
Thoughts on universe/Quantum/Ouija

Apr 17th, 2019
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  1. (My reply on Ouija boards being explained by subconscious "ideomotor" movements, and their ability to tap into your subconscious thoughts at the very least:)
  3. This is the real magic at work here. My belief is that your unconscious is already tapped into another dimension of existence, perhaps retaining everything you have ever seen, thought, felt, tasted, smelled, heard, etc.
  4. Consider how many thoughts we have every day.. That’s anywhere from 150 to 450 million thoughts stored by age 20. Now you can consider the likely possibility that our brain is subconsciously working to make those thoughts more solidified, grounded in reality, and branching out your ideas ad infinitum.
  6. To me, our neural network is an infinite expanse containing its own universe of sorts. Trillions, multiplied by trillions of thoughts and potential solutions and outcomes. Affected by every sense, all the time, for the rest of time. The mind contains every answer, perhaps?
  8. So then where do we draw the line between para-normality and commonly accepted science? Just because we are calling it “ideomotor” movement, who can say whether or not the very reason you HAVE ideomotor movement isn’t due to quantum influences still beyond our grasp.
  10. The more I study, the more I realize that science is spirituality, and it always has been. Curiosity which sparked desire in man to label gravitational forces, to measure our stars.. it all started with spirituality, and forever it shall remain so. To discriminate between the ultimate connection of the two, as even the Dalai Lama has agreed, is to limit your own perception of our true and whole reality.
  12. To want to measure and label is perfectly fine, in fact it’s wonderful; it means we can with much more ease discuss these topics amongst ourselves. We already know that with each passing generation, it seems we knew only a little in comparison to our ancestors, our grandparents, our parents. Why then, are we so focused on the false truth of finality and certainty within science? In anything, for that matter?
  14. How can we say that we understand anything at all about our mind's influences? I truly think that we are always in flux, and being morphed and molded, pushed into a new direction, our mind floats along the river of quantum consciousness, receiving new information every second of every day. So therefore, if we ask ourselves, our God(s), our higher power, or our universe for an answer, what then and who is at liberty to say the answer isn't given freely to you if such an answer exists? Why would you even ponder the question if the answer could not exist? If your thought is a physical particle, so too would be the answer to any question contained therein, and using quantum mechanics, we know that these answers are everywhere, all the time. In the future, the past, and in this moment.
  16. “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  18. My two cents. The Ouija board is real, but how you go about understanding it’s “realness” is up to you. A piece of paper with letters on it is going to do the same thing for someone. The less ability your conscious has to play with your answer, the more accurate it should be. Using the talking board method is seemingly effective to an extent for removing a large portion of consciousness from the final answer, so long as the user is committed, knowledgeable, and can clear their mind from any extra clutter for the duration.
  20. -Cam J
  22. //repost from my guest post, changed a few things/wordings to better reflect my thoughts.
  23. //random thoughts of mine at 23:30, 4/16/19
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