wall Stance
  510. ENue
  511. Skill: Added Nightstep
  512. AHatate
  513. Skill: Added Moon's Reflection, Great Tornado
  514. PHatate
  515. Skill: Added Danmaku Dance, Flying Frenzy
  516. AKasen
  517. Ability: Sermon > Absorbent
  518. Skill: Added First Aid, Miasma, Drought, Upbeat
  519. PKasen
  520. Skill: Added Upbeat
  521. EKasen
  522. Skill: Added Upbeat
  523. AKyouko
  524. BST: 95 30 70 80 110 95
  525. Skill: Added Terrain [Byakko], Blaze of Tenmei, Moon's Protection, Brave Song, Earthen Feast, Shocking Wave
  526. EKyouko:
  527. Skill: Added Final Calamity
  528. DYoshika
  529. Skill: Added First Aid, UpbeatAcid Tears
  530. PYoshika
  531. Ability: Spirit of Yin > Armor Purge
  532. Skill: Added Brawl, Force Shield, Strenuous Stance, Mountain Breaker, Upbeat
  533. EYoshika
  534. Skill: Added Spark Javelin, Rocky Barrage, Jewelry Storm, Confine, Upbeat
  535. PSeiga
  536. Skill: Added Terrain [Genbu], Brave Song, Venom Strike
  537. DTojiko
  538. Skill: Added Amnesia, Mirror's Reflection, Vigilant Watch, High Magnetism, Lullaby
  539. STojiko
  540. Ability: Desperation > Mind’s Eye
  541. Skill: Added Honest Man's Lie, Clearing Mist
  542. ETojiko
  543. Skill: Added Chrome Ray, Arclight, Brave Song, Upbeat
  544. PFuto
  545. Ability: Weather Resist > Unbound
  546. Skill: Added Cross Counter, Earthen Feast, Frozen Hell
  547. PMiko
  548. BST: 100 150 60 125 70 115
  549. Skill: Added Sun’s Protection, Burn Strike, Sunbeam Dance, Rainbow Flowers, Star Flare, Upbeat, Backdraft
  550. AKosuzu
  551. Skill: Added Perfect Aim
  552. DKosuzu
  553. BST: 80 50 75 50 75 50
  554. PKokoro
  555. BST: 105 110 80 110 80 45
  556. Skill: Added Mountain Breaker, Poison Bomb, Upbeat
  557. EKokoro
  558. Skill: Added Upbeat
  559. PWakasagi
  560. BST: 90 30 70 100 100 90
  561. Skill: Added Forest Therapy, Aqua Cannon
  562. PSekibanki
  563. BST: 95 115 100 30 75 70
  564. Skill: Added Strenuous Stance, Brawl, Cruciform, Clearing Mist
  565. PKagerou
  566. Ability: "Complete Destruction"
  567. Skill: Added Dark Arrow, Unconscious Mind, Continue
  568. SKagerou
  569. Ability: Abyssal Spirit > "Complete Destruction"
  570. Skill: Added Unconscious Mind, Continue
  571. EKagerou
  572. Skill: Added Continue
  573. DBenben
  574. BST: 100 105 85 40 110 55
  575. Ability: First Aid > Warning Shot
  576. Skill: Added Focused Movement, First Aid
  577. PBenben
  578. Ability: First Aid > Mind’s Eye
  579. Skill: Added Last Resort, Spirit Rush, Strenuous Stance, Sunbeam Dance
  580. EBenben
  581. Skill: Added Waves of Earth, Earthen Feast, Forest Therapy, Pollen Mist, Will-o’-Wisp
  582. DYatsuhashi
  583. BST: 100 40 125 100 80 50
  584. Skill: Added Moon's Protection, Cross Counter, Bewitching Pollen
  585. SYatsuhashi
  586. BST: 105 40 65 105 65 115
  587. Ability: Musical Spirit > Instant Win
  588. Skill: Added Brave Song, Twin Thrust, Spark Cross
  589. EYatsuhashi
  590. BST: 105 125 95 40 80 50
  591. DSeija
  592. BST: 80 105 70 45 130 70
  593. Skill: Added Battle Preparation, High Magnetism, First Aid, Spiked Stones, Air Stamp
  594. SSeija
  595. Skill: Added Shadow Bomb, Strenuous Stance, Mind Control
  596. ESukuna
  597. Skill: Added Brave Song
  598. ARaiko
  599. Skill: Added Weather [Calm], Shocking Wave
  600. PRaiko
  601. Skill: Added Eye of Laplace
  602. ERaiko
  603. Skill: Added Inspiration, Mirror's Reflection, Added Squall
  604. PSumireko
  605. BST: 110 120 95 30 85 60
  606. Skill: Added Cross Drive, Hammer Bash, Ghost Chase
  607. PRingo
  608. Skill: Added Pursuit
  609. ERingo
  610. Skill: Added Tiger Rush, Power Drain, Root Frog, Lost Crisis, Eye of Laplace, Squall
  611. PDoremy
  612. Skill: Added Pursuit, Gravity Blast
  613. DClownpiece
  614. BST: 110 70 105 50 95 80
  615. Skill: Added Sunbeam Dance, Confine, Shocking Wave
  616. SJunko
  617. Skill: Removed Moon's Protection
  618. EJunko
  619. Skill: Removed Moon's Protection
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