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Mar 20th, 2023
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  1. [12:12] The giant able to escape the clutches of the mighty beast, disheartening perhaps but one that would only serve a brutal reminder of the dark forces at work within the fields of Meranthe, a concentration of electricity stealing away the aggressions of the Demon as its beat red gaze followed forth towards the ever moving target that made itself known, the warnings that were sent off one likely to fall on deaf ears.
  3. For even though the fatigue of battle wore down upon its stamina, battles of the past more than present upon its frame. It could not back down from the challenge ahead. For it was a chance, a chance to spread the darkness of its inherent designs to bolster its strength in the ever adapting natures of the beast.
  5. A chance to bring forth triumph in the darks name.
  7. No, it couldn't back down not now as it's tremendous voice boomed forth once again shifting the manifestations of the land into the cruelty of the occulted imps once again.
  9. To begin bombarding the darkened energies over the lands once again in relentless pursuit.
  10. (Slasher)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [12:13] Once again another threat faced the sailors, and again the outcome seemed to be unsuccessful for the latter.
  15. The confrontation between the colossal figures began. A tussle of infernal abilities against those of earth and nature. The constant clash between occult and blood magic provoked an encounter of violent spells that sought the pain of their target.
  17. However, the infernal magic seemed to rise to victory. The giant sailor seemed to be the one who, in the end, had suffered the most from the colossal impacts.
  19. His great body was hurled into the distance against the trees, crashing into and then falling backwards into the grass. The sailor's clothes had been torn and the blood from his wound was spilling over the ground.
  21. His open wounds hurt too much, while his mind was tormented by the infernal magic that had infiltrated inside him.
  23. It was time for him to retreat and think about how to act from now on. He would not allow himself any more failures. Though the torment inside him did not seem to let him concentrate in peace.
  24. (Dakumaru)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [12:13] Caspin exclaims, "You did good, Daku!"
  28. [12:16] {Won Aggressive RPB against Slasher}
  29. [12:16] ** Niclous Runeclaw has inflicted an injury upon Slasher. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "") **
  30. [12:17] Dakumaru says, "We must retreat for now, cap."
  31. [12:18] Caspin says, "Aye, let's get some rest as the usual spot."
  32. [12:18] Ming stood at a great distance from the battlefield, assured she wouldn't get caught in the mass of spells that now scarred the land. Though, her body trembled in light of the power of the giant demon. After all, so many magicians already fell at their feet, defeated by the fel magic produced from its being.
  34. Its enough to send chills down the girl's spine due to the sheer intent to kill and pure rage the beast was able to exhibit. No other human matched up to such a nature, and it was always a terrible sight for the girl to witness. Would they too end up like the fat burly man so long ago..?
  35. (Ming)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [12:25] The battle hard fought by the demon, surprised at how close it was compared to the monster's lack of stamina from the back to back fight's. But thus was what made them such a formidable opponent. Arrow's of sound and wind were released from his bow, his eye glowing brightly as he used his magic's to enhance it's performance.
  40. Time and time again the ranger and the demon went blow for blow, Nic almost falling to the mixture of magic's the monster had at it's disposal. As the battle drew to near it's end Nic make a gamble at a last ditch attempt to bring the beast down. Rushing forth and just missing a blow aimed for him he would press his index finger and thumb together causing a loud snap.
  42. Using the small bit of mana at his disposal now Nic would enhance the sound and cause the air to resonate with his mana. Letting the small snap of his finger's turn into a concussion grenade. The blast separated the two casing a slight ringing in Nic's ear's, in the back of his mind he knew the monster was far worse off then himself.
  43. (Niclous Runeclaw)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [12:28] Having watched Slasher face off against Niclous, the young Ookami had been eager to get into the fight and prove their strength.
  48. From what they had seen Niclous had proven to be quite the strong adversary and Luka wanted to test their strength against such.
  50. Despite his own body still suffering from their prior fight with Slasher, Luka stil sought to challenge the other beastkin.
  52. "Time to see if I've gotten any stronger!"
  54. A line said with confidence, though deep down they wished that they did not have to fight just about the only other Ookami that they had spotted in the last few years. On the bright side, if Luka one the battle then they could really assert their claims as the strongest Ookami around.
  55. (Luka)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [12:30] The oversized sword upon the youth's back rattled as they fell in step behind Balrith, dull, glassy eyes staring straight ahead. It wasn't exactly their boarders, no, the oversized rabbit was just southwards. A fair distance off, and yet they didn't seem to mind.
  60. "The paaarty may have come and gone, Balrith. We've prooobably missed all the GOOD stuff!" A 'bleh' emits from the young teen's lips, the Cambion's flushed skin touched by rampant feathers as they drew closer and closer to the boarders.
  62. "And do, pretty pretty please! Do not associate anyone that's came into contact with Vallie boy oh so negatively. I'm suuuure there's an explanation!"
  64. "Even if I'd prefer there isn't one. Explanations bore me. Take away from the fun fun fun parts..." Their tone was dry, listless. Ill-suited to the bright, bubbly looking smile that played across their lips.
  66. In tow with the cotton-candy haired Cambion that followed Balrith was a young mega, a young child, and a young woman from the looks of it... But they arrived at the tail end of the fight, a click and snap of their heels together as they watched Luka lurch into the free.
  68. "Ah... Yes.. Seems like all the funs been had... Mmm-" The sound of the concussion-like blast ringing and sending the Demon flying had briefly been observed, their attention refocusing now upon the injured Demon, to medicate and nourish on the sidelines...
  69. (Myarsie)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [12:31] Fatigue, a concern to many but for the ethereal prowess of the beast one that only served to hasten its flows. To push the limitations of its combative styles and forms to their utmost in devastation and ruin. For the ethereal tides, the blackened call of the occults it manifested in battle only grew the weaker it became, overflowing and venting forth with ferocity and overwhelming presence.
  74. A factor that would guide it regardless of its foe, regardless of the strength and prowess manifested as it attempted to combat against the aeromancer before it. A battle it held little ground within as the growing damages fell forth but a chance, an avenue to enact upon the brutalities of its nature was held in decisive counter strikes and ethereal bombardment riddling the lands in its spread of rot and corruption.
  76. A battle that shifted as the ebb and flow of conflict moved forth but one it would ultimately falter, a misstep a premature commitment towards the blinding feint that propelled it so far in the entropic lines of the field around as a concussive blast ringed upon its ears.
  78. The bittersweet melody of defeat, an equilibrium lost as it swifted quickly to make its escape through the vast woods around. The deafening blow throwing off its balance as it knocked into several trees on its way out. A flaw in its designs revealed but one it could only overcome to enact upon the strength and brutality that only grew within.
  79. (Slasher)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [12:31] Myarsie says, ".. Woah it got punted WAY further than I thought.. I'll tend to it later."
  83. [12:32] With his battle with the demon just ending and thinking he would be able to catch a break Nic would hear Luka off in the distance. Not sure what exactly they meant his only reaction was to ready himself as they seemed to charge at him. Manifesting another arrow and notching it he would ready himself.
  85. His eye starting to pulse faintly with pain as the use was starting to take a toll on the ranger now, his mark set for the ookami in question but he was not sure how to respond to their claim as this was no time for a friendly battle amidst an actual battlefield.
  87. "W-What the hell are you doing!?!?"
  88. (Niclous Runeclaw)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [12:36] Haloka gasps.
  92. (Haloka)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [12:37] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Luka}
  96. [12:37] ** Luka has inflicted an injury upon Niclous Runeclaw. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)") **
  97. [12:37] Azulyn Xuefeng says, "Whoa."
  98. [12:41] Looks off lovingly at the scene.
  99. (Alcion Angelus)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [12:42] Myarsie steps away from Balrith to witness the conclusion of the fight.
  103. (Myarsie)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [12:43] Balrith does his thing
  107. (Balrith)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [12:43] Kanin says, "--"
  111. [12:44] With a grin the younger Ookami charged forward with reckless abandon only to get absolutely blasted by a sound wave of Niclous' creation, definitely causing Luka's sensitive ears to start ringing.
  113. "Gah- Not doing that again."
  115. The onlookers would likely have to cover their eyes at times whenever the harsh winds fired off by the two magi collided.
  117. As the battle went on the grin that had initially presented itself on Luka's face faded away. This battle was a lot more intense than they had initially bargained for.
  119. Many times the younger Ookami lost their balance or had been blown back by Niclous' attacks but in the end they would come out on top.
  121. In the battle between sound magi, Luka's tunes would come out on top!
  123. "BAH! I beat you...haha! Easy...peezy…"
  125. The boy took a few moments to catch their breath.
  128. (Luka)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [12:44] Kanin looked around, ears perking upwards as if he heard something. But no voice was heard. Something in his mind and eventually his gaze settled on Balrith. The Lapine quickly looked forward again before he stepped around to the other side of Haloka, as if the feral child would shield him from the demon's sights.
  132. (Kanin)
  133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. [12:45] Kanin says, "STOP TALK IN KANIN HEAD."
  136. [12:45] Balrith continued approaching Kanin. Moving closer and closer with every step. The Pestilence aura continued fill the air around him with toxins and plagues.
  139. (Balrith)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [12:45] Kanin says, "Kanin choice is you leave Kanin forest."
  143. [12:45] Haloka notes Kanin's discomfiture first, eyes flitting between the hare, and then unto the demon he screeches at.
  145. Her posture solidifies itself as she turns, effectively blocking Balrith off from his supposed prey.
  147. Teeth bare. The youth growls.
  148. (Haloka)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [12:48] With the casting of magic to block the vision of Nic's eye and the constant cutting out of his artificial one he fell claim to Luka's attack's time and time again. His body battered still from the fight with the demon. As the final exchange of sound blasts where cast at one another his own was split apart by the sheer force of Luka's magic.
  153. Loud ringing was heard in the ranger's ear's and then nothing, the feeling of warmth trickling inside of his ear's and down the side of his head. The world silent for the first time in his life as one of his key senses were shut off from the world. This case being one that he relied on more then sight.
  155. "F-Fuck you!"
  157. He yelled out his hands raising up to the side of his head to see how much blood he was losing, a slight tsk then heard before Nic would make a dash for the tree line making his way north remembering this betrayal from the other ookami.
  158. (Niclous Runeclaw)
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