
Cyberpunk: Session 11: Gold, Gats, and Gangsters

Nov 30th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, November 30, 2013
  3. 7:53 PM - Melt entered chat.
  4. 7:59 PM - M. Ciaster entered chat.
  5. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R entered chat.
  6. 7:59 PM - M. Ciaster: goddammit where the balls is Potato
  7. 7:59 PM - Melt: ded
  8. 7:59 PM - M. Ciaster: rip in pieces
  9. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: fook him lets roll
  10. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: maybe he offed himself after I told him all my anme ideas for my AnimenP
  11. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: brb
  12. 8:00 PM - Melt: probably
  13. 8:00 PM - M. Ciaster: shit, I know I came close
  14. 8:00 PM - M. Ciaster: stop torturing the poor bastard
  15. 8:00 PM - M. Ciaster: :v
  16. 8:00 PM - M. Ciaster: also song cool you listen song
  17. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: is elowin still coming to these?
  18. 8:01 PM - M. Ciaster: no
  19. 8:01 PM - M. Ciaster: oh, yeah, you didn't know
  20. 8:01 PM - M. Ciaster: don't*
  21. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  22. 8:02 PM - M. Ciaster: to quote the man himself: "I'm out."
  23. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ah
  24. 8:02 PM - M. Ciaster: shame
  25. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  26. 8:02 PM - Melt: a moment of silence
  27. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah
  28. 8:02 PM - M. Ciaster: but honestly he was pretty wildly different from us when it comes to playstyle and shit
  29. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: rip
  31. 8:02 PM - Melt: yeah seriously
  32. 8:02 PM - M. Ciaster: also he had 10 torso armor
  33. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: he didn't play much tho
  34. 8:03 PM - Melt: gotta say, he aint for us
  35. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: beaf was kind of dickish for kicking him out of the AV
  36. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: OI
  37. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I ASKED FIRST
  38. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: but just from the night club you could tell
  39. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO JELLY HIM
  40. 8:03 PM - M. Ciaster: yeah and I'm kinda dickish for letting him do that
  41. 8:03 PM - M. Ciaster: nigga you're lucky he didn't die
  42. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: nigga wouldn't have mattered anyway
  43. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: :v
  44. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I asked if it'd kill him
  45. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you said no
  46. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: so I figured he'd not get hurt at all
  47. 8:04 PM - John Edsworth: how do
  48. 8:04 PM - John Edsworth: whatever who cares
  49. 8:04 PM - John Edsworth: man aint even here anymore
  50. 8:04 PM - Gayme Masster: well you know there's several degrees of hurtness between 'dead' and 'not dead'
  51. 8:04 PM - Gayme Masster: is hurtness a word
  52. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: does potato have a character for the low level?
  53. 8:04 PM - Gayme Masster: doesn't matter, it is now
  54. 8:04 PM - Gayme Masster: no idea
  55. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: We should force him to be jacket
  56. 8:04 PM - Gayme Masster: I messaged him but he didn't mention anything about a char concept
  57. 8:05 PM - John Edsworth:
  58. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: naaah
  59. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so he can drive us around
  60. 8:05 PM - John Edsworth: i require souls
  61. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Entropy.
  62. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: fook bro
  63. 8:05 PM - John Edsworth: wing i have a few points in drive
  64. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: Data's dude has Driving I think
  65. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  66. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: what about
  67. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: for your PI?
  68. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: the dog
  69. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: only god forgives though
  70. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: scary ass dog
  71. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm sorry don't kill me
  72. 8:05 PM - Gayme Masster: I had to say that
  73. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: Julian doesn't really do anything
  74. 8:06 PM - Entropy: I'll have you know I was in the middle of making things for my upcoming anime game and this rudely interrupted me
  75. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: unless you give him like
  76. 8:06 PM - Gayme Masster: also did you take this photo with a potato buddy 'cause damn
  77. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: 10 human perception
  78. 8:06 PM - John Edsworth: it was like
  79. 8:06 PM - John Edsworth: 3 am
  80. 8:06 PM - John Edsworth: i think
  81. 8:06 PM - John Edsworth: this was a few days ago
  82. 8:06 PM - Entropy: ciaster don't even give him shit about camera quality when not too long ago your computer ran ToasterOS
  83. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah the quality is blurry as shit yo
  84. 8:07 PM - Gayme Masster: hey don't gotta be an artist to be an art critic
  85. 8:07 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  86. 8:07 PM - Gayme Masster: also that was merely an observation
  87. 8:07 PM - John Edsworth: yeah the photo is shit lol :v
  88. 8:07 PM - Gayme Masster: I mean, shit, my phone camera's like 100% worse
  89. 8:07 PM - Entropy: and to be quite honest I think a potato might be a bit high quality compared to that
  90. 8:08 PM - John Edsworth: says the guy without a tiny yui
  91. 8:08 PM - John Edsworth: get wrekt
  92. 8:08 PM - Entropy: yeah but I got a Yui statue
  93. 8:09 PM - Entropy: and like
  94. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: tiny yui?
  95. 8:09 PM - Entropy: a ton of other weeb shit
  96. 8:09 PM - Entropy: suk it
  97. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh god no
  98. 8:09 PM - John Edsworth: weeb shit
  99. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: you have figurines
  100. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: beaf
  101. 8:09 PM - John Edsworth: the only weeb shit i actually have is the tiny plush
  102. 8:09 PM - Gayme Masster: holy shit dude
  103. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: you have gone
  104. 8:09 PM - John Edsworth: you didnt know lol
  105. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: full on weeb
  106. 8:09 PM - Gayme Masster: you're far gone, yeah
  107. 8:09 PM - John Edsworth: he has fucktons of em
  108. 8:09 PM - Gayme Masster: alright that's enough
  109. 8:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: the end is nigh
  110. 8:09 PM - Entropy: ;o
  111. 8:09 PM - Gayme Masster: guys, let's chip in for a plane ticket and go over to NY and give Dan a noogie
  112. 8:10 PM - John Edsworth: i can drive there
  113. 8:10 PM - Entropy: If you think I'm really that far gone I'll start using nyaa~ on a regular basis
  114. 8:10 PM - John Edsworth: itll take a few days
  115. 8:10 PM - John Edsworth: but seriously :v
  116. 8:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: I could drive there
  117. 8:10 PM - Entropy: Nigga you ain't coming over here Caleb
  118. 8:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: It would probably take like 5 hours
  119. 8:10 PM - Entropy: you'll steal my animu
  120. 8:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: actually
  121. 8:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: i dunno
  122. 8:10 PM - John Edsworth: wing where do you live
  123. 8:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: Philidelphia
  124. 8:11 PM - John Edsworth: is it always sunny there?
  125. 8:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: no
  126. 8:11 PM - Entropy: the show lied
  127. 8:11 PM - John Edsworth: same in flo rida :v
  128. 8:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: its dark as fuck right now
  129. 8:11 PM - John Edsworth: asme here
  130. 8:11 PM - Gayme Masster: I guess I could technically drive there if I had this:
  131. 8:11 PM - John Edsworth: there be a storm abrewin
  132. 8:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  133. 8:11 PM - John Edsworth: come february im taking my drivers ed class :v
  134. 8:11 PM - Gayme Masster: also I heard it's goddamn snowy over in NY right now confirm/deny Dan
  135. 8:11 PM - Entropy: omg u guies are stalkers
  136. 8:11 PM - Entropy: snowy here? Fuck if I know the only weather report I get is the window
  137. 8:12 PM - John Edsworth: i wonder what dan looks like
  138. 8:12 PM - Gayme Masster: nah I don't live that close to the Zone
  139. 8:12 PM - Higeki Hiro: I know what ryan looks like
  140. 8:12 PM - John Edsworth: so does everyone else :v
  141. 8:12 PM - Entropy: I'll take a picture of my sexy mug for you plebs later if you're that desperate for fap material
  142. 8:12 PM - Higeki Hiro: but I didn't know before
  143. 8:12 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah me too I've seen his luscious neckbeard
  144. 8:12 PM - Entropy: yeah I showed everyone :v
  145. 8:12 PM - Gayme Masster: hell, I can post myself if y'all want to
  146. 8:12 PM - Entropy: Ryan had a neckbeard?
  147. 8:12 PM - John Edsworth: whos the stalker now
  148. 8:12 PM - Gayme Masster: if it ends up in any fap folder I'll go over there and murder the ones responsible
  149. 8:13 PM - John Edsworth: well
  150. 8:13 PM - John Edsworth: damn.
  151. 8:13 PM - Gayme Masster: to be honest I don't quite remember
  152. 8:13 PM - Gayme Masster: but I'm pretty sure he had a bit of a neckbeard going on
  153. 8:13 PM - Gayme Masster: also, well, he's Ryan
  154. 8:13 PM - John Edsworth: DAMN
  155. 8:13 PM - John Edsworth: OWNED.
  156. 8:13 PM - John Edsworth: that is one brutal affront cia :v
  157. 8:13 PM - Entropy: I gots a little goatee going on but otherwise I keep a nice stubble
  158. 8:14 PM - Gayme Masster: you are going to be cutting that part of the log aren't you Dan
  159. 8:14 PM - John Edsworth: fuck facial hair, thats for nerds :v
  160. 8:14 PM - Entropy: lolno
  161. 8:14 PM - Entropy: these logs will be pure
  162. 8:14 PM - Entropy: and uncut
  163. 8:14 PM - Entropy: for the one guy who will eventually read it
  164. 8:14 PM - Gayme Masster: also I'm guilty of trying to grow a sad excuse of a beard myself
  165. 8:14 PM - Higeki Hiro: I just never shave
  166. 8:14 PM - Gayme Masster: at least I wash my face regularly so it's not greasy
  167. 8:14 PM - John Edsworth: eh, most facial hair looks awful
  168. 8:14 PM - Gayme Masster: I might be a nerd but I'm a clean nerd
  169. 8:14 PM - Entropy: mum gets pissed when I try to grow a lot of hair but fuck that shit my goatee is rad
  170. 8:15 PM - John Edsworth: no it isnt :v
  171. 8:15 PM - Entropy: plus it gives me something to stroke while thinking
  172. 8:15 PM - Gayme Masster: also I've got some hardcore babyface going on
  173. 8:15 PM - Entropy: or not thinking
  174. 8:15 PM - John Edsworth: you dont think :v
  175. 8:15 PM - Entropy: something other than my dick I mean
  176. 8:15 PM - John Edsworth: c:
  177. 8:15 PM - John Edsworth: oh god
  178. 8:15 PM - Gayme Masster: old ladies kept mistaking me for a girl when I was younger also :c Dan
  179. 8:15 PM - Entropy: I can't stroke that in public without getting teh cops involved
  180. 8:15 PM - Gayme Masster: please, don't stroke either
  181. 8:16 PM - Gayme Masster: alright, so
  182. 8:16 PM - Entropy: nigga goatee stroking is a graceful art and if you had one you'd do it too
  183. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: no i wouldnt
  184. 8:16 PM - Gayme Masster: I don't 'cause I'm not that much of a massive nerd
  185. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: because goatees are the most halfassed form of facial hair :v
  186. 8:16 PM - Gayme Masster: seriously, it's like tipping a fedora
  187. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: ^
  188. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: ^^^^^^^^^^^
  189. 8:16 PM - Gayme Masster: speaking of fedoras that's what goatees are to facial hair
  190. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  191. 8:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  192. 8:16 PM - Gayme Masster: sorry you had to find out that way dude
  193. 8:16 PM - John Edsworth: goateeshamed
  194. 8:17 PM - Entropy: fuk u
  195. 8:17 PM - John Edsworth: its ok dan we still love you, goatee or not
  196. 8:17 PM - Gayme Masster: nobody will :(
  197. 8:17 PM - Entropy: shaggy had a goatee in scooby doo and he's rad as fuk
  198. 8:17 PM - John Edsworth: m'lady
  199. 8:17 PM - Entropy: get rekt
  200. 8:17 PM - Entropy: and for the record I do not wear fedoras
  201. 8:17 PM - Gayme Masster: well dogs can have goatees they're excepted from the rule
  202. 8:17 PM - Entropy: my brother does
  203. 8:17 PM - Gayme Masster: your one saving grace, Dan
  204. 8:17 PM - Gayme Masster: you're not as bad as your bro
  205. 8:17 PM - John Edsworth: my brothers fucking roommate wears a fedora
  206. 8:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: punch him in the dick
  207. 8:17 PM - John Edsworth: hes literally a walking stereotype
  208. 8:18 PM - Gayme Masster: speaking of Dan's bro, did he buy an Xbone? I bet he did
  209. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: i wouldnt be able to find it in the MOUNTAINS OF BLUBBER
  210. 8:18 PM - Entropy: pfft, he's not a gamer
  211. 8:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: punch your brother in the dick
  212. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: why would i punch my bro
  213. 8:18 PM - Entropy: he's also a fucking twig
  214. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: hes chill as hell :v
  215. 8:18 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah, not a gamers buy Xbones
  216. 8:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: Dan's
  217. 8:18 PM - Entropy: and has anger management problems
  218. 8:18 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  219. 8:18 PM - Gayme Masster: the rest buys PS4s
  220. 8:18 PM - Entropy: and is a massive ass
  221. 8:18 PM - Gayme Masster: Xbowned
  222. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: i think i may just
  223. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: chill with pc + wii u
  224. 8:18 PM - John Edsworth: i get all the good games with those two
  225. 8:18 PM - Entropy: and changes girlfriends on a semi regular basis somehow despite being ugly as sin
  226. 8:19 PM - Gayme Masster: same for me but with the 360 :v
  227. 8:19 PM - Gayme Masster: previous console gen master race
  228. 8:19 PM - Entropy: like seriously his face is more squinty than Jaden Smith's
  229. 8:19 PM - Gayme Masster: probably gonna have the staying power of the PS2
  230. 8:19 PM - John Edsworth: nintendomination this gen mates
  231. 8:19 PM - John Edsworth: nintendo is steamrolling over everything
  232. 8:20 PM - John Edsworth: anyway'
  233. 8:20 PM - John Edsworth: start time?
  234. 8:20 PM - Gayme Masster: alright so since Wing outed me that is my ugly mug:
  235. 8:20 PM - Gayme Masster: post yourselves y'all
  236. 8:20 PM - Gayme Masster: as long as we exchange our nerdy faces
  237. 8:20 PM - John Edsworth: you look slightly chinese
  238. 8:20 PM - Entropy: nigga I'll post my not ugly mug later
  239. 8:21 PM - John Edsworth: BETTER DEAD THAN RED
  240. 8:21 PM - Entropy: he looks 100% pole
  241. 8:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: I need to take a shower
  242. 8:21 PM - Gayme Masster: apparently I've got some uh Tatar blood in me?
  243. 8:21 PM - Gayme Masster: you should see my grandfather from my father's side
  244. 8:21 PM - John Edsworth: thats p cool
  245. 8:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: so I look less plebbish
  246. 8:21 PM - John Edsworth disconnected.
  247. 8:21 PM - Entropy: gj
  248. 8:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: welp
  249. 8:21 PM - Gayme Masster: goddamn Wing we're nerds on the internet not your girlfriend :v
  250. 8:22 PM - Gayme Masster: shit my face scared him away
  251. 8:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: but i look super pleb
  252. 8:22 PM - Entropy: can't look more pleb than Ryan
  253. 8:22 PM - Gayme Masster: dude
  254. 8:22 PM - Gayme Masster: we all do
  255. 8:22 PM - Entropy: take solace in that
  256. 8:22 PM - Gayme Masster: also yea
  257. 8:22 PM - Entropy: like really
  258. 8:22 PM - Entropy: did you SEE his face
  259. 8:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: noooo~
  260. 8:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: I want to be lord of the plebs
  261. 8:22 PM - Entropy: do I need to post it again
  262. 8:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: yes
  263. 8:22 PM - Entropy: oh ok
  264. 8:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  265. 8:23 PM - Gayme Masster: it's fukken hilarious so
  268. 8:23 PM - Entropy: I PRESENT TO YOU
  269. 8:23 PM - Gayme Masster: hello, guy
  270. 8:23 PM - Gayme Masster: *wave*
  271. 8:23 PM - Entropy: THE UGLIEST PLEB MUG
  272. 8:23 PM - Entropy: OF
  273. 8:23 PM - Entropy: RYAN
  274. 8:23 PM - Entropy: AKA BRICK
  275. 8:23 PM - Entropy:
  276. 8:23 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  277. 8:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  278. 8:24 PM - Gayme Masster: see, he's definitely got a neckbeard
  279. 8:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: woot a pleb
  280. 8:24 PM - Entropy: M8 I don't think steam emotes translate to pastebin :v
  281. 8:24 PM - Gayme Masster: unless that's a weird shadow
  282. 8:24 PM - Entropy: pretty sure it's a shadow
  283. 8:24 PM - Entropy: cause I don't see much other facial hair
  284. 8:24 PM - Gayme Masster: he also looks kinda like a guy I know
  285. 8:24 PM - Gayme Masster: but like 1000% less buff
  286. 8:24 PM - Entropy: and 1000% more pleb?
  287. 8:25 PM - Gayme Masster: well it's Ryan so yeah
  288. 8:25 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  289. 8:25 PM - Entropy: what the hell happened to Data anyway :v
  290. 8:25 PM - Gayme Masster: Ryan, if you're reading this, we all love you but your face looks kinda goofy anyway
  291. 8:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: he died
  292. 8:25 PM - Gayme Masster: dunno, he disconnected
  293. 8:25 PM - Entropy: no shit sherlock
  294. 8:25 PM - Gayme Masster: guess his 'net got dead
  295. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: FUCKING POTATO
  296. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: IS ON
  297. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: and still hasn't come in here :V
  298. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: after like
  299. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: 20 minutes
  300. 8:26 PM - Gayme Masster: probably didn't even notice
  301. 8:26 PM - Entropy: good thing we've been dicking about then :v
  302. 8:26 PM - Gayme Masster: it's Potato we're talking about after all
  303. 8:26 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  304. 8:26 PM - Entropy: so anyway Ciaster you said this story would probably last 2 or 3 more games?
  305. 8:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: how does he not realize that we play every saturday
  306. 8:27 PM - Entropy: bitch don't even
  307. 8:27 PM - Gayme Masster: probably, yeah
  308. 8:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: yay
  309. 8:27 PM - Gayme Masster: I'd say 'fuck it, let's get on with it'
  310. 8:27 PM - Entropy: I literally had to remind Ryan a few times when I was spectating you guys back during his Fallout games
  311. 8:27 PM - Gayme Masster: but I'd rather not do that with two guys
  312. 8:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: kill us in the most brutal and humiliating fashions ever
  313. 8:28 PM - Entropy: I'd be sitting in the chat and ask him over private "hey isn't that game tonight?" and he'd be "OH SHIT"
  314. 8:28 PM - Gayme Masster: well I've already got a death ready for Entropy :v
  315. 8:28 PM - Entropy: woo
  316. 8:28 PM - Gayme Masster: think I even told you about it Dan
  317. 8:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: give me the least honorable death possible
  318. 8:28 PM - Entropy: you did
  319. 8:28 PM - Entropy: and I am ready for it
  320. 8:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: or at least have merchant cart me out to get cybered even more
  321. 8:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: I just want Hiro as humilitated as possible
  322. 8:29 PM - John Edsworth entered chat.
  323. 8:29 PM - Gayme Masster: 'ello
  324. 8:29 PM - John Edsworth: ey what it be like tho
  325. 8:29 PM - John Edsworth: whatd i miss
  326. 8:29 PM - Gayme Masster: literally nothing
  327. 8:29 PM - John Edsworth: also sorry for that, bitchass circuit breaker
  328. 8:29 PM - Entropy: holy dicks my mouth is orgasming peanut butter chocolate brownies are the shit
  329. 8:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: bruce is afk or something
  330. 8:30 PM - Gayme Masster: yeh
  331. 8:30 PM - John Edsworth: ah
  332. 8:30 PM - Gayme Masster: screw him, let's go
  333. 8:30 PM - Gayme Masster: where'd we leave off?
  334. 8:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: uh
  335. 8:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: in the house?
  336. 8:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: I think
  337. 8:31 PM - Entropy: yar
  338. 8:31 PM - Entropy: loaded
  339. 8:31 PM - Entropy: with dosh
  340. 8:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: we were getting briefed
  341. 8:31 PM - Entropy: going to someplace
  342. 8:31 PM - Entropy: to find somebody
  343. 8:31 PM - Gayme Masster: I remember Bruce was talking with his cop buttbuddies about all the shit the party's in and the crime guy whose name I forgot despite making him up
  344. 8:31 PM - Entropy: Miami was it?
  345. 8:31 PM - Gayme Masster: Richards, that was it
  346. 8:31 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah, y'all are setting off to glorious Miami.
  347. 8:32 PM - John Edsworth: oh yknow
  348. 8:32 PM - Gayme Masster: Night City, 11.30 PM.
  349. 8:32 PM - John Edsworth: i gotta finish my hammer thing
  350. 8:32 PM - John Edsworth: theb blueprints for it or whatever
  351. 8:32 PM - John Edsworth: what was it, 3 rolls in a row?
  352. 8:32 PM - Entropy: I gotta shoot bitches and sax bitches
  353. 8:33 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy's relaxing after another hard day of work. A cold one in his hand, he's watching TV and writing a new song at the same time (he's just that much of a multitasker) when he hears a familiar ringtone.
  354. 8:33 PM - Gayme Masster: He fishes his cellphone out from between the sofa pillows, and presses the 'receive call' button.
  355. 8:33 PM - Gayme Masster: The phone starts spitting words at him.
  356. 8:34 PM - Entropy: so like, do I understand these words, or is this just preface for explaining how I know things I will know :v
  357. 8:34 PM - John Edsworth: woops
  358. 8:34 PM - John Edsworth: accidentally rolled
  359. 8:34 PM - John Edsworth: gg me
  360. 8:35 PM - John Edsworth: i think hes just slowtyping out what you hear
  361. 8:35 PM - Gayme Masster: "You don't know me, but I know you. Byrnes told me 'bout all the shit you're in and that you might have somethin' on that guy Richards. Well, I talked to the Miami PD, and got you and your merry band a free reign of Miami and any help they can give ya. Come over to the PD, we'll discuss the details of the op. That's Chief Morelli of the Organized Crime Division, out."
  362. 8:35 PM - Entropy: silly slowtyper
  363. 8:35 PM - Gayme Masster: A click signifies the end of the very brief call.
  364. 8:35 PM - Gayme Masster: not my fault
  365. 8:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: He is pleb pole
  366. 8:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: not knowing the language of our people
  367. 8:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: the beautiful american people
  368. 8:36 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah and you're a pleb 'murikan not knowing the language of my people
  369. 8:36 PM - Entropy: "A man who gets to the point."
  370. 8:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: excluding ryan
  371. 8:36 PM - Gayme Masster: the ugly and perpetually drunk polish people
  372. 8:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  373. 8:36 PM - Entropy: Entropy pockets the phone, throws the beer at the conveniently nearby Tool (without spilling any) so he doesn't have to get rid of it, grabs his shit, and heads out
  374. 8:36 PM - John Edsworth: idk man polish people arent THAT ugly
  375. 8:36 PM - Entropy: on his motorcycle
  376. 8:36 PM - John Edsworth: just you, bruv c:
  377. 8:36 PM - Entropy: which I used like twice
  378. 8:37 PM - John Edsworth: gj
  379. 8:37 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool grabs the bottle and takes a swig. "Where ya goin' boss?"
  380. 8:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: ew
  381. 8:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: germs
  382. 8:37 PM - Entropy: Entropy pauses at the door. "Out."
  383. 8:37 PM - Entropy: He shuts the door behind him
  384. 8:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: edgy~
  385. 8:37 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy does his best Tom Cruise impression as he jumps on his bike and puts on the helmet.
  386. 8:38 PM - Entropy: come on you gotta admit that was purty darn edgemaster
  387. 8:38 PM - Gayme Masster: more like assholemaster
  388. 8:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: ^
  389. 8:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: edgy = asshole
  390. 8:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: its the price one must pay bro
  391. 8:38 PM - Entropy: so exaclty what I said
  392. 8:38 PM - Gayme Masster: well yeah but you don't have to be an asshole to your friends
  393. 8:38 PM - John Edsworth: more like purty darn assblaster
  394. 8:38 PM - Gayme Masster: or employees
  395. 8:39 PM - Entropy: In order to have a finely honed edge, you must be a finely honed asshole
  396. 8:39 PM - John Edsworth: im pretty sure him and john will immediately not like each other
  397. 8:39 PM - John Edsworth: i have 2 cool, after all :v
  398. 8:39 PM - Entropy: so am I there yet or wot
  399. 8:39 PM - Entropy: I have 10
  400. 8:39 PM - Entropy: I know what's cool bb
  401. 8:39 PM - Entropy: and that is me
  402. 8:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: how do you not like
  403. 8:39 PM - Entropy:
  404. 8:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: go into the fetal position every combat rounf
  405. 8:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: round*
  406. 8:39 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy zips through the cold, empty streets of Night City, finally arriving at the NCPD HQ.
  407. 8:40 PM - John Edsworth: probably by bein a fuckin baller :v
  408. 8:40 PM - Gayme Masster: He parks the bike perpendicularly to the curb, and kicks the parking meter on his way to the door.
  409. 8:40 PM - Entropy: nigga I'm edgy but I ain't like, destruction of city property dickish
  410. 8:40 PM - Entropy: rude
  411. 8:41 PM - Gayme Masster: The meter makes a couple sad bleepy sounds and spits out a couple of quarters.
  412. 8:41 PM - Gayme Masster: well yeah but there's no way Entropy would pay for parking
  413. 8:41 PM - Entropy: but that was pretty cool so I'll let it slide
  414. 8:41 PM - John Edsworth: i just realized
  415. 8:41 PM - John Edsworth: im carrying around
  416. 8:42 PM - John Edsworth: 400k euros
  417. 8:42 PM - John Edsworth: in gold+cash
  418. 8:42 PM - John Edsworth: and have been for hours, just chillin around the house with it
  419. 8:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: I carried around a corpse in Fallout for a whole campaign
  420. 8:42 PM - Entropy: you can't fast travel with that much weight
  421. 8:42 PM - Entropy: :v
  422. 8:42 PM - John Edsworth: :v
  423. 8:42 PM - Gayme Masster: He ascends the dirty, chipped faux marble steps, finally taking shelter from the cold, windswept city in the warm interior of the police station, which smells of old coffee, blood and old paper.
  424. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: nah, the gold's in Entropy's safe
  425. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: and next to it
  426. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool took care of it
  427. 8:43 PM - Entropy: I look for the nearest desk clerk to ask directions
  428. 8:43 PM - John Edsworth: nah ill keep it in my room
  429. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: This is only entropy right?
  430. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: You approach the bored looking, middle aged, short haired secretary who's sitting at the nearest desk.
  431. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: yep
  432. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: k
  433. 8:43 PM - John Edsworth: entropys safe is probably booby trapped to blow up the house
  434. 8:43 PM - Gayme Masster: if y'all want to do something in the meantime, lemme know
  435. 8:44 PM - John Edsworth: i want to work on my blueprints i guess
  436. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: wait
  437. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: can john like
  438. 8:44 PM - Entropy: "Looking for Morelli, of the Organized Crime Division. I was called by him personally."
  439. 8:44 PM - John Edsworth: so ill just like techo rollo i guess
  440. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: jury rig my monoblade
  441. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: to discharge all it energy
  442. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: so I can shoot lasers and siht
  443. 8:45 PM - Gayme Masster: She lifts her bored gaze from what looks like a crossword to look at you.
  444. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: It would be useless now
  445. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: but it just seems cool
  446. 8:45 PM - John Edsworth: what if i just upgraded yours with the other one we got
  447. 8:45 PM - Entropy: damn, I shoulda done something edgy first to get her attention
  448. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  449. 8:45 PM - Gayme Masster: "Go right-" she shows you the direction with her thumb "-and take the last door on the left."
  450. 8:45 PM - Entropy: like, lean down on her desk, or kick it or something
  451. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: make me a monodaikatana
  452. 8:45 PM - Gayme Masster: "You'll know it when you see it."
  453. 8:46 PM - Gayme Masster: Having said that, the unperplexed lady comes back to her 20th century entertainment.
  454. 8:46 PM - Entropy: Entropy nods and follows her directions
  455. 8:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: or like
  456. 8:46 PM - Entropy: bitch is lucky she got a nod
  457. 8:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: a darth maul dual katana
  458. 8:46 PM - John Edsworth: im keeping this golden AK forever
  459. 8:47 PM - John Edsworth: never to use, only to safeguard
  460. 8:47 PM - Gayme Masster: You walk through the -at this hour, almost abandoned- police station, mostly shrouded in shadow.
  461. 8:47 PM - Gayme Masster: we Saddam now?
  462. 8:47 PM - John Edsworth: we druglord now
  463. 8:48 PM - Gayme Masster: True to the receptionist's directions, a faint light emits from the last door on the left side of the hall.
  464. 8:48 PM - Entropy: I enter without knocking
  465. 8:48 PM - Gayme Masster: You push the door, and it opens with a loud creak. The heads of the room's inhabitants all turn to look at you.
  466. 8:48 PM - Entropy: I look back at them through my edgy mirrorshades
  467. 8:48 PM - Entropy: "Morelli."
  468. 8:49 PM - Gayme Masster: A thin, tall man in a black suit with a black tie approaches you.
  469. 8:49 PM - Gayme Masster: He's got a bushy moustache and a look of someone who doesn't really give much of a shit.
  470. 8:49 PM - Entropy: a man of my own heart
  471. 8:49 PM - John Edsworth: gay
  472. 8:49 PM - Gayme Masster: "That's me. You're the star of the show, right?"
  473. 8:50 PM - Gayme Masster: "C'mon, let me and the rest of the squad brief ya on what to expect."
  474. 8:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro puts his swords in the corner and does some buddhism siht
  475. 8:50 PM - Gayme Masster: He leads you through the maze of boxes and old metal desks to the briefing room.
  476. 8:51 PM - Gayme Masster: The rest of the team follows you, carrying what looks like various materials and folders.
  477. 8:51 PM - Entropy: "Quite a lot you've found, then."
  478. 8:51 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  479. 8:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh yeah
  480. 8:51 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  481. 8:51 PM - Gayme Masster: Morelli waits a while for everyone to take their places.
  482. 8:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: new character concepts coming in like crazy
  483. 8:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  484. 8:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: so TLDR
  485. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: nothing
  486. 8:52 PM - Gayme Masster: Just as he's about to start, Bruce rushes through the door.
  487. 8:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: I was chillin all day and playing smash
  488. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: entropy goes to PD
  489. 8:52 PM - Gayme Masster: hey dude
  490. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: thats it
  491. 8:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: today was hellachill
  492. 8:52 PM - Gayme Masster: better excuse to your boss for being late :v
  493. 8:52 PM - Entropy: Entropy raises an eyebrow edigly at Bruce
  494. 8:52 PM - Entropy: arms folded
  495. 8:52 PM - Entropy: mirror shades
  496. 8:52 PM - Entropy: uh
  497. 8:52 PM - Entropy: shading
  498. 8:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: "COMMUNISTS. BLAME THEM."
  499. 8:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: ewot
  500. 8:53 PM - Entropy: who do you think you are? EAGLE?
  501. 8:53 PM - Gayme Masster: "Funny, Byrnes."
  502. 8:53 PM - Gayme Masster: "Better take a seat, that's the third time this month you're late to a briefing!"
  503. 8:53 PM - Gayme Masster: "We'll talk about that later."
  504. 8:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Uh, I was riding my motorcycle and then I got into an accident and then a super secret evil organization named Shocker kidnapped me and turned me into a grasshopper-hero"
  505. 8:54 PM - Gayme Masster: "In the meantime, let's tell our special guest what exactly's waiting for him in sunny, tacky, snow sprinkled Miami."
  506. 8:54 PM - Gayme Masster: "You can probably guess that I'm not talkin' 'bout the kinda snow that falls from the sky."
  507. 8:54 PM - John Edsworth: is he talking about the kind you buy at party stores
  508. 8:55 PM - Gayme Masster: "Every year, a few hundred thousand tons of cocaine get smuggled through Florida, Miami being the biggest trafficking point."
  509. 8:55 PM - John Edsworth: aw
  510. 8:55 PM - Entropy: Entropy makes a guttural "mhm" noise that can probably be taken as an affirmative
  511. 8:55 PM - Gayme Masster: "Who do we have to thank for that? A couple of guys, but mostly, this guy."
  512. 8:55 PM - Gayme Masster: He presses a button on his remote, and the photo of Sonny Richards pops up on the screen.
  513. 8:56 PM - Bruce Brynes: "O.K. So we're heading down to Maimi to find out and hopefulyl take down the guy we have info on. We're bringing in you guys because when there's a sharp knife, you want to make sure it's pointed in the right direction. It's dangerous and liekly gonna end up in people dieing, which is another reason you're here"
  514. 8:56 PM - Gayme Masster: "Stop speakin' out of turn, Byrnes!"
  515. 8:56 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Sorry, Sir."
  516. 8:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  517. 8:56 PM - Gayme Masster: "Anyway, this guy is Sonny Richards. Former Army Ranger, and a real blade nut."
  518. 8:57 PM - Gayme Masster: "Caught a dishonorable discharge after he tried to make sushi outta a commanding officer."
  519. 8:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: so did I miss anything or are we just repeating what we know
  520. 8:57 PM - Gayme Masster: "And now, he leads the biggest drug cartel in the city of Miami."
  521. 8:57 PM - Gayme Masster: you haven't really missed anything
  522. 8:57 PM - Gayme Masster: apart from some offtopic banter
  523. 8:57 PM - Gayme Masster: a lot of it
  524. 8:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: aw
  525. 8:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: that's the best part
  526. 8:58 PM - Gayme Masster: and joking about Ryan but that's par for the course
  527. 8:58 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  528. 8:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: /kidding
  529. 8:58 PM - Gayme Masster: "Until now, Richards has been all but untouchable by Miami's Vice division."
  530. 8:58 PM - Gayme Masster: "Any witnesses they could dig up would disappear. Any evidence, go up in flames."
  531. 8:59 PM - Gayme Masster: "Any cop who'd get too close, eliminated. Messily, I might add."
  532. 8:59 PM - Entropy: "So you're hoping either one problem solves another, or both handle each other."
  533. 8:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: "some tiems litterally when it comes to that flames part."
  534. 8:59 PM - Gayme Masster: "Well, if you're considerin' yourself a problem, then yeah, you might say that."
  535. 8:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: "special chemical does not react well with oxegyen after a set amount of time."
  536. 9:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: I sigh. "Poor Frank. Told him putting on those pants was a bad idea"
  537. 9:00 PM - Gayme Masster: "Either way, you're not nearly as bad as these assholes. I can't say I'm too thrilled 'bout working with you, to be honest."
  538. 9:00 PM - John Edsworth: set amount of time
  539. 9:00 PM - John Edsworth: what
  540. 9:00 PM - John Edsworth: how do
  541. 9:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: well
  542. 9:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: think like
  543. 9:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: apply chemical
  544. 9:00 PM - Gayme Masster: "So, it's a good thing I'm gonna be offloading you on the fancy bastards from Miami Vice."
  545. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: "Don't take that personally, I'm just not a big fan of jazz."
  546. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: He chuckles quietly.
  547. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: after a while it reacts with oxeygen
  548. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: fwooosh
  549. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: there's no timer or anything
  550. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: think disapearing ink
  551. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: but with fire
  552. 9:01 PM - John Edsworth: im p sure you cant do that :v
  553. 9:01 PM - Entropy: I seem to recall him making a "he's no Miles Davis, but he's good" comment during ~cop talk~ with Brynes
  554. 9:01 PM - John Edsworth: but w/e future
  555. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: "You're scheduled to meet 'em on the Miami International Airport, two days from now."
  556. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: different cop
  557. 9:01 PM - Entropy: ah
  558. 9:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: no ash?
  559. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: he left
  560. 9:01 PM - Gayme Masster: as in us
  561. 9:02 PM - Gayme Masster: Elowin told me he's out
  562. 9:02 PM - Gayme Masster: and so he is
  563. 9:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: not suprrised
  564. 9:02 PM - Gayme Masster: kinda feel shitty about that
  565. 9:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: it's not your fault
  566. 9:02 PM - Gayme Masster: sorta is
  567. 9:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: its partly everyone's fault
  568. 9:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: he just doesn't have the stockholm syndrome that keeps us here
  569. 9:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: we were kind of dickish
  570. 9:02 PM - Entropy: "An important person like him is going to meet with myself, an unknown, in the middle of the airport?"
  571. 9:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: but he just didn't really fit
  572. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: "You'll know 'em when you see 'em, these guys love dressin' up like the guys they're chasin'."
  573. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: nah, you're meeting the cops
  574. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: not Richards
  575. 9:03 PM - Entropy: oh
  576. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: the cops from Miami that is
  577. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: Vice division
  578. 9:03 PM - Entropy: whoops
  579. 9:03 PM - Entropy: kay
  580. 9:03 PM - Gayme Masster: I shall unleash the full wrath of sawn off shotguns and pastel suits on you
  581. 9:04 PM - Entropy: make sure to put some Hotline Miami references in somewhere or I'll stop being your friend
  582. 9:04 PM - Entropy: :3
  583. 9:04 PM - Gayme Masster: "Now, the logistics are up to ya, and so is the cost of the tickets, but if you want some of your own hardware, I really doubt you can move guns by plane, not anymore at least."
  584. 9:04 PM - Gayme Masster: dude, don't forget who you're talking to
  585. 9:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: it would be cool to have Biker as a boss or something
  586. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm gonna use at least two songs
  587. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: villain whatever
  588. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: wh's biker?
  589. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: also the dude's sort of biker
  590. 9:05 PM - John Edsworth: basically hiro
  591. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: The Biker
  592. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: Potato, go play Hotline Miami
  593. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: like, now
  594. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: well not now now
  595. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh
  596. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  597. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: that game
  598. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: I tried to play it
  599. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  600. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: biker
  601. 9:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: the copy Caleb gave me didn't work
  602. 9:05 PM - Gayme Masster: aw
  603. 9:05 PM - Entropy: "I would imagine that any amount of money can allow banned items to bypass customs."
  604. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: basically a more colorful hiro
  605. 9:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: minus the life vest
  606. 9:06 PM - Gayme Masster: "Honestly, as long as you can do it in a legal way and not be hindered, I'd rather you did."
  607. 9:06 PM - Gayme Masster: "Don't forget you'll be workin' with cops."
  608. 9:06 PM - Gayme Masster: "Myself included."
  609. 9:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I don't think that argument works for them. Trust me, i've tried"
  610. 9:06 PM - Gayme Masster: "Anyway, I don't know much about the plans, so you'll probably learn the rest from the Vice guys when you're there."
  611. 9:07 PM - Entropy: "You expect us to do your dirty work, and yet you hinder us with red tape."
  612. 9:07 PM - Gayme Masster: "My guess it, they'll try to get you in as buyers, have you get close to Richards, and then strike at the head of the snake and so on."
  613. 9:07 PM - Gayme Masster: "Look, there's no red tape here. There's only so much I can do."
  614. 9:08 PM - Entropy: "Then have you any suggestions for getting our weapons through the 'legal' way?"
  615. 9:08 PM - Gayme Masster: "If you wanna move guns, either charter a plane, or have a part of your team travel by ground."
  616. 9:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: "So should we focus on taking down Richie Rich and have his cohorts fade out or try to eliminate the whole shebang?
  617. 9:08 PM - Entropy: "The former seems a more reasonable option, considering time."
  618. 9:09 PM - Gayme Masster: "Alternatively, you could tryin' to wrap them in a thousand different locks and safety measures, but that'd take a shitload of time and isn't really worth it, if you ask me."
  619. 9:09 PM - Gayme Masster: "I'd help ya, but us cops don't really handle logistics. That's all Uncle Sam."
  620. 9:10 PM - Gayme Masster: "As long as you've got the money, and aren't afraid to blow it on somethin' like this, yeah. You should check one of the smaller airfields out in the boonies, bound to be some old freelancer with an old prop Boeing to move you and your gear."
  621. 9:11 PM - Gayme Masster: "The plan is, Byrnes, to eliminate as many of 'em as possible, by arresting them first and foremost."
  622. 9:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb
  623. 9:11 PM - Gayme Masster: "Nobody's gonna blame you for any people you kill when fightin' for their lives, or unless if they did it'd be really outta character for the Miami Dade PD, but executions are right out. So don't get any funny ideas."
  624. 9:12 PM - Gayme Masster: "The free reign I told ya about only goes so far."
  625. 9:12 PM - Entropy: "Money is of no consequence at this point, but I won't be risking my own life any further than I already am merely to apprehend them."
  626. 9:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I'm just preparing for the worst. A guy like this isn't gonna go down easy"
  627. 9:12 PM - Entropy: "And neither will we."
  628. 9:12 PM - Entropy: note how he said ~we~
  629. 9:12 PM - Gayme Masster: "And yeah, Richards is the priority, but I'm pretty sure I don't gotta tell you guys that."
  630. 9:12 PM - Entropy: he's starting to like you guys
  631. 9:12 PM - Entropy: even if he won't admit it
  632. 9:12 PM - Gayme Masster: wow character development
  633. 9:12 PM - Entropy: c:
  634. 9:13 PM - Gayme Masster: so personality
  635. 9:13 PM - Entropy: shame he's gonna die
  636. 9:13 PM - Entropy: :v
  637. 9:13 PM - Gayme Masster: such complex
  638. 9:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro finishes his meditation bullshit and goes over to John
  639. 9:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: "What are you doing?"
  640. 9:14 PM - Entropy: he's probably playing with his salamander
  641. 9:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: wonk
  642. 9:14 PM - Gayme Masster: "Anyway, unless you've got any questions, that briefing's over. You can take any folders you want, as long as they're returned afterwards."
  643. 9:14 PM - John Edsworth: "Absolutely nothing."
  644. 9:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I'm just preparing for the worst. A guy like this isn't gonna go down easy"
  645. 9:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: "You should too"
  646. 9:15 PM - Entropy: "I've no questions. If any information I need to know about arises, you clearly have my number."
  647. 9:15 PM - John Edsworth: "What guy?"
  648. 9:15 PM - Gayme Masster: "There's some info on Richards you won't find on the 'net, plus some stuff on his closest associates."
  649. 9:15 PM - Gayme Masster: "It's all up to you, jazzboy."
  650. 9:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: Did you just copy and paste what I said :V
  651. 9:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Hiro shrugs"
  652. 9:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: woops
  653. 9:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: quotes
  654. 9:15 PM - Entropy: :v
  655. 9:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: "The man we are meant to kill"
  656. 9:16 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah I get tripped up by the quotes sometimes too
  657. 9:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro goes back to his Jean Claude splits
  658. 9:16 PM - Entropy: so are there any folders of particular note among this pile of pulped tree corpses?
  659. 9:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: i just use ' '
  660. 9:16 PM - John Edsworth: "Alright." John lays back down on the couch and continues being a lazy piece of shit.
  661. 9:17 PM - Entropy: he better have his lizard chillin on his chest
  662. 9:17 PM - Gayme Masster: like I said, some more inside info on the guy you're hunting, plus his right hand and leutenants and shit
  663. 9:17 PM - Gayme Masster: lieutenants*
  664. 9:17 PM - Gayme Masster: I always forget how you spell that
  665. 9:17 PM - Entropy: then I grab those and head out
  666. 9:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: I always just try to avoid it
  667. 9:17 PM - Bruce Brynes: I walk over to John
  668. 9:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: writing lieutenant
  669. 9:17 PM - Gayme Masster: uh
  670. 9:17 PM - Gayme Masster: Potato
  671. 9:18 PM - Gayme Masster: John's over at the house
  672. 9:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: we are at home
  673. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: ????
  674. 9:18 PM - Gayme Masster: you're over at the cop briefing
  675. 9:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: you guys are at PD
  676. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait
  677. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: i'm at the thing
  678. 9:18 PM - Gayme Masster: unless you learned to teleport in which case you're the ballerest cop
  679. 9:18 PM - Entropy: you and me are at the PD
  680. 9:18 PM - Entropy: you wanker
  681. 9:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: John and I are alone
  682. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: they're being P.O.S.
  683. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  684. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: Got it
  685. 9:18 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah, you're at the thing 'cause you're a cop and it's a thing for cops :v
  686. 9:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: And why is entropy there?
  687. 9:18 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy got invited over 'cause he's the bona fide leader of the party
  688. 9:18 PM - Entropy: and I'm here cause I'm Edgemaster Edgetropy of the Edgetrope
  689. 9:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: makes sense
  690. 9:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: So are we done at the PD?
  691. 9:19 PM - Entropy: I already grabbed the folders and headed out, so I guess so :v
  692. 9:19 PM - Gayme Masster: unless you want to use the office coffee maker, yes
  693. 9:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  694. 9:20 PM - Entropy: I wouldn't if I was you
  695. 9:20 PM - Gayme Masster: you're still going back on your own, Entropy's on his bike
  696. 9:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: I grab a donut and leave
  697. 9:20 PM - Entropy: I think you can wait until you get home to use our own coffee maker
  698. 9:20 PM - Gayme Masster: something something danger zone (related to Entropy, not donuts)
  699. 9:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: flyin to the dangerzone
  700. 9:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: pleb
  701. 9:20 PM - Entropy: I am the dangerzone
  702. 9:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: now we gotta shoehorn in the top gun love song
  703. 9:21 PM - Gayme Masster: well yeah but Entropy's clearly not flying
  704. 9:21 PM - Entropy: You could describe speeding down the streets on a motorcycle as "flying down the street"
  705. 9:21 PM - Gayme Masster: also I haven't actually seen top gun I base all my knowledge of the movie on the Archer short:
  706. 9:21 PM - Gayme Masster: which is amazing by the way
  707. 9:21 PM - Gayme Masster: and so is Archer
  708. 9:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: wot
  709. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: you haven't seen top gun
  710. 9:22 PM - Gayme Masster: I might've some time ago
  711. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: Here's what I know about top gun
  712. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLANES
  713. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: DANGER ZONE
  714. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: yeah
  715. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: MAN LOVE
  716. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: done
  717. 9:22 PM - Gayme Masster: I know it's incredibly homoerotic
  718. 9:22 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  719. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is exactly it
  720. 9:22 PM - Gayme Masster: pretty much what Potato said
  721. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: You should still watch it
  722. 9:23 PM - Gayme Masster: it's on my list :v
  723. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: for all the weird 80s shit and homoerotic man love
  724. 9:23 PM - Gayme Masster: I love cheesy movies so it's kinda a given
  725. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: you can ride my tail anytime
  726. 9:23 PM - Entropy: kay
  727. 9:24 PM - Entropy: so
  728. 9:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: I wonder if that was all intetional
  729. 9:24 PM - Gayme Masster: you know my name change for this session turned out to have been incredibly prescient
  730. 9:24 PM - Gayme Masster: is prescient a word and does it mean what I think it does
  731. 9:24 PM - Gayme Masster: anyway
  732. 9:24 PM - Entropy: I pull up my motorcycle and admire my petunias as I walk in the house
  733. 9:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro stands to attention
  734. 9:24 PM - Gayme Masster: I won't even try to explore the logistics of transporting multiple folders on a bike
  735. 9:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: I arrive home
  736. 9:25 PM - Entropy: I guess I sat on them? :v
  737. 9:25 PM - Gayme Masster: like, Entropy's home, or your own?
  738. 9:25 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  739. 9:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: One hand driving lol
  740. 9:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: Entropy's
  741. 9:25 PM - Entropy: or put them in a saddlebag
  742. 9:25 PM - Gayme Masster: Bruce's banged up detective spec cruiser pulls up in front of the house.
  743. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: nonono
  744. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: I just arrive
  745. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm a cyberpunk cop
  746. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: ot's what we do
  747. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: ewot?
  748. 9:26 PM - Gayme Masster: well yeah but you're a honest cop
  749. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: you just walk there
  750. 9:26 PM - Gayme Masster: honest cops get the shittiest cars ;v
  751. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: where bloody feckn' everywhere unless you need us
  752. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: ?
  753. 9:26 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  754. 9:26 PM - Entropy: "I've information on the target, our objective and how we'll go about it."
  755. 9:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Then lets get him"
  756. 9:27 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy spreads the contents of the folders over the unused dining table.
  757. 9:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: I look over to John
  758. 9:27 PM - Gayme Masster: song to get you in the mood
  759. 9:27 PM - Entropy: nooo I wanted to toss them and have all the importantest info slide out neatly
  760. 9:27 PM - Gayme Masster: kinda nsfw for slight sideboob
  761. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: ahhh booobs
  762. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: my childhood nooo~
  763. 9:28 PM - Entropy: what is this, Fallout?
  764. 9:28 PM - John Edsworth: lewd
  765. 9:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: "So. Scientist named John? I knew someone like that. He was a nice fellow, had an adorable daughter. Didn't talk to him for very long though."
  766. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh god the comments
  767. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: fucking freakazoids
  768. 9:29 PM - Entropy: ha funny i c wut u did that fallout reference
  769. 9:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: ewot
  770. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: ahaha joke's on you I've got the minimal youtube layout turned on
  771. 9:29 PM - Entropy: what Bruce said u shit
  772. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: no comments for me
  773. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: ever
  774. 9:29 PM - John Edsworth: I look over to Bruce. "Never heard of him."
  775. 9:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: bitch ill bring stitch into this campaign
  776. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: yeaaah that's the life
  777. 9:29 PM - Entropy: if we're bringing other characters in we're gonna need Brick
  778. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  779. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: Brick needs to be lik
  780. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: no Brick in my games
  781. 9:29 PM - John Edsworth: damn thats a nice car
  782. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: actually no
  783. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: a universal constant
  784. 9:29 PM - Gayme Masster: yes Brick in my games
  785. 9:29 PM - Entropy: I would be perfectly ok with getting killed by Brick
  786. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: I've already got a place for Brick
  787. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: the power of improv
  788. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeeesssss
  789. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: also yeah the car's awesome
  790. 9:30 PM - John Edsworth: hey guys
  791. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: it's a Vector
  792. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: thus the name of the band
  793. 9:30 PM - John Edsworth: whats a better than the colorr ed
  794. 9:30 PM - John Edsworth: red
  795. 9:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: Stitch could fit in here
  796. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: uh
  797. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: SUPER red?
  798. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: black's pretty coo'
  799. 9:30 PM - Gayme Masster: I like silver, too
  800. 9:30 PM - John Edsworth: dead. #murrica #muhpatriot #mcdonalds #burgerking #911neverforget
  801. 9:31 PM - Gayme Masster: what'd I say wrong
  802. 9:31 PM - Gayme Masster: other than not being 'murrikan
  803. 9:31 PM - John Edsworth: anyway
  804. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: super red sounds cool
  805. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: I dunno why
  806. 9:31 PM - John Edsworth: what would super red be
  807. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: just
  808. 9:31 PM - John Edsworth: a redder red
  809. 9:31 PM - Gayme Masster: I'd go with power red
  810. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: SUPER red
  811. 9:31 PM - Gayme Masster: sounds awesomer
  812. 9:31 PM - Entropy: oh god guys I just realized
  813. 9:31 PM - Gayme Masster: like, 80's awesomer
  814. 9:31 PM - John Edsworth: id go with ranger red
  815. 9:31 PM - Entropy: Brick is contagious
  816. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: I dunno
  817. 9:31 PM - John Edsworth: is awesomer
  818. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: its like
  819. 9:31 PM - Entropy: he's like an STD
  820. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: SUPER HOT
  821. 9:31 PM - Entropy: he keeps spreading
  822. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is how I feel about it
  823. 9:32 PM - Gayme Masster: like, see the interior of the car in this video
  824. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: SUPER
  825. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: HOT
  826. 9:32 PM - Gayme Masster: I bet the color's called power red
  827. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: SUPER
  828. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: GOT
  829. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: SHE GOT HOT
  830. 9:32 PM - Gayme Masster: song's cool too
  831. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: SAY IT AINT SO
  832. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: PORK AND BEANS
  833. 9:32 PM - Entropy: IDGAF ABOUT CARS
  834. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: WHY ARE SAYING WEEZER SONG NAMES
  835. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: I like SUPER Red better
  836. 9:32 PM - John Edsworth: what the hell are you talking about
  837. 9:32 PM - Entropy: CLYBERPANK PLS
  838. 9:32 PM - John Edsworth: lets just continue
  839. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: yeye
  840. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool takes a drag of his cigarette as he takes a long look at the documents and oh my god shut the hell up guy
  841. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: s
  842. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: brb piss
  843. 9:33 PM - John Edsworth: and i thought the ^ < > v was enough for ciaster
  844. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: it was
  845. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: that's a level beyond enough
  846. 9:33 PM - Entropy: stop talkingggg
  847. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: you can call it enough 2
  848. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  849. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  850. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: do y'all want to do some planning or something like that
  851. 9:33 PM - Entropy: we get place
  852. 9:33 PM - Entropy: plane
  853. 9:33 PM - Gayme Masster: or do you want to skip ahead to chartering the plane
  854. 9:33 PM - Entropy: fly there
  855. 9:33 PM - Entropy: shoot things
  856. 9:33 PM - Entropy: die
  857. 9:33 PM - Entropy: ???
  858. 9:34 PM - Entropy: Brick should be our pilot
  859. 9:34 PM - John Edsworth: uh
  860. 9:34 PM - Entropy: let Brick be the plane pilot pls
  861. 9:34 PM - John Edsworth: planning sounds cool i guess
  862. 9:34 PM - Entropy: and get Ryan in here for it
  863. 9:34 PM - John Edsworth: dan im sorry but brick is not universal :c
  864. 9:34 PM - John Edsworth: its ok i cry about it too
  865. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: what shall we plane
  866. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: plan*
  867. 9:35 PM - Gayme Masster: Skip ahead to the early morning hours of the next day.
  868. 9:35 PM - John Edsworth: noice typo
  869. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: back
  870. 9:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: planning has probably been the best part about this campaign tho
  871. 9:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: its so much fun for some reason
  872. 9:35 PM - Gayme Masster: It's roughly 6.30 AM, and you're heading to the nearest small airfield you've found on the map.
  873. 9:35 PM - Gayme Masster: well, you'll get to plan once you get there
  874. 9:35 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  875. 9:36 PM - Gayme Masster: Miami I mean
  876. 9:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  877. 9:37 PM - Gayme Masster: It's a small, dusty place - few old hangars, a weak chainlink fence around the landing strip.
  878. 9:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb
  879. 9:38 PM - Gayme Masster: And, what becomes very apparent, a pitched battle between a couple people with rifles and shotguns, and what looks like the denizen of the nearest hangar.
  880. 9:38 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster entered chat.
  881. 9:38 PM - Entropy: you're welcome, everyone
  882. 9:38 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: ((BONJOUR COMRADES))
  883. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  884. 9:38 PM - Entropy: this was my doing
  885. 9:38 PM - Gayme Masster: thank Dan for this
  886. 9:38 PM - Entropy:
  887. 9:38 PM - John Edsworth: ok
  888. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: The guy on the losing side looks eerily similar to the pilot you were planning to hire.
  889. 9:39 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Where is my giving of thanks
  890. 9:39 PM - John Edsworth: >losing
  891. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: well he seems to be losing from your perspective
  892. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: also I don't even have a sheet for him ;v
  893. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: ;v
  894. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  895. 9:39 PM - Gayme Masster: fucksake
  896. 9:39 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: BRICK DOES NOT LOSE
  897. 9:39 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: DID YOU NOT READ THE CONTRACT
  898. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: SECTION ONE SUBJECTION BRICK
  899. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: DOES NOT LOSE FIGHTS
  900. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: THAT WAS THE ENTIRE CONTRACT ACTUALLY
  901. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: HOW DID YOU MISS THAT
  902. 9:40 PM - Gayme Masster: "Shit, think that's our guy." exclaims Tool right before he punches through the fence with the AV and makes a beeline for the cars parked in front of the hangar.
  903. 9:40 PM - Entropy: I gotta agree with him Ciaster, the part where he signed his name "Brick" was even right next to the words "does not lose."
  904. 9:40 PM - Gayme Masster: I know, I know
  905. 9:40 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: ((I was about to do -15 IP for illiteracy, but this is not my campaign, and I cannot nerf you :V))
  906. 9:40 PM - Gayme Masster: anyway
  907. 9:41 PM - Gayme Masster: does anyone feel like leaning outta the window and actually doing something?
  908. 9:41 PM - Entropy: well yeah
  909. 9:41 PM - Entropy: I'm gonna shoot bitches
  910. 9:41 PM - Entropy: gotta shoot bitches
  911. 9:41 PM - Entropy: shootin bitches is like, my bag
  912. 9:41 PM - Entropy: along with the sax
  913. 9:41 PM - John Edsworth: I turn on the radio.
  914. 9:41 PM - Gayme Masster:
  915. 9:41 PM - Higeki Hiro: back
  916. 9:41 PM - John Edsworth: That shit better be on "Highway to Hell."
  917. 9:42 PM - Entropy: I need to practice my "aiming out of a car window" pose anyway
  918. 9:42 PM - Gayme Masster: nah it's just a reference to an 80s movie
  919. 9:42 PM - John Edsworth: and then I lean out the window and empty my SOLID GOLD AK
  920. 9:42 PM - Gayme Masster: which is damn good by the way
  921. 9:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: ewit
  922. 9:42 PM - Gayme Masster: watch To Live And Die In LA
  923. 9:42 PM - Entropy: haven't gotten a chance to shoot out of a car with teh LeMatt yet
  924. 9:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: what is ryan doing here
  925. 9:43 PM - Entropy: wow r u fuckin dum
  926. 9:43 PM - Entropy: and blind
  927. 9:43 PM - Entropy: and a tard
  928. 9:43 PM - Gayme Masster: John leans out of the window and empties his drug lord styled Avtomat Kalashnikov in the direction of two guys crouching behind a red sedan.
  929. 9:43 PM - Entropy: who cant read
  930. 9:43 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: WHAT DO YOU THINK
  931. 9:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: uh no faggot
  932. 9:43 PM - Gayme Masster: alright, dude, roll for Rifle
  933. 9:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: i was gone
  934. 9:43 PM - Entropy: idgaf
  935. 9:44 PM - John Edsworth: 13
  936. 9:44 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  937. 9:44 PM - John Edsworth: i have absolutely no experience firing a rifle
  938. 9:44 PM - Gayme Masster: how many shots?
  939. 9:44 PM - John Edsworth: but im emptying this shit
  940. 9:44 PM - John Edsworth: 30
  941. 9:44 PM - Gayme Masster: oh :v
  942. 9:44 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  943. 9:44 PM - John Edsworth: firezone time nigga
  944. 9:44 PM - Entropy: inb4 you kill Brick through some dicey bullshit
  945. 9:45 PM - Gayme Masster: alright so that's +3 to attack
  946. 9:45 PM - Gayme Masster: or that :v
  947. 9:45 PM - Entropy: then we'd have to go all the way back to town and find a shady dealer who sells chips that let Tool pilot a plane
  948. 9:45 PM - Gayme Masster: alright that's 30 rounds into a roughly 2 meter area
  949. 9:45 PM - Gayme Masster: so the guys
  950. 9:45 PM - Gayme Masster: gotta roll over 15 to dodge
  951. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: lemme pull up a generic goon sheet
  952. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: >making goon sheets without me
  953. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLEB
  954. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLEB
  955. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLEB
  956. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLEB
  957. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: PLEB
  958. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
  959. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: you actually want to do goon sheets?
  960. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: for me?
  961. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: like, really?
  962. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: shit why didn't you say so
  963. 9:46 PM - Gayme Masster: never enough of these
  964. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: don't get your panties in a twist ya bluudy git i'll smash ur face
  965. 9:47 PM - Gayme Masster: ahaha they both just barely make it
  966. 9:47 PM - John Edsworth: lame
  967. 9:48 PM - Gayme Masster: Heavy 7,62 rounds from John's druglord styled AK rip the cheap sedan to shreds, sending the two goons to the ground. Miraculously enough, despite having fired a whole mag at them, you didn't score a single hit.
  968. 9:48 PM - Gayme Masster: who else wanna drive-by that shit?
  969. 9:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Gee, it's as if GOLDEN AK-47's ARE BAD IDEAS"
  970. 9:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: drive me closer so I can hit them with my sword
  971. 9:49 PM - Entropy: my turn
  972. 9:49 PM - Entropy: how many are there?
  973. 9:49 PM - Entropy: only two?
  974. 9:49 PM - Gayme Masster: moosic
  975. 9:49 PM - John Edsworth: "Well dammit. That was fun."
  976. 9:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  977. 9:49 PM - Gayme Masster: there's six guys in total
  978. 9:50 PM - Entropy: and how heavily armored are they
  979. 9:50 PM - Gayme Masster: they're just low-rate goons
  980. 9:50 PM - Entropy: also how close are they to eachother
  981. 9:50 PM - Entropy: and where is brick in relation to them
  982. 9:50 PM - Gayme Masster: also I'd like to mention that you're about to hang out of window with your magnum and take out some putos
  983. 9:50 PM - Entropy: because this can go one of two ways
  984. 9:50 PM - Entropy: I can throw a grenade, or shoot 4 of them
  985. 9:50 PM - Gayme Masster: no, you won't hit Brick if you use the shotgun
  986. 9:50 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  987. 9:50 PM - Gayme Masster: oh, that
  988. 9:51 PM - Entropy: would the shotgun shell have a chance of hitting more than one?
  989. 9:51 PM - Gayme Masster: well, you can nade them too I guess but that doesn't reference Cypress Hill so it's a clearly inferior option
  990. 9:51 PM - Gayme Masster: well, refer to the shotgun rules
  991. 9:51 PM - Entropy: you're gm you do that :v
  992. 9:51 PM - Entropy: I'
  993. 9:51 PM - Entropy: I'll just roll 4 times
  994. 9:51 PM - Entropy: once for the shell
  995. 9:51 PM - Entropy: c:
  996. 9:51 PM - Gayme Masster: alrighty
  997. 9:51 PM - Gayme Masster: go ahead
  998. 9:52 PM - Entropy: 18 ; 25 ; 24 ; 21
  999. 9:53 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool is slightly nodding his head to Cypress Hill blasting on the radio as he maneuvers the AV around, trying to not hit any parked cars.
  1000. 9:53 PM - Gayme Masster: hm
  1001. 9:53 PM - Gayme Masster: which one of these's for the shotgun?
  1002. 9:53 PM - Gayme Masster: and how many guys are you targeting?
  1003. 9:53 PM - Entropy: I'd like to say the 25 but that'd be cheap
  1004. 9:53 PM - Entropy: I'm targeting one shot per goon
  1005. 9:53 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  1006. 9:53 PM - Entropy: also the shotty shot was the last one
  1007. 9:54 PM - Entropy: to further pepper any goons I down with the previous shots, or to send the others scattered even further
  1008. 9:54 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  1009. 9:55 PM - Gayme Masster: As Tool performs what would be a slide had you been in a car, Entropy leans out of the window and pops off three quick shots, finishing with a shotgun blast like an exclamation point in a sentence.
  1010. 9:55 PM - Gayme Masster: locations, damage c:
  1011. 9:56 PM - Entropy: oh right
  1012. 9:56 PM - Entropy: for location
  1013. 9:56 PM - Entropy: repeat 4 1D10 => 9 ; 4 ; 5 ; 1
  1014. 9:56 PM - Entropy: gotta look up the damage on this thing
  1015. 9:56 PM - Gayme Masster: dayuum that's a headshot in there
  1016. 9:56 PM - Gayme Masster: 5d6
  1017. 9:56 PM - Gayme Masster: is the damage
  1018. 9:56 PM - Entropy: whoop
  1019. 9:56 PM - Gayme Masster: as for the shotgun, it's 3d6
  1020. 9:56 PM - Entropy: repeat 3 5D6 => 18 ; 13 ; 14
  1021. 9:56 PM - Gayme Masster: unless you were using different ammo
  1022. 9:57 PM - Entropy: 3D6 => 11
  1023. 9:57 PM - Entropy: I'll make this simple and say nah
  1024. 9:57 PM - Entropy: wish I was using thermite in that baby tho
  1025. 9:58 PM - Gayme Masster: Three low-rate enforcer goons get their bodies ripped apart by heavy .41 slugs. They're not a Menace To Society anymore.
  1026. 9:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: are they jsut boys in tha hood?
  1027. 9:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Wait
  1028. 9:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: So I dont get to punch anything
  1029. 9:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: Drinkin' their Juice?
  1030. 9:58 PM - Entropy: "Perhaps if your gun was not solid gold, it would be easier to weild."
  1031. 9:58 PM - Entropy: I vote we let Ryan punch the rest
  1032. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: The forth one gets half his face ripped to bloody shreds by a blast of 16ga buckshot. His body slides down the side of the car he was taking cover behind.
  1033. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  1034. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: go ahead
  1035. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: I once though that menace to society was like
  1036. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: bad boyz or something
  1037. 9:59 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Right, so two are left?
  1038. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: and describe how hard you punch them
  1039. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: yep
  1040. 9:59 PM - Gayme Masster: behind one car
  1041. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: the cover literally has Menace II Society
  1042. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: like what the fuck
  1043. 9:59 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Okay, out of the two, who's smaller? Height and weight wise
  1044. 9:59 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: I have an idea
  1045. 10:00 PM - Gayme Masster: they're both relatively buff, though in a gym freak way rather than a really strong weightlifter way.
  1046. 10:00 PM - Entropy: do they even lift?
  1047. 10:00 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Well, in that case, I'll run up, grab the closest one
  1048. 10:00 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: And throw him as far away as I can
  1049. 10:00 PM - Gayme Masster: One's wearing a cheap suit, the other a leather jacket and a ripped t-shirt underneath.
  1050. 10:00 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Like, full effort, I don't care if my muscles explode
  1051. 10:01 PM - Gayme Masster: You grab the 80s reject by the throat, and toss him aside like a ragdoll.
  1052. 10:01 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Not toss
  1053. 10:01 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: THROW
  1054. 10:01 PM - Gayme Masster: He tumbles on the concrete, finally falling into a ditch.
  1055. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: o?
  1056. 10:01 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Like, into the next area code throw
  1057. 10:01 PM - Gayme Masster: toss him aside sounds way cooler
  1058. 10:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: thats waay to much
  1059. 10:02 PM - Entropy: but
  1060. 10:02 PM - Entropy: you need
  1061. 10:02 PM - Entropy: to let Brick
  1062. 10:02 PM - Entropy: do his thing
  1063. 10:02 PM - Entropy: he knows what he's doing
  1064. 10:02 PM - Entropy: trust me
  1065. 10:02 PM - Entropy: I helped create him
  1066. 10:02 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Exactly, I literally broke damage resistance scaling in the Fallout RPG :V
  1067. 10:02 PM - Gayme Masster: As he lands, his head has a close encounter of the third kind with a wayward stone, turning his skull into something that's sort of skully but crumbled I dunno I'm outta similes
  1068. 10:02 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: And had something like 450 damage per turn, when your average enemy maxed at 50 tops
  1069. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster: alright, whatever, you're killing these guys no matter what
  1070. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster: what do you do to the suit guy
  1071. 10:03 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: His punches did so much damage, armor didn't even matter :V
  1072. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster: suited I mean
  1073. 10:03 PM - Entropy: let the Brick Brick like a Brick can Brick
  1074. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster: you could say he's...
  1075. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster: insane in the membrane
  1076. 10:03 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Take a running start and throw a haymaker into his face
  1077. 10:03 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1078. 10:04 PM - Gayme Masster: I love how Cypress Hill only sing about weed and mexican gangs
  1079. 10:04 PM - Gayme Masster: well, rap
  1080. 10:05 PM - Gayme Masster: Brick charges the remaining hapless enforcer, tosses his shotgun aside, and turns his jawbone into a shattered mess with an out-of-this-world haymaker.
  1081. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: The body flies backwards a couple of meters before crashing into the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust.
  1082. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: goddamn now that I'm listening to Cypress Hill I'm not gonna stop until I finish the entire album
  1083. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: yo
  1084. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: guys
  1085. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: is anyone even here
  1086. 10:06 PM - Gayme Masster: hel-loo?
  1087. 10:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: hi
  1088. 10:06 PM - Entropy: hi
  1089. 10:06 PM - Entropy: I reload as Toolie lands the AV
  1090. 10:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: hi
  1091. 10:07 PM - Entropy: I was waiting for you to finish describing the goon's timely Bricking
  1092. 10:07 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool puts his AV down next to the hangar.
  1093. 10:07 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Ello
  1094. 10:07 PM - Gayme Masster: what about Data
  1095. 10:07 PM - Gayme Masster: Data wake up
  1096. 10:07 PM - Gayme Masster: wake up data
  1097. 10:08 PM - Higeki Hiro: ded
  1098. 10:08 PM - Higeki Hiro: straight up
  1099. 10:08 PM - Entropy: I exit the AV, carrying a bundle wrapped in a sheet
  1100. 10:08 PM - John Edsworth: huh
  1101. 10:08 PM - John Edsworth: oh
  1102. 10:08 PM - John Edsworth: hi
  1103. 10:08 PM - Entropy: I address Brick. "I take it you are the pilot, then."
  1104. 10:08 PM - Gayme Masster: (psst: you are)
  1105. 10:08 PM - Entropy: I will address my unidentified bundle in a moment, by the way
  1106. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: wat
  1107. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: entropy
  1108. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: the pilot
  1109. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: rip
  1110. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: mass rippage
  1111. 10:09 PM - Entropy: no you dunce
  1112. 10:09 PM - Entropy: Brick is
  1113. 10:09 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: "I SHALL FLY YOU WHEREVER YOU NEED COMRADE!"
  1114. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: 10:09 PM - Gayme Masster: (psst: you are)
  1115. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: then what does that mean?
  1116. 10:09 PM - Gayme Masster: that was directed at Ryan
  1117. 10:09 PM - Entropy: I toss the bundle at Brick, and it unravels, revealing a solid bar of gold.
  1118. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1119. 10:09 PM - Gayme Masster: 'cause he wasn't answering
  1120. 10:09 PM - Entropy: "Payment. Take us to Miami."
  1121. 10:10 PM - Gayme Masster: ~the invisible hand of the free market demands his hel~
  1122. 10:10 PM - Gayme Masster: *help
  1123. 10:10 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Brick's drug fueled eyes light up, he's going to be loose in Cocaine city with a bar of gold, time to cancel his plans for a month "DEAL!"
  1124. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: "........."
  1125. 10:11 PM - Entropy: "I will take that as a yes."
  1126. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Why me"
  1127. 10:11 PM - Entropy: whoops
  1128. 10:11 PM - Entropy: didn't notice the big "DEAL" at the end
  1129. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: "Alright, guys, let's load up these guns." says Tool.
  1130. 10:12 PM - Entropy: I thought he was just staring at the gold :v
  1131. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: alright, which gear are you taking for your Miami trip?
  1132. 10:12 PM - Entropy: all of it
  1133. 10:12 PM - Entropy: c:
  1134. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: I mean you can't take everything
  1135. 10:12 PM - Entropy:
  1136. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1137. 10:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: hhhmmm
  1138. 10:12 PM - Entropy: boo
  1139. 10:12 PM - Entropy: 0/10
  1140. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: you've got the MK19
  1141. 10:12 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Im on the plane, doing, Brick things
  1142. 10:12 PM - Gayme Masster: 'cause it's on the van
  1143. 10:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: I lost track of all the shit you gave me
  1144. 10:13 PM - Gayme Masster: and the M60
  1145. 10:13 PM - Gayme Masster: 'cause it's also on the van
  1146. 10:13 PM - Entropy: I got me LeMatt, plenty of ammo, and at least 4 grenades of each
  1147. 10:13 PM - Entropy: also my other gun too
  1148. 10:13 PM - Gayme Masster: well you can choose from a buttload of various assault rifles, grenades, rocket launchers and so on
  1149. 10:13 PM - Entropy: but it isn't a LeMatt so it's less important
  1150. 10:13 PM - Entropy: Someone take the auto grenade launcher off the AV
  1151. 10:13 PM - Gayme Masster: you're taking the AV too, aren't you?
  1152. 10:14 PM - Entropy: we can?
  1153. 10:14 PM - Gayme Masster: well you're taking a cargo plane
  1154. 10:14 PM - Entropy: ah
  1155. 10:14 PM - Entropy: then why are we unloading the AV
  1156. 10:14 PM - Gayme Masster: the sky's the limit, pun not intended
  1157. 10:14 PM - Entropy: to put things in the plane
  1158. 10:14 PM - Entropy: that the AV is going in
  1159. 10:14 PM - Gayme Masster: I dunno
  1160. 10:15 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1161. 10:15 PM - Entropy: :v
  1162. 10:15 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm kinda sleepy at the moment :v
  1163. 10:15 PM - Entropy: then we'll just pull the AV into the plane
  1164. 10:15 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah alright
  1165. 10:15 PM - Gayme Masster: Tool slowly maneuvers the AV onboard the old milsurp Hercules cargo plane.
  1166. 10:16 PM - John Edsworth: what are we doing
  1167. 10:16 PM - Entropy: going to Miami
  1168. 10:16 PM - Gayme Masster: yep
  1169. 10:16 PM - Entropy: after having given Brick a bar of solid gold
  1170. 10:16 PM - Gayme Masster: also, as for the plane, imagine this but a whole lot more shittily maintained and with chipping paint
  1171. 10:17 PM - Gayme Masster: and no, it's not the AC
  1172. 10:17 PM - Entropy: 10:16 PM - Entropy: if you've ever wondered what a REAL LIVE POLE looks like
  1173. 10:16 PM - Entropy:
  1174. 7:17 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Wait is that actually him
  1175. 10:16 PM - Entropy: yep
  1176. 7:17 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: That looks like Ghengis Khan's whimpy brother
  1177. 7:17 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Ghengis Khant
  1178. 10:16 PM - Entropy: :V
  1179. 10:17 PM - Gayme Masster: I'll have you know you look wimpier than me, Ryan!
  1180. 10:17 PM - Entropy: I'm sorry
  1181. 10:17 PM - Entropy: but that is entirely relevant
  1182. 10:17 PM - Gayme Masster: at least I don't have a neckbeard going on
  1183. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1184. 10:18 PM - Entropy: :/\
  1185. 10:18 PM - Gayme Masster: also I think it's time for an intermission
  1186. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: the wimpiest battle since never
  1187. 10:18 PM - Gayme Masster: post your faces y'all
  1188. 10:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: Wow
  1189. 10:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: Ciaster is adorable
  1190. 10:18 PM - Gayme Masster: thanks
  1191. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1192. 10:18 PM - Entropy: 7:18 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Ghengis Khan raped and murdered millions
  1193. 7:18 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Ghengis Khant just spent his afternoon helping his mom clean the castle, or whatever the fuck midevil warlords lived in
  1194. 10:18 PM - Gayme Masster: I did say I had serious baby face going on, didn't I?
  1195. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1196. 10:19 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1197. 10:19 PM - Entropy: grow some facial hair
  1198. 10:19 PM - Entropy: or are poles incapable of that
  1199. 10:19 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm trying ok
  1200. 10:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1201. 10:19 PM - Gayme Masster: we're very capable
  1202. 10:19 PM - Higeki Hiro: some people just can't
  1203. 10:19 PM - Gayme Masster: our mustaches are pretty legendary
  1204. 10:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: it's more radical extremes
  1205. 10:19 PM - Higeki Hiro: my friend it like
  1206. 10:19 PM - Higeki Hiro: 4'6 or some shit
  1207. 10:20 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm just trying to grow a respectable beard, not some neckbeard shit
  1208. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: and can't grow the slightest of mustache
  1209. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: I have no facial hair
  1210. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: like
  1211. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: at all
  1212. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: it's all on my head
  1213. 10:20 PM - Entropy: whoa hold on ciaster
  1214. 10:20 PM - Entropy: you call that
  1215. 10:20 PM - Entropy: trying to grow a beard?
  1216. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: old pic
  1217. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: pleb
  1218. 10:20 PM - Gayme Masster: dude look at the timestamp
  1219. 10:20 PM - Gayme Masster: that was two years ago
  1220. 10:20 PM - Entropy: oh hey there's a timestamp
  1221. 10:20 PM - Gayme Masster: I was like Data age by then
  1222. 10:20 PM - John Edsworth: >caring about bearddom
  1223. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: so you're like
  1224. 10:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: junior
  1225. 10:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: 16-17
  1226. 10:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: how old is data?
  1227. 10:21 PM - Entropy: WEE LITTLE BABES, THE LOT O YE
  1228. 10:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: Data and I are feshmen
  1229. 10:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1230. 10:21 PM - Entropy: WEEEE LITTLE BABES
  1231. 10:21 PM - Gayme Masster: 17, gonna turn 18 in January
  1232. 10:21 PM - Gayme Masster: finally, I'll be able to legally buy myself a good beer
  1233. 10:21 PM - Gayme Masster: two things Poland's got going for it over 'murika
  1234. 10:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: jan b-days for the win
  1235. 10:22 PM - Entropy: My bday is in december
  1236. 10:22 PM - John Edsworth: july
  1237. 10:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: feb.
  1239. 10:22 PM - Entropy: pls
  1240. 10:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: nah
  1241. 10:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: aaah
  1242. 10:22 PM - Entropy: booo
  1243. 10:22 PM - Entropy: ur all pleebs
  1244. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: I dunno why we took a break
  1245. 10:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: im eating chips and dip
  1246. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: 04:18 - Gayme Masster: post your faces y'all
  1247. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1248. 10:23 PM - Entropy: cause Ciaster wanted to go into hibernation
  1249. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: also I totally missed 4:20 :(
  1250. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: it's the funniest hour
  1251. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: no, I didn't?
  1252. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1253. 10:23 PM - Entropy: god dammit now I need to go find an old picture of me
  1254. 10:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: c'mon Wing/Appy/Caleb
  1255. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm sorry I'm just easily amused by funny numbers
  1256. 10:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: you know you want to
  1257. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: at least I got over 69
  1258. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: I legit don't have any pictures of me
  1259. 10:23 PM - Gayme Masster: what, not even on Facebook?
  1260. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: I avoid cameras like its the devil
  1261. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1262. 10:24 PM - Entropy: nigga I'm lookin chill yo dick
  1263. 10:24 PM - Gayme Masster: just snap a selfie or something
  1264. 10:24 PM - Gayme Masster: we won't judge, it's Saturday
  1265. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: this has forever been my facebook
  1266. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  1267. 10:24 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  1268. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: i ain't snapping selfies when my bro is right here
  1269. 10:25 PM - Gayme Masster: go to the bathroom then
  1270. 10:25 PM - Gayme Masster: grow some baallllllls mang
  1271. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1272. 10:25 PM - John Edsworth: i would but lolno'
  1273. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: I'll get it by next week
  1274. 10:25 PM - Gayme Masster: pussies, the lot of ya
  1275. 10:25 PM - John Edsworth: i need to get the red mail and beat the final boss
  1276. 10:25 PM - Gayme Masster: c'mon at least you Data
  1277. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: just don't feel like it right now
  1278. 10:25 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Oh, are we talking about Ciaster's picture
  1279. 10:25 PM - Entropy: nigga don't be gettin on my case
  1280. 10:26 PM - John Edsworth: nah im too lazy
  1281. 10:26 PM - Entropy: I'm lookin for a fookin pic
  1282. 10:26 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  1283. 10:26 PM - John Edsworth: im beating a link between worlds
  1284. 10:26 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: My thoughts on the subject
  1285. 10:26 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Entropy: if you've ever wondered what a REAL LIVE POLE looks like
  1286. Entropy:
  1287. Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Wait is that actually him
  1288. Entropy: yep
  1289. Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: That looks like Ghengis Khan's whimpy brother
  1290. Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Ghengis Khant
  1291. 10:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: back. Did I miss any pics?
  1292. Your state is set to Offline.
  1293. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  1294. 10:26 PM - Gayme Masster: already posted
  1295. 10:26 PM - Gayme Masster: am I still offline or
  1296. 10:26 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: FUCK
  1297. 10:26 PM - Entropy: nope
  1298. 10:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: hi
  1299. 10:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: what
  1300. 10:26 PM - Gayme Masster: why'd that even pop up
  1301. 10:26 PM - Gayme Masster: Steam's weird
  1302. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: Anyway, like I said- did Dan/Caleb/Wing stop being homolords?
  1303. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: nope
  1304. 10:27 PM - Entropy: go suck a dick I don't have any pics on my computer
  1305. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: Dan's apparently looking for his photos
  1306. 10:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb
  1307. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: take one
  1308. 10:27 PM - Entropy: you can wait until the fuckin sun is up for me to take another
  1309. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: oh c'mon you do have a phone with a camera
  1310. 10:27 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: If y'all wanna see my face, I may oblige, I think the Mekton group saw it when Roll 20 turned my webcam on :V
  1311. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: we have
  1312. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1313. 10:27 PM - Entropy: I already showed them all :V
  1314. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: it was 2funny
  1315. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: believe you me, we have
  1316. 10:27 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Fuckin Dan
  1317. 10:27 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Wait
  1318. 10:27 PM - Entropy:
  1319. 10:27 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Why do you have a picture of my face saved
  1320. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: you've got a funny face, Ryan ;v
  1321. 10:27 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1322. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: that wasn't supposed to be a winky face
  1323. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: abort
  1324. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: abort
  1325. 10:28 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: SERIOUS QUESTION HERE
  1326. 10:28 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: ALSO GOD DAMNIT CIASTER
  1327. 10:28 PM - Entropy: so I could show them
  1328. 10:28 PM - Entropy: your face
  1329. 10:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: dan 1 ryan 0
  1330. 10:28 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Which picture of me, from Roll 20?
  1331. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: honestly I don't care about people seeing my polemug
  1332. 10:28 PM - Entropy: aye
  1333. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah that was the one I think
  1334. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1335. 10:28 PM - Entropy: I couldn't not show them
  1336. 10:28 PM - Gayme Masster: you look high as fuck
  1337. 10:28 PM - Entropy: look at it man
  1338. 10:29 PM - Entropy: it's fuckin hilarious
  1339. 10:29 PM - Gayme Masster: seriously
  1340. 10:29 PM - Entropy: how could I not show them that
  1341. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Actually
  1342. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: This is from Tuesday night right?
  1343. 10:29 PM - Entropy: think so
  1344. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: If so, yes, yes I am
  1345. 10:29 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: It was the first night of break and I celebrated a bit :V
  1346. 10:29 PM - Gayme Masster: that explains so much
  1347. 10:30 PM - Entropy: AHA
  1348. 10:30 PM - Gayme Masster: oh yeah and by the way I wear the hat in my photo on a daily basis now that it's gotten cold
  1349. 10:30 PM - Entropy: I FOUND AN OLD PIC OF ME
  1350. 10:30 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1351. 10:30 PM - Entropy: FROM LIKE 6 YEARS AGO
  1352. 10:30 PM - Entropy: OR MAYBE IT WAS 8
  1353. 10:30 PM - Gayme Masster: minidan
  1354. 10:30 PM - Gayme Masster: post eet
  1355. 10:30 PM - John Edsworth: argh, i dont know how to get this fucking red mail
  1357. 10:30 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Dan, I have been high for like, a solid 50% of the games I GM :V
  1358. 10:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: minivan
  1359. 10:30 PM - Entropy: rip in piece hat
  1360. 10:30 PM - Gayme Masster: that'd explain all the drink breaks
  1361. 10:31 PM - Entropy: me -8 years
  1362. 10:31 PM - Entropy:
  1363. 10:31 PM - Gayme Masster: and snack breaks
  1364. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Usually turn into snack breaks, and I spend like 10-15 minutes raiding the fridge
  1365. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: wow
  1366. 10:31 PM - Gayme Masster: nice hat
  1367. 10:31 PM - Entropy: I'll get you impatient plebs a newer pic tomorrow
  1368. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: you're really boring
  1369. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: DAN WHERES THE TOP HALF OF YOUR HEAD
  1370. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: WHERE DID IT GO
  1371. 10:31 PM - Gayme Masster: 10/10 vietnam vet
  1372. 10:31 PM - Entropy: UNDER THE HAT YOU SHIT
  1373. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: WHAT HAT
  1374. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: WHERED IT GO
  1375. 10:31 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: JESUS SEE A DOCTOR
  1376. 10:31 PM - John Edsworth: fuck yeah, i got the red mail!
  1377. 10:31 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah it blends so well doesn't it
  1378. 10:31 PM - Gayme Masster: must be the camo
  1379. 10:31 PM - Entropy: OH GOD ITS A GHOST PIC MY HEAD
  1380. 10:32 PM - Entropy: AM I DEAD
  1381. 10:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: bakc
  1382. 10:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: what happened
  1383. 10:32 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm probably gonna have to add you fuckers on facebook now won't I
  1384. 10:32 PM - John Edsworth: time to go kick the final boss's shit in
  1385. 10:32 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: But yes, most of the dumb moments in past games (Fallout RPG for the most part) are because two things
  1386. 10:32 PM - Entropy: I need to show you guys my supercool newface
  1387. 10:32 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: One, I didnt write that far ahead
  1388. 10:32 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Two, I would have to ad lib things while baked
  1389. 10:32 PM - Entropy: that isn't 8 years young
  1390. 10:33 PM - Gayme Masster: man I'm never baked and my improv is nearly as dumb
  1391. 10:33 PM - Gayme Masster: doesn't say anything good about me, probably
  1392. 10:33 PM - Entropy: I'm never baked and my improv is top notch
  1393. 10:33 PM - Entropy: suk it
  1394. 10:33 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: I am better GM than you
  1395. 10:33 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: 420/10 would blaze
  1396. 10:34 PM - Entropy: um no you're just GMing a cooler system than Fallout
  1397. 10:34 PM - Entropy: so you just THINK your a better GM
  1398. 10:34 PM - Entropy: Just you wait until magical girls
  1399. 10:34 PM - Gayme Masster: and now it's turned into a gm-off
  1400. 10:34 PM - Gayme Masster: chill n1gg@s
  1402. 10:34 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: (Which includes a boss, that terrifies Brick)
  1403. 10:34 PM - Entropy: Also guys, I'd like to point this out now
  1404. 10:35 PM - John Edsworth: guys
  1405. 10:35 PM - John Edsworth: this game makes me cry
  1406. 10:35 PM - John Edsworth: its the best zelda ever
  1407. 10:35 PM - John Edsworth: i dont even give a shit
  1408. 10:35 PM - Gayme Masster: so emotional
  1409. 10:35 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Also ahaha, in that picture I sorta look like a younger, stoner Jontron
  1410. 10:35 PM - Entropy: In Mekton, a giant mecha octopus thing crawled out of the desert sand and dragged a fuckhuge crashed spaceship of ours down with it
  1411. 10:35 PM - Entropy: it was something even Brick was too terrified to chase
  1412. 10:35 PM - Entropy: so we went after it
  1413. 10:35 PM - Entropy: well, we minus Brick
  1414. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: The whole brick thing was supposed to be like, a warning not to do it :V
  1415. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Don't be surprised if a TPK happens if you fuck up here
  1416. 10:36 PM - Entropy: you literally made it seem like we were SUPPOSED to do it
  1417. 10:36 PM - Gayme Masster: well now you know
  1418. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: You needed to do it to advance the main plot, JUST NOT RIGHT AWAY
  1419. 10:36 PM - Gayme Masster: never warn these people not to do something
  1420. 10:36 PM - Entropy: I mean, it took our fucking ship, with people still on it, we were told it would absorb the damn thing, so that added a time element to it
  1421. 10:36 PM - Gayme Masster: 'cause they totally iwll
  1422. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: I'd be like if Harry saw that snake talking to him and was like
  1423. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: "OI, IMMA FUCKIN WRECK YOU M8"
  1424. 10:36 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: And then killed it
  1425. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Instead of being a whiny little shit about Voldemort
  1426. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: I dont even remember, havent read the books in years
  1427. 10:37 PM - Gayme Masster disconnected.
  1428. 10:37 PM - Entropy: it was the only real option we had, since Brick's explaination of where he'd go since he wasn't following us was "not that way"
  1429. 10:37 PM - Entropy: where the fuck else where we supposed to go
  1430. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Well, he's sorta a wanted criminal, not going to wander into town :V
  1431. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Also explore
  1432. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: YOU KNOW
  1433. 10:37 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: GO ANYWHERE BUT THERE
  1434. 10:38 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Then again, this might end up amazing
  1436. 10:38 PM - Gayme Masster entered chat.
  1437. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: aw
  1438. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: hell
  1439. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: naw
  1440. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: bitch takin my gems
  1441. 10:38 PM - Gayme Masster: missed anything?
  1442. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: time to lay the fuckin smackdown on this ho
  1443. 10:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: nope
  1444. 10:38 PM - Entropy: me and Ryan yelling at each other
  1445. 10:38 PM - Gayme Masster: doesn't appear so
  1446. 10:38 PM - Entropy: :V
  1447. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: lorule my ass, its time to KILL a nigga
  1448. 10:39 PM - Gayme Masster: I'll just pretend y'all were fucking around while on the plane
  1449. 10:39 PM - Entropy: oh hey we're back on gametime?
  1450. 10:39 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Right, well, still didn't force you to go 'lol we got this' but it'll be funny to watch
  1451. 10:39 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Yup
  1452. 10:39 PM - Gayme Masster: sort of I guess
  1453. 10:39 PM - Gayme Masster: I mean if you want more bullshit time it's fine by me :v
  1454. 10:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: hhmm
  1455. 10:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: also
  1456. 10:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: Melting
  1457. 10:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: why did you name him John
  1458. 10:40 PM - Gayme Masster: but if not, it's time for me to severely rip off miami vice and also some planning
  1459. 10:40 PM - Entropy: I got no need for bullshit time
  1460. 10:40 PM - Entropy: I want to bullshoot things
  1461. 10:40 PM - Entropy: that was awful
  1462. 10:41 PM - Gayme Masster: *something about Entropy being bullshit*
  1463. 10:41 PM - Gayme Masster: seriously nig u op
  1464. 10:41 PM - Entropy: fuk u entropy is coo
  1465. 10:41 PM - Entropy: me
  1466. 10:41 PM - Entropy: op
  1467. 10:41 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: -15 IP for being shit at jokes
  1468. 10:41 PM - Entropy: I'm the least combat op character here
  1469. 10:41 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1470. 10:41 PM - Entropy: well except John
  1471. 10:41 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: And yes, I just cross nerfed you :V
  1472. 10:41 PM - Entropy: but he's like, a pleb
  1473. 10:41 PM - John Edsworth: >mfw this is this easy
  1474. 10:41 PM - Entropy: with a salamamder
  1475. 10:42 PM - Entropy: I'll be the salamander has more REF than he does
  1476. 10:42 PM - Gayme Masster: After a long flight, the plane starts to slowly descend over the city of Miami.
  1477. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: Bruce Brynes: hhmm
  1478. Bruce Brynes: also
  1479. Bruce Brynes: Melting
  1480. Bruce Brynes: why did you name him John
  1481. 10:42 PM - Entropy: it's a very common name
  1482. 10:42 PM - John Edsworth: iunno
  1483. 10:42 PM - Entropy: not everyone and everything named John relates to your Johns
  1484. 10:42 PM - Entropy: fukken rekt m8
  1485. 10:43 PM - Gayme Masster: Shiny and glitzy on the outside, seedy and dirty on the inside, Miami is the very definition of a 2020 american city. And you're about to land straight in the middle of its shady deals and arcane politics.
  1486. 10:43 PM - John Edsworth: take that you piece of shit
  1487. 10:43 PM - Entropy: with a lot of gold
  1488. 10:43 PM - Gayme Masster: You can faintly hear Brick chattering over the headset with the air control.
  1489. 10:43 PM - Entropy: and guns
  1490. 10:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Looks worse than Night City"
  1491. 10:43 PM - Entropy: and Brick
  1492. 10:43 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Watch it, Hiro"
  1493. 10:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Did I say something wrong?"
  1494. 10:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: "English not my first language"
  1495. 10:44 PM - Entropy: lol brick talking to ATC
  1496. 10:44 PM - Entropy: he'd just land somewhere
  1497. 10:44 PM - Entropy: probably a street
  1498. 10:44 PM - Gayme Masster: nah you're supposed to meet on Miami Intl
  1499. 10:44 PM - Gayme Masster: with the vice cops
  1500. 10:44 PM - John Edsworth: oh no
  1501. 10:44 PM - John Edsworth: nooo
  1502. 10:44 PM - Entropy: he's got a bar of gold in his pocket and soon to be cocaine up his nose
  1503. 10:45 PM - Gayme Masster: well you'll leave him on the plane :v
  1504. 10:45 PM - Entropy: he's not our problem after that :V
  1506. 10:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: jettisons cargo*
  1507. 10:45 PM - Entropy: and us :v
  1508. 10:45 PM - Entropy: as he flies to the nearest drug dealer
  1509. 10:46 PM - Gayme Masster: The A-130 makes a rough landing on the Miami International Airport strip, the wheels squeeking as they hit the tarmac.
  1510. 10:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: c-130J bitch
  1511. 10:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: get it ryte
  1512. 10:46 PM - Gayme Masster: The plane slows down, and eventually ends up taxiing to a private hangar.
  1513. 10:46 PM - Gayme Masster: whatever I'm not good at planes
  1514. 10:46 PM - Gayme Masster: the C-130 is literally the only cargo plane I remember off the top of my head
  1515. 10:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: i just play lodes of armor
  1516. 10:47 PM - Higeki Hiro: arma*
  1517. 10:47 PM - Gayme Masster: and that's probably only thanks to its armed version :v
  1518. 10:47 PM - Entropy: "Your services are appreciated, pilot. You were available on quite short notice, which was convenient for us."
  1519. 10:47 PM - John Edsworth: ahaha take that you pig cunt
  1520. 10:47 PM - Gayme Masster: wow
  1521. 10:47 PM - Gayme Masster: rude
  1522. 10:47 PM - Gayme Masster: seriously that was a mite uncalled for
  1523. 10:47 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1524. 10:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: what
  1525. 10:48 PM - Entropy: what
  1526. 10:48 PM - Gayme Masster: 04:48 - John Edsworth: ahaha take that you pig cunt
  1527. 10:48 PM - Gayme Masster: unless it's something I'm not getting
  1528. 10:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: I don't get it
  1529. 10:48 PM - Gayme Masster: like always
  1530. 10:48 PM - Entropy: I was hoping someone else would say "what" too :c
  1531. 10:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: I don't understand emotions
  1532. 10:49 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1533. 10:49 PM - Entropy: Wing you're worse than Kyubey
  1534. 10:49 PM - Entropy: I bet you experiemenet with magical little girls and their souls
  1535. 10:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: kyubey?
  1536. 10:49 PM - Entropy: 1 sec
  1537. 10:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh god
  1538. 10:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: is this like chris chan levels of weird?
  1539. 10:50 PM - Entropy:
  1540. 10:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: ewot?
  1541. 10:50 PM - Gayme Masster: I think it's some anime
  1542. 10:50 PM - Entropy: yes
  1543. 10:50 PM - Entropy: yes it is
  1544. 10:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: fuckin weebs
  1545. 10:50 PM - Entropy: Ryan and Data are familiar with it c:
  1546. 10:50 PM - Entropy: so anyway we landed in Miami
  1547. 10:51 PM - Gayme Masster: You part ways, Brick getting ready to experience the wonders of the magic city of Miami, Tool and Hiro staying in the AV ready to follow the rest, and Bruce, Entropy and John doing a slow-mo, badass walk appearance in the airport lobby.
  1548. 10:51 PM - Gayme Masster: Do airports have lobbies? whatever you know what I mean :v
  1549. 10:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1550. 10:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: I think?
  1551. 10:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: it sounds right
  1552. 10:51 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm a shut-in pole I've never been on a plane so :v
  1553. 10:52 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Its called a terminal
  1554. 10:52 PM - Entropy: are the cops just gonna be standing there with little white signs that say "Entropy" and looking around the crowds? :v
  1555. 10:52 PM - Gayme Masster: nah, it's you looking for them
  1556. 10:52 PM - Entropy: boo
  1557. 10:52 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  1558. 10:52 PM - Gayme Masster: Bruce and Entropy, roll Awareness/Notice
  1559. 10:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: holy fuck
  1560. 10:52 PM - Entropy: nigga I got like 2 awareness I ain't gonna find shit
  1561. 10:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: hhmmm
  1562. 10:52 PM - Entropy: 11
  1563. 10:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: ('From 1962, when John F Kennedy instituted PAL encoding on nuclear weapons, until 1977, the combination to fire the devastating missiles at the height of the Cold War was just 00000000.')
  1564. 10:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: like what in the ungodly fuck
  1565. 10:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: I got a 12
  1566. 10:54 PM - Gayme Masster: Bruce spots two guys who look different, somehow.
  1567. 10:54 PM - Entropy: well, think about it like this, Wing. If you were a codebreaker for some other country, and you "cracked" the codes to the US nuke launch button, and that was the code
  1568. 10:54 PM - Gayme Masster: His cop instincts kick in.
  1569. 10:54 PM - Entropy: would you think you were correct, or that you made a mistake?
  1570. 10:54 PM - Higeki Hiro: I'd try it anyway?
  1571. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: These must be the cops you're looking for.
  1572. 10:55 PM - Entropy: how do you try a nuke launch code without launching the fuckin nukes
  1573. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah that
  1574. 10:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1575. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: I don't think you'd just try a code like that willy-nilly
  1576. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: 'oh hey a code'
  1577. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: 'hm what if it doesn't work?'
  1578. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: 'imma try it out'
  1579. 10:55 PM - Gayme Masster: 'whoops'
  1580. 10:55 PM - John Edsworth: YES
  1581. 10:55 PM - Entropy: 'there goes the neighborhood'
  1582. 10:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: the world*
  1583. 10:56 PM - John Edsworth: wow that was awesome
  1584. 10:56 PM - Entropy: but the neighborhood sounds funnier
  1585. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1586. 10:56 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  1587. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster: I'd ask Bruce 'what do you do'
  1588. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster: but yeah
  1589. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy, you recognize these guys too
  1590. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster: at least you think so
  1591. 10:56 PM - Gayme Masster: you probably should walk up to them and introduce yourselves
  1592. 10:57 PM - Gayme Masster: or at least take a closer look at them
  1593. 10:57 PM - Entropy: then I do just that
  1594. 10:57 PM - Entropy: no beating around the bush
  1595. 10:57 PM - Gayme Masster: the former, or the latter?
  1596. 10:57 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  1597. 10:57 PM - Gayme Masster: alright
  1598. 10:57 PM - Entropy: either they are or aren't the niggas, I go talk to them
  1599. 10:57 PM - Gayme Masster: 04:57 - Gayme Masster: I'd ask Bruce 'what do you do'
  1600. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: but yeah
  1601. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: Entropy, you recognize these guys too
  1602. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: at least you think so
  1603. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: you probably should walk up to them and introduce yourselves
  1604. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: or at least take a closer look at them
  1605. 04:57 - Entropy: then I do just that
  1606. 04:57 - Gayme Masster: the former, or the latter?
  1607. 04:57 - Entropy: no beating around the bush
  1608. 10:57 PM - Gayme Masster: Entropy, and the other two, walk up to the waiting guys.
  1609. 10:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Welp, I assume Im no longer needed
  1610. 10:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Im off to do something
  1611. 10:58 PM - Entropy: rip in piece
  1612. 10:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster: Maybe play Kerbal Space Program, or TF2
  1613. 10:58 PM - Entropy: glorious comrade
  1614. 10:58 PM - Brick XIII: God Damnit Ciaster left chat.
  1615. 10:58 PM - Entropy: Brick needs more screentime
  1616. 10:58 PM - Entropy: in more games
  1617. 10:58 PM - Entropy: everywhere
  1618. 10:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: eh
  1619. 10:58 PM - John Edsworth: i
  1620. 10:58 PM - John Edsworth: wow
  1621. 10:58 PM - John Edsworth: this ending
  1622. 10:59 PM - John Edsworth: jesus
  1623. 10:59 PM - Entropy: we all seem very focused
  1624. 10:59 PM - Gayme Masster: The one on the left is tall, tan, and has long-ish, sandy hair. He's wearing sunglasses and wearing a white suit.
  1625. 10:59 PM - Entropy: white suit
  1626. 10:59 PM - Entropy: very miami
  1627. 11:00 PM - Gayme Masster: The other one looks a bit pudgy, but still pretty strong and somehow in shape. He's got a bit of a whitefro going on, and is wearing a terrible hawaii-ish shirt.
  1628. 11:00 PM - Gayme Masster: Both look like they mean business.
  1629. 11:00 PM - Gayme Masster: and yeah, I'm cribbing hardcore
  1630. 11:00 PM - Entropy: I approach the group. "We're from Night City. I presume it is you that we are looking for."
  1631. 11:00 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1632. 11:01 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1633. 11:01 PM - Gayme Masster: The tall guy takes off his glasses.
  1634. 11:01 PM - Gayme Masster: "So, it's you we'll be workin' with, right?"
  1635. 11:02 PM - Entropy: "Correct."
  1636. 11:02 PM - Gayme Masster: "Musicians. What's next, Stan, movie stars?"
  1637. 11:03 PM - Entropy: "Being a musician means I have the dexterity required to make fine-tuned shots."
  1638. 11:03 PM - Entropy: "And I do just that."
  1639. 11:03 PM - Gayme Masster: "But hell, the commisioner's word is god, and we've got word that we're supposed to aid you with anythin' we've got, so... welcome to Miami, I guess."
  1640. 11:03 PM - Gayme Masster: He extends his hand - to Bruce.
  1641. 11:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: I shake it
  1642. 11:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: "miami. I've heard good things"
  1643. 11:03 PM - Entropy: Entropy does not extend a hand
  1644. 11:03 PM - Gayme Masster: "You must be the Night City blues, out on a little vacation."
  1645. 11:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I asume they're all bullcrap?"
  1646. 11:04 PM - Bruce Brynes: I say jokingly
  1647. 11:04 PM - Gayme Masster: "Well, I can't speak for the department, but the city ain't what it's cracked up to be."
  1648. 11:04 PM - Entropy: "It seems more like it's what it's coked up to be,"
  1649. 11:04 PM - Gayme Masster: "Unless you're here for the drugs, the sleaze, and the sunshine. In which case, yeah, you'll get what you're lookin' for."
  1650. 11:04 PM - Bruce Brynes: '......pppffffTTCCCHHHH HAHAHAH"
  1651. 11:05 PM - Gayme Masster: "Let's walk and talk, our car's in the parking lot."
  1652. 11:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: "God DAMN it Entropy"
  1653. 11:05 PM - Entropy: Entropy's face remains emotionless and edgy but, for some reason, you feel like the glare reflecting off his mirrorshades reveals some hint of a smile
  1654. 11:05 PM - Gayme Masster: The pudgier cop shoots Entropy an amused glance, but says nothing.
  1655. 11:06 PM - Entropy: gotta be edgy aboot it
  1656. 11:06 PM - Gayme Masster: "Alright, ladies, let's get crackin'" he exclaims joyously.
  1657. 11:07 PM - Entropy: I follow them
  1658. 11:07 PM - Entropy: edgily
  1659. 11:07 PM - Entropy: as edgily as one can follow another
  1660. 11:07 PM - Gayme Masster: "You know, I never knew I'd ever get to say that, but I'm kinda glad you're here. Richards has been a thorn in our side for years now."
  1661. 11:07 PM - Gayme Masster: That was the tall
  1662. 11:07 PM - Gayme Masster: ah fuck it
  1663. 11:07 PM - Gayme Masster: that was Sonny speaking by the way
  1664. 11:08 PM - Entropy: do what Ryan does and put the character speasking's inital before the dialogue
  1665. 11:08 PM - Gayme Masster: I'm physically incapable of not ripping the characters from the show
  1666. 11:08 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1667. 11:08 PM - Gayme Masster: pretty sure it left an imprint in my psyche
  1668. 11:08 PM - Gayme Masster: that could work
  1669. 11:08 PM - Gayme Masster: hope I don't run outta initials
  1670. 11:10 PM - Gayme Masster: You exchange info as you're leisurely walking to the parking lot - neither side seems to know something the other doesn't.
  1671. 11:10 PM - Gayme Masster: About Richards, at least - they're very well versed in the local drug scene, which is pretty obvious seeing as they're undercover cops and they're still alive.
  1672. 11:12 PM - Gayme Masster: You pile into their big old landbarge roadster, and head to what the cops refer to as the safehouse. Before you leave, Entropy contacts Tool with the description of the car, letting him know who he has to follow.
  1673. 11:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: dun dun duuuuun
  1674. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: ?
  1675. 11:13 PM - Gayme Masster:
  1676. 11:13 PM - Gayme Masster: nah, it's just that you're split up
  1677. 11:13 PM - John Edsworth: yes.
  1678. 11:13 PM - Gayme Masster: and Tool obviously doesn't know the cops' car
  1679. 11:13 PM - John Edsworth: hell yes.
  1680. 11:13 PM - John Edsworth: hell fuckin yes.
  1681. 11:13 PM - John Edsworth: i just beat this game without ever dying.
  1682. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: dman son
  1683. 11:13 PM - Gayme Masster: aw I thought you were hell yessing at the link I posted
  1684. 11:14 PM - Gayme Masster: which also happens to be what I think of when I think '80s'
  1685. 11:14 PM - Gayme Masster: seriously that shit's beautiful
  1686. 11:14 PM - Gayme Masster: classic synth at its finest
  1687. 11:14 PM - John Edsworth: everyone here
  1688. 11:14 PM - John Edsworth: get a 3ds
  1689. 11:14 PM - John Edsworth: get link between worlds
  1690. 11:14 PM - John Edsworth: i dont give a shit if youve never played zelda
  1691. 11:15 PM - John Edsworth: its the best game
  1692. 11:15 PM - John Edsworth: now if you'll excuse me im going to sit here crying over muh zeruda
  1693. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1694. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: is it really that good
  1695. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: like legit?
  1696. 11:15 PM - Gayme Masster: dude a 3ds costs 700 polebucks
  1697. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: I only cried at MGS3
  1698. 11:15 PM - Gayme Masster: that's, like, a lot
  1699. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: and 4
  1700. 11:15 PM - Entropy: lolpolebucks
  1701. 11:15 PM - Higeki Hiro: and for the trailer of 5
  1702. 11:15 PM - Entropy: is that like, monopoly money
  1703. 11:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh god
  1704. 11:16 PM - Gayme Masster: sort of
  1705. 11:16 PM - Gayme Masster: :v
  1706. 11:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: i got to watch MGSV trailer again
  1707. 11:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb
  1708. 11:16 PM - Gayme Masster: one $ is worth about 3 and a half polebucks
  1709. 11:16 PM - Entropy: I'm pretty sure you guys have ADD
  1710. 11:16 PM - Gayme Masster: yeah
  1711. 11:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: its so fucking good
  1712. 11:16 PM - Gayme Masster: so since y'all seem to be more engaged in watching MGSV trailers, let's cut it here
  1713. 11:17 PM - Gayme Masster: I mean it is but yeah
  1714. 11:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: bro
  1715. 11:17 PM - Gayme Masster: and I know offtopic chat's the best but still
  1716. 11:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: just joking :V
  1717. 11:17 PM - Gayme Masster: and I don't particularly feel like going on today anyway :v
  1718. 11:17 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1719. 11:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: ah
  1720. 11:17 PM - Gayme Masster: and I want to rewatch some miami vice now too
  1721. 11:17 PM - Entropy: lemme guess what comes next
  1722. 11:17 PM - Entropy: "dan, save the log"
  1723. 11:17 PM - Bruce Brynes: yes
  1724. 11:17 PM - Gayme Masster: hey, dan, could you save the log please?
  1725. 11:17 PM - Entropy: I'm underappreciated around here
  1726. 11:17 PM - John Edsworth: man
  1727. 11:18 PM - John Edsworth: seriously
  1728. 11:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: problem is chillin with you guys is p.sweet, but when it's over you nigga leave
  1729. 11:18 PM - John Edsworth: all you niggas
  1730. 11:18 PM - John Edsworth: 3ds
  1731. 11:18 PM - John Edsworth: lbw
  1732. 11:18 PM - John Edsworth: now
  1733. 11:18 PM - Gayme Masster: also, preparation for the next session:
  1734. 11:18 PM - Bruce Brynes: I have a 3ds
  1735. 11:18 PM - Gayme Masster: photos of your ugly mugs
  1736. 11:18 PM - Gayme Masster: and watch Miami Vice
  1737. 11:18 PM - Entropy: nigga I always like, leave after everyone else does
  1738. 11:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: usually because its 1
  1739. 11:18 PM - Gayme Masster: like, at least the pilot
  1740. 11:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: 12*
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