
Dry Bowser and Petey Piranha Eat Wendy's

Aug 25th, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser and Petey Piranha were eating Wendy's together in the rainy metropolis that was Neo Bowser City, watching the race that was going on in the wet metropolis on a hanging television set as they were eating through their Wendy's fast food with no problems.
  3. "You know, Pete," Dry Bowser stated while munching through his french fries, gulping it down with his square shaped hamburgers as he loved to eat despite having no need for it due to being a skeleton. "Just because you are a big guy, it doesn't mean you shouldn't stay out of events. Why, look at me, I apparently weight the most out of my group, yet I'm all bones and no skin!"
  5. Petey Piranha: (while chucking food down his mouth with seemingly no end using his two big green leaves) It's easy for you to say. You match a certain reptile's frame! I'm unique!
  7. Dry Bowser: (scoffs while taking a sip of his soda) All right, I'll admit I might not seem as... original as you in technical terms, but I don't let that get to me. Just like how you shouldn't let your large size get in the way of you doing things.
  9. "...You know what, Dry Bowser?" Petey responded after he stopped chucking food into himself, with there still being plenty of Wendy's left for the mutated piranha plant to gulp down on the table. "You're right. I shouldn't judge any particular events just because some just don't know how to handle the inner machinations of size. In fact, let's go play some baseball."
  11. Dry Bowser nodded to that as the two heavyweight characters took their leftover Wendy's to go, casually walking in the drenching rain as they weren't effected by its constant pouring compared to everyone else.
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