
Story time (comfy/horror)

Sep 10th, 2016
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  1. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  2. >"LINCYYYY!" Shouted Lola, Knocking on Lincoln's door
  3. >No answer Came
  4. >*Bang Bang Bang*
  5. >"Hey LIIIINC!" Shouted Lana
  6. >Again, no answer
  7. >"hey"
  8. >"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" screamed the twins in surprise
  9. >Lucy was standing behind the twins in her nightshirt, having been woken up by the banging
  10. >"What are you two doing?" Asked Lucy
  11. >"We wanted Lincoln to read us a story" Replied Lana "But he won't open the door
  12. >"oh...Lincoln went to the hospital to get his cast removed" Explained Lucy
  13. >"I could read you a story....if you wanted"
  14. >"Really?" Asked Lola
  15. >"Yeah..." Replied Lucy "What kind of story do you want?"
  16. >"SOMETHING WITH PONIES!" Shouted Lola excitedly
  17. >"Ugh, not something girly..." Said Lana, rolling her eyes at the thought of a girly pony story
  18. >Lucy thought for a moment
  19. >"I think I have the perfect story for both of you" Said Lucy, A faint smile forming on her face "Meet me in my room in about 5 minutes"
  20. >"Wait!" exclaimed Lana as lucy began walking towards her room "What story are you going to read us?"
  21. >Lucy turned her head slightly
  22. >"Cupcakes" Replied Lucy before disappearing into her room
  24. >The twins ran into Lucy's room ready for their story
  25. >Lisa had set up a large Beanbag chair for them to sit on, and had candles lit all around the room
  26. >"So, are you two ready?" Asked Lucy
  27. >"UHU, UHU!" Replied the twins as they bounced on the beanbag
  28. >"Alright then" Said Lucy opening the book
  29. >"Once upon a time, There was a pony named PinkiePie" Started Lucy
  30. >"She was the most fun pony in all of Ponyville"
  31. >"She liked to bake, and party, and she LOVED to play jokes on her friends"
  32. >"JUST LIKE LUAN!" Exclaimed Lola
  33. >"heh, Kinda" Replied Lucy
  34. >"Well one day Pinkie was at Sugarcube corner"
  35. >"Sugarcube corner?" said Lana, slightly confused
  36. >"The bakery she works in" Explained Lucy
  37. >"She was in sugar cube corner getting ready to try out a new batch of cupcakes, but she needed someone to taste them, to see if they were alright"
  38. >"Who's going to taste them?" Asked Lola, squirming in her seat "IS IT ANOTHER PONY!?"
  39. >"Not just any other pony" Replied Lucy, Looking over the book at the twins
  40. >"It was the fastest pony in all of Ponyville, Rainbow dash"
  41. >Lola was completely enraptured by the story, whereas Lana was slightly bored By how girly it was
  42. >"After setting up the cupcakes, pinkie got on the phone and called Rainbow dash, who was Waaaaay up in the sky in her could home"
  43. >"She lives in the clouds?!" Squeed Lola
  44. >"All pegasi live in the clouds" Explained Lucy
  45. >"Anyway" Continued Lucy "Rainbow dash ZOOMED over to Pinkie's house as fast as a lightning bolt, only stopping just as she came up to the front door"
  46. >" 'Hi pinkie!' Shouted Rainbowdash, as she walked through the front door 'What's going on'"
  47. >"Pinkie was holding a plate of cupcakes, each one with a different color icing and topping"
  48. >" 'OH HEY RAINBOWDASH' Said Pinkie" Said Lucy, doing an impression of pinkie pie
  49. >" 'I was hoping you would try one of these' She replied, holding out the plate of cupcakes"
  50. >" Rainbowdash looked over the plate at the different cakes, There was an orange one, a Purple one, a White one, And a yellow one"
  51. >" 'no blue?' asked Rainbow Dash"
  52. >" 'That one comes Later' Giggled Pinky pie"
  54. >" Rainbow dash looked over the tray, wondering which one she wanted to try"
  55. >"She picked up the yellow one and gave it a bite"
  56. >" 'What do you think?" Asked PinkiePie 'It's my super duper Lemon-Looper Cupcake' "
  57. >" 'it's nice' Replied Rainbow dash 'But it has a weird flav-unng' "
  58. >"Rainbowdash started to stumble around, having a hard time keeping steady
  59. >" 'ung, Pinkie....' mumbled Rainbow dash 'I'm not feeling so good'"
  60. >" 'oh, don't worry' Replied pinky 'That's just the drugs'"
  61. >"Rainbow dash dropped the cupcake and fainted, hitting the floor with a thud"
  62. >Lola had a worried Look on her face, while Lana was finally starting to show some interest
  63. >"Rainbow dash woke up a few hours later, her legs were held down with straps, her head was still aching from the fall"
  64. >" 'Pinkie?' mumbled Rainbowdash as she tried to look around the room 'Pinkie, Where are you?' "
  65. >"Pinkie Pie stepped out of the shadows, wearing an apron covered in feathers and horns of all different colors"
  66. >"F-F-Feathers and Horns?" Asked Lola, Now starting to get a little scared
  67. >Lucy ignored Lola's concern and continued Reading
  68. >" 'Oh, You're finally awake' Exclaimed PinkiePie with her usual giddiness"
  69. >" 'What's going on?' asked Rainbowdash starting to get nervous 'What are we doing down here?' "
  70. >" 'Well, Remember when you asked me why I didn't have any blue cupcakes?' Asked Pinkie as she put some rubber gloves on"
  71. >" 'Y-Yeah...' replied Rainbowdash, trying to struggle out of the bindings"
  72. >Lola was starting to shake
  73. >" 'Well ya see, I wanted to make some blue ones, but I didn't have my super duper extra special secret ingredient' Explained Pinkie"
  74. >Lana was starting to get nervous, only just now realizing what was happening
  75. >" 's-so what does that have to do with me being tied up down here' asked Rainbowdash"
  76. >" 'With your help, I now have the special ingredient I needed' Shouted Pinkie excitedly"
  78. >The twins were huddled together on the beanbag, holding onto each other for dear life
  79. >Lucy looked up from her book
  80. >"What's the matter? Do you want me to stop?" Asked Lucy
  81. >The two were too scared to talk, they could only shake as they hugged each other
  82. >"Well, just let me know if you want me to stop" Said Lucy, picking the book up again
  83. >"Now where was I?" Asked Lucy, looking through the page "Ah yes, I remember"
  84. >" 'Wait, What are you talking about' cried Rainbowdash as Pinkie disappeared into the shadows, only to return once more with a cart full of tools"
  85. >" 'Just sit back and relax' said Pinkie pie as she picked up some pliers 'just relax and let me do all the work'"
  86. >" Pinkie walked to Rainbowdash's side and put a hoof on her wing" Continued Lucy
  87. >" 'What are you Doing with that!?' cried Rainbowdash, trying to squirm away"
  88. >" ' Well, for my super duper blooper cupcakes, I need some blue dye' Explained Pinkie 'And the best dye' Pinkie grabbed one of Rainbowdash's feathers 'COMES FROM THESE!' "
  89. > "Pinky began pulling out Rainbowdash's feathers, EACH, AND EVERY, ONE" Exclaimed Lucy, making a pulling motion with her hands to emphasize what was happening
  90. >The twins were shaking even harder now, Lola had her head buried in Lana's arms, Lana's eyes were closed and quivering
  91. >"Rainbowdash SCREAMED in pain, as the feathers were PULLED from her FLESH!" Shouted Lucy, getting way too into this story
  92. >"After getting the feathers, Pinkie put the pliers away, and moved down to her leg, picking up a scalpel from the cart"
  93. >"She put her hoof on Rainbowdash's thigh, rubbing her cutie mark" Lucy had a full blown smile on her face
  94. >" 'N-NO, STOP!' Shouted Rainbowdash, knowing what was going to happen next"
  95. >" 'but dashie' Cooed pinkie pie, ' I need the decoration for my cupcakes'"
  97. >"With one stroke, Pinkie PLUNGED the scalpel into Rainbowdash's thigh, and CUT OUT A RING OF FLESH!"
  98. >"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed the twins as they ran from the room, not stopping till they reached their own room and slammed the door
  99. >"huh.... I wonder if they're ok" Mumbled Lucy to herself, sitting in the dark room
  100. >"eh, I'm sure they're fine." Lucy closed the book and put it back in the drawer
  101. >"I should read to them more often " Said Lucy, preparing to go to sleep again
  102. >"It's a lot of fun"
  103. >Lucy extinguished the candles and went back to bed
  104. >The twins got their story, but they weren't going to sleep that night
  106. END
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