
palutena pit funny fart ha

Sep 5th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Yes it was quite just a typical day in the beautiful high and very cloudy Skyworld, with local angel dubbed Kid Icarus Pit's stomach growling was the thing heard across the temple for his motherly figured had just returned. Of course what would happen from that point onward was quite the surprise!
  3. "Oh Pit... guess what I got us." Palutena said with a smirk on her face while wiggling her hips.
  5. Pit had a look of disappointment on his face for he could tell that it was going to be something he wouldn't like given the direction of this story. "It's not gonna be something gross is it Lady Palutena?"
  7. Palutena playfully stuck her tongue out while winking, having quite the giggle. "I don't know... maybe depending on what metric you want to describe it."
  9. So the green haired goddess quickly got a small audible fart out of her and then revealed the gift; a pair of pants for both her and Pit.
  11. "Wow, you got me jeans?" Pit asked in disbelief whilst his wings slowly flapped about.
  13. Palutena shrugged while placing her staff nearby on a pillar to lean on. "Well I knew how sweaty you were getting in shorts so I figured this might help you out."
  15. Pit held up the brown colored pair of pants. "But wouldn't I sweat more in these?"
  17. "Err; let's not think about it and try it on!" Palutena suggested while having a pair of white pants for her.
  19. So both Palutena and Pit placed on the jeans... and then they began farting! Palutena of course enjoyed this but Pit on the other hand wasn't quite much of a fan... at least at 1st for you see he wasn't 1 to be into this kind of thing due to being teased and bullied by his sister figure ripping ass on him. But oh how quick things were to come across with the breaking winds of change!
  21. Pit groaned with every embarrassing fart that blasted right out of his angelic body, feeling his angel wings flapping the not so heavenly stink away. "Oh geeze; of course this would happen!"
  23. Palutena simply laughed while having her goddess wings disappear which for a deity like her was very easy to do. "Pit you really should be expecting this kinda thing from me."
  25. Pit sighed in disappointment of himself for he knew that this was all too true. "You're right Lady Palutena, after all it was your idea to bring these pair of pants to us."
  27. Palutena patted Kid Icarus on the back in a heart manner like a parent would to their child. "Yep and now you get to join in on the gassy gala so I'm not the only 1 in this fun farty!"
  29. Pit sniffled up while rubbing his nose, not exactly sure about this pooting predicament for which he found himself in. "But why lady? Is the cooking you make really that potent enough to make you-"
  31. Palutena laughed up a big interruption to go with her nose piercing farts that were so loud they echoed throughout the skies. "Well yes but actually yes! All sorts of stuff! There's a reason I'm called the Gassy Green Goddess!"
  33. Pit knew that this kind of trouble would lead to a mess, with him screaming for he felt his angel wings disappearing by virtue of Palutena using her godly powers on it to make it disappear. Pit realized how turned on Palutena was becoming from this quite embarrassing display, for Pit began blushing a crimson red that wasn't present on his face for many years. Palutena on the other hand was happy with this smelly predicament by virtue of the fact that they were filling in their new jeans with pants puffing poots.
  35. "Peeyew... I think I might need to start curbing my appetite if I'm gonna make this much of a stink!" Pit admitted for he pinched his nose while fanning the gross air emitting out of his rear.
  37. "Aww you're living up to your name in making a pit stain!" Palutena cooed while holding her hands together for she casually lifted up 1 of her long legs to let loose the longest lasting farts this side of the sky world.
  39. Pit flustered for he was feeling aroused by this even though he was quite embarrassed at this predicament. "L-lady Palutena, what if there are kids reading this?"
  41. Palutena heartily laughed it off upon briefly closing her eyes. "I'm sure they would find this funny Pit; farts are universal!"
  43. Pit whimpered for he began doing that weird mouth thing you would do when you wouldn't feel right about things.
  44. That's what I was afraid of..."
  46. So the flatulent duo kept up their stinky shenanigans, although Pit wasn't enjoying it to the degree of Palutena even though for once he was just happy that he wasn't underneath her rancid rump that was so repulsive in its reek that it could cause the sky to form more clouds, of which comprised of her flatus!
  48. "Ugh I think I might faint from my own farts!" Pit groaned upon getting a whiff of the contents that brewed up within his never satisfied stomach.
  50. "Oh you really haven't built an immunity to it have you?" Palutena teased while lowering her eyes in a mischievous manner.
  52. Pit raised 1 of his hands and looked at it while feeling contempt for himself. "I didn't think I would have to worry about it since I managed to hold it in so well during all those times I flew about on missions!"
  54. Palutena began rubbing her hands on her brown stained white jeans, laughing while heartily belting out big tuba poots that left an eggy stench around her temple. Pit of course was more in an embarrassed state while holding his own fart factory with both of his hands, the air making angel really glad that he had brown pants on to hide his shame for he knew if certain beings he used to be around with were to know about this poopy predicament they would laugh at him and mock him in turn. The very fact that the temple was still standing about in light of all this wind breaking was a testament to how strong it was built.
  56. "You sure we can't just stop our gassy emissions?" Pit questioned while thinking what his enemies would think if they discovered that he was incredibly farty.
  58. Palutena huffed while taking pride in her poot power, puffing up her already busty chest. "Why on earth would I want to do that?"
  60. Pit: Come on, can't you do me this 1 solid-
  61. Palutena: Like the one that's in your pants rotting away right now?
  62. Pit: That's not at all where I was getting across with!
  63. Palutena: Well too bad because I'm enjoying this too much!
  64. Pit: Why did I ever let you talk me into this...?
  65. Palutena: You said it yourself a long time ago, life is like a-
  67. Palutena: Looks like someone needs a nap after getting a diaper change!
  69. So yes Palutena kept up this nonsense, much to the dismay of poor Pit who really wished he wasn't partaking in this embarrassing event. Even moreso when a certain other goddess came snooping about to be obnoxious, only for her to be greeted by such a sight.
  71. "I-is that Pit farting? In jeans?" Viridi gasped with her getting an aroused blush on her face, her hands firmly placed upon her face cheeks for she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "And he's pooping his pants too... oh how divine! I don't even care if that old hag is there!
  73. Pit: Did you hear something?
  75. "Besides our farts?" Palutena murmured while shrugging, continuing to break the wind that was ever so present around her. "Ha I doubt it!"
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