
A Tale of Two Dinosaurs

May 18th, 2018
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  1. Banansaurus never felt like she belonged. Ever since she had been taken from Hollow Earth, she had never heard from her family or friends ever again. All of the other plants felt as if she was too different from them. I mean, she did look like a dinosaur. Sometimes, they even treated her as an animal, not even remembering she was still a plant.
  3. Bananasaurus decided to leave the GPA(General Plant Army) and set out to find asylum from all of the hatred she received. That was how she stumbled upon Hollow Earth, or at least what was left of her old home.
  5. She had been gone from the GPA for almost a year, yet she still hadn’t found a way to find her true self. She had been struggling with herself, wondering if what the other plants said were true. Often, she would sleep, wondering if she should wake up the next day.
  7. With these struggles, you could imagine that she became very depressed and hostile, which only worsened her problem. How would she ever be happy again?
  9. 342 days after setting out to...who knows what, she discovered a cave. Deciding she would sleep there for the night, she entered it. The cave was larger than it looked, and she fell down, tumbling along jagged rocks and smashing into walls. Luckily, the bottom was water and she splashed in, causing to impact damage.
  11. She swam to the shore. The whole cave stretched for miles, but there was water everywhere. No plant life grew, and she could see smoke in the distance, followed by cheering. Tired, she examined herself. There were cuts everywhere and she had a broken peel.
  13. Suddenly, she noticed a cactus, unnaturally large, sitting a few feet away. As she neared, she recognized it as aloe, a plant with soothing and healing capabilities. She crawled up to it and reached up to get some aloe gel. If anything, she could at least heal her physical pain.
  15. As she touched it, the aloe moved. It unfolded to reveal that it was like her, a plant. But the resemblance was closer than just that—-this plant also looked like a dinosaur!
  17. Bananasaurus timidly mewled, and the other plant roared happily in return. Bananasaurus smiled. She wasn’t alone! There were others like her! She and the aloe plant talked for a while, then healed her wounds.
  19. Aloesaurus, the aloe plant, told Bananasaurus that their home had been raided by Neptuna, and that she had flooded the cave. They spent the next few days mourning, unable to speak.
  21. Bananasaurus eventually got over her grief and began speaking again with Aloesaurus. He was very supportive, and when she told him of her internal struggles, he gave her sound advice and listened attentively. She felt as if she could trust him. They spent a month getting to know each other better, even the little quirks(she learned he had a masters degree in medicine).
  23. Each day was generally the same, yet different at the same time. On day one, they ate separate food and slept on opposite sides of the cave. Now, they slept together for warmth and ate the same food. He claimed it was for survival, but she knew they were getting closer together.
  25. Sitting in that cave gave her a lot of time to think. She worked through most of her self-doubt with Aloesaurus, but she still couldn’t get over the fact that she was unable to do anything about the situation in Hollow Earth. Just two plants taking on a whole army? That was ridiculous.
  27. Then, one day, Bananasaurus realized that they could try and find other survivors to join them and fight Neptuna. If Aloesaurus escaped, why couldn’t others? Aloesaurus was reluctant, saying it would be too dangerous and wouldn’t do any good. She argued back saying sitting here wasn’t any better. He eventually agreed, and they set out on their adventure to find more dinoplants.
  28. ----------------------------------------
  29. Over the years, Aloesaurus and Bananasaurus grew closer together, eventually forming a brother-sister bond. They always stuck together, and helped each other through rough times. They became the unofficial leaders of the DPA(Dino Plant Army), and played major parts in defeating Neptuna and her army.
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