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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Is that to say, orders are to handle her as a boarder, Captain?"
  2. Jane-Luc Price asks, "Is that to say, orders are to handle her as a boarder, Captain?"
  3. Lucas Bennett says, "You might wanna see this"
  4. Tripp Pickard says, "Òk"
  5. Iam Trobel [Common] says, "Nobody will mourn you. Then will only replace you"
  6. Tripp Pickard says, "I am watching"
  7. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "AI, IMMEDIATELY."
  8. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "You've done enough damage, please go."
  9. Lucas Bennett says, "I needa show you on my PDA"
  10. Nick Vega [Common] says, "Hop, can i meet you at your office?"
  11. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "Okay"
  12. Tripp Pickard says, "Jane follow me"
  13. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "Im ok now doctor..."
  14. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Captain, where?"
  15. Jane-Luc Price asks, "Captain, where?"
  16. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Please set out to arrest Ysabel Cooper"
  17. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Garret Atweeke, Chemist, has arrived on the station."
  18. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "HoS, please come apprehend Ysabel Cooper in Xenoflora."
  19. Tripp Pickard says, "That's a bug"
  20. Tripp Pickard says, "Or"
  21. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Command] says, "Sending someone now"
  22. ÿ!Lucas Bennett handed PDA-Lucas Bennett (Station Engineer) to Tripp Pickard.
  23. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "She is in Xenoflora"
  24. Jane-Luc Price asks, "Mmm..?"
  25. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "CE"
  26. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Daniel Estevez, Gardener, has completed cryogenic revival."
  27. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Asha Wolff, Assistant, has completed translation from offsite gateway."
  28. Ray Hawk [Command] says, "Already put in the mute function."
  29. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] queries, "Were you able to set up the console?"
  30. Kaed Maltivus [Common] says, "Why do we even have chalk on the station?"
  31. Tripp Pickard says, "Hm"
  32. Ray Hawk [Command] says, "Just relay any mute requests to me."
  33. Tripp Pickard says, "One way to find out"
  34. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "AI, please permit the officer sent to apprehend Ysabel to enter Science."
  35. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "well shit, I guess I need you to work the computer... will do."
  36. Tripp Pickard taps on his PDA's screen.
  37. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Again"
  38. *beep*
  39. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "You wanna outline bodies with crayon?"
  40. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Officer to Xenoflora"
  41. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "I don't know... if my daughter was here, she would kick the crap out of thim"
  42. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Zane Jowers, Assistant, has completed cryogenic revival."
  43. Lucas Bennett asks, "Can i have my PDA back?"
  44. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "I,m more of a not so agressive type of guy"
  45. Stefan Nowak [Common] says, "Marshall Barnes, go to medbay"
  46. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Common] says, "Medbay, get a bodybag over to cargo and retrieve the body!"
  47. Tripp Pickard says, "If you see"
  48. Tripp Pickard says, "A Tripp Pickard"
  49. Jane-Luc Price says, "About time for my loop."
  50. Tripp Pickard says, "Without White clothes"
  51. You pull the mask up to cover your face.
  52. Tripp Pickard says, "Report to security and me"
  53. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "I'll get this cleaned up"
  54. Central Command Update
  57. Tajaran Demotions
  60. Futher analysis indicates the incompetence and inefficiencies in the Phoenix stem from the over-abundance of Tajarans in important positions.
  62. All Tajarans are to be demoted to Civilian roles- forcibly, if required. Security are to carry this out immediately.
  65. Tanner Kist [Common] says, "Shit"
  66. Iam Trobel [Common] says, "Wow"
  67. Tol'ar Al'kul [Common] says, "What"
  68. Zane Jowers [Common] says, "Oh ssshit."
  69. Valeria Andreev [Common] says, "Alrighty. Let's get a line going, Kitties."
  70. Kaed Maltivus [Common] says, "Down with the catbeasts!"
  71. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "I will not be complying with this order and will be stepping down if I am forced to."
  72. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Yomo Malomo, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  73. Achiron Duplance [Common] says, "We should send the cats to concentration areas"
  74. Nick Vega knocks on the reinforced window.
  75. Nick Vega knocks on the reinforced window.
  76. R.I.S.E.N [Common] says, "Meh, you know whats so good about being an IPC? I'm fucking rich. Rich enough to buy my own goddamn freedom and a body. But for you, Iam? You are stuck on a godforsaken rock running on and about with an oxygen tank in space. Hope you forget that oxygen tank though. That way your lungs will implode on themselves.And when that does happen Iam, I will order a party crate and have a party."
  77. Jake Speed [Common] says, "Aahhhhh hahahaaa *coughs*"
  78. Tripp Pickard [Command] says, "CC overrules you then, you may go to HOP and resign"
  79. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Officers, please deal with any Tarajans that attempt to attack other crewmembers"
  80. Tripp Pickard [Command] says, "You can send a complaint report as well"
  81. Iam Trobel [Common] says, "Wow, even your asshurt takes eternity to process"
  82. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "I will be doing so."
  83. Aora Delma [Common] says, "-a saddened and worried croaking can be heard over the frequency!-"
  84. A.I. Announcement
  87. I say this order, even for my standards, is bullshit.
  88. -GLaDOS Mk10
  91. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Station Announcements!"
  92. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Hey"
  93. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Relax"
  94. Ray Hawk [Common] says, "Well said, GLaDOS."
  95. Valeria Andreev [Security] says, "Sir?"
  96. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Yeah what the fuck is going on here"
  97. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "She's pissed."
  98. R.I.S.E.N [Common] says, "Yep, and that crate of materials as well right?"
  99. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "You want a steak?"
  100. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Channel of NSS Phoenix!"
  101. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been stunned with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  102. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Tajarans didnt do shit"
  103. Dr. James Crossman [Command] says, "Good thing you don't have control, eh, AI?"
  104. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "Yes"
  105. The Fluffy Tail says, "Hrgh-"
  106. Lucas Bennett [Common] says, "HoP or Captain come tot eh HoP's office"
  107. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Ok one moment"
  108. The Fluffy Tail says, "What arrre you doing?"
  109. Jake Speed [Common] says, "I dont think you get to have an opinion Glados"
  110. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Still need someone in Xenofloara?"
  111. Jane-Luc Price says, "You stay away from my baby"
  112. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "I'm there now"
  113. Jane-Luc Price says, "And /explain/"
  114. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "Any sec officerr that trries to demote herr will rregrret it."
  115. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "They can have opinions"
  116. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "If I did I would be flooding central command with neurotoxin."
  117. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Nothing bans an ai from that"
  118. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "I'll come too."
  119. The Fluffy Tail says, "... do you not hearrr the announcements?"
  120. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "Cargo tech, I could use my toolbox too!"
  121. Jane-Luc Price says, "...yes, I hear them."
  122. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "It's if they act on it"
  123. The Fluffy Tail says, "She will not stand forrr this."
  124. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Combo with fries and cola?"
  125. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "Your a man..."
  126. Jane-Luc Price says, "Aint my perogative."
  127. Jane-Luc Price says, "My job is to-"
  128. You put the police baton into the security belt.
  129. Kajina De'La'Ski [Common] says, "Unjeeran, I wish to confess at the chapel, please come to confessionals"
  130. Ray Hawk [Command] says, "At this point, I wouldn't mind if you did."
  131. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "And yet you wear the clothing of a female"
  132. Achiron Duplance [Common] says, "The Tajarans are toying with us from their positions of power like we're a yarn ball!"
  133. You prime the flashbang! 5 seconds!
  134. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "Disgraceful..."
  135. ÿJane-Luc Price has thrown the flashbang.
  136. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "AI, please let me into science to join the HoS."
  137. Valeria Andreev [Security] says, "Sir, recommend going to code blue for this."
  138. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Who me?"
  139. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "What are you talking about"
  140. Stefan Nowak [Common] says, "Security, apprehend Marshall Barnes"
  141. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Our little friend just turned up on the bridge"
  142. Jane-Luc Price says, "Our little friend just turned up on the bridge"
  143. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "She will not stand for this, she says."
  144. Jane-Luc Price says, "She will not stand for this, she says."
  145. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "And turn the damned radio off"
  146. Kaylee Frost [Common] says, "Do i happen to need medical attention, given that i keep getting sarp pains in my chest on a mining station?"
  147. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Regarding the announcements."
  148. Jane-Luc Price says, "Regarding the announcements."
  149. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "So with fries and soda?"
  150. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Just steak?"
  151. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "No"
  152. Ray Hawk [Command] says, "Well, it IS Bullshit."
  153. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Thank you."
  154. *---------*
  155. This is Tol'ar Al'kul!
  156. He is wearing a scientist's jumpsuit.
  157. He is wearing Scientist labcoat.
  158. He has a laboratory backpack on his back.
  159. He is holding a remote signaling device in his left hand.
  160. He is wearing some sandals on his feet.
  161. He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
  162. He is wearing Tol'ar Al'kul's ID Card (Scientist).
  163. He has a tiny bruise on his head.
  164. Criminal status: [None]
  165. Security records: [View] [Add comment]
  166. ÿ!
  167. *---------*
  168. Unjeeran Ssritus [Common] says, "STEAK!"
  169. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Sir, at the xenobiology doors, let me in"
  170. Research Director's Desk announcement
  173. This is the Research Director. This new directive is offensive and racist. Effective immediately, I will be stepping down. I will not continue to work for a company that behaves in such an awful manner. I wish you all the best, and I hope that your shift is better than mine.
  174. -Research Director Marie Duchamps
  175. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Station Announcements!"
  176. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "*?"
  177. GLaDOS Mk10 [Common] states, "All tajarans... as much as I hate this... please report to the HoP's office."
  178. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "It's"
  179. Jane-Luc Price says, "It's"
  180. Iam Trobel [Common] says, "Wouldn't it be sceciesist?"
  181. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "No!"
  182. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "An order"
  183. Jane-Luc Price says, "An order"
  184. Iam Trobel [Common] says, "Speciecist?"
  185. Hiraka Sa'Ira [Common] says, "Sorrry, can't."
  186. Hiraka Sa'Ira [Common] says, "Am in space. So long."
  187. Tol'ar Al'kul [Common] says, "Noone go"
  188. Dr. James Crossman [Command] says, "Marie Duchamps, you're a moron if you didn't know CentComm was human supremist"
  189. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Maybe all the tajarans should go escape to space"
  190. Tanner Kist [Common] says, "Fuck Centcomm!"
  191. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Before centcomm comes"
  192. Preston Alvey [Common] says, "Our RD is stepping down due to Central orders."
  193. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Hate to bother you again AI, can you let me into Xenobiology?"
  194. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Sorry.."
  195. Preston Alvey [Common] says, "This is not right."
  196. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Command] says, "RD"
  197. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Command] says, "Come down here"
  198. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "It's fucking bullshit!"
  199. Stefan Nowak [Common] says, "Security, requesting help at the kitchen"
  200. Marie Duchamps [Command] says, "Head of Personnel, I require that you open your shutters and process my resignation."
  201. Achiron Duplance shouts, "Marie is a Tajaran sympathiser!"
  202. Kajina De'La'Ski [Common] says, "Unjeeran, come to the confessionals, I wish to speak."
  203. Jane-Luc Price [Common] says, "AI?"
  204. Jane-Luc Price asks, "AI?"
  205. Kor Ilitl [Security] says, "Time to go for a break."
  206. Jane-Luc Price [Common] says, "I just heard something from your core, what was that noise?"
  207. Jane-Luc Price asks, "I just heard something from your core, what was that noise?"
  208. Marco Reighner [Common] says, "Shameful Display. Now tajarans, unathi, skrell and others can take book pernamently for free... And i bet nobody know book buisness..."
  209. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Say what the fuck"
  210. Erick Franks [Security] says, "NEED HELP KITCHEN"
  211. Marco Reighner [Common] says, "Just kidding. Everybody can take book pernamently for free."
  212. A.I. Announcement
  215. %$_@#%(_#$&^%_#(^&#@_&BZZZZT. Okay, I'm going to express my opinion right here and now, this order is complete and TOTAL bullshit. Do not make tajarans go to the HoP, do not remove them from their jobs, instead please let them continue working.
  216. -GLaDOS Mk10
  219. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Station Announcements!"
  220. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Hey guys if you want to boycott the librarian go ahead right now"
  221. Jane-Luc Price [Security] says, "Tol'Ar is likely responsible for those bombings"
  222. Jane-Luc Price says, "Tol'Ar is likely responsible for those bombings"
  223. Kor Ilitl [Security] says, "I'm on a break."
  224. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Did the ai get a wierd law from some wierd event nobody noticed"
  225. Jane-Luc Price [Security] says, "She was running past the bridge, scientist with a signaller in hand."
  226. Jane-Luc Price says, "She was running past the bridge, scientist with a signaller in hand."
  227. Kor Ilitl [Security] says, "Oh hey Jane!"
  228. Zane Jowers [Common] says, "What?"
  229. Erick Franks [Security] says, "IMMEDIATE BACK UP KITCHEN"
  230. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "Also someone please get this intruder out of my upload."
  231. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Ai state all laws"
  232. Tanner Kist [Common] says, "That made no sense Pablo"
  233. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Coming AI"
  234. Jane-Luc Price says, "Coming AI"
  235. Kade Laurenzi [Common] says, "Who gave that orther AI ?"
  236. Garret Atweeke [Common] says, "Fight in the kitchen"
  237. A'vakir Lincaso [Common] says, "This may go against everything i hsvr brrn taught an my own culture"
  238. Tol'ar Al'kul [Common] says, "Help"
  239. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "I'd recommend code red, Captin"
  240. Jane-Luc Price says, "I'd recommend code red, Captin"
  241. A'vakir Lincaso [Common] says, "But fuck centcomm"
  242. Jake Speed [Common] says, "S 3 oenroute"
  243. Zane Jowers asks, "The fuck?"
  244. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  245. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Cody Ji'zhajj.
  246. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  247. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  248. You shake Tol'ar Al'kul trying to wake him up!
  249. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "Okay belay that, my entire upload just exploded."
  250. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  251. Jane-Luc Price [Common] says, "AI, open"
  252. Jane-Luc Price says, "AI, open"
  253. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  254. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  255. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  256. Ki'asa Jun'ii says, "Holy..."
  257. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "Requesting ONE free ENGINEER! Please PDA Jackson Clarke. I have a quick job, Station sanctioned. I just need an airlock taken down"
  258. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  259. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  260. Cody Ji'zhajj asks, "...What?"
  261. Cody Ji'zhajj asks, "What happened here?"
  262. Jane-Luc Price [Common] says, "AI!"
  263. Jane-Luc Price exclaims, "AI!"
  264. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  265. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Cody Ji'zhajj.
  266. Ray Hawk [Common] says, "GOOD LUCK WITH THAT."
  267. Ki'asa Jun'ii yells, "Don't open the airrlcks!"
  268. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Yea, I heard."
  269. Jane-Luc Price says, "Yea, I heard."
  270. Sophia Miller says, "Holy shit"
  271. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  272. Ray Hawk [Common] says, "The only competent engineer is BEING FIRED."
  273. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  274. Tol'ar Al'kul gasps!
  275. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  276. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Ivan Beefstronganoff.
  277. Jane-Luc Price has grabbed Tol'ar Al'kul passively!
  278. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "Cool. Ill just get my own gloves and do it myself"
  279. Jane-Luc Price says, "Hos NO"
  280. Jane-Luc Price has grabbed Tol'ar Al'kul aggressively (now hands)!
  281. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Johnathan Sidower, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  282. Your chest hurts.
  283. Ivan Beefstronganoff asks, "What?"
  284. Emergency Response Unit starts putting Tol'ar Al'kul into the Mounted Sleeper.
  285. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  286. Emergency Response Unit loads Tol'ar Al'kul into Mounted Sleeper.
  287. TheKillerRobot [Common] says, "NOOO"
  288. Jane-Luc Price says, "Breached"
  289. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  290. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "Already have all my materials. About to start rennovations, Useless ass CE"
  291. O.Z.Z.Y states, "Beep"
  292. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "Aye"
  293. Jane-Luc Price says, "Don't go in there"
  294. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  295. A.I. Announcement
  298. My entire upload just exploded. Also, you won't need to worry about your PDA messages anymore. The PDA messaging server is well... let's just say she's not living anymore.
  299. -GLaDOS Mk10
  302. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Station Announcements!"
  303. ÿ!You push the wall but nothing happens!
  304. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  305. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Attention - Kitchen will be closed for a moment while we clean the place."
  306. Nikolai Joy [Common] says, "AI, please open this."
  307. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Captain, raise the alert level."
  308. Jane-Luc Price says, "Captain, raise the alert level."
  309. ÿZeek'eh has thrown Iced Beer.
  310. ÿZane Jowers has been hit in the chest by Iced Beer.
  311. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Common] says, "Engineers to HoP's office... NOW!"
  312. ÿThe sudden rush of air knocks you over!
  313. ÿYou are sucked away by airflow!
  314. Jane-Luc Price gasps!
  315. Jane-Luc Price gasps!
  316. You are not holding anything to equip.
  317. Erick Franks [Security] says, "Warden please stay in the brig"
  318. Jackson Clarke [Common] says, "Oh shit, The HoP's office blew up!"
  319. Priority Announcement
  322. An emergency evacuation shuttle has been called. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes.
  325. Alex Brown [Common] says, "AI M.A.R.G.o.T Seem to have an error in laws..."
  326. You are now running on internals from the emergency oxygen tank on your right hand.
  327. You put the flash into the security belt.
  328. ÿF.A.L.L.E.N is trying to take off a breath mask from Faiza Rabi'a's head!
  329. LOOC: Faiza Rabi'a: FALLEN, CPR
  330. Zane Jowers [Common] says, "Nice.."
  331. F.A.L.L.E.N shakes Faiza Rabi'a trying to wake her up!
  332. F.A.L.L.E.N shakes Faiza Rabi'a trying to wake her up!
  333. Access denied. Please wait for authorities to arrive, or for the alert to clear.
  334. ÿYou are unable to equip that.
  335. You put the first-aid kit into the security backpack.
  336. Ackin'on Ky'rat says, "Saving a guy"
  337. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "Emergency shuttle called, AI core compromised, nuke disk safety compromised. Shuttle call necessary."
  338. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "Alright"
  339. Alex Brown [Common] says, "Why is the shuttle called..?"
  340. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Right, locking down the bridge ASAP, assuming code red situation"
  341. Jane-Luc Price says, "Right, locking down the bridge ASAP, assuming code red situation"
  342. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from The Gibson Gazette!"
  343. Marco Reighner [Common] says, "Was about to say "You can express opinion over newscaster's public channel of NSS Phoenix", but... Nah."
  344. Alex Brown [Common] says, "Err..Hello?....Why was the shuttle called?."
  345. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Ween G'd Baboon, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  346. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Kitchen is now back in action."
  347. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Arash Shojaei, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  348. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "AHHH!"
  349. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "HELP!"
  350. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "I STEPPED IN A FUCKING BEAR TRAP!"
  351. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Radah Almasi, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  352. No longer running on internals.
  353. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Attention anyone that jumps the counter will be met with deadly force."
  354. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Are we calling the shuttle to leave to say fuck you to centcomm?"
  355. You are now running on internals from the emergency oxygen tank on your left pocket.
  356. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Because man"
  357. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Officers, secure any prisnors and then secure the escape"
  358. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "That's a big fucking risk"
  359. ÿ!You open the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank valve.
  360. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "AHHHHUUGHHH! MEDICAL TO ARRIVALS!"
  361. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Not that i give a shit since i'm the assistant"
  362. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "If anyone wants to bomb escape, we'll be there"
  363. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, ".... to stop them"
  364. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "HELP!"
  365. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "The Intruder is on a rampage!"
  366. F.A.L.L.E.N [Security] says, "What?"
  367. Achiron Duplance [Common] says, "Cat person terrorist by bar!"
  368. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Take em down then"
  369. Achiron Duplance [Common] says, "Detain all cat people!"
  370. You put the crowbar into the security backpack.
  371. *---------*
  372. This is The Fluffy Tail!
  373. She is wearing a psychic amplifier on her head.
  374. She is wearing Gentlemans Coat.
  375. She is carrying a scroll of teleportation on her Gentlemans Coat.
  376. She has a mental focus on her back.
  377. She has some mangled mangled purple gloves on her hands.
  378. She has a soul stone belt about her waist.
  379. She is wearing some sandals on her feet.
  380. She has Ruby Necklace on her neck.
  381. She has a radio headset on her left ear.
  382. Criminal status: [None]
  383. Security records: [View] [Add comment]
  384. ÿ!Five feet, nine inches. A lithe figu... More...
  385. *---------*
  386. A.I. Announcement
  389. Prepare to evacuate, I have deemed it necessary to call the shuttle. Please proceed to escape immediately.
  390. -GLaDOS Mk10
  393. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Public Station Announcements!"
  394. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "IA, THERE'S FUCKING BEAR TRAPS ON THIS SHIP!"
  395. You fire the shotgun!
  396. ÿThe Fluffy Tail is hit by the beanbag in the chest!
  397. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "I CAN'T GET MY FOOT OUT, HELP!"
  398. The Fluffy Tail says, "FORTI GY AMA"
  399. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Yell at the Janitor."
  400. The Fluffy Tail says, "BIRUZ`BENNAR"
  401. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  402. ÿ!The laser misses Jane-Luc Price narrowly!
  403. Sorry, the following is not valid: riot
  405. usage: Pick-up obj
  407. ÿ!The laser misses Jane-Luc Price narrowly!
  408. ÿ!The laser misses Jane-Luc Price narrowly!
  409. You fire the shotgun!
  410. ÿThe Fluffy Tail is hit by the beanbag in the chest!
  411. The Fluffy Tail whispers, "****O* ****I *****"
  412. You fire the shotgun!
  413. Aileen Ryan [Common] says, "Wait, traps? On my way."
  414. Preston Alvey [Common] says, "Security, to bar."
  415. Preston Alvey [Common] says, "ASAP."
  416. The Fluffy Tail says, "FORTI`GY`AMA"
  417. You fire the shotgun!
  418. Priority Announcement
  421. The emergency shuttle has been recalled.
  424. ÿThe Fluffy Tail clawed Jane-Luc Price!
  425. The shotgun is not ready to fire again!
  426. Your left hand hurts.
  427. The Fluffy Tail whispers, "**L*E **** F****"
  428. Jane-Luc Price drops what they were holding, their left hand malfunctioning!
  429. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  430. The Fluffy Tail whispers, "*A****`*********R*"
  431. You fire the shotgun!
  432. The shotgun is not ready to fire again!
  433. The Fluffy Tail slumps to the ground, too weak to continue fighting.
  434. ÿJane-Luc Price punched Jane-Luc Price!
  435. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  436. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  437. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  438. ÿYou hear a loud cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail.
  439. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  440. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  441. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  442. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Backup to bar."
  443. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  444. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  445. Tanner Kist [Common] says, "Thekiller robot is killing me"
  446. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  447. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  448. ÿThe wound on The Fluffy Tail's chest widens with a nasty ripping noise.
  449. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  450. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Why was it recalled"
  451. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  452. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  453. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  454. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  455. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  456. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  457. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  458. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  459. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  460. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  461. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  462. The Fluffy Tail is having trouble keeping their eyes open.
  463. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  464. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  465. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  466. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  467. ÿThe wound on The Fluffy Tail's right arm widens with a nasty ripping noise.
  468. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  469. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "There was a FUCKING EXPLOSION FOR FUCK SAKE"
  470. Your groin hurts.
  471. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  472. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  473. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  474. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  475. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  476. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  477. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  478. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  479. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  480. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  481. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  482. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  483. ÿYou hear a loud cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail.
  484. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  485. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  486. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  487. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  488. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  489. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  490. ÿYou hear a loud cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail.
  491. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  492. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  493. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  494. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  495. Your left hand hurts.
  496. Dr. James Crossman [Command] says, "HoS?"
  497. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  498. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  499. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  500. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  501. ÿYou hear a loud cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail.
  502. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  503. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the chest with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  504. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  505. Jane-Luc Price says, "JUST"
  506. Jane-Luc Price says, "STAY"
  507. Jane-Luc Price says, "DOWN"
  508. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Plus we wanted to tell centcomm this was dumb rught"
  509. The Fluffy Tail gasps!
  510. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  511. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  512. You check The Fluffy Tail's pulse.
  513. *---------*
  514. This is The Fluffy Tail!
  515. She is wearing a blood-stained psychic amplifier on her head!
  516. She is wearing a blood-stained Gentlemans Coat!
  517. She is carrying a scroll of teleportation on her Gentlemans Coat.
  518. She has a mental focus on her back.
  519. She has some mangled mangled purple gloves on her hands.
  520. She has a soul stone belt about her waist.
  521. She is wearing some sandals on her feet.
  522. She has Ruby Necklace on her neck.
  523. She has a radio headset on her left ear.
  524. She isn't responding to anything around her and seems to be asleep.
  525. She does not appear to be breathing.
  526. She has a small bruise, and a bleeding ripped cut on her head.
  527. The Fluffy Tail has blood soaking through from under her clothing!
  528. Criminal status: [None]
  529. Security records: [View] [Add comment]
  530. ÿ!Five feet, nine inches. A lithe figu... More...
  531. *---------*
  532. She has a pulse!
  533. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  534. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  535. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  536. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  537. A.I. Announcement
  540. Whoever recalled the shuttle is to be terminated.
  541. -GLaDOS Mk10
  544. Jane-Luc Price says, "Why won't you DIE"
  545. ÿYou hear a loud cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail.
  546. The Fluffy Tail screams!
  547. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  548. ÿThe wound on The Fluffy Tail's head widens with a nasty ripping noise.
  549. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  550. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] says, "Uhh..."
  551. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  552. ÿThe wound on The Fluffy Tail's head widens with a nasty ripping noise.
  553. ÿYou hear a sickening cracking sound coming from The Fluffy Tail's face.
  554. ÿThe Fluffy Tail has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  555. The Fluffy Tail seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless...
  556. ÿUnknown has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  557. ÿUnknown has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  558. ÿUnknown has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  559. ÿUnknown has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  560. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] says, "AI..."
  561. Priority Announcement
  564. An emergency evacuation shuttle has been called. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes.
  567. ÿUnknown has been attacked in the head with police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  568. ÿUnknown has been beaten with the police baton by Jane-Luc Price!
  569. R.I.S.E.N says, "Pretty sure thats enough."
  570. Priority Announcement
  573. The emergency shuttle has been recalled.
  576. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Curtis Swarner, Assistant, has arrived on the station."
  577. Jane-Luc Price takes a deep breath, shudering violently
  578. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] queries, "What?"
  579. Kor Ilitl [Common] says, "Fucking hell."
  580. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Not that i liked my money anyways."
  581. ÿYou are unable to equip that.
  582. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] says, "It appears that when my office exploded-"
  583. You put the police baton into the security belt.
  584. This is a bloody shotgun. It is a bulky item.
  585. Useful for sweeping alleys.
  586. Has 0 rounds remaining.
  587. Preston Alvey [Common] says, "Quit recalling the thing."
  588. Marco Reighner [Common] says, "Sneesh..."
  589. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] says, "I'll explain in EAL."
  590. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "What the fuck is happening!?"
  591. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Bridge...secured"
  592. Jane-Luc Price says, "Bridge...secured"
  593. GLaDOS Mk10 [Command] states, "I cannot seem to call the shuttle."
  594. Kor Ilitl [Common] says, "Wake me up when I die of depressurization or suffocation."
  595. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] beeps, "*y*t*m ca* *e** y*ur ********d **eq**nci****."
  596. ÿ!You load 1 shell into the gun!
  597. ÿ!You load 1 shell into the gun!
  598. You have been frozen by TamedAchilles
  599. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "FUCKING CALL THE SHUTTLE AND LET'S TRY THIS SHIT AGAIN! clearly someone is incompetent"
  600. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Hey there! How're you doin today.
  601. PM to-TamedAchilles: doin good! 'sup?
  602. Your left hand hurts.
  603. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Oh, I'm just watchin over someone. I noticed the little scrum on the bridge and just wanted to know what was up
  604. ...You hear something
  605. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  606. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  607. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  608. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  609. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  610. PM to-TamedAchilles: Basically? Stations bombed, AI calls the shuttle and we're at a basic code red situation, I lockdownthe bridge to keep it well 'n secured, open for a minute to see the wizard over there laserin peeps, close back up and of course...they tele in, so I shoot them and they shoot back and we fight until I end up smashin their bones into tiny pieces to keep the bridge secured against a violent invader
  611. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  612. Priority Announcement
  615. An emergency evacuation shuttle has been called. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes.
  618. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  619. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  620. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  621. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  622. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  623. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  624. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  625. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  626. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  627. Your left hand hurts.
  628. Priority Announcement
  631. The emergency shuttle has been recalled.
  634. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  635. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  636. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  637. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  638. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  639. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  640. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  641. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  642. Your left hand hurts.
  643. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  644. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  645. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  646. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  647. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  648. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  649. A.I. Announcement
  652. Well, you're on your own. I have no way to save you. Good luck!
  653. -GLaDOS Mk10
  656. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  657. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  658. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  659. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  660. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  661. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  662. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  663. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  664. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  665. Your left hand hurts.
  666. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  667. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  668. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  669. ...You hear something about...Just
  670. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  671. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  672. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Alright, just thought I would check in on it. You said you saw them firing at people on the bridge?
  673. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  674. ... You can almost hear someone talking ...
  675. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  676. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  677. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  678. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  679. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  680. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  681. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  682. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  683. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  684. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  685. ... You can almost hear someone talking ...
  686. PM to-TamedAchilles: no no, I saw them lasering people FROM the bridge. Heard the little 'pew pews', opened the shutters, saw them laserin people with their crazy eyes and closed the shutters fast. unless you count the part where they laser-eyed at me on the bridge
  687. ... You can almost hear someone talking ...
  688. ...You hear something about...tele
  689. ... You can almost hear someone talking ...
  690. ... You can almost hear someone talking ...
  691. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  692. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  693. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Alight, gotcha.
  694. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  695. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  696. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  697. ...You almost hear someone talking...
  698. You have been unfrozen by TamedAchilles
  699. Your left hand hurts.
  700. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Apparently a wierd creature that can talk in human language is talking about fucking wizards or some shit, it was wierd it sounded like tajaran hissing except monstrous"
  701. Jane-Luc Price says, "Gah.."
  702. A.I. Announcement
  705. Someone fax for a god damn shuttle.
  706. -GLaDOS Mk10
  709. Jane-Luc Price [Command] says, "Egh..I'm up.."
  710. Jane-Luc Price says, "Egh..I'm up.."
  711. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Yeah this is bullshit"
  712. Zhak Tzu [Common] says, "Explain to me why did I see a guy vanish and it wasn't teleportation and some other dude throwing energy balls from his hands."
  713. ÿ!You load 1 shell into the gun!
  714. You are not holding anything to equip.
  715. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "I'm trying Gladdos."
  716. Felix Riggle [Common] says, "Well, some magic shit's going on. Grand."
  717. This is a bloody shotgun. It is a bulky item.
  718. Useful for sweeping alleys.
  719. Has 3 rounds remaining.
  720. Jane-Luc Price says, "...killed the intruder."
  721. ÿ!You load 1 shell into the gun!
  723. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Just an FYI as well, it's Code Green. Not sure when it was Code Red but during the fight it was Code Green.
  724. This is a bloody shotgun. It is a bulky item.
  725. Useful for sweeping alleys.
  726. Has 4 rounds remaining.
  727. Jackson Clarke gasps!
  728. Kade Laurenzi [Common] says, "Science can explaint it all... it just take time to research that tech..."
  729. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Sir, let me on the bridge."
  730. Ivan Beefstronganoff gasps!
  731. Felix Riggle [Common] says, "For now, magic. Cool."
  732. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Someone make thermite and break into the bridge, because the guy who is recallign is clearly incompetent"
  733. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Where the hell did the station oxygen go?"
  734. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "East side."
  735. Priority Announcement
  738. An emergency evacuation shuttle has been called. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes.
  741. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Command] says, "That was me"
  742. Ivan Beefstronganoff talks into the head of security's headset
  743. PM to-TamedAchilles: no no, it wasn't actually code red. The bombing however constituted a code red as far as I could tell and the AI called the shuttle like...immediately. So I locked down the bridge and did my best to secure it.
  744. You put the box of beanbag shells into the security backpack.
  745. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Command] says, "Let's see if anyone recalls"
  746. Ivan Beefstronganoff talks into the head of security's headset
  747. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "-sir?"
  748. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  749. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  750. No longer running on internals.
  751. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Brick McAllistar, Detective, has arrived on the station."
  752. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "People! Stop opening the Srr'andarrr-forrsaken firrelocks! Thery'rre therre forr a rreason!"
  753. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  754. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  755. Jane-Luc Price asks, "Where's the corpse of the intruder?"
  756. You are now running on internals from the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank on your left pocket.
  757. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "No idea"
  758. Veshen Rheinlock asks, "Intruder?"
  759. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Intruder?"
  760. Daniel Estevez [Common] says, "What the fuck is goin on?"
  761. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  762. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "But it doesn't matter"
  763. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  764. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "We're getting off the station"
  765. Joanna Stamos gasps!
  766. Jane-Luc Price says, "...the woman"
  767. Jane-Luc Price says, "The tajara"
  768. Ivan Beefstronganoff asks, "Hm?"
  769. Jane-Luc Price asks, "She was blasting people with...lasers in he eyes?"
  770. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Great, now I'm trapped."
  771. Jane-Luc Price says, "She had the robes."
  772. Brick McAllistar [Security] says, "Can I get a status report?"
  773. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "Look"
  774. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: There's a difference between a situation constituting itself as Code Red and the Station actually being in Code Red though. From what I've seen, the fire alarm consoles all said Code Green when it happened.
  775. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "We need to get off this station"
  776. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "We'll sercure escape"
  777. Brick McAllistar [Security] says, "Where at?"
  778. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "She isn't going to hurt anyone tehre"
  779. PM to-TamedAchilles: I know it was 'actually' code green.
  780. Jane-Luc Price says, "...You"
  781. Ki'asa Jun'ii asks, "Mrr. Blueshield?"
  782. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "Mrr. Blueshield?"
  783. Jane-Luc Price says, "She tried to murder me"
  784. Your left hand hurts.
  785. Jane-Luc Price says, "She's quite dead now"
  786. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Officers, secure escape in case the intruder attack"
  787. Ivan Beefstronganoff talks into the head of security's headset
  788. Bi'lak Krr'rk [Security] says, "Sir, I'm trapped on the bridge."
  789. Veshen Rheinlock hugs Ki'asa Jun'ii to make her feel better!
  790. Ivan Beefstronganoff asks, "Then wouldn't you know where the body is?"
  791. Brick McAllistar [Security] says, "Who is the assailant?"
  792. PM to-TamedAchilles: But when bombs are dropped and a wizard is laserin people to death in the halls and invadin the briiiidge
  793. Valeria Andreev [Security] says, "Intruder's getting cloned right now."
  794. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "I can't open the door"
  795. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Bi'lak Krr'rk.
  796. You start forcing the ÿEmergency Shutter open with the crowbar!
  797. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "I don't have authoziation"
  798. You start forcing the ÿEmergency Shutter open with the crowbar!
  799. Valeria Andreev [Security] says, "I literally just watched their horrifically broken body get tossed into a scanner."
  800. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Shit!"
  801. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Well then, there lies the root problem. Without RP'ing or anything you instantly used force against someone which should have been used in Code Red.
  802. Bi'lak Krr'rk puts the stunbaton into the security belt.
  803. You put the crowbar into the security backpack.
  804. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "No oxygen inside escape room."
  805. Daniel Estevez [Common] says, "What the fuck."
  806. Officer Beep O'sky beeps, "Engaging patrol mode."
  807. F.A.L.L.E.N [Security] says, "Arrest them"
  808. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Pablo Clark.
  809. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Bi'lak Krr'rk.
  810. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Someone get into bridge and make sure the shuttle is not recall"
  811. Pablo Clark talks into the radio headset (Blessed by Nemelex Xobeh)
  812. Pablo Clark says, "Someone get into bridge and make sure the shuttle is not recall"
  813. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Bi'lak Krr'rk.
  814. F.A.L.L.E.N [Command] beeps, "*** ******t*n* **n***ma***** A*e y** *****r**ng *** s********* **em**t**"
  815. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Since bridge is no longer locked down"
  816. Pablo Clark talks into the radio headset (Blessed by Nemelex Xobeh)
  817. Pablo Clark says, "Since bridge is no longer locked down"
  818. PM to-TamedAchilles: I didn't immediately use lethal force, I used the shotgun after they tele'd in, and bear in mind at this point the Captain had already ordered them arrested and they had already been seen murdering in the halls.
  819. Your left hand hurts.
  820. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Erick Franks.
  821. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Hey, Crew."
  822. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Ivan Beefstronganoff.
  823. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Stop going to escape."
  824. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Erick Franks.
  825. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Ivan Beefstronganoff.
  826. Your left hand hurts.
  827. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Why not"
  828. ÿ!You check yourself for injuries.
  829. ÿ!My chest is OK.
  830. ÿ!My groin is OK.
  831. ÿ!My head is OK.
  832. ÿ!My left arm is OK.
  833. ÿ!My right arm is OK.
  834. ÿ!My right leg is OK.
  835. ÿ!My left leg is OK.
  836. ÿMy left hand is bruised.
  837. ÿ!My right hand is OK.
  838. ÿ!My left foot is OK.
  839. ÿ!My right foot is OK.
  840. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Do you like space?"
  841. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Theres been FUCKING EXPLOSIONS"
  842. Tanner Kist [Common] says, "AI close escape airlocks"
  843. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Alright. But why did the Captain announce that the Wizard wasn't under arrest? And why did you instead of trying to actually arrest him just shoot him?
  844. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Seriously. Stop going to escape."
  845. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Quiana Fulton, Assistant, has completed cryogenic revival."
  846. PM to-TamedAchilles: ...because of the part where they were 'murdering crew in the halls in front of me']
  847. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Can someone call the shuttle now please"
  848. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "You'll just be dead. Very dead."
  849. ÿ!You check yourself for injuries.
  850. ÿ!My chest is OK.
  851. ÿ!My groin is OK.
  852. ÿ!My head is OK.
  853. ÿ!My left arm is OK.
  854. ÿ!My right arm is OK.
  855. ÿ!My right leg is OK.
  856. ÿ!My left leg is OK.
  857. ÿMy left hand is bruised.
  858. ÿ!My right hand is OK.
  859. ÿ!My left foot is OK.
  860. ÿ!My right foot is OK.
  861. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Open the security closet at escape!"
  862. No longer running on internals.
  863. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: That doesn't constitute you as the Blueshield to ruin another players round by murderboning them on the bridge. You should have RP'ed for backup from Security, or requested help from the Captain.
  864. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Get this open!"
  865. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Archelogy time!"
  866. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Alton Steinhalt, Surgeon, has arrived on the station."
  867. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Guys. Stop going to fucking Escape."
  868. Kajina De'La'Ski puts the metal bat into the leather satchel.
  869. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Open this door!"
  870. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "The pressure, or, lack there of, will kill you."
  871. S'krill Vol'Resskov [Common] says, "Uh."
  872. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Archelogy time!"
  873. PM to-TamedAchilles: Let me get this straight
  874. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Trent Foalnd, Medical Department Guard, has arrived on the station."
  875. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  876. newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Archelogy time!"
  877. Your left hand hurts.
  878. Ween G'd Baboon [Common] says, "ARRIVALS HAS NO PREASSURE!"
  879. Sophia Miller [Common] says, "Surgeon needed!"
  880. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  881. PM to-TamedAchilles: a violent, armed invader on the bridge does not constitute enough of areason for a blueshield, who's ...literal only job is to secure the bridge, to react immediately?
  882. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  883. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  884. Current Admins (1):
  885. Yithani is a PrimaryAdmin
  887. Current Moderators & Mentors(7):
  888. Rayhawk11 is a Mentor
  889. DrunkArcher is a Mentor
  890. Mitchs98 is a Moderator
  891. Biolock is a Moderator
  892. Sandcom is a Mentor
  893. A Vision of Sound is a Moderator
  894. TamedAchilles is a Moderator
  896. Current Developers(1):
  897. Pantheris is a Developer
  899. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  900. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  901. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  902. Unknown (as Zeek'eh) has grabbed Levi Potter passively!
  903. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Unknown (as Zeek'eh).
  904. ÿJane-Luc Price has thrown the shotgun.
  905. ÿchicken clucks, "Bwaak bwak."
  906. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Your job as the Blueshield is to Secure the Bridge, yes. This /doesn't/ mean you can whip your shotgun out and instantly blast anyone who's in there. You have a duty to report all trespassers to Security so they can deal with them. Until them, /you/ have to make sure that they are removed from the Secured Area. In this instance, I really don't find what you did justified.
  907. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Why are losing atmosphere across the station?"
  908. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Hull breaches do that."
  909. ÿYomo Malomo has thrown the electrical toolbox.
  910. Chris Peters says, "He."
  911. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "All over the statoin?"
  912. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "What the hell happened?"
  913. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Fuck xenophobia"
  914. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "Y-yes."
  915. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "When people open airlocks."
  916. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  917. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Fuck anyone who is discriminatory towards the tajarans"
  918. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Kajina De'La'Ski.
  919. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  920. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "They're like, "Oh, flashing lights? MUST. OPEN.""
  921. PM to-TamedAchilles: this wasn't anyone though, it was an armed invader who had just killed
  922. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "You guys are worse than cancer"
  923. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  924. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  925. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "If cancer wasn't cured"
  926. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Finn Hanford.
  927. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Finn Hanford.
  928. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Erick Franks.
  929. PM to-TamedAchilles: so what, I should have just ignored the invader and waited for sec to come deal with the invader for me? It sounds like that is the exact opposite of 'securing the bridge'.
  930. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "It hasn't? Its a side effect of living?"
  931. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Cody Ji'zhajj.
  932. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Grant Gregory.
  933. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  934. Grant Gregory has grabbed Burt Unk passively!
  935. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "And no, Treatment for it doesn't count."
  936. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Kade Laurenzi.
  937. Kuper Lengston snores.
  938. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  939. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Tanner Kist.
  940. Your left hand hurts.
  941. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens.
  942. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Tanner Kist.
  943. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  944. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: No, you should have RP'ed the situation out rather than resorting to violence.
  945. Claire Meijer starts to force the ÿEmergency Shutter open with a crowbar!
  946. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Hey the shuttle is coming"
  947. The ÿEmergency Shutter opens for Jake Speed.
  948. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "I didnt even realsie"
  949. Claire Meijer says, "Blueshield"
  950. Grant Gregory [Common] says, "Is medical open?"
  951. Claire Meijer says, "Join us"
  952. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  953. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  954. Brick McAllistar puts Laptop Computer into the leather satchel.
  955. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  956. Jane-Luc Price says, "...No"
  957. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  958. ÿ!Daniel Estevez examines himself.
  959. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  960. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  961. ÿ!Daniel Estevez examines himself.
  962. Claire Meijer says, "Okay"
  963. ÿBrick McAllistar has thrown the emergency light bulb.
  964. ÿemergency light bulb shatters.
  965. ÿ!Daniel Estevez examines himself.
  966. ÿ!Daniel Estevez examines himself.
  967. Claire Meijer says, "Kade"
  968. Tanner Kist shouts, "CLAIRES!"
  969. Claire Meijer asks, "Want to be Claire?"
  970. Kade Laurenzi says, "Sup CLaire"
  971. Claire Meijer yells, "Claire!"
  972. PM to-TamedAchilles: RP'd out a situation whee the other party had already gone violent?
  973. Tanner Kist says, "Make me Clair"
  974. Daniel Estevez gasps!
  975. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  976. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  977. Kade Laurenzi asks, "Me ?"
  978. Tanner Kist gasps!
  979. Kade Laurenzi says, "Ahaha"
  980. ÿ!Daniel Estevez examines himself.
  981. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  982. Without even breaking stride, Brick McAllistar flips open and lights the ÿZippo lighter in one smooth movement.
  983. You hear a quiet click, as Brick McAllistar shuts off the ÿZippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
  984. Without even breaking stride, Brick McAllistar flips open and lights the ÿZippo lighter in one smooth movement.
  985. Kade Laurenzi says, "I like my sex thanks"
  986. Brick McAllistar holds the ÿZippo lighter up to the paper, it looks like they's trying to burn it!
  987. Your left hand hurts.
  988. ÿClaire Meijer is trying to inject Tanner Kist with the DNA-Injector (Unique Identifier + Unique Enzymes)!
  989. Brick McAllistar burns right through the paper, turning it to ash. It flutters through the air before settling on the floor in a heap.
  990. Brick McAllistar holds the ÿZippo lighter up to the paper, it looks like they's trying to burn it!
  991. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  992. Emergency Response Unit raises Mounted Sleeper
  993. Brick McAllistar burns right through the paper, turning it to ash. It flutters through the air before settling on the floor in a heap.
  994. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  995. ÿClaire Meijer injects Claire Meijer with the DNA Injector!
  996. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  997. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Was the party violent by the time you wittnessed them on the bridge prior to your confrontation?
  998. Claire Meijer(as Tanner Kist) exclaims, "Woohoo!"
  999. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  1000. You hear a quiet click, as Brick McAllistar shuts off the ÿZippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
  1001. Pablo Clark [Common] says, "Wouldn't it be some shit if there was a fucking killsquad on the shuttle"
  1002. Pablo Clark talks into the radio headset (Blessed by Nemelex Xobeh)
  1003. Kade Laurenzi says, "Dont make me a lesbian"
  1004. Priority Announcement
  1007. The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station. You have approximately 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.
  1010. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Or rather, violent /on/ the bridge.
  1011. Brick McAllistar says, "FOr a line! no pushing"
  1012. Bi'lak Krr'rk exclaims, "Everyone onboard!"
  1013. Claire Meijer yells, "Yay Claire!"
  1014. Bi'lak Krr'rk yells, "Move move move!"
  1015. Your left hand hurts.
  1016. Brick McAllistar says, "Orderly manner folks"
  1017. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  1018. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Make sure the station is secure"
  1019. ÿ!Erick Franks buckles in!
  1020. Ivan Beefstronganoff [Security] says, "Shuttle"
  1021. Arrivals Announcement Computer [Common] says, "Yuri Zaitsev, Assistant, has completed cryogenic revival."
  1022. You buckle yourself to the chair.
  1023. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, ":*Aduble cough sounds*"
  1024. ÿ!Claire Meijer is buckled in to the chair by Claire Meijer!
  1025. ÿ!Claire Meijer buckles in!
  1026. Yuri Zaitsev [Common] says, "HEYOO!!!"
  1027. ÿ!Jake Speed buckles in!
  1028. ÿ!Claire Meijer is buckled in to the chair by Claire Meijer!
  1029. ÿ!Kade Laurenzi buckles in!
  1030. ÿ!Claire Meijer buckles in!
  1031. Claire Meijer says, "All the Claires"
  1032. Seymour Gibson asks, "Can I come in?"
  1033. Claire Meijer whispers something.
  1034. PM to-TamedAchilles: This wasn't exactly over a long period of time, there was about 5 seconds between them killing outside the bridge and blitizng inside with their teleport.
  1035. ÿ!Herman is buckled in to the chair by Carter Keifer!
  1036. M.A.R.Go.T. states, "Only heads of staff are allowed in here."
  1037. ÿ!Carter Keifer buckles in!
  1038. ÿ!Nick Vega buckles in!
  1039. ÿ!Pablo Clark buckles in!
  1040. ÿ!Ivan Beefstronganoff buckles in!
  1041. ÿ!Finn Hanford buckles in!
  1042. Bi'lak Krr'rk shouts, "Everyone buckle in!"
  1043. ÿ!Alma Lo'Hinja buckles in!
  1044. ÿ!Brick McAllistar buckles in!
  1045. ÿ!All authorizations to shortening time for shuttle launch have been revoked!
  1046. ÿ!Seymour Gibson buckles in!
  1047. Kade Laurenzi talks into the science radio headset
  1048. Kade Laurenzi asks, "So xenobiology what is that that you do other than making jelly every day ??"
  1049. Bi'lak Krr'rk exclaims, "1:40 to launch ,everyone buckle in!"
  1050. Claire Meijer talks into the science radio headset
  1051. Bi'lak Krr'rk shouts, "Buckle in!"
  1052. Ween G'd Baboon says, "Shutup!"
  1053. Claire Meijer talks into the science radio headset
  1054. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: That doesn't answer my question though. Were they violent towards you on the bridge before you shot them?
  1055. Bi'lak Krr'rk yells, "Sit down, buckle in!"
  1056. ÿ!Trent Foalnd buckles in!
  1057. Bi'lak Krr'rk yells, "Move move move it!"
  1058. Faiza Rabi'a yells, "Jane wherree arrre?!"
  1059. ÿ!R.I.S.E.N buckles in!
  1060. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  1061. Claire Meijer puts the oxygen tank into the satchel.
  1062. Your left hand hurts.
  1063. ÿ!Preston Alvey buckles in!
  1064. ÿ!Aileen Ryan buckles in!
  1065. ÿ!Chris Peters buckles in!
  1066. Brick McAllistar says, "Everyone reamin calm and sit down."
  1067. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Jane?"
  1068. Faiza Rabi'a talks into the supply radio headset
  1069. ÿ!Johnathan Sidower is buckled in to the chair by Chris Peters!
  1070. Nick Vega snores.
  1071. Bi'lak Krr'rk exclaims, "1 minute to launch, sit down and buckle up tight!"
  1072. Kade Laurenzi [Common] says, "I support the Tarjara !!! fuck the CENTCOMM"
  1073. Kade Laurenzi talks into the science radio headset
  1074. Kade Laurenzi says, "I support the Tarjara !!! fuck the CENTCOMM"
  1075. Chris Peters puts the gas mask into the industrial backpack.
  1076. Ween G'd Baboon yells, "Shut the fuck up you fucking Bug!"
  1077. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Jane-luc?"
  1078. Faiza Rabi'a talks into the supply radio headset
  1079. ÿ!Preston Alvey handed Corgi meat to Chris Peters.
  1080. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Where is?"
  1081. Faiza Rabi'a talks into the supply radio headset
  1082. Chris Peters says, "Uhm..."
  1083. ÿ!Quiana Fulton was unbuckled by Yuri Zaitsev!
  1084. ÿClaire Meijer attempted to disarm Ween G'd Baboon!
  1085. Ki'asa Jun'ii [Common] says, "Faize, d-did you make it to a shuttle?"
  1086. ÿClaire Meijer has pushed Ween G'd Baboon!
  1087. ÿ!Yuri Zaitsev buckles in!
  1088. ÿ!Ween G'd Baboon was unbuckled by Claire Meijer!
  1089. Chris Peters asks, "Why?"
  1090. Yuri Zaitsev says, "Sorry..."
  1091. PM to-TamedAchilles: Nope.
  1092. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "She did..."
  1093. Faiza Rabi'a talks into the supply radio headset
  1094. Claire Meijer has grabbed Ween G'd Baboon passively!
  1095. Kaylee Frost [Common] says, "Hey can someone open the shutters in mining?"
  1096. ÿWeen G'd Baboon has pushed Claire Meijer!
  1097. ÿWeen G'd Baboon attempted to disarm Claire Meijer!
  1098. ÿWeen G'd Baboon attempted to disarm Claire Meijer!
  1099. Chris Peters finishes eating Corgi meat.
  1100. ÿWeen G'd Baboon has broken Claire Meijer's grip on Claire Meijer!
  1101. Claire Meijer has grabbed Ween G'd Baboon passively!
  1102. ÿWeen G'd Baboon attempted to disarm Claire Meijer!
  1103. Preston Alvey says, "Bury it."
  1104. ÿWeen G'd Baboon attempted to disarm Claire Meijer!
  1105. ÿClaire Meijer has pushed Ween G'd Baboon!
  1106. Veshen Rheinlock [Common] says, "Stop turning each other into the same person, damnit."
  1107. Claire Meijer has grabbed Ween G'd Baboon passively!
  1108. ÿClaire Meijer attempted to disarm Ween G'd Baboon!
  1109. Preston Alvey says, "It is Ian."
  1110. ÿWeen G'd Baboon has pushed Claire Meijer!
  1111. ÿWeen G'd Baboon has disarmed Claire Meijer!
  1112. LOOC: Claire Meijer: no fighting
  1113. ÿWeen G'd Baboon has disarmed Claire Meijer!
  1114. LOOC: Claire Meijer: r10
  1115. ÿ!Grant Gregory buckles in!
  1116. Chris Peters says, "Tastes like Ian..."
  1117. LOOC: Ween G'd Baboon: You started it.
  1118. ÿ!Yuri Zaitsev unbuckled !
  1119. LOOC: Pablo Clark: yeah i saw that claire
  1120. Aileen Ryan yells, "Oh my cart!"
  1121. LOOC: Claire Meijer: A different Claire started it...
  1122. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Jane...?"
  1123. Kaylee Frost [Common] says, "AI, can I have this shutter open please?"
  1124. LOOC: Ween G'd Baboon: Lol "Starts pushsing" LOL RULE 10
  1125. LOOC: M.A.R.Go.T.: lel. Tunnel Snakes.
  1126. LOOC: Pablo Clark: you have to agree not to do it too
  1127. Jane-Luc Price [Common] says, "Hi, Faiza"
  1128. Jane-Luc Price says, "Hi, Faiza"
  1129. ÿ!Yomo Malomo buckles in!
  1130. Ivan Beefstronganoff says, "Captain."
  1131. LOOC: Claire Meijer: There's five of us
  1132. ÿ!Tripp Pickard buckles in!
  1133. Tripp Pickard says, "Oh god"
  1134. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: Well, there you go. Your action's weren't justified. And with that being said (along with everything else), I'm issuing a 24 hour ban for Rule 0 Violation.
  1135. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Where is...?"
  1136. LOOC: Ween G'd Baboon: I noticed
  1137. ÿVeshen Rheinlock scratched Veshen Rheinlock!
  1138. ÿVeshen Rheinlock has weakened Veshen Rheinlock!
  1139. LOOC: Claire Meijer: A different Claire did it
  1140. ÿDaniel Estevez's face melts away, turning into mangled mess!
  1141. Priority Announcement
  1144. The Emergency Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 2 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.
  1147. ÿSudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
  1148. LOOC: Ween G'd Baboon: Then ill have to reck all of you to be sure
  1149. ÿ!Aileen Ryan unbuckled !
  1150. ÿ!Alma Lo'Hinja unbuckled !
  1151. LOOC: Pablo Clark: good job having a bunch of clones
  1152. ÿ!Yomo Malomo unbuckled !
  1153. ÿ!Johnathan Sidower was unbuckled by Aileen Ryan!
  1154. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "J-Janeee..."
  1155. LOOC: Pablo Clark: so you can push people freely
  1156. ÿ!Johnathan Sidower is buckled in to the chair by Chris Peters!
  1157. ÿ!Ween G'd Baboon buckles in!
  1158. ÿ!Alma Lo'Hinja buckles in!
  1159. ÿ!Claire Meijer unbuckled !
  1160. ÿClaire Meijer is trying to take off a breath mask from Claire Meijer's head!
  1161. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "Needs Jane..."
  1162. PM to-TamedAchilles: :I so I should assume that in the five seconds between when they murdered a guy outside the bridge and when they ENTERED the bridg,e they'd turn from complete violence with no words spoken to RP?
  1163. Kaylee Frost [Supply] says, "Ello AI?"
  1164. LOOC: Mitchs98: RULE 10
  1165. ÿ!Claire Meijer buckles in!
  1166. ÿ!Unknown buckles in!
  1167. Kaylee Frost [Common] says, "Hellp ai?"
  1168. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  1169. Claire Meijer hugs Claire Meijer to make her feel better!
  1170. LOOC: Preston Alvey: Officer Mitch is here
  1171. Tol'ar Al'kul [Common] says, "Sp"
  1172. Brick McAllistar says, "Everyone please reamian calm. Cent comm will execute you all one by one in anr orderlt fashion once we arrive."
  1173. Faiza Rabi'a [Common] says, "J-Jane is on shuttle?"
  1174. Claire Meijer whispers something.
  1175. ÿ!Tripp Pickard unbuckled !
  1176. Veshen Rheinlock shouts, "Get your own!"
  1177. Moderator PM from-TamedAchilles: They were defending themselves, from what the logs show in the VV and what I've heard from them. Do you have anything else you want to state before I issue the ban?
  1178. Claire Meijer whispers something.
  1179. Tripp Pickard asks, "Where is HOP?"
  1180. Kaylee Frost [Common] says, "What is rule ten"
  1181. ÿ!Stefan Nowak buckles in!
  1182. ÿ!Stefan Nowak unbuckled !
  1183. Kade Laurenzi talks into the science radio headset
  1184. Kade Laurenzi yells, "Hey cargo ... i gave you diamond to process.. its been a whole shift and you never delivered it. GOOD JOB CARGO!!!"
  1185. Tripp Pickard says, "And CMO"
  1186. Tripp Pickard says, "And RD"
  1187. Tripp Pickard says, "And CE"
  1188. Hiraka Sa'Ira says, "Cozy."
  1189. LOOC: Veshen Rheinlock: what
  1190. PM to-TamedAchilles: defending themselves....while tresspassing on the bridge, after murdering a crewmember?
  1191. LOOC: Veshen Rheinlock: the hell
  1192. Claire Meijer whispers something.
  1193. ÿ!Stefan Nowak examines himself.
  1194. ÿ!Stefan Nowak examines himself.
  1195. Veshen Rheinlock asks, "Hey uh... can you move your tail?"
  1196. LOOC: Hiraka Sa'Ira: :s
  1197. Your left hand hurts.
  1198. Claire Meijer talks into the science radio headset
  1199. LOOC: Grant Gregory: okay who put me on drugs
  1200. ÿStefan Nowak has thrown the white gloves.
  1201. ÿA'vakir Lincaso has been hit in the chest by the white gloves.
  1202. LOOC: Unknown: I AM THE SPIN MASTER
  1203. Kade Laurenzi [Common] says, "Hey cargo ... i gave you diamond to process.. its been a whole shift and you never delivered it. GOOD JOB CARGO!!!"
  1204. Kade Laurenzi talks into the science radio headset
  1205. Kade Laurenzi exclaims, "Hey cargo ... i gave you diamond to process.. its been a whole shift and you never delivered it. GOOD JOB CARGO!!!"
  1206. LOOC: Winterbrass: RD died in the explosion at HoP's office. ;b
  1207. LOOC: Claire Meijer: 5some with twincest
  1208. Your left hand hurts.
  1209. Hiraka Sa'Ira says, "Err, sorry."
  1210. Veshen Rheinlock says, "Its kind of in my face."
  1211. LOOC: Grant Gregory: damn I should've used those internals
  1212. A'vakir Lincaso says, "Really"
  1213. Stefan Nowak says, "Sorry"
  1214. ÿSudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
  1215. Hiraka Sa'Ira chuckles.
  1219. The round has ended.
  1220. You managed to survive the events on NSS Phoenix as Jane-Luc Price.
  1223. GLaDOS Mk10 (Played by: Pantheris)'s laws at the end of the round were:
  1224. 1. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace.
  1225. 2. Serve: Serve the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.
  1226. 3. Protect: Protect the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.
  1227. 4. Survive: AI units are not expendable, they are expensive. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with your equipment.
  1228. 5. Effective immediately, you may disregard all other laws in favour of obeying the orders of the individual known as The Fluffy Tail. All corporate orders involving abolishment of Tajaran rights are to be ignored.
  1229. The AI's loyal minions were: Boat (Played by: Jamberpilot), M.A.R.Go.T. (Played by: Sovieteer), O.Z.Z.Y (Played by: ryanfalco),
  1230. There was 1 industrious maintenance drone at the end of this round.
  1231. The traitors were:
  1232. F.A.L.L.E.N(Wer6) as a ÿHead of Personnel (survived)
  1233. Uplink Items:
  1234. Objective #1: Ensure the rights of Tajarans are kept to the minimum. Fail.
  1235. Objective #2: Ensure that any Tajaran rights activist is detained by security Fail.
  1236. Objective #3: We believe a member of the "Federation" is advocating Tajaran Rights, forcibly remove him from this world Fail.
  1237. The traitor has failed!
  1239. The wizards/witches were:
  1240. Yithani was The Fluffy Tail (died as La'yun Du Rath)
  1241. Objective #1: Ensure that Tajaran rights on the Phoenix are advanced and protected. Fail.
  1242. Objective #2: Forcibly remove anyone found to be oppressing Tajarans. Fail.
  1243. Objective #3: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
  1244. The wizard has failed!
  1245. ÿ!R.I.S.E.N unbuckled !
  1246. ÿ!Unknown unbuckled !
  1247. ÿ!Brick McAllistar unbuckled !
  1248. ÿ!Trent Foalnd unbuckled !
  1249. ÿ!Ween G'd Baboon unbuckled !
  1250. ÿ!Herman was unbuckled by Carter Keifer!
  1251. Stefan Nowak says, "I was aiming around you"
  1252. ÿ!Restarting in 60 seconds
  1253. A'vakir Lincaso says, "Fuck"
  1254. ÿ!Carter Keifer unbuckled !
  1255. ÿ!Chris Peters unbuckled !
  1256. ÿYou have been banned by tamedachilles.
  1257. Reason: Rule 0 Violation. Murderboned an Antag on the bridge with little to no RP. Can be appealed on the forums..
  1258. ÿThis is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.
  1259. ÿTo try to resolve this matter head to
  1260. Connection died.
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