
CAPS challenge

Feb 15th, 2012
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  1. 'Mat: lol
  2. 'Mat: did i show u my caps?
  3. dave: boon said he didn't think u were workin on it anymore
  4. 'Mat: i wasnt
  5. 'Mat: i did like a lil work on it the other day
  6. dave: i got bored so i picked mine back up
  7. 'Mat: is it multiplaer?
  8. dave: of course not. i can't fix cshell XD but i've fixed a lot of other stuff
  9. dave: and i released it on mpgh as open beta testing
  10. 'Mat: well its not really caps then lol
  11. 'Mat: its more like
  12. 'Mat: cacc
  13. dave: i got other coders, it will be caps, i got someone who is gonna fix it
  14. 'Mat: lol
  15. dave: gonna try
  16. dave: lemme rephrase
  17. 'Mat: only reason i gave up was it took me like 3 days to upload
  18. dave: lol for the source?
  19. 'Mat: for the client
  20. dave: i just need the source, then i can get it fully working
  21. 'Mat: animations? i think not
  22. dave: i can fix all that
  23. 'Mat: mine was pretty much
  24. 'Mat: oma
  25. 'Mat: on two towers
  26. 'Mat: with ca guns
  27. 'Mat: and failed animations
  28. dave: i can fix it.
  29. dave: i know more about the engine and where to look for the answers than you would
  30. 'Mat: animations? i think not
  31. dave: yes i can
  32. 'Mat: can you code?
  33. dave: if its in front of me, and i can read it, i'll understand enough to edit it and make it work
  34. 'Mat: theres thousands of lines of code
  35. 'Mat: client and server
  36. dave: and i'll go through all of it, idc, i wanna get it to work
  37. dave: i got nothin else to do
  38. 'Mat: you dont even know where the fault is
  39. dave: so? as long as i got time, i can make it work
  40. dave: doesn't matter if i dont know where the fault is or not
  41. 'Mat: youve had
  42. dave: my only problem is the errors
  43. 'Mat: like hlaf a year
  44. 'Mat: to fox the simple errors
  45. 'Mat: and u think recoding an animation system is easier?
  46. dave: you ahve the working source, why should i waste my time. If it wasn't for me, you'd still be trying to use FEAR
  47. dave: and it NEVER woulda worked on fear
  48. 'Mat: orly
  49. dave: trust me
  50. dave: the engine on Fear is too different. you may be able to use the classes on CA sometimes, but other then that, it would take a complete recode of the full engine to get it to even start up a map and spawn 1 player
  51. 'Mat: what if i remodeled the combat arms maps
  52. 'Mat: players and animations
  53. dave: you can't
  54. dave: there's no possible way to convert CA maps to any editable format for a 3d modeller to read
  55. dave: if u try to export it as a OBJ, it just screws up the mesh and gives you a blob instead of the map
  56. dave: i've tried this
  57. 'Mat: did i mention convert?
  58. 'Mat: remodel != convert
  59. dave: you would have to COMPLETELY start over
  60. 'Mat: "and it NEVER woulda worked on fear
  61. "
  62. dave: you would have to start from scratch
  63. dave: it would take you years
  64. 'Mat: "NEVER "
  65. dave: to perfectly match
  66. dave: which is why i say never
  67. dave: because you woulda eventually dropped it
  68. dave: and been like "oh fawk that" lol
  69. 'Mat: well
  70. 'Mat: i accept your challenge
  71. 'Mat: who can make the best combat arms private server
  72. 'Mat: mr pro
  73. dave: lawl i have working zombie spawn on cabin fever. good luck doing that. The only fix is attributes and map editing...remember when i said u can't modify CA Maps? good luck
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