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Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. Here is the first rough-draft of my senior admin application I am going to post on the staff forums, let me know what you think. keep in mind I will add bullets and color codes like I often do to dazzle it up
  3. I am submitting this post as a formal application for the Senior Administrator position.
  4. After receiving multiple inqueries asking me why I wasn't an Admin, and being disappointed in myself for not always being able to fully help every single player due to lack of permissions, I would like to change that. Neon and myself have been joking recently that if no Admins (or higher) were online, and that him and I were online together, we would "fuse" and become an Admin.
  6. I feel like I would make a great fit for the Senior Administrator position for the following reasons:
  8. I love helping people. I have said this a dozen times and I will say it a dozen more. When someone has a problem and needs help however big or small, it is my genuine pleasure to assist in any way that I can. As has been demonstrated in the past, my helpfulness has inspired others to shoutbox and forum post as thanks.
  10. Friendly and easy-going. Players have fun and feel relaxed and comfortable when interacting with me. I don't give off a strict of unfair vibe. However if and when I need to take action against a player for breaking a rule, I can still do so while remaining cool and calm.
  12. Active on the server. Pressence is vital to a position as important as the Senior Administrator.
  14. Active on Teamspeak. I am on the server's teamspeak all the time nowadays.
  16. Active on the forums. This one could speak for itself but I will add that not only am I the second highest in forum activity, I also have a 30 percent approval for those forum posts. My posts often engage the community, and encourage dialogue.
  18. My knowledge of plugins and addons. Second only to Web and goth themselves. My knowledge of the various addons "mods" of the modpack itself, of the 150+ addons I have used and played with almost all of them, and know them very well. There is always something new to learn however, so it would be impossible for one person to master everything. That's a big part of why I suggested the SME program, which I am happy to say was very popular among the voting majority.
  20. Leniency and second chances. Web has said it, goth has said it. Second chances are important.
  21. People don't always put their best foot forward, and it's a great opportunity for a person who has made a mistake in the past to be forgiven, and an even greater feeling for that person to rise above that mistake. I always do my best to give people the chance to make things right, and ALWAYS recommend to players who are victims of grief to give the people who grief them a second chance.
  23. I have an excellent rapport with our server's partner network owner, Kristjan. Consider me an ambassidor of sorts. I really like talking with him and I can tell he likes talking with me. I have sought him out for council several times and he is a very valued resource. His vast knowledge of coding and very open desire to help others (as well as offering to teach me) will no doubt be a benefit to the server and community.
  25. As much as I love playing the challenge that is the expert mode of Infinity Evolved, I felt like I wasn't able to help the server as much by playing there. I switched to playing on the normal server because that is where the majority of players resided. I am glad that I made that choice. I feel like I have made a real meaningful impact and have improved the overall server quality of life by doing so.
  27. After reviewing my staff application I realize now that I seriously understated my previous server/staff experience and knowledge of plugins. For some reason I guess I thought that in my hiatus as any kind of staff member that Prism changed dramatically which it turns out, did not. Still an amazing plugin however. Speaking of Prism...
  29. I am very pleased with how many other staff members and even players aspiring to be staff members (Luciifer) have sought me out to learn how to use our new grief detection tool, I announced that I was willing and available to teach and they definitely siezed the opportunity. Additionally I have been offering advice and opinions on items, machine setups and blocks that have historically been known to cause more lag and tps issues.
  31. With the exception of 1-2 people on the server, I can say with great confidence that I get along with everyone, and very well at that. It means a lot to me that I have been this well accepted, and I am taking the challenge of converting those 1-2 players into ZERO players.
  33. One of my biggest goals is to allow some slack or "breathing room" for the people who do the real heavy lifting on this server - the owners. I try to be as grateful as possible and thank Web and goth for all they do for us, I don't think many people realize how time consuming and tedious coding scripts for the server and website can be. It's a nearly thankless job and if done correctly, the whole point of most fixes is that you don't even notice. Taking responsibility for most of the day-to-day operations.
  35. I have great respect for all of the staff members here at Webshock. If not for magicrobe being his usual diligent self, and promising me that he would get me promoted to citizen, I might very well be playing on BacoNetworks right now, and would never have had the chance to meet you guys. If you guys haven't had the chance to play Guelder's portal game you're missing out, as it is nothing short of amazing. Even if there only ends up being 10 levels and they are half as good as the first 2, that portal game will be a real asset to the server. I remember when I first moved to the normal server I suggested to Rofl that he apply for staff and I am really glad and even a bit proud that I did, as he's turned out to be a great moderator. If you didn't already know, our server is very soon about to be moved onto a dedicated machine which goth will be flying to physically install himself. This guy loves the server so much he's gonna spend an entire weekend and tons of his own real money to improve the server! Last and most importantly we have Webster16, our esteemed leader and server owner who made all this possible at the age of 17! You have no idea how jealous this makes me that you have done something like this at your age, Web. This paragraph looks and feels like I am sucking up and brown-nosing. If that's what you want to call it when I speak the truth about an incredible group of people, then it's been my honor to brown-nose you guys
  37. Finally I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this application. I would love to hear back from any and all staff members, and if you have any questions or concerns, or would like me to elaborate on anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
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